View Full Version : Endol League IC

2015-09-04, 10:50 PM
It had been nearly two weeks of ocean travel to reach the Island Region of Endol, it would still be a few hours before they reached the makeshift dock on the ship sent. Members of the new league, the Pokemon Professor Amber Acacia, the leader of a new enterprise in pokemon research (a man named Cyrus Salazar) and his employees, and several explorers from all of the regions that would be setting up the base camp.

Amber already possessed pokemon from the region, a small, yellow land shark that acted more like an excitable lillipup than a viscious shark pokemon, and a green goo ball filled with sand that she said wasn't from the region but that no one could ID otherwise. She was simply reading a book to pass the time, a smeargle she called Javok sat nearby painting the new island on an easel.

Cyrus, however, was directing his people and an odd pokemon resembling a ditto, which had taken on a humanoid appearance but not transforming fully, to bring supplies to one of the docking stations. He'd been at odds with Amber over something the entire trip.

Four others, champions from other regions, kept primarily to themselves. The first was Kale Regent, who specialized in pokemon with powerful defenses, his signature pokemon being a steel synced shuckle. The second was Marco Sanders, an old man who specialized in speed and status effects, he was known for only ever using his trump card once in all of his challenges, when Alder dethroned him as Champion. The other two, however, were well known as the Sinnohan and Kalosian Champions, Cynthia and Diantha.

And then there were you, the ones selected to fill the league, and you'd been stuck on this boat for weeks, with the first sight of land being the island region you'll be staying for the years to come, as eloquently put by the captain, "Welcome to your new home my friends."

2015-09-04, 11:27 PM
Boats were boring. Cole had been driving himself crazy all during the long trip, roaming about the ship at all hours and occasionally attempting to dive off the railing to swim for an adventure. Luckily, Sister had been out of her Pokeball and kept him out of the sea for the most part, though Dinner had been called out a few times to fetch him from the briny depths.

Now, Cole stands at the the edge of the ship, watching as they near the new region. Beside him sits a large, round, armored Pokemon, its beady yellow eyes pointed towards Endol Island as well.

Cole squints, shading his eyes with one hand, and leans out over the railing, studying the island intently. Finally, he grins an almost manic grin, turning to the nearest person nearby. "Cliffs or caves?" he demands sharply, his rough baritone oddly complimenting his wide grin.

You all can choose who's standing next to Cole at this time. If you'd prefer not to, though, I'll roll for randomness' sake: [roll0]

1: Elisedd Drust
2: Edmond Drust
3: Collin Brady
4: Shade Umbra
5: Jafar
6: Valley Vale
7: Renalt Goh

2015-09-04, 11:42 PM
Feh, thought Shadus. While the group of trainers aboard this ship may purport to be impressive, none of them had yet to showcase anything special. And two weeks aboard this ship? Boring... I can't wait to get onto land and get doing stuff. He let out a mental sigh at this. Heck, most of the people on this ship are guys. Where's the scenery? Isn't there supposed to be some rule or something about proportional representation, or something? If there isn't, there should be... So he took to what was possibly the second or third most boring thing in the world: Staring at a speck of land and watching it grow bigger. The only thing that could possibly be more boring is just watching the waves. Which, of course, was what he'd been doing the whole trip. He figured anything would be better than trying to strike up a conversation with one of those other trainers, or scientists, or whatever. Even the ones that might have caught his eye. What the Void would they expect me to say? I don't know how to start conversations properly with these people. And actions may speak louder than words, but there's no place on this ship to properly practice any action. So, he stood as he did the rest of the trip, arms crossed, staring out into the horizon, and trying not to think of how in the world to talk to equals. In the Under, there were two kinds of people. Those above you, who you waited to be addressed by, and those below you, who you addressed first. I hate this place already, he finished his train of thought cynically, while secretly feeling free for the first time in ages.

2015-09-05, 08:01 AM
When Collin was offered a chance to join an expedition to settle a new land and establish a new pokemon league there, he was excited. He had spent the last few years on Dusk Island attempting to do that very exact thing: found a gym based on the principles of the Spirit of the Earth. Unfortunately, Dusk Island itself was just simply far too small to accommodate a second gym beyond Joan D'Arc's. Thus, he was thrilled beyond all measure when Joan told him of this opportunity to settle a new land and establish a new league there. At last, the Spirit of the Earth opened up for him the opportunity he had been patiently awaiting.

Taking his three closest friends, Sybaris, Maia, and Ganga, Collin embarked on the expedition with eager anticipation. He had spent most of the trip meditating and communing with the natural world. Now at last, land was in sight. Home. At long last after a lifetime of wandering, I am home. Collin thought to himself. Uncrossing his legs and standing up as the ship prepared to dock, he turned to Jafar and says, "We arrive. Can't you just smell the opportunities in the wind?"

Th Revanchist
2015-09-05, 11:13 AM
Renalt was nervous. Part of it was being on a boat, which despite his best efforts made him a little queasy. Another was just how long the journey had taken: In Hoenn, help was always... reachable? But here... No.

Then again, that was kind of why he was here. His two-week "vacation" notwithstanding. If testing his latest invention could be considered a vacation, anyway. Now, though, it might be best to get serious. Somehow.

2015-09-05, 01:22 PM
Valley Vale

When the blessed, merciful promise of release from the prison of tedium that is day-to-day life on the ship finally arrives, Valley is upside down. In point of fact, she is dangling upside down by her feet from a thick rope that's holding down a stack of cargo in the hold, which she's largely repurposed as a training area. It gives her somewhere to work out, and not worry about Arine, who is extremely seasick since Rapidash don't normally sail and Aurora who would much rather be swimming than riding along on a boat.

However, on this particular occasion she hadn't actually intended to wind up upside down and is slightly miffed as a result.

"That... didn't quite go to plan," she grunts as she twists and writhes to get a decent grip on another rope so that she can drop the last foot or so to the ground and land on her feet, rather than her head. "Nope, not at all," she adds as she finally snags her makeshift guiderope and rights herself. "Time to go see what all the fuss is about, I suppose," she muses aloud as she wanders out on deck to get her first look at the coastline.

She wanders over to the rail at the... whatchamacallit - the pointy end - yawning and rubbing at the back of her head. She's dressed for a workout, rather than in her more usual and flamoyant style - which is to say she's wearing shorts, plimsolls and a t-shirt which won't catch on things at inconvenient moments, flap around distractingly or fall off. Her shortish, dark hair is tied up in a bun where it, too, won't get in the way.

She looks at the distant shoreline critically for a moment.

"Well, it looks pretty enough from this far out, at least," she says aloud. "Hope it stays that way as we get closer,"

2015-09-05, 04:11 PM
Jafar had spent most of the trip on the boat, keeping to places where the others couldn't see him and learning the layout of the ship in case anything happened. While he'd found seventeen secret compartments, he still had the nagging feeling that he'd missed one and had a nearly unresistable urge to go check it. When he heard that land was in sight, he stepped onto the deck and looked at the island.

