View Full Version : Roleplaying What would this character's backstory be?

2015-09-03, 04:07 PM
I've been trying to land on a Point Buy build where I can max my main stat, as well as increasing every other stat to at least 14. Sort of a non-Bard Jack of all Trades. My favorite right now is a Half-Elf Fighter with 11 STR, 13 DEX, 13 CON, 13 INT, 13 WIS, and 12 CHA before racial modifiers.

I'd bump DEX, INT, and CHA up to 14 with racial modifiers. At some point I'd take Resilient (WIS), and along the way, I would increase CON to 14 and STR to 20. I'd also have room for one feat. I like Great Weapon Master, but the wait might kill me.

I think it would be cool to play a character who starts as a (relative) weakling, but is one of the strongest humanoids in the world by the end of his adventuring career. He'd have to rely on bows/finesse weapons to start, but hopefully he'd make up for his combat mediocrity with ALL THOSE 14s. Maybe he's a scrawny youth, and his party members let him know it, but he's handy in other ways.

That said, I don't really know what a good backstory/personality would be to slap on this character. I thought I might use a modified Noble background to explain how the character is well-rounded (spent his life studying), but I haven't thought of anything interesting. Maybe he's apprenticed to a Bard, and that's why he knows a good deal about many different things. Or he carries his grandfather's greatsword, in the hopes of one day being able to use it properly.

Obviously this isn't optimized, but I'd love any ideas you might have as to how you would roleplay this array/progression.

2015-09-03, 09:17 PM
Rolling on the background personality tables can help you to get out of slumps in character creation, and helps characters be more filled out.

2015-09-03, 11:04 PM
I've been trying to land on a Point Buy build where I can max my main stat, as well as increasing every other stat to at least 14. Sort of a non-Bard Jack of all Trades. My favorite right now is a Half-Elf Fighter with 11 STR, 13 DEX, 13 CON, 13 INT, 13 WIS, and 12 CHA before racial modifiers.

Have you considered a non variant human fighter? With so many odd numbers, it would be nice to have +1 to all attributes.

2015-09-03, 11:17 PM
Have you considered a non variant human fighter? With so many odd numbers, it would be nice to have +1 to all attributes.

Yes, if you're just concerned about raising as many attributes as high as possible, default human gives you +6 attribute points to start whereas the closest other two races (Mountain Dwarf and Half-Elf) just give +4.

2015-09-03, 11:26 PM
He's going to have 6 skill proficiencies to start with (and never any more unless you multi-class or pick some up via downtime rules). Do you have a set in mind?

2015-09-04, 02:17 AM
I agree the the regular human is a good choice for getting all your stats maxed. If you do that, I strongly recommend you start with you 12 in Wis, take Resilient(Wis) as your second ASI at level 6 (after bumping your primaries). Then it will be and odd number for you to split an ASI with something else, bumping it up to 14.

Also, if you're going for a Strength based fighter, you're going to want to start your strength higher than your dex. If you like the stats as they are though, it could be very interesting RP/backstory wise for him to start off as some puny dex-based guy who's only really learned how to shoot a bow and arrow (primarily for ceremonial reasons), and have him become stronger as he journeys.

If you don't want to do that story-wise, perhaps consider switching the 11 to Cha or Int, and put a 13 in Str from the beginning, then go mountain dwarf and get you primary stats up to 15 from the get go. Use your first ASI to bump your Str and Con to 16, then take Resilient(Wis) at 6th. (If doing this with Cha, switch the 12 to Wis. That way, when you take Resilient(Wis), it'll be up to 13 for you to split an ASI with something.)

Also, why are you choosing Resilient(Wis) as your feat? There are a lot of really good feats our there for a fighter, so why in particular this one? It's definitely good, especially if you're going to be fighting a lot of casters, but it's not necessarily the best choice out there since you'll already have a decent wis.

Also, which subclass are you planning to choose?

Some RP suggestions:
If you start off with the lower Str, maybe have that be a secret source of shame for you character. He could be trying and failing to bulk up, and maybe his family (made of big, burly guys) is disappointed with his scrawniness (and he returns the strongest of them all, but knowing there are more important things then strength).

If he starts with a lower Cha, maybe he could be stuttering and nervous and shy, possibly an embarrassment to his family, possibly just the second "spare" child. As he goes on, he becomes more confident in himself, thinking he's more than just a big dumb fighter.

Perhaps he starts unaware of his surroundings (maybe with a lower Wis to start), and as you take Resilient(Wis), he becomes much more aware.

I think this is a great character concept, and there's a lot you can do with it.

2015-09-04, 02:49 PM
Find a way to bump Str to at least 12 and then multiclass in every possible class :D

2015-09-04, 03:10 PM
Thanks for the responses!

Rolling on the background personality tables can help you to get out of slumps in character creation, and helps characters be more filled out.

That's a good idea. After I posted, I remembered the NPC trait tables in the DMG, but I'll have to take some time to pick and choose traits from all the different backgrounds.

