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2007-05-10, 04:08 PM
Just wondering if anyone knows any 40K rpg's?

2007-05-10, 04:34 PM
How do you mean?

If you mean 40k RPG systems, then you have GW's Inquisitor (http://www.specialist-games.com/inquisitor/default.asp), as well as somebody's d20 40k system (http://www.geocities.com/skrittiblak/).

If you are asking about internet-based 40k games, then 40k Online (http://z13.invisionfree.com/40k_online) has numerous freeform 40k RPGs[/shameless plug]. You could probably also find some on Warseer (http://www.warseer.com/forums/forumdisplay.php?f=23), and there have been a few here.

2007-05-10, 06:28 PM
40KRP: Dark Heresy is on the books from Black Industries, the first of three games focusing on different aspects of the setting. The first is on Inquisitorial retinues and investigations, rooting out secret cults and the like.

Second, Rogue Trader is the space exploration game, and the third Deathwatch is the Space Marines-oriented combat game.

2007-05-10, 06:32 PM
Inquisitor is quite good, although it doesn't attempt to be balanced.

2007-05-10, 06:43 PM
Am I the only one who thinks this would be dreadfully depressing? I mean - imagine character creation:

Player - "Cool, I rolled psychic powers"

GM - "OK, that means you have to roll on the Psi-table. 01-75 your character is taken away on the Inquisitions Black Ships and you're fed into the Golden Throne, your sould consumed to sustain the Emperor. 76-80 you join the Astropaths guild - you're now blind and you'll have that job 'till your body is nearly a wasted husk. 81-95 a chaos entity takes you over consuming your soul in the process. 96-97 you are taken by the inquisition to be trained as an interrigator - roll 1d6 - anything below a 4 and you don't survive the intial training and purity testing. 98-99 you're a rogue psyker - due to the fact you're untrained take a DC 20 (to start) will save every day to avoid going mad. On a 00 - re-roll on this chart but deduct 25 from your roll."

Player - "...."

2007-05-10, 06:55 PM
Am I the only one who thinks this would be dreadfully depressing? I mean - imagine character creation:


What? Even getting past the absurdity of a character creation system that randomises everything, why would it be able to create a character explicitly unplayable?

2007-05-10, 07:15 PM
What? Even getting past the absurdity of a character creation system that randomises everything, why would it be able to create a character explicitly unplayable?

To remain true to the flavor of the game's background! :smallbiggrin:

2007-05-10, 07:38 PM
ive been spying into the d20 based system. I dont really like what i have seen so far. It doesnt seem very balanced to me and the base classes look like a parody. maybe its a more elegant way to make the stiff class system to be found in for example D&D a bit more elegant but on the first look it looks like the very root of generic character building itself. (while i think dividing into Strong and Tough is a little stupid because its both needed for a combat character) i would have tried to convert a few D&D base classes (Fighter, Rogue, Ranger, Spellcaster (as Psionic there)) into it and turn it that way. Psyker would be a base class and learns new psychic abilities with new levels.

And the weapons. While their damage levels seem reasonable from a realistic point of view they seem ridiculously overpowered from a game balance point of view (4d20 for a chainfist that counts as a light weapon... okay probably Terminator only, but we can still have a two-handed poweraxe with 3d12, thats still quite a lot. And i better dont start about the firearms. Oh and the railgun made me drool... 3d100)

i dont really like it but its still a good thing to start with. Some heavy modifications and we can build something useful.

2007-05-10, 07:49 PM
It doesnt seem very balanced to me and the base classes look like a parody. maybe its a more elegant way to make the stiff class system to be found in for example D&D a bit more elegant but on the first look it looks like the very root of generic character building itself. (while i think dividing into Strong and Tough is a little stupid because its both needed for a combat character)

Those are the d20 Modern base classes, they weren't made for 40K.

