View Full Version : steinulfr's Reign of Winter (IC)

2015-09-04, 10:01 PM
The village of Heldren is normally a peaceful, sleepy sort of place, a town where a single drunken brawl can easily be the subject of gossip and speculation for months. Everything about it, from the quiet hum of cicadas to the scent of baking bread emanating from the tavern, speaks of long, lazy summer evenings, calm days and quiet nights.

But for the past few days, there has been an unspoken tension to the air. Neighbors gossip about troubling news and rumors of violence, and the nightly revelry in the Silver Stoat is more subdued than usual. Even the village soothsayer, an ancient woman who's normally steady as a rock, claims to have seen worrying omens and strange portents, and some say that she seems genuinely frightened for the first time in living memory.

All of this comes to a head when a wounded, frostbitten man staggers into the town square one evening. He rants about monsters and cold for a few seconds before collapsing. Everyone in the square stares at him for a moment, brought together by a shared certainty that this is what all of the tension and worry recently has been about.

Now, the wounded man has been bustled off to the apothecary's for treatment, and people are beginning to go about their business once again. The uneasiness lingers in the town square, though, like a chill in the warm midsummer air.

2015-09-05, 03:00 AM
Husk didn't like how calm everyone had become after watching a dead man stumble into town. The apothecaries would see him back to health he knew from his time with them that they were skilled and paranoid enough to carry a cure for frostbite in the summer. The man's words, those he did catch were worrying, ice monsters strong enough to do that couldn't be left alone. As he trudged down to the Silver Stoat Husk wondered if he could round up some of the townsfolk to investigate. After drinking away the better part of his savings, Husk shouted drunkenly at anyone who would listen Ain't right, a man on death's door gives you a warning like that you listen plain an' simple. *hic* We gotta do somethin' b'fore the same happens ta us I'm telling ya!

2015-09-05, 08:04 AM
Mellio follows the gruff-looking Dwarf into the Silver Stoat, and found herself nodding along with his shouts for action. "I may not be quite as emphatic, but I completely agree. This doesn't bode well for anybody, and I've got both a debt to repay and enough competence to hold my own for a bit. Who else wants to come see what that man was talking about?"

2015-09-05, 08:44 AM
Aeghis was was already sitting in a corner of the pub when the man stumbled around town, he watched the event take place while he sipped some ale.

He ignored to a point the drunken gibberish of the darf and remained calm and ignorant about the nature of the man's injuries, that until he heard a smooth and comforting voice: [="#4B0082"]"I may not be quite as emphatic, but I completely agree. This doesn't bode well for anybody, and I've got both a debt to repay and enough competence to hold my own for a bit. Who else wants to come see what that man was talking about?"[/color]

At the beginning he looked around, believing himself haunted, he turned around for a while until he finally stood up and realized the person saying that was a tiny Halfling woman, she was smiling in a strange way, like she was trying to tell the world that everything was going to be okay, he walked close to her trying to crouch a little in order to look a few in inch less tall. "I will like to help with that, I have been known for making a great bodyguard"

2015-09-05, 08:58 AM
"I will like to help with that, I have been known for making a great bodyguard"

Mellio looks up at the... dark-skinned, winged human. Smiling, she extends a tiny hand. "I'm Mellio Mosswater. Nice ta meet ya! I'm not so sure I need a bodyguard, though you might be surprised to hear it." She giggles quietly at the admission. "Believe it or not, until a few weeks ago, I was one of the caravan guards for a friend of mine! I may not look like much, but I see an awful lo!" With a grin, she continues her way around the bar, attempting to enlist the aid of others- though tending to avoid most of the more-drunk patrons.

2015-09-05, 01:52 PM
After the commotion in the courtyard, Yoren had finally staggered his way into the inn, flagon in hand. He wordlessly stumbled towards the bar, the proprietor greeting his arrival with a meal. "The poor lad, shame it is." After a few short moments, his thoughts began to weigh heavily upon what creature could have done such a thing, eventually dismissing it as yet another young would-be adventurer biting off more than he could chew. Yoren chuckled at the thought, and a stir of drunken bravado swept over the dwarf before he noticed a Halfling woman running about the inn.

2015-09-05, 04:56 PM
Alexis shivers not at the man but how cold it is. Being used to the inferno of fire it's super freezing even with her very heavy winter coat. Looking at the man to distract herself from the cold she wonders what type of monster could do that to a human. She knows a few demons. Her thoughts trail off...

Balafon could do that but he likes to skin the back of the elbows off so it's not him...hmmmm...maybe Strryx? No he hates the cold dang I wonder who it is. Most of my friends don't like the cold. Maybe it's not them. But who?

Alexis confused sits down in the middle of the road not thinking about anyone around herself. She looks around again seeing people try to help the man she's is curious why. Only to remember that people care fore humans here and there not play things. She silently mutters to herself to blend in. She needs to blend in. She follows the healers completely forgetting to blend in and bumps into one knocking herself on the ground she winces not at pain but because the ground is cold. Even if it's normally comfortable temperature.

2015-09-05, 06:18 PM
Of all the people in the village, Terhe was probably the least surprised by the strange man's injuries and ranting. Strictly speaking, she was not of the village's people at all: almost nobody born anywhere in Taldor was that pale, probably nobody was walking around with a white owl on a shoulder, and certainly nobody was stupid enough to wear heavy winter clothes in a middle of the summer. Even if by Irrisen's standards that was entirely reasonable attire in any month, although the girl who was wearing it quickly learned how hot it can get in other corners of the world.

Still, cold was something that she was ready to face any day and moment - and that is wherefore seeing a man with frostbitten skin did not surprise her that much. And if nobody else around was wise enough to expect it, she was ready to step forward and take care of the man before he loses his fingers forever. And yet, some murmurs in the crowd and a grasp of claws on her shoulder held Terhe from revealing her skills. If her appearance was not strange enough already, explaining wherefore she had a cure for frostbite prepared meant announcing herself as a witch of Irrisen; and that could make the crowd decide rather quickly just who was to be blamed for what happened.

Instead, she chose to follow those who carried the man to the local healer and hear the rest of the story. If some unusual danger was nearby, it would had been wise to learn about it before heading further; and if the village's apothecary was not ready to deal with a freezing man, offering help directly to him was probably wiser than doing so on the crowded square. Yet, something stopped her; a sight of a girl about her age, who, seemingly, was following the same group, but fell on the ground. Most curiously, she was actually wearing something that could protect from the cold; was she hurt - if less so - by the same thing?

Exchanging a glance with her owl, Terhe came to a decision. The wounded man could wait; it was probably going to take some time until he would start speaking. Another chance was already at hand; and so she stopped next to Alexis, looking down at her. "If I may ask, what is the cause of this commotion?" - young witch spoke, the local language sounding somewhat accented on her tongue.

2015-09-05, 06:45 PM
As the halfling goes around recruiting people for their impromptu hunting party Husk sees his fellow dwarf stumble into the tavern and decides to recruit one himself. He slides into the seat next to Yoren. Hail dwarven brother. You look like a born brawler if ever I've laid eyes on one and I've more than physical might to throw around. He grips his holy symbol for emphasis. You've no doubt heard of that poor soul who wandered into town not long ago? What say You, I, the wee lass, and the birdman go out and make whatever did that regret the day it was born? The smell of ale rolls off Husk's breath as he gives a toothy grin.

2015-09-05, 07:05 PM
Of all the people in the village, Terhe was probably the least surprised by the strange man's injuries and ranting. Strictly speaking, she was not of the village's people at all: almost nobody born anywhere in Taldor was that pale, probably nobody was walking around with a white owl on a shoulder, and certainly nobody was stupid enough to wear heavy winter clothes in a middle of the summer. Even if by Irrisen's standards that was entirely reasonable attire in any month, although the girl who was wearing it quickly learned how hot it can get in other corners of the world.

Still, cold was something that she was ready to face any day and moment - and that is wherefore seeing a man with frostbitten skin did not surprise her that much. And if nobody else around was wise enough to expect it, she was ready to step forward and take care of the man before he loses his fingers forever. And yet, some murmurs in the crowd and a grasp of claws on her shoulder held Terhe from revealing her skills. If her appearance was not strange enough already, explaining wherefore she had a cure for frostbite prepared meant announcing herself as a witch of Irrisen; and that could make the crowd decide rather quickly just who was to be blamed for what happened.

Instead, she chose to follow those who carried the man to the local healer and hear the rest of the story. If some unusual danger was nearby, it would had been wise to learn about it before heading further; and if the village's apothecary was not ready to deal with a freezing man, offering help directly to him was probably wiser than doing so on the crowded square. Yet, something stopped her; a sight of a girl about her age, who, seemingly, was following the same group, but fell on the ground. Most curiously, she was actually wearing something that could protect from the cold; was she hurt - if less so - by the same thing?

Exchanging a glance with her owl, Terhe came to a decision. The wounded man could wait; it was probably going to take some time until he would start speaking. Another chance was already at hand; and so she stopped next to Alexis, looking down at her. "If I may ask, what is the cause of this commotion?" - young witch spoke, the local language sounding somewhat accented on her tongue.

Alexis puzzled by the sound looks at the woman her spoke to her. N-n-o-o-o I-de-a-a... Alexis says shuddering from the cold she stands up trying to warm herself up but not doing that well. She has another shudder and does a quite sneeze.

2015-09-05, 07:32 PM
Yoren stared at his drink and back again at the dwarf beside him, "Eh...who?" Yoren asked the dwarf.

2015-09-05, 07:52 PM
Husk looked at the dwarf across from him his smile gone from his face. Clearly this dwarf had taken the dwarven pastime of drinking himself into a stupor too far. Either that or there wasn't much knocking around between his ears to begin with, a fair possibility to one as strong as he seemed. Husk breathed in and began his pitch again hopefully in language his mentally impaired soon-to-be companion would understand A man came into town this evening nearly dead saying monsters in the forest made him like that, come with me and help me beat them to a pulp.

2015-09-06, 03:25 AM
"What is the matter with you?" - Terhe eyed the strange woman up and down, obviously confused by her weird behaviour. - "You do not look well. Are you sick?" - that was probably not the most polite way to ask it, but nuances of talking in that language (or, truth be told, talking to humans at all) were not particularly clear to her. Something was wrong with that wounded man, with the woman in front of her, with the entire place - and understanding it was more important than being polite and proper. She could not fit among those people anyway.

And she was not the only one. Waiting for the answer, young witch curiously looked at her strange interlocutor, and even her owl companion seemed to pay attention. A sight of somebody dressed like that was already unusual in that land, but if that was still not warm enough for her... that was interesting, and witches did not become witches by ignoring the interesting things with such unusual timing. With a gentle smile instead of any more words, Terhe eyed sneezing woman again, looking for all too familiar signs of another frostbite.

2015-09-06, 09:32 AM
"What is the matter with you?" - Terhe eyed the strange woman up and down, obviously confused by her weird behaviour. - "You do not look well. Are you sick?" - that was probably not the most polite way to ask it, but nuances of talking in that language (or, truth be told, talking to humans at all) were not particularly clear to her. Something was wrong with that wounded man, with the woman in front of her, with the entire place - and understanding it was more important than being polite and proper. She could not fit among those people anyway.

And she was not the only one. Waiting for the answer, young witch curiously looked at her strange interlocutor, and even her owl companion seemed to pay attention. A sight of somebody dressed like that was already unusual in that land, but if that was still not warm enough for her... that was interesting, and witches did not become witches by ignoring the interesting things with such unusual timing. With a gentle smile instead of any more words, Terhe eyed sneezing woman again, looking for all too familiar signs of another frostbite.

it-t-ts so co-l-ld in these lands my homeland was a lot warmer Alexis says pulling out her heavy winter blanket and draping it over herself trying to warm up even more. She looks inside the tavern at the fire wondering if they can move there.

2015-09-06, 10:39 AM
"It... is cold", - Terhe repeated in a barely controlled voice, planting her heavy wooden staff in the ground and resting both hands on it. - "In these lands", - the owl, reacting more to her mistress's mood than to the visible shaking of her shoulders, jumped up in the air; and timely it was done, for the witch could not hold her reaction any longer. - "Ha! By Winterwall, what a jest! Pray tell, where lies that homeland of yours, lest I stray thither by a mistake..." - her voice was laughing, but her icelike eyes watched the shivering girl with deadly seriousness.

Perhaps she made a mistake. If that stranger was even less used to the cold than local people were, then she probably had not faced whatever that unknown danger was that caused the entire affair. Nonetheless, just hearing the rest of her tale - even if it actually was a joke, although Terhe doubted that - would had been worth it, and the witch never refused an opportunity to learn something new and useful. Besides, she could not just leave somebody in what, apparently, was the land equally foreign to them both, in a condition like that.

"If you are not sick yet, you will be soon if you react to this heat like that", - Terhe glanced at the owl, still circling over their heads, and then followed the direction of Alexis's gaze. - "I... happen to know a bit about surviving in the cold. What would you say about exchanging some stories somewhere? Come", - the last word was actually not directed at the human girl. Turning away, as if completely uncaring whether her proposal is accepted, Terhe knocked lightly on her shoulder with her staff, and the owl landed back on it, closing her eyes and seemingly falling asleep as soon as she perched.

2015-09-06, 11:33 AM
Alexis happily followed her towards the fire sitting really close to it. After a few minutes she looked at the woman talking to her and says I didn't get your name yet. Mine is Alexis.mwhats yours? Alexis says speaking clearly with a strange accent to her words.

2015-09-06, 01:02 PM
"My name is Terhe", - the witch actually introduced herself even without a prompt, the moment when the stranger started walking next to her. And, as if continuing the discussion that started long ago, kept talking, with a turn of her head that could equally easily address her owl, her new companion or just some random point in the sky: "You see, what you can feel in this land is not the real cold. Not at all. It might be uncomfortable, but you can easily get used to it. No, when the actual frost takes a hold on your body... you will notice it. Fingers are the first to lose movement. They feel like wood, and your clothing will not help you when you can no longer hold those wraps..." - the pale girl spoke with the certainty of somebody having a lot of personal experience on the subject.

The conversation - or, rather, an extended explanation that needed no response yet - did not stop when they entered the tavern, although Terhe lowered her voice somewhat, understanding that the subject was probably not to the public's liking. "Had you seen that man on the square, the wounded one?" - the witch finally looked straight at Alexis, even though the question was rhetorical. - "That is what happened to him... and it is not something that should be common in these lands. I wonder where he was and what he was doing... or whom he was fighting. There should be nothing like that around here..."

The last part sounded more like Terhe was trying to persuade herself more than Alexis. And, seeing her companion head straight to the fire, left her to that - any additional heat was not something the witch of Irrisen needed. Instead she took a look around the room, wondering whether there were any new rumours about the strange man, or, perhaps, any other people with similar symptoms.

2015-09-06, 01:20 PM
It was not long after the two young women enter the tavern that a halfling woman approaches them, separately since they split up quickly. At each clearly uncomfortable face, she offers a hand, and asks, "Hi there! Do you know anything about that poor fella outside? Myself and a few others aim to go see if we can find out what the fuss is about. If you think you might be able to, I'm sure we could use all the help we could get!"

In a conspiratorial whisper, the little halfling adds, "Besides, there's been talk around town of unseasonably cold winter, and unusually active bandits! I even heard that a local Lady called off her betrothal because of the goings ons! It's bound to be exciting!"

2015-09-06, 04:20 PM
Alexis looks at terhe and says i know of few demons that can do that and my dad used to- Alexis stops abruptly. Oh no I said to much by accident. Hopefully they don't noticed. Alexis continues hesitantly and says If this is not cold outside I might need to buy another coat. I don't do that well in the cold. She says putting away her blanket and coat so the fire can warm her skin up faster. Her blonde hair shining now lit by the fire illuminated her strange pink eyes even further. With her fair white skin.

2015-09-06, 04:56 PM
"Perhaps I might sell you mine if I will stay here any longer", - Terhe chuckled, - "This heat is unbearable enough even without it." With that, she left Alexis to her warming. "Hoot?.." - the owl did not even bother to open her eyes, but grasp of claws on the witch's shoulder suddenly became much stronger, and she could turn her head to speak directly into her mistress's ear anyway. "Yes, I am worried by what she said..." - Terhe muttered quietly; feeling of unease was shared by the two of them, even though the familiar could not understand the actual meaning of spoken words. - "Cease, we are not alone..."

Indeed, some halfling just approached them - at least, one of them who could talk - and started saying something that, coming from somebody taller, could actually be quite interesting. But, truth be told... there was not that many of halflings in the Irrisen. And even when Terhe left it, she went mostly through wilderness, occasionally meeting other humans - and not many other people. Thus, her reaction was not exactly what halfling probably expected. "A... child?" - the witch stared at extended hand, not touching it. - "Are you going to play a game with... that?"

To listen to the whispering, Terhe had to bow down quite low; but, at least, that gave her a better look at the Mellio's face - and made her doubt the first impression. Even her owl, awakened by the combination of sudden motion and confused feeling, deigned to open one eye and look at the halfling's head as if considering its merits as a perch - but, thankfully, went back to being half asleep again. The witch, meanwhile, continued: "And there is no such thing as "unseasonably cold winter". Winter is always cold. Why do you seek any... excitement, anyway?" - in her own childhood, fun games involving cold winter were not quite liked by children. Mostly because they were not exactly the ones having that fun.

2015-09-06, 07:42 PM
Husk waits patiently for his fellow dwarf to answer but after a time it becomes clear that the gears have stopped turning in his mind. Perhaps he would not be the most reliable comrade in arms after all.. Such a shame I have been pining for home as of late. Husk thinks disappointed. "Ahem. Well you can tell me what you decide later." Husk gives a small sigh as he walks away from the dwarf.

Turning his attention to those others around him Husk starts asking around for information about the unnatural cold the town has been facing. It seems the fear in their hearts and the ale in their stomachs have made the people of the town more than charitable with what they know. After what feels like hardly any time at all Husk sits back down at the bar and takes a stiff drink from his mug before going over to the tiny woman who seemed amicable to his cause. He felt a shiver run through his body as he saw the pale human she was talking to. Husk taps the Halfling on the shoulder to get her attention. " 'cuse me Miss I need to have a word with my companion here." Husk says addressing the Human and then dismissing her just as quickly.

He turns his attention to the smaller woman of the two. "Whatever happened to that man was just the peak of the mountain. From what I've heard winters grip on this town is far too strong for this time of year and the creatures in the forest have taken notice." Much as his pride hated to admit it quickly he added. "It'll take more than you and I to handle whatever is causing this."

2015-09-06, 07:57 PM
Aeghis finishes his ale and waves his hand in front of the dwarf sitting in front of him, "hey pal are you still there?"

2015-09-06, 09:29 PM
"Oi, wait there kinsman..." he stumbled out of a soaked beard as he spun at his seat. From the barman's rather incredulous stare at his state, Yoren had indeed begun to feel his seventh drink course through his cold bones before quickly turning to address the dwarf who had disappeared, but alas too late. Yet again, his concerned glance at his own flagon offered no answer to his question and he now turned to the winged man beside him. "Just rather...wasn't there another dwarf here?" he asked the man. "Any..where was I, ah, the poor lad in the square," Yoren belted, "shame it is, all this talk of creatures and such." Recomposing himself and snatching his half-empty flagon, "M'name's Yoren, what have ye' and your companion have in mind? Hungry wolves yonder those woods methinks."

2015-09-07, 08:34 AM
"It'll take more than you and I to handle whatever is causing this."

Mellio nods somberly. "I figured as much. I know how much good I'll be, and you look pretty tough and all, but then, so did that fella in the square- aside from the nasty fingers and whatnot. So far, it seems these townsfolks' idea of an exciting afternoon is one where they don't have to do anything. Strange, if you ask me."

