View Full Version : Curiosity About Other Real-World Inspired Gods In The OOTS-verse

2015-09-05, 01:48 PM
The various pantheons of gods in OOTS are loosely based on real-world mythologies, and they came from beyond the chaos (http://www.giantitp.com/comics/oots0273.html). We also know that there are other worlds out there (http://www.giantitp.com/comics/oots0633.html), so I'm curious, would it be possible for there to be other such gods out there?

Like, Malack over his centuries of life might have came across a cosmic convergence that let him temporarily converse with a cleric of Osiris (Osiris is typically a good deity in DND adaptations of him), which let him make a stronger argument about the neutrality of death as a concept.

I doubt they'd interfere in what's happening in the OOTS-verse (I can't imagine the gods here would want to admit that their petty infighting created a god-killing abomination and got Zeus and co killed), though I can imagine them making offhand remarks alluding to their existence.

Any thoughts?

2015-09-06, 08:34 PM
I'm not sure the whether ''multiverse'' in the lines of the IFCC refers to other universes with separate cosmologies, or the fate of the Planes they are in and can Plane Shift to and from.

They might exist, but this idea is as provable and disprovable as whether real life has a multiverse.

Gift Jeraff
2015-09-06, 08:57 PM
I'm not sure the whether ''multiverse'' in the lines of the IFCC refers to other universes with separate cosmologies, or the fate of the Planes they are in and can Plane Shift to and from.

They might exist, but this idea is as provable and disprovable as whether real life has a multiverse.

I think they're referring to Ganonron conquering world after world.

2015-09-06, 10:35 PM
The various pantheons of gods in OOTS are loosely based on real-world mythologies, and they came from beyond the chaos (http://www.giantitp.com/comics/oots0273.html). We also know that there are other worlds out there (http://www.giantitp.com/comics/oots0633.html), so I'm curious, would it be possible for there to be other such gods out there?

Like, Malack over his centuries of life might have came across a cosmic convergence that let him temporarily converse with a cleric of Osiris (Osiris is typically a good deity in DND adaptations of him), which let him make a stronger argument about the neutrality of death as a concept.

[B]I doubt they'd interfere in what's happening in the OOTS-verse (I can't imagine the gods here would want to admit that their petty infighting created a god-killing abomination and got Zeus and co killed), though I can imagine them making offhand remarks alluding to their existence.

Any thoughts?

They may not be able to, even if they wanted. Each of the four known pantheons had a sphere of influence limited to only part of a single planet (corresponding to the centers of their worship), one they all worked together to make. Plus some new gods and assorted demigods, of nebulous power and projection (the Dark One doesn't seem region locked).

But yes, I've often thought that there are probably other gods in existence. The creation story we were shown for this world required gods, so presumably any other worlds existing in this setting (either in this universe, or elsewhere in its multiverse) needed gods too. Which makes one wonder - are there other snarls out there?

And there's certainly a lot of other interesting religious traditions from RL that could provide more pantheon. Would be interesting to see.

Reddish Mage
2015-09-07, 12:16 AM
I'd note that the existence of "thousands of worlds" in the multiverse means that destroying this particular one to save the multiverse seems like a lot less of a sacrifice than at first.

2015-09-07, 12:24 AM
I'd note that the existence of "thousands of worlds" in the multiverse means that destroying this particular one to save the multiverse seems like a lot less of a sacrifice than at first.

The people on the world to be sacrificed probably wouldn't see it like that.