View Full Version : Colony game (Pathfinder)

2015-09-05, 10:55 PM
It is an eerie foggy morning as the ship sails unto the lone dock.

No one is around to greet you, the scant few houses lack any candle light this time of morning. All is asleep.

The papers telling the former governor that his services will no longer be required burning a hole in your packets.

As the ship enters the dock, sailors get to work making sure the ship doesn't crash.

Beth is the first one off the dock, and heaves a great sigh once on land.

What do you do?

2015-09-06, 01:02 PM
Leah Sparatine, the Heir of Damnation

Well, that was an eventful journey.
Leah steps off of the ship, her twin blades at her waist.
All respects to Sarenrae, but I'm glad it's foggy. The sun tends to hurt my eyes this early.
She glances around the village
So, pretty small place, especially after Korvosa.

2015-09-06, 01:23 PM
Luna, the Embodiment of Lust

Stretching their arms and wings, Luna looks out onto the town shrouded by fog. "Finally. Not that we have any issue being surrounded by seamen, but it's nice to be able to not feel the ground shaking beneath our feet, you know?"

Did you have to phrase it like that?

Resisting the urge to cover her face with her hand, the other half speaks up. "So, what's our plan? We could go straight to the governess, but we wouldn't be opposed to a little rest and relaxation for a few hours first. In retrospect, we probably should've decided what to do upon making landfall before making landfall..."

2015-09-06, 01:44 PM
Resisting the urge to cover her face with her hand, the other half speaks up. "So, what's our plan? We could go straight to the governess, but we wouldn't be opposed to a little rest and relaxation for a few hours first. In retrospect, we probably should've decided what to do upon making landfall before making landfall..."

Beth sighs.

We're going to make waves like this. She says refusing to look at Luna.

We should depose the old governor immediately. Otherwise when rumors of our arrival reach him, he may get desperate. Beth adds.

2015-09-06, 01:52 PM
Leah Sparatine, the Heir of Damnation

Leah places a hand on the hilt of Valinia
Agreed. Best not to give the man time to work against us.

2015-09-06, 01:54 PM

Nodding, "We don't disagree, but thought we should check to be sure first. So, does anyone know the way?"

Noticing Beth's unwillingness to look at her, she slinks up behind the half-succubus, feigned concern in her voice, "Are you alright, Beth? You look troubled."

2015-09-06, 02:07 PM

Nodding, "We don't disagree, but thought we should check to be sure first. So, does anyone know the way?"

Noticing Beth's unwillingness to look at her, she slinks up behind the half-succubus, feigned concern in her voice, "Are you alright, Beth? You look troubled."

I'm. Beth says harshly before sighing.

Fine. She says sternly. We can ask around, worst comes to worst. Beth says starting to move forward.

2015-09-06, 02:20 PM
Aiko, Unfettered Priestess

Yawning, Aiko steps off the ship, a veil draped around her getting wet from fog and starting to cling to her body; priestess doesn't pay that fact a slightest attention, instead joining her companions. "You're beautiful again today", she sais with a smile - though, to be noted, in her mouth, that is pretty much equivalent of "good morning". Then, looking around, "You know... I had some doubts when my love asked me to handle it, but I see now... this place could be so much more beautiful with some effort... let's not waste time then!"

2015-09-06, 03:19 PM
Leah Sparatine, the Heir of Damnation

The lithe duelist smiles as Aiko joins them.
Good morning, priestess. Your dress seems to be getting a bit damp, sure you don't want to put on something warmer?
As she follows Beth towards the town, she leans in towards Luna, her voice steely.
Back off. Your antics are getting old.

2015-09-06, 03:24 PM

Smiling at Aiko, enjoying the view she's getting through her transparent, and now damp, dress clinging to the young woman's skin. "You're rather beautiful yourself, priestess."

When Leah whispers to her though, it's Eris that responds in similar volume, "Just because we're teasing her doesn't mean we don't care. She was acting strange this morning, so we don't want to force the issue, but we are concerned."

2015-09-06, 04:03 PM
​Aiko, Unfettered Priestess

"Thanks for your concern", Aiko smiles, "but it's nothing - meditation training back home involved dealing with much worse cold... and I always was particularly good at it, for some reason." It is no boasting, just humbly stating the fact.

"Lady Luna", she gives a slight bow - more of a nod, "I'm sure you're eager to get somewhere more private, though, aren't you? So let's get to asking already - or we could just head to the largest house around? Something tells me we'll have a decent chance of finding the governor there..."

2015-09-06, 04:15 PM

Grinning back at Aiko, "Not necessarily private, but we don't want to get arrested before we can deliver the letter. Though we're eager to make a good first impression on the town...come to think of it, maybe it would be more interesting if we ditched this for now. What do you think, priestess?"

2015-09-06, 04:20 PM
Leah Sparatine, the Heir of Damnation

Leah raises an eyebrow
Calm down. Let's get business taken care of first. Then Beth and I can go somewhere else while you-
She looks far more pointedly at Luna
-establish your reputation as a public fixture.
Looking over at Aiko, she nods.
Probably a fair bet. Colonial governors always seem very impressed with their status.

Hattish Thing
2015-09-07, 03:30 PM
Shiloh Zydrate:

Emerging from the bowels of the ship, Shiloh slowly lurches up the steps, her movement somewhat slow and sluggish. The young woman had just been taking a particularly pleasant nap, and wasn't exactly thrilled to be here already. Still, there was business at hand. The long, relaxing nap she craved could come a little later, as soon as they had spoken to the Governor. As she looks over the side at the foggy landscape to the right, she rolls her eyes and frowns. It reminded her so much of her homeland, although the Ustalavian fog was usually a tad more threatening. One of the fun things about this trip was the chance to experience and see new things, a whole new world, unexplored possibilities! New people, places, things to do and see.

But no, nothing but fog and tiny little houses.

Shiloh will look over the side for a while, slowly adjusting her leather suit, snapping her sharp-fingered gauntlets in place and making sure she had everything she needed with her. As soon as she finishes snapping on the second gauntlet, she'll look down at her fellow crewmates below on the dock. After quickly tapping her spiked fingers on the wooden railing, she stretches her back a little bit and begins to move down onto the docks with the others, her hips rocking side to the side as she slowly begins to build up into a less sluggish sort of step.

Finally, she greets the others with a wave and a slight crooked smile, before looking around.

"Mm. This isn't exactly the tropical wonderland I was imagining the new world would be."


2015-09-07, 03:37 PM
Hmm. We're not exactly here on a vacation. We're here to work. Beth snaps keeping her gaze laser focused on Shiloh's face. Let's get to business. She says doing a 180 before storming off.

[Assuming you follow of course]

You get outside the biggest hut, and even Beth makes a face at the relative lack of comfort before turning to Leah.

You wanna knock, or should I? She asks quietly.

2015-09-07, 03:38 PM
Aiko, Unfettered Priestess

"You know I wouldn't mind, Miss Luna, but what's the point? In this fog, people would only see a vague silhouette at best from barely a couple dozen paces... let's deal with our work quickly, and leave the fun to later, when, I would pray, weather would reveal more of this place's beauty... ah, morning to you too, miss Shiloh - did you sleep well?"

2015-09-07, 04:12 PM
Leah Sparatine, the Heir of Damnation

Leah nods to Beth, stepping forward and knocking on the door.
Governor Farington? We have business to discuss with you.

2015-09-07, 04:59 PM

Smiling to Aiko, she nods, appreciating the shimmering curves her her more exposed companion as she does, and altering her illusory outfit to match them. "You make a good point, but you're also making us jealous. Hope you don't mind if we dress to match?"

While Leah knocks on the door, however, they take their time to slide up beside Beth once again. "We can't do anything if you don't tell us what we did wrong. Please don't shut us out?"

Can I use Diplomacy on Beth? :smalltongue: [roll0]

2015-09-07, 05:10 PM
Leah Sparatine, the Heir of Damnation

Leah nods to Beth, stepping forward and knocking on the door.
Governor Farington? We have business to discuss with you.

You hear the clatter of objects as footfalls get louder.

When they reach the door, you hear them opened.

"Hello, how may..." Farington asks before seeing the lovely ladies before him.

"Hello...." He adds blushing.


Smiling to Aiko, she nods, appreciating the shimmering curves her her more exposed companion as she does, and altering her illusory outfit to match them. "You make a good point, but you're also making us jealous. Hope you don't mind if we dress to match?"

While Leah knocks on the door, however, they take their time to slide up beside Beth once again. "We can't do anything if you don't tell us what we did wrong. Please don't shut us out?"

Can I use Diplomacy on Beth? :smalltongue: [roll0]

Fine. She says still curt. I'll explain later. She adds.

2015-09-07, 05:22 PM
​Aiko, Unfettered Priestess

"I think it looks wonderful on you", Aiko whispers to Luna, appreciating her new "dress", "let's hope that sight would at least somewhat relief Mr. Farrington from sadness we're about to bring him..."

At the door, she steps forward, "I apologize, Mr. Farrington, sir, but I'm afraid you won't be pleased to hear the news we brought... please, pour yourself a glass of wine - it calms the mind..."
Diplomacy to increase Governor's impression: [roll0], with +2 if there's a romantic attraction

2015-09-07, 05:28 PM
Leah Sparatine, the Heir of Damnation

Indeed. It would be best if we continues this discussion in private, Governor.
Leah's smile is slightly more than than the polite one she normally wears, and her eyes speak of potential futures.

Bluff for body language: [roll0]
Diplomacy: [roll1]

2015-09-07, 05:37 PM
He looks to Leah with a confused look on his face.

"Um, okay." He says inviting you all in. Luna with a kiss on her hand.

"So is something wrong? I don't remember seeing you around here, so are you from the main land?" He asks after seating all of you.

2015-09-07, 05:42 PM

Smiling as he kisses her hand, Luna looks him up and down, Save it for after we've taken his job, after that...

"Yes, we're from the mainland. We've got something we need to talk to you about, but after, we could discuss other things," she says with a sultry grin. "Priestess, perhaps it would be best for you to tell him?"

Diplomacy to seduce him! Rolled in roll20. (19+19) = [38]

2015-09-07, 05:49 PM
Leah Sparatine, the Heir of Damnation

Leah follows him in, but hangs back towards the read of the group, stopping by the door and leaning against the wall. She looks at the fat man in the eyes, and keeps her tone level and neutral
You're fired.

2015-09-07, 08:25 PM

Raising a weary hand to her face, Luna shakes her head as Leah puts it so bluntly. Well, there's something to be said for making the cut quick and clean, perhaps it's for the best this way.
You say that, but what you're really thinking is 'Perfect, now he'll be angry and take it out on us if he takes us up on my offer'.

Ignoring her other half's observations, Eris speaks up. "She did not have to be so cold about it, but in short, that is the case. We will be taking over this town from now on, though perhaps you should stay on as our adviser, after all, you know this place better than any of us for now."

Hattish Thing
2015-09-08, 02:45 AM
Hmm. We're not exactly here on a vacation. We're here to work. Beth snaps keeping her gaze laser focused on Shiloh's face. Let's get to business. She says doing a 180 before storming off.

[Assuming you follow of course]

You get outside the biggest hut, and even Beth makes a face at the relative lack of comfort before turning to Leah.

You wanna knock, or should I? She asks quietly.

"You know I wouldn't mind, Miss Luna, but what's the point? In this fog, people would only see a vague silhouette at best from barely a couple dozen paces... let's deal with our work quickly, and leave the fun to later, when, I would pray, weather would reveal more of this place's beauty... ah, morning to you too, miss Shiloh - did you sleep well?"