It was, of course, isolated. They wouldn't send him anywhere that he could escape from. He was a criminal after all. While he was more free than he had been in prison, he made no presumptions that he was free. This ocean would be just as effective as a prison cell at keeping him from living the life he wanted. He'd escape eventually he was sure, but it would be a long time in coming.

Build up a port town, get people you trust in high ranking positions, reconnect with contacts overseas, bring you crew to this shore, and regain your base of operations. Everything legal, but eventually we'll make our escape. I don't doubt that a decade or two of obedience will make them complacent.

The only real threat here are the champions. I don't think any of the others would be able to catch me if I went AWOL. I'll have to investigate those four, but that can wait until later. Just play nice. Patience and Faith Jafar. Patience and Faith.

2015-09-05, 06:33 PM
The trip had been very, very boring. They'd promised Sabrina not to cause trouble while they were on the ship and it was SO BORING. There was no place to train, there were no games and reading was dumb. So he'd taken to sitting on Waggles' head and stalking around the decks and exploring what there was to find. Which honestly wasn't much. It was a boring ship. More for supplies than for anything cool. It was worse cause he was really excited to arrive at the island and see what his new life would be.

That being said, when land came into view, Elisedd and Waggles' were among the first top side, standing at the forefront of the boat and hanging from the aggron's horns. "Wooo! Finally we can be off this tin can!" His still young, high pitched voice is a counterpoint to the mostly adult crew and others. "I'm gonna run around for an hour! And maybe climb a tree." When Cole suddenly asks him a question, he scowls before realizing what he said. "Oh... Hmmm... Why not both?"

2015-09-05, 07:13 PM
Cole laughs in genuine delight at Elisedd's response. "Hahahahaha! Of course! Which one first, though?" he points to the highest smudge in the distance, nearly overbalancing and flying off the ship as he does so. "Do we climb as high as we can, and then go into the caves to find the summit? Or do we find a cave, get lost, have some adventures, and then get out halfway up the mountain to climb the rest? Either way, the view from the top will tell us all we need to know about this region, I'm sure!" Behind him, the Shelgon rolls her eyes, releasing Cole's shirt from her jaws after she grabbed him to keep him on the deck.

2015-09-05, 08:36 PM
"Hey what's all the hubub about?" the young twelve year old boy asked Shadus as he landed his magical flying aetheral maned twonicorn storm zebra whose pelt rippled in the wind as if it were a living piece of the night sky woven into physical form (http://orig07.deviantart.net/94a9/f/2013/099/e/8/shiny_zebstrika____523_by_randomdrawerofart-d611vu9.png). The majestic beast leaving a trail of crackling nimbuses beneath it's hooves as it slowed it's soaring gallop until gently trotting unto the deck with a small whine at the end of it's run.

"I was giving Velvet here a walk to stretch his legs when I heard some cheering; did something neat happen?" he questioned the older boy as he affectionately petted the gallant stallion.

2015-09-05, 11:04 PM
"Eh?" Shadus asked, looking over at who had spoken. Oh. It's one of those young ones. Why the Void did the even let them aboard this ship? He takes a deep breath and tries not to let his distaste of bubbly youth shine through. "Neat? No, not at all. Just some conversation about whether caves or mountains or some other such geographical formation are better. Don't see what's so interesting about that." He takes a closer look at the Pokémon next to him. Feh. So this one is that ditzy fairy trainer. Right. Just my luck. He had to resist the urge to release Terminus, and have the Drapion tear that glittering head right off of that... Zebstrika? Bloody Fairies. The world would be just fine without them.

2015-09-06, 08:53 AM
Seeing that Jafar was not interested in company, Collin leaves him alone and joins the others in conversation. "Whether to climb the mountain or to explore the cave first sounds like the wrong question to me. The Earth will reveal which one is the better path if you stop long enough to listen. No, to me the better question is not where we go, but why we go there. What all are each of us hoping to achieve in this brave, new world?"

2015-09-06, 11:39 AM
"Why?" Cole echoes back at the newcomer. Corbin, or Calvin? "Because its there." he adjusts the chunk of pale yellow rock resembling a stalactite strapped to his back and sweeps out his arms, his gesture taking in the whole new region. "It's all there, and no one's been there before. What other reason do you need?"

2015-09-06, 01:40 PM
Elisedd doesn't respond at first, letting the other people talk. He didn't really want to get in an argument right now and they seemed to to want to. At least the one guy did. "That's a good enough reason for me! But there could be some awesome new pokemon up there too! Wouldn't it be awesome to be the first to discover one?" He secretly wanted the shark pokemon that Amber had, but he didn't think trying to steal it or trade for it would be a good first impression. To be honest, Edmond had talked him out of trying to ask for it to begin with.

Thinking about his brother caused Elisedd's eyes to drift over to where his brother was flying next to the boat on Velvet, and the man who was glaring at both of them with rather poorly concealed distaste. He slips off the head of the steel pokemon and walks over to where Shadus was standing. After waiting a moment to see if Shadus was going to notice him, he taps the older man on the arm. "If you don't stop looking at Edie and Velvet like that, I'm going to break you in half." Elisedd says this with a smile on his face.

2015-09-06, 05:12 PM
"Sounds good enough for me. Once we understand our motivations, our instincts can guide us through the rest. I think-" Collin paused as he heard one of his traveling companions threaten another. "Friend, surely you can hold your temper for just a few hours more. After all, we've been together for weeks now. A little while longer won't hurt."

Th Revanchist
2015-09-06, 08:05 PM
Renalt had been hanging back, watching both groups with a degree of trepidation. Seeing that they were distracted by that unexpected warning, he decided to step in, "Speaking of a brand new region with brand new opportunities, has anyone else seen those Pokémon the Professor is carrying?"

Pausing, ideally so the gathered people would look, he continues, "I know we're all some of the best when it comes to training our Pokémon, but maybe a little extra power could help with capturing them?"

2015-09-06, 09:16 PM
"What do you propose?"

Th Revanchist
2015-09-06, 09:36 PM
Renalt stares for a moment, evidently surprised, "Oh. Well, courtesy of Devon Corp, I prepared a variety of specialty Pokéballs. Whatever your fancy, be it type or location, I can provide you an edge in capturing anything. If you want to keep things general, there's also Lock cases." After a moment, he almost continues, but decides against it.

2015-09-06, 09:42 PM
When Renalt speaks, Cole gives him a look that is half-suspicious, half-confused. " Huh? Pokemon are Pokemon. They eat and they breed, so they can be tracked. You track them, fight them, and then catch them," he says slowly.

