View Full Version : The Bat and the Mantis IC

2015-09-03, 10:01 PM
A cloud of thin wispy smoke flows through the chill night to the door of your estate, swiftly gathering into the form of a young noblemen. Thrice he knocks, loud hollow knocks that resound through the chamber within. Cordially greeting the guards with a flourishing bow, the young noble presents a message to be delivered to the tri-keen ruler before once more vanishing into a cloud of wispy smoke which too vanishes almost instantly.

The message itself is a thin scroll with the seal of the vampiric nation to the north. The message reads:

I am the Basilissa of Markovia, Serra Adler. I would like to meet with your leader to discuss our nation's future together. Please reply with your intent to parley or not so that I may make an informed decision.

2015-09-04, 12:52 AM
To call Kra'Chin's bedroom a bedroom would be blatantly false, whatever the floor-plans state, they have not been used such nor even equipped such in almost 4 years, non-the-less, there's guards beyond the room who quickly enter in confusion, taking the letter. Within a half-hour, the letter is being analysed by diplomats, as they decide on which pre-written letter to send, one even saying 'Our first has yet to arrive. This may cause some confusion.'

Perhaps 30 minutes later, another messenger begins a steady walk towards the vampire nation, the letter he bares baring the Seal of the Tohr-Kreen, used only by the nations head administrators withing the Kings house, instead of his personal seal.

Greetings Basilissa, and the court of Markovia

It's not often we of the Kreen decide to look past our borders, but unlike my predecessor, I intend to look beyond the trees, to the forest therein.
And I intend to look with the eyes of our mountain kin, for as I stand with one side to hostile ocean, on side blocked by the land of the gods themselves, how could I not when all claim those to restrict my sides to be among the heights of evil?
In truth, I doubt one could reach those heights, and if nothing else, evil is relative, I'm sure we would be so reviled if we still called ourselves Thri- instead of Tohr-.

And so, I would ask you, Basilissa, leader of the dra-trin of Markovia, do you look to the south and see only more food, or would you look to us and see an opportunity for mutual growth?

May you ever wander in the shade,
Kra'Chin, Scion of Sid'jax, Champion of the Kreen.

Kreen: People
Thri: Hunters
Tohr: Civilized
Dra-Trin: Sleeping People

Greetings Basilissa, and the court of Markovia

I'm heartened that you bare no ill will, and would wish to meet. I have tasks to which I must intend, and will be outside The Vale, in truth, outside my lands. However, I shall be returning before the week is out.

Knowing how taxing the reigns of rulership are however, I would invite you to join me and mine at Stonespire, in celebrations of the Summer Equinox. While such a day my be nigh-anathemic to you, know we have suitable accommodations for the ruling caste of Markovia. How could we not, given how much we enjoy the shade? Do note however, I do not intend for you to be the only one joining us in our celebrations.

If you would wish to speak earlier, do request so while informing me when would be best for you, and I can arrange a time, likely within The Warrens.

May you ever wander in the shade,
Kra'Chin, Scion of Sid'Jax, Champion of the Kreen.

Summer equinox should fall on the second week of the second month of summer. Due to rulership rules, we're stuck in our capitals for the first month/four weeks of each season, and I don't think that even we, working 3* as fast due to not needing sleep, can get around that.
I intend to perform the requirements of rule in the first 4 weeks, however you can use any 4 weeks. I don't think you visiting during that time would break up that time unless something insane happens.

You know, I was waiting for Gaiy to hurry up and post in my IC before this.

2015-09-04, 02:28 PM
Serra's brow furrows as she reads the first note, crumpling it up and throwing it across the room in anger as she moves on to the next letter. As she reads it, a grin breaks out and she giggles, responding:

Excellent! I am glad to see that you shares our peaceful intentions. Sadly, the Summer Solstice does present an issue to us. Perhaps we can meet sooner? And, indeed, at night? How about in two weeks time, in our capitol? Does that sounds reasonable?

2015-09-04, 06:35 PM
"It's a good thing he wrote letter sections."
"She might find it suspiscious though."
"And if she does she'll think she's talking to a council instead, or she's a fool that somehow missed the 'Sorry, I'm out, visit later.' sign. Hey, I need another look at that."

This letter appears to be made from multiple lettes., put onto another's backing, with the date written in by a different writter.

Greetings Basilissa, and the court of Markovia

One misunderstands, while much of the summer solstice is conducted during the day, there's an extensive underground system within which we could talk and observe some of the celebrations, I would no more seek to threaten you with the sun then I would demand you arrive without bodyguards.

It would be possible to meet within your court, however while I would ignore the stories to parley, I would not ignore them all, and would request that a member of your court be sent to mine before I enter. They would need to arrive no later than with the noon-night moon on the first day of the second week of summer.

However, I could arrive to meet with you on the 4th day of the second week of summer, arriving with the noon-night moon, and could feasibly spend a day in your court.
Fortunately, for those as sleepless for you and I, there's much we could do in a day.
I would however enquire, how much of a bodyguard would you be willing for me to bring within the capital?

May you ever wander in the shade,
Kra'Chin, Scion of Sid'jax, Champion of the Kreen.
Date selected by Til'Nan, Court Herald.

Italics are the Herald.

Yea... I move really fast, as you might ascertain by the dates given, and already know, even with the 1/4 MP/week.

The meaning of Member of the Court refers to a champion of yours... Assuming you have one at this junction, which you might not. In the event you don't have one, someone who you could claim would be important to you fluff wise would be required.