With a raise of her thin brow, Shiloh shifts her weight back and crosses her arms, her thin metal gauntlets gently clattering against eachother as she does so. With a small sigh and a frown, she looks away from Beth and mutters to herself, barely audible on the dock as she complains. "Well damn, who put you in charge of the 'crush all the fun' club." Shiloh frowns a bit further and continues to lean back, watching with a bored expression on her face as Beth spins around and begins to leave, before blowing a few rebellious hairs out of her face and rolling her beautiful, dark purple eyes.

She pouts a little bit and moves forward, before briefly speaking towards her other crewmate. "Well, I mean, I slept. So that's nice and all. Can't say it was the best sleep, but evidently it was better than what our joyous Captain got over there. But thanks, aha. It's refreshing to be talked to like a normal person, hah. Stuck on a ship with a bunch of men for so long seriously freaked me out a little. What do you think got into Beth?" Shiloh looks forward and shrugs, before continuing.

"Uhh, we should like, catch up. Talk later?"


Shiloh will follow the group and lean on a wall in the office, quietly waiting as the ever-pleasant members of her group deal with the governor. It seems like this would be the way things were going to get done around here, ew. Oh well, best not get involved.

Instead, the young woman will make her way towards his desk and begin to quietly open and sift through everything. "Let's see what we've got here."


Perception: [roll0]

2015-09-08, 12:55 PM
"What. What! This can't be! You... Would Miss.Lovanne really spend so much on a joke?" He asks paling.

No. At least I hope not. Beth replies. You're fired. Like my comrade said.

At Shiloh's interruption.

You notice the desk is made of rather fine wood.

Ex-Governor in disbelief Farington slams the dresser shut.

Give me a reflex save DC 15 to see if you pull your hand out.

"What are you doing?"

2015-09-08, 01:05 PM
Aiko, Unfettered Priestess

"You wouldn't believe just how much my love is willing to spend on a good joke", Aiko says with a dreamy smile that immediately fades into a look of condolence, "this is not the case, however, I'm afraid... careful, miss Shiloh!" the warning comes a fraction of a second too late, leaving Shiloh with nothing but her own reflexes to rely on.

2015-09-08, 03:15 PM
Leah Sparatine, the Heir of Damnation

Leah's eyes are still icy as she glares at the former governor.
I believe you just assaulted the holder of a public office.
Her eyes don't leave the man, but her mind turns to Beth as she casts out a thought while putting the overweight man in his place.
I'm fairly up to date on most points of colonial law, and I seem to recall that being punishable by ten lashes, and that's being generous.

So, care to talk about what the slut did this time that's got you all on tilt?

Intimidate: [roll0]

rolling in Roll20: 13

2015-09-08, 03:49 PM
Aiko, Unfettered Priestess

"Please, Miss Leah", Aiko says with a genuine concern in her voice, "No need to act rash - consider Mr. Farington's current condition... it should be a mitigating circumstance for sure!"

Hattish Thing
2015-09-08, 05:27 PM
At Shiloh's interruption.

You notice the desk is made of rather fine wood.

Ex-Governor in disbelief Farington slams the dresser shut.

Give me a reflex save DC 15 to see if you pull your hand out.

"What are you doing?"

Aiko, Unfettered Priestess

"You wouldn't believe just how much my love is willing to spend on a good joke", Aiko says with a dreamy smile that immediately fades into a look of condolence, "this is not the case, however, I'm afraid... careful, miss Shiloh!" the warning comes a fraction of a second too late, leaving Shiloh with nothing but her own reflexes to rely on.

Shiloh notes that the wood is rather well made, and smiles a little bit as she looks over it. The desk reminded her so much of her father's at home, though his was often covered in medical papers, or research packets, or empty mugs of chamomile tea. Ah, now that was a pleasant memory. Making chamomile tea with her father and just sitting in the study, talking, as the fireplace roared. Little moments like that made her forget how awful everything really was, sometimes. Her father had moments where he made her feel like the luckiest woman in the world, like she was normal.

Like she wasn't sick.

Then, her pleasant memory vanishes as Aiko's well-timed shout alerts her to the ex-governor's hostile actions. Shiloh just barely pulls her hand out of the way at the last moment, grimacing as she feels the drawer slam right by her. The young woman glares towards the governor with a look of incredible anger, and suddenly there's a dagger in her hand as if by magic. The blade is long, and thin, serrated on one side and deathly sharp on the other, a magical and incredibly well-crafted device of death. Shiloh moves with great dexterity and speed, and slices her hand through the air, the serrated edge gliding to the governor's exposed hand.

There's a sickening sound and the blade connects with flesh, and then Shiloh steps briefly away, the slice having been almost simple muscle memory.


2015-09-08, 05:49 PM
Aiko, Unfettered Priestess

No matter how she hoped it won't come to that, such situations were, in the end, what Aiko was trained for for years. Her body reacted almost without though. Within a moment, she was holding Farignton's mangled hand, pouring healing energy into it - not enough to undo the damage dome, sadly, but it could at least stop the bloodloss...
Heal roll: [roll0], SP left: 12
The next moment she was besides Shiloh, with the look of barely contained anger on her face - a look any of you could hardly remember seeing before. "What are you doing, miss Shiloh! Stop immediately, or I would have no choice but to arrest you!"
[roll1] the scene was retconned OOC, so this roll isn't relevant anymore.

2015-09-08, 07:55 PM

As Shiloh cuts into the governor's hand, Luna glares. "ENOUGH! We're not bandits, we're here on business. There's no point in stabbing him for being rude!"

Turning her attention to Aiko, "Is he going to be alright? Healing is your area, not ours."

Not that we mind the bloodshed, but it'll be a pity if our merry band dissolves because of issues with temperment...

Readied Action in case anyone tries to do anything violent; Create a bunch of iron walls segregating the party into individual cells, most specifically splitting up Aiko and the governor from Shiloh.

2015-09-10, 05:35 PM
Leah Sparatine, the Heir of Damnation

As soon as she sees Shiloh's blade drawn, Leah flicks Valinia from its sheathe.
Shiloh. Stand down.
Keeping her eyes locked on her companion, Leah switches over to the mental network Beth had established among them, flicking through each member of the group as rapidly as a speedreader turns pages.

Be ready to act if either of them tries anything. I'll back you.

Wrong time, wrong place, wrong reaction. He might be a pig, but there are much worse people all throughout the world. You won't get anywhere by maiming all of them on impulse. Formal challenges tend to leave much better scars. They don't show as much, but they hurt all the more for it.

Can you keep them separated?

How is his hand?

2015-09-10, 06:54 PM
Governor Farington screams as the blade is shoved his hand, backing up rapidly bumping up and knocking over his bookcase.

Akio moves to the man. The wound is bleeding heavily, but has done very little, if any permanent damage. A spell to stop the blood loss, or a bandage would be all that's required, and he already has gotten the first.

Beth gets up at this point.

Please forgive my companion. She's just a bit jumpy. It won't happen again, right Shiloh. She says gaze flicking to Shiloh, hoping for a gesture of forgiveness, or capitulation.

She pulls out the orders out of her pack and hands them to Farington.

I don't know why Miss.Lovanne sent us to this colony if it already has a governor, but perhaps you should go ask her yourself. In a few days the ship will be heading to the mainland.

2015-09-11, 01:28 AM
Aiko, Unfettered Priestess

"I'm sorry, sir", Aiko shakes her head, addressing the governor, but answering Leah's telepathic question, "I did what I could, and you'll likely retain the use of your hand soon, but... The scar, it will remain..."

2015-09-11, 01:38 AM

Distracted from her concerns about Beth by this little incident, Luna stays ready, and nods, silently answering Leah. "Easily, we just weren't on guard before. If anyone tries anything, we'll stop it."

"Well, this isn't quite the welcome any of us were expecting, I think. So, how about we move somewhere with more chairs and talk this out, hm?"

Since when did you want to talk to people?
Well it'll hardly do to get us kicked out of our new capital city before we take over.
Capital? It's a village, not some empire.
For now.

Hattish Thing
2015-09-12, 03:19 AM
Leah Sparatine, the Heir of Damnation

As soon as she sees Shiloh's blade drawn, Leah flicks Valinia from its sheathe.
Shiloh. Stand down.
Keeping her eyes locked on her companion, Leah switches over to the mental network Beth had established among them, flicking through each member of the group as rapidly as a speedreader turns pages.

Be ready to act if either of them tries anything. I'll back you.

Wrong time, wrong place, wrong reaction. He might be a pig, but there are much worse people all throughout the world. You won't get anywhere by maiming all of them on impulse. Formal challenges tend to leave much better scars. They don't show as much, but they hurt all the more for it.

Can you keep them separated?

How is his hand?

Shiloh steps back once more and flexes her hand, activating the clockwork device that pulls the knife back up into her sleeve, her dark colored metal contraption snapping it in place, ready to launch it out into her hand again at any moment, if needed. There's a look of disgust on her face, and a little bit of shock. She hadn't meant to do that, but her training kicked in, and from that point it was all muscle memory. The 'governor' was hardly worth apologizing to. The young woman crosses her arms though, a clear sign of resignation.

She watches Farington stumble about with clear loathing, but there's also pity visible in her face. She'll have to control that next time. Shiloh looks down and begins to lean against the wall, mumbling out a response to Leah.

"Yeah. Yeah... Sorry. Just... caught me off guard."

"Piece of filth tried to touch me."

2015-09-12, 07:32 AM
Leah Sparatine, the Heir of Damnation

Leah smiles coolly at Shiloh.
Don't worry. But we'll need to get that instinct of yours under control, or Luna's going to start looking like some kind of Ustalavian cheese from all the touching she's so fond of.
There is a glint of humor in her eyes as she mocks their other companion. Turning back to the Governor, she keeps the smile on her face.
Now then, Governor Farington. This transition can be easy or hard for you. Easy, you help us get settled into the business of running the colony. Hard, you don't. I'll leave it up to you to decide which you would prefer.

2015-09-12, 10:55 AM
Aiko, Unfettered Priestess

"Miss Leah... You could've waited, you know - add miss Luna just said, we all can use a seat right now... And Mr. Farington needs rest and comfort. Perhaps a glass of wine to clear the residual pain... It's bad enough already - instead of making it worse, let's try it again from the beginning? Perhaps we could start by introducing ourselves, at least?" She turns to the governor, "My name's Aiko, and I'm a sister of the Caring Embrace. I'm sorry for allowing this to happen... Perhaps if you stay for some longer, I would be able to remove the scar?"

2015-09-12, 02:13 PM
Mr.Farington looks completely overwhelmed.

The look of a man that has lost all his prideful titles in a single hour. Blinking rapidly as he turns between the four of you as he looks up and down from the orders.

"Sisterhood of the caring embrace?" He asks Akio as a safety rope for his ego.

Useless. Beth mutters.

2015-09-12, 03:02 PM
Aiko, Unfettered Priestess

"Have you not heard of our order?" Aiko smiles, "well, no wonder, actually - we're relatively reclused... and even people who heard of it often heard wrong. Many times I saw rich merchants coming to our monastery to hire a bodyguard..." she giggles, "how naive... but miss Lovanne was different - oh, so different... and I chose to follow her, and to be her protector and a caretaker, and to go whereever my love would ask me to go - and that's why I'm here..."