2015-09-06, 09:57 PM
Shadus feels a tap on his arm, and looks over to see the other one of the youngsters. Well, he thought, after hearing what the boy said, This one's got spunk, I'll give him that. Smiling a cocky smile, he taps on one of the Pokéballs on his belt, and releases a Shedinja, but one that seems to absorb light. (http://orig12.deviantart.net/df64/f/2013/318/d/b/dba05076b022b79684bafbeab14aa585-d6u8e4h.jpg) Turning first to the large heavy-set man that had told them to cool it, he said, with a hint of sarcasm, "Don't worry, sunshine. I got this." Looking down at the youth that was a foot shorter, he said "You want to break me? You've got to go through Shadow." At that, he smirks, gesturing to the Shedinja. "Good luck with that."

Th Revanchist
2015-09-06, 10:16 PM
"Erm... I think perhaps I wasn't clear? The primary function is making it more difficult for a wild Pokémon to resist the capture. It's like the difference between using a Great Ball and an Ultra Ball, if that helps...?"

Still unsure, Renalt continues rambling, "I don't think that finding the Pokémon you're looking for is the issue, especially for... Someone with your talents, Mr. Danton."

2015-09-06, 10:20 PM
Cole's attention is distracted by the release of Shadus' Shedinja. "Sure, sure... quiet, I might actually get to see what two of you all are capable of," he comments with a thin, eager smile, his eyes fixed on the two angry Trainers.

2015-09-06, 10:37 PM
"Ellie...don't write me off like that!" he admonishes his twin slightly, "Besides if Shadus and Shadow have a problem with Velvet, it's only fair that he gets a chance to sort things out with them. Ain't that right buddy?" the lad explained with an edged smile, patting the zebstrika affectionately before hopping off its back. The zebstrika nickering in agreement with his Trainer before trotting forward until it stood between Shadow and Elisedd, locking an eager gaze own the light-devouring specter.

2015-09-06, 10:56 PM
"Oh boy," said Shadus sarcastically, "Another challenger up to the plate. Now, though, I must clarify one thing. I'm the one who has a problem with Faeries, the glittering, dazzling, lot of them... If you want to take on the one who has the similar animosity to my own, then I suppose you should meet Terminus. It's only fair after all." He puts on a dismissive air at the word "fair." "He does need to stretch his muscles, after all. And your fairy might provide a nice warm-up. Although, to be fair, his animosity is to pretty much anything not of the shadows. So don't think you're being given preferential treatment here." He releases Terminus as well, but gestures for the Scorpionoid (http://img14.deviantart.net/836f/i/2012/009/4/a/drapion_by_namh-d4lw103.jpg) to stand down. It's not that I want to fight... But maybe I can put some respect into these kids by showing them what they're dealing with. And show the rest of the people why I'm here. It doesn't even occur to him that the twins might have similarly trained Pokémon. They're all here for a reason, after all...

2015-09-06, 11:10 PM
"Eeeeh? ANd what's wrong with Shadow? You seemed just fine using him to settle things when you didn't know what pokemon my brother would use; or wasn't that fair? I mean, he was your first choice after all; a bit rude to call him out and then just brush him aside like that," Edmund questions the older boy, quirking his head slightly at the older boys decision.

"Or did you just chicken out when you saw my pony?"

Th Revanchist
2015-09-06, 11:35 PM
Looking very upset, Renalt decides to follow the new topic, " Do you really want to anger our host, when we're this close? I mean, if you're that up in arms, at least wait a few hours and you can have an official battle! Instead of getting kicked off the boat?" He also calls out his Sableye (http://www.rigelatin.net/sableye/media/card-illust/exsandstorm.jpg), just in case.

2015-09-06, 11:36 PM
Elisedd frowns. "You know Scaly can take care of his wimpy ghost bug Edie, why are you stepping in?" The young boy crosses his arms and stares at the drapion. "I'm not scared of this little bug either, I wouldn't even need Waggles to beat it. I'd just need... One good hit. Maybe three." He clenches his arms into fists. "Besides... He really wants a fight right? Why should I deny him?" The look in his eyes was anything but the friendly-ish little boy that had been on the boat trip. "Maybe he needs to figure out exactly why we were invited along?" He basically ignores Renalt's trying to de-escalate.

2015-09-06, 11:55 PM
"Now, now," Shadus says, pointedly at Edmund. "I chose Shadow as my bodyguard when your brother threatened to break me in half. Had he challenged me, I'd have gone with Terminus. But since he wants to have a shot at Shadow..." Shadus looked at Elesidd. "You want to have a shot at taking out Shadow? Go ahead. Take your best shot. With or without any or all of your Pokémon. Terminus'll deal with your brother's challenge." He smirks at Elesidd. "Good luck, sunshine. You'll need it."

2015-09-07, 12:18 AM
"Oh, I get it now! So you were so afraid that my bro would hit you for looking at me funny that you called out your Shedinja on him on the spot as a bodyguard instead of just apologizing or talking him down! Wow, that's impressive!" Edie brightened with a winning smile as he laid out the situation.

"This sounds like an awesome way to kick off our first day in town! " Edmond cheered with barely contained glee and a beaming smile, "Oh this'll be great! Now I really can't wait 'till we make get there; this ships not big enough for all the fun we'll have!"

"Let's have a grand Ol' time Shadus!" he happily accepts as he extends a hand towards the older boy to shake on it.

2015-09-07, 12:20 AM
Before much more can happen, the Drapion seems to float into the air, and get tossed overboard by an unseen force, "Refrain from doing such while my people are moving our equipment, you don't have the money necessary to replace anything damaged over a petty scuffle," looking at the one who spoke, it was Cyrus, while he only stood at five six, the aura surrounding his hand and glowing white eyes showed he was not to be trifled with, especially if he had the power to telekinetically lift a drapion and throw it off the boat, "next time this happens, you'll be the one off the boat," and with that, he walks where his people are gathering an increasing amount of equipment, "one last thing, we're moving faster than a Drapion can swim, and pokeballs have a limited range to return their pokemon."

2015-09-07, 12:45 AM
Cole's smile vanishes as the Drapion gets thrown overboard. "Aww..." he groans, before giving Cyrus an appraising look and turning back to watch the island slowly come closer. He seems to have forgotten that he was technically talking to the people near him.

Behind him, the Shelgon sighs and grabs the edge of his T-shirt preemptively.

2015-09-07, 01:05 AM
Grumbling at the forcible interruption, Shadus recalls Terminus as the large bug falls into the water, then summons him back on deck, letting the Scorpionoid shake himself off of the water, before glaring at the scientist. "What the Void was that for?" he demands. "We were just planning on blowing off a little steam! Can't someone try to knock out a shedinja, or punch a drapion in peace anymore? And why the Void did you throw Terminus of all beings off?" He starts grumbling about the good old days of The Under. Well, I'll be Judged if I have to spend any more time in that man's presence than I have to. And there will be a reckoning.

