View Full Version : War of the Lance- Autumn (IC)

2015-09-03, 01:58 PM
Chapter I- Despair

Solace was dressed with red and gold, as the great Vallenwood trees prepared toward their winter sleep. The crimson rays of the setting sun made the leaves burn like flames, and as they fell from their trees they danced like sparks of embers who escaped their fire, vanishing in the cold, black ground.

Many would have said that the autumn was the most beautiful time in Solace, and usually many travelers would have cross through Abanasinia in order to watch the sight and eat the famous fried potatoes of the Inn of the Last Home. Yet, this year was different. Not many travelers moved through the city, and those who did stayed in the shadows and left as quick as possible. The locals, who were once among the most welcoming people in all of Ansalon, have turned suspicious, checking twice every newcomer and shutting their doors as soon as the sun set. The Seekers, who once were friendly priests, spread dark rumors about a looming danger in the horizon- and only they could save them from it.

A storm was gathering. The night turned longer. The shadows of war were cast upon the land- snuffing the sparks of hope everywhere they dared to shine. Yet, hope can never die- and even as the winter came closer and sun started to hide behind the horizon, some of those very sparks has started to burn, shining like candles in the upcoming ever lasting winter night...

on the main road to Solace, three shrouded figures has approached the city- two of them were long time travel friends, while the other their guide in the land. Edran of Langtree, the kind bard. Abraim Reever, a faithless seeker. Lightfeather, a lonesome barbarian from the plains. The three have just returned from a long travel, dreaming on the fresh food and reviving wine of the city- yet the road may not be easy as they hope it to be.

On another road, a lone figure walked- dressed in armor and carrying a sword, everyone who looked at him could have guessed he was one of the Knights of Solamnia- once a great knighthood who has since fallen from grace. This man, Arthur Reginald, has allowed himself to be enchanted by the beauty of the autumn twilight in Solace- yet he didn't allowed himself to be detached from reality. It was a dangerous road, especially for those who traveled alone. That exact thought passed through his mind when he noticed another person who walked by herself- a lean elvish woman. A wizard. He didn't knew it yet- but her name was Star Eyes, and she carried a reason of her own to walk all alone in the twilight.

While none of them knew it, those people were destined to be the lone sparks of hope in the darkness- and, if the gods who has forsaken Krynn years ago would stay by their side, may even bring enough light to allow the dawn to rise again.

For better or worse, their story begins now

- Dragons of Autumn Twilight, by Astinus of Palanthas

2015-09-03, 02:20 PM
"Uuuugh!" Abraim exclaims as Solace comes into view further down the road. "Finally, blessed civilization! I've been dying to rest my feet for hours now."
Tightening his grip on his trusty walking stick, the travel-stained cleric speeds up, a small measure of his energy returning at the thought of a nice meal, a drink and a roof over his head. As he walks he glances at his companions over his shoulder.
"Will ye hurry it up, then? I dont wanna be outside for one moment longer than necessary, as I've had quite enough of the open road for a day or two. Besides, I ran out of wine a while ago, and I'm beginning to feel disturbingly sober."
With that said he once again places his attention on the road in front of him, already tasting the sweet, lifegiving spirits that he craves.

2015-09-03, 03:29 PM
Star-Eyes - The Other Road Outside Solace

...I really hope my house hasn't over-grown, Star-Eyes thinks glumly as she trudges towards the still-more-distant-than-she'd-like silhouette of Solace. The door always was too close to the trunk,

Not that the appreticeship hadn't been worth it. She'd learned a lot in the short time she's been away, and taking the Test... Well. Okay. The Test was done, and gone, and with any luck at all she will never have to think about it again. Ever. But the apprenticeship had been good, and she'd definitely learned a lot. A pity about the weasel, though.

And here she is, tramping down a dusty road at the end of the summer. The dust kicked up by the tap-tap-tap of her polished vallenwood staff settling gently on the white sleeves and body of her tunic, causing her to once again must on what idiot decided that white was a good colour for a travelling wizard to wear. At least she'd kept it to a minimum, with darker shoulder protectors and perfectly normal soft leather leggings. Just enough white to proclaim her loyalty to her Order, but little enough she doesn't end up being known as the Dust-Coloured Wizard.

She pauses for a moment to look at her adoptive home of the last... thirty years? Maybe? She's not terribly sure. Something like that, anyway. The humans tend to get hung up on the short dates like that, so maybe someone will mention it when she gets back. Then she sighs aloud, and plods on.

...After all due consideration, the door probably has been overgrown by the tree again. Wonderful.

2015-09-03, 03:35 PM
Though her own feet ache, Lightfeather is far more accustomed to enduing lengthy marches than her current clients. Though not bad fellow, as city folk go, their carelessness and exuberance were taking a toll on her legendary patience and stoicism. Abraim, particularly when sobriety threatened, seemed to never leave the air clear when he has thoughts he can voice.

She grimaces behind his back but is nonetheless relieved when the towering vallenwoods appear over the hills. And at this point, she admits she's spent enough years with traveling city folk to understand a little light banter is expected. "Abraim, I've foaled no less than four mares who whined less than you have this past hour. I'm just as eager as you are for your mouth to be full."

2015-09-03, 03:39 PM
Seeing the towering trees near at hand, Arthur takes a moment atop his stead to marvel at their beauty in the fading daylight. His horse snorts, warning him of another person nearby. He scans the road and notices a figure. A lone female walking towards Solace. He increases his mounts pace, and pulls on the tether to the pack-mule hoping to get a better look at the stranger while at the same time checking the readiness of his weapons. As he draws near he notices the woman is an elf and slows his horse a respectful distance away.

"Good eve to you miss elf." Arthur calls out to the woman. "It would seem we are both bound to Solace. Mayhaps we may travel together for a time, for no road is truly safe these days." He urges his mount to keep pace with the woman, but does well not to get too close should she be hostile to a stranger on the road.

2015-09-03, 04:00 PM
"Well of course they'd whine less! they just pop out, and then they're barely three steps from their favorite drink."
He shoots back, thrilled by the opportunity of someone willing to bicker. Pointedly ignoring the dull ache of his growing hangover, he turns to the plainswoman and gives her a wry, mirthless smile.
"Besides, I wouldn't have run dry if we hadn't been chased out of the last hamlet afore I could restock, little chickadee." He says, wagging a finger at her accusingly. He then continues speaking in a high-pitched imitation of Lightfeather's voice.
"Oooh, look Abraim and Edran! Some children bullying another child. We simply must do something, as it is the proper thing to do. Never mind that their parents thought us kidnappers, and chased us out of the hamlet with pitchforks and torches."

Abraim's face abruptly screws up in a mixture of displeasure and disgust, and he continues sarcastically in his normal voice.
"I'm so thankful for that, by the way. I've always wanted to be hunted like some animal. Bloody torches..."
His tirade over for now, Abraim continues down the road, muttering to himself. the occasional profanity followed by the words "pitchforks and torches" can be heard inbetween.

2015-09-03, 04:26 PM
Edran walking along with his two companions, his now somewhat mud stained red and green finery standing out among their more practical clothes joins in on the banter Come now Abraim, though the last village was unpleasant, and I could do without the tear in my tabard from that farmer's pitchfork, I'm sure we'll find no trouble here in Solace. The Inn of the Last Home has a reputation for fine food, drink, and pleasant company.

2015-09-03, 04:47 PM

She blinks up at the stranger on a horse, and tries to quash the instict to back away from the towering human next to her. She'd heard the horses approaching, of course - well, horse and mule - but hadn't really expected them to bother her. She hesitates for a fraction of a second before answering him.

"Good day to you, too, sir," she says a slight, polite smile. "I'd be glad of the company, it's been a lonely walk so far and, as you say, the roads are dangerous,"

Star-Eyes pauses for a moment, and peers more closely at the stranger frowning slightly as she tries to place him. While she's fairly certain she doesn't know him, humans do tend to change infuriatingly quickly. Even a couple of years can cause the children to change almost beyond recognition.

"What brings you to Solace? ...Are you a local? I don't recognise you, but I must admit it's been a few years since I left Solace and I'm sure much has changed,"

2015-09-03, 05:12 PM
The mention of food and drink mollifies Abraim's moodiness a little, and he scowls at Edran for a moment, before letting his lips rise slightly in a tight-lipped halfsmile. "Yeh, I suppose ye're right Edran..." He grumbles, not feeling quite ready to let go of his sour mood while his head still throbs. But the thought of sustenance, the famed delicacies of the Last Home inn no less, Makes it hard for him to stay completely negative. He puts up a brave front though, determined not to let his companions see him being less than his usual pessimistic self. The shock would probably be too much for the fainthearted youngsters, he muses.
Still He thinks to himself I cant wait for the feast. Roast potatoes, meatstew.... And wine. Mmm, delicious, perfectly aged blackberry wine. Or thick, dark ale, topped of with freshly brewed honey mead....
It takes conscious effort for Abraim to keep from drooling at the thought.
Over the years, drinking had become one of his sole joys, and he fancied himself quite the connoisseur.

2015-09-03, 05:32 PM
Arthur chuckles slightly when asked if he is a local but hastens to explain himself before his companion thinks he is mocking her. "Forgive me, I have been traveling so long the thought of being confused for a local surprised me." Arthur says as he gives a small bow (a difficult feat from a saddle) and turns toward the elf in order to display the crest painted upon his armor. It bears the symbol of the Solamnic knights as well as his family crest. "Allow me to introduce myself, Arthur Reginald of the Solamnic Knights. To be precise I am a knight-errant, traveling the roads for near on five years now aiding travelers and trying to bring a measure of order to the roads."

Arthur gestures to the weapons he carries, all of fine craftsmanship but all nonetheless worn and scratched much like his armor, "As you can see it hasn't been the easiest of tasks. Which is why I am looking forward to the comfort of the Last Home inn. Might that also be your destination miss...?"