He's going to have 6 skill proficiencies to start with (and never any more unless you multi-class or pick some up via downtime rules). Do you have a set in mind?

I want Stealth, Perception, and Athletics. After that, I'd take a CHA skill (probably Persuasion), and an INT skill. Insight could be a good WIS skill for my sixth.

Yes, if you're just concerned about raising as many attributes as high as possible, default human gives you +6 attribute points to start whereas the closest other two races (Mountain Dwarf and Half-Elf) just give +4.

I definitely considered the normal human. I started out that way, but Stealth is important to me, and not having Darkvision is a big obstacle there.

Also, if you're going for a Strength based fighter, you're going to want to start your strength higher than your dex. If you like the stats as they are though, it could be very interesting RP/backstory wise for him to start off as some puny dex-based guy who's only really learned how to shoot a bow and arrow (primarily for ceremonial reasons), and have him become stronger as he journeys.

Also, why are you choosing Resilient(Wis) as your feat?

Also, which subclass are you planning to choose?

Some RP suggestions:
If you start off with the lower Str, maybe have that be a secret source of shame for you character. He could be trying and failing to bulk up, and maybe his family (made of big, burly guys) is disappointed with his scrawniness (and he returns the strongest of them all, but knowing there are more important things then strength).

Perhaps he starts unaware of his surroundings (maybe with a lower Wis to start), and as you take Resilient(Wis), he becomes much more aware.

I think this is a great character concept, and there's a lot you can do with it.

I really appreciate this response. Thanks! As far as the starting array and Resilient (WIS), the only things I had really started to flesh out in my head was that the character might be young, so it would make sense for them to be less strong or wise. And I'd definitely settled on the idea of roleplaying a character who looks to become stronger. I want to have 14 in DEX to be able to use Medium Armor and Stealth right from level 1. Originally I imagined he would be a Noble who left his family and his luxurious life to become an adventurer and increase his strength. His family wouldn't understand, because he shows promise in many other ways. I like your idea better though.

Maybe instead of being a traditional Noble, he's the son of a Barbarian chieftain or the ward of the tribe's Druid or Sorcerer. He dreams of being a warrior, but he lacks the ability to enter into a Rage. Also, his strength is only average or slightly above average among people outside of his tribe/family. Within his tribe, he's an absolute weakling. And the fact that one of his parents is not a human (or not an elf, depending on the race of the tribe) would be another source of shame.

I'd take Resilient (WIS) because it sounds like WIS and CON are the two most important common saves. I don't have a lot of actual play experience in the higher adventuring tiers, but that seems to be the consensus. My hope is that Indomitable, decent HP, and +2s in non-proficient saves would be enough to carry me for DEX and the uncommon saves. Do you think that would be true of WIS too?

I'd either take the Battlemaster or the Champion archetype. I like Eldritch Knight a lot, but for me, a lot of the fun is having high enough Intelligence to use your cantrips as a reliable replacement for a bow/javelins. I wouldn't want to pick a bunch of spells that don't rely on INT.

Champion would be cool to boost Initiative, non-proficient DEX skills like Sleight of Hand, and crits. And like I mentioned, I enjoy having a reliable ranged attack. If I took Archery as my second Fighting style (Defense would likely be my first, to make up for Stealthable Medium Armor AC) and boosted DEX to 16, my bonus to hit with a bow would be +11. Plus I tend to play with DMs who track javelins but not arrows.

In the early levels as a Battlemaster, I could make good use of Rally. And Precision attack would always be helpful for Great Weapon Master and/or a mediocre attack stat. I also like that BM gives you a Tool Proficiency, so I could take 2 languages instead of 1 language and 1 tool at character creation, and then pick up a proficiency later. And the level 7 ability to gather info on enemies might be thematic. The character would probably only have 14 STR by level 7, but he'd be an encyclopedia of monster facts. As I think about this now, the Battlemaster's ribbons are probably more appropriate to a sort of scholar-turned-warrior.

2015-09-04, 03:11 PM
Have you considered a non variant human fighter? With so many odd numbers, it would be nice to have +1 to all attributes.

Yes, if you're just concerned about raising as many attributes as high as possible, default human gives you +6 attribute points to start whereas the closest other two races (Mountain Dwarf and Half-Elf) just give +4.

Agree with these two. Be a non-variant Human.

I'm curious why you don't want to be a Bard -- it seems like a decent fit for your concept, especially the Valor path.

Fighter 20 is the best way to get the most ASIs, which will let you pretty much re-write your stats to whatever you like.

2015-09-04, 03:18 PM
My question for you is; "What's the campaign setting and tone?" Give me that, and this flavour junkie can weave you a backstory like the Fates.

Though have you considered the Folk Hero background, since he's not exactly special (read, optimized). Given that, or a variant, he could be someone inexperienced thrust into the limelight and has to grow to fill the role that his hometown/peer group/tribe expect of him, like Hiccup from the HtTYD movies (not the books, the movies).

2015-09-04, 09:51 PM
Agree with these two. Be a non-variant Human.