He then turned back to fairy-boy. "Now, listen here, sunshine," he said. "I've lived enough of my life to know that when someone threatens me, either they're reckless, they have the power to back up their threat, or both. I prefer not to take chances with my life. I only have one to spend. And what was I supposed to apologize for? Him taking a dislike to me? I don't think so." He does reach out to shake the younger boy's hand, but lets a small amount of his aura of darkness chill his hand.

2015-09-07, 01:32 AM
"Oh thank Mew!" he utters in relieved prayer once Terminus is rescued; just because the lad was all for putting it in its place didn't mean he wanted the scorpion to drown! In that, he was incomplete agreement with the older teen; it had been a bit much, if understandable from Cyrus' point of view.

Though things seemed to take an unexpected turn when the older boy takes his hand and a creeping chill sends a shiver up his arm. For a moment the lad's jolly expression falls, a pensive look taking it's place as he parses what had just occurred before an eager grin takes his place, a smile that somehow seemed...warmer and more earnest than his previous ones; before the lad meets the Teen's shake with his own firm grip, one of acknowledgement rather than challenge, along with his own little surprise. A subtle warmth and tingling, almost tickling, sensation meeting Shadus' chill as the boy discreetly loosed a drop of his own fairy aura in the space between their grasped hands.

"You're not half bad old man," Edmond commented approvingly.

2015-09-07, 07:35 AM
Collin stood back and watched as his fellow passengers almost come to blows. Then a drapion gets a baptism by TK. Collin hopes that they dock soon, as it doesn't seem that they can all stay together on this ship much longer. "I hope we land before we find all of us swimming."

2015-09-07, 12:29 PM
It's because you're all letting your emotions get in the way Jafar said with a slightly bored voice. As odd is it may sound coming from a prospective gym leader, he found battles incredibly drull. There was just nothing interesting about a straight battle. Where was the excitement, the thrill of the heist? No, he wasn't one to bluster. We're here to do a job, not get into fights. The job comes first, and arguments come decidedly after that. Anything else shows a lack of professionalism.

He paused for a moment remembering his own life as an Admin, including one particularly nasty incident where his emotions had led to three of his crew members dying. And lacking professionalism can get you killed. And that, he thought, is that.

2015-09-07, 01:06 PM

Valley, who had been discreetly attempting to stay out of the way of all the crazy people who were picking fights with one another, steps forwards and raises her hands.

"Let's take it easy, okay? Try and keep everyone dry, and all the pokemon safe and alive, hmm? And us," she says placatingly, with a warm smile. "I know we've all been stuck on this boat for too long, but we're nearly there now, right? Once we've all had a chance to rest and sttretch our legs we'll all feel a lot better. And, then, if you still want to beat each other up, you'll at least be rested and ready when you do it,"

2015-09-07, 09:07 PM
Ah, Void, thought Shadus, as the warmth crept up his arm, Just my luck to have met probably one of the only other Elementalists in the area. And a Fairy one at that. One of the few who's aura could beat my own...

He then turns to Jafar. "Look, sunshine," he says testily. "To you, this may be work. To me, this is a career, an opportunity. I don't want my career to be work. This is something that only the very best get to do, and I'm going to relish every minute of it. Even though our job boils down to losing to the best trainers that come along, I'm not going to be some stodgy old geezer who only does this because he has to. I want to enjoy this, and the best way to do that is to follow your passions. So that's what I'm going to do. So you can crawl back to your cubicle and enjoy it there, but don't bother me in the world out here. Got it?"

2015-09-07, 10:44 PM
"Uhm, actually, our job is about getting into fights; be it with challengers, aiding our jurisdictions, or simply honing our skills so we can perform the aforementioned tasks better. All other responsibilities beyond those directly tied to the former our taken at our own discretion or if ordered by our superiors," Edmond explains, taken on a formal tone that hinted at repetition.

"Brother, Shadus and I were discussing the specifics to a Friendly we'd be having at an at this moment on defined time after arrival in order to test ourselves and air out some acceptably minor tensions in a productive manner. None of us are actually out for blood so there's no real conflict between this and our official duties, assuming our scheduling doesn't conflict with any tasks awaiting us on land of course," he details politely before cupping his hands and swaying slightly as he speaks, "Casual terminology not withstanding; the only unprofessional action taken during our brief exchange was Mr. Cyrus ejecting Terminus off the boat without prior warning, and an absence of any attempt to request Terminus' return, before taking such extreme measures despite the fact we had confined our activities to our immediate person and where already shaking on our arrangement when Terminus' forced removal took place,"

"So yeah, it wasn't anything to freak out over; but thanks for your concern guys,[" he chirps happily once more in a more relaxed tone of voice, giving the gathered gym leaders a grateful grin.

Besides, I doubt bro and the Old man would've played along and made a show of things if he had it out for me, the young gymleader wisely kept to himself.

2015-09-07, 11:52 PM
Jafar raised an eyebrow but said nothing. If these people had worked under Giovanni they would have died. Quickly. One didn't so easily make comments about one's employer unless they wanted things to go badly. But then again, he was only here for himself. If they wanted to piss off people far more powerful than them, well that was their problem and he'd leave them to it.

He did have to give a small chuckle at the cubicle comment though, as Jafar suspected that he was much further along on the passion range than any of them. So far as he knew none of them had gone to jail for their careers. Maybe their levels of commitment were different? Or maybe they simply chose to live within the bland limits of society. Either way he wasn't terribly rattled by their comments.

Then, upon consideration he did decide to make one comment. As a clarifying point, I rather think it is our job to assess the worthiness of trainers. Whether or not we battle them is completely up to us. I rather think sometimes challenges can be more interesting than simply beating each other to a pulp.

2015-09-08, 12:02 PM
"I've rested way too long! I haven't trained in two weeks! I wanna do something!" Elisedd exclaimed loudly. All this talking was beginning to bug him. Especially from that Jafar guy. But Edmond repeating what had been drilled into them so many times was annoying too. "Augh I just wanna be there already." Shrugging off all the weirdness, including his brother shaking hands with his now sworn enemy, he walks back over to wear the huge steel pokemon was looking over the edge of the boat at the water. Climbing back up on top of the Aggron, he watches the island, hoping that it doesn't look as far away as it is.

2015-09-08, 12:36 PM
By this point in time, the island is close enough to make out the trees as something more than a random green blob, and to see the actual scale of the island. It was a LOT bigger than anyone here had thought.

"Surprising, isn't it," a soft voice says, Amber had come up to the rail next to Elisedd, "this island is larger than Kalos, and yet it was only recently discovered," a weird barking noise, punctuated by the clicking of teeth, comes from next to her. Amber reaches down and picks up the tiny shark pokemon, petting it's head as it looked at the island with all the excitement of a puppy, she looks up at Elisedd, "you can pet him if you'd like, he's very friendly. Just keep your fingers away from his mouth."