2015-09-07, 09:16 AM
Aeghis smiles and nods as Yoren finishes talking and begins doing so himself "truly a shame, I bet the poor man didnīt see it coming, the other dwarf went to the fireplace, I think heīs trying to sweettalk those womans over there" he makes a gesture pointing in the general direction of the dwarf that left and then kept going.

" I wouldnīt call them my companions seeing as I know them as long as this pint of ale *takes a sip* I think the plan is to go to the wilds and find the beastie that did this. Donīt worry, wolfs ainīt got nothing on me." he pats his crossbow with a grin and drinks what little ale is left on his pint.

2015-09-07, 05:08 PM
Alexis just keeps sitting by the fire warming up some more continent not to do anything until she doesn't feel quite so sick.

2015-09-07, 06:07 PM
Mellio nods somberly. "I figured as much. I know how much good I'll be, and you look pretty tough and all, but then, so did that fella in the square- aside from the nasty fingers and whatnot. So far, it seems these townsfolks' idea of an exciting afternoon is one where they don't have to do anything. Strange, if you ask me."

"Aye, it doesn't look like we'll be getting much help around here at all.. I tried making the acquaintance of one of my dwarven brothers by the bar but he seems to be thoroughly out of it. Perhaps we'd be better off waiting for a few days to see if anyone comes forward." Husk heaves a sigh. "And while we wait whatever has been stirring up trouble has more time to do it.. Damnation!" Husk swears angrily and loudly before he can catch his tongue.

2015-09-07, 07:15 PM
"And there is no such thing as "unseasonably cold winter". Winter is always cold. Why do you seek any... excitement, anyway?"

Mellio smiles and laughs, a thin, tinkly sound. "Of course there's unseasonably! It's always cold, but it's not always this cold! Besides, I meant Summer, silly! And why wouldn't I seek excitement? Regular life is so booooring. I simply couldn't stand doing the same old thing every day! Why I'd-"

" 'cuse me Miss I need to have a word with my companion here."[/COLOR]
Mellio turns away from the woman suddenly, smiling a bit to herself. "Excuse us, please!"

"Aye, it doesn't look like we'll be getting much help around here at all.. I tried making the acquaintance of one of my dwarven brothers by the bar but he seems to be thoroughly out of it.

Mellio suddenly looks thoroughly over-excited. "That fella over there?" She points to Yoren, not knowing him yet, and receives a nod of affirmation. "Let me see if I can get to him. I seem to have made an impression on a few other folks in here already, anyway! You know what they say about Halflings, after all!"

You probably don't know what they say about Halflings, but Mellio doesn't realize that. With a wink, she hops off her stool and scurries over to Yoren. Climbing onto one of the other chairs at his table, she leans over in front of the inebriated warrior. "HEYA, MISTER!!" As she jars him from whatever delusion the ale as placed him into, she allows her yelling to subside into more typical conversation volume. "I heard you might be interested in some excitement! Want to come see what the fuss about that fella in the square was about? I aim to find out, and could use some folks watching my back!"

2015-09-08, 05:19 AM
"And this is not cold", - Terhe straightened herself with a shrug, once again causing her owl to twitch slightly in her sleep. - "...whom are you calling silly, child?.." - an answer to the halfling's question, even if it was rhetorical, remained unspoken on her lips. The frown on witch's face only grew heavier as she kept listening to Mellio, but inserting another word in that stream of careless optimism felt impossible. Besides, somebody else took her away - and Terhe did not object, stepping aside and taking a deep breath.

What followed almost made her wish that she had actually objected. If that was considered normal among those people... shaking her head, young witch struggled to not roll her eyes and keep watching, at least to know what else to expect to happen in these strange lands. Once again the grip of Terhe's hands tightened as she leant on her staff, needing all support that she could get. Nothing made any sense - and, shifting her gaze over the room from Alexis at the fire to the halfling yelling at somebody, she could not see anyone who could make anything any clearer.

Still, the witch of Irrisen stayed unmoving, waiting for next weirdness to happen. Her fate never failed to provide plenty of those.

2015-09-08, 12:58 PM
I think the plan is to go to the wilds and find the beastie that did this. Donīt worry, wolfs ainīt got nothing on me." he pats his crossbow with a grin and drinks what little ale is left on his pint.

Yoren responded with a silent nod and grinned as he recalled an incident in his youth, "Ah a keen eye quick hands ye' must 'ave, though I can't say the same m'self, the beasts get this idea to start chargin' an such." Drink in hand, Yoren began to pantomime a spear towards an imaginary winter wolf while he spoke to Aeghis. "An' THAT'S when ye-"

Climbing onto one of the other chairs at his table, she leans over in front of the inebriated warrior. "HEYA, MISTER!!" As she jars him from whatever delusion the ale as placed him into, she allows her yelling to subside into more typical conversation volume.

"BY THE GODS!" Yoren nearly fell back as Mellio had suddenly materialized where he anticipated a wolf, holding fast to the tables edge and completely losing his train of thought as he readjusted and saw not a snarling warg, but the Halfling woman running about the tavern earlier was there staring at the rather perplexed dwarf. Yoren sat back and raised an eyebrow, "Listen 'ere lass-"

"I heard you might be interested in some excitement! Want to come see what the fuss about that fella in the square was about? I aim to find out, and could use some folks watching my back!"

Yoren broke into a howling laugh at Mellio nearly startling the dwarf off of his stool. "Aren't ye' the Halfling lass the other dwarf was goin' on about earlier? In that case, what did ye' 'ave in mind?" Though Yoren could scarcely argue with the prospect of a hunting trip, the prospect of throwing a group of those mad beasts back into the abyss they came from didn't shake the image of their two burning eyes set deep into a mass of fur and teeth.

2015-09-08, 04:04 PM
Mellio suddenly looks thoroughly over-excited. "That fella over there?" She points to Yoren, not knowing him yet, and receives a nod of affirmation. "Let me see if I can get to him. I seem to have made an impression on a few other folks in here already, anyway! You know what they say about Halflings, after all!"

You probably don't know what they say about Halflings, but Mellio doesn't realize that. With a wink, she hops off her stool and scurries over to Yoren. Climbing onto one of the other chairs at his table, she leans over in front of the inebriated warrior. "HEYA, MISTER!!" As she jars him from whatever delusion the ale as placed him into, she allows her yelling to subside into more typical conversation volume. "I heard you might be interested in some excitement! Want to come see what the fuss about that fella in the square was about? I aim to find out, and could use some folks watching my back!"

Husk turned halfway to look at the Halfling as she walked away to do what he could not mentally he wished her well. As he turned back to the witch whose conversation he had interrupted he made note of her strange appearance. "I can't say I know everyone in this town but I can say you're a new face to me." His eyes drifted from her cold blue eyes and he noticed her thick winter clothing. "My name is Husk. Say, I can't help but notice you seem ready for winter, you wouldn't happen to know anything about the unnatural cold gripping this town would you? He says his voice laced with accusation.

Mentally Husk readies himself for a fight, tallying the number of people he could count on to come to his aid. The halfling seemed friendly enough but she was clearly no fighter, his dwarven brother strong as he might be had shown he had the reflexes of a dying animal, and if the wings on that birdman were good for anything he would act to save his own skin and fly off before actually putting himself in danger. Everyone else here were townsfolk he wouldn't dare put in danger even if they did try to help.

2015-09-08, 05:14 PM
"Aren't ye' the Halfling lass the other dwarf was goin' on about earlier? In that case, what did ye' 'ave in mind?"

Mellio points out Husk. "You mean him? Yeah! Seems like a nice enough fellow- though... He and that pretty lady with blue eyes don't seem to be getting along very well...." Her eyebrows furrow in thought, matching the concerned frown dancing on her lips. "Oh! I almost forgot!" She extends a tiny hand to Yoren. "I'm Mellio. Pleased ta meetcha!"

As they shake hands, she says, "I don't really know what to expect, but I do know that whatever messed up that burly guy outside would do bad things to most of these villagers. Nice folks, but not real.... uhh... defensive. Meet me outside!?"

She hurries back to Husk and Terhe, slipping easily into the slight space between them. "Sorry about that! Couldn't be bothered, had to be done! Now! Uh..." Mellio visibly pauses for several seconds as she rattles out previously said words- enumerating them on her thing fingers. "not cold... silly, child? First of all, this is cold. For a Summer, in Heldren? This is downright frigid! I dunno where you're from, or what the Summers are like there, but this is not normal for this area." She seems to notice the woman's heavy cloak for the first time, and her eyes widen. "Huh. Guess you're a bit overdressed- well, you would be... Oh! Uh... I guess you're not silly? I just... I thought you were being silly... AND I'M NOT A CHILD!" Suddenly, an intense anger lights up in Mellio's eyes. "I am an adult! and I will make you rue the day you think otherwise!"

As suddenly as it appeared, her anger evaporates- replaced once more by her usually bubbly demeanor.

"So, you want to come help? Errr... can I at least borrow your cloak?"

2015-09-08, 06:57 PM
The new face in question turned to the dwarf, considering him for the first time. There actually were at least some dwarves back in the Irrisen; Terhe even saw a few of them with her own eyes. But they at least looked like they were supposed to look - unlike the one who was now addressing her. And they knew to show proper respect to the witches, even if it barely applied at all to a mere apprentice. In this land, the first dwarf to speak to her was... well, at least he had keen eyes, whomever he actually was. And somebody was going to ask that earlier or later - she could as well try answering while there was only one of him and, worst come to worst, his legs were shorter than hers were.

Of course, the fate could not allow her such an easy escape; and before she even opened her mouth, a ball of yelling that turned out to be the child from before found its way between them. When the noise stopped, Terhe had to wait a few seconds until her ears ceased ringing, and finally spoke back: "I would happen to know that there is no cold gripping this town. It is not "gripping" if you still can bend your fingers", - in an illustration of her words, the human girl took one gloved hand off her staff and folded it into a fist and back into open palm few times, - "and there should be only one man in this village who cannot do it. I quite wonder how did he manage to achieve that. You do not happen to know that, do you?"

Terhe paused for a brief moment, watching the short couple's reactions. "I suppose that you do not", - she nodded after taking another breath, - "or you would had not been asking for help in... whatever is it that you are planning. So... just what is it that you called silly? Oh, and you would not need to trouble yourself... little one. I already rue this day as it is quite enough..." - she sighed, looking around the room again. Even if she kept her distance from the fire, the warmth indoors was even more intolerable than being outside in what local people in their audacity called "cold" was.

That was probably the longest conversation in their language that Terhe had since the days when she learned it. It also was quite tiring; as if having suddenly lost all interest in it, the witch turned to the wall next to her. First she removed her backpack and rested it under her feet, then leant her staff against it; several irritated twitches of her shoulder later, her asleep owl deigned to jump from it onto newly made perch, and Terhe finally took off her cloak. The rest of her clothing could even be called light, - in Irrisen, of course, - but the heavy thing easily remedied it. Before being turned into the cloak, it probably was worn by some animal that, thankfully, was not known in the local forests; but now it served to hide only a frail human girl.

"My... cloak?" - holding said garment in her hands, Terhe turned to the halfling again, apparently remembering her question. - "You say that you are not a child, but you might be a bit short for it... besides, I... not quite promised... it to my acquaintance", - with some weird emphasis on the last word, the witch darted her gaze towards Alexis. - "Although I can lend it. I will have to go with you and see that it comes to no harm, of course..."

2015-09-08, 07:24 PM
Mellio's face slowly widens into a broad grin. She suffices giggles when the witch mentions rueing the day already, and nods somberly that she'd have to come along and take care of the cloak.

"Alrighty, I'll let you know when we're ready to go!"

Are we all ready to go? :smallbiggrin:

2015-09-08, 10:27 PM
Alexis after regaining her warmth back looks at the group that was just beginning to form sighing that she has to leave her fire she hangs up her coat to give it warmth and put it back on making her feel very cozy even if most people would be wincing at that heat.

im coming to. I don't like the cold and if we can stop it that would be nice....remembering that she doesn't look like she can help in a fight she decides to show a bit of her weapons. With a lighting flash of movement a slim sword sliced through the air making a sharp hissing sound an a flash of steel before it was suddenly gone again. I know how to defend myself a little if it helps She says with a wink.

2015-09-09, 10:25 AM
Husk breathes out a sigh when Mellio steps in to stop them but keeps his gaze locked firmly on the witch in front of him. He listens to her talk when she mentioned the frostbitten man he frowns. "Nay. That is something I do not know."

Husk flinches a second after the blade is put away. Instinctively his hand goes to his holy symbol as if to channel a spell. When he realizes the swing was naught but a show of skill he relaxes. "Alright, alright missy no need to take someone's head off." He says gruffly trying to hide his fear under anger. "So that makes me, Mellio, and you two. My name is Husk by the way." Husk extends both hands to shake with both of his new human friends while meanwhile forgetting completely about the dwarf and birdman over by the bar.

"We should wait until morning. I have no problems seeing in the dark but I doubt the same can be said for you two." He looks back and forth between the two humans. He couldn't remember how good the vision of halflings was so he said nothing about her. "Now if you'll excuse me I'm going to give my aid to the apothecary who's tending that poor boy, we'll be in the square come morning, you'd best bring everything you need, I don't know when we're coming back." Husk walks out of the pub without waiting for confirmation his mind already made up.

2015-09-09, 11:46 AM
The sound of unsheathed blade made Terhe recoil, grabbing her heavy staff and almost dropping the cloak. Seeing that it is just another silly jest, the witch sighed, but relaxed the grip on her weapon. "If we would be attacked a little, I will make sure to rely on your help", - she nodded, giving Alexis yet another cold stare. - "But it is not a reason to wave your sword in vain. Be so kind, do not cut anyone..."

Dwarf's extended hands only earned a raised eyebrow from the witch. Although her own were quite occupied already - leaving her staff where it was and trying to not disturb the owl sitting on it, she now was hiding her heavy cloak into the backpack. "I am called Terhe", - she replied, not bothering to look back at the dwarf. His next words about seeing in the darkness made her pause, as if she wanted to say something, but, after throwing a glance at her bird, witch shrugged and continued packing.

"I, too, was planning to take a look at that man", - Terhe nodded, putting backpack on again. - "If he got better, it is interesting to listen to him, if he did not... I do happen to know a thing or two about dealing with gripping cold", - nodding towards an assortment of pouches on her clothing, young witch shooed the owl back onto her shoulder and grabbed her staff. - "Show the way."

2015-09-09, 03:14 PM
Alexis shrugs with a smile and takes the dwarfs hand with her fiery hot hands from sitting really close to the fire and says My name is Alexis and I thought it would have been fine. I don't normally cut people's heads off. She winks with a wink. And the morning might be better I heard it's really cold in this rea- she almost slipped her home out -place. But if you want to go tonight so more people don't end up like him I wouldn't mined also. She says very happily as if it doesn't trouble her that there wasn't a man about to die.

2015-09-09, 05:57 PM
As they shake hands, she says, "I don't really know what to expect, but I do know that whatever messed up that burly guy outside would do bad things to most of these villagers. Nice folks, but not real.... uhh... defensive. Meet me outside!?"

Mellio disappeared before Yoren had formed a response, and takes it as his cue to leave. Turning to Aeghis, "Better get that crossbow o' ye' loaded, I'm gettin' me 'ammer." he adds with a sigh. Yoren continued to make his way to the door and out the inn. Outside, he makes his way towards his shop .

At this point, Yoren will just fetch his gear and wait around outside the inn for the rest of the party to assemble before tagging along to visit the man or head off to the woods.

2015-09-09, 07:32 PM
Mellio seems completely unfazed by the woman's sword display. "Nice, she whispers- in appreciation. As Husk leaves, she calls to his back, "What about the other Dwarf? And that... that er... winged fella he's talking with?"

She turns around to see the cleric already gone. "Well, I guess it'll have to wait, then?" Somewhat saddened by the sudden delay, she returns to the bar, joining Yoren and Aeghis. She extends a tiny hand to the latter, with a small, rueful smile. "I'm sorry, mister. I guess I was in too big a rush. I'm Mellio, and I'm sure you've already heard about the shenanigans I'm up to. Apparently, we're going in the morning, instead of now. I guess it's a good idea, but that doesn't mean I have to like it!"

She orders an ale, knowing quite well that a single pint is more than sufficient.

2015-09-09, 08:20 PM
Aeghis turns around to greet the halfling, "atually Yoren has just left but..." *shakes hand* "the name is Aeghis nice to meet ya."

he watches as the woman slowly takes sips from her pint of ale barely altering the volume and he struggles to start a conversation a conversation "sooo... why is a young lady like you looking to murder some beasties? he mades a wave towards the barman and pulls out a gold piece to pay for Mellioīs pint and a new one for himself.

2015-09-09, 08:39 PM
"sooo... why is a young lady like you looking to murder some beasties?

Mellio turns to face him, heady ale thick on her upper lip, mouth open in shock. It makes a pretty ridiculous image. "Oh, I wouldn't say I want to murder anything! I just wanted to go see what would cause a strong man to succumb to frostbite in Midsummer! I mean, that's not exactly normal around here, from what I remember of my travels. Though, if push comes to shove, and somebody or something is out there, harassing the villagers, I'm not entirely powerless to put a stop to it. You don't have to believe me, but until I got sick a few weeks ago, I was actually a caravan guard! Of course, I was also training with the caravan master- Ogean's a pretty well established mage out here. You haven't heard of him? Really? Huh. Well anyway..."

It quickly becomes apparent that Mellio is unlikely to stop talking until she remembers her ale, and probably only long enough to take a swig, even then.

2015-09-09, 09:22 PM
"I, too, was planning to take a look at that man", - Terhe nodded, putting backpack on again. - "If he got better, it is interesting to listen to him, if he did not... I do happen to know a thing or two about dealing with gripping cold", - nodding towards an assortment of pouches on her clothing, young witch shooed the owl back onto her shoulder and grabbed her staff. - "Show the way."

Husk continues to walk the path to the apothecary letting the strangely pale woman follow him. If she really could help that man then there was no reason to shun her. And if she tried anything on him, well he didn't carry his scimitar around for nothing. As they turn the corner onto the block the apothecary is on Husk decides to speak. "Wouldn't have taken you for the healer type."

2015-09-10, 05:16 AM
Unaware of Husk's continuing suspicions towards her, but nonetheless unwilling to give anyone any reason to pay her too much attention, Terhe simply followed the dwarf, trying to get accustomed to shorter stride of his legs. If they were to seek the origin of the local weirdness together, it was wise to prepare in advance. For example, just knowing what kind of help was he going to provide to the apothecary already could become helpful, should something bad happen, and a chance to learn from their skills was too good to miss too. Of course, she was not the only one with thoughts like that...

"Do healers in these lands prefer to dress like you do?" - the witch shrugged with one shoulder, careful to not disturb her bird. - "I did not expect you to be of any aid to the apothecary either. But I would be glad to be proven wrong."

2015-09-10, 10:46 AM
Willowbark Apothecary is a small building, set some distance back from the town square. The exterior looks much like any other building in Heldren, but inside it is much more like you would imagine an apothecary to be. The windows are kept shuttered even in the daytime, leaving the front room lit only by a pair of lanterns. Bundles of herbs and mushrooms hang from the ceiling to dry, and more herbs are powdered and packed into jars. Vials of oddly colored liquids stand on dusty shelves behind the counter.

A door hangs open beside the counter, letting you see into a back room. There, the frostbitten man is lying on a simple cot while two people tend to his wounds. The first of these is a slender elven woman who is silently applying various poultices and salves to some of the smaller wounds and the frostbitten flesh. The other, an elderly human man, is praying quietly for Erastil's assistance in healing the more grievous injuries. Divine magic stirs in response to his prayers, subtle but not weak.