2015-09-04, 05:39 AM

"Star-Eyes of Solace," Star-Eyes replies pleasantly. "I'm going to... um... Solace," she concludes, with the slight hesitation of one who is just now realising they could, perhaps, have thought their sentence through a little better before they said it. "I may well stop at the Inn of the Last Home before I go and find what the ravages of time have wreaked on my house while I was away.

"And I apologise, Sir Knight, I hadn't noticed your armour before. Humans change so quickly it's sometimes hard to recognise them if I leave for any length of time," she adds, with a slight shrug.

2015-09-04, 06:19 AM
Edran, Abraim and Lightfeather
Just as the three have finally came to an agreement- a sudden voice was heard, like twigs being crushed under a boot. Before they could react, screams filled the air- calls for battle and death. Eight hobgoblins, all fully armed and with a terrible smile on their face, jumped from the bushes, licking their lips with anticipation while surrounding the heroes- yet they did not attacked. They just waited, until another figure has shown up.

It was another hobgoblin- yet this one has ridden an horse. Well, more exactly a pony. That hob was bigger than the rest of his breed- not taller, but fatter. Actually, he was so fat, that it didn't required the eye of a specialist to wonder how did the poor pony managed to carry such a bloated being upon its back. It was also uglier than the average hobgoblin- which is quit and achievement, considering their usual look. His skin was yellowish grey. His eyes were pink and swollen. Spit has gathered in the edge of his mouth, and some of it has sprayed into the air every time he spoke-

"Sthop where you are!" he said with a vicious smile on his face "My name is the Fewmaster Toede, and we do not allow people to enther this fair city in those times of the nighth! By the orders of the High Theocrat, sith still as we search your stuff!" his smile grew wider, revealing his green, rotten teeth "Any objection will be met with punishmenth!"

he than leaned toward one of the guards and whispered few words in Goblinoid, sure that no one is smart enough to learn the language of his kind

"Sthrak kist tssaruk fot trast picktartek xestek"

for Edran
"search the Blue Crystal Staff and get rid of them"

Star Eyes and Arthur
As the two enjoyed each other's company in the lonely road, the two has noticed an unusual sight for Solace- the road was blocked. In around 200 feet head, a group of guards created a barricade, and from how they were dressed Star Eyes recognized them as members of the Seekers militia- who, when she left, were still a small group without much influence. Now, however, it seemed that the situation has changed- they could have seen how two of the soldiers has searched through the wagon of the local farmer as its owner stood still, stiffed with fear, while two other soldiers- one significantly older than the other- stood and watch, holding an angry looking dog.

2015-09-04, 07:39 AM

"...Well, that's new. I wonder if something's happened?" Star-Eyes frowns as she sees the barricade and the Seeker Guard. "Those are Seeker Guards - they're sort of the militia of the High Seekers Council in Haven," she adds aloud for the benefit of Arthur as she carries on walking towards them with the confident air on one who is certain that whatever's going on is no business of hers. "Or they were when I left. They seem a little more important now, if they're blocking off entry to the town. I do hope this won't take too long," she says irritably as the barricade comes up.

After all, it's been a long walk and she just wants to go home. She's had nothing to do with whatever the problem is and - while she sincerely hopes it wasn't anything too serious - she would quite like it to go away.

2015-09-04, 07:59 AM
"Are you bloody serious? why in the...." Abraim exclaims, before stopping himself from saying anything more. Insulting the armed Hobs, who outnumber them quite a bit, seems like a poor choice of action, even to Abraim's throbbing head.
Giving the Fewmaster a wary look, he glances back at his companions, settling on Edran with an expectant expression.
Come on, then. He thinks, trying hard to communicate his thoughts with a look. Talk our way out of this. Its what you do!
While still nursing the hope that they'll be let through, without having to give up their possessions to the repugnant buggers, Abraim casually shifts his grip on his walking stick. It wouldn't be the first time the thick wooden staff had become an impromptu weapon.

2015-09-04, 09:06 AM
Jocularity forgotten, Lightfeather goes stiff with alarm as the hobs suddenly burst upon the road. Her right hand is ready to move in an instant as her left tightens on her powerful longbow, its surface marked with delicate etchings of horses and beasts of the vast plains. Her jaw tightens, but her eyes sweep across her enemies with disdain. I will not be ordered about or manhandled by goblins no matter who they answer to!

Abraim show surprising restraint but she wondered what this Toede said to his troops. “Edran?” she says quietly, continuing in her native Abanasinian tongue, “What did he say? I would kill them all now. They do not belong here.”

2015-09-04, 09:48 AM
Edran gestures for lightfeather to lower her bow and decides to do what he does best, diffuse the situation with diplomacy all the while staying close to his companions, ready for trouble Fewmaster Tode, we did not mean to break any laws here in Solace. We are traveling at this late hour because we ran into some unfriendly farmers in the last village, and could not stay. If you could just allow us to proceed, we will go straight to the Inn of the Last Home. We promise we won't cause you any trouble. We just desire food, rest, and a warm bed for the night. [roll0] After he finishes addressing the Fewmaster Edran tries to secretly mouth the words [COLOR="#DAA520"]Not here[COLOR="#DAA520"] To lightfeather [roll1]

2015-09-04, 10:40 AM
The Fewmaster Toede was never famous for giving attention to details. As such, he barely even noticed as the two spoke to each other with some stupid human language he never bothered to learn. More than that, his mind was distracted by the talking of Erdan, who talked with him about drink and food. That reminded him he also wanted drink and food. Why does he stand here in the cold when there is drink and food back in the city?..

"Silence!" he screamed "I want food! Give me food- I mean, give me the Blue- wait.." he punched himself in the head, cleared his throat and yelled to his tropes "kill them!"

and then he turned around, kicked the pony and vanished to the night while squeaking in an high pitch note- leaving his soldiers to deal with the three.

OOC- everyone, please roll Initiative in the OOC thread, and then we can start the battle.

2015-09-04, 11:11 AM
Looking on as the Fewmaster gives out his orders and rides of, Abraim shakes his head in disbelief, before turning sharply to Edran. "Oh, wonderful work, you monumental imbecile! I am never letting you talk to strangers again! I cant believe it, if its not this, then it something else, I mean..."
His words cut short by the snarling hobgoblins, Abraim jerks back and lets out and decidedly unmanly shriek.
"Feathers, Do something. Shoot them!"

2015-09-04, 11:25 AM

Pausing to look at the barricade, Arthur sighs and says to Star-Eyes, "Many towns seek to close themselves off these days, suspicious of strangers. I had hoped that Solace's reputation for hospitality would afford me a bed, but perhaps I will sleep on the ground once more. Well... we will see soon enough."

With that said, Arthur rides slowly towards the barricade next to Star-Eyes. Watching the guards for sudden moves to attack a mounted stranger.

2015-09-04, 11:38 AM
It's not my fault hobgoblins are too stupid to understand how to negotiate! Edran replies to Abraim, while drawing his Rapier.

2015-09-04, 01:10 PM
Following their master's spirit, three of the hobgoblins targeted Edran, jumping toward him with their drawn swords. Acting quickly, the bard managed to evade the attack of the first and blocked the second with his shield. The third, however, managed to hit him at his side- but the armor absorbed to attack, leaving him a bit painful, yet undamaged.

Other three has recognized Lightfeather as the major threat, as the "bodyguard" who protected the two other travelers. Desiring to please their master, they attacked the ranger- yet two of them missed their target, as she barely avoided the first while her armor protected her from the second. The third, however, was more cunning- doing a faint and using the other two as a diversion in order to hit her in the back, pushing his blade through her armor [8 damage]

The two other, being the most fearful in the group, has decided to attack Abraim- who was the weakest member of the group from their point of view. The two has attacked the surprised man, causing great pain to Abraim- yet luckily, only one of the attacked managed to do actual harm [3 damage]

2015-09-04, 01:21 PM
Realizing he and his friends are in grave danger, Edran reacts quickly. He thrusts his rapier at the the hobgoblin who stabbed lightfeather, shouting in the goblin language Nobody harms my companions, especially you dimwitted scum!

2015-09-04, 02:15 PM

"Barricading the road is a bit unusual, though. Normally it's just the inns that don't serve strangers, and you get nasty looks from the locals. I do hope it's not rumours of plague near by. That would be quite an unpleasant homecoming," Star-Eyes murmurs to her new-found travelling companion as she slows her pace a little and strains her ears. "Hush now. I want to hear what the guards are saying before we have to deal with them..."

...and hope it's not going to result in me running for my life in the night. If the Seekers have been rabble-rousing against wizards, I'd rather know sooner rather than later - and if there's plague about, I think I'd rather not stay in town until it's gone.

Listen check to over-hear what they guards are saying to the old farmer.


2015-09-04, 02:20 PM
As Edran's rapier finds it's mark he let's out a hearty laugh and says to hobsNot so tough now are you lads? 1d6+1

2015-09-04, 02:22 PM
As Edran's rapier finds it's mark he let's out a hearty laugh and says to hobsNot so tough now are you lads? [roll0]
retry on dice roll [roll1]

2015-09-04, 02:34 PM
As Edran's rapier finds it's mark he let's out a hearty laugh and says to hobsNot so tough now are you lads? [roll0]

Edran fluidly sent his rapier forward, piercing his enemy. For a second, fear filled his heart as the delicate rapier was stopped by the hobgoblin's armor- yet he didn't despaired. Instead, he pushed a little more forward, putting more of his strength to the strike: and he succeeded. His sword pierced the armor and cut through his enemy's heart. The hobgoblin twitched and stopped, sliding down from the blade and laying lifeless on the ground.

2015-09-04, 02:45 PM
Concern for her companions ultimately cost Lightfeather, as her first thought is to move to protect them. But the hobs leap to the attack with ferocity, and even as she draws a pair of arrows up to bow - automatically gripping one in her bow hand while turning the other and nocking it, swords whip at her from all directions. She weaves beyond one attack as another scrapes her leathers, but she still feels a sting at her back.

Ignoring it, she twists to the side and draws, annoyed at this less-than-ideal counterattack as the hobs are all still close about her. She looses two powerful arrows in quick succession, imagining her anger going with them and taking a calming breath to assess how the others are doing.