2015-09-08, 12:42 PM
Collin stares at this brave new land, contemplating the great adventures that the Earth would provide.

2015-09-08, 01:37 PM
Elisedd looks over at Amber when she talks, then back at the island. "I know the feeling..." He says, seemingly deep in thought. Then she said he could pet the little shark pokemon and he was an excited 12 year old again. "Really? I can?!" He slips off the back of Waggles and looks at the pokemon with wide eyes. He holds out his hand slowly for the pokemon to sniff at before he put his hand on its nose. "Oh... It's smoother than I thought." He scratches up its nose and back around to its fin. "He wouldn't do much damage. Especially considering how often Bitey bit me when I was training him." He brings up his other hand to join in petting and scratching the little pokemon.

2015-09-08, 05:42 PM
"His name's Yovi, a lot of his species have very rough hide, like a carvahna, but some, like Yovi, have skin meant to be more streamlined, it sheds bonds and makes him into quite the escape artist," she says before showing Elisedd a spot the little pup really liked to be scratched, setting him down so he could roll on his side. The entire time he made a weird purring noise that reminded Elisedd of a higher pitched version of a feraligatr's growl.

Think the growl Crocodiles and Alligators make, and not the hiss either.

2015-09-08, 05:58 PM
"Yeah, battles are fun, but survival, that's the real trick," Cole states conversationally in response to Jafar, still staring towards the new Region. "I mean, a lot of that's battling, but if sneaking or making friends or whatever keeps you alive, even in the worst places, then who am I to judge?"

He nearly jumps off the boat when Amber mentions that the island is larger than Kalos. "Can't this thing go any faster?" he complains.

2015-09-09, 04:56 PM

"We're here to battle, not fight. And then only challenging trainers..." Valley says to herself as she leans against the railing and watches the land drawing nearer. Then she sighs. "Oh, whatever. I just can't wait to be off the boat and get started,"

She takes a look down at the waves breaking around the ship and grins. It's good to be travelling, and she's finally getting her own stage. And she can build it from scratch, too, none of that mess of repurposing an old building or having to fight for space to build or any of the other nonsense. Best of all, she's even getting paid to make her dream happen provided she agrees to run a gym out of the place, which shouldn't be that much of a chore.

"Come to think of it, I should probably go and get changed," Valley muses aloud, glancing down at her training clothes, and then pauses thoughtfully. "...Why am I talking to myself?"

2015-09-09, 05:32 PM
"Maybe because you're hoping that someone will come over and listen..." says Shadus slyly, smoothly disentangling himself from the various trainers he was in the middle of. Ah, finally, he thought. A chance to talk to one of the fairer sex on this boat. Something that the assorted trainers here are sorely lacking. Who the Void thought that was a good idea? He leans on the railing nearest to her, and gives his best winning smile. "So, what brings a girl like you out here?" he drawls. "Can't be the company, I'm sure."

2015-09-10, 07:47 AM

"Not even a little bit," she agrees, nodding thoughtfully. "I'm here because it's a chance to build something new and wonderful,"

Valley takes a lingering look out across the waves at the approaching land. It's still looking pretty, so that's good. It hasn't truend into forbidding grey peaks, and a perpetual storm yet so things are definitely looking promising.

"Exploring a whole new region is a delightful bonus to being paid for what I planned to do anyway. How about you? Why are you here?" she asks, almost absently, glancing back at Shadus.

2015-09-10, 08:34 AM
"Well," he replied, "Because of the adventure, because I want to be able to do something worthwhile, and, most of all, because I can." He smiles a bit more at the last part. "It's something that I've always wanted to do, to be able to test the abilities of other people, to learn and grow. And, despite what I said to sunshine over there," he gestures to Jafar, "I think that non-traditional evaluations are great. You get to see how people think. Plus," he adds cockily, "it gives them a sporting chance."

2015-09-10, 10:02 AM
Elisedd gets on his knees to continue scratching the puppy-shark. "Hehe. He's kinda silly." He wasn't ignoring Amber on purpose, he just had other things on his mind. "Are there other cool pokemon like this on the island? I wanna catch them. We'll all train together and be the best."

2015-09-11, 10:46 AM

Once more she glances at the appraoching land, before turning back to Shadus.

"Mm. I think this is going to be a big adventure; after all... who knows what's out there still to be discovered?" Valley says distantly. "Not that there won't be hard times; we're building something brand new out in the wilderness, and we'll no doubt have to deal with all the newcomers as more and more people make their way here. Establishing a gym circuit and arranging a full League certainy isn't going to be a picnic," she adds with a slight frown.

2015-09-11, 11:06 AM
"Well, that's good," Shaydus replies, his tone lightening up a bit. "I didn't sign on for a picnic. I'm not afraid to get down to business and get my hands dirty here." He looks out to the island. "And there a whole new world to discover. So we have to make the most of it. Consequences be Judged."

2015-09-11, 02:11 PM

"Mm," she nods vaguely, then gives herself a mental shake to bring herself back on track. "So, where are you from, anyway? I don't think can place the accent," Valley adds in her own, hard-to-identify accent.

2015-09-11, 02:59 PM
"Well," he replies, "I'm from Orre. Barren place, desert from end to end... Oh, and no gyms anywhere. It had a beauty in it, and a simplicity, that I haven't found elsewhere. It breeds hard, rugged trainers, for those who are weak simply don't make it." He stares wistfully into the distance for a moment. "What about you?"

Th Revanchist
2015-09-15, 12:02 AM
Renalt, who had been debating fetching his gear before everyone rushed to their cabins, decided to approach one of the Gym Leaders, instead, "Hello... Jafar, was it? I don't know that we've been properly introduced. In fact, this is the first time I've seen you aboard the ship, but anyways! I'm Renalt."

"I was curious about what sort of challenge you had in mind? It must be some serious test to get the Professor's attention, right?"

2015-09-15, 01:26 PM

She shrugs at the question.

"Here, there and everywhere, I suppose. My family travelled a lot, so I didn't really grow up in any single place. I've spent the last year or two in Johto and Kanto, though, getting noticed for all this," Valley waves vaguely at the ship and the distant shore. "They're big enough to roam in properly, and staying put in one place too long felt strange. Which is going to make running a gym a bit interesting, I suppose. But I'm sure I can find time and excuses to travel regularly - who knows, maybe I could set up a portable gym?" she adds, with a warm laugh at the idea.

Still, maybe it's something worth considering - it'd be tricky, and perhaps she'd be limited on the sideline things, but it could be worth it. Or... maybe not, on second thoughts. She'd lose out on all the special effects, and a chance to make something that lasted.

