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View Full Version : Computer Wildstar: Free-2-Play on September 29th (Take Reboot)

2015-09-05, 02:04 AM
So Wildstar is coming up on September 29th as Free-2-Play and closed Beta is available those who wish to try it. But guild and social circle had to be paid to create one and some players are forming guild to prepare for that (mine's Dominion Legacy). I also redeemed WS CREDD today which meant that I could set up a guild for 5 days before October 5th. I am on Dominion, which Carbine's statement of "Moral Ambiguity" is starting more like Tony Stark in Marvel Civil War (aka being a fascist police despite Marvel's statement of grey morality). Even the stories are generally biased towards Exiles, which they have better stories and memorable characters. And some of them are inconsistent, like Dominion in Exile campaign being cartoonishly evil while being more decent in Dominion zones. plus they're slashing down tutorials to barebones (based on Youtube) but Dominion are made sympathetic (like changing torture to catching a psychopathic Aurin).
For the Free-2-Play.
On one hand, NC Soft have pretty good F2P title that is not as Pay-2-Win as other MMOs. On the other, there's also blunders like Tabular Rasa and City of Heroes.
P.S.- http://www.wildstar-roleplay.com/forum (Wildstar RP for those who wanted to participate in one).

2015-09-06, 08:54 PM
I wonder if this will help or hurt them?
I've seen a lot of games die out after going free to play...
But There's also been big successes like DDO and TF2.

2015-09-06, 09:11 PM
I think it will be good for Wildstar, it's been struggling for a long while. Its a shame because the game isn't really bad, it just doesnt feel worth it to pay for it though. I never got far in it, but personally I really enjoyed Wildstar, its just since I stopped working I had to choose what games to cut my subs for (had about...4 or 5 game subs going at the time) and I couldnt really justify paying for wildstar. I am looking forward to going back though once it's free and playing my aurin again (and yes, I knew about CREDD, I just wasnt playing enough as it was at the time to be able to earn the ingame money to buy any)

2015-09-07, 02:41 AM
I wonder if this will help or hurt them?
I've seen a lot of games die out after going free to play...
But There's also been big successes like DDO and TF2.

Not to mention NC Soft's history with Lineage 1, 2, and Aion.
But also disasters like Tabula Rasa.
I kinda feel that original idea for Wildstar was either race factions (ala Guild Wars 2) or Exile only since both factions storyline are inconsistent with both stories and statement. I mean Chad said that both sides are grey but Exiles showed Dominion as moustache twirling evil and Dominion stories barely had Exiles after Auroria.
And unsympathetic tutorials (changed in Beta), forced quest on going to church (that would make player to forgot that Dominion allowed freedom of religion), lack of Dominion lore outside of games, and lack of promotional materials (positive ones) kinda create player gaps. Even the Dominion has less memorable characters and kinda bland storyline (For comparison, Dominion quests are given by generic officers while Exile quests has at least five, I remember, NPCs that gave quests throughout the regions). Not to mention Blighthaven in Exiles :smallfrown:.