Move - taking what amounts to a 5-foot step, however that might apply.

Rapid shot: If the first shot misses or does not drop her first target (let's say the left-most) she attacks it again; otherwise the second shot goes to the next target.

Attack [roll0]
Crit [roll1]
Damage [roll2]

Attack [roll3]
Crit [roll4]
Damage [roll5]

2015-09-04, 02:51 PM
Star Eyes
The elf tried to concentrate at the conversation of the soldiers, yet too many things bothered her- the whispering of the wind, the clanking of the armor of her companion, the breathing of the horse, the distance from the barricade.. In the end, all she could have heard was a mumbling, and that apparently, the guards have searched for something- what, she couldn't have known. She also noticed that the soldiers have almost finished checking the farmer- and then, they would focus their full attention on her and Arthur.

2015-09-04, 03:02 PM
Letting out a grunt of pain as the Hob hits him, Abraim turns his full attention on the offending creature.
"Raagh, I dont. Like. Fighting. Sober!"He exclaims loudly, every word accompanied by a swing of his staff, gripped in both hands. He tries to aim his swings for the Hobgoblins head, fully intending to make it share his headache.

Abraim attacks the Hobgoblin who hurt him.

Attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]
Crit confirm (if necessary): [roll2]
Crit damage: [roll3]

2015-09-04, 03:04 PM

"No good," she shakes her head and sighs. "The horses are too loud," she adds, somewat diplomatically, to explain why she can't hear anything rather than mentioning the whole wheezing and clanking thing.

Star-Eyes takes a firm grip on her worn old staff, and reshuffles her backback to a more comfortable position from where it had slipped during the long treck.

"I think they're looking for something, but I'm not sure what. Smuggled goods, perhaps? Though what someone would smuggle into Solace is beyond me," she shrugs. "I suppose there's nothing for it but to see what they ask us about," she adds as they approach the guards and wait patiently to be noticed and searched for... whatever.

2015-09-04, 03:08 PM
Concern for her companions ultimately cost Lightfeather, as her first thought is to move to protect them. But the hobs leap to the attack with ferocity, and even as she draws a pair of arrows up to bow - automatically gripping one in her bow hand while turning the other and nocking it, swords whip at her from all directions. She weaves beyond one attack as another scrapes her leathers, but she still feels a sting at her back.

Ignoring it, she twists to the side and draws, annoyed at this less-than-ideal counterattack as the hobs are all still close about her. She looses two powerful arrows in quick succession, imagining her anger going with them and taking a calming breath to assess how the others are doing.

Move - taking what amounts to a 5-foot step, however that might apply.

Rapid shot: If the first shot misses or does not drop her first target (let's say the left-most) she attacks it again; otherwise the second shot goes to the next target.

Attack [roll0]
Crit [roll1]
Damage [roll2]

Attack [roll3]
Crit [roll4]
Damage [roll5]

Lightfeather's arrows flew through the air, piercing through the armor and flesh of her enemies. The first hobgoblin was killed in the spot, his neck torn, while the second has screamed in pain as the arrow hit his harm and stuck there, blood flowing from the wound like a scarlet river.

2015-09-04, 03:25 PM
Letting out a grunt of pain as the Hob hits him, Abraim turns his full attention on the offending creature.
"Raagh, I dont. Like. Fighting. Sober!"He exclaims loudly, every word accompanied by a swing of his staff, gripped in both hands. He tries to aim his swings for the Hobgoblins head, fully intending to make it share his headache.

Abraim attacks the Hobgoblin who hurt him.

Attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]
Crit confirm (if necessary): [roll2]
Crit damage: [roll3]

As Abraim swung the staff, he felt that there was something.. weird with its movement. As if some invisible hand was pushing it together with him, guiding it to the target- the hobgoblin's head. Guided by that unseen force, the staff struck the hobgoblin's head with a sickening voice and smashed his head beyond recognition. Even more surprisingly- no stain of blood has covered the staff. In fact, Abraim could have swore that he saw the drops turn into blue sparks as fast as they touched the staff, as if some hidden power purified the taint of death.

OOC- add to your sheets that the quarterstaff is a +2 weapon.

2015-09-04, 03:35 PM
Abraim winces as the staff connects with the Hobgoblins head, and his eyes go wide at the blue sparks.
"Huh?" He says, looking at the suspiciously clean staff. It still looks like a piece of wood. "What in the...? Am I seeing things?"
Looking at the other hobgoblin with his brows furrowed in confusion, Abraim momentarily forgets that it is an enemy.
"Did you see that blue stuff?" He asks the Hobgoblin.

2015-09-04, 03:47 PM
Battle Round
surprised with the strength of the enemies, the hobgoblins became more desperate- yet desperation bring strength. While one of Edran's enemies missed him by almost a feat, the other sent a mighty swung which may have proved fatal if the bard would have diverted it with his rapier- yet the blow still hit, almost paralyzing his arm and cutting through his skin [7 damage]

Lightfeather, however, proved as a tougher opponent- once she understood the situation, she quickly escaped the blows of her enemies, gracefully escaping the blow of the first and almost dancing around the second, leaving her enemies bewildered and dazzled.

Abraim, however, was not so lucky- angered by the death of his friend and motivated by the sight of the staff, the other hobgoblin slashed with his sword, hitting the unprepared man and sending him flying. He could have tasted blood in his throat, and he knew it was a terrible hit [8 damage]

Arthur and Star Eyes
As the soldiers of the seekers finished checking the farmer and let him go to the city, they waved toward the two and pointed them to come to the barricade. As they came closer, Star Eyes noticed she didn't knew the faces or the soldiers- except of one. She recognized the old sergeant who held the dog- a man named as Amet who was once a member of the city's guard. Apparently, he changed his allegiances.

"Stop!" called one of the younger soldiers "Who are you and what business do you have in our fair city?"

2015-09-04, 04:18 PM

As she shuffles forward to be questioned, Star-Eyes gives the old sergeant a faintly puzzled glance until the profile clicks into place at last.

"Star-Eyes, returning home. I live here," she adds, just in case it wasn't obvious from the supplied context. "I've been studying away for a few years, but that's over an I've come back to my home here. Is that Amet with the dog? He should know me,"

Fingers crossed that he does, at least. Though that thing with the birch tree should have been pretty memorable for everyone involved - hopefully he won't hold it against her. It was years ago, and she's much better at planet magic now, and she did apologise and make things right. Sort of.

"Why the barricade?" she asks bemusedly, as she looks it and the soldiers over with the calm, confident air of someone who isn't feeling terribly threatened by all the cutlery being waved around. "Has there been trouble?"

2015-09-04, 04:29 PM

Frowning slightly as he overhears the rude language heaped upon the poor farmer, Arthur quickly returns his face to a neutral expression as he rides up to the barricade. "My name is Arthur. I am a Solamnic Knight, travelling the roads and giving aid to travelers. I was hoping I could spend the night and find a bed for myself and stabling for my horse and mule." Arthur answers to the guards, hoping to convince the guards that he wouldn't be any trouble for the town.


2015-09-04, 04:49 PM
Arggh! Edran cries out in pain as the Hobgoblin stabs him. Angered he attacks in retaliation with his blade [roll0] (damage if any) [roll1] critical if any [roll2]

2015-09-04, 04:51 PM
Shouldn't have stabbed me now should you? Anyone else want to have a go at me! Edran yells in triumph [roll0]

2015-09-04, 05:06 PM
Shouldn't have stabbed me now should you? Anyone else want to have a go at me! Edran yells in triumph [roll0]

motivated by the pain and anger, Edran pierce with his reaper through the hobgoblin's throat, killing him instantly and leavs his friend to watch with terror.

2015-09-04, 05:20 PM
Arthur and Star Eyes

Star Eyes could have seen a spark of recognizance in the sergeant's eyes, and both Amet and the rest of the soldiers look aspired as they looked at Arthur. Not many knights traveled during the land during those times, and the sight of such a person was awe inspiring in their eyes- like a ghost from the Age of Might who returned to life.

Amet stepped forward and said "I see you are back again, Star. I'm glad to see you are safe- things have changed since 5 years ago. This is not the city you knew anymore, You must be lucky that it is me who was sent to watch this checkpoint. Many would see you as stranger now days" he turned his sight toward Arthur "Also- it seems you find yourself an hell of companion- by the New Gods, I've never thought I'll see a real Solamnic Knight in my own eyes" he pointed toward barricade "as you see, we have new protocols in the city. The High Theocrat has given us orders to search anyone who enters the city. I'm afraid I must search your bags too.. say- you are a mage, right? Is there by any chance that you have heard about something called as the "blue crystal staff"?"

2015-09-04, 05:36 PM
Though uncomfortable fighting so closely - especially with foul-smelling goblinoids - the plainswoman leaps backward, repeating her previous action with a pair of long arrows ...

5-foot step

Aim for injured hob, then whichever hob looks like it's most dangerous to an ally (if shot 1 misses)

Attack [roll0]
Crit [roll1]
Damage [roll2]

Attack [roll3]
Crit [roll4]
Damage [roll5]


2015-09-04, 05:43 PM
Though uncomfortable fighting so closely - especially with foul-smelling goblinoids - the plainswoman leaps backward, repeating her previous action with a pair of long arrows ...

5-foot step

Aim for injured hob, then whichever hob looks like it's most dangerous to an ally (if shot 1 misses)

Attack [roll0]
Crit [roll1]
Damage [roll2]

Attack [roll3]
Crit [roll4]
Damage [roll5]

Lightfeather shot quickly her arrow, killing the wounded hobgoblin at once. Than, moving by 90 degrees, she aimed toward the hobgoblin who attacked Abraim. The creature, who was so satisfied from his last attack, was too busy at mocking the wounded man that he didn't noticed his upcoming death- Lightfeather released her arrow, who swiftly entered one side of his head and kept going, getting stuck at a nearby tree. It happened so fast, that the hobgoblin managed to blink with surprised before it collapsed in front of the horrified Abraim.