2015-09-15, 03:44 PM
"Either that," Shadus replies, "or have a small gym, and leave cryptic clues as to where you're going in there when you are out. So the first task is simply to locate you." He laughs. "That'd be a riot for some people I knew back home. Good people, but they couldn't find their way out of a paper bag." Well, mostly good people. By Under standards.

2015-09-15, 07:45 PM
It's reached the point where everyone can see the port now, it really was makeshift, a series of wooden docks to match up roughly with the boat's side. Beyond that there was a small camp with people working busily. With the speed of the ship, it was minutes to arrival, and departure.

2015-09-15, 08:20 PM
Cole's smile only grows as they near the port. So little civilization, so much wilderness... if Sister didn't have a tight grip on his shirt, and if she wasn't essentially a small armored tank, he'd already be swimming to shore.

"So, does anyone know if we have to stay in this town overnight, or can we go exploring right away?" he asks the others, trying (and completely failing) to sound casual about it.

2015-09-15, 10:26 PM
Cole's smile only grows as they near the port. So little civilization, so much wilderness... if Sister didn't have a tight grip on his shirt, and if she wasn't essentially a small armored tank, he'd already be swimming to shore.

"So, does anyone know if we have to stay in this town overnight, or can we go exploring right away?" he asks the others, trying (and completely failing) to sound casual about it.

Jafar walks softly from the ship, fingering the blades hidden in his sleeves. This place was unfamiliar, different. Rural. he thought with a sniff. Nothing like Celadon had been, though few places could live up to Celadon.

I believe he said in his silky voice that we are free to pursue whatever interests we desire now. No strings attached. Aside from the whole ordeal of creating our own gym. He sighed inwardly at his attitude. He really should be more positive about this, shouldn't he? Giovanni and Sabrina and Koga and Surge had all been gym leaders, so why not follow in their footsteps.

2015-09-15, 11:33 PM
"Well, we're here." Collin says eagerly, ready for the boat to dock so he could start exploring this brave new world.

2015-09-16, 05:28 AM

"Well, okay, that's maybe looking a little less appealing..." Valley, now changed into long sleeves, long trousers and some proper boots a belt of pokeballs and a backpack that contains most everything else she's brought with her, says to herself as she retakes her spot at the rail and stares out in mild dismay at the camp. She had rather been hoping for the beginnings of a township, rather than a camp-city.

Hearing Cole's question, she gives a slight shrug and wanders closer to join in hte conversation.

"I think we have a fairly free license to do what we want, but it'd probably be worth getting to know the camp first. Ask around, find out what they know about the place. And I'm sure there'll be people we should talk to about... you know... responsible things," she says with a sigh. Responsible things such as land ownership, local creatures, resource management, jurisdictions and law enforcement among many, many others.

2015-09-16, 08:31 AM
Shadus looks out at the looming port. Well, that's home sweet, home now. Best make the most of it.

He hears Cole and Jafar, and replies "Feh, you say 'ordeal' like it's going to be such a hard time or something. Where's your sense of adventure?"

2015-09-16, 01:26 PM
"Indeed, we've been given the opportunity to flourish by our wits and our wills. What more could we ask for?" Collin chimes in.

2015-09-16, 05:05 PM
Elisedd is back sitting on top of the Aggron that had be about for nearly the whole boat trip. "Gah I'm so excited! This is gonna be great!" He looks over at his twin. "Just like old times, right?"

2015-09-19, 11:44 AM

As they wait, Valley looks around curiously at the others who are gathered on the deck.

"So, where are you all planning on going once we arrive? Heading for the mountains, the plains, the forests? Or maybe staying right here," she asks, with a brief nod towards the shore. "I think that might be what I'll do. Stay here, I mean. It's probably going to be the first point of arrival for most people, so it should always stay big. Which is exactly what I want. There'll always be people coming and going, always something going on," Valley adds with a smile, even as she hugs herself against the chill of the breeze.

"I hope we get there soon. I can't wait to get to work,"

2015-09-19, 12:25 PM
Cole looks at the girl with confusion, then realizes that she probably wasn't on the deck when he was talking to one of the twins (he could never remember which was which). "Like I was saying before," he replies, pointing towards the tallest mountain they can see, "I'm gonna climb to the top of that and have a look around. After I've gotten a Swablu-eye view of the whole region, I can decide where to go next. Oh, and where to set up my Gym, I guess," he adds almost as an afterthought.

2015-09-19, 07:13 PM
"Mountains are good," Shadus said, "because I'm sure there'll be some good caves around there. Perfect for setting up the beginnings of an underground city. Home sweet home."

Th Revanchist
2015-09-19, 09:41 PM
"Staying close by wouldn't be a bad idea, but I think it would be best to explore a bit, first. Just because this is the hub now, doesn't mean it's going to stay that way, right?" Renalt says, "I don't know that founding a gym in this area would be the best, though. You'd never get a break, once the general public can reach this place!"

Having said his piece, Renalt went to go below-deck and gather his supplies, before there was a rush to do so. Unless everyone else had their belongings, in which case it was to avoid being last off the ship...

2015-09-20, 08:19 AM
"I will definitely be part of the group climbing the mountain." Collin said.

2015-09-20, 01:59 PM
I'll be sticking around here Jafar said. Port cities are essential, and building one up should be a priority. I can help with that.

2015-09-20, 02:27 PM
With the time passing, the ship pulls to the docks, and gangplanks are lowered, allowing people to, at last, leave the ship. Nine separate docks were connected so the massive ship could be unloaded quickly, and some Land to Water Vehicles exited through lower parts of the ship, carrying supplies into the beach a ways down where, even on deck, the people could see a large construction site for what was likely to be a warehouse in the future.

Leaving the ship was easy with all the ways off, but the little encampment was quickly crowded with people moving equipment, looking for the people in charge of the area for the time being, and disputes breaking out about space and where things should be put. It isn't until a small group of rangers settle some of the disputes and the coordinator of the soon to be facilities on Endol starts directing traffic that things start to run more smoothly.

The beach itself was pretty bare, there were some krabby about and someone swore they saw a kabuto on a rockier part of the beach some distance away. At the edge of the water were magikarp observing the spectacle with a school of luvdisc, a single feebas hiding among them. Overhead, a fearow screeches before flying off into the mainland, followed by a skarmory, replacing the wingull and taillow that had followed the ship throughout the voyage. (Perception Check, DC 15 if you're interested)

The new Elite Four for the island look around before splitting off to their own ventures, except for Cynthia, who remains behind to talk to Amber, apparently the two were friendly. (Perception Check, DC 11 for those interested)

The area beyond the beach was a rolling plain, with a few groves of trees dotting it, though some hills have a single tree on top of them, rip with a red fruit none that haven't been here before have seen before. (Perception Check, DC 13 if you're interested).

NOTE: You only get to make one of the above perception checks, not all. Choose which one you want to do before rolling. I will PM the results.