I'm curious why you don't want to be a Bard -- it seems like a decent fit for your concept, especially the Valor path.

I like Valor Bards a lot, and when I was originally working on normal Human builds, I planned a dip into Bard for the Jack of All Trades feature and the Light cantrip. But I didn't like that the character might have to choose between maxing STR or CHA. Or that I'd lose the Fighter's last Extra Attack. And I'd rather have Stealth.

My preferred Valor Bard build is a Half-Orc Fighter 1/Bard 19. Maxing STR and CHA satisfies my OCD. I need the ASIs for all my 14s and a 20, as silly as the build is. I might try a STR Rogue, but I'd need Medium Armor proficiency. Mountain Dwarves can do it, but I'm still trying to convince myself that I can have fun as a Dwarf, and that I could roleplay one well. I could max DEX instead and have a decent STR for (expertised) Athletics checks to climb, etc.

It probably just boils down to Fighters being my favorite.

My question for you is; "What's the campaign setting and tone?" Give me that, and this flavour junkie can weave you a backstory like the Fates.

Though have you considered the Folk Hero background...

I'm only DMing right now. LMOP and HOTDQ, so the earliest I would get to play this character would probably be the next module someone else runs. Usually we don't take ourselves too seriously, but we never go completely ridiculous (for too long). The character would probably be teased for being a Fighter who's really not that good at Fighting.

I'll have to look at Folk Hero. I'm worried that this character is destined to be a bit of a Mary Sue. He's good at everything, except for being strong, which he dedicates himself to, and eventually out-strongs everyone. I wouldn't want to be in the spotlight too much. Instead I might say that his heroic past was exaggerated or coincidental, or that the celestial who predicted his heroic future didn't mention that it was 10 levels away. So that I can poke fun at my own character or allow him to gain some humility over time.

2015-09-05, 01:35 AM
I'm only DMing right now. LMOP and HOTDQ, so the earliest I would get to play this character would probably be the next module someone else runs. Usually we don't take ourselves too seriously, but we never go completely ridiculous (for too long). The character would probably be teased for being a Fighter who's really not that good at Fighting.

I'll have to look at Folk Hero. I'm worried that this character is destined to be a bit of a Mary Sue. He's good at everything, except for being strong, which he dedicates himself to, and eventually out-strongs everyone. I wouldn't want to be in the spotlight too much. Instead I might say that his heroic past was exaggerated or coincidental, or that the celestial who predicted his heroic future didn't mention that it was 10 levels away. So that I can poke fun at my own character or allow him to gain some humility over time.

Oh, we're developing in a vacuum, like an engineer on the ISS.

You see balanced stats and see Mary Sue. I see balanced stats and see someone who's only as good as anyone else. Adventurers (PCs and their Rivals/Allies) are a cut above, so your little guy is going to be hanging about with a fighter who's stronger, a bard who's more charming, a cleric that's more devout, and a rogue who's stealthier. He's worse than any of his companions at their specializations, only able to keep up with normal folk. As he goes/grows, he gets better at what he plans to do until he's the best X in the world, but still only mediocre at everything else.

Alternatively, going by the Folk Hero background, he's the best fighter in his village, but gets a severe shake-up as he gets to a big city, where people like him are dime a dozen. Leveling takes place, and when he returns, he's taken on mythic proportions even beyond what he's actually done, and there's a lot of young hopefuls who treat him like royalty.

2015-09-05, 05:15 PM
The Urchin background could also work for this character. He hasn't had the luxury of concentrating on excellence in one area. Instead he has had to be just strong enough to put off the bullies, just dexterous enough to dodge the guard, just hearty enough to take some knocks, just wise enough to see through tricksters, just smart enough to figure out a living, just charismatic enough to use charm when necessary. He's getting by, but he's not thriving. I can see a character like this aspiring to a Fighter's physical power (strength). Maybe there was a role model in his life, but not necessarily. Even unleveled town guards or garrison troops would be visible to him and seem wonderfully powerful.

Stealth, Perception, and Athletics are all things that an Urchin would plausibly pick up. The default Urchin comes with Stealth and Sleight of Hand; I'd swap the Sleight of Hand for Perception. He's gotten good at keeping a defensive eye on his surroundings. Athletics is good for running around the town, climbing forbidden walls, etc. :)

2015-09-05, 08:48 PM
When you listed your skills as Stealth, Perception and Athletics, I got a mental image of a kid exploring nature. The strength suggests a long illness or injury. So let's say you have an active, outdoorsy kid who then winds up an invalid for a few years, cooped up indoors, so he takes to exploring books as a diversion. (A good Con doesn't mean you can't get sick; it means illness is less likely to kill you. Consider something like polio.) Eventually his health improves and now he's eager to get back out into the world and have adventures to make up for lost time.

Alternatively, you can do a variation on Steve Rogers. This is a kid who was scrawny and pretty seriously bullied when young, so he sees being big and strong as a way to be safe. The Stealth and Perception are used to evade bullies, and he takes up Athletics to improve his strength. So he actually started with an even lower strength score, and he's built up to being average.