2015-09-04, 05:53 PM

While Arthur was surprised to hear his companion was a mage, he was more shocked to hear that the guards had been ordered to actively search travelers for The blue crystal staff. Either the High Theocrat was taking a flight of fancy... or momentous events were unfolding. "Did I hear you correctly that you were told to search travelers for a blue crystal staff? The only staff I know of that fits that description was told to me in a story as a child." Arthur says as he dismounts and presents his horse and mule for searching before continuing, "That staff was said to belong to one of the Old Gods whose names have been all but forgotten. In the hands of the faithful, it was said to perform miracles in the name of the Light. Unfortunately, said staff hasn't been seen since the Age of Dreams, and with the Old Gods having turned there back on us, would such an artifact still hold power." Arthur shrugs and continues to open his bags for the guard's eyes.

"Still, I can see how your High Theocrat would be burdened if some charlatan has been waving a painted stick around and using old tales to rile people up. I will be sure to keep my eyes peeled for such a miscreant."

2015-09-04, 05:59 PM
As the goblin falls in front of him, Abraim swallows audibly, trying to keep the bile rising in his throat from coming up.
"Ugh, this is horrible..." He mutters. He then takes a deep breath, and charges the remaining Hobgoblin attacking Edran, his staff raised above his head and his mouth open in an wordless yell.

Abraim charges the Hobgoblin that's still alive and attacking Edran.

crit confirm: [roll2]
crit damage: 1d6+5

After his attack connects Abraim falls to his knees with a grunt of pain, clutching his torso where the Hobgoblin hit and spitting out a gob of blood as he tries to catch his breath.

2015-09-05, 04:14 AM
as the last hobgoblin watch his friend dies, a mixture of both fear and anger fills his eyes. The three could have seen that it wish to runaway- yet something, or someone, has hold him back. It was another kind of fear, one which was greater than any other.

"For the black death!" he screamed and jumped forward, attacking the weakest member of the group- Abraim- out of hope that at least he could have killed one of the members of the party. He slashed with his sword and hit Abraim in his wound, causing another shock of pain to go through his body [5 damage]

2015-09-05, 06:06 AM
Oh no you don't! Edran shouts at the goblin as he once again attacks with his rapier.
[roll0] crit confirm if any [roll1] damage if any [roll2] crit damage if any [roll3] bardic knowledge check on blue crystal staff [roll4] bardic knowledge on "black death" [roll5]

2015-09-05, 07:01 AM
Oh no you don't! Edran shouts at the goblin as he once again attacks with his rapier.
[roll0] crit confirm if any [roll1] damage if any [roll2] crit damage if any [roll3] bardic knowledge check on blue crystal staff [roll4] bardic knowledge on "black death" [roll5]

The last hobgoblin dies with a scream. The heroes look around, yet no more are coming to attack them. The battle is over- and the wounds burn with pain. All that they can think about is finally getting to Solace, treat their wounds and get some sleep.

For Edran
both the bardic knowledge check reveals nothing

2015-09-05, 09:09 AM
Getting up with a pained sigh, Abraim puts his hand on the by now quite large wound on his torso. He winces and pales visibly when his hand comes away covered in blood.
"Oh that's just great." He exclaims, his voice breaking slightly from anxiety. "Within a mile of some the best food and drink in Krynn, and I'm gonna bleed out and die by the side of the road. And sober! Fie on this god forsaken world."

2015-09-05, 10:54 AM
Edran winces as he looks at the wound on his arm. I know how you feel Abraim, let's get to town and see if we can find someone who has some skill at patching up wounds. By the way, Abraim, Lightfeather that hobgoblin, the one on the horse; Toede. He mentioned something about a "Blue Crystal Staff" I've never heard of such a thing but I thought maybe either of you might have. He mentioned it in his own tongue too, so it must be important if he was trying to hide that he was looking for it.

2015-09-05, 12:00 PM
Though Abraim is somehow whining even more than earlier, he's alive. Lighfeather eases her fingers back along her own wound and determines it's a far cry from life-threatening. Of a practical people, she doesn't think twice before kneeling and checking the hobgoblins for valuables or information - though she suspects only Toede would have anything such as letters or written orders on his person.

She shakes her head at Edran. "It sounds like something from old tales of the cities. My people do not care to remember such things. If it does not help us survive or honor our ancestors, it is probably best forgotten."

2015-09-05, 12:02 PM
"Blue crystal staff?" Abraim says, not looking up from his bloody hand and torso. "No idea what that could be. But as you said, we should find someone to stitch us up. And some strong wine. To dull the pain, you know?"
Starting down the road once more Abraim walks ponderously, a small whimper escaping him everytime his steps sends a twinge of pain through his wound.
After a few feet he stops suddenly, before turning back to the others with a slightly confused expression.
"What in hell am I saying? I'm proficient in caring for wounds. And I have my healing supplies." He thinks for a moment, then adds. "But we'll still very much need the wine. My hands get shaky when I'm sober."

2015-09-05, 12:58 PM

"I can see that," Star-Eyes murmurs as she looks around at the barricade. "I'm afraid I've not heard anything more about it than the knight here," she says with an apologetic shrug. "Is that what the road block's about? Some old legend?" she asks, clearly surprised, as she slips her backpack off - taking care to remove her spellbook first. Even if someone's raving about some fake ancient artefact, roadblocks are something of an overreaction.

"You're welcome to do your search," Star-Eyes says, handing over the bag. "But you'll excuse me if I keep my spellbook to myself - reading it would... not be safe for you, I suspect," she adds more than a little apologetically. Magic's not exactly safe.

As she's talking, Star-Eyes keeps the knight in the corner of her eye - she'd not planned on mentioning she was a mage, just to be on the safe side. There's no telling how a stranger might react, after all; the Orders of High Sorcery are hardly well respected amongst the general populace.

2015-09-05, 01:15 PM
Though Abraim is somehow whining even more than earlier, he's alive. Lighfeather eases her fingers back along her own wound and determines it's a far cry from life-threatening. Of a practical people, she doesn't think twice before kneeling and checking the hobgoblins for valuables or information - though she suspects only Toede would have anything such as letters or written orders on his person.

She shakes her head at Edran. "It sounds like something from old tales of the cities. My people do not care to remember such things. If it does not help us survive or honor our ancestors, it is probably best forgotten."

while searching the corpses, Lightfeather finds nothing- the dead hobgoblins didn't carried any sign or symbol to their loyalty, and they didn't held any item of significance- apparently, they were mercenaries of some kind, for all they had was 60 pieces of Steel, imprinted with a strange symbol- a dragon.

OOC- after this encounter, you may enter straight to Solace. Are you going to travel through the city or go right to the Inn?

2015-09-05, 01:24 PM
Arthur and Star Eyes

"I don't question the High Theocrat, and you so should you" Amet replied "He is the most powerful person in the city- and if you would anger him even old friendships won't help you. I recommend you both to find a place for the night in the Inn of Last Home. This may be the only place in here which still welcome strangers"

After giving the warning, he orders the soldiers for a quick search in both the knight and the mage's, which they did respectfully (both because of Amet's open high, the aura of honor which was created by Arthur's presence and the dread they felt from touching the items of a wizard- fearing that one wrong breath would turn them into frogs)- and after that, they guided the two toward the city.

"may the New Gods protect you both" said the sergeant, and let the couple to get through

OOC- please roll Sense Motive check

2015-09-05, 02:33 PM

Star blinks at Amet a few times as he accuses of her questioning the High Theocrat.

"I... wasn't questioning him. I didn't know he was the one who told you to look for the staff. If that's what you're looking for. What's a High Theocrat, anyway? The local Seeker priest?"

She quietly avoids acknowledging the comment about the new gods. At this point, a theological debate really isn't going to help anything.

2015-09-05, 02:55 PM
"just a friendly advice, that's all" said Amet, although both Star Eyes and Arthur felt that there was something between the lines, even if they didn't knew what exactly was it "and yes, he is a priest of the Seekers- the one who supervise Solace. He answers only to the council of High Seekers from Haven- and from what I've got, he is not the only one to search for it.." suddenly, he looked toward his soldiers, as if he recognized a look of displeasure upon their face "anyway- it is time for you to go. Hurry- before the night would fall"

he walks away from the two, clearing them the way to the city.

2015-09-05, 03:38 PM
Lightfeather stashes the coin and helps the others regain their composure. "No reason to think they were the only hobs about. We should get off the road before their vision gives them advantage." She urges them onward, toward the Inn, as it's where they met and where the men would want to stay anyway.

2015-09-05, 05:27 PM
Edran nods, sheathes his rapier, and straightens his hat. Agreed, onward to the inn then.
He replies, though he is uncertain even the Inn of the Last home is safe during these dark times in Solace.

2015-09-06, 08:08 AM

Star-Eyes watches Amet go with a bemused expression. The night's hardly a terrible obstacle to her elven eyes, but the human with her will probably struggle and the walkways of the treetop town aren't good to blunder around on while unable to see much.

"I had planned on going home first," she sighs. "But I would like to find out what's going on here," she says, with a worried glance back at the barricade. "That was... rather strange. I don't know what's happened to my home, and I don't think I'll like it when I find out. Come along, the inn's up this way,"

Star-Eyes leads the way to one of the creaking stairways threading up the trunk of the mighty vallenwood trees.

"It's quite a climb, but the Inn is worth it. And there's nothing worth paying attention to at the ground level anyway, except the blacksmith. There's a few ratty bars somewhere on the edge of town, but I don't recommend them at all unless you like bad drinks and getting your teeth knocked out in a barroom brawl,"

2015-09-07, 03:05 PM
As Star Eyes and Arthur enter the city, they notice that Amet has said the truth- Solace has changed. No more were friendly faces and cheerful greetings. Instead, everyone looked at them with suspicious, as if they they were the carriers of plague. Star Eyes even noticed that people she formerly knew weren't willing to look at her face, and even more than once she could have heard people whispering "dirty elf" as she passed in front of them. Yes, Solace has changed- and it was not for the best.