2015-09-12, 03:16 PM
Aiko, Unfettered Priestess

"Have you not heard of our order?" Aiko smiles, "well, no wonder, actually - we're relatively reclused... and even people who heard of it often heard wrong. Many times I saw rich merchants coming to our monastery to hire a bodyguard..." she giggles, "how naive... but miss Lovanne was different - oh, so different... and I chose to follow her, and to be her protector and a caretaker, and to go whereever my love would ask me to go - and that's why I'm here..."

"That tells me nothing." Mr.Farington replies.

2015-09-12, 04:04 PM
Aiko, Unfettered Priestess

"Oh well... to put it simply, we are both healers and protectors; Sisterhood is a monastery dedicated to Arshea - but we're not only taught the rites and prayers; our founder once witnessed training of Irorian monks, and found great beauty in it; since then, these excersizes are included in the Sisters' daily routine - and thanks to them, we can fight even if naked and unarmed. This, and the healing powers the Spirit of Abandon grants us... together, they re the reason why members of our order take pride in never letting those they choose to protect to come to harm."

2015-09-12, 09:22 PM

Smirking at Leah's comment, Luna doesn't contest it as she turns to make sure Shiloh seems alright. Want to talk about it later? We'd be happy to help you if you're willing.

When Aiko and Farington begin to discuss her order, however, Luna moves up behind her barely clothed companion and puts a loving arm over her shoulder, lowering her hand down to Aiko's breast as she smiles. "What she means to say is, her particular sect of worshipers of the Spirit of Abandon function not only as healers but also bodyguards and really know how to serve all their patron's needs...but they cannot be bought, they choose who they will serve of their own will, and our lovely priestess here has chosen to follow our employer, that is to say, Miss Lovanne, and join us in taking control of this settlement."

2015-09-15, 01:04 AM
Mr.Farington looks quizzically at Luna....

Well... quizzically and lustfully of course.

Clutching his wounded hand he speaks.

"So Miss.Lovanne is here correct? Because what good is a bodyguard a continent away?" He questions.

"I must see her immediately!" He insists, trying to rush past you.

What do you do?

2015-09-15, 01:20 AM
Aiko, Unfettered Priestess

"I'm sorry, Mr. Farington, sir", Aiko shakes her head, not trying to stop the governor, though, "but my love stayed back for now... I didn't wanty to part with her, of course, but she decided my companions here are more in need of protection - and, you must know, my love can be very covincing indeed..."

2015-09-15, 01:50 AM

Smiling, "Almost as convincing as we are...well, if we're being nice," she says flirtatiously.

"But that's the short of it. If you'd like to see Miss Loveanne, I believe our ship will be making the return trip sooner or later, though likely not for a few days. Until then, it's best that we get everything sorted out, don't you think? Now, do you have any wine around here? I think a good drink might help to calm your nerves."

2015-09-15, 02:11 PM
Leah Sparatine, the Heir of Damnation

Leah, who had remained next to the door, steps between the mayor and the exit.
Sir, please compose yourself. It's embarrassing to watch you run around like a chicken with your head cut off.

2015-09-15, 02:54 PM
Aiko, Unfettered Priestess

As the governor makes a rush to the door, Aiko sees Leah stepping in his way... however, while Aiko doesn't doubt her companinon's ability to stop the man - let's be honest, it doesn't seem that hard a task - stopping him without hurting him further... might be a different matter. One Aiko was was trained in, too...

Twirling in place, she softly, almost gently rounds her arm around his chest, sets her foot between his, does a little turn... and the governor finds himself in the position where moving even one leg would require a level of flexibility rarely seen in people of his age and complexion. "Please excuse me, Mr. Farington, sir, but... we still need to make the transfer official... and I wouldn't advise you to get outside for now; it's rather chilly, and your wound can get worse..."

2015-09-19, 09:20 PM
Governor Farington starts bawling his eyes out in Aiko's grasp

"This... This home is all I have.... And now she wants to take it from me." He sobs outloud.

Beth wisely stays silent.

What do you the rest of you do?

2015-09-20, 05:05 PM
Leah Sparatine, the Heir of Damnation

Leah laughs. It isn't a sound that is heard often, but it certainly makes most individuals wish they did
We're hardly going to turn you out on the streets. Whatever choices you might has made to cause Miss Lovanne to replace you, you still have more knowledge of this area than we do. I have no intention of squandering that knowledge. Should you choose to stay, I'll see to it that you have a roof. You might not be living in such a luxurious house, but so long as you can contribute to the colony in some form, you'll be taken care of.

2015-09-22, 01:15 PM

With both sides in agreement, even if for different reasons, with Leah mean that Luna moves to the governor's side as she places a comforting hand on his shoulder. "As Leah said, we've no intention of seeing you suffer any more than necessary. We'll be sure that your needs are met and you'll be treated fairly should you help us. Depending on what you can do for us we can even work out a suitable reward for your efforts beyond just living in comfort, however."

"Of course, if you'd prefer to contact Miss Loveanne immediately, as I said, I'm sure our ship will be making the return journey soon enough."

Diplomacy [roll0]

2015-09-22, 01:31 PM
Aiko, Unfettered Priestess

"Meanwhile", Aiko smiles charmingly, separating herself from the governor with a motion so fluid it is hard to believe she was holding him motionless just a moment before, "should you choose to keep us company, sir, may I recommend us move to a room with a fireplace? It would do good to your hand to keep it warm for now, besides...", she pulls on a stripe of her dress, unsticking it from her skin, "Though I told my companion I can deal with a wet dress... it doesn't mean I enjoy it, and the chance to dry it up would be greatly appreciated..."

Make that Diplomacy check 41 :-) I'm pretty sure I pass Aid Another DC even on a nat-1, so won't bother rolling...

2015-09-25, 01:19 AM
"Well I'll take a few days to think on it." Mr.Farington sighed clutching his wounded hand.

"As for the rest of the discussion, fire place you said?" He adds removing his blood stained, but uninjured hand and extending that arm around Aiko's back.

Assuming you don't fight him off, he'll lead you to the fireplace.

"So what do you need to know." He asks seeming... exhausted.

2015-09-25, 05:02 AM
Aiko, Unfettered Priestess

Aiko does nothing to stop the governor - just nods to her companions, indicating an invitation to follow; no need to add insult... more insult to injury, after all.

"Well", she says, approaching the fireplace and taking the gown off - it appears, of course, to be the only thing she was wearing, though that was really obvious fromthe beginning. Kneeling without slightest hesitation to carefully lay her dress on the floor, she continues, "I'm sure my companions would have more questions, of course, Sir Farington, but... what would you say is a main problem with this town? I mean... not necessary of your fault, it might be something over which you had no control at all, but... there must be something that made my love question your rule?" standing up, she rises to her toes, stretching, "Ah, feels much better..."

2015-09-25, 12:34 PM

Smiling as Aiko removes what little clothing she has, always happy to see a beautiful nude form, Luna reaches for her bracelet and slips it off, tossing it carelessly away, not bothering to pay attention to where it landed as she follows the governor in the nude. When Aiko gets off the ground and stretches, however, Luna kneels down with her legs ever so slightly spread apart just before the governor's lap. Looking up at him, she smiles, "You must be quite tired after all of this. Why don't you let us help you relax while you answer our questions?" Lowering her gaze, she greedily eyes her prize, licking her lips. With a brief message to Aiko, "Care to join us? We're always happy to enjoy your talents, priestess."

Meanwhile, her other half starts to focus on other things. While she doesn't have any particular objection, Farington isn't particularly attractive nor forceful enough to pique her interest otherwise, and so she focuses on other matters, using Beth's telepathy to reach out to her fiendish companion. "I suppose with everything that happened this may seem out of place, but I don't want things to get between us. We're not exactly alone, but at least our conversation can be private...please, tell us what was bothering you? Ever since you stormed out of our room this morning, you've been distant...did we do something wrong?"

2015-09-25, 07:28 PM
Leah Sparatine, the Heir of Damnation

Leah rolls her eyes as Luna does as Luna does.
Listen strumpet, why are you wasting your time with him? Are you really THAT desperate to get some, you classless slut? I'd give him even odds of keeling over halfway through. If you're going to do that way, do it after we've gotten our information out of him. I won't have you risking a potential asset like that.

2015-09-25, 07:34 PM

Smirking toward Leah, it's Kestal who replies, "I appreciate the compliment, but we haven't killed anyone through sheer joy just yet. What's the harm in having a little fun? Besides, if we're keeping him busy down here, he won't have any wits left to craft any clever lies so you all can pump him for information while I pump him for---"

"She gets it, you don't need to finish that. Not that I think you're wrong, Leah, I'd rather let the sailors take turns with us again than be with this slob, but what's the harm in denying her her fun, especially when it can put his mind at ease after everything he just went through?"

2015-09-25, 07:52 PM
Leah Sparatine, the Heir of Damnation

I wasn't speaking of your skills, I was speaking of his lack of condition. We won't get anything out of him if all he can do is moan and grunt. Further, he's quite simply disgusting. Besides, now you get to play the carrot. We've already shown him the stick, after all. Now he sees what can happen if he cooperates.

2015-09-26, 09:10 AM
Aiko, Unfettered Priestess

I wouldn't want to say it aloud, but he's not really my type... Aiko smiles wth a slight movement of her head from side to side, I'd much rather have you for myself tonight - or earlier, should we get any amount of free time... and this is an ongoing invitation for everyone in our little group, could you relay that to them, please?

2015-09-26, 03:54 PM
Aiko, Unfettered Priestess

Aiko does nothing to stop the governor - just nods to her companions, indicating an invitation to follow; no need to add insult... more insult to injury, after all.

"Well", she says, approaching the fireplace and taking the gown off - it appears, of course, to be the only thing she was wearing, though that was really obvious fromthe beginning. Kneeling without slightest hesitation to carefully lay her dress on the floor, she continues, "I'm sure my companions would have more questions, of course, Sir Farington, but... what would you say is a main problem with this town? I mean... not necessary of your fault, it might be something over which you had no control at all, but... there must be something that made my love question your rule?" standing up, she rises to her toes, stretching, "Ah, feels much better..."

"I... i don't really know..." He replies. "Really we have no more problems then any other co...."

This is when Luna decides to do as she does, and Mr.Farington loses all coherent thought.

"Yes... Yes... th.... that would be nice." He stutters out pulling her close, without any sort of grace.

2015-09-26, 05:23 PM

Letting Farington pull her head ever so close to his own, "There, you see? He clearly needs our services. Ask your questions." As she telepathically tells Leah, Luna reaches up and undoes the ex-governor's fly, searching for her prize. "Now, while we help you relax, you've got to answer our companions' questions. Think of our service as incentive to keep talking, because we won't stop until you do," she says with a grin.

"You would be much preferred, priestess, and we'll be happy to take you up on that offer," Eris replies, forwarding the message to the rest of the party before focusing in on Beth. "You know that isn't what we mean. What's bothering you? We can't do anything about it if you don't speak up."

2015-09-26, 09:03 PM
Leah Sparatine, the Heir of Damnation

Leah once again rests a hand on the hilt of her blade.
If you keep that up, I will have to take steps. I've heard that eunuchs make excellent public servants. Cuts down on their vulnerability to certain kinds of corruption.

2015-09-26, 09:15 PM

Sighing, defeated, Luna gives him a kiss through his still closed pants, "Seems that pleasurable things will have to wait until our more boring friends have left the room."

2015-09-29, 07:08 AM
​Aiko, Unfettered Priest

"Please, Miss Leah - that's going to far" Aiko smiles, "well, if you really have no idea about what might be the cause... maybe we should go and see for ourselves? Once the morning mist clears... I surely hope to see this town's real beauty."