2015-09-20, 04:32 PM
Collin will disembark off the ship and meet up with Cole and Shadus, ready to go mountain-climbing with them. He notices Cynthia talking with a friend and tries to listen in closer.

wow, NONE of those checks are very possible for someone without great perception. Only one I could possibly pass is the one involving Cynthia [roll0]

2015-09-20, 04:41 PM

"Fair point, I suppose," she conceeds, giving Renalt an nod of acquiescence as the ship comes in to shore. "I mean, I was going to have a look around anyway first, but this place seemed like a sensible place. There's ways around the business, like having fixed opening hours and things,"

As the ship pulls in, and the gangplank is lowered, Valley saunters down on to the maeshift docks and takes a proper look around the place. Kind of messy, but... huh. Weird red fruit on those trees. As the others spread out to do their things, Valley wanders a little closer to take a better look - not that she knows much of anything about botany, mind.

I'm going to gamble a little, and try to see the trees. Mostly since eavesdropping is rude :smalltongue:

2015-09-20, 06:24 PM
Jafar steps off the boat onto the docks, ignoring the berries and casting a curious glance in Cynthia's direction. She might be trouble eventually if he made an escape attempt, and he didn't have a read on Amber yet.

Thief Mode ON! vs Conversation

Perception [roll0]

2015-09-20, 07:30 PM
Cole ignores the Elite Four's conversations, and decides that he's had enoguh of the beach and the water. He instead makes a beeline for one of the trees sprouting strange red fruit. All of Cole's Pokemon are carni--carna-- ate meat, but the Hoenn native knows how useful Berries can be. He barely notices Valley heading in the same direction, looking over the trees critically to gauge their worthiness as a food source.

I can't make that Perception check, so I won't try.

Survival to see if the red fruit is edible: [roll0]

2015-09-20, 08:22 PM
Seeing Cole make a beeline for the trees, Collin follows after him.

Th Revanchist
2015-09-20, 08:51 PM
Always interested in Pokémon, Renalt tries to spy the birds flying overhead, and see where they were headed.

I'm not too clear what I'm checking for, but Skarmory and Fearow are cooler than berries and eavesdropping.

Rolling against the DC15 check. Hopefully I don't walk off a cliff while I'm staring into the sky...

2015-09-20, 08:51 PM
Feh, thought Shadus, It's boring around here. I want to battle, after being cooped up on that ship. He decides wait to see who was heading in which direction before choosing which way to go.

Hahahaha! Perception? Ha! Pathetic Perception here... Shall we see how much the RNG gods are going to hate me for this game, anyways? [roll0]

He doesn't even notice the trainers heading off towards the trees, even though the one who said he was going to the mountains is amongst them...

2015-09-24, 01:41 PM
"Look Edie! A skarmory!" Elisedd says, pointing up to the flying pokemon as he hurries to disembark with Waggles. "You wanna see if we can go catch it?!" He wasn't the first off like he'd wanted to be, but he was close enough that he didn't really care.

Perception against 15: [roll0] Spending an AP for it too.

2015-09-26, 08:52 PM
Collin, Cole, & Valley (Going to the Trees)
The trees themselves are actually quite impressive, a lot larger than most of the other trees, and wildly gnarled. It would be easy to climb into it. There's even a pokemon in the tree, trying to grab the fruit that seemed to have drawn some decent attention. It was a rattata, which looked to be struggling to hang on as it tried to get to the fruit. One thing of note, however, was that it looked to be almost twice the size of a normal rattata.

Jafar, Renalt, Elisedd, & Shadus (Staying Behind)
As they all watch, a splash is heard from the water, drawing attention. The fish pokemon that had been in the water were all gone now, instead replaced with a swarm of tentacool. A minute later, a flock of zubat shadows everyone overhead, flying towards the caves. Where the hell did they come from?

And yes, I just did that. All three of the banes exist on this island. And I can tell you now, they're not the worst ones. :smalltongue:

2015-09-27, 12:09 AM
"Well," says Shadus dryly, "That's just great..." He sighs at the swarm of Zubat heading for the caves. "That means that to go through the caves we're going to have to be wading knee deep in Zubat bodies. Yeah, fun..."

2015-09-27, 12:27 PM
Cole blinks at the big rat in the tree... and then grins, pulling a Poke Ball from his belt and tossing it out.

In a flash, a massive blue serpent appears, shrieking its defiance to the sky. It turns its gaping maw towards the foolish human that released it, plunging downwards in an attempt to swallow the puny thing in one gulp--

And is stopped short by a haymaker straight to its nose. The Gyarados straightens reflexively, snorting, and Cole laughs. "No, no, not today," he chortles. "Dinner," he states by way of introduction to the group, and then points at the Rattata in the tree. "Lunch."

Dinner growls in contempt. Such a puny little 'mon is far beneath her notice. Almost negligently, she strikes at the rat pokemon, aiming to bring it down.

If Dinner is in Melee range, she'll attack the Rattata with Bite.

Bite, Physical Dark, Flinch on 15+
Accuracy: AC 2+evasion
Damage: [roll]2d6 + 30
If Crit: [roll1]

If she's not in range, she'll use Twister.

Twister, Special Dragon, Flinch on 18+
Accuracy: [roll2] AC 2+evasion
Damage: [roll3]
If Crit: [roll4]

2015-09-27, 12:39 PM
The rattata yelps as the gyarados tries to bite it, jumping up and landing on the larger pokemon's head. A shift of the rattata's nose and it looks up, completely level with the fruit, which it very happily jumps onto, pulling it down into a fall with it, it turning midair to look at the much larger pokemon, before dashing into a hollow under the tree after it lands. A second later, the gyarados topples, fast asleep.

2015-09-28, 06:39 AM
"It would seem that rat has gotten the best of you." Collin remarks. "Now then, do you want help getting revenge on the rodent of unusual size, or should we carry on to the mountain we talked of climbing?"

2015-09-28, 06:47 AM

As the gyarados falls and the rattata does its' acrobatics, she bursts out laughing, long and hard. It is, after all, quite funny - especially the rattata's utter lack of fear in the face of near-certain death in the form of a giant dragon-fish monster. It was also slightly alarming, but mostly amusing.

"Oh, wow, that was... um," Valley says, trying to clamp down on the giggles without much success. "I... I guess we're going to need to be careful about the locals, right? That one wasn't at all afraid of us or, um, Dinner," the name brings back a brief wobble in her voice, before she gets herself back under control. "It was very intrested in the fruit, though. Anyone know what it could be?"

2015-09-28, 10:53 AM
"Huh?" Cole experimentally prods Dinner with his foot. The massive serpent continues to snore, and a moment later Cole joins in with Valley's laughter. "This place is challenging! Awesome!" he exclaims, pulling out an Empty Great Ball from his pack.