After finally achieving the climb to the Inn of Last Home, Star Eyes discovered that at least one thing hasn't changed- Otik, lovable inn owner, was happy as ever to see her, just as he was toward any of his costumers.

"Long time no see!" he said with a wide smile "and I see you found yourself a companion- come in! Come in!" he looked at Arthur "years has passed since one of you has passed through our town- too bad those are not better times" he sigh, yet he quickly returned to his cheerful self "anyway- you must be hungry! Don't let talk while you starve to death!" he turned around and called the waitress "Tika! Find those friends a table, would you?"

"right away!" Tika said, and she quickly navigated the two through the crowd, finding them a place to seat near the fireplace. "Feel comfortable" she said "I'll go and fetch you some of our fried potatoes and ale" and than she walked away, vanishing in the crowd.

While waiting for their food and drink, the too could have noticed their surroundings- while Otik and Tika tried to keep a cheerful act, they could have felt that the atmosphere wasn't that bright. Most of the people set alone, drinking their beer and ale quietly and with a desperate look upon their face. The only people who didn't look so depressed were an old storyteller who sat near them, and two small children who looked enchanted as he told them legends of old times. As Star Eyes checked her surroundings, she discovered that she actually knew one of the lone people- long time ago, in a much warmer times, she helped to build an house to him and his mother. His name was.. Will, perhaps?

before she could have decide whether to greet him or not, Tika has returned- but not with their food. Instead, she came with three more people- two who looked pretty dusty and one which looked like a member of the barbarian tribes of the Plains and said "I'm sorry- but could you please let those people sit together with you? We are out of place, and those three have went through a long journey. Don't worry" she winked "as a compensation you'll all get a big dish of our fried potatoes!"

2015-09-07, 03:43 PM
"Thank you, Miss. If you could bring some extra ale and food for us as well, it'd be much appreciated. especially the ale."
Abraim says with a strained smile, before relaxing and plopping down on an empty chair. He immediately regrets it, as a lance of pain goes through his wound. He shifts tenderly in his seat, taking deep breaths until the pain recedes, and then turns to Edran and Lightfeathers. "Gah, dammit all, that hurts! Sit down and show me your wounds while I've still got some blood left in my body. It'll only take am moment for me to sew you up."
He turns and starts pulling bandages, needle and thread and other things out of his bag. While doing so he casts a glance at the knight and the elf.
"Sorry for the intrusion. I'll try not to get blood on you." He says, using a bandage to wipe the worst of the blood from his hand and the wound on his torso.

2015-09-07, 03:55 PM
The barbarian woman looks uncomfortable in the crowd and frowns when Tika indicates the only available space has to be shared with strangers. Her frown deepens at the mention of spiced potatoes. She obviously enjoys less adventurous fare.

She looks the strangers over with a keen eye, and appears less than pleased by what she sees. A knight and an elf. Strange company, indeed. She addresses the two men she entered with, her voice quiet but strong, her accent thick. "We went and came back, so my work is finished. But it looks like danger is closing in, so perhaps we should stay together for the time being. Safety in numbers."

She assists Abraim with his healer's work and allows him to tend her own wound without more than a wince.

2015-09-07, 05:11 PM
Edran flashes a roguish smile at Tika, tips his hat, and says Thank you young lady, our journey has been long and trying and we appreciate your generosity. Edran then turns his attention to the strangers. He speaks to both. Ah, a knight of Solamnia. You know in the distant past my ancestors were renowned Solamnic knights. It is an honor to meet you. He salutes the knight. He then turns his attention to Star-Eyes. He speaks to her in elvish and bows. It is a pleasure to meet you, I am Edran of Langtree; wandering minstrel and entertainer. He then takes his seat and awaits his food and drink.

2015-09-07, 05:24 PM
Wil is sat alone like many of the other patrons and was quite distressed by the changes which had come over his home town. He'd not seen many people he recognised and the ones he did had barely exchanged a word with him. So he sat drinking alone and fuming at the high handedness of the guards who'd questioned him on his entrance to Solace. He glanced up as the door opened pleased to see a familiar face in Star Eyes who had built his childhood home, he didn't move to sit with her though as she was accompanied by a knight he didn't recognise and was glad of the choice as Tika led more strangers over to sit with them. Strangers who it seemed by their wounds had been questioned even more roughly than he had.

Things have changed so much in so little time Wil thought. How has Solace come to this? What tyranny has come over this town? Something must be done. As he sat and contemplated how he could help he listened in to the stories the old man was telling by the fireplace. Time for another ale he decided and waved Tika over.

2015-09-07, 07:11 PM

Arthur merely nods to the guard Amet as he makes his way through the town. His mind occupied by what he sees and feels from the town. Something was wrong in this town... something more than rumors of an artifact of the Old Gods being searched for... perhaps something concerning these so-called New Gods?

It was too much to think about, and while so distracted he had barely listened to his travelling companion... the mage. He wasn't sure what to think about that. While it was true that his order mistrusted magic as a temptation to great for mortal hands to use wisely, she was an elf. A near alien creature from Arthur's limited knowledge. He merely had to hope that her longer lifespan also meant a greater respect for the power she held.

He leaves his horse and mule with the stablehand, and keeps only his hand and a half sword in with him, wouldn't do to look ready for a fight and scare off the innkeep. He is happily surprised that the Last Home Inn hasn't lost it's famed hospitality despite the thinly veiled hostility of the town's residents. Arthur is about to suggest to his companion that she may do better seeking the company of her kin rather than stay in town when three wounded strangers take seats at their table.

"Well met." Arthur says as they start tending to their wounds, "It seems you ran into some trouble on the way to town. Mind sharing the tale?"

2015-09-07, 07:31 PM
Since Edran can't resist the chance to tell a good tale, he decides to relate the story of how the three ran into Fewmaster Toede, though he leaves out the detail that the he and Abraim have been searching for evidence of the old gods. Of course. We were heading into Solace to this very Inn. All the three of us wanted was food and rest. Then a group of Hobgoblins surrounded us. Their leader, a rather ugly fellow named Toede ordered his men to kill us in the goblin tongue and search our corpses for a blue crystal staff. Edran then asks offhandedly not wanting the knight or elf to suspect anything. You two wouldn't have heard of such an artifact, would you have? Being interested in lore in such I'd like to know why hobgoblins would want such an item. Maybe it is something relating to their culture? [roll0]

2015-09-08, 04:08 PM

Star-Eyes ignores the muttering and staring with a mildly bored expression on her face. Humans are so quick to forget, and, frankly, this isn't a patch on the treatment she's received outside of Solace. At least no-one's been stupid enough to throw anything yet.

Her good humour spikes, slightly, when Otik at least recognises her... and plummets when she has to share a table with the battered and bloodied strangers. Especially the plainswoman, with her non-warm, non-welcoming expression. Today is just getting better and better. She takes a seat in the corner, and props up her vallenwood staff against the wall - but within easy reach.

"The guards asked us about a blue crystal staff," she offers, diffidently as the strangers explain why they look like they've been attacked. "Aside from the fact that it's an old legend, I don't know very much about it. It's old - from before the Cataclysm - and supposedly has healing properties. Oh, and the High Theocrat here desperately wants it... or has it, perhaps. Amet wasn't terribly clear, but I think he's looking for it. Apparently to the point of hiring goblins to rob travellers," she adds, sourly. What a return to Solace - goblins and suspicious guards. It's probably as well that it was Amet at the road block, rather than a stranger.

"...And I appreciate you not bleeding on me,"

2015-09-08, 04:22 PM
At the mention of the crystal staff, Abraim barks a bitter, cynical laugh.
"Feh, a legendary healing item... What a load of horse dung!"
As he puts away his healing supplies, he pats the items affectionately. "These are the only healing items that can be counted on. If one waits around for so called magical healing, one might as well wait until the gods decide to turn back their attention to us discarded toys. There's no use in putting faith in legends and hearsay. It all turns out to be dust and lies in the end anyway."
As he settles into a more comfortable position he sighs wearily, and casts occasional glances towards the kitchen area, eagerly awaiting their food and drink.
After a moment he turns to Star-eyes and Arthur, looking them up and down. Apparently satisfied with what he sees, he puts a hand forth.
"Might as well keep basic courtesy since we're sharing a table... I'm Abraim." He says gruffly, although some of the temper seems to have gone out of him after his tirade about the staff.

2015-09-08, 04:54 PM

"I suppose having a staff of healing would make the Seeker religion more... I don't know... plausible?" Star-Eyes shrugs. "If they can claim to have sacred healing powers granted by their gods, they'll receive a lot of converts. Though I would have thought they'd be quieter about acquiring it if that were the case," she adds with a frown as she tries to put the pieces of the puzzle together - less out of interest in the result, more as a way of passing the time until the food gets here. "Maybe someone is claiming to have found it, and the Seekers are feeling threatened? Or... maybe it's just this High Theocrat who is after it, and he just wants to sell it. It must be worth a fortune, after all," she shakes her head sadly.

2015-09-08, 05:23 PM

"Or it may be worth nothing save for the sentimental value." Arthur says in response to Star-Eyes suggesting that the High Theocrat wants to sell such an artifact, "After all, it's power might have stemmed directly from the Old Gods, and they haven't been answering prayers since the cataclysm."

Arthur then turns his attention to the three travelers and says, "If the High Theocrat did hire this Toede to accost you, I would not recommend staying in town for long. In fact," Arthur says leaning in and lowering his voice, "Seeing as this is the last Inn in town that is friendly to strangers you may wish to get a very early start tomorrow." Arthur grins as though he had just made a joke as he leans back and says, "But for now let us enjoy the hospitality of this inn, and since as a knight-errant I feel that is a personal failing of mine that you were attacked on the road, allow me to pay for your meal and stay from my own purse."

2015-09-08, 05:55 PM
The plainswoman doesn't even feign interest in the philosophical conversation about mythical gods or the ethical failings of local bogeymen.