2015-09-29, 01:05 PM
Leah Sparatine, the Heir of Damnation

Leah once again rests a hand on the hilt of her blade.
If you keep that up, I will have to take steps. I've heard that eunuchs make excellent public servants. Cuts down on their vulnerability to certain kinds of corruption.

Mr.Farington crosses his legs and covers up his vulnerable parts in fear.

"That... that.... you wouldn't do that right?" He asks a panicked look in his face.

2015-09-29, 05:46 PM
Leah Sparatine, the Heir of Damnation

Leah's smile is chilly.
The real question is do you want to risk that I will?
She draws Myrtenaster from her side, and seems to check the edge while she speaks.
Now then, are you sure nothing springs to mind that would have provoked Lady Lovanne to send us?

2015-10-01, 01:05 AM
"Nothing at all. Not unless she's doing some sweeping large scale reforms of her colonies." Mr.Farington replies backing away from Luna afraid for his vital parts

"She was always a mercurial sort." He adds in way of explanation.

2015-10-01, 02:32 AM

Sighing, Luna rolls her eyes as the Governor backs away before stretching out her hands overhead and flaring out her wings, falling back onto them and spreading her legs to give him an unobstructed view. Sticking her hands into the open flame to warm up, she stares at the ceiling. "Well then, we guess we'll just have to settle in and figure out why we are replacing you on our own time. Perhaps we should call a meeting of the whole town? I imagine they'd like to meet their new rulers. Or maybe meet with influential people first and see that all the necessary arrangements are made to make this a comfortable transition for us."

Eris, meanwhile, focuses more on Beth. "Weak? You weren't weak, you're just scared and confused. But you don't need to be. I know it's new for you, but can you honestly tell yourself that you did not enjoy it? What's changed since last night? You haven't hurt anyone or become a monster, have you?"

Illven forgot to respond to the telepathic question and sent it to me on Skype, I'm just responding to it here. Since it's a private convo, no big deal.

2015-10-01, 08:47 AM
"We definitely have to meet the citizens", Aiko nods, "after all, it's common folk that often notice first when something's amiss... However... I would think most of them must be sleeping yet, and even for those who are awake - I honestly wouldn't want to force them outside until the weather gets better - it will get better, won't it, Mr. Farinton? I imagined a much more... sunny place when I was getting ready for the trip... miss Luna, did you decide to try the art of shenzhan* after all? I'm afraid that's not how you should do this excersize - here's the correct way..." she lays on her back, raises her legs straight to the ceiling and, with no apparent effort, spreads them to the sides into a perfect split. "But Rukh-watching-both-east-and-west isn't really a pose for beginners, it would hurt if arrempted without preparation... do you want me to give you some lessons while we're waiting for the town leaders?" she offers, completely missing all the points.

2015-10-09, 01:11 AM
So after a couple of hours it is much sunnier and warmer.

The man formerly known as Governor Farington has called a town meeting, and about 100 people show.

"Welp. You can give them the news." He says gesturing to the group.

What do you say?

2015-10-11, 03:54 PM
Aiko, Unfettered Priestess

Fixing her, dry by now, dress to fit just perfectly, Aiko heads to the outside. "So, ladies... let's meet the people we are ow in chanrge of, shall we?" she asks the others, before...
... it would be an overstatement to say that the square is crowded, with only a hundred people or so; still, it is a great and welcome change to the morning. "Good morning, people of %townname%!" The prietess calls out, "Luckily, the weather finally decided to reveal it's beauty to us - I was getting ready to ask Lady Luna to... convinve it, should it remain so gloomy..."

"Eh..." she continues after the short pause, "I'm sure my companions would explain it better, but, the reason we called you... by the will of Mistress Loveanne, me and my companions will be taking care of you all from now on in Mr. Farigton's place. But, you must understand, we're new here, and don't know much about the town..."

2015-10-12, 01:17 AM

Once more donned in her illusory outfit, a twin to Aiko's though perhaps slightly less opaque, Luna smiles as her friend tries to speak and decides that intervening is necessary. "What the lovely priestess here means to say is that we four have been legally placed in charge of this town, and we mean to improve it and the quality of life for all those who live here. However, we are outsiders at the moment and we will need support from each of you in the days to come to see this town become great, a place where everyone would desire to live."

Silently interjecting, And, more importantly, a place where we can have as much fun as we want without getting into any trouble.
Quiet you.
You know that I'm right, you just don't want to admit it.
It's not that I don't want to admit it, now just isn't the time, I think Leah might be rather peeved at you, we should take it more slowly for now.

Sensing the crowd for a reaction, she waits, "However, I believe some introductions are in order before we get to anything too troublesome. For now, while we're still in this transitional period, please, just call me Luna."

Turning toward her companions, she motions for them to introduce themselves.

Diplomacy on the crowd! [roll0]

2015-10-12, 07:35 AM
Aiko, Unfettered Priestess

"Of course, miss Luna, you're right", Aiko smiles and chuckles silently noticing Luna's change in the dress's appearance to outdo her own - Aiko herself isn't competing in the first place, of course.

"My name's Aiko, and, yes, as my beautiful companion said, we'll need support from every one of you - and, of course, we're going to provide suport to you all in return. This seems a lovely town so far, but, of course, rarely is beauty unmarred, so if there's anything thtat troubles, or worries you... say it, either now, or, if you prefer, after this meeting I'll talk to any and all of you in private, and while I can't promise to deal with all your problems in the flick of a wrist, but you can count on us putting effort to fix that."

Diplomacy to gather information; spending [roll0] hours after the meeting to learn about the town's problems. [roll1], and I don't think Aiko's romantic and/or sexual attraction boni apply since the crowd is made of people of all ages, genders and orientations)

2015-10-12, 02:42 PM
Leah Sparatine, the Heir of Damnation

Leah steps forward.
My name is Leah Sparatine. I'm here to help keep the peace. So if you get into any disagreements with your neighbors, and you start feeling the urge to reach for a blade, I encourage you to seek out the Priestess here to mediate the disagreement. Once blood is shed, it falls under my jurisdiction.
She coolly glares across the crowd.
You don't want that, do you?
After letting the question hang in the air for a minute, she smiles.
Now, that isn't to say I'm expecting trouble. I hope we can all get along splendidly. But I wanted it to be clear that I'm not going to put up with bull****. I got more than enough of that in Korvosa.

Intimidate: [roll0]

2015-10-12, 03:51 PM
Leah's comments seem to intimidate the crowd.

They also seem to make the crowd hostile, and barely willing to cooperate with you.

You hear a few whispered comments, that Leah's gaze seems to shut up.

But what do you do?

2015-10-12, 04:29 PM
Aiko, Unfettered Priestess

A heartbeat. Then...

"Please, Miss Leah", Aiko turns towards her companion with a wide smile, at the same time reaching to the mercenary's mind - luckily, by know, it appeared every one in their little group got comfortable with that kind of communication... Play along with me, please! "There's no need for you to keep playing this role - I'm sure all the good people of this town follow the laws because it's right, not because they're afraid... right? So youi don't have to pretend being that harsh..."

2015-10-13, 11:33 PM
Luna, Lust Incarnate

Smiling at Leah and then to the crowd, Luna tries to defuse the latter, "Now, now, I'm sure you all have no need to fear our more intimidating friend. I'm sure you've seen by now that we are more relaxed about many things compared to most people," she says in a soothing voice before sliding up to just behind Aiko, putting a hand on her shoulder. "Maybe we should put on a little show? It might be a little early, but perhaps a bit of loving passion will distract them from Leah's ice queen vibe."

"But just because we're more relaxed doesn't make us less able. We will see this town improved, and all your lives as well. Though perhaps it would be better for all of us if we were to hear of your current troubles? So let us have an impromptu vote! Those who wish to discuss the fate of the town now, say aye! Those who simply do not care or wish to discuss their concerns in private are welcome to come join us at the Governor's Manor. Though I cannot speak for my companions, my door will always be open for any concern." She says with a flirtatious wink.

Well that's rather altruistic of you, not that I disagree.
Oh sweetheart, you didn't catch it? I thought I was laying it on too thick. Well, I'm sure there's at least a few in the crowd who must've figured it out.

Let's try this again, shall we? Diplomacy [roll0]

2015-10-14, 01:55 AM
Aiko, Unfettered Priestess

"You would soon discover", Aiko quickly nods, "that following our laws doesn't take much effort - and even if you do break them, if you do hurt someone, by mistake or accident, or careless ness - for surely none of you would do that intentionally, right? - seek me immediately, and I'll do my best to make sure the damage is as little as possible, and so is the punishment. In fact, if anyone's hurt for any reason, seek me out immediately; no matter the time of day or night, no matter if I'm occupied, no matter whether I'm wearing this official dress of office or not, I'll head to their help immediately!"

Let's see if the town likes the announcement of their new medical service... Diplomacy [roll0]

2015-10-24, 06:05 PM
It has been three days.

In that time. The ship that brought you to the colonies has departed for the main land.

The man formerly known has Governor Farington, but now as Mr.Farington has left on the ship to explain himself to Mistress Lovanne.

And so has Leah. Mr.Farington needed an escort.

As the ship leaves, you see a soaked cat struggling to get to shore.

What do you do?

2015-10-24, 09:10 PM
Vhaidara, the Scion of Vice

The cat clearly had barely noticed the ship leaving, and had slipped off before it could get all the way out to sea. It doesn't seem to be a very strong swimmer, but it is cat-paddling for all its worth towards shore.

Swim: [roll0]

2015-10-25, 04:32 AM
Aiko, Unfettered Priestess

As fitting for an official event such as the departure of the previous governor, Aiko was there, of course, in her official capacity - and recently instated official dress - of the Town Councillor. Once the ship was off, however, her official duties were over, meaning she were free to... no, wait. What was that, there in the water? Someone fell off the ship? Without thinking, the priestess pulled the dress off, handed it to the nearest cityzen and jumped off the pier into the water. Aiko was a decent swimmer, but in no way the best around - luckily, she also had some tricks at her disposal... holding the symbol of Arshea hanging on her neck, she whispered a simple prayer, sealing the air in her lungs, and purifying it at the same time... no longer restricted by the limits of surface, she swam towards the castaway, keeping underwater for speed - by that moment, she saw that the creature wasn't a human, but that didn't make it any less worthy of saving, right?

Surfacing nearby the cat, she outstretched her hand, "Come here, kitty... don't be afraid, I'll get you to the shore safely... Don't worry, it's just a little magic to be extra sure..."

Casting Breathless Aegis on myself; duration 5 hours, SP left 12/13. Swim check [roll0] if needed.
Attempting to cast Aegis on the cat as well; in case Vhai would object, it might require both touch attack [roll1] and a will save from Vhai (DC 17)

2015-10-25, 09:01 AM
Vhaidara, the Scion of Vice

The struggling cat practically leaps to Aiko. If, you know, she weren't busy drowning. But she doesn't make any move to avoid the priestess' touch, and is soon no longer drowning. As soon as Aiko touches the struggling feline, a strange sense of friendship comes over the priestess as the cat begins to roll on her back.

Perform (Dance) for skilled casting (DC 18, for every point I fail by I lose 1 CL on the effect): [roll0]
Powerful Enthrall (Charm person, lasts an hour per CL (4, - any lost from the perform check). Will save DC 21 to resist (-1 if the perform check fails by at least 2)
If you make that save, make another at the same DC. If you fail the second save, you don't know anything weird happened.
2 spell points were spent, DC 10 Fort save for Addictive Casting: [roll1] (Con is currently at +2 because of animal form)

2015-10-25, 09:16 AM
Aiko, Unfettered Priestess

The moment she touched the cat, Aiko felt sympa... no, wait. Will trained by years of excersizing allowed her to overcome the outside influence... "You're not a simple kitty, are you? And I'm pretty sure you can understand my words at least... well then, listen to me, would you... why would you do something like that? I said I'll get you to safety alredy, right? Now, the shore's really near already... but before we get there, I want you to promise me youwon't try anything funny on my friends, would you? Oh, of course you can't answer, but you can nod, at least..."