The room smells strongly of medicinal herbs due to the pungent concoctions being applied. Similarly, the priest's magic makes the space feel welcoming and supportive, as Old Deadeye's influence makes the room into a bastion of the community against whatever might threaten it.

2015-09-10, 11:14 AM
"Do healers in these lands prefer to dress like you do?" - the witch shrugged with one shoulder, careful to not disturb her bird. - "I did not expect you to be of any aid to the apothecary either. But I would be glad to be proven wrong."

"Fair point that, no I suppose I am dressed a bit oddly for a cleric." Husk says looking down at his clothing and the armor he wears over it. "Appearances aside, I have been trained by the best healers of my clan." He says proudly a faraway look in his eye as he remembers his time at his temple.

"There it is." Husk says pointing to a remarkably plain looking building. As he walks up to the building rather than go in the front he starts walking around to the back. "They keep their patients in the back." He explains. The back door comes open when he tries it and Husk walks inside leaving the door open for his human companion. Giving a nod of greeting to the apothecary Husk starts looking the poor man and frowns.

The man's armor has been removed and his chest is bare save for frostbite and bandages covering the wounds, judging by their bright red color are still bleeding underneath. He's in bad shape, but Sarenrae willing I should be able to speed things along. Husk thinks. He puts one hand over one of the larger collections of gauze and the other on his holy symbol and joins the other holy man in prayer. His hand gives off a small glow and no sooner does it begin to fade than does it begin again and again Husk repeating the same chant over and over. The man's wounds closed at least some of them Husk turns his attention to the frostbite still covering his hand and a portion of the rest of his body. He turns to Terhe "I don't suppose you have anything for the frostbite?" He asks fully expecting they'll need to amputate his hand if they want to save the poor man.

So that's like all my 1st level spells converted to healing spells

2015-09-10, 04:00 PM
"Cleric?.." - she knew the word, but it was not exactly associated with healing in her mind. However, there was no time to ponder that, since they suddenly arrived to their destination. Suddenly for her, that is, because Terhe expected something more alike to a witch's hut, certainly not a building like any other in the village. Although having to circle around it and enter from behind awoke some memories and even brought a hint of smile on her lips, it was only when dwarf opened the door that she recognised the house as what it was, and it was not even the sight of the room that made her acknowledge it. What changed her mind was the smell: compared to the frozen Irrisen where every single plant was valuable, the sheer size of collection of herbs that was amassed in these warm lands was sufficient to prove the owner's reputation.

But she could not just stand still and admire it like she did when she was just a child and saw her teacher's hut for the first time. There was work to be done, and the dwarf already was at the wounded man's side. That, actually, made her pause again: even if he actually was the apothecary's assistant and needed no invitation, shouldn't he had at least introduced her as another helper? But - as owl, awoken by her mistress's confusion, reminded by digging her claws deeper in the human's shoulder - standing still was not going to change anything. "Peace be upon this house", - young witch announced her presence, thrice knocking on the open door with raised staff, and bowed to the woman inside. - Will you allow to enter and offer help... mistress?"

Finding a proper form of addressing her was not easy either. On the one hand, she was a herbalist and a healer, and that alone was enough to treat her as a witch of these lands. On another hand, she was... something. Elves were not common in Irrisen, and even when Terhe had seen any of them during her travel, she stayed as far as possible from those who resembled the masters of Feyfrost. One way or another, the woman commanded respect, if not outright awe; and respect was provided. But, once allowed inside, young witch was far more interested in the patient. Old man whispering his prayers was pretty much ignored by her; perhaps he was the wounded man's father, or another assistant in the shop - but the shop itself smelled strongly of witchcraft, and even in these strange lands witchcraft had to belong to womenfolk.

"Is he conscious? Does he talk, or move his fingers?" - seeing that the others were already tending to actual injuries, Terhe left her backpack together with the staff at the entrance, starting her questions as she took it off. And, approaching the man, ran her fingers over the set of pouches on her belt and other clothing. "What did he froze?" - her eyes were already inspecting familiar visage. Fingers and toes, ears and nose - those easily could be lost first, if the man somehow walked into an area of real cold during what locals called "summer". But if the frostbite instead started around his wounds, that could mean something far more sinister.

"I have everything for the frostbite", - Terhe finally replied to the dwarf, as much to answer his question as to assure the mistress of the house. - "But I do not know how deep is he already frozen. I will start with one... dose. We will see if he will have his consciousness and speech to need more", - with that, she took off one furlined glove and tuck it under her belt. Whispering something and running now unclad hand over her owl's feathers, she meanwhile rummaged one pouch on her belt after another - and stopped both motions at the same moment, retrieving a wooden box thence whither her still gloved hand happened to point. Dipping her pale fingers in a balm inside of the box, young witch started applying it to wounded man's hands.

Mechanically, this is a remedy's usage (6/7 left for the day). Effect of regular cold weather is treated as a condition of being fatigued, which remedies can cure, but if it something else, they also apply to being blinded, deafened, nauseated and sickened, as well as to effects of diseases and poisons. In either case, using a remedy is a Profession (herbalist) check against the DC of original effect. Casting a Guidance on herself first, Terhe gets a total of [roll0]. If it fails, she probably can try again, but let us wait for NPCs' reaction first.

2015-09-10, 07:56 PM
The elven woman looks up as Terhe speaks. "Well, come in if you're coming," she says, somewhat snappishly. "Don't just stand there with the door open."

"He hasn't woken up," she continues, turning her attention back to the wounded man. She applies another poultice to a small gash on his ribs and then goes to the fireplace in the corner of the room, where a pot of water is bubbling over the fire. She begins measuring more herbs into it as she speaks, filling the room with pungent steam. "Hasn't moved his extremities either, and with how badly frostbitten he is I'd be surprised if he could. The worst of the freezing is in the hands, feet, ears, and nose."

She fills a cup with the steaming herbal concoction, then walks over and pours it down the unconscious man's throat. He struggles a little, but once it goes down color returns to the man's cheeks, and he appears to be breathing more easily.

Terhe applies her balm to the man's hand, and it does appear to soothe some of the frostbite damage. Other areas, though, are too badly damaged for the medicine to repair; the black, blood-filled blisters do not recover as readily as the paler and more waxy areas.

The apothecary nods her approval to the witch and begins applying warm salves to the areas which are still damaged.

Between Husk and the cleric of Erastil, all of the serious and life-threatening injuries are dealt with. Similarly, the apothecary and Terhe have treated the frostbite as best they can.

At this point, the man's remaining injuries are well beyond your ability to heal, including multiple broken bones and flesh which is frozen beyond the point that a remedy will fix it. (I.e., even rolling a natural 20 will not be enough to make the check.)

2015-09-10, 08:24 PM
Aeghis nodded and smiled as he tried his hardest to listen to the halflingīs fast talk "sheīs a talky one, she said something about a caravan and a mage, maybe she is a wizard or some wacky sort of mage... magic is really weird" he noticed her jiggling a little and he proceeded to laugh if only to fit in. Then he took another sip of his ale that was already going to his head.

2015-09-11, 03:53 PM
After the light on Husk's outstretched hand goes out once and for all he clasps his hands together and says a prayer for the man quietly. "I apologize I could not do more." Husk says as much to other healers in the room as the frozen man they were treating. He watches as Terhe and the elven woman apply the salves and smiles when he sees some of the smaller parts of frostbite fade away. He eyes the blister's worryingly. After that he stands up reaching for the flask on his belt and taking a swig of it. The fiery warmth of the drink warming the cold dread in his heart. He'd never seen a case of frostbite this bad and wondered, if magic had frozen this man was magic keeping him frozen? With a shorter chant he closed his eyes and opened them a moment later, a shine now in them that hadn't been there before.

From his vantage point Husk could see the entire back room and everyone inside it, though he focused his gaze on the man in front of him. After studying him for a moment, his eyes turn to his companion. She had done good today, as far as Husk was concerned, that made her an ally to his cause no matter what. But still he studied her looking to see what, if any magic she held.

So that's my one casting of Detect Magic in case it wasn't clear.

2015-09-12, 09:22 AM
"That is normal", - hearing about the man's injuries, Terhe nodded with a relief, talking more to herself than to anyone in the room as she was applying her balm. - "Small cold grips what it can hold in its small grasp first... and, Snowstrider be praised", - between taking the medicine from her box, young witch raised her hand to touch something on her neck, fully concealed by several layers of clothing, - "he did not meet a cold bigger and longer. I still wonder how and where did it happen to him, though. Does anyone know him... or at least knows whence he came?" - with that question she finally looked at the Erastil's priest, but her gaze quickly returned to the work of her hands.

But soon that work was over, and there was nothing else that Terhe could do to help. Her questions remained unanswered, and the wounded man was not going to wake up to change it. Back in the Irrisen she could had tried to find his tracks and follow them backwards before next snowfall would had concealed them, but in these lands there were no snowfalls at all, and that meant no tracks that she could try to read. "Should we try and see whether he is awake by morning, before we leave?" - she turned to Husk, just in time to meet his eyes as he was searching for signs of magic in her. - "If there is nothing else that we can do to help, we should not impede here any longer. Farewell, mistress?" - the question in her voice was asking both for permission to leave and whether there truly was no other assistance that they could provide. Having nothing better to do, young witch could spend the rest of the day helping her elven colleague watch over the man, but she yet had to find a place to spend the night.

2015-09-12, 03:47 PM
The elven woman nods at Terhe. "You can stay if you want," she says abruptly. "I have more work to do tonight making alchemist's fire, but you know your way around well enough not to get in the way. This fellow will be talking in the morning, and you can ask him your questions then." The apothecary sounds utterly confident of this.

The cleric nods, returning his holy symbol to his pocket. "In that case, Tessaraea, I leave him in your capable hands." He glances at Husk. "You're more than welcome to stay with me tonight, friend. My wife would very much like to meet you."

You detect a weak abjuration aura coming from the main room of the apothecary, a weak evocation aura associated with the wounded man's bundled possessions under the cot, and a moderate transmutation aura associated with the delicate golden headband Tessaraea is wearing. You can make Spellcraft checks to identify each of these items.

Those of you who don't have other lodgings in town are easily able to arrange for a spot on the floor of the Silver Stoat. Menander and Kale Garimos, the owners and proprietors of the tavern, don't ask for payment in exchange, although those who aren't up and moving shortly after dawn risk a rude awakening when Menander mops the floor.

About an hour after dawn, each of you hears one or another of the locals sharing a particularly interesting piece of gossip. It seems that the man who stumbled into town the previous evening is awake, and none too shy about wanting some revenge on the mysterious beasts in the Border Wood. He isn't in any condition to fight himself, but he might be able to shed some light on what's been going on for the benefit of anyone else looking to deal with the situation.

The bells above Town Hall are tolling the hour as you make your way to Willowbark Apothecary, where you find the frostbitten man lying on a cot in the back room. Despite the best efforts of priests, witch, and apothecary, he is still in poor shape, obviously not fit to travel. His blue eyes are bright despite the pain, though, and he waves you closer impatiently.

2015-09-12, 05:32 PM
Husk nods at his fellow cleric's offer. "I would be glad to my friend. After all this excitement a calm end to the night sounds heavenly." Husk turns to his human companion and speaks. "Thank you for your help tonight. Tis' always good to know we have someone versed in the art of healing. I'll see you in the morning then with the rest of them, I'll check on him before we go if nothing else we'll know what attacked him is bad enough to leave him bedridden after a full night's rest and the best treatment this town can muster." Husk turns to the cleric of Erastil. "I suppose we'll be off then. Better not to keep the misses waiting." he chuckles and begins walking around the patient to go out the front door his fellow cleric leading the way. Before leaving entirely he turns to the elf and the witch and with a few words bids his farewell. "Goodnight to you two. Let us hope our friend has woken on the morrow."

The next morning Husk is the first to hear the news of the man's recovery, having followed the cleric of Erastil back to the apothecary in the morning to check up on their mutual patient. When the rest of the group shows up Husk is more than glad to see that he did not need to round them all up. "Good Morning fellows." Husk says with a smile. "He offered to tell his tale to just us two but I thought it better he save his breathe for when we were all here together. Imagine my surprise when I see you've decided to come to us yourselves."

2015-09-12, 07:43 PM
Mellio wakes up early, but not pleasantly. Floors are uncomfortable, and my HEAD. OH MY GOD, MY HEAD. Half cross-eyed and the other half wincing at the slightest noise, she stumbles along to the apothecary when she hears the news.

At the man's wide-eyed yelling retelling of the previous day's events, she maintains a near-constant expression of pure agony. "Please... Quieter?" she breathes, from her position in the corner.

2015-09-13, 12:51 PM
Alexis feeling strangely happy this morning wakes outside with her heavy coat still on. And goes to see the man. Asking him just How many beasts did you see? What did they look like? And where are they? She asks with a smile on her face waiting patiently to get going.

2015-09-13, 02:30 PM
"At your service, mistress", - Terhe gladly volunteered any assistance that she could provide, and the rest of her day was not much noteworthy or different from that to what she was used.

Neither was the following morning. Since the sunrise harbingered the upcoming midday heat, waking up at the dawn in these lands was less of a conscious choice and more of a necessary reaction. Checking that the owl was already at her side was an instinct. And, as the young witch followed her usual routine of reviewing her herbal supplies and preparing a new concoction to refill the box that proved to be still useful last evening, the familiar exchange of her vaguely remembered dreams and the owl's satisfaction after night of hunt only confirmed that their bond was as strong as always and at least something in the world was still reliable. And, with all that done, the owl perched on a shoulder to close her eyes and see some dreams of her own, and the human went to see what the fate had prepared for them in the new day.

She was only glad to see that Tessaraea's prediction came true. Somebody else could still say that the man was seriously injured; from Terhe's point of view, he survived, and that was far better than it could otherwise be. Whispering praises to Tolc under her breath and exchanging with the apothecary some questions about the man's condition, she quickly agreed that it is best to not make him tell the same tale twice - and since then just calmly waited as others arrived to hear it being told.

2015-09-13, 05:13 PM
Yoren had awoken that following morning just in time to tag along, his few hazy recollections of the prior evening had begun to surface as he hurried on over to the apothecary and saw everyone else surrounding the stranger. After exchanging greetings and good mornings with everyone else, Yoren peers inquisitively upon the man's state, and asks, "Did ye' have anyone else with ya lad?"

2015-09-14, 12:36 AM
The cleric, whose name is Natharen Safander, welcomes you into his home. His wife Zaarida, though, is even more glad to see you. She is a faithful worshiper of Sarenrae, and she eagerly discusses the faith with you over a simple dinner of bread and soup.

Natharen listens with a somewhat bemused expression to this talk; he serves a different deity, and is not particularly well-versed about Sarenrae's church. Technically, of course, her worship is illegal in Taldor. In an area as rural as Heldren, though, royal decree is more of a guideline than a strictly enforced law, and Natharen finds the prohibition a ridiculous one, as he is quick to tell you.

"We were ambushed on the road," the man says, scowling at nothing in particular. "At first we thought they were simple bandits, outlaws hiding in the forest. But then came the cold fey of the north. They appeared among us and the battle turned against us quickly. My people speak often of the winter-touched, but I never expected to find them this far south, and the others knew nothing of them. Most of us they killed, but they took Lady Argentea with them."

He growls, his maimed fingers twitching a little. "My ancestors would ridicule my lack of valor for fleeing rather than fighting to the end. But I faced enemies that even the greatest warriors in the Linnorm Kingdoms have faltered against, and I think I slew at least one of them before they dragged Lady Argentea away."

2015-09-14, 09:23 AM
"Beg your pardon, but Lady Argentea's travelled through these parts going on three weeks ago, before she broke off her betrothal. Do you mean to say that Lady Argentea is an imposter?" Husk asked his gaze focused intently on the man speaking. After what he had been through it seemed possible that he might be remembering things falsely. Even if his words were true, how could they go about proving such a thing? A broken off engagement was one thing, being replaced by a monster was something else entirely.

2015-09-14, 12:07 PM
Where did you kill this fey at? Alexis asked unfazed by anything of what ge just said. Stupid fae there the worst. She thinks to herself.

2015-09-14, 12:26 PM
Aeghis had been following silently, a little hangover went a long way to keep him quiet even more so than usual."those fey sure were a pain back north, luckily I never saw one but my mama used to talk about the dangers of fighting them. She was a brave one, lost an eye protecting the village and her left hand to frosbite" he then stood quiet, his eyes watering a little at the memories.

2015-09-14, 02:32 PM
"Lady Argentea never broke off her betrothal," the man growls. "She never even saw her betrothed! I know not what you are speaking of, dwarf, but I know that it is not what happened."

Tessaraea, who has been sitting quietly in the corner of the room, speaks up at this. "If she was dragged into the forest, then she would not have made it to Zimar. Perhaps the rumor mill took that and turned it into this story of a broken engagement."

The wounded man grunts. "Aye, perhaps. In any case, I fought the fey in the woods to the south. The ones that are freezing cold."

2015-09-14, 02:35 PM
"Lady Argentea never broke off her betrothal," the man growls. "She never even saw her betrothed! I know not what you are speaking of, dwarf, but I know that it is not what happened."

Tessaraea, who has been sitting quietly in the corner of the room, speaks up at this. "If she was dragged into the forest, then she would not have made it to Zimar. Perhaps the rumor mill took that and turned it into this story of a broken engagement."

The wounded man grunts. "Aye, perhaps. In any case, I fought the fey in the woods to the south. The ones that are freezing cold."

Can you please be more specific with how far south.? Alexis noticing that it can be a lot longer to get her information because of him getting upset decides to be very persuasive.

[Hopefully] :smallfrown: [roll0] diplomacy

2015-09-14, 02:47 PM
"Six miles south, give or take," the man says in response to Alexis's question. "Though I cannot say how much further the Lady was taken. I did not make it far from the northern edge of the forest before I was forced to flee or die."

2015-09-14, 02:49 PM
Smiling Alexis saysWell I will go and take a look. and see if there is anything. Woth that Alexis turns and leaves heading south to where he said it took place.

2015-09-14, 02:54 PM
Aeghis comes out and takes flight following Alexis closely from the sky "she ought to need protection" he thougth while grabing his crossbow to have it handier.

2015-09-14, 02:58 PM
Aeghis comes out and takes flight following Alexis closely from the sky "she ought to need protection" he thougth while grabing his crossbow to have it handier.

I don't believe we meet She says towards the Aeghis I'm Alexis and not used to traveling with others but it can help. I guess She says unsure because she never traveled with anyone but her dad and demon friends.

2015-09-14, 03:15 PM
Aeghis glides to the ground and smiles "we have not, but you came to ask the man questions so I figured you at least knew the halfling that brougt the group together" he looks around reaching with his hand to find something, then he opened his eyes wide and turned back to Alexis.

"can you wait here for a minute or two" he says then rushing flying towards town and coming back as quickly as he could, a mule following him closely "all ready lets go"

2015-09-14, 03:23 PM
Aeghis glides to the ground and smiles "we have not, but you came to ask the man questions so I figured you at least knew the halfling that brougt the group together" he looks around reaching with his hand to find something, then he opened his eyes wide and turned back to Alexis.

"can you wait here for a minute or two" he says then rushing flying towards town and coming back as quickly as he could, a mule following him closely "all ready lets go"

Alexis looks sad for a moment. But then takes off her winter coat with a shudder and a cold wave of air hit her small frame. Underneath the coat though there were lots of tiny blades and equipment that doesn't seem suitable for a fighter. Her clothes underneath are jet black reaching into her coat she pulls out another cloth of the same color and wraps it around her face. Looking at the half she throws her coat to him. And then disappears saying Im going to be up ahead a little bit I will still hear you I just don't like walking into a trap.
Alexis is staying 50 ft ahead of the group.