But when the knight offers to pay their way she becomes alert and suspicious. All too many times she's seen wealthy city folk try to buy the good graces of her people. "That is not necessary, knight-errant," she stumbles over the unfamiliar phrase, adding defensively, "We don't need your gifts."

2015-09-08, 06:28 PM
Edran casts a sharp look at Lightfeather and says to the knight. Actually, at least I would appreciate your help. Though I'll leave it up to Abraim Edran turns his attention his friend. Abraim, I'll leave it up to you. Should we let this knight help us? I think it would be rude not to accept his hospitality myself. He then changes the subject back to the staff Abraim, I know we haven't had much luck finding evidence of the old gods, but this could be our chance! I think the staff must be real. Why else would the high theocrat try to kill over it? Such an artifact would be a threat to the seeker religion.

2015-09-08, 10:22 PM

Edran's glare is confusing, and the woman's minimal responding expression mostly conveys mistrust at the strangers. But then she supposes they are of the same ilk, and may be more trusting of their own kind than she is. She'll remain wary on her companions' behalf.

2015-09-09, 03:38 AM
"Alright. First." Abraim says, turning his attention to Edran. "Don't get your hopes up. we searched for five years, and I searched alone for almost as long before that. We found absolutely nothing. The chances of something just incidentally showing up now? Non-existent."

He turns to Light-feather. "Second. No reason to look like you stepped in something foul, Feathers. He's a knight. Being kind and helpful to strangers is more important than breathing to them. Taking the food won't harm you, or oblige you to do anything in return."

"And third!" Abraim says, turning to Arthur while taking in a breath between his words. "...." He pauses, not quite sure what to say at first.
"Thank you kindly for your offer. I'll take it. The only thing better than beer is free beer, after all."

2015-09-09, 01:02 PM

The slender elf makes to wave away the offer, then hesitates a moment and gives a little shrug.

"If you would like to pay for the food and drink, I would appreciate it. I do not, however, require a room. I have my own home here in Solace," she says firmly, before turning to give the newcomers a faintly puzzled look. "You were looking for the old gods? Why?"

2015-09-09, 03:57 PM
Suddenly, Tika showed up in front of the table, carrying 5 glasses of ale in one hand and one big dish of the famous fried potatoes in the other.

"Sorry for the delay!" she said with a smile "here you go- hope you'll enjoy the meal! Let me know if you wish to order something else from the menu" and than she left, going toward Will, which she asked "could I get you anything else?"

While wondering on the question, the dark man has noticed something strange, something only he, Star Eyes and Abraim has noticed- the third for standing from the outside, the second thanks for her heritage and the third for no drunk can survive for long without opening his eyes and hears. Apparently, stitching themselves up in public was not such a good idea- everyone was looking at them, horrified and suspicious toward the people who came in, covered with blood, a bringing with them stories of war and death.

However, that was not the only attention they have drawn.

While their friends were arguing about who would pay for the food, the three has noticed that someone new has entered the inn- a man which was dressed with high quality brown robs and which had a priestly medallion around his neck. He radiated authority, as a person who knew he was important and that he could have done anything he wanted to do. Near him, was another person- a soldier with light armor which carried the same symbol as the priest. Star Eyes recognized the soldier as one of the people who checked her and Arthur as they entered the city. Will knew immediately who the priest was- it was Hederick, the High Theocrat of Solace.

They could have seen the soldier whisper something to the Theocrat before pointing toward the table around which the five has sat and leaving quickly- and afterward the priest's look was locked on them, filled with some sort of hunger they couldn't understand. While the sight was alarming, before the could do anything someone else has came toward the table, cutting the conversation in the middle. It was the old storyteller, the two kids standing behind him.

"I'm sorry to interrupt" he said with a kind smile "but I've heard your conversation and couldn't ignore it. You were talking about the Old Gods and some sort of artifact named the Blue Crystal Staff, right?" he stroke his beard "well, if you like, maybe there is something I can help you with" he pet one of the kids on his head "a story which may be relevant to you all. Would you to hear it?"

2015-09-09, 04:41 PM

Well, that's... ugh. This is not how she wanted to spend her evening. Star-Eyes glowers at the strangers Tika had seated with her and the knight.

"While I wouldn't normally have a problem listening to your stories, Old One, I believe the Seeker guards may be about to ask us some rather pointed questions," she says, irritation clear in her voice, though she doesn't bother to move. It's not like running is going to make the guards want to talk to her less, and Amet at least knows where she lives - as the only elf in Solace, she's not exactly unobtrusive. Besides, she's done nothing wrong.

"You may wish not to be seen with us when they arrive," she adds, a little more gently. "I don't know if they want to talk to these three about their 'goblin' attack, or they plan to attempt to arrest me for being unrepentantly elven, but I doubt their attentions will be particularly enjoyable,"

2015-09-09, 04:48 PM
Edran grins at the old man and saysI for one am constantly searching for new tales to tell, go on tell it. What harm is there in spinning a good yarn?

2015-09-09, 05:28 PM
"Shure, shure." Abraim says through a mouthful of potatoes, quickly washing it down with a large swig of ale. "I wouldn't mind a story." He says after swallowing the food "If nothing else it can take my mind of this horrible day..."

Abraim continues eating, and while his attention seems to be divided between the old man and the feast in front of him, he makes sure to keep an eye on the robed man and his cohort. They smell of trouble... Abraim thinks to himself.

2015-09-09, 07:47 PM
The plainswoman frowns at Abraim. "Lightfeather. Oaf," she says without hostility. When she can she asks Tika for a bowl of hearty soup. She ignores the stares of others, knowing these folk prefer false courtesy over practicality.

She watches the robed, self-important man for any sense of approaching trouble, but is glad for the old man's willingness to calm the people with a tale. Its very much what she would do herself if she thought these people would understand or respect anything she said.

2015-09-11, 12:52 PM

Momentarily distracted from the possible danger the High Theocrat represents by the old storyteller, Arthur smiles and nods eagerly, passing the old man his untouched mug of ale to help wet his whistle.

2015-09-11, 03:49 PM
The old storyteller looks at Star Eyes and says "oh- don't worry, it won't be long. Besides, there is always a time for a good story" he smiles, takes a chair and sits next to the table, the two children sit on the floor next to him "besides, people should not underestimate stories. After all" his smile got a little bit sad "you can never know when they would turn into reality. Anyway, this is a little known story about the old gods and their chosen- the legendary Knight of Solamnia, Huma Dragonbane.."

And than the old man starts telling a story of bravery, heroism, death and hope. He tells how Huma, a simple knight of the Crown, has rose to greatness. How the darkness of a powerful and jealous goddess, the Dark Queen, has covered the land as she wished to become the sole ruler of Krynn. How the knight fought her forces, the great beasts who breath fire and destruction. How he followed a white stag, a messenger of the Valiant Warrior to Ergoth and how, by the help of a mysterious woman, he discovered and forged the legendary weapon who could have slayed the children of the Queen, the mighty dragons- the dragonlance. He told them the tragic ending of the hero, of how he fought face to face against the Queen and forced her to submission- to never enter Krynn again, as long as the world is whole. Among those who were in the inn, Will was the only one to feel a chill in his spine during the tale- it brought up all kinds of memories he preferred to forget.

"This is where the Huma's story's end- yet another has just began.." said the storyteller, and he kept going- telling them about the Age of Might, of how the Holy Empire of Istar rose to greatness, vanquishing every shadow which has covered the land and bringing light and prosperity. How the people followed the Kingpriest as a god and put their faith in him without thinking twice. How, in his hubris, the last Kingpriest claimed to be one with the gods- and by doing so brought the Mountain of Fire to Anslaon, which erased all hope and has started the Age of Despair.

"This is where the story usually ends" he said, finally "yet, everything has an end- and beginning. Some say that one day, the old gods would return, and their light would shine again in the heart of their faithful. They say that as a sign for their return, they would grant the Lightbringer, the prophet of the gods of Light, a long lost item of great power- an holy staff made out of pure, blue crystal. That artifact was last said to be seen during the Age of Dreams, and that it would be discovered again only in a time of great need. When it would happen, then the chosen must return it to the temple of the goddess who blessed it- the the fallen City of Xak Tsaroth. There, they will face their greatest peril- in exchange for the greatest gift of the gods back to the world..."

After he finished talking, there were few moments of perfect silence, as all of the inn's costumers were in awe of the story- and then, the silence was broken by a single word.


2015-09-11, 05:41 PM
As the old man starts telling his story Wil stands up and moves closer so as to hear better. Wil also recognised the High Theocrat as he entered so he moved to a space he could watch him his reaction. Wil was wary of Hederik as he knew he was the man in charge of the recent changes to Solace and as such he also thoroughly disliked him. Wil gets distracted from his distrustful glaring though by the old man's captivating tale. He's brought sharply out of his fascination by Hederiks outburst and turns towards him angrily.

"Blasphemy? The history of our world now offends your religion somehow. What right do you have to be hassling an old man telling a story!" Wil shouts. He's not really thinking about what he says as he's more interested in venting his anger at the High Theocrat.

2015-09-12, 10:30 AM
Edran stands up, walks over and interposes himself between the two arguing men. He then says Come now goodsirs, is it really worth fighting over this story? It was merely tonight's entertainment, I should know I am an entertainer Edran emphasizes this point by pointing at the finely crafted lute on his back. Now how about we change the subject away from old, dated tales of gods and heroes, and I perform a song for everyone's entertainment? [roll0]

2015-09-12, 10:53 AM
Hederick doesn't even look at Edran as he yells at Will "You there to stand against the might of the High Theocrat of Solace?! We have tolerated your presence for long enough! Any person at his right mind would recognize the heresy in that man's story- the Old Gods are gone! They have left us behind, to feed upon dust and waste! They won't ever return- for we the Seekers have searched them for years, and yet they gave us no sign! Instead, we found new gods to guide our path! Their word is the law, and our word is their word! Anyone who dares to anger the word of the New Gods by challenging their priests- or worse, by denying their faith- would suffer from the consequences.."