"We can go to the mountain in a second; I want to catch this one!" he declares to Collin, before raising his voice. "Hey you! Lunch! Come out here; let's talk!"

"I don't know about the fruit," Cole remarks offhand to Valley, eyes trained on the hole the Rattata vanished into. "The Rattata seemed to want it, though, so I'm guessing it's edible."

If possible, I'd like to use Command to get the Rattata out of the hole: [roll0]

Also if Dinner gets a Wake Up Roll, here it is: [roll1]

2015-09-28, 12:42 PM

Still grinning, Valley folds her arms and leans back as she watches Cole's attempts to charm the rattata.

"I'd rather not try out strange fruit if I can avoid it - just because rattata seem to be able to eat it safely doesn't mean anything else can. So, you want some help if it comes back out?" she adds, peering into the hole the rattata had vanished into with mild curiousity as she rests a hand on her pokeball belt - just in case of further surprises.

"And I suppose I could go see this mountain with you. It'd certainly be good to relax and stretch my legs properly before we do the boring bit," she adds, rolling her shoulders back.

2015-09-29, 01:00 AM
"That's weird right? Zubat aren't usually out in the daytime." Elli said, looking up from his position on top of the big steel pokemon. That was when he looked over and saw someone release a, uh, what were they called again... he scraped his brain for a minute. "A gyrados! That's what it is." As much as he hated to admit it, Edie was really the brains of the outfit. But what was going on over there was weird. They let the gyrados out and then it fell asleep? What were they even doing? "Edie, you wanna go see what they're doing over there?"

2015-09-29, 11:51 AM
"I think Sister and I can take him," Cole replies, gesturing to the Shelgon which has been standing next to him with an air of long-suffering patience. "If not, then I guess we'll both just take a nap."

2015-09-29, 01:41 PM
Jafar invites anybody to come with him to the camp to converse with the people who had already been here some time. Always better to gather information he thought.

2015-09-29, 09:52 PM
"I think Sister and I can take him," Cole replies, gesturing to the Shelgon which has been standing next to him with an air of long-suffering patience. "If not, then I guess we'll both just take a nap."

"Well, if it comes back out, I can help you pin it down in one place. Make it easier to find." Collin offers.

2015-09-30, 12:29 AM
Cole considers Collin's suggestion for a long moment. "Sure, do that," he agrees finally, shrugging. "It won't be as much fun, but we'll probably all be working together eventually, so it's good to see what everyone can do."

2015-09-30, 12:43 AM
If the ratatta comes back out, Collin will hit it with a sand tomb, using his own internal connection to the Earth to trap the creature in a vortex.

2015-09-30, 12:52 AM
"Eh, I'll come with you," Shadus says to Jafar. "Might as well see who's who and what's what from people who know that sort of thing.

2015-09-30, 07:19 AM

She sighs, as she watches the attempts to coerce the rattata back out of hiding.

"Hold on, I'll get something that might help," Valley says, as she starts picking her way quickly and nimbly up the tree, in search of the remaining fruits. If the rattata wanted them badly enough to tackle a gyarados, then it might well come back out of hiding for one. Besides, she's curious as to what they are - even if she's not curious enough to actually, say, eat one without checking with a botanist first.

"Before you head off to that mountain you're so keen on, why not head back to town first? Just check if there's anything we should know about the place and see if any of the others want to come along?" she adds, as she swings her way through the branches.

Athletics for the climb:

Assuming nothing nasty happens when they're picked, Valley's going to throw a couple of fruits down to the others to use as bait and hang on to one herself.

Th Revanchist
2015-09-30, 11:11 PM
Renalt looks at the bustle of activity around that huge tree, the still more distant (and now all but imperceptible) birds flying to the center of the huge island, and finally at the group preparing to check out the camp.

He decides to go with the third group. By the time he reached the tree, they'd have left for something else new and exciting, he figured... But maybe someone at the camp knew where interesting locations were?

2015-10-11, 10:14 PM
Collin, Cole, & Valley
Valley finds that there are no more of the fruits on the tree, and the only other one in sight is on the next hill over... swarmed by weedle and kakuna. Might as well call the beedrill swarm out herself. She could even see one looking at her with blue eyes... wait, weren't beedrill eyes red?

But, she doesn't have to, she spots the same rattata, the fruit curled in its tail, coming up between Cole and Collin to look down the hole it had just gone down not even two minutes before, then glancing at each, before starting to walk off, a piece of the fruit, with a seed in it, left behind.

Valley gets a Perception and Pokemon Edu, both DC 5.

Shadus, Renalt, & Jafar
Roll one of Charm, Guile, or Intuition. Degrees of Success style here.

Everyone gets one roll.

Elisedd & Edmond
Waiting on Reg here.

2015-10-11, 10:20 PM
Shadus wanders around town, hoping to find someone he can find information from. Maybe some gossip on single women, too...

Charm: [roll0]

Th Revanchist
2015-10-11, 10:53 PM
Renalt meanders, hoping to find someone who might have common ground with him. It would probably be best to talk with them first. (Intuition)


EDIT: It doesn't seem to be working, on edit. An RNG outputted 5, though.
I'll use the tags next time. :(

2015-10-12, 05:30 AM

"Aww, that's sweet," Valley calls down to the others as she spots the rattata. The ear-to-ear grin can be heard in her voice as she sits on a branch, temporarily thwarted in her goal of acquiring some bait. "I think it left you a present - just behind you,"

And then she trails off, staring hard at the distant tree with the oh-so-interesting Beedrill. That could very well be worth a closer look, especially if there's something rare or interesting - not that she wants a beedrill, but it's always handy to have something tradeable.

Perception: [roll0]
PokeEdu: [roll1]

2015-10-13, 05:39 PM
Cole blinks up at Valley, and then looks around, his eyes falling on the seed. He stares at it for a long moment... and then throws back his head and laughs. "Fair enough! Maybe I'll get you next time, Rattata!" he chortles, returning Sister with one hand and plucking out the fruit seed with the other. He sticks the seed in his backpack and turns to the group. "So, good to know--don't mess with the wildlife, or they'll knock you out! What next--straight on to the mountain?"

2015-10-13, 05:56 PM
Jafar begins to wander through the town, gathering information. It was the first tennant of building a base of operations after all. He wasn't the best at it, but he could be a heck of a lot worse.

Guile [roll0]

2015-10-13, 07:18 PM
Cole blinks up at Valley, and then looks around, his eyes falling on the seed. He stares at it for a long moment... and then throws back his head and laughs. "Fair enough! Maybe I'll get you next time, Rattata!" he chortles, returning Sister with one hand and plucking out the fruit seed with the other. He sticks the seed in his backpack and turns to the group. "So, good to know--don't mess with the wildlife, or they'll knock you out! What next--straight on to the mountain?"

"That sounds like the best plan to me."