View Full Version : Super Crits

2015-09-03, 09:00 PM
Crits are fun. Super crits are better. What's the difference? Well...

A critical success is generally when a character rolls a natural 20 on some check. If the check is within the realm of feasibility, the character usually succeeds in the most badass way possible.

Disadvantage makes a critical success almost impossible, since you have to roll two natural 20s at the same time. If it happens, however, we have a super-critical success. The character has overcome the odds to succeed in not only the most badass way possible, but the most badass way imaginable.

So, with that, I need some help putting together a super-critical table of things to roll for in the case one of these events occur. Some possible additions:

The character briefly experiences god-hood in a manner that is very upsetting to the established pantheon.

The character briefly realizes that they are a character in a game, and uses meta-knowledge to affect the outcome.

2015-09-03, 09:10 PM
The character, if possible, breaks the source of the disadvantage. Do something else if this is physically impossible with what your abilities are.

2015-09-03, 10:13 PM
So, with that, I need some help putting together a super-critical table of things to roll for in the case one of these events occur.Randomly pick one of these (http://ddowiki.com/page/Category:Unique_item_enchantments) and if it's damage reduce it to 1/4.