As he talks, the heroes can feel how the atmosphere in the inn is changing- people has started to become disturbed and worried, fearing the words of the priest. They turned their look toward the Will, the party and the old storyteller (who has simply kept petting the children calmly, singing to himself an old song), and they could have felt how they judged them- heretics, strangers, dangers to their everyday life. The High Theocrat said they were enemies of faith, so they need to be punished.

OOC- you may roll Sense Motive against Hederick.

2015-09-12, 12:08 PM

The elf looks around in alarm at this brand new mess that seems to be forming, with herself in the center, and decides to step in. Standing quickly waving her hands placatingly at everyone.

"I'm sure the old man didn't intend to disrispect you, Seeker. Perhaps you could tell us the stories of the New Gods? And with them show the, um, self-evident truth of the Seeker religion that will undoubtedly convince all who hear it that the Old Gods have abandoned the world and all who dwell within and... and that the New Gods are the ones who truly deserve our respect and reverence," Star-Eyes says, inventing furiously in an attempt to stave off what looks to be an impending catastrophe. "While no-one could truly forget out being abandoned by the Old Gods, and the destruction they wrought upon us, much less forgive it," she goes on, with a pointed glare at the others around the table in the hopes they won't try to contradict her. "It would undoubtedly be good for us to hear, er, such a one as you pontificate on the subject,"

2015-09-12, 12:45 PM

Athur personally had enjoyed the Old Man's story, it reminded him of many of the other stories he had heard growing up. It was even possible that Huma Dragonsbane never existed, or that he was never a knight of Solamnia but became one for this night since a knight of Solamnia was present. Whatever the case, it was a wonderful story that would inspire listeners to hold on despite how dark and hopeless the world seemed... or at least it would have if the local clergy hadn't have just named it heresy.

What's worse, some local with a death-wish seems to have talked back to the High Theocrat. Despite his personal feelings towards a man that would name such a heartening story heresy, Arthur decides to step in and intervene lest the Inn erupt in violence. "Your grace, please forgive this poor drunkard," Arthur says to the High Theocrat putting a hand on Will's shoulder (and giving it a subtle squeeze to hopefully have him remain silent), "He must be deep enough in his cups to have become enamored with that fanciful tale. Knights, Great Beasts, Magic and Miracles. It is enough to get one's blood pumping! Though blood thinned with alcohol has a tendency to run away from one's good sense. Don't you agree sir?"

2015-09-12, 01:51 PM

I'm not drunk Wil thought before immediately realising that he had in fact drunk a fair number of ales which was something he hadn't done in several years. Looking round the inn he could see the angry looks being directed at him after the High Theocrats impassioned speech. This isn't going as well as I hoped, should have thought this through a bit more. Angry as he was Wil didn't want to pick a fight with the entirety of his hometown on his first day back but he wasn't going to back down before the High Theocrats bullying either.

"I apologise oh High Theocrat" He says "I did not mean to speak ill of the mighty new gods. I shall leave you to act out their will in harassing an old man for telling children's stories." He stops at this point realising that he'd let his mouth run away from himself once more.

2015-09-12, 01:54 PM
Hederick looks with contempt at Arthur and Star Eyes and says "An elf and a knight there to speak to me? Strangers! Enemies! Where were your people when the mountain fell on our heads? You left us to rot, keeping all of the wealth of the land to yourself! Close in your far forests and warm citadels! Dare not to lecture us about our faith! Surrender now- or that the guards would arrest you with force!"

OOC- spot check

2015-09-12, 02:40 PM

Star-Eyes treats the Seeker priest to an icy look, before folding her arms rather pointedly and sitting back down in her seat. Fine. If he's going to be like that... to hell with diplomacy and peace. This is personal.

"Well, my mother's father, brothers and sister-in-law were in Istar, where a human invoked the spite of the gods who devasted the entire continent for his arrogance," she says, loudly and clearly, with ice tinkling off every syllable. "You cry about the destruction, you rage about events that happened long before your grandfather's grandfather was born. And why? It never hurt you. But the elves? There are many of us who lived through those dark days, who lost close kin to them. If we survived the Cataclysm better than other races, then it is because we dealt with the fallout better than most.

"Were our positions reversed, would the humans have helped the elves in the Famine Times? I don't think so, somehow. They were hard days, and all anyone, human, elf or ogre could do was survive. There was little to spare for strangers," her lip curls in derision as she looks around the crowded inn. "The gods abandoned everyone. They hurt us all, but there are those amongst the elves for whom the hurt is still fresh. As for surrendering to you...?" Star-Eyes gives the High Theocrat a hard look, mingled with contempt. "No. I shall not. I have committed no crime; I haven't even comitted blasphemy, which still is not a crime in Solace. I have lived here longer than you, and I have done more for this town than you, I think. I have made houses and homes for these people, I have cared for them and done my best to help them in the hard times of their lives.

"But what have you done, Seeker? What has your religion done for these people? Taken their money in tithes to hire guards to keep them in line? I hear just lately your thugs have taken to robbing travellers on the road. Is this your service to Solace? If it is, I think we can do quite well without you," she spits out the last words as she glares up at the High Theocrat from her seat.

2015-09-12, 03:05 PM
"Arrested! For what, listening to an old mans fireside tale? I see now that you are just an insecure bully using fear and intimidation to keep this once peaceful town in check." Wil angrily retorts.

2015-09-13, 04:35 PM
The plainswoman pays scant attention during the old man's story. She's heard similar flights of fancy before; tall tales the city folk whisper to keep themselves comforted in cold, lonely nights. The Que-Shu and their cousins understand the harshness of the world and know they can truly only rely on themselves.

This she concentrates on her stew and the near apoplectic theocrat.

Voices continue to rise, however, and she realizes she must have missed something when suspicious, angry eyes are turned toward her table. Did somebody say something about being arrested? The elf across the table seethes and venomously refutes the theocrat's stilten perspective. Lightfeather knows little about the Seekers in general, but she can't help but agree with the elf's argument.

She isn't sure what to expect here, but she's not taking chances. She keeps her chair turned just enough to grant her free movement should she need to fight or flee. There was simply no way she would trust her fate to "civilized" justice.

2015-09-13, 05:22 PM
Edging towards Lightfeather and Edran, Abraim adresses them in a low voice. "We should see about getting out of here, post-haste. That fat fool isn't going to listen to reason now that he's scented blood."
With slow, relaxed motions Abraim edges his staff closer to him, while simultaniously shifting in his seat to ready for a quick dash towards the door.

Abraim tries to get ready to run without giving it away. So a hide check, I guess, to not draw attention.
I'll roll it just in case.

Hide: [roll0]

Oh, and those spot and sense motive checks people keep mentioning.

Spot: [roll1]
Sense motive: [roll2]

2015-09-14, 03:20 PM
As Hederick argues with both Will and Star Eyes, the party members notice that Otik has left his place and started walking to the other side of the inn. Using the fuss, he unlocks the backdoor and than goes quickly to his sit. While he couldn't outright interfere with the issues of the Seekers, at least he was able to give them an escape rout. That was the least he could do.

And he did so with a perfect timing.

Just as he finished with the task, Abraim tried to quietly find a place to hide- without much success. Instead, he accidentally kicked his chair, struck a stranger with his elbow and hit his leg with the corner of the table. The not so elegant sounds made by the failed escape process has drawn the attention of the High Theocrat, who immediately screamed "They try to escape! Catch them! Catch them!"

To his command, five soldiers of the Seeker Militia has entered thorough the front door, all well armed and their eyes focused on the heroes- while the rest of the inn's patrons has looked has jumped from their sits and tried to go as far as they could from the heroes, screaming and cursing the damn strangers who has destroyed their silent autumn evening.

2015-09-14, 03:30 PM
Edran calls out to his companions Abraim, Lightfeather and anyone who doesn't want to end up in prison out the back door! Quickly! I'll slow them down! Edran moves as close to the back door as possible. Then focusing and pulling a pork rind from his spell component pouch Edran casts a spell. Edran casts grease in the area in front of the oncoming guards.

2015-09-14, 03:59 PM
Eager to please the High Theocrat, the five soldiers ran directly toward the greased floor. Being trained soldiers, most of them has recognized their mistake- yet one didn't. Running with his full speed toward the spell, he slipped and fell on his back, a scream of surprised escaping his mouth, which quickly has turned into a scream of pain. His friend was a bit more lucky- moving around and around like a ballerina, he almost joined his friend on the floor- yet he managed to stabilized himself in the last moment. The three other soldiers, however, kept moving on- maybe a bit more slowly, but their determination didn't waned, not even as people has started laughing on their fallen friends.

2015-09-14, 04:12 PM
"Well, so much for a restful night..." Abraim says, and grabs his tankard of ale before turning towards the backdoor. He drains it as he starts running. Most people would have had difficulties with drinking while running, but not Abraim. This was not the first time he'd had to partake in alcohol while beating a hasty retreat.

2015-09-14, 05:15 PM
Having done something to slow down the soldiers Edran follows Abraim's lead and bolts for the exit.

2015-09-14, 05:52 PM
As much as Wil wants to punch the smug priest in the face he recognises that discretion is the better part of valour and joins the others in heading to the back door.

2015-09-14, 06:02 PM
Without hesitation, Lightfeather grabs her bow and stands on her chair, stepping into the table as she snatches up her wooden bowl with her left hand. "Come, elf!" She leaps over the table and sends her bowl spinning through the air at the lead guard.

And she deftly slides through the room toward the safety.

Frisbee doom!

Attack [roll0] includes improvised weapons penalty

2015-09-15, 05:04 AM
The bowl hits the guard in his chest, making him to almost lose his balance and fall like his friend- yet, just at the last moment he managed to balance himself and he kept going, angrier than ever.

2015-09-15, 06:43 AM

She gives the plainswoman a look of frank astonishment as Lightfeather has the temerity to order her to run.