2015-10-25, 10:03 AM
Vhaidara, the Scion of Vice

The dripping kitty looks at Aiko with big, sad eyes and nods.

2015-10-25, 11:47 AM
Aiko, Unfettered Priestess

"See, that's easy, right?" The moment her feet touched the bottom, Aiko stroked the cat gently.

Very beautiful, and completely naked, young woman holding a cat against her chest stepped out of the sea and smiled to equally naked, and even more beautiful, Siam waiting on the shore, "I believe that concludes out duties for now, Miss Luna - let's get home, this poor creature could use some drying up..."
She's not a simple cat, though - able to cloud the mind, and certainly smart enough to understand my words... Perhaps you could try talking to her?"Oh, and good man, if that's not too much of a bother, can I ask you to bring my dress back to the manor? There's no hurry, I just don't want to get it all wet again..."

2015-10-25, 12:24 PM
Vhaidara, the Scion of Vice

The cat purrs at the idea of returning to somewhere warm and dry, nuzzling Aiko's neck.

Okay, my Misdirection alignment is set to CG (so any attempts to detect my alignment returns CG)

2015-10-25, 06:24 PM
Seeing the dripping Aiko swim out of the ocean with the cat in her hands causes Luna to smirk, but she resists the impulse to say anything.
I do love a wet p--
Stop it.
Aww, that's no fun.
That pun is easier than we are, and you should be ashamed for thinking it.

At the telepathic message, however, she looks curiously at the drenched cat and reaches out to stroke her head. "Well, guess you're coming home with us. I hope you'll enjoy the mansion." Leaving with them, she calls back to the man holding Aiko's official robes and winks, hoping he'll visit her as well.

2015-10-25, 11:14 PM
You mean the nicest hovel? Beth snarks.

Well, at least she'll keep the rats away. Beth adds as they start to walk to the hut.

Does Vha, transform on the way to the hut?

2015-10-26, 05:44 AM
Vhaidara, the Scion of Vice

Hardly. However, as soon as they are within the hut, the cat jumps down from Aiko's arms, pads over to an open area, and shifts, growing from a tiny little kitty cat to a grown woman, just over six feet tall. Aiko and Luna recognize her as a streetwalker Lovanne had brought home the night before she told them about the planned venture.
Hello there ladies. It's been far too long.

2015-10-26, 06:05 AM
Aiko, Unfettered Priestess

"Miss Vhai!" Aiko almost giggles, hugging the woman - with difference in height, it ends up with priestess's face pretty much against Vhai's chest... not that it bothers her. "And I was wondering how did you manage to slip out of bedroom that morning... but anyway, what brings you to our lovely, though humble at present, town - and, more importantly, why didn't you announce yourself earlier?"

2015-10-26, 06:18 AM
Vhaidara, the Scion of Vice

Vhaidara grins a little lazily, and purrs as Aiko presses into her.
I thought it would be a good time to get out of town. And I may have overheard the Lady Lovanne mention this journey before I left. As far as why I didn't announce myself, well, I may have kind of sort of fallen into a shipment of catnip while sneaking aboard the ship. I don't remember all that much of the journey, to be honest.
She blushes a little.
Sorry about the mental push earlier. I don't swim very well, and was a bit panicked.

2015-10-26, 07:03 AM
Aiko, Unfettered Priestess

"Well, it wasn't nice, but I forgive you", Aiko smiles, "catnip, though? Rather unexpected, I have to say - but at least it's cheaper than the stuff you were into back on the mainland... Much easier to get around here too, I would imagine. Anyway - my love spoke fondly of you after your sudden departure, and that means you will always be a welcome guest in this house... Though, admittedly, compared to that of my love, our dwelling here is rather humble."

2015-10-26, 01:26 PM

"Ahah! I knew there was something about you when you disappeared. I didn't consider a shapeshifting ability," Luna says with a smile. "Glad to have you back with us, Vhai. Though now I have to ask, what sort of talent is that? Magic, or something innate?"

When Aiko mentions their 'humble' abode, she smirks. "Well, I'm not sure if 'humble' is the right word for it...maybe...quaint? Though it's certainly small enough that it always seems crowded. You wouldn't believe how many visitors we get who are having a hard time and need our help getting a happy ending. Please ignore us, it seems we've decided to be overly crude today."

2015-10-26, 01:34 PM
Vhaidara, the Scion of Vice

Vhaidara laughs. The sound is rich and musical, a relaxing noise.
Honey, did you just apologize to a whore for being crude?
She smiles at Luna's questioning, and she closes her eyes.
A little gift from my family.
Sleek black fur sprouts from her skin, covering her body in such a way that, while it conceals her nudity, it does so in such a way that her features are more accented than before. A long tail extends from her spine, and swishes almost seductively. When she opens her eyes, the mismatched pair are now slitted like a cat's.
Nothing to be afraid of. I don't bite. At least, not first.
Her smile reveals sharp teeth, and she stretches, arching her back like a common housecat would.

2015-10-26, 03:47 PM
Aiko, Unfettered Priestess

"Oh! You're so pretty in this form", Aiko exclaims, "But, not that I think of it, quaint might be a better word... but that shouldn't stop me from being hospitable, should it? As I said... there's not much we can do for you... I'm not sure Miss Beth has any spare dresses that would fit you - and I know neither I nor Miss Luna do - but then again, it won't be a problem, as you noticed I'm sure... if you want to dry your fur - I'm afraid we don't really light fires during the day; I myself was going to dry myself in the sun, though, and you're more than welcome to join..."

2015-10-26, 03:51 PM
Vhaidara, the Scion of Vice

The fur retracts, again leaving the apparently human woman.
I don't mind the feel of the air on my skin. It's just the wet fur smell I want to avoid.
Her hands play with a small pouch tied around her neck, undoing a cord that seems stretched rather tight. She then reties the cord around her left forearm, and hooks her right through Aiko's
Drying off in the sun with you sounds lovely my dear. Shall we go?

2015-10-26, 03:54 PM

Shaking her head with an amused smile at Vhai's reponses she waits until Aiko's had her say. "As much as I'd hate to see that form go, if it's the smell of wet fur that gets you down you could always go more human? Anyway, a little sunbathing does sound nice, it's just a shame this town tends to be as foggy as it is so we can't enjoy it as often."

After a moment's consideration, "Though I suppose we should invite Beth as well."

2015-10-26, 04:03 PM
Vhaidara, the Scion of Vice

Vhaidara grins a little lazily, and purrs as Aiko presses into her.
I thought it would be a good time to get out of town. And I may have overheard the Lady Lovanne mention this journey before I left. As far as why I didn't announce myself, well, I may have kind of sort of fallen into a shipment of catnip while sneaking aboard the ship. I don't remember all that much of the journey, to be honest.
She blushes a little.
Sorry about the mental push earlier. I don't swim very well, and was a bit panicked.

What mental push? Beth asks clearly concerned.

2015-10-26, 04:20 PM
Vhaidara, the Scion of Vice

Vhai shrugs, which does all sorts of interesting things to her body.
Just a small talent I have for manipulation. My family were temple guardians, it came part and parcel with the shapeshifting.

2015-10-26, 04:35 PM
Vhaidara, the Scion of Vice

Vhai shrugs, which does all sorts of interesting things to her body.
Just a small talent I have for manipulation. My family were temple guardians, it came part and parcel with the shapeshifting.

And you tried to use it on her? Beth adds.

2015-10-26, 04:38 PM
"Don't worry, Miss Beth, it was nothing much - not something that could force me to act against my will, even if it has succeded... Now, to more important matters - are you willing to join us, Miss Beth, or would you still remain an admirable example of devotion clad in such a stuffy armor on such a beautiful day?" Aiko smiles, showing that she wasn't entirely serious and isn't really counting on Beth to agree, but still feels obligated to ask.

2015-10-26, 04:40 PM
And you tried to use it on her? Beth adds.

Vhaidara, the Scion of Vice

Yes. As I mentioned, I panicked. Cats don't swim, and neither do I. All I did was attempt a basic charm. No different than exposure to Euphoria.
She seems to shudder when she says the word.
I haven't had a taste of that in a long time.

2015-10-26, 04:48 PM
"Don't worry, Miss Beth, it was nothing much - not something that could force me to act against my will, even if it has succeded... Now, to more important matters - are you willing to join us, Miss Beth, or would you still remain an admirable example of devotion clad in such a stuffy armor on such a beautiful day?" Aiko smiles, showing that she wasn't entirely serious and isn't really counting on Beth to agree, but still feels obligated to ask.

Vhaidara, the Scion of Vice

Yes. As I mentioned, I panicked. Cats don't swim, and neither do I. All I did was attempt a basic charm. No different than exposure to Euphoria.
She seems to shudder when she says the word.
I haven't had a taste of that in a long time.

Beth does not seem amused.

I believe yes, I'll be making another round of the colony. She says with a small nod.

2015-10-26, 05:20 PM
Vhaidara, the Scion of Vice

Well, that's taken care of. Shall we go dry off, beautiful?
Vhai gently tugs Aiko towards the door.

2015-10-27, 11:47 AM
Aiko, Unfettered Priestess

"The question is, where to?" Aiko tilts her head, "I usually make do with our abode's roof, but I guess Miss Luna would prefer some more... lively place?"

2015-10-27, 03:52 PM

Smirking, she nods to Aiko before looking toward Beth. "You know us so well, buuuut I think we're going to keep our more reserved companion out of trouble. We do hate to leave you so quickly Vhai, but Beth needs some love too."

Placing her arms over her fellow half-succubus' shoulders and pressing her chest against Beth's back and leaning down to speak into her ear, "So, where do we want to patrol today?"

2015-10-27, 04:14 PM
Vhaidara, the Scion of Vice

Once Beth is out of earshot, Vhai whispers to Aiko.
So, what's the deal with the armored chick? Lovie decide to hire a bodyguard for her bodyguard?

2015-10-27, 05:01 PM

Smirking, she nods to Aiko before looking toward Beth. "You know us so well, buuuut I think we're going to keep our more reserved companion out of trouble. We do hate to leave you so quickly Vhai, but Beth needs some love too."

Placing her arms over her fellow half-succubus' shoulders and pressing her chest against Beth's back and leaning down to speak into her ear, "So, where do we want to patrol today?"

We? Beth asks raising an eyebrow?

2015-10-28, 12:05 AM

"Yes, we," she says, "You've been going off on your own so much that we're starting to feel bad." Once out of earshot of the others she continues, waving cheerfully and winking to passing townsfolk and contemplating when she should alter their tax laws to allow for a special payment. "And we never did get to finish our conversation. Why have you been so distant after we landed?"

2015-10-28, 12:10 AM

"Yes, we," she says, "You've been going off on your own so much that we're starting to feel bad." Once out of earshot of the others she continues, waving cheerfully and winking to passing townsfolk and contemplating when she should alter their tax laws to allow for a special payment. "And we never did get to finish our conversation. Why have you been so distant after we landed?"

I'm not being distant. Someone needs to patrol. Beth insists.

And since none of you seem to care too, I must. She says with a shrug.