2015-09-14, 03:38 PM
"that was rude" he proceeds to place the coat in one of the cleaner pockets of saraīs saddle and then keeps going forward, and whispering to Sara "well, this just got a lot less fun, ainīt that right girl?" he pats her head and keeps walking in the general direction she left.

I was actually thinking myself that what she did was rude until I renembered my guy had just brought a pack animal on a stealth mission :smalltongue:

2015-09-14, 06:49 PM
It was a good thing that Terhe's skin was already quite pale - otherwise it would had instantly bewrayed her fright as her face lost what colour it still had. It was a good thing that the rest of that skin was covered by so heavy clothing - otherwise claws of her owl, who shared the feeling, would had torn it and drew blood from her shoulder. It was a good thing that the staff in her own grasp was made of solid oak - otherwise it could break into splinters under her fingers. To think of it, her life was full of good things, helping her endure everything that the fate had for her. It only made the struggle more amusing. She just never could actually escape that fate - not, as it turned out, even so far from homeland, where just hearing the word was entirely unexpected. And yet, the word was spoken and heard.

"Fey". "Cold" and "of the north" were words for the land that knew something else; back in the Irrisen, there was no need to specify something so omnipresent, like there was no need to say "snow" or "air". Back in the Feyfrost, "fey" was an unspoken word too; it was unwise to evoke the name of something what you would not like to summon. Back... but now, Terhe caught herself thinking that she might have to abandon the word "back" too. Whence the man was, his people only spoke the tales of faerie cold; whence she left, hers lived in these tales. And, no matter how far she fled, the difference between "whence" and "whither" thawed away, like tracks under blizzard. The accursed word unerringly followed her, eager to tie her back to the tale - and, perhaps, she had to turn back... no, turn face to the cold and faerie world.

"He is a mighty warrior, who can slay such a foe", - after long pondering while others asked their questions, young witch finally spoke too, starting with what was as much a honest praise to the man's valor as a cautionary reminder to herself. - "Your lady is lucky to have a protector so strong. You endured their cold and told your tale; rest assured that it was not in vain." She paused, looking at other listeners who had not just ran away as soon as they heard the general direction. Was there something else to be asked about those whom the man fought? Most likely; but Terhe already knew how the stories about them used to go. And so, instead of prying into past, she turned to the future; and instead of local tongue, her voice switched to much more familiar, sonorous northern Skald: "When your lady will ask, who had braved all foes and sent help to her, what name shall be given to her?"

2015-09-14, 07:44 PM
The man pauses for a few seconds, seemingly in shock, before replying to Terhe. When he does, he is also speaking a more northern tongue than those in Heldren are accustomed to.

"My name is Yuln Oerstag, son of Erik Greycloak." He hesitates briefly before continuing. "I think that your people and mine have not been friends. But I do not forget my debts, not even to a witch. And I owe you a debt."

2015-09-15, 07:34 AM
Husk listened to the witch speak nodding at her praise of him. If the man before them had survived such an attack he deserved it, he only wished that he were so elegant with words as to speak so well. When Terhe and the man slip into a tongue foreign to his ears he squints his eyes and looks back and forth between the two. Going by their tone, it sounded like they'd just continued with their conversation, but then why switch languages? After what Terhe had done last night Husk finally decided to let the matter drop, resolving to keep an eye on her and ask her about the exchange when he wouldn't be interrupting.

After a momentary pause in their words Husk breaks into the conversation. "You fought well sonny, that's all we can ask of any warrior. But now you need time to rest. Before you do though, now that we know we're fighting those frozen fey we need to know what they call their territory. If you can remember, where on the trail was your caravan attacked?"

Everybody's speaking skaid but me I feel like left out of the club. :(

2015-09-15, 02:25 PM
The man pauses for a few seconds, seemingly in shock, before replying to Terhe. When he does, he is also speaking a more northern tongue than those in Heldren are accustomed to.

"My name is Yuln Oerstag, son of Erik Greycloak." He hesitates briefly before continuing. "I think that your people and mine have not been friends. But I do not forget my debts, not even to a witch. And I owe you a debt."

Yoren takes off his helm and places both hands on his hammer, leaning upon the head as he stares at the man.

"Let them come, until the frost of this winter falls and all winters that come after, you have my word to protect your lands and lady from these fey, Yuln Oerstag, son of Erik Greycloak," Yoren towards both Yuln and Terhe.

2015-09-15, 07:19 PM
As the discussion continues, Mellio's headache gradually lessens. At the talk of fey, she visibly pales.

Well I will go and take a look. and see if there is anything.

Mellio quickly puts a hand up, not exactly stopping the woman, but making her presence known, at least. "Woah, lady! I know a thing or two about these people he's talking about, and believe me, they're not to be trifled with lightly! You're gonna want company if you want to go poking around in that hornet's nest!

The man pauses for a few seconds, seemingly in shock, before replying to Terhe. When he does, he is also speaking a more northern tongue than those in Heldren are accustomed to.

"My name is Yuln Oerstag, son of Erik Greycloak." He hesitates briefly before continuing. "I think that your people and mine have not been friends. But I do not forget my debts, not even to a witch. And I owe you a debt."

Mellio's eyes widen, in what develops into pure awe. "You speak Skald?!" she asks, in a hushed whisper. When two of her newfound companions respond in kind, it's all she can do to keep from falling over.

"This is incredible! The fates must have brought us here to be your support in this time of trouble! Do not worry, Master Oerstag. We will find Lady Argentea. If the Gods will it, we will return her safely to you."

With a solemn bow, she leaves the man's side, eyes still wide with excitement at what she's just witnessed.

I suspect combat is coming up soon, and while it may not be super amazing, my arcane school focus allows me to act in every surprise round- even when one wouldn't normally happen.

2015-09-16, 10:06 AM
Terhe nodded to Yuln's words, but her face only frowned heavily, and her fingers only tightened the grip on her staff. Of course, he had to call her... by that word. And, of course, somebody else just so happened to actually speak their tongue too. At least they were not paying too much attention; still, there was no reason to drag this any further - just out of politeness, if not for any personal reason. "My apologies, mistress", - young witch sighed, turning to Tessaraea. - "I only intended to exchange greetings."

Luckily, there was something else to what attention could be turned. Something actually said in the local tongue - but on the subject that people in these lands should not had knew all that well. That was interesting, and that was worrying; and witches' apprentices did not survive to become proper witches by ignoring worrying things. "And... just what are these thing or two that you know about them, little one?" - Terhe turned to Mellio, trying to ignore her comment about the fate.

2015-09-16, 08:40 PM
Mellio looks up from the doorway. "Oh, me?" Her face suddenly lights up with ecstasy at the attention.

"Oh, you know. Just this and that. I am,- well, until recently... was, I guess... a caravan guard. And I like to make it a point to knowing things, so.... Anyway, the fey have something of a reputation for being funloving tricksters. While it's not exactly wrong, per say, the common knowledge fails to address precisely what these fey consider to be 'fun.' For starters, that- she points to the frostbitten warrior- "looks like a grand old time to most of these fey. They'll burn your fingers from your hands with ice, just to watch the funny faces you make as numbness and excruciating pain fight over your attention. Then..." The small woman continues talking, at a spectacular rate, largely until someone interrupts her.

If Steinulfr prefers,
[roll0] (arcana, geography, local, or nature- whichever is most appropriate)

2015-09-17, 09:37 AM
Husk's attention drifted away from the conversation in the strange language he could not understand. When Mellio finally started speaking common again he turned and focused on her. So it's Skaid they're speaking then? He thinks. He listens to the tiny woman ramble on and on about how horrible these fey creatures are. After about a solid minute of uninterrupted talking. Husk put his hand on her shoulder to break her out of her gabbing trance. "I just have one question for you. These fey that froze this man, how do you think they would feel about fire?"

2015-09-17, 10:32 AM
Anyway, the fey have something of a reputation for being funloving tricksters.
Terhe listened carefully and closely. If Yuln's tale was at all close to the truth, people in these lands were not quite familiar with things that in the north were known even to children. And this child - or whomever she actually was - introduced herself as a mere guard. Far from position to know anything, if they are not a common threat against which guards have to be used. Yet, strange woman's words sounded reasonable so far - although something was worrying in them, and the witch kept listening with full attention.

common knowledge fails to address precisely what these fey consider to be 'fun.'
Terhe frowned. Somebody who actually knew anything about them should had been more careful. Of course, stories existed to be told, and they were told to teach, but those who learn from tales quickly learn about tales too. They had their own power. Deeds of heroes lived in them, and so did the dangers that the heroes braved; and they were not to be mentioned lightly. Fairytales had rules of their own, too; and somebody who spoke so knowingly about those who gave those tales their name should had understand the strength in the names. Yet...

grand old time to most of these fey.
"Enough!" - Terhe hissed, her voice barely rising above whispering, and yet it was a shout in the same time. Towering over the halfling, she barely could keep her hands on her staff; and the staff in her hands was shaking. - "You said "a thing or two". You did not say anything about mentioning them thrice", - with an exasperated sign, the witch managed to force herself to take a step back, out of the dwarf's way, and take a look around. They were in the building that probably could be considered a witch's hut in this land, perhaps everything was not going to turn out so bad... but if it was, Terhe knew whom she was going to blame.

"Tell him", - she sighed again, resting her head against her staff, - "anyway, you started it already... and let us be on our way. Stories do not become any worse if told while walking."

2015-09-17, 03:09 PM
It seems as though Yuln has fallen asleep again, but after Terhe interrupts Mellio he speaks up. "Fire and iron," he says, not opening his eyes. "Cold iron and hot flame to fight the winter-touched. And listen to the w...the woman; she knows what she's talking about. There are things you don't talk about if you're wise, and there are names I wouldn't say once, let alone thrice in one breath."

South of Heldren, it's a long walk through the fields to where Lady Argentea's group was apparently attacked on the road near Border Wood. As you move across the fields, the temperature grows noticeably colder, until the air feels chilly at the site of the actual attack.

There's no question when you reach that site. The road is littered with debris and corpses of both men and horses. One carriage stands in the middle of the road, while another lies overturned and broken near the edge of the trees. To the south, closer to the forest, more bodies have fallen around what appears to be a statue of ice. The ground is covered in a light dusting of snow, making it easy to see a trail leading past the statue. The trail leads through a small copse of trees and across a snowy plain toward the Border Wood.



Overturned carriage

Intact carriage

Statue of ice

Beginning of trail

You can take the time to shop in Heldren before you leave if you want. In addition to the apothecary there are a general store and a blacksmith in town.

When you do reach the site of the attack, you are approaching from the top of the map.

2015-09-17, 07:33 PM
Mellio suddenly snaps her mouth shut- almost audibly by the sheer vacuum of sound her voice leaves behind. "Sorry, I... Guess I always have more to learn?," she says, cowed.

As they walk again, she is unusually quiet for some time, not knowing what she should and shouldn't discuss.


"Woah." She breaks the silence when they see the wrecked caravan for the first time. "Well... it looks about how I'd expect. Truth be told, I wasn't sure I should have believed that man... This is strange. This is really, really strange.

And by strange, I mean bad."

She carefully moves closer to the still upright carriage, waiting for several seconds between each (tiny) step. [If anyone moves to approach more quickly, she will let them, but if not, she will get there within 5 or 6 rounds worth of time.]

[roll0] perception
[roll1] stealth if it can be applied.

2015-09-18, 01:16 PM
Husk smiles when he hears the fey hate fire. "Fire is something I can provide." He says a spark of bloodlust in his eyes.


After seeing the slaughter in front of him Husk says a prayer for the poor souls that didn't make it out of the battle. "These fey.. I've no sympathy for them after seeing this." Husk says quietly. Husk looks around for any signs of movement gripping his blade in it's sheathe his knuckles turning white from how tightly he's gripping it.

Perception check: [roll0]

2015-09-18, 06:15 PM
After saying her farewells to Yuln and Tessaraea, Terhe stayed silent and sullen for long time. She had much to ponder, and even though she already made her decision, it was far from being an easy one. The owl, perched on her shoulder as always, was used to her mistress's stride, but this time even she every so often opened her eyes to exchange a gloomy gaze with the witch and go back to sleeping again. Terhe was worried, and having to adjust to walking with a halfling and two dwarves only made her even less at peace with everything that already happened or was still waiting to happen. But, at least, this way she had some time for her thoughts.

As the air around them was turning colder, Terhe's mood seemed to slowly improve. After having to endure the summer heat, familiar scent of the fresh snow was a welcome change. But the sight that came with it was much less relaxing - even if not entirely unfamiliar too. Wreckage and bodies around it only got a short glance from the witch - nothing about them seemed too strange. But the ice statue... as soon as Terhe saw it, she herself froze in place for several heartbeats.

"I can only agree, little one. Say, do you happen to also know what is that?" - Terhe's staff pointed at the statue and the bodies around it, and the witch again stood unmoving for some time before returning it to the ground. - "You... do not have ice sculptures in "summer" in this land, right?" - lightly tapping the owl's talons with her own fingers, young witch once again awoke her companion and carefully took the first step forward. Not interested much in carriages, she nonetheless stopped between them and looked around - and then turned to the statue, taking a long and very careful look at it before even thinking about approaching any further.

2015-09-18, 07:14 PM
As she starts to get close to the intact carriage, Mellio hears a sort of quiet scraping sound coming from within, almost like someone is inside the carriage trying to get out.

Husk sees nothing moving and no signs of life anywhere in the site of the massacre.

As she looks at the statue of ice, Terhe sees that it isn't actually a statue at all, but a man encased in ice. Or, rather, most of a man; multiple chunks have been carved away and now lie on the ground at his feet, slowly melting.

2015-09-19, 11:18 AM
Mellio lets out a short cry. "There's someone here! In the carriage!" She leaves behind all pretense of stealth to rush to the aid of whoever is trapped within.

2015-09-19, 12:38 PM
Upon hearing Melio shout Husk rushes over, knowing that it must be serious for the halfling to use so few words. "Let me do it." Husk stops Melio from getting near with an outstretched arm. "I'm stronger than you and if it is something less than friendly you'll watch my back." Husk explains and starts to push the carriage over so whatever is inside can get out. His face showing his fear of accidentally freeing some monster.

2015-09-19, 05:17 PM
Aeghis stood behind them all, charging his crossbow and preparing to fire to protect Husk "got your back dwarf"

2015-09-19, 06:38 PM
"There is a lot of someones outside the carriage too..." - Terhe muttered, staring at the statue with a mix of fright and hatred on her face. - "Or... did you mean someone still alive?.. Who?" - recoiling thence where she stood, the witch circled around the carriage to stop behind the dwarf and the halfling, giving a very confused glance to Aeghis as she passed by him. That was certainly not the creature of any kind that she had ever met, but for now her interest had froze to the carriage - thankfully, she could easily look over the heads of the shorter people in front of her. Statue for now could be ignored - even if it was still alive inside (a possibility that the girl from Feyfrost could not dismiss as easily as she would had liked to do it), then it could wait for a bit more. Somebody still warm and breathing after what happened... that was strange. And she knew how to treat strange things.

2015-09-19, 07:45 PM
"See anything?" Yoren nods at Aeghis, hefting his hammer upon his back before walking over to the carriage. "Give it 'ere," Yoren takes a quick look around before giving the spear a sharp yank at the haft.

Perception: [roll0]

2015-09-19, 10:47 PM
As Yoren pulls the spear out through the handles of the door, the doors of the carriage immediately fall open. A pair of humans instantly rush out, but it's obvious even at a glance that there's something very wrong with them. One of them has a crimson smile carved under his chin; the hole flaps open and closed obscenely as he moves, slashed open to the spine. The other's chest is dented inwards where something struck her with awful force; a tear in her shirt shows that the flesh is ripped open underneath, and you can see into her chest cavity.

Despite the obviously lethal wounds, both of them are still up and moving. As they tumble out of the carriage, one swings an arm in a clumsy strike at Yoren, while the other attacks Husk.

Slam against Yoren: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]
Critical confirmation: [roll2]
Critical damage: [roll3]

Slam against Husk: [roll4]
Damage: [roll5]
Critical confirmation: [roll6]
Critical damage: [roll7]

Both of them are zombies. Among the weakest of undead, zombies are almost always created and controlled by spellcasters. Left to their own devices, they're mindlessly destructive, attacking anyone and everyone they encounter.

Though strong and relatively tough, zombies are exceedingly stupid. They're also slower than would be expected.

The initiative order is as follows:
Mellio, Yoren, Terhe
All PCs

2015-09-20, 12:34 AM
I don't believe that actually did damage to me as the attack roll didn't beat my AC
Knowledge Religion Roll: [roll0]

Husk raises his shield and blocks the creatures attack. Though clearly no longer human enough to save Husk isn't sure what's happened to the man. Hefting his trusty Morningstar Husk attacks back. "What in the world are these things?" Husk shouts.

2015-09-20, 12:44 AM
Because I wanted to see if I'd pass the knowledge check before seeing what I'd do.
Attack Roll:[roll0]
Damage Roll:[roll1]
(Haha Yeah right)
Crit Confirmation:[roll2]
Crit Damage:[roll3]

2015-09-20, 10:53 AM
Aledis looks at the undead not impressed she tries looking for the tracks but keeps an eye to the undead.

Hide [roll1d20+8

2015-09-20, 12:30 PM
Yoren shakes his head and reels from the hit, swinging at the creatures with his Earth Breaker.

Attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]
Critical confirmation: [roll2]
Critical damage: [roll3]

2015-09-20, 03:11 PM
"Alive". "Warm and breathing". Terhe just was thinking these words, but, after seeing those to whom they were applied, she was no longer so sure about her phrasing. Nobody with wounds like that could had been alive; yet, they were obviously moving, and quite aggressively as that. As far as she could see, they were not breathing either; but, as the witch had to remind herself, in these weird lands she could not even see her own breath, much less those of others. And as for being warm... she would not had been surprised to learn that they were as cold as the nearby statue, but she had no desire to touch them and check. And even if they were not, she was not going to feel any remorse remedying that.

"I do not know what they are...", - Terhe took one hand off her staff and pointed at the strange humans, - "...but they are no fey. They... should not be like this!" - young witch's voice, confused and uncertain at first, rose to shouting, and the answer to dwarf's question was followed by few more words in a language much more foreign than what she used before. The chill in the air grew stronger for a moment, ran down her extended arm - and flew off her pointing finger, like an arrow flies from the bowstring.

Ranged touch attack for ray of frost: [roll0], reduced as necessary for shooting into melee combat and over others in the way if Terhe cannot have an unobstructed line. If hits, [roll1] cold damage. If possible, aimed at a zombie that gets no cover, or just at the closest one if there is no difference.

2015-09-20, 07:57 PM
Mellio Moss (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=513591)
F NG Halfling Wizard, Level 1, Init 11, HP 7/7, DR Cold Resist 2, Speed 30
AC 15, Touch 15, Flat-footed 11, CMD 11, Fort 2, Ref 5, Will 3, CMB -3, Base Attack Bonus 0
Sling (10x bullets) -1/+5 (1d3-2, x2)
Dagger -1/+5 (1d3-2, 19-20, x2)
(+4 Dex, +1 Size)
Abilities Str 7, Dex 18, Con 10, Int 18, Wis 10, Cha 11
Condition Prescience: 7/7

"Yikes!" Mellio jumps about double her height in surprise as the zombies burst from the carriage. She steps backwards, almost tripping on the tiny rabbit perched between her feet. She draws her sling and loads it, swinging the leather strap menacingly- at least as menacingly as a woman less than 3 feet tall can be.

1st of all, I'm assuming my allies can pretty much handle this without one of my 3 spells per day. 2nd of all, I'm all-but useless without my 3 spells per day. If you guys prove incapable, I'll have to set them on fire.

5-foot step back as a free action
draw my sling as a move action
load the sling as another move action.