2007-05-10, 11:02 PM
I had a GM who wanted to play Space Master in the 40k universe.
I can't say I was really a fan of the setting so I voted against it and we ended up playing a different setting. I don't mind a reasonably dark setting, but "take your pick of vile evil, vicous evil, self-centred evil, bloody evil, anti-life evil, oh and Tau who're vaguely neutral, with evil overtones (assuming you don't mind playing something that has been described as anthromorphic Cows). And don't forget they're all xenophobic as hell" has limited appeal.


2007-05-11, 07:06 AM
To remain true to the flavor of the game's background! :smallbiggrin:

The background the slated game is based on is the Black Library fiction, not the wargame, thankfully. Primarily Dan Abnett's inquisitorial series, Eisenhorn and Ravenor.

Which is neither random, nor absolutely grim. The first game won't let you play a Space Marine; that's for the final one.

2007-05-11, 04:29 PM
If you can get your hands on the books, the Alternaty system seems like a good place to start building a 40k campaign. Lots of heavy armor and weapons, combat is fairly lethal, and there are already psionics, mutations, and cybernetics built into the game.

2007-05-11, 11:59 PM
Wait, wait, wait.

Tau, neutral with evil overtones?

Hunter Noventa
2007-05-12, 02:11 AM
Wait, wait, wait.

Tau, neutral with evil overtones?

Have you played Dark Crusade? When the Tau win they tend to sterilize those they conquer.

2007-05-12, 04:35 AM
Given the official one is months off and likely to slip (again), I'd say for those who like D20, True20 is a good fit.

2007-05-12, 07:01 AM
Wait, wait, wait.

Tau, neutral with evil overtones?

They only look "good" because everything else is so dark.
A single flickering greasy smokey candle looks bright in a pitch dark cave.


2007-05-12, 07:35 AM
What? Even getting past the absurdity of a character creation system that randomises everything, why would it be able to create a character explicitly unplayable?

Have you seen Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay?

They have random siblings generators...

2007-05-12, 07:44 AM
Have you played Dark Crusade? When the Tau win they tend to sterilize those they conquer.

Hey, that wasn't proven. I stand by my assertion that the Necron presence on the planet screwed up human reproduction somehow.

Illiterate Scribe
2007-05-12, 07:57 AM
Normal Tau are probably neutral. They're just being controlled by ethereal caste (who I would say are evil) pheromones (which is why the only one who isn't regularly exposed to them is completely mad). But really - go for Inquisitor + some of the additions from the Conclave forums (Charax's Chaos rules, Helst's custom weapon rules, and <shameless self publicity> I'm also working on some psychic rules based off the epic spell d20 ones </shameless self publicity>).

2007-05-12, 08:07 AM
Have you played Dark Crusade? When the Tau win they tend to sterilize those they conquer.

In the grim and gritty world of WH40K, where other factions annihilate those they defeat if those defeated are lucky, that'd be considered good.

Needless to say, I don't like grim and gritty worlds much.

2007-05-12, 11:27 AM
Normal Tau are probably neutral. They're just being controlled by ethereal caste (who I would say are evil) pheromones (which is why the only one who isn't regularly exposed to them is completely mad). But really - go for Inquisitor + some of the additions from the Conclave forums (Charax's Chaos rules, Helst's custom weapon rules, and <shameless self publicity> I'm also working on some psychic rules based off the epic spell d20 ones </shameless self publicity>).

There is nothing apart from the Imperium's theories that supports the controlling pheromone argument. And are you really going to trust the Imperium to teach you about xeno society in any way, shape, or form? And as for Farsight, plenty of other Auns have been killed during expiditions, and yet I note only he has gone crazy.

And as for alignment, I'd peg the Tau as LG, myself. Hell, they don't even really conquer; per fluff, if you don't wish to join the Greater Good, the Tau are fine with that, as long as you don't try to impede them from spreading it to those who would accept it. The Tau are an excellent example of communism gone right.

EDIT: Never mind. Finally got the new codex today. Apparently, the fluff has changed. Shas'el Ksi'm'yen Kol'dai'ri is not pleased.

2007-05-13, 03:49 PM
Yes, I seem to recall there are strong hints of the entire Tau race being subtly infected by chaos, the Ethereals in particular. Though I suppose that could just be Imperial propaganda...