You're welcome to follow.

2015-10-28, 11:46 AM
Vhaidara, the Scion of Vice

Once Beth is out of earshot, Vhai whispers to Aiko.
So, what's the deal with the armored chick? Lovie decide to hire a bodyguard for her bodyguard?

Aiko giggles at the idea, "No, it's just my love knows me just too well - that the law shouldn't really be left in my hands, lest way too much criminals would walk free out of compassion... besides... one who enforces the law should be, ideally... threatening? No, not the right word... imposing? that's the one, imposing enough that a threat to use the force would would negate the need to actually use it, and, let's be honest, I don't exactly look the part... whi was an advantage at my previous position, of course", she smiles, jumps, grabs the edge of the roof and pulls herself up through a handstand, "We'll have plenty of time to talk further up here, though - need a hand, Miss Vhai?"

2015-10-28, 11:54 AM
Vhaidara, the Scion of Vice

Vhai frowns, accepting Aiko's assistance in getting onto the roof.
Oh wonderful. An enforcer? Really? I came all this way and there's just more laws?
She thinks for a moment, then reaches into the bag she had tied to her wrist and pulls out two rolls of leaves. She focuses for several moments, and a patch of skin on her arm begins to glow with cherry red sigils and the water still on it hisses to steam. She presses the end of one of the rolls into the burning skin, and it quickly lights. She holds it out to Aiko, offering it.
Try some, lover?

Virtue for 1 temp HP, Brand for a point of fire damage, use that to light 1 unit of flayleaf. And offer it to Aiko. If Aiko speaks Osiriani, she can read the brand as saying "Whore"

2015-10-28, 01:45 PM
Aiko, Unfettered Priestess

"Thank you, but I prefer to keep my mind , just as my body, clean - as for laws... surely even you won't claim all the laws are unneeded? Many of them are, of course, and we've been gradually revoking them... but that, unfortunately, makes some people believe they can do anything they won't - and while I'm trying to reason with them, not everyone's open to a voice of reason..."

2015-10-28, 02:13 PM
Vhaidara, the Scion of Vice

Vhai shrugs, replacing the other roll in her bag and taking a long pull from the lit one.
So long as no one gets hurt against their will, is there really a problem?

2015-10-28, 06:59 PM

"'Don't care to' and 'don't see it as necessary' aren't the same thing dear. In any event, you have been distant with us, and now that there's some time to be alone together we're going to sort this out."

Luna's other half, for the moment at least, stays quiet.

2015-10-28, 07:24 PM

"'Don't care to' and 'don't see it as necessary' aren't the same thing dear. In any event, you have been distant with us, and now that there's some time to be alone together we're going to sort this out."

Luna's other half, for the moment at least, stays quiet.

Okay. Say your piece. Beth replied.

2015-10-28, 07:38 PM

The half-succubus shakes her head. "Until you tell us what's wrong, we've nothing we can say."

Diplomacy! [roll0]

2015-10-28, 07:49 PM

The half-succubus shakes her head. "Until you tell us what's wrong, we've nothing we can say."

Diplomacy! [roll0]

That seems to grab Beth's attention. Staring off into space for a moment, she then shakes her head.

Nothing. Nothing is wrong between us. She insists.

2015-10-28, 08:15 PM

Even Kestal can't help but notice that, "Curious choice of phrase there. If there's nothing wrong between us then what is wrong?"

2015-10-28, 08:21 PM

Even Kestal can't help but notice that, "Curious choice of phrase there. If there's nothing wrong between us then what is wrong?"

I guess..... I'm unused to the slower pace of life here. Beth replies.

2015-10-28, 09:14 PM

"So why not try to relax? I'm sure our citizens would feel more at ease if you didn't patrol so much, it'll make them think they're doing something wrong."

2015-10-28, 09:32 PM

"So why not try to relax? I'm sure our citizens would feel more at ease if you didn't patrol so much, it'll make them think they're doing something wrong."

I... I can't. Beth admitted.

This.... This constant stress is eating me up.

2015-10-28, 09:35 PM

"But why?" Though two people trying to speak at the same time through a single mouth is more than a little confusing, they somehow pull it off. "What is there to be stressed about? So far the most stressful thing we've had to deal with is convincing the unbelievers that we're really not scamming them."

2015-10-28, 09:47 PM

"But why?" Though two people trying to speak at the same time through a single mouth is more than a little confusing, they somehow pull it off. "What is there to be stressed about? So far the most stressful thing we've had to deal with is convincing the unbelievers that we're really not scamming them."

The unbelievers? Are you starting a nudist cult that I'm not aware of? Beth asked raising an eyebrow.

2015-10-28, 09:57 PM

They smirk, "Oh please, they're hardly a cul---I mean, no, not at all. When we start that up there will be a big spectacle about it...though I do have a few ideas for increasing our town's immigration rates..."

"But don't change the subject."

2015-10-28, 10:04 PM

They smirk, "Oh please, they're hardly a cul---I mean, no, not at all. When we start that up there will be a big spectacle about it...though I do have a few ideas for increasing our town's immigration rates..."

"But don't change the subject."

I don't know why I feel so stressed. Beth replied.

Like... it's not supposed to be so easy, and I'm waiting for the other shoe to drop.

2015-10-29, 06:55 AM

Putting a hand on Beth's shoulder, "Maybe something will happen...but so what? Something always happens sooner or later, it's better to enjoy the peace while it lasts so that when times are truly stressful you're well rested and better able to deal with them, don't you think?"

2015-10-29, 11:24 AM

Putting a hand on Beth's shoulder, "Maybe something will happen...but so what? Something always happens sooner or later, it's better to enjoy the peace while it lasts so that when times are truly stressful you're well rested and better able to deal with them, don't you think?"

Unless I relax so much I'm out of practice. Beth replies. Not shrugging off the hand

2015-10-29, 11:45 AM
Vhaidara, the Scion of Vice

Vhai shrugs, replacing the other roll in her bag and taking a long pull from the lit one.
So long as no one gets hurt against their will, is there really a problem?

Aiko, Unfettered Priestess

"There wouldn't be, of course, Miss Vhai, if only everyone was thinking that way... but if there's places like that, this town isn't one, I'm afraid... besides... 'hurt' is such an inexact word - and so is 'will', for that matter - were I not able to resist that... effect earlier, would you say something I would do could be considered to be done against my will?"

2015-10-29, 12:07 PM
Vhaidara, the Scion of Vice

Vhai's grin is wicked.
No, as a matter of fact, I don't think you would. My magic can't change beliefs or compel action. It just...
She seems to search for the right word.
Calms certain inhibitions, while amplifying attraction to me. I couldn't have made you do anything you wouldn't have done normally, given the right circumstance.
She snaps her fingers, and a glowing cloud of translucent lights appear in the air before them.
Oh, and I can do silly little tricks like this for the enjoyment of all involved.

Bluff: [roll0]
Just using an illusionary trick, it's soft to the touch, like a warm pillow, but it is obviously fake (there isn't even a save for these)

Also, Addiction time for the Flayleaf! DC 12
Fort save: [roll1]

2015-10-29, 12:30 PM
Aiko, Unfettered Priestess

"You're right, I suppose - this is a kind of power I have myself, and I know it's limitation... Arshea be praised for it having those, or I'd never dare to use it. Then again, speaking of more... relevant issues - is locking someone inside their own house hurting them?" Aiko runs her fingers over the the lights, "A nice one... sometimes, I almost regret that all my powers are focused to protect; there's not much I can do for myself... a selfish way of thinking, of course; Masters would likely punish me for that.."

2015-10-29, 12:36 PM
Vhaidara, the Scion of Vice

That draws a full laugh from Vhai.
Now there's something I didn't expect to here from you, beautiful. What got you to run away from yours? Not the punishments, I hope. Otherwise, I have to compliment you on your acting. You certainly seemed to enjoy it the last time we were together.

2015-10-29, 12:50 PM
Aiko, Unfettered Priestess

"Oh", Aiko blinks, then giggles herself, "You thought... no, I wasn't talking about myself! Just a little issue we had here a couple days ago... you see, I offered people of this town to teach them some basic excersizes for improving one's health and fitness, and one man decided he won't allow his wife to attend..."

2015-10-29, 12:56 PM
Vhaidara, the Scion of Vice

Vhai looks taken aback for a moment.
Oh, I meant about punishment. My old masters were pretty free with the whip, but I didn't mind too much. At least they were careful not to leave scars. Most men won't pay as much for a woman who's all scarred up. The ones who like that usually prefer to inflict the scars themselves.

2015-10-29, 01:35 PM
Aiko, Unfettered Priestess

"Oh... I didn't know you had that kind of past... I would have been more careful with words otherwise.The one I used... Shisho... it is probably better translated as honored teacher. Also... I can promise you there will be no slavery in this... not as long as I have any say in this. And I'm a councillor and a high priestess, so I suppose I do have some say in this..."

2015-10-29, 01:43 PM
Vhaidara, the Scion of Vice

The werecat shrugs
I didn't mind it. It was honestly a fun life, since I don't mind a little pain. But I know it isn't for everyone, and you seem like the type that wouldn't have made it out without some scars beneath the surface.
She runs a hand through Aiko's hair.
The innocent, vulnerable type.
She blows out a ring of smoke, and changes its color as it floats away on the breeze, creating a spiraling rainbow hue.
You're far too good for this world, guardian. Try not to get broken.

2015-10-29, 01:46 PM

"A rusty sword can be repaired. A broken one, less so," she explains. "If you fall out of practice when an emergency happens, then you can count on us to handle it until you get yourself ready. But if you push yourself so hard that you break and can't do anything when you're needed, the problem will be much worse."

2015-10-29, 04:30 PM

"A rusty sword can be repaired. A broken one, less so," she explains. "If you fall out of practice when an emergency happens, then you can count on us to handle it until you get yourself ready. But if you push yourself so hard that you break and can't do anything when you're needed, the problem will be much worse."

I won't break! Beth insists.

2015-10-29, 07:19 PM

They obviously don't buy it. "Sweetie, it's been three days and you're practically begging for a fight. You can't keep this up."

2015-10-29, 07:48 PM

They obviously don't buy it. "Sweetie, it's been three days and you're practically begging for a fight. You can't keep this up."

Then fight me! Beth declares.

.... Sorry.... She mutters.

2015-10-29, 08:16 PM

Surprised and caught off guard by the challenge, it takes Luna a second to compose herself before smirking. "Alright, then we'll fight...but you know we won last time, so what are we going to wager this time?"

2015-10-29, 08:21 PM

Surprised and caught off guard by the challenge, it takes Luna a second to compose herself before smirking. "Alright, then we'll fight...but you know we won last time, so what are we going to wager this time?"

No. I'm sorry. I snapped.

2015-10-29, 08:27 PM

Not one to pass up the opportunity to seize an advantage, she nods and hugs Beth. "Then make it up to us. Take it easy for a few days."

2015-10-29, 08:38 PM

Not one to pass up the opportunity to seize an advantage, she nods and hugs Beth. "Then make it up to us. Take it easy for a few days."

Beth gasps. Suddenly mentally thankful she can't feel Luna's curves under her own armor.

O--okay... Beth replied.

2015-10-29, 08:53 PM

Where Eris has tact, Kestal is more willing to push boundries, however. "Though maybe we should help you relax...I can think of a few ways we can clear our heads together."