2015-09-06, 07:56 AM
Council of the Tohr-Keen

I believe you misunderstand me. While I have faith in your ability to provide suitable facilities during the solstice, it is a holiday that I must be present in the Capitol for. The Summer is a time of self-reflection for our people, and it begins with a ceremony on the solstice which I must lead as part of my duties. Forgive me, but I absolutely cannot come to your solstice festival.

However, your other proposal intrigues me. I am loathe to part with my greatest general, however. Would a lesser-but-still-valuable member of my court be acceptable to send in his stead? Know that these are all my children, and that if any of them are harmed it would be devastating.

Basilissa Adler

2015-09-07, 06:31 PM
"Ah. She acknowledged us!"
"That'll make things so much easier. Ok, where's the list of thing we're allowed to say."

Greetings Basilissa,

Alas, however while it was a preference such is understood.

Do note we merely requested a member of your court, not your greatest general in particular. However, while Kra'Chin is confident in his abilities, it would please the Kreen if the one sent was as close to you as possible, or one highly valued for their usefulness. Had you a child that we knew of, and multiple thereof, we would have required one of them in attendance, with bodyguards and attendants -For we are not cruel- that you truly consider it...
Of course, he is of the thought that the worst that happens is you subsume him using your... Nature, in an attempt to subsume us. Know that that would be considered the same as his murder in the eyes of the Kreen, and as much as our position between two empires is considered to require diplomacy by him, we would ready ourselves to cut through you, and I'm sure we could acquire assistance in the matter from Haven, as sure as Sid'Jax and Sophia stood side by side resisting Ressel'eth.

Again, we would enquire how much of a bodyguard would be acceptable? Kra'Chin's complement is normally a group of 10, clad in steel and shield, armed by their nature, with blade and bow, and are considered an extension of him, each being personally chosen from the best soldiers among the Kreen.

May we overcome our nature and speak as people,
Til'Nan, Court Herald.

2015-09-11, 10:36 AM
Christopher reads the letters carefully and meditates. When seconds and hours could change years and centuries it is always prudent to take the time to listen to family. One wrong word without the proper reason and there could be war. Blood. Death. And there were greater things in this world then that.

There was growth.
There was knowing.


Knowledge - Local. Taking damage for this roll. [roll0]
Sense Motive: Is this a trap of some kind? Or is that too vague a question? [roll1]

Would the Markovia people turn on Christopher is he were to show up for a meeting?

Christopher bled with a smile as his family told him things. Hopefully there would be peace. There would be Calm.

2015-09-11, 12:00 PM
To the Council of the Tohr-Keen

All members of my court are my children, and I value each of them as a child. However, I resent the implication that we worship that terrible being responsible for what he thought was a curse but we made our gift. Indeed, that alone was almost enough to make we want to cut off these communications. Be warned in the future to not make sweeping assumptions.

In any event, we will not turn the one you put in our care, save should they request it of their own free will, for reasons which should be obvious. I look forward to your emissary's arrival, and will send one of my own upon your reply.

Basilissa Adler

2015-09-11, 06:54 PM
Within an hour of the letter arriving the the capital, it and a preliminary reply is drafted for Christopher's approval.

To Christopher:
Letter for your review.
Signed: Til'Nan

To Bassilla Adler

A child of yours would be appropriate, though I find myself doubting one would request vampirification, particularly since those sent would be in their prime.
We extend our apologies as to the implication, however it was not intended to imply that you worshiped Rasel'eth, merely that we would fight you as the divine fought him.

We await your ambassador, and barring incident Kra'Chin will arrive at the planned time.

Til'Nan, Court Herald.
Christopher, Advisor of Kra'Chin

2015-09-11, 07:21 PM
(I'm assuming this takes place at a different time then like... the other thing going on.)

Christopher reads over the letter and scoffs slightly. Advisor? He was the High Seer. The one without True Eyes. The Dreamer. The Sleeper. He adds something to the note and then sends it off back to Til'Nan to be looked over one final time and sent off to the Markovian empire.

To Bassilla Adler

A child of yours would be appropriate, though I find myself doubting one would request vampirification, particularly since those sent would be in their prime.
We extend our apologies as to the implication, however it was not intended to imply that you worshiped Rasel'eth, merely that we would fight you as the divine fought him.

We await your ambassador, and barring incident Kra'Chin will arrive at the planned time.

High Seer Christopher has offered to personally meet you, at a location of your own design, at the time of your choosing to speak for peace.

Til'Nan, Court Herald.
Christopher, Advisor of Kra'Chin

2015-09-11, 11:13 PM
To the Council of the Tohr-Keen

I shall send one of my children along presently. As for vampirism by request, who am I to judge the desires of others? I am just planning for a possibility. Our gift does have a certain...Well-deserved glamour associated with it.

Your apology is accepted, though you are on thin ice. Think about your words from now on. As for a meeting with this High Seer of yours, I'd be happy to meet with him. I could make the journey to the town to the south of my capitol and to the north of your empire in two week's time if you desire to meet there?

2015-09-11, 11:51 PM
To Christopher:
Letter for your review.
Signed: Til'Nan

To Bassilla Adler

Such would be acceptable and we'd be glad to meet mid way rather than journey the entire way to your capital. We await your child, and plan to arrive mid-week on the second week.

Til'Nan, Court Herald.
Christopher, Advisor of Kra'Chin

I would be comfortable with you changing this to 'We've just spotted the DE come knocking. Please wait while we reschedule.' at this point.