"Run? Run? You may flee if you wish, barbarian, but do not presume I will do the same," Star-Eyes says, her voice burning with fury. She dips a hand into one of the pouches at her waist, and retrieves a simplie piece of sheeps wool, as her other hand begins shaping the appropriate motions and she intones the words of power that will bring the spell to life. As she speaks the final word, and completes the final gesture, she stands and reaches for the old vallenwood staff leaning against her chair.

The elf takes two steps forward, getting clear of the table, and slams the end of the staff on the floorboards of the inn in a resounding blow. All around her and, indeed, through most of the bar, a thin blue mist is rising, and... figures, pale and translucent, rise from the floor and come through the walls and hang, hovering in the air around the room, their lifeless eyes gazing emptily out at the patrons. Two take up flanking positions behind Star-Eyes, like an honour guard. Another hovers menacingly over the entrance, and yet another looms over the back door.

Star-Eyes brigs her staff down on the the floor again, to ensure she has everyone's attention.

"You will cease this obstreperous brawling. Now. You," she shouts, pointing to the guards. "Lower your weapons. You," she directs her ire towards the Seeker, "will sit down and be quiet. And you..." she goes on, turning to face the party fleeing towards the back door. "...are going to pay for the damages you caused and the food that you ate. This is my home and I will not tolerate these ridiculous disturbances. Is that understood?"

On the basis that Arthur will probably want to collect his horse, and I didn't prepare enough Haste for everyone, Star-Eyes is trying to get the group out of the front door, get us a headstart and delay the guards as they try to find enough force to tackle a full wizard who can conjure up a dozen spectres.

We're probably still going to have to run, though.

Star-Eyes is using Silent Image to conjure up the mist and spectres. It lasts as long as she concentrates, and is capable of filling a 50' cubed area - and she can maintain it from up to 600 feet away.

If the guards and patrons somehow figure out how to interact with incorporeal creatures, they're entitled to a DC13 Will save to disbelieve them.

2015-09-16, 09:39 AM

When the High Theocrat announced his intention to arrest him and his new acquaintances, Arthur stepped back to the table and dug out a purse of fifty steel as both payment for his hospitality, and apology for the unfortunate turn of events. When Star-Eyes summons a host of spirits to the inn, Arthur has to quickly reassess whether or not to trust the mage. Necromancy of this level was surely evidence of a black mage wasn't it? Nevertheless, Arthur's trusting nature wins out, and steps up next to the mage facing the approaching soldiers, blade drawn, but lowered. Though he is also in a prime position to turn on the mage should she start harming the innocent bystanders of the inn who only wanted to drink in peace.

2015-09-25, 04:13 PM
As the spirits manifested from thin air, everyone stopped with horror for a second- and than started to scream with fear. The Inn's patrons quickly ran toward the exist, both the front and the rear, yelling about undead abominations who came to take their lives away. Many has stumbled upon the greased surface, loosing their balance and falling down on the floor. Both Tika and Otik has found escape behind the counter, hiding from both the mortal and undead threats. Even the soldiers of the Seeker's militia stood frozen- yet Hedrick, as afraid as he was, didn't wavered.

"Witch!" he screamed "You dare to call this place your home?! You defile it by your very presence you damn soul! The gods of the Seekers condemn you and your friends! There would be no Solace for your kind in here!" he commanded the soldiers "Don't be afraid of the shades of the dead! The might of the new gods would protect you! keep the witch and her friends in bay while I'll call for help!"

And with those words, he fled the Inn, leaving the soldiers a bit shaken, yet still motivated.

2015-09-25, 06:14 PM
Wil stumbles to a stop as the spectral figures begin to rise from the floor before concentrating to see if he can tell how Star Eyes had brought them into being. He is somewhat distracted from this though by the stampede caused by the spell and the high theocrats words. Wil moves slightly closer to the exit with the crowd of standers by but doesn't fully exit, wanting to see what happened next. He was considering joining Star Eyes in fight against the guards if it came down to it as he too knew what it was like to be persecuted for magical abilities.

Standard: Starts using his detect magic spell like ability. Concentration (if needed due to the crowd rushing past him): [roll0].
Move: move towards the door with the crowd but doesn't exit yet.

2015-09-25, 07:57 PM
Edran draws his sword and shouts My nor my friend's escape will not be thwarted by this Necromancy! I'd rather die on my feet! He then stabs the ghost blocking the door.

2015-09-26, 08:35 AM
As if the Theocrat were't making things dangerous enough, the elf had surely gone mad. Not only was her stubborn refusal to acknowledge the delicacy of the situation dangerous, she was violating peaceful spirits to threaten the living.

Were she not intent on getting herself and her companions out alive, she would kill the elf now. As it is she curses the witch in Abanasinian and helps Abraim away.

2015-09-26, 09:58 AM
As Will close his eyes and focus, he manage to feel the tingling of magic in the edge of his fingers- yet, he doesn't know which type of power is it. Was it the conjuration spell which called the dead from their grave? Or perhaps the beings themselves were magical, and radiated with necromatic power? He had to take his time and analyze the power- time, which he may not had.

OOC- you need to wait for 2 more rounds while using your ability, and than roll for Spellcraft check to recognize the School of the magic. All you know is that those beings are magical.

2015-09-26, 11:32 AM
Edran slash through the spirit with valor- only to find nothing. For a moment, he reminded of the ancient stories about the unquiet dead- that no mundane weapon should be able to hurt them, making them immune to the attacks of mortal men. Yet, that fear has quickly vanished- Julith's Horn was no regular weapon. It was a magical one, and hit hit the target right. All of his senses told him the attack should have cut through the ether and hit the monster. Yet, against all chance, it failed. When the thought has crossed his mind, he was able to see the truth- mists, spirits and shadows, all have turned into nothings and shimmering light. They were illusions, nothing more.

The Rest
Everyone look as Edran cuts through the spirits, yet with no avail. The spirits seem to be true to the old ghost stories they have all heard as children- no weapon can cut them. Seeing that, the soldiers flinch, wondering how could they harm which does not belong to this world. They stop from coming closer, yet they still don't go away- for that would be betraying their duty, and may have them being punished by the High Theocrat himself.

2015-09-26, 02:52 PM
Upon realizing that the "specters" were nothing more than a simple illusion spell but, seeing that his friends still believe the Elf's trickery he decides that he couldn't risk the lives of his companions any longer. He yells out Do not be fooled my friends, the elf has done nothing more than deceive us with smoke and mirrors! These "ghosts" are nothing more than an illusion! Come escape while there is still time! I for one have no intention of spending the night in prison! To prove his point Edran sprints straight through the illusory specter and out the back entrance, hoping his friends would soon follow.

2015-09-26, 03:15 PM

She watches in apalled horror as the High Theocrat runs past the guard specters and out the door, and then in even more horror at moron who is actually attacking the specters. She's just about to tell him not to be so stupid, when the nitwit goes and tells everyone - including the damn guards - that her spell isn't real.

The angry, bewildered elf who copes poorly with rapid change at the best of times - and right now is very much not the best of times - is reduced to nigh incoherent fury.

"What in the Abyss is wrong with you all?!" she blazes at the crowd. "Mother preserve us, has someone been putting stupid pills in this town's water supply while I've been gone? Is that what has infested the idiot who just ran out the back door? He lives only because I have no desire to kill anyone for this... this stupidity. Though I must admit he is coming very close to crossing that line,"

Still snarling under her breath, Star-Eyes stalks over to the counter and slaps down a handful of change, while fixing the guards with a furious look which she hopes defies them to attack her.

"Knight? Bring the old man. If I must resolve this idiocy then I can at elast see the instigators safe," she glowers at the remaining companions. "If you want to live, come with me. If you want to be hunted down, follow the idiot. It's a simple choice,"

She turns and stalks towards the exit, skirting the grease puddle that was oh-so-thoughtfully provided by the seeming apprentice. The one who apparently has a death wish.

...Seriously, what the hell are you doing?

2015-09-26, 04:59 PM
Having stopped short of the backdoor as the elf summoned her magic, Abraim had simply watched the situation unfold with an odd sense of calm. Why does this always happen to me? He wondered idly, more or less unfazed by everything happening, as Edran lunged at the ghostly creatures, and subsequently unveiled to the whole room that they were nothing more than illusions.
And why am I not more worried? Am I really so jaded, that I've gotten used to this brand of oddness? Gods, I have problems...

Seeing Edran rush by him out the door pulled Abraim out of his thoughts, and with a world weary sigh he took one more glance around the room, before following his companion out the backdoor. Run out of a village by disgruntled peasants. Again.

2015-09-26, 05:21 PM
as Star Eyes looks around, she notice that the children are alone. The old storyteller has vanished, and all that was left behind are few scared patrons and a number of a very confused guardians.

OOC- *evil DM laughter*

2015-09-26, 05:42 PM

Arthur was much relieved when it was revealed that the specters were mere illusion. The moral quandry of protecting a necromancer was weighing heavily on him. Now Athur realized that the elf was merely too proud to be sensible. Arthur never considered himself smart, but at the least he was no fool. Reaching out and holding the elf back from approaching the guards Arthur says, "Please reconsider miss, even if you survive the predetermined trial, this town is home to you no longer. Look at the faces of those around, they are terrified of you, and will not allow you to remain. "

2015-09-28, 07:02 AM

"I am not staying. I shall return to Qualinesti, or perhaps Wayreth," she sighs aloud, as she pauses at the front door. It seems the old man has fled... somehow... at least, which is the first positive thing to happen all day. Unless he's just hiding beyond her ability to spot him which, really, isn't all that implausible. "However, unlike the fools fleeing for the back, I have not forgotten that we are almost fifty feet above the ground! The 'back door' they are running for is the rope that the inn uses to haul its deliveries up here, and all it would take is one blow from an axe to cut the rope and send those on it plummeting to the ground where it would be a simple matter for the guards to arrest the broken-limbed mess that results. The stairs are much safer, and, I suspect faster than any safe progression down a rope that was not intended for climbing. Besides, Sir Knight, do you not want to collect your horse before departing?" Stay-Eyes adds, as she gently opens the front door and steps out into night-time Solace.