2015-10-30, 11:50 AM
Vhaidara, the Scion of Vice

The werecat shrugs
I didn't mind it. It was honestly a fun life, since I don't mind a little pain. But I know it isn't for everyone, and you seem like the type that wouldn't have made it out without some scars beneath the surface.
She runs a hand through Aiko's hair.
The innocent, vulnerable type.
She blows out a ring of smoke, and changes its color as it floats away on the breeze, creating a spiraling rainbow hue.
You're far too good for this world, guardian. Try not to get broken.

Aiko, Unfettered Priestess

"Actually, one of the teachings of the Way of Gentle Embrace is, 'bend, but not break'", Aiko smiled, "And yes, I do understand you didn't talk about the body... but since my love would be sad if something happened to me... I can't let it happen, so don't worry... and thanks for your concern."

2015-10-30, 03:20 PM
Vhaidara, the Scion of Vice

Vhai laughs softly.
Ah, but no one can bend forever. And while I'm sure you are flexible, in both mind and body, you were likely not always so. No, I suspect it to be the result of the training you received. My training was in that life. My love developed in that life.
She takes another long drag.
That's why I live the way I do. The only way anything can hurt you is if you have something you consider precious. When nothing is precious, there is no pain. Only bliss.

2015-10-31, 04:04 PM
Aiko, Unfettered Priestess

"Well, if that's the life you find the most comfortable, who am I to tell you that's wrong? Only someone who lived the same life as you can judge you on your philosphy - and that means, no one but yourself. Me, on the other hand... as you said, I trained for a long time, with only one goal - to protect beauty of this world... and for some time, it meant my love - that is, Mistress Lovanne, but... since I came here, I already started to consider this town precious - not for what it is, but for what it might become one day..."

2015-10-31, 04:08 PM
Vhaidara, the Scion of Vice

Vhai only smiles, and leans back, letting the sun wash over her as she enjoys her first flayleaf in along time.

2015-11-02, 08:43 PM

"Now take a few days off and just relax. Come on, let's go join the priestess. I'm sure she and Vhai would love your company."

2015-11-02, 08:50 PM
A few days? Beth asked with raised eyebrow.

2015-11-02, 11:46 PM

The half-succubus nods. "A few days. The town will be fine, they've started to accept us and it's not like there was an over abundance of criminals when we came here. Plus I'm working on an idea to lower recidivism rates."

2015-11-03, 12:10 AM

The half-succubus nods. "A few days. The town will be fine, they've started to accept us and it's not like there was an over abundance of criminals when we came here. Plus I'm working on an idea to lower recidivism rates."

What is this idea? Beth asks clearly a bit worried.

2015-11-03, 12:26 AM

Smiling, they shake their head. "Nope, not until we iron out all the kinks."

2015-11-03, 12:41 AM
Beth blushes at that.

What, what do you mean by that? She asks.

2015-11-03, 12:45 AM

"Now Beth...I thought you knew 'no means no'," she says teasingly as she continues on the path.

2015-11-07, 08:32 PM
And after meeting you're new forced ally.

A week passes of relative calm.

That's when a cute young girl that addresses herself as the Man formerly known as Governor Farington's aide states that one of the local tribal leaders is insisting on a meeting.

What do you do?

2015-11-09, 12:02 PM
Aiko, Unfettered Priestess

"But of course", Aiko nods immediately, "good relations with the natives is one of the most important things for such a small town as ours - of course we would meet the leader, right, Miss Luna? Miss Beth? And... Miss Vhai, if I may ask you - I believe your presence might be useful as well - perhaps even... in your other guise? So... let me just a moment to change into something more official looking - or should I bother?" she looks over her companions, then at the girl, "since you were working with Sir Farington, perhaps you would know what the local customs regarding clothes are?"

2015-11-09, 01:17 PM

Nodding, "We agree with you," she says to Aiko before turning toward the aide. "We would appreciate any knowledge on these native tribes you can give us. We've been so busy tending to the needs of the citizens that we seem to have fallen behind on certain matters of state that need to be handled."

Don't blame me, you were just as into it as I was.
I did tell you that we had work to do.
Yeah, but when the line was backed up and around the corner you didn't have the heart to turn anyone down.

2015-11-09, 11:11 PM
Vhaidara, the Scion of Vice

Vhai gives Aiko a lazy smile.
Of course lover. No one can resist a pretty little ***** after all.
She laughs at her own joke, shifting the small pouch again from her wrist to her throat before changing.

2015-11-13, 05:31 PM
Given the affirmation, the cute servant girl goes and gets the tribal leader.

Despite whatever pictures may be in your character's mind he saunters into the room. A 6 foot tall man in silverish plate. His sword strapped to his hip is made of a pitch black material, his shield is bespectacled with emeralds, and rubies.

A dozen tribe members, in leather armor move in pairs behind him, they are regimented and ordered.

"If I have told you once. I have told you a dozen times, you build on sacred ground..." He starts before taking a look at the lovely ladies, before settling his gaze on Beth.

"Why hello..." He starts, as Beth glares.

2015-11-15, 01:18 AM

They'd been prepared to deal with a multitude of issues, but the stares between the leader and Beth wasn't something they planned on.

Well, this is going to be interesting.

"You two...know each other?"

2015-11-15, 03:53 AM
Aiko, Unfettered Priestess

Aiko, on the other hand, was taken in by another issue completely - "I'm sorry, but, as you see, we had some staff changes here, and... I'm afraid what you have told a dozen times, you'll have to repeat once more... but please be assured; if there's some religious issue... I'll personally take care of it."

2015-11-15, 06:52 AM
Vhaidara, the Scion of Vice

The little cat jumps down from the table where she'd been cleaning herself and pads over to the chief.
As she rubs against his leg.

2015-11-15, 06:04 PM

They'd been prepared to deal with a multitude of issues, but the stares between the leader and Beth wasn't something they planned on.

Well, this is going to be interesting.

"You two...know each other?"

Unfortunately. Beth replies.

He tried to kill my mom, when I was young. She adds in way of explanation.

"Your mom killed many people with her beauty. I only hope you have taken a different road." The man replies.

Aiko, Unfettered Priestess

Aiko, on the other hand, was taken in by another issue completely - "I'm sorry, but, as you see, we had some staff changes here, and... I'm afraid what you have told a dozen times, you'll have to repeat once more... but please be assured; if there's some religious issue... I'll personally take care of it."

"Forgive me, for my impatience. I believed I was still dealing with Governor Farington." He replies, kissing Aiko's hand.

"Your colony is built on the ley line where the 6 natural planes portals bleed over into the material realm." He adds.

"Your development is interfering with nature itself."

Vhaidara, the Scion of Vice

The little cat jumps down from the table where she'd been cleaning herself and pads over to the chief.
As she rubs against his leg.

Give me a.... charisma check.

2015-11-16, 08:56 AM
"Forgive me, for my impatience. I believed I was still dealing with Governor Farington." He replies, kissing Aiko's hand.

"Your colony is built on the ley line where the 6 natural planes portals bleed over into the material realm." He adds.

"Your development is interfering with nature itself."

Aiko, Unfettered Priestess

"That... is a worrying fact, indeed", Aiko answers with a genuine concern on her face, "unfortunately... if it was about one bulding, or something like that - but a whole town? It was perhaps unwise to build it here from the beginning, but... is there a solution? I mean, a solution besides 'bring the whole settlement down', for that, despite me sharing your concerns, isn't something we can really do... perhaps... perhaps those forces can be compromised with? There might be... rites, rituals... I'm not an expert on elemental forces, I'm afraid... Miss Luna, what would you say?"

2015-11-17, 02:52 PM

The half-succubus glares at the would-be murderer when she finds out. Why do all these knight types insist on trying to murder their way to a solution?
Probably because the demons they're fighting wouldn't hesitate to kill them, their families, rape their pet, and then do the same to the rest of the town.
....Well, yeah, but still, I doubt he ever even tried speaking to Beth's mother.

When Aiko asks them, she breaks off her silent conversation and gets to the point. "Leylines, you say? Curious that I hadn't felt them. Which planes intersect, and have there been any documented incidents of gates opening up spontaneously or are there static portals that remain and we just haven't yet seen them? What exactly do you intend to do even should we move?"

2015-11-17, 03:03 PM
Vhaidara, the Scion of Vice

Vhai pushes against the man's legs, clearly wanting to be picked up.
By the way, if you want me to, I can start playing games with his mind.

2015-11-17, 03:05 PM
Aiko, Unfettered Priestess

"That... is a worrying fact, indeed", Aiko answers with a genuine concern on her face, "unfortunately... if it was about one bulding, or something like that - but a whole town? It was perhaps unwise to build it here from the beginning, but... is there a solution? I mean, a solution besides 'bring the whole settlement down', for that, despite me sharing your concerns, isn't something we can really do... perhaps... perhaps those forces can be compromised with? There might be... rites, rituals... I'm not an expert on elemental forces, I'm afraid... Miss Luna, what would you say?"

"The elemental spirits can be bargained with, something to make up for the lost power, your development inflicts on them." The man replies.


The half-succubus glares at the would-be murderer when she finds out. Why do all these knight types insist on trying to murder their way to a solution?
Probably because the demons they're fighting wouldn't hesitate to kill them, their families, rape their pet, and then do the same to the rest of the town.
....Well, yeah, but still, I doubt he ever even tried speaking to Beth's mother.

When Aiko asks them, she breaks off her silent conversation and gets to the point. "Leylines, you say? Curious that I hadn't felt them. Which planes intersect, and have there been any documented incidents of gates opening up spontaneously or are there static portals that remain and we just haven't yet seen them? What exactly do you intend to do even should we move?"

"I have shown Governor Farington the maps. Given him a copy of where the portals are." He sighs.

"You might still have a copy, otherwise you'll need to accompany me to my palace." He insists.

[DC 20 Perception check to find a copy of the map.]

2015-11-17, 03:30 PM
Aiko, Unfettered Priestess

"Ah, that's delight to hear... if it is possible at all, please believe I would spare no efforts to arrange a suitable compensation... and the maps... right, I think I saw something like that when I was looking through the house - one moment" Aiko hurries away, to return with the map soon.

2015-11-17, 03:49 PM

While Aiko goes map hunting, "You didn't answer our other question, by the way. Why are the leylines your problem? Why do you care, and what would you do with them should we move the town?"

2015-11-17, 04:02 PM

While Aiko goes map hunting, "You didn't answer our other question, by the way. Why are the leylines your problem? Why do you care, and what would you do with them should we move the town?"

The man looks confused.

"We are all connected to mother Earth aren't we?" He asks shocked that you would ask him why it's his problem.

"And.... I would leave them alone. I'm no druid." He adds.

2015-11-17, 06:06 PM
Vhaidara, the Scion of Vice

Vhai the cat, finding the man unwilling to pick her up, gives up on the sourpuss and makes her way to one of his men, repeating the process going down the line from most to least attractive until someone picks the adorable little kitty up.

2015-11-20, 12:32 AM
Aiko, Unfettered Priestess

"So, here it is", Aiko spread the map over the table, "according to this map, the portals are..."

2015-11-20, 08:35 AM
Vhaidara, the Scion of Vice

As one of the cuter warriors picks her up, Vhai nuzzles her cheek, reaching into her mind to begin to influence it.
<Suggestion> Find a reason to stay behind when your comrades leave and talk to the lovely ladies here.