2015-09-20, 08:46 PM
Aeghis shoots his crossbow hastily, piercing trough hide and bone as if it was nothing and looking seriously badass while doing it, then he flew towards the top of the carriage to get into higher ground.

1) spend one grit to attack touch armor, towards the zombie that lest people are attacking, grit left 2/3.

Ranged touch attack [roll0]
Damage [roll1]

2) fly to the top of the carriage to take advantage of higher ground, fly roll if needed [roll2] +6

As he shoots a hole trough the mad men's skull and positions himself atop the vehicle reloading his crossbow, he winks at the halfling woman slinging stones at them "mine packs a bit more punch"

2015-09-21, 05:10 AM
Husk's morningstar connects with the male zombie, but doesn't seem to do much; its flesh simply yields under the blow. Yoren's earth breaker is more effective, bashing the thing hard enough to shatter bones; a moment later Aeghis's bolt slams into its throat and tacks it to the carriage, where it twitches a few more times before going still. Meanwhile, Terhe's cantrip connects with the other zombie, freezing its flesh.

That one is not dead yet, though, and with a groan it swings one arm in a lumbering strike at Husk.

Slam attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]
Critical confirmation: [roll2]
Critical damage: [roll3]

2015-09-21, 09:27 AM
Whatever this thing was it refused to go down without one hit. When it swung it's arm to strike at him Husk raised his shield to meet it and blocked the hit. Tough little buggers but not very good at fighting back. With his shield arm still raised Husk lifts his Morningstar high before swinging it down on the creature's head hoping to crack it's skull.

Attack [roll0]
Damage [roll1]
Crit [roll2]
Crit Dmg [roll3]

2015-09-21, 09:35 AM
Because I tried to preview the post to see if I'd done everything right.
Attack [roll0]
Damage [roll1]
Crit [roll2]
Crit Dmg [roll3]

2015-09-21, 04:13 PM
Terhe watched the effects of her magic with just a hint of a smile. Whatever this creature was, it still could freeze like any living human. Wherever this land was, it still could be snowed like any proper place. However her fate turned, she... no, that was never under any question or doubt. She was a witch, and the cold itself was hers to command.

These creatures were no fey. This land was no Irrisen. She had nothing to fear. And if these humans by some bewitchment retained their lives, but lost their minds, it was only right for her to show that northern magic could make them truly dead nonetheless. Earlier or later, any warm body had to succumb to the cold. Even by tiniest gust, the winter could take anything. It only needed some time.

And so, one more time, the witch recited the same spell.

Attack: [roll0].
Damage: [roll1].

2015-09-23, 05:54 PM
Husk misses the zombie, but Terhe manages to freeze it again, and Yoren's earth breaker puts it down for good.

Looking into the carriage, you can easily see that someone's rummaged through it. It appears to have been looted, and then the zombies did more damage to it while they were locked inside.

2015-09-23, 06:15 PM
Yoren pants, eventually slumping against the carriage, thumping it loudly with the handle of his earth breaker shouting "Oi there! Anyone else?" Without a word, he strides toward the bodies and grabs a leg in each hand, dragging them over to the side of the road. Towards the party Yoren asks, "Oi, anyone 'ave a clue who these two are?"

Yoren will wait for someone to identify the bodies before gathering kindling to prepare a pyre.

2015-09-23, 09:54 PM
Husk walks up to his fellow dwarf and takes a gander at the bodies. "Well they were locked inside this carriage so they were probably with the rest of the caravan. Though if it were the fey that did this to them then there's no reason why they would seal them in. I say let the fire cleanse them and everyone else here for that matter."

The dwarf with the fire domain may be a bit of a pyro who would have thought?! :smalltongue:-

2015-09-24, 08:59 AM
Aeghis flies around the area for a bit, while the rest explore the corpses he makes a couple of rounds to find more clues from the earth.

fly check if needed: [roll0] +6
Stealth: [roll1]+2
Perception: [roll2] +4
Search: [roll3]

He is going to fly in a 180 ft of diameter circle around the site and land back when he ends.

2015-09-24, 05:34 PM
Mellio frowns at the destruction wrought by both the fey and the remains of their prey. She shakes her head to the negative, with just a hint of tears welling up in her eyelids. "I don't recognize them, but I can't imagine they deserved this." She nods emphatically at the suggestion to burn them. "Yes, put them to rest for sure."

After a few moments, she looks back around. "Guys? That lady Argentea isn't around here anywhere. I think we need to get a move on!" She points towards the obvious trail of blood and destruction, and lets out an audible gulp. "Anyone else want to go first?"

2015-09-24, 09:31 PM
"Do people in this land burn their dead?" - Terhe looked at her short companions with some confusion, but it was not even that surprising compared to seeing walking dead. - "If that is what you usually do, go ahead, but it is probably going to take some time... and there are more urgent things to do. We are not that far from the village, and their companion knows that their bodies are still here. If they died in battle, I am sure that he will see to it that somebody gives them a proper funeral; until then, they do not seem to move anymore..."

But dead people, even if they were twice dead now, were not the only thing in sight. Now that short battle was over, Terhe's attention quickly returned to the ice statue. Leaving others to discuss what has to be done with corpses, the witch approached the frozen man, carefully walking around other bodies on the ground. Stopping at her staff's length away from the statue, she gave it - and scattered pieces of it - a better look, trying to understand just what could have done something like that.

2015-09-24, 11:10 PM
"Do people in this land burn their dead?" - Terhe looked at her short companions with some confusion, but it was not even that surprising compared to seeing walking dead.

As the aftermath of the fight purged the last remaining influence mead had over Yoren's body, he turns to Terhe.

"You don't want these two comin' back for ye'," as his tone nearly dropped into a whisper.

2015-09-25, 02:43 AM
You don't really see anything of note beyond what you've already noticed. There are no real signs of life in the area; it seems like the local wildlife is mostly avoiding the frozen area.

It looks as though the man was encased in ice and then someone took a knife to the resulting ice sculpture. He might have been alive when he was frozen; it's hard to tell with any confidence. He certainly isn't now, though. Some of the pieces missing are merely disconcerting, like the fingers and lips, but where his throat is cut away to expose the spine would be lethal even without the rest. The ice is melting only very slowly, but it seems like that might be just the cold of the area at work.

You do notice that the man's armor is considerably more intact than the man himself, and looks to be of good quality. If you were to extract it from the ice, it might still be usable.

2015-09-25, 06:05 PM
Mellio shakes her head. "Usually, they are buried. Often marked with a stone or some other commemoration, but burning is something of a superstitious rite with the undead. It's hard to argue with, really. Better safe than sorry, I always say!"

She follows the witch as the taller woman moves closer for a better look. "That looks distinctly unpleasant," she comments with an expression of disgust. "Blech!"

2015-09-25, 06:42 PM
Aeghis swoops down near mellio, seeing nothing of interest he leans down a little closer to mellio's height, he looks at the statue confused for a bit and then turns to her "Mmm... What is that thing?

2015-09-26, 04:29 PM
Terhe let out a relieved sigh. That was not a pleasant way to die, but at least it was over for the man - and, unlike those strange bodies from the carriage, he was not going to be moving again, at least due to being frozen in place. In a certain sense, - a sense that she was not glad to have at all, - it was a sight more familiar and understandable than walking dead were. And trail of snow, continuing into the direction of allegedly frozen forest, only reminded here about home even more. Not that it was a pleasant memory.

But it was the time to head forward and come back. Almost the time: if she was going to walk over snow again, there were preparations to be made. "If you intend to burn anything, do it quickly", - Terhe shrugged, taking off her backpack and sitting in front of the statue to rummage through it. Her furlined boots already looked sturdy enough for any winter, but the witch nonetheless spent some time tying to them a pair of netlike soles. Next to come out was her heavy cloak, which, after giving a glance to her companions, Terhe threw on for now.

Standing up and grabbing her staff, the witch once again looked like a traveller from faraway land. With the owl still perched on her shoulder, she made the first step towards the trail - and turned around to look at her companions. "Are you ready yet? I can go first, if you are afraid of a little snow..."

2015-09-27, 11:26 AM
"Mmm... What is that thing?

Mellio gulps. "Well, it was a man. I think it's a corpse, now. Hopefully, it'll stay that way..."

She turns to follow Terhe, still wary about their surroundings, but unwilling to leave the task unfinished.

2015-09-27, 04:38 PM
Husk digs through his pack as well, pulling out some firewood he had been carrying with him. "If there are no objections, I'll start the fire." He turns looking around at his companions. Provided no one objects Husk begins dragging the two zombies over the stack of wood before lighting the wood underneath them on fire with his flint and steel.

He has few words to say for the strangers except a simple prayer. "May the fire cleanse you of worldly sin. Both your own and those visited upon you." He takes a flask out from his shirt pocket and takes a pull on it. No one deserved to die like these men did. Locked away and starved to the point of mindlessness. It was disgusting, these fey need to pay.

"If anyone else has anything they'd like to do, do it now." Husk says grufly

After turning from the fire Husk takes a cue from Terhe and fishes out his winter coat. Stripping off his armor before donning the coat and putting the armor over top of it. The collar of the coat spilled out the head hole of his armor and going up to just below his ears even with the hood down.

That rhymed and I didn't even mean it to! :smallbiggrin: So not sure how much firewood a funeral pyre would take up but I do have 20 pounds of the stuff so take what you will.

2015-09-30, 08:03 PM
Aeghis saddens when he hears about the dead man and is a little curious that the dwarf knows the Stryxīs rituals for the deceased in combat, he kneels before the body before they set it on fire and speaks soft words while painting marks on his face with the snow, a small gulp sounds as he finishes chanting and he proceeds to follow Mellio and the rest.

"from the ashes of peace and well being a warrior is born, dead by weapons, famine or disease brings warriors closer to the core. May the ashes of they flee by air and when they hit the earth be reborn to fight for the sky queens again..."

2015-10-01, 03:28 AM
The fire burns hot and fast, and it doesn't take very long at all before the former zombies are reduced to ashes.

Continuing on along the path, you soon get into snow. It lies on the ground in a blanket half a foot thick, or deeper where it's formed drifts. The air gets steadily colder as you enter the snowy area, until it's just below freezing.

After slogging through the snow for about a mile across the open field, you reach the Border Wood proper. As it enters the forest, the trail passes through a small clearing before continuing uphill and out of sight. A large chest lies half-buried in the snow, apparently dropped or discarded by those who hastily passed this way.

There's a rope under the snow, leading from the vicinity of the chest up into the trees. Looking up, you see a spiked log up in the trees. It seems the people who attacked the caravan left a trap for anyone looking to get into the chest....

The area is now treated as snowy for purposes of travel. Unless you've got snowshoes, you're probably moving at half speed.

This area is also under the effects of cold weather (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/gamemastering/environment/environmental-rules#TOC-Cold-Dangers). In an hour, you'll have to start making your Fortitude saves against the cold.

2015-10-01, 12:17 PM
Mellio shivers, unused to the suddenly frigid temperatures. "Th- th- this is wh- wh- what you're u- u- ussseed to?" she grumpily asks of the cloak-bound witch. "H-h-ho-ow h-orr-ible!"

She plods warily through the snow- piled up to the thighs of the diminutive arcanist. Seeing the chest in the clearing, she squints. "Wh-why would th-they b-be worr-ied ab-out be-ing fah- fah- foll-owed? This is f- f- fissshy."

[roll0] perception

2015-10-02, 07:29 PM
Mellio shivers, unused to the suddenly frigid temperatures. "Th- th- this is wh- wh- what you're u- u- ussseed to?" she grumpily asks of the cloak-bound witch. "H-h-ho-ow h-orr-ible!"

She plods warily through the snow- piled up to the thighs of the diminutive arcanist. Seeing the chest in the clearing, she squints. "Wh-why would th-they b-be worr-ied ab-out be-ing fah- fah- foll-owed? This is f- f- fissshy."

[roll0] perception

"I doubt there be any more reason for us to consider the same," Yoren pondered.

Perception: [roll0]

2015-10-02, 08:35 PM
Aeghis is freezing but he took it okay,he was having a tough choice between exposing his wings or walking trough the snow at a slower pace.

He charged his crossbow and shot at the lock in the chest, afterwards seeing as Mellio was shaking he extended his wings around her trying to provide some warmth "I hope y-you donīt mind, I left my cold gear back h-ome" he said, his breath visible in the air.

attack roll: [roll0]
damage roll: [roll1]
perception: [roll2]

2015-10-02, 09:45 PM
Aeghis's arrow hits the lock of the chest. It doesn't do much more than scuff the metal; the chest itself is still intact.

It also, quite by accident, cuts through a rope that was attached to the chest and buried under the snow. The now-loose end of the rope flies up into the trees.

Instants later, a tree trunk covered in spikes swings down and along the trail, damaging or knocking aside anyone in its path.

So I don't know quite what you were hoping to achieve here, but I don't think this is it. The spiked log trap makes an attack against all creatures by the chest or on this section of trail (i.e., all PCs).
Attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]
Critical confirmation (19-20): [roll2]
Critical damage: [roll3]

2015-10-03, 04:22 AM
Terhe, just as she proposed, was walking in the front. That meant that nobody could see her face - and the young witch smiled to herself, listening to familiar crunching of snow under her boots. Already light in build, with her wide snowshoes she barely left any tracks at all; with her long human stride, she had to constantly slow herself down to not leave her short companions behind, but even that could not worsen her mood. And she certainly could not understand their concerns with the change of weather.

"Used to... what?" - the witch turned back, thanks to the snow towering over Mellio even more than before, and her face, barely reddened by the frost, had an expression of genuine confusion. - "It is not snowing. There is no wind. It is not even cold yet. You know nothing about real horrors of the winter, little one! What, had you never seen your breath? It only means that you are still alive! Come, do not slow down, the ground is barely snowed..." - to prove her words, Terhe raised her staff in both hands and struck it down, demonstrating just how little does it submerge. When she raised the staff back, showing not even a foot of snow on it, she did it just in time to see the crossbow bolt fly past her. And turned to follow it just in time for the log to hit her.

The force of the blow knocked Terhe down. Lying on the soft snow, however little of it there was, felt only familiar, and she did not even want to stand up. She did not even have to do it - after all, such a blow could send a normal girl in her place into unconsciousness. But... a hoot reached her hearing even through the veil of pain. Her familiar called - and if she had a familiar, then she was a witch. And being a witch of Feyfrost meant never being treated as a normal girl. Blindly reaching around her on the snow, Terhe felt something wooden - and, grasping her staff, pushed herself back on her feet.

But even though they made her stand again, memories could also be a heavy weight. Even though her life never was normal, it still had some rules to it. And things like that were not supposed to happen at all. "That is unfair..." - muttered Terhe in Skald, forgetting for a moment where she was, and shook her head, returning to the reality. "What. Had. You. Done?" - once again speaking the local tongue, she emphasised each word, herself not knowing whether it was out of anger or for the ease of being understood by whatever that creature was. - "Is everyone... alive?" - that was probably not the most appropriate word, but the witch was now too busy examining her own pain to find a better one.

2015-10-03, 12:28 PM
Husk groans in pain. He hadn't even had time to react before being knocked off his feet and thrown away. "Aye, I believe so." He pulls himself upright dusting himself upright and thanking Sarenrae that his life hadn't ended because of some swinging piece of wood. What a way to die that would have been. If'n you're not dead, I can treat what that damned trap did to ye. Just need ta gather 'round me."

When his fellow dwarf doesn't respond Husk realizes he's hurt more than the rest and goes over to his side instead. Husk lifts his holy symbol into the air and closes his eyes focusing. What follows is a burst of light centered on the dwarf's holy symbol with strands of healing light running to and between each of us, mending the wounds dealt by the trap. When the light fades the less hardy look worse for wear but everyone is on their feet again.

So that's one use of my channel positive energy. Let's hope I roll a five or six [roll0] Edit: Dangnabit just one more hit point...

2015-10-03, 06:46 PM
Mellio grunts as the huge log knocks her to the ground. Thanks to her height and the snow, the bulk of the weight came through right about head height, and dazed her severely. As she shakes of the ache, and the worse of the snow- now covering her entire back head to toe- her eyes take longer than usual to focus. "Oii... ugh...." She grunts and groans as she manages to pull herself upright again.

When Husk sends out a wave of glowing energy, the pain suddenly subsides, and she begins briskly brushing the snow from her back and the back of her legs. "You guys gotta warn me if you're doing stuff like that..." she complains. Looking up at the dangling long, she thinks aloud, "Well, it can't fall twice. Anyone see any signs of another?"

At their mutters to the negative, she plods slowly forward, keen on the chest.

2015-10-03, 07:22 PM
The cold air nipped at the fraying ends of Yoren's armor as the twang of a loosened crossbow bolt split the air past him. "Oi! Watch it will ye, almost took me head-Oooof!" Yoren called out prior to being cut short by the blow. He lay still for several moments muttering utterances to his forefathers in Dwarven as surrounding snow turned crimson and his eyes slowly shut. As Husk channeled his powers, Yoren's slipping grasp on himself grew stronger as he rose gasping at the sight of Mellio, Terhe, Aeghis and Husk. "Dear me, what in Torag's name just happened?" he asked, staring at the crimson snow surrounding him.

2015-10-03, 08:09 PM
Aeghis tries to dodge the blow but the log scratched him trough the right arm, inmobile as it was before he could get the chance to bandage it Huskīs healing took effect and the wound closed, as he looked around to see how everyone else was doing, as he heard Yoren ask about the cause of this issue he walked close to him "thatīs my bad, sorry."

2015-10-05, 11:59 AM
"It's alright lad, we're all still in one piece." Husk puts his hand on Yoren and after another brief chant and accompanying light that much more of the dwarfs wounds have closed. "My apologies brother, I didn't realize how much of bite outta ye that earlier scrape took."

So that's my Magic Weapon spell converted into CLW. Come on big money [roll0] Why do you hate me forum roller? I've rolled nothing above a four all morning :smallannoyed:

"Do try to think 'fore shooting again though." He says addressing the winged-man again.

2015-10-09, 05:21 AM
When you look at it, the chest turns out to be empty. It isn't even locked.

It is sitting a little oddly in the snow, though...almost like there's something underneath it.

2015-10-10, 09:40 AM
Mellio struggles to shove the chest aside, but her unstable footing and the obstruction of the small snowdrift behind it thoroughly overmatch her own efforts. Sighing, she turns back to her new companions. "Hmph. Who leaves an empty chest out here? Stupid fey."

2015-10-10, 10:58 AM
""Stupid"?.." - Terhe, unhindered by the snow, approached the chest to see what could interest the halfling in it, but stopped once she heard Mellio's words. - "Calling them "funloving" is not far from truth. Saying that they are cruel would not be wrong. Describing them as inhuman is barely a start. But do not even think about them as "stupid", little one...", - young witch raised her staff to point at the chest - and froze in the middle of her speech. Even with the halfling's tracks next to it, the chest did not look properly buried. - "...and they never do anything without some purpose. Like this; look closer. This is no work of wintertouched. This was done by some local man who does not know how things look after a day of proper snow; and so was that log thing. They just... do not think like that."

With that said, Terhe gave a closer look to results of Mellio's efforts - and quietly chuckled, seeing what halfling was trying to do. "Even if whoever buried it knew nothing about the snow, that was a futile struggle, little one. This is not how it is done..." - with that, young witch firstly circled around the buried chest, pressing on the snow with all her little weight, and then, picking the least snowed side, stomped few more times to smoothe a trail. "Now we can try pushing..." - motioning the halfling to the opposite side, Terhe held tightly her stout staff and pushed it under a corner, ready to use her height as a leverage, - "...but do you want to see what is down there? I do not know how your bandits think, but he, who made one log fall on us, could make another ready for those who dig too deep..."

2015-10-10, 10:58 PM
Aeghis tries to dodge the blow but the log scratched him trough the right arm, inmobile as it was before he could get the chance to bandage it Huskīs healing took effect and the wound closed, as he looked around to see how everyone else was doing, as he heard Yoren ask about the cause of this issue he walked close to him "thatīs my bad, sorry."

Yoren looks on with disbelief before slowly rising from the blood-stained snow. "All's well now I 'spose, no harm intended my friend," Yoren told Aeghis before laughing off the incident and turning to Husk, "Oi! Many thanks there kinsman, I owe ye a drink next in the town we visit, though what was in that chest anywhoo?"

When you look at it, the chest turns out to be empty. It isn't even locked.

"Wha in the..."

"Now we can try pushing..." - motioning the halfling to the opposite side, Terhe held tightly her stout staff and pushed it under a corner, ready to use her height as a leverage, - "...but do you want to see what is down there? I do not know how your bandits think, but he, who made one log fall on us, could make another ready for those who dig too deep..."

"I'll give ye a hand, just slowly," Yoren offered as his voice dropped into a grim whisper.

Yoren steps back a few feet before setting his Lucerne Hammer at a brace.

2015-10-12, 09:35 PM
Once the chest has been pushed aside, you see a cache dug into the snow underneath. It looks like the bulkier loot from the raid was left here, in particular a great deal of equipment taken from Lady Argentea's guards.

5 sets of leather armor
3 sets of studded leather armor
1 masterwork chain shirt
2 light wooden shields
7 longswords
2 spears
1 masterwork dagger
3 light crossbows
25 crossbow bolts

2015-10-13, 03:50 PM
Aeghis approaches and looks trough the loot in the box "ĄĄsweet godess!! is no wonder this was trapped, we could feed ourselves for a year with this..."

he pauses and looks to Mellio "we are keeping it, right?"

2015-10-13, 03:56 PM
Mellio frowns thoughtfully at the discovery. "Well, um. Maybe? First, it's not our highest priority at the moment- we still need to find the kidnapped lady! Second, well, this stuff probably belongs... er, belonged to somebody? Right..?

I dunno! Maybe! Come on!"

She leaves the cache behind, unable to carry or make good use of most of it, and continues down the path towards where they expect to find Lady Argentea.

2015-10-13, 04:05 PM
Aeghis looks at her confused while she is leaving "lady?" he disregards the tought and follows behind her "well yeah, we have to find the lady but chances say whoever this belonged to canīt make use of it now and this weapons could be of great help, we should use it to our advantage donīt you think?"

he smiles to Mellio after asking seemingly impacient for hearing what she said.

2015-10-13, 06:43 PM
"This could be worse", - Terhe only shrugged, seeing the revealed hoard. Giving a disinterested look to a variety of armour and weaponry, the witch sat down on the snow next to the cache and let others see it for themselves. After exchanging some looks with her owl and checking several times that she did not exert her staff too much, though, she considered the found loot once again. Leaving her staff to lie on the snow for a moment, Terhe picked a dagger from the pile and, taking off one of her own gloves and the weapon's sheath, pressed a blade against her finger, careful to not actually draw any blood.

"The metalwork is nice", - she nodded, sheathing the dagger again and tossing it back into the hoard, - "but it is still no cold iron. If we are truly to face any fey in this forest, I doubt that any of this would be of great use... although if all it was gathered by some mere bandits, it might be wise to pick some good weapons... not that I know anything about their usage. So, if you see something to your liking, take it, and let us go. Time is short" - her hand already gloved again and holding her staff, the witch stood up and turned to follow Mellio; but, confident in her ability to easily catch up with the short halfling, did not rush yet, waiting for those more familiar with armours and armaments to make their judgements.

2015-10-13, 06:44 PM
The wee wizard turns back to her new companion. "Oh, if it looks useful, sure, take it! I can't imagine anyone would mind if we borrowed it for such a use, even if it's owner were likely to be alive..."

2015-10-14, 11:12 AM
Aeghis does a winning gesture as he walks with Mellio ĄĄsweet!! as Mellio stares at him he quickly walks back saying "I mean... how great that this weīll make it easier to hunt fey, right?"

he walks towards the chest and midway he turns to Mellio, "can you watch Sara for me, she is tied up near that tree" he rushes to the chest barely avoiding segrain and looking at the rest while they see whats inside.

edit: ooc: I will line the chain shirt.

2015-10-14, 03:43 PM
Yoren stares at the loot slightly amused, though it quickly turns to moderate apprehension in his tone, "Thank Torag for this gift, though judging from the number of suits, there may be 'others' to come."

Anyone want the chain shirt?

2015-10-15, 04:37 AM
Husk looked over the pile of loot. He had few qualms about taking from the pile himself nor letting his companions do the same, after all it wasn't as though it would be missed. And yet there was very little in the pile that caught his eye. "Take what ye will but let's not weigh ourselves down with common bits and bobs." Husk walks up the trail a bit leaving his back to the pile and taking no more interest in what his companions did with the loot.

2015-10-15, 08:10 PM
Mellio looks confused. "Er. Who's Sara?"

2015-10-17, 03:08 PM
The trail continues into the woods for about another mile after the trapped chest. The snow on the ground makes movement a little more difficult, but it also means that the trail is extremely easy to follow; even someone with no tracking experience at all would have a hard time losing this trail.

About a mile in, the trail dips into a narrow gully leading through a tree-covered ridge. The snow seems to have accumulated more deeply in the gulley, lying several inches thick on the ground, with drifts several feet tall. The bandits' trail continues straight through, the snow tramped down in a tight trench through the gully.

There's a white reptile lurking in one of the largest snowdrifts. The creature is easily the size of a person, and it's watching you hungrily.

Doesn't seem like there's much competition for the gear, so as far as I'm concerned anyone who claims something's got it.

Also, you've been in the chilled area for about an hour, so it's time to start making Fortitude saves against cold weather. It's a DC 15 save or take [roll0] nonlethal damage and be fatigued.

2015-10-17, 04:40 PM
Aeghis moves trough the trail, with Sara by his side, he stops before reaching the gully looking around and eating a piece of bread while giving Sara some oath and petting her head "tasty, ainīt it?"

perception: failed by virtue of having no ranks *facepalm*
Aeghis fort save:[roll0]
Saraīs fort save:[roll1]

should we assume that I just donned the new chain shirt on the way here?

2015-10-17, 04:59 PM
Husk stays near the middle of the group once everyone catches up, not venturing far out ahead. His expression is of one lost in thought. He thinks of the men he'd seen earlier today, something about their inhuman nature striking a cord in his memory he couldn't place.

So at this point it would be safe to say Husk has donned both his snow shoes and his winter clothing, so he's not taking a move penalty from the snow and gets a bonus to saves against the cold weather.

2015-10-17, 05:26 PM
Once everybody was done with the hoard of weapons and returned to the trail, Terhe once again took the position at the front. Still not much used to walking with a company so short, she would had quickly ended there anyway - and constantly had to remind herself to keep her stride shorter and slower. Yet, the witch regularly had to look back over her shoulder to make sure that she had not walked away from everybody else, and the glares that she was giving to her companions were far from pleasant.

Of course, she could not blame them. What was everyday weather for Irrisen, in this land was seen as a miracle. But understanding it did not make Terhe any less disappointed by having to keep herself slow; she remained silent and sullen, as even familiar sights of snowed forest no longer improved her mood. At least the path forward was clear - and, caring only for the owl on her shoulder and the staff in her hands, but neither for cold around her nor for what could wait for her in it, the witch kept walking forward.

2015-10-21, 07:40 PM
Mellio gradually begins to slow. She stumbles to the ground, the severe cold affecting her more deeply than she realizes. She struggles to her feet, shivering, and trudges onward. "C'mon, lady..." She breathes in a hoarse whisper. "They can't have taken you that far. Where are you?"

Now moving at just a crawl, the pint-sized practitioner seems to focus only on the ground in front of her feet as she doggedly places one tiny foot in front of the other.

2015-10-23, 02:24 PM
Mellio gradually begins to slow. She stumbles to the ground, the severe cold affecting her more deeply than she realizes. She struggles to her feet, shivering, and trudges onward. "C'mon, lady..." She breathes in a hoarse whisper. "They can't have taken you that far. Where are you?"

Now moving at just a crawl, the pint-sized practitioner seems to focus only on the ground in front of her feet as she doggedly places one tiny foot in front of the other.

Yoren takes a deep gasp as frosty air prickles the inside of his lungs beneath his armor. He briefly takes a moment to pause before stopping and looking back at the rest of the group before he noticed Mellio upon the ground. Yoren walks over, resting his hammer upon his shoulder as he approaches the halfling, "Ye alright lass?" Yoren asks before furnishing his Cold Weather Outfit and offers it to Mellio, "Stay close, we don't know how many of those...things...be out here in this frigid mess."

2015-10-24, 05:53 PM
Mellio smiles up at the Dwarf. She accepts his offer, and smiles weakly as he drapes the heavy oversized cloak on her shoulders. Snuggling it tightly against her chin for both warmth and the soft feel, she still has to hike the hem up into her hands to walk in the huge, fluffy garment. Still, the bitter cold is held slightly further at bay, as she struggles to continue.

2015-10-25, 10:48 AM
When Yoren goes back to help Mellio to her feet Husk finally realizes something is amiss. He calls out to the members of the group that had gone on ahead. "Hold on fer a moment ev'ryone." Husk turns to the pair of his diminutive companions and immediately apologizes to Mellio " 'm sorry lass. I dinnae realize how cold it had gotten." He looks genuinely sorry for his oversight. "But, I can fix what damage's been done." Husk lifts his holy symbol into the air and once again another burst of healing light flows between the group.

2015-10-25, 11:48 AM
Everything seems calm as the group works to cope with the harsh weather and finally move into the area of deeper snow. As you move past one of the deeper drifts, though, yellow eyes briefly gleam under the snow before a large reptile bursts out of the snow. Its scales are almost as white as the snow it was buried under, making it almost impossible to see until it moved, although it's at least six feet long.

Now, though, it charges at Mellio, pouncing on the halfling and attacking her viciously.

The reptile is an arctic tatzlwyrm. These cousins of true dragons aren't nearly as powerful as their greater brethren, but are still much more intelligent than normal reptiles, and share many of a dragon's traits. They also tend to be aggressive in defending their territories, and don't hesitate to kill and eat intruders.

Sorry if it feels like I'm picking on you, but Mellio looks like the easiest snack.

Bite: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]
On hit with bite, the tatzlwyrm makes a grapple attempt: [roll2]

Claw: [roll3]
Damage: [roll4]

Claw: [roll5]
Damage: [roll]1d4+2]/roll]

After the tatzlwyrm's surprise round, you're up first in initiative.

2015-10-25, 11:16 PM
Terhe turned to see what was holding the group with a quite irritated look, but it was swiftly replaced with a worried expression once she saw just how bad was the halfling taking the weather. Yet, struggling to not roll her eyes and utter something unpleasant in Mellio's address, the witch stayed out of the clothing's exchange and following healing, idly toying with the clasp of her own cloak. When everything was said and done, she only nodded and once again took her place at the front. There was no need for words - at least for the words that she had in mind at the moment, - and watching the snowed landscape was still preferable to dealing with her companions.

Of course, merely watching it was not enough. In this warm land, she did not expect anything to hide in the snow so effectively; and yet the strange reptile did it perfectly. There was much to be pondered about it, but its little victim seemed no more able to endure such attack than she was ready for the weather; and thinking had to wait until better time. Heavy staff in her hands was ready; but, after considering it for a moment, the witch shook her head and took one hand off her weapon. With only cold air in her grasp, she rushed back to the halfling and her attacker - and with every step of her snowshoes, that grasp felt colder and colder.

If necessary, moving to the melee range.
Swift action: Frozen Caress.
Standard action: touch of fatigue. Melee touch attack: [roll0], +2 more if can get flanking bonus. If hits, Fortitude save DC 15. If fails, fatigued for one round and takes [roll1] cold damage.

2015-10-26, 12:54 PM
Yoren halted upon witnessing the beast leaping up at Mellio, with a grunt he hefts his Earth Breaker and brings it down upon the creature from behind before calling out to the rest of the party, "Oi! Help the little lass 'ere!"

Attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]
Critical confirmation: [roll2]
Critical damage: [roll3]

2015-10-26, 05:30 PM
Aeghis shocked pulled out his rapier and with a swipe attacked taking advantage of the combat momentum provided by Terhe "theyīll retire on by themselves if we hit them enough."

attack:[roll0](+2 are for flanking with Terhe)
crit confirm: [roll1](18-20/x2)
damage: [roll2]
crit: [roll3]

2015-10-27, 11:19 AM
When the beast comes out and snatches the halfling right out from under him the look of shock on his face was quickly replaced by one of anger. He draws his morningstar swiping at the beast with it.

Crit Damage:[roll1d8+3

2015-10-31, 03:52 PM
The party piles on the reptile, everyone trying to hit it at once. They end up getting in each others' way more than anything, though, and not one comes close to actually hitting it. The creature doesn't even react, dragging Mellio down into the snow instead.

The tatzlwyrm moves down into the snow with Mellio, provoking attacks of opportunity. After it gets down into the snow, it has concealment from attacks (20% miss chance).

Mellio takes no additional damage, but does begin to suffocate. Also, Con checks to stabilize?

2015-10-31, 09:42 PM
Aeghis takes another chop at the reptile with his rapier and seeing it burrow draws his crossbow and shooting his scaly ally with a bolt that wiggles it's way trough his skin.

rapier attack: [roll0]
Rapier damage [roll1]

Crossbow attack at reptile #2:(-1 grit to make it a touch attack)[roll2]
Crossbow damage: [roll3]

Rapier crit confirm:[roll4]
Crossbow crit confirm:[roll5]

2015-11-02, 08:37 PM
The tatzlwyrm dies with a sort of pitiful squeal, having barely managed to work Mellio down into the snow.

You killed it on the AoOs, so it didn't get a chance to start actively suffocating Mellio. She is still bleeding out, though, so it would probably be a good idea to do something about that. If anyone has healing magic, I'm sure she would appreciate it.

This reptile is very obviously suited more to arctic climes than to the temperate area around Heldren. In fact, you're confident that a creature like this must be native to somewhere where this kind of frigid weather is the norm, rather than a bizarre anomaly....

2015-11-04, 07:33 AM
As the reptile darted under the snow, the witch could only try to follow it, dropping on her knees and reaching forward with her still cold grasp. It had been quickly proven to be unnecessary, but Terhe paused only for a single racing heartbeat before lunging further. Luckily, that moment was enough to consider the possible consequences, and young witch took another moment to stick her not quite empty hand into a snowdrift - somewhither where halfling certainly was not, of course - and let her magic disperse, crumbling a handful of snow into an iceball. And, dropping a staff that was no good as a shovel, started throwing the snow away until she could carefully lift the little wounded body. Wounded, but not dead yet: in a proper weather that was as obvious as the breath, visibly fleeing Mellio's lips. And it yet could flee too far to catch.

There was a lot of carefully gathered herbs in all her pouches and even more in the pack on her back, but that was too far. There was more magic ready to come to her call and assist her in anything, but time was too short. She was not the only one who could do something, but a witch could not trust unfamiliar magecraft. There was, however, something that Terhe could do. It did not take a learned healer to see the blood flowing from the wound left by the wyrm's powerful jaws, and there was no witchcraft in something as simple as stopping it. Sometimes, thinking too much about the fate and proper way for a witch to deal with it really bleared her mind to simpler solutions...

Terhe bit her lip and reached for a piece of cloth from one of her many pouches. White as a snow, it quickly was reddened by halfling's blood - but at least she could hope to keep actual snow pure. Not that it was not already stained too much.

Heal (first aid): [roll0], DC 15 to stabilise.

2015-11-06, 11:44 AM
Husk rushes to Melios side. It didn't take a cleric to know that she was in a bad way. He watched Terhe bandage the shillings wounds but she kept bleeding through the gauze. Less than gently Husk pushes the witch aside. "Don't waste your bandages. Sarenrae will see her healed." He lays his hands upon the smaller woman and channels Sarenrae's light into her yet again.
On mobile. Will post rolls in the other thread. Sorry for being busy lately.

2015-11-08, 07:00 PM
As Husk's second pulse of divine energy radiates into Mellio's battered form, the worst of her wounds knit together and her eyelids flicker. "Uuuuggghhhhh!"

A heavy groan escapes her lips as consciousness comes rushing back upon her like a thug with a club. Every blow of the last several hours begins aching anew in chorus as brutal awareness returns to here eyes. "Gods above, that hurts!" Unused to the physical battering she's received, the poor halfling seems all-but unable to cope with her current level of pain.

"Can- can I request that we ease up for a little, maybe? I don't feel like I can take much more of this.." At the affirming glances, she relaxes slightly more, grimacing as her shoulders slump in pain.

She proves almost completely useless while the party begins creating a makeshift shelter from the elements. Shortly thereafter, with a pleasant fire removing the numbness from sore limbs, she falls into a fitful sleep- unable to control her body's need for rest.

As discussed briefly in OOC, I understand that we're resting here. For Mellio's sake, I think that's a good decision.

Also, I'm only at positive 2, I think. Unless this happened in the same round that the wyrm knocked me unconscious, I ticked once before I got a heal. That said, I appreciate the heal!! :smalleek:

Mellio Moss (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=513591)
F NG Halfling Wizard, Level 1, Init 11, HP 2/7, DR Cold Resist 2, Speed 30
AC 15, Touch 15, Flat-footed 11, CMD 11, Fort 2, Ref 5, Will 3, CMB -3, Base Attack Bonus 0
Sling (10x bullets) -1/+5 (1d3-2, x2)
Dagger -1/+5 (1d3-2, 19-20, x2)
(+4 Dex, +1 Size)
Abilities Str 7, Dex 18, Con 10, Int 18, Wis 10, Cha 11
Condition Prescience: 7/7

2015-11-09, 01:10 AM
"Never in my life had I wasted anything" - the witch snapped at Husk, barely keeping her voice from rising and growling. - "And I am not your Sarenrae, but until I would see her healed, I would do what I can, and if you do not like it..." - unspoken curse froze on her lips as she watched the dwarf tend to wounds. With a huff, she reached for her dropped staff, but considered the halfling's state for a bit longer and decided to not hurry too much to stand up, instead taking off her backpack and rummaging deep inside for something.

"Are you awake, little one? Good... but could be better. No, do not stand up yet. This is going to take some time..." - Terhe extended her staff, preventing said movement on Mellio's part, and switched her attention to Husk, her tone not warming up much after witnessing the healing. - "Well, maybe your goddess is good for something. Now, if you want to make yourself useful too, be so kind and make a fire. And warm some water... melt some snow", - the witch corrected herself, remembering that in this strange land she might have to explain even the simplest things. At least, what she was going to do should had been working the same way everywhere.

The owl, shooed away from witch's shoulder, perched on her staff, rested against a nearby tree, and watched. Terhe removed her cloak, spreading it over the snow, and carefully moved halfling's light body onto it. From her backpack appeared some dried leaves of foreign plants, a needle carved out of bone and some threads whose origin was probably better not pondered too much. "You are awake. This might hurt", - the witch announced calmly and added as an afterthought, - "Could be the opposite. Would had been worse".

Not waiting for anyone to do what she recommended, the witch removed her gloves and melted a handful of snow without any fire, just washing her fingers with it. "Well, may Balmbringer's toads lick your wounds clean, but let us not wait for them..." - muttered she in Skald and started tending to Mellio's injuries.

Heal (treat deadly wounds): [roll0], DC 20.
DC exceeded by 5, 1+Wis=3 hp restored.
-2 uses of healer's kit.

2015-11-09, 04:44 AM
For the sake of your own safety, you decide to camp for a while, rest, and recover before continuing. The tatzlwyrm's lair, being relatively sheltered, turns out to be a fairly decent campsite. Not much wind gets down to where you are, and while it gets cold after dark, it's not the really dangerous, bitter cold it might have been. It might be uncomfortable for those accustomed to warmer climes, but with shelter and a fire there's no real risk of actual harm.

The next day dawns clear and brisk. More snow fell overnight, but it wasn't much more than a dusting; the tracks you're following are still very clear. Mellio feels, if not well, at least a little better for having rested.

I'm guessing people want to prepare spells before heading further in. Anything else you want to do?

2015-11-12, 12:44 PM
The cave floor was not the worst place he had ever spent the night. Though it was far from the cleanest, the giant lizard that had attacked them wasn't the cleanest of eaters, and had left the bones of it's prey scattered about it's lair. After supplying the wood for the fire and brushing aside the bones in the immediate vicinity of his resting place Husk threw down his sleeping bag, took off his armour and collapsed in a heap.

The next morning Husk woke with the sun, as had become a habit, after wrapping his coat tightly around himself he steps out of the cave and begins his morning prayer. An hour later Husk goes back inside the cave to retrieve his belongings and rouse any still asleep for the day ahead of them.

2015-11-13, 04:32 PM
Terhe slept uneasily. She almost started getting used to nights in the warmer lands, and now it suddenly felt almost like home again. Of course, she already decided to return home after seeing the origin of this weirdness; but there was an "almost" in that, and that weirdness was still different from her homeland. She was worried. That night, she did not let her owl fly out and hunt; they both had to be satisfied with whatever dried food happened to still be left in her backpack after the first leg of her journey. The familiar did not like that decision, and her mood only further worsened the witch's, and the morning started looking no better than the previous day was...

But that was her own problem and not something to bother her companions withal. Awaking at some time during Husk's prayer, Terhe decided to not bother him, only taking few minutes outside to wash her face with fresh snow. Ridding thus of the last remnants of her sleep, the witch returned inside to take a look at Mellio. "Are you awake yet, little one?" - not that lack of an answer could stop her; she kept talking, addressing everyone at once and nobody in particular at the same time. - "If we would not hurry, snow would melt the trail. Time to keep going, if we want to find anyone alive... dead things only give more questions so far."

2015-11-14, 02:45 PM
Aeghis woke up, gave a little pat to Sara and donned his armor, afterwards loading his crossbow and taking flight around camp, seeking cover behind the clouds and looking for something in the forest.

fly check:[roll0]
survival(find small animals):[roll1]

heīs going to give a few turns around camp a good 60 ft above, and see if he can find danger or a small animal to hunt.

2015-11-15, 12:24 PM
Mellio nods at the witch's question. Looking up from her dozed reverie, she reveals a small booklet in her hands- a spellbook. "I'm awake. Just figure I had better get myself ready before we go. I'll be fit enough soon."

2015-11-17, 06:52 AM
You don't spot anything particularly interesting, nor does it seem that anything has spotted you.

After making various morning preparations, you head out to continue down the trail. Things seem to be continuing in more or less the same way until you've traveled roughly a quarter-mile, at which point you notice something odd and a bit unsettling. There are numerous small bundles of feathers hanging from the trees, swaying gently in the wind. Each bundle is tied with leather and pierced through with multiple small pins.

You aren't sure what tipped you off, but there's a diminutive, roughly humanoid creature hiding in the trees to the north of the path. It has a bow, with an arrow nocked and pointed in your general direction.

2015-11-19, 12:09 PM
"And reading books is going to make you ready and fit for the cold?" - the witch chuckled, but decided to not pry any further. - "If only everything was so simple..."

Still, seeing the group ready to go and not complaining about the weather, or about yesterday's wounds, or about anything at all that in these lands was considered an excuse to complain was good enough. Taking her place at the front, Terhe could walk at peace and pay her attention to the way ahead, not wanting any other surprise to unearth itself in a sudden attack. And a surprise there was, but at least it seemed harmless - from a distance. It also seemed completely out of place, and alive witches knew that such things are rarely as harmless as they appear. Standing still, she raised an empty hand, motioning those behind her to stop too.

"Is this... this thing - something common in your lands?" - Terhe made a wide gesture with her staff, pointing at strange feathers as if there was something else in sight that she could mean. - "Trapped roads and stolen hoards might be the works of brigands, but this looks like something actually made by them..." - the witch's voice dropped almost to a whisper, and this time she carefully avoided saying the accursed name even once. With a worried expression, Terhe took a step forward, slowly approaching a tree with bundles to take a closer look. The owl on her shoulder stirred, opening her eyes, and the witch raised a hand to calm her - but her fingers quickly slipped from the bird's feathers, brushed past a necklace under her clothing and stopped only finding a dagger amidst the many pouches on her belt.

After all, the familiar only was moved by her own fears and suspicions. The witch had to face them herself.

2015-11-19, 03:50 PM
Closer examination shows that the bundles of feathers are actually dead crows, tied and pinned in place. It seems there's a whole murder of crows here, each killed, mutilated, and put on display. Not necessarily in that order, of course.

Being familiar with Irrisen, and having it on your mind due to the strange cold, you can't help but remember that crows are seen as exceedingly poor omens there, hated and feared for their association with the winter witches.

2015-11-19, 09:27 PM
For the sake of your own safety, you decide to camp for a while, rest, and recover before continuing. The tatzlwyrm's lair, being relatively sheltered, turns out to be a fairly decent campsite. Not much wind gets down to where you are, and while it gets cold after dark, it's not the really dangerous, bitter cold it might have been. It might be uncomfortable for those accustomed to warmer climes, but with shelter and a fire there's no real risk of actual harm.

The next day dawns clear and brisk. More snow fell overnight, but it wasn't much more than a dusting; the tracks you're following are still very clear. Mellio feels, if not well, at least a little better for having rested.

Yoren spent the night bundled tight against the walls of the cavern's mouth. Upon awakening, he brushes off the some frost that found it's way upon his gear and nudges Mellio, "We're out on our feet again, lass." Yoren says with as much optimism he could muster in the morning.

After making various morning preparations, you head out to continue down the trail. Things seem to be continuing in more or less the same way until you've traveled roughly a quarter-mile, at which point you notice something odd and a bit unsettling. There are numerous small bundles of feathers hanging from the trees, swaying gently in the wind. Each bundle is tied with leather and pierced through with multiple small pins.

Yoren rests the head of the Earth Breaker on his shoulder and takes a moment to observe the bundles. His quiet contemplation recalls the incident with the carriage and subconsciously takes a step back to look a bit more thoroughly at the area around them. "So, what do ye' 'supose it is then?" Yoren asks Terhe.

Perception: [roll0]

2015-11-22, 07:02 AM
Husk walks in the middle of the group close enough, in theory, to lend his aid to any who need it at a moment's notice. When they come upon the trees filled with the bundles of feathers Husk's attention is immediately drawn to them. "I don't like the look of this place..." He mutters to himself.

2015-11-22, 11:42 AM
"Nothing good. Nothing good at all..." - Terhe spoke loudly enough for that to be an answer to the dwarf's question, but her attention was drawn fully to the feathered things. She understood that in the southern lands they could easily mean something else, but she doubted that it could be so easy to explain and ignore. Still, even recognising it as an ill omen, the witch could not do much. Would there be anything that she could easily do, she would not had had to leave home at all...

Shaking her head and trying to ignore such thoughts, Terhe returned to her companions. "If this is not something common in your lands, then it was done by... those whom we pursue. We are on the right way", - despite her grim expression, young witch chuckled at making such an obvious statement, - "but we should tread carefully. If there are wyrms from northern lands lurking in this snow, then a warning like this... is a sign that something else can be nearby too. Something worse", - without further explanation, the witch waved forward, as if indicating where those mentioned dangers could be - or just motioning everyone to keep going.

2015-11-23, 02:36 AM
As Terhe begins describing how awful the situation is, and how whatever is responsible is worse than the tatzlwyrm, you have a sudden premonition of danger. Instinctively, you look to the north, where you spot a diminutive, roughly humanoid figure with a bow, about ten feet off the path and ten feet up a tree. It's snarling with anger, and has an arrow pointed in the witch's direction....

It's a sprite. These small fey are hard to hit and hard to damage without iron, but fragile if you can affect them. In general they specialize more in irritation than really fighting, but they're hard to spot and can be effective with guerrilla tactics.

This particular sprite looks icy, almost like this bizarre cold has seeped into it somehow. You think that it's probably as frightened of fire as cold iron, and either one is likely to be quite effective against it.

Surprise round! Mellio gets to act, and goes first since the enemy rolled a 2 on initiative. Odds are good that she'll be able to settle it before things really get started, but if not the enemy is up last on initiative, so the order will be Mellio, enemy, all of you.

2015-11-23, 11:20 AM
Without warning, Mellio jumps into a sudden frenzy of action. She says no words, other than "Incendio!" As she steps forward, a burst of flame erupts from her hands, engulfing a nearby tree in its entirety.

As the flames die down, she whispers to her allies, by way of explanation. "I- I saw a.. a mean little guy, with a bow. He was aiming at you, Terhe... Looked like one o' those things we're hunting. I... I dunno if I got him, but it seems plausible!" Finally, with the last comment, she perks up just a bit- an absurd image with the smoldering remains of a tree immediately behind her.

Mellio Moss (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=513591)
F NG Halfling Wizard, Level 1, Init 11, HP 7/7, DR Cold Resist 2, Speed 30
AC 15, Touch 15, Flat-footed 11, CMD 11, Fort 2, Ref 5, Will 3, CMB -3, Base Attack Bonus 0
Sling (10x bullets) -1/+5 (1d3-2, x2)
Dagger -1/+5 (1d3-2, 19-20, x2)
(+4 Dex, +1 Size)
Abilities Str 7, Dex 18, Con 10, Int 18, Wis 10, Cha 11
Condition Prescience: 7/7
Heightened Awareness: 1/1
Burning Hands: 0/1
Color Spray: 1/1
[roll0] init
[roll1] know (nature)

As described, I think the thing is in range of burning hands. Gonna go for it!
[roll2] damage, DC 16 reflex save to half.

(Burning hands is my specialized spell, thus the "extra" damage)

2015-11-23, 02:33 PM
Seconds after Mellio finishes speaking, a humanoid form suddenly leaps out of the burning tree, screeching with pain. The reason for the scream is easy to see, since it's still on fire. Delicate, almost insectile wings snap out to catch the air. It flies awkwardly for a few feet before tumbling down to the ground. The snow puts out the fire, but the creature seems to be unconscious.

A few seconds later, the burning tree goes out as well. It's simply too cold and snowy to burn at more than a dull smolder.

It's a sprite. These small fey are hard to hit and hard to damage without iron, but fragile if you can affect them. In general they specialize more in irritation than really fighting, but they're hard to spot and can be effective with guerrilla tactics.

This particular sprite looks icy, almost like this bizarre cold has seeped into it somehow. You think that it's probably as frightened of fire as cold iron, and either one is likely to be quite effective against it.

The enemy is down and dying.

The sprite drops a shortsword, a shortbow, and 20 arrows, all sized for a Diminutive creature. It also has a small pouch containing 25 gp.

Good call with the spell, I'd say. You might want it later, but it did solve this problem rather nicely.

2015-11-23, 05:14 PM
"What...", - Terhe turned her head at Mellio's sudden shout, and then the halfling did what she did. Of course, she was aiming somewhither quite high. Of course, with their difference in height it meant that the fiery blast passed right in front of the witch's face. Of course, pondering wherefore it happened thus was quite far from being her very first thought. Not that Terhe had many thoughts at all at that moment: she just recoiled from the fire and then turned towards the scream, in time to witness the winged creature and the burning tree both alight. And that was not a sight that she ever expected to behold.

"...you. You. You...", - young witch stammered, struggling to find any Taldane words and gasping for breath. Few mouthfuls of cold winter air later, she recovered enough to utter: "...you would explain it. Later. Right now, pray that you did not kill him - and pray twice as fast that there was only one...", - and, without any expression of gratitude, Terhe rushed through the snow to the fallen creature. Taking her own advice seriously, she tightly clutched the necklace through her clothing, and clench of talons on her shoulder was even stronger. Hearing tales and seeing signs of their presence was a good enough warning that such meeting was going to happen earlier or later, but it starting with weapons - and ending with fire... that was just wrong.

At least, the tiny creature was still alive. Or so it looked. Not many people could brag that they had seen a dead one with their own eyes and lived to tell the tale. And probably even less knew how to prevent them from dying. Iron and fire could kill, but undoing their work... perhaps there was a story like that. Terhe had no time to ponder. Flicking aside the little bow, she knelt next to the winged creature and, having nothing better at hand, just started washing the burns with fresh snow. Would it had been a human, she would had known the proper ways to deal with the marks of fire, no matter whence it came; but dealing with a being like that, young witch could only guess.

Guess - and be careful, of course. Just in case, she tried to never leave the creature out of her sight and touch.

Heal (first aid): [roll0], DC 15 to stabilise. If it is even applicable at all.

2015-11-24, 12:11 AM
Oddly enough, the snow does seem to help. After only a few seconds of cold and pressure the creature is breathing much more easily, though it doesn't wake up.

Okay, the sprite is now unconscious but stable.

2015-11-24, 11:26 AM
Mellio stammers briefly, before explaining in a slow, deliberate voice- quickly rising in pitch to an indignant cry. "It's a sprite, and was going to shoot you. I was trying to kill it, before it killed you, you daft girl! Next time I guess I'll just let it!!"

In a huff, Mellio deliberately turns away from the witch's ministrations, and stalks about 20 feet further in the snow. She mutters under her breath something about "hoity-toity" as she gets further away. Looking into the woods carefully, she puts the ordeal behind her.

2015-11-24, 01:09 PM
The entire exchange had happened too quickly for Husk to do anything. He looked back and forth between the two arguing women and decides that he certainly did not want to get involved.

"I don't suppose you could explain why ye just helped the thing that were gonna shoot ya?" Husks asks confused.

Whatever it was it looked like it was alive, at least. And if it were alive then Husk was confident that a simple burst of healing magic would be all it would take to bring the tiny thing back to health. Provided, of course, that it could be convinced not to shoot at his companions any longer.

2015-11-24, 04:51 PM
"You could let him try..." - the witch waved widely, shooing her familiar away, and continued, smiling at Mellio's back, - "and honestly... I am grateful that you are caring for my life... but if you think that he could kill me with this tiny bow... do you take me for a crow, little one?!" - with even wider gesture of her staff, Terhe laughed loudly, and the reflection of sunlit snow sparkled happily in her eyes. Her joy was honest, but, in truth, she only let her laughter out to conceal too swiftly spoken words. There was no need to explain just wherefore she was not afraid of sprite's weapon itself - but there was much more to fear. Alas, that was actually harder to explain.

Giving another look to the burned creature, Terhe nodded in satisfaction. Truly, there was nothing that the snow and time could not cover - whether in the world of men or elsewhere. But she was not going to wait and let the body be enshrouded by them entirely. Gathering the dropped weapon and picking the unconscious body in the same hand, the witch returned to her companions, and the owl was back on her shoulder. "Now listen", - Terhe stomped her staff on the ground, the sound muffled by the snow, and leant on it, - "This is no mere wyrm. I know neither what you saw nor how did you do it, but truth is, you attacked first. If there was anyone to see it, that is what they saw - and it was hard to miss, because you set entire tree on fire!"

The witch paused, giving her words some time to sink in. After a short nod to Husk, she continued: "This is no mere wyrm. He had a reason to shoot at me, and I would like to know what it was. Do you want to kill him here and now and to rush blindly into whatever awaits us? Do you care not to know just what is happening in this - in your - land? I think that he can tell us a lot. No, I am not going to just... let him die", - Terhe spoke softly, but at her last words she clenched her fist with the sprite in it too tight for them to actually promise anything good. In fact, young witch had to draw her dagger just to unbend her fingers with it.

Not that she was going to give the sprite any freedom. The blade remained pressed against the creature in her grasp.

2015-11-25, 11:24 AM
Aeghis returns from his second lap after seeing a small burst of fire, he rushes with his crossbow in hand and aimed towards the tree, "what happened? is everybody fine? he relaxes atfer counting heads and belts his weapon, slowly walking closer to the group and looking closely at terhe.

"is that what we are looking for?

2015-11-25, 02:09 PM
Mellio stammers briefly, before explaining in a slow, deliberate voice- quickly rising in pitch to an indignant cry. "It's a sprite, and was going to shoot you. I was trying to kill it, before it killed you, you daft girl! Next time I guess I'll just let it!!"

In a huff, Mellio deliberately turns away from the witch's ministrations, and stalks about 20 feet further in the snow. She mutters under her breath something about "hoity-toity" as she gets further away. Looking into the woods carefully, she puts the ordeal behind her.

The slight twinge of suspicion initially brought upon recalling the events before had quickly faded as Yoren felt his heart leap slightly in response to the sudden shriek. As Mellio marched on past him, Yoren stood a little confused and muttered, "What's this wee lass goin' on about?" He quickly turns to Terhe and shrugs and follows Mellio, "Oi! Careful now, keep watch on how many of these folk are left 'round here."

2015-11-26, 12:10 PM
Husk looks back and forth between the witch and her new prisoner. He didn't much care for interrogation, but there was no denying that it would be invaluable to have more information on what they would be faced. Hopefully it would go quickly.

If we're doing this. T'would prob'bly help to have a con'cious subject.

Husk reaches out to touch the fey in the witches' hand with the tip of his finger and begins channeling his healing magic in all those around him.

Channel Positive Energy on everyone in range, including our new littlest friend. I'd better get a 4. [roll0]
Well, that's the best roll I've had in awhile.

2015-11-26, 01:31 PM
A moment after Husk works his magic, the creature jerks awake in Terhe's grip. It grimaces and begins cursing foully in Sylvan.

Almost instantly, Terhe starts to feel a chill emanating from it. She isn't actually in danger, but there's little doubt that this creature is supernaturally cold, even compared to your surroundings.

2015-11-30, 11:30 PM
Terhe calmly waited, listening to the sprite's speech. The very sounds of that language could be a music to her ears - if not for the words being said, for the creature speaking them, for the way of their meeting and, well, for pretty much any other related circumstance. Still, it was a nice language. At least so it was for those who could understand it - and, shortly raising a brow, she watched her companions, looking for a sign of comprehension, before turning her attention back to the being in her grasp.

"If this is the only greeting that you know, you could at least think about consequences before speaking it", - young witch finally interrupted the sprite, speaking in local tongue. - "Your first words are so confusing that I could accidentally drop you. I could even happen to be standing over a bonfire at that moment - it is getting so cold here, after all. You know, I wonder wherefore it does so. But at the moment, I also wonder wherefore a certain little creature had the rudeness to greet me with an arrow. Such misconduct wounds. Maybe I should repay it with the same kindness and wound somebody's heart too - with something cold enough to be felt even in this weather. Then again, maybe I should listen for some more. Who knows, maybe the rude creature has some words that can be understood by people of this land..."

Her voice trailing off, the witch spoke calmly and softly, barely even bothering to address the sprite or acknowledge his existence at all. Her eyes, however, watched him carefully, and the dagger in her other hand was unwavering, presented in good view to the creature. Young witch was almost smiling - and those who knew Terhe had never before seen her with a smile like that.

2015-12-01, 12:28 AM
Normally this approach is one that would be successful on a sprite. The little fey are known for many things, but their courage and steadfastness in the face of a danger they can't run away from isn't one of them. Under normal circumstances, you would certainly expect this sprite to be cowed by Terhe.

Instead, it goes silent and glowers at her. A moment later, a cone of bright, vividly colored light bursts from the sprite at Terhe's face.

Shockingly, the spray of colors is a color spray spell.

I think Terhe is the only one in the spell's area. She has to make a DC 11 Will save or be unconscious, blinded, and stunned. The exact duration doesn't really matter under the circumstances; if she fails the save the sprite will probably either get away or be recaptured before she can function again.

I highly doubt the sprite can get away even if she fails, though. This is more it being an ass than a plausible escape attempt.

2015-12-01, 06:32 PM
Husk's attention had been on Terhe's face and her words, he hadn't noticed the creatures sour expression and the flash of light had only served to draw his attention to it's maker. "Oye! Keep that damned magic to yerself ya bugger." Husk jumps in and grabs at the tiny creature before it can get away.

2015-12-01, 08:14 PM
Terhe drops to the ground as the burst of light catches her, rendered unconscious by the magic.

Husk easily manages to grab the sprite before it can escape, though. It doesn't struggle, just lies still and smiles nastily at him.

Left to its own devices, the sprite just lies there for the minute or so it takes Terhe to wake up.

2015-12-03, 06:17 PM
With one hand holding the sprite Husk kneels down by Terhe and relaxes considerably when he see's she's still breathing. Husk scowls down at the fey in his grip. The way Terhe had threatened the sprite with a campfire gave Husk an idea. He gives a the sprite a small sinister smile "I seem to recall her mentioning something about fire in her little chat with you. Your kind don't like fire do they?" He asks hypothetically."Well that's a real shame because I just Love it!" His smile widens to a mad grin. "I don't suppose you've heard of Sarenrae? No, probably not. Well you see, she's my Goddess, the Goddess of the Sun to precise. The Sun and Fire." Husk lifts his other hand up to the eye level of the sprite and conjures a small tongue of flame smaller than that of a candle light. The small flame lasts only long enough to be seen before being snuffed out by the wind. "Now." He tightens his grip on the fey. "I don't suppose you were feeling a bit more charitable with your information are you?"

2015-12-04, 06:07 AM
The tongue of flame twists in the air, singing Husk's face. The small fire inflicts no damage, but stings painfully for a moment and leaves him blind for a few seconds afterwards.

The sprite seems as surprised as anyone at this, though it chuckles cruelly as it happens.

You find yourself being rather forcefully reminded that Sarenrae is first and foremost a deity of compassion and redemption. Though she doesn't hesitate to strike down unrepentant evildoers, she isn't quick to judge someone to be irredeemable. She also doesn't approve of cruelty or of torture even when violence becomes necessary.

2015-12-05, 07:16 PM
Husk glares down at the fey and growls. Mentally he makes a note to atone for his cruelty. Husk loosens his grip from it's tightened squeeze despite his urge to throttle the fey. He had no sympathy for the creature, anyone that would judge a smaller creature harmless hadn't met a well-trained dwarf. He keeps and eye on Terhe waiting for her to awaken from whatever the sprite had done to her.

2015-12-07, 02:38 PM
The waiting did not take long. Soon enough, the witch's body stirred and her fingers clutched at nothing, scooping a handful of snow. Irritated, Terhe raised her head slightly and opened her eyes - what, if her rapid blinking and almost panicked expression were any indication, did not quite remedy her inability to see anything. At least, the fright in her mind echoed with a similar scare from her owl, and that actually calmed young witch down. If her familiar was still in her reach, things were not as bad as she had imagined.

Not that she had any idea how bad they were. As far as she could tell, she was lying on the snow... and that was pretty much the extent of her perception, not counting the blindingly bright colours still dancing in her sight. "Oh, Maiden's Veil..." - Terhe groaned, sitting up and trying to wash her eyes. Few more handfuls of thawed snow running down her face later, she finally managed to see something other than sparkling white snow - and darted to pick up her dropped dagger, only afterwards bothering to look at her owl or to stand up.

With the familiar back on her shoulder and the weapon once again in her hand, the witch finally looked around and returned to the sprite, giving Husk a short nod after seeing him holding the creature. "You little pest!" - startled by the sound of her own voice, Terhe paused to calm her anger. - "I took your life out of a fire, and this is your gratitude? I talk to you, and this is your answer? I was fair with you, pest. I gave you a chance. Now... you lost it. I am not going to ask you anymore. If you do not want to join your crows, then, by this blade, I order you to speak! Beg, pest, while you still have your wings!" - unlike the rest of her words, the last sentence was not in local tongue anymore. If anything, it sounded like a distorted echo of sprite's own language - and the witch shuddered again, hearing herself switch to Aklo.

But that was only a moment's weakness. She had a reason to be angry, and she knew no tongue more fit to express it. And for once being on the other side of cruelty... for a moment, Terhe could almost understand the pleasure. But she was not toying with her victim for mere fun - and the dagger in her hands, once again presented to the sprite's view, quickly stopped shaking.

2015-12-07, 10:29 PM
The sprite blinks in surprise when Terhe switches into Aklo, and then replies in the same language.

"Oh, so the little southern bitch thinks she's scary? So sorry, darling, but I've heard it from worse than you. And anything you do to me, you'll get back tenfold. They'll peel your nails off and shove an icicle between your legs, and that's just to start. What do you bet we can get your skin off all in one piece and use it for a rug?"

Despite its predicament and the rather grotesque nature of what's being said, the sprite sounds almost cheerful, like it's having fun.

Left to its own devices the sprite will keep going like this for the next several minutes, its threats getting steadily more graphic and obscene as it goes.

2015-12-08, 07:17 AM
Husk didn't even flinch as the witch raised her voice to the sprite in his hand, he said nothing as Terhe relieved her pent up anger at the sprite for it's actions. When the conversation switched to a tongue he did not recognize he could only guess that Terhe had lost the argument.

He looked at Terhe a calmness having overtaken him after the warning he had received from his goddess for his previous actions. "If he won't talk then let's be done with this business of threats." Husk raises his other hand near to the sprite and prepares to call on his goddesses fire magic. There was none of the previous anger in his voice. He wasn't trying to coerce the creature into speaking this time, he would end it's life as quickly as he could, all he waited for was his companion to agree.

2015-12-08, 09:04 AM
Hearing the creature's reply, Terhe at first looked at him with a slight confusion. After all, it was quite long since she had heard anyone speaking in that language, and recent unconsciousness did not make comprehending it any easier. As the witch silently mouthed the sprite's words, her expression shifted to that of growing understanding - and then almost to a blush, if that word could be applied at all to her pale skin. Whatever she was hearing, she certainly did not like it - and her disapproval was soon expressed by a quick slap to the creature's head.

"Maybe the queen on her throne is worse. But I am here. Did you crawl out of the Winterwall, pest, that you call me a southerner now? Perhaps you can scare a child, but I am not in the age to be a toy for your kin. And certainly not in the position. You, however... do you like the taste of your own games?" - replying in still the same tongue, Terhe then looked at Husk and shook her head, changing languages again. - "Just hold him. I am not making threats. Every word that I said to him is honest truth, even if I have to carve it in his wings to make it so. And I do not have tenfold as many wings, do I? Your lies insult me, pest. Have a deserved reward."

With that, young witch once again brought her dagger to the sprite's eyes, giving him a good look at the blade, - and struck, carefully aiming to pierce little creature's wing without harming the dwarf's hand. That was not a blow meaning to kill, but then Terhe pressed her weapon against the sprite's throat, watching his reaction and preparing to strike again.

2015-12-08, 02:58 PM
The knife cuts a gash in the sprite's wing, seemingly catching it by surprise. Its face twists in a grimace of pain and shock. A few seconds later, though, it goes back to sneering, obviously still defiant.

Then its body suddenly twitches and jerks in Husk's grasp before going still. A moment later a trickle of cold blood emerges from its mouth.

Even a cursory examination shows that the sprite is now quite dead.

Cold iron beats its DR, so good call there. There's no obvious cause of death, though a close inspection might show something. The only way you'll really find anything is if you actually dissect the sprite's body, so if you're going there, might as well do it in your next post rather than keep Mellio waiting longer.

2015-12-09, 09:52 AM
Husks eyes go wide as the sprite dies in his grip. In all honesty he hadn't expected a blow to the sprite's wings to be fatal but it had saved him from killing the evil little thing himself so he silently thanked Sarenrae for that. Husk looked across at Terhe, when he speaks his voice is stern and serious "I do not believe that is what you intended to happen but all the same I am glad it did. Know this, I will not condone the torture of any more of the creatures we come across. I do not expect you to follow the doctrine of my faith but I will end the lives of any monsters we should deem needing it as quickly as possible." Before even ending his speech Husk kneels down and covers the tiny corpse in snow saying a quick silent prayer to Sarenrae. Not this time asking for the forgiveness of the vile things soul but for it's rightful punishment. "Now, if you don't mind I would prefer to keep moving before we lose any more precious daylight." Husk lets the witch speak her mind then turns his back to her and joins up with Melio where she is. "I do not believe that woman to be right in the head." He whispers to the halfling quietly.

2015-12-09, 10:38 AM
Mellio chuckles quietly. "Well, I could have told you that," she whispers, conspiratorially. She raises her tiny voice and speaks up to the the rest of the group, "Are we done with this little fiasco, then? I'd rather be back inside someplace where it's warm before I lose feeling in my extremities entirely..."

Still, preferring to not be closest to potentially hostile targets, she takes up a place near the middle of the marching order, and settles in to keep following the trail.

2015-12-09, 01:38 PM
Terhe stared at sudden death of the creature, barely believing her own eyes. That was obviously not what she was expecting; she even poked the sprite's mouth with a tip of her dagger - maybe she wanted to be completely sure, maybe her hand just shivered from the cold. As blood stained the blade, it looked real enough; looking at it, the witch licked her lips, as if pondering something, but then shook her head and wiped the dagger entirely and completely clean with the snow before returning it to the sheath. For the rest of Husk's improvised funeral and chastising she stayed unmoving and silent.

Not that the speech had any strong effect on her. Terhe's thoughts were far away, digging through her own past that was now as dead and buried under the snow as the corpse in front of her was. There were other similarities, too. And now somebody was trying to tell her that paying with the same coin was somehow wrong? When the dwarf finished, the witch only looked down at him and shrugged, clearly unmoved by his words. "If you are glad that our chance to understand what are they doing in your land - to your land - died, then spare your joy. We learned nothing... except that somebody is lacking proper manners, of course. And if you call asking questions "a torture"..." - Terhe's glare met the dwarf's eyes for a moment - and then she shrugged again, turning away and picking her staff from the snow.

"Follow whatever you would. You are lucky that somebody left you such a clear trail of traps and ambushes", - the witch finished, without even looking at Husk anymore, and returned to her place in the group. Despite what she had just said, she once again went the first further down the path; and as she had not heard what others were whispering about her, as they probably had not seen Terhe's grip twitch on her staff, as if she was tearing some tiny imaginary thing into even tinier pieces.

2015-12-09, 01:40 PM
Not too much further along the trail, you see a human-sized snowman standing on the banks of a frozen river. The snowman is simply built, and looks oddly menacing rather than having the cheerful appearance more common to such a decoration. It's holding a rough wooden sign on which is painted, in simple, almost crude letters:


The snowman is rigged with a magical trap that will explode if anyone gets too close to it.

2015-12-09, 03:31 PM
Aeghis makes a hand gesture for everyone to stop, he lifts his crossbow forward and almost shoots before remembering the previous experience he had with the traps "this seems... fishy, what do you think Mellio?" he says turning to the halfling.

2015-12-11, 11:26 AM
Mellio looks at the snowman from her position in front of the avian man. "I think," she begins, "that we'd be fools to ignore any warning we find, or assume simplicity of our quarry. They've already proven abundantly clever and capable of.. significant cruelty. Be careful. There's little chance this thing is as it seems."

She intones a simple cantrip and proceeds forward slowly, carefully scanning each space of the surroundings repeatedly as she approaches.

Cast detect magic, and look over the area carefully, searching particularly the area to the sides of the path and the snowman. There's little point to the perception check, but I like rolling dice- even if only digitally. [roll0] DM has a 60' range.

2015-12-11, 04:14 PM
There are two weak magical auras on the snowman.

One's an evocation aura. The other is illusion.

The snowman is rigged with a magic mouth spell and a sound burst spell, both set to proximity triggers.

2015-12-12, 02:25 PM
Mellio scowls as she peers at the snowman. She looks over her shoulder to the witch. "Terhe, you're a practitioner; take a look at this thing. Something over it is magical, but I can't for the life of me piece together what or how... It's got to be important, with all this mess going on."

2015-12-13, 08:22 AM
"I am a what?.." - Terhe frowned, wondering whether that was even supposed to mean anything at all, but still approached Mellio to take a closer look. - "So it is a magical snowman. And somebody dares to claim some kind of dominion and shoo away hence the "trespassers". What of it? Important or not, I doubt that standing here is going to achieve anything. If you changed your mind and now want to slow down to learn something, then, of course, we can get closer and see what it is. But if it is another trap, then it is probably what it only wants us to do. We can try to circle a long way around, but..." - the witch gestured widely at surrounding wilderness, then looked at short halfling and snorted, imagining the group trying to pass without the convenient trail.

Still, her eyes returned to the snowman, considering it again. Magical or not, it was strange to see it in the southern lands - and on this trip, "strange" meant "dangerous". Whatever others were going to do with it, she was not going to let it out of her sight for too long.

2015-12-13, 11:53 AM
Mellio sighs. "You're a practitioner. It means you know something about magic. Good grief, you're a dense girl, sometimes. It's obviously important- magic isn't so simple as to bandy-about for no good reason. If you want to go stick got face into someone else's magic, without knowing what it is, you be my guest. I'll be standing over here." She gestures to a nearby tree, well away from the snowman.

With an expectant expression, she waits to see what her allies want to do. If no one approaches it, she'll start picking her way around the trees.

2015-12-13, 06:05 PM
Husk listened to the back and forth of his companions without saying anything. When Mellio backs away Husk finally decides to speak up. "I believe Mellio has the right idea, if this thing is rife with magic with a warning on it no less I say we give it all the space we can and count our blessings we spotted it before we set it off."

Husk walks around the snowman going to the very edge of the path to get around it before walking on down the path.

2015-12-14, 06:17 PM
As Husk gets within about fifteen feet of the snowman, you can hear an aggravated voice from the snow sculpture, although it doesn't move. "Can't you idiots read the sign?" the voice shouts. "It says turn back!"

Past the snowman you can see a frozen river. The ice looks thick enough to hold you. On the other side, you can see the trail continuing.

The ice is shaved thin in the following squares, and won't support your weight.


Okay, the map is linked in the OP of the OOC thread, and also here (https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1Zo9lTicg8fNDw46yMhDdtBY7d7Vu27IsPKCWZdhqYkA/edit?usp=sharing). I think Google Sheets will be easier for everyone involved than trying to use the maps from the book.

2015-12-15, 12:16 PM
"Knowledge of something has nothing to do with practice", - Terhe sighed, rolling her eyes at unexpected linguistical dispute. - "If I know more than some others do, then it makes me a kn... a zn... a ve... ugh! Your language does have some word for that, right?.." - whispering fragments of words from several tongues at once and snapping her fingers in search of the right one, the witch apparently ignored the rest of Mellio's words - although the hurt look that she was giving to the halfling probably meant that she at least heard them.

Lost in her thoughts, Terhe's mind returned to reality only when she heard the snowman speak. Interrupting her search for the right term with a word that probably was far less polite, the witch looked at Husk and groaned, raising her voice again. "When I said "long way around", I did not mean "right under its nose", you know. And unless you want to test who is really dense here by swimming", - Terhe shuddered for a moment, glaring at the river, - "then be careful there! Wait, let me test it..."

Shifting the grip on her staff, young witch went to follow Husk - but paused, turning to Mellio again. Kneeling down for few seconds, she untied the snowshoes from her boots and waved them in the air before placing them down on the snow: "Here. If you do not know how to walk on ice, at least put these on. Watch your steps and follow my tracks. And do not drown, I want these back on the other side!", - with that, she took a wider arc around the snowman and stopped again on the frozen river's shore. Carefully watching the placement of snow on ice and knocking on it with her staff before making another step, Terhe went forward, turning around on the other bank to check on others.

If nothing interrupts, she goes to G10 and then vertically on G.

2015-12-16, 08:11 PM
Aeghis reaches with his foot towards the frozen ice and then promtly takes it back as a chill runs down his spine this is even colder than the snow, how is that possible?, he smiles and extends his wings, flying to the other side of the frozen river and waiting for everyone on the other side.

2015-12-16, 08:24 PM
Mellio looks at Terhe with an odd expression. After a few moments, she nods and accepts the snowshoes. She spends a few extra moments tightly strapping them to her feet. With the enormously spread footprint, for a halfling, she waddles awkwardly out towards the ice, giving the snowman a wide berth.

"Anyone have any extra rope? I don't weigh as much as you all do, and though I can hardly walk in snowshoes built for one of the taller folks, I shouldn't have any trouble crossing this ice, almost no matter how thin it might be. That said, I'd prefer to return these shoes without taking an extra bath this morning... Or freezing to death. I'd feel better going across with a lifeline."

Mellio is going to go through H12, northward.

2015-12-18, 08:19 AM
Husk moves carefully across the ice and calls to Mellio on the other side. " 've got no rope here. Didn't think I'd be needing it. I wish I'd been right..." Husk studies the ice carefully looking for weak spots and going around them.

Sorry for not replying sooner, finals and all. Good news though they end today. Husk moves through H9-H7 across the ice

2015-12-18, 04:42 PM
Just past the river, you spot a man's boots sticking out from under a snowbank. It looks like he probably fell through the ice, then managed to get out and drag himself a little further before freezing to death.

Looking up the path, you see that it climbs to the top of a hill not far in front of you. The trail is more stamped down here, suggesting fairly recent travel by men and horses. Ahead, you can see a trio of men standing on the trail. They look like they're supposed to be standing guard, but they seem pretty distracted. You could probably sneak up on them if you want.

2015-12-21, 09:48 AM
Husk rejoins his companions on these other side of the ice bank. "I wouldn't think that lot would be friendly given everything else we've found out here so far. Be on your guard." Husk keeps a hand on the sword at his hip and studies the group on the hill.

2015-12-21, 01:03 PM
Yoren tailed behind Mellio and took notice of the fragile ice ahead with suspicion. After taking a brief moment to breathe in the icy air, he nods in agreement towards Husk and readies his Earth Breaker.

2015-12-25, 08:01 PM
Mellio looks distinctly uncomfortable, looking up at the three men. She looks around at Husk and Aeghis without coming to any clear conclusion about how best to move forward. "You wanna go ask 'em what they're doing here?" she whispers to the burly-looking cleric. "I don't know how we should do this."

She looks about uncertainly, and motions Terhe and the others forward, while also trying to imply caution.

2015-12-26, 01:45 PM
Husk looks around at his companions. Surely the lot of them could take such a small group even if they did turn out to be hostile. "We have no other way to go but forward..." Husk says quietly. Husk takes a step towards the group ahead before turning to address his companions. "Yoren what say you and I take up the lead while the rest of ye follow?" After getting agreement from the group Husk moves forward alongside Yoren with the rest of the group in tow.

2015-12-26, 03:07 PM
Aeghis will walk ahead with them, staying slightly behind to better take advantage of his ranged attacks "I hope they are friendly, this trip may start taking a toll on us if it keeps going like it has been going until now"

2015-12-26, 04:25 PM
Quoting from the OOC thread in case people didn't see it there:

I think it's pretty apparent that this game has had some issues with players dropping out and the generally slow pace. On the whole, at this point it hasn't gone as well as I would like, and I don't particularly see it improving.

As such, I think it's for the best that I go ahead and end it cleanly at this time.

My apologies that this game never quite materialized properly, and hopefully you have more successful gaming experiences in the future.