The suggestion is implanted with the ability.
Will save DC 21 to resist the Powerful Charm effect (using base Mind Sphere power). If she passes that, she has to make another DC 21 Will save to know that there was an effect at all

Powerful Suggestion costs me 2 spell points and has the following effect
Powerful Charm: This is the same as the Suggestion lesser charm, but the creature obeys any course of action given, so long as the suggestion is not obviously fatal or against the target’s nature. Basic requests cause the save to be made with a -2 penalty, while very simple requests cause the save to be made with a -4 penalty.
And Lesser Charm, for reference
Lesser Charm: You may plant a suggestion in a target’s mind, which they obey as if the thought had been their own (Will negates). The suggested course of activity must be limited to a sentence or two and must be a very simple request. The creature performs the suggested action until it finishes, or for 1 hour per caster level, whichever comes first. If you choose, you can instead specify conditions the creature should look for, (i.e., “you should search the next person who enters this room, looking for weapons.”) If the condition is not met before this duration expires, the activity is not performed.

Examples of Very Simple Request/Basic Request/would not normally/Against Nature (from SoP)
Paladin: Heal an injured person
Protect an innocent, hunt a monster
Ignore minor criminal activity, hide someone of dubious guilt
Attack team mates, slaughter the innocent, renounce her religion, or desecrate a temple
Evil aligned pro thief: Steal a simple, unattended object, visit a tavern
Share non-compromising information, teach someone thieving skills
Donate a few coins to charity, reveal secret plans, stab their co-conspirators in the back
Give up their most valuable magic items, reveal their greatest secrets, turn themselves in for their crimes
Bear: Grab fish from a stream
Calm down and not attack an unassuming target
Ignore a humanoid in its den
Ignore the kidnapping of its cubs
Orc Bandit: Mug a weak, unguarded target
Join a raid on a town, or the hunting of a monster
Help run a farm, ignore a rich-looking target, fight a target where survival is uncertain
Fight a target where survival is unlikely, join a raid against its own people.
Ancient Dragon: Eat an annoying humanoid
Eat an unassuming humanoid
Give up a valuable item
Give up its hoard
Middle Aged Farmer: Eat lunch
Give a kind stranger a meal and a hayloft to sleep in
House and feed a squadron of questionable men, help a team of adventurers as a cook and porter on their quests
House wanted criminals, allow the kidnapping of his family, take up arms and become a soldier

2015-11-22, 11:54 PM
Sir.Leonard given assurances that the matter will be looked into, leaves. Most of his followers doing what they do best. Following.

The one that picked Vhai up however, moves over to Luna.

"Is this one yours?" She says, seeming to have trouble meeting her eyes.

As that happens, deciphering the map is easy. The Water portal seems to be located in Swamps to the south, the Air portal seems to be located in plains to the West. The Fire portal seems to be located near a volcano to the North west, the Earth portal seems to be located by a mountain in the south east, the life portal is in a forest to the North east, and the death portal is located in a mass graveyard to the South west.

Do you have a preference for which one to go after first, or do you want to talk to this lady?

2015-11-23, 07:27 AM
Vhaidara, the Scion of Vice

Vhai licks her forepaw, bathing herself.
<Luna> Feel free to use her to learn about the tribes. Then maybe we can have a little fun with her.

2015-11-24, 02:38 AM

Eying up their new aquaintance, it's Kestal who speaks up. "Why, hello there," she says in a sultry tone as she juts out her chest. "I see out little puss has taken a liking to you. She doesn't do that with everyone you know. There must be something special about you. Why don't you stay with us for a while and fill us in about the tribe and the lands around here? Then when we're better acquainted," she says with a seductive grin...

Don't say it.

"Why don't we get...well, better acquainted."

Oh, gods above, really? Did we have to be that...obvious?
It's fun to keep things so thinly veiled and you know it. The reactions are almost always so priceless.

Diplomacy to seduce! [roll0]

2015-11-25, 01:26 AM
"Indeed, it appears we can learn much more about your people", Aiko approaches the girl to stroke the cat, "I'm afraid the previous governer... didn't pay that enough attention. Of course, we're equally willing to share our own customs with those interested in them"

2015-11-25, 01:53 PM

Eying up their new aquaintance, it's Kestal who speaks up. "Why, hello there," she says in a sultry tone as she juts out her chest. "I see out little puss has taken a liking to you. She doesn't do that with everyone you know. There must be something special about you. Why don't you stay with us for a while and fill us in about the tribe and the lands around here? Then when we're better acquainted," she says with a seductive grin...

Don't say it.

"Why don't we get...well, better acquainted."

Oh, gods above, really? Did we have to be that...obvious?
It's fun to keep things so thinly veiled and you know it. The reactions are almost always so priceless.

Diplomacy to seduce! [roll0]

The woman blushes, but can't help herself from grabbing Luna's chest.

Which has the side effect of smooshing Vhai into them.

"I'm so sorry." She says to the both of you.

"Indeed, it appears we can learn much more about your people", Aiko approaches the girl to stroke the cat, "I'm afraid the previous governer... didn't pay that enough attention. Of course, we're equally willing to share our own customs with those interested in them"

Mr.Farington, didn't seem to pay attention to alot of things. Beth added dismissively.

2015-11-25, 05:42 PM
Vhaidara, the Scion of Vice

A purr comes from the cat, whose head is currently sticking out of a warm nest of boob.

2015-11-26, 01:54 PM

Eris certainly doesn't mind, but it's Kestal who speaks up. "Sorry," she says with a grin before replying to the grope with a kiss, "why are you sorry?"

2015-11-26, 05:13 PM
"Well, that we should strive to fix..." Aiko approaches andreaches out to retrieve Vhai from her current predicament - should the latter show any inclination of being removed, that is; "So I can only second my colleague's offer - stay with us for now, and teach us you life... and learn ours, if you want."

2015-11-26, 05:25 PM
Vhaidara, the Scion of Vice

Vhai, quite happy in her new home, pats a paw at Aiko.
<Aiko> Hey, I've got a front row seat to the best show in the house.

2015-11-26, 05:32 PM
"Seems she really likes you both", Aiko smiles, "not that I find it surprising..."

2015-11-27, 04:30 PM
So Intimate relationships happen off-screen since this is GITP. :smalltongue:

Are there any preparations you want to make before tackling a portal guardian.

And which one of Fire, Wind, Water, Earth, Life, and Death do you want to tackle first?

2015-11-29, 02:36 PM
As you move into the swampy waters near the portal where the land crosses into the elemental plane of water, you may feel regret with Akio's decision as the stickiness of the water seeps up against you.

You may feel regret at diving into the frigid cold of the water.

You may feel regret at having to help Beth out of the fifth sink hole this hour.

As the birds caw, you can't help but feel something's off.

Perception checks please.

2015-11-30, 01:13 PM
"Far be it from me questioning your choice of attire", Aiko, who was stoically enduring the cold water without any complains - indeed, without any indication that she as much as noticed it - mentioned off-handedly as she helped Beth again, "but it seems this time me and Miss Luna made more practical choice..."

2015-11-30, 04:30 PM
Vhaidara, the Scion of Vice

Vhai, who had chosen to ride on Aiko's head so as to avoid getting her fur wet, stretches.
<Collective> Indeed. So bulky. You're probably going to drown in that.

2015-11-30, 07:20 PM

While others might regret traveling through icy, murky, muddy waters in the nude, Luna was resisting the urge to shiver in delight as the swamp crept into every crevice and mud caked her exposed flesh. The only thing she regretted was that she hadn't talked Beth out of her armor before they got in, but since Aiko brought it up first, she was confident that the three of them could succeed now...and if they 'misplaced' the armor in the swamp, so much the better.

"They're right, you know. And what do you expect to do if it gets any deeper and we have to swim? It's too muddy for anyone to see your beautiful curves anyway, why not strip down?"

2015-12-08, 01:35 AM
As you are discussing stripping Beth naked.

A pack of reptiles lunge out of the placid water with shocking speed. Their jaws gape open in a roar, their powerful tail lashing behind.

Roll init please.

2015-12-10, 12:55 PM
Aiko, Unfettered Priestess

Whatever other thoughts might have occupied Aiko's head, her body reacts on its own, bodyguard's instincts kicking in as she leaps out of the water and delivers a split kick to the heads of the nearest two creatures at the same time...
Flurry of Blows: 1st hit, against lizard to the north of Beth/Luna/Vhai:
Attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]
Crit Chance: [roll2]
2nd hit, against lizard to the right of Beth/Luna/Vhai:
Attack: [roll3]
Damage: [roll4]
Crit Chance: [roll5]

2015-12-10, 08:30 PM
Akio's first kick fails to affect the creature, it's tough scales dullen the force of the blow.

Her second kick strikes true however.

The first creature responds by trying to bite Akio as it's tail flails wildly. But she nimbly dodges both blows.

The second creature responds in kind, again it's teeth, and tail only hit empty air.

Beth swings her sword at the creature, Akio ignored. It finds purchase in the creature's flesh, giving it a nasty cut on it's right front leg.

As she rams her spiked shield into the creature's face. The blow leaves it stunned for a second, clearly overwhelmed by the wall of metal pressed into it's snout. Disabled, it lays stunned for a second.

Which is all the motivation that one seems to need to try and bolt for safety.

It is Luna, Vhai, and Akio's turn

2015-12-14, 09:39 AM
Vhaidara, the Scion of Vice

Vhaidara, seeing that the creatures are in fact hostile, launches herself from Luna's head with a yowl. She spins through the air, landing on one of the lizards' legs and sinking her teeth into it. Channeling the power of her goddess, her sharp teeth bite far deeper than would be expected.

Rolled a 24 Acrobatics vs CMD to enter the square without provoking
Move Action to enter the square (tiny creature, no threatened area)
Swift Action to add Bane (Animal) to my Bite
Standard Action to initiate Dual Crash (attack, attack again at -2 if I drew my weapon as part of the strike)
Attack: 16
Crit: 15
Damage: 14
Crit: 8

Attack: 23
Crit: 27
Damage: 17
Crit: 8

2015-12-14, 07:45 PM

Pouting as the swampy water gets splashed all over her and the reptiles go for her more forward companions before attempting to flee, Luna looks almost depressed...before getting a devious smile. Oh, go ahead, but you have to explain it to the others!

Never one to turn down an opportunity, especially once Eris has given her approval, Kestal calls out to one of the attackers with a sultry tone, not something that can be easily carried across species, but her inhuman nature made overcoming that barrier a simple task, all she had to do was put a little power into the words. "Now come on, that's no fun. Why don't you big boys come and play with me?"

Heartsblood Caress (Will DC 20 vs Unnatural Lust, 'attracting' the furthest reptile within 30ft to Luna for 2 rounds)

2015-12-16, 02:38 PM
Aiko, Unfettered Priestess

With a silent chuckle - Aiko's own definition of beauty was rather wide, but even so she couldn't help feeling that her companion's tastes sometimes went too far - the priestess duly continues her work; with one lizard looking much worse than it has any right to be after being hit by something as small as a cat's claws, Aiko can concentrate her attention on the another, throwing two quick kicks at it.
Flurry agains the lizard above;
Damage [roll1]
Crit [roll] 1d8+9
Crit damage

Attack [roll3]
Damage [roll4]
Crit [roll] 1d8+9
Crit damage [roll5]

2015-12-16, 04:46 PM
Vhai shrinks her teeth deep into the enemy reptile, she very quickly worms her way in and bites the heart killing the creature and erupting from it in a shower of gore.

Apparently however it was not mating season for the creatures in question, as Luna's spell has no effect.

Akio's dual kicks bloodied the creature as she hammers on the front plate of the skull.

However as Akio is in the air, the creature's tail bashes into her side, sprawling her to the ground. (Akio takes 9 points of damage.)

Another of the creatures lashes out at Vhai, however she is far too small and nimble for the beast to accurately target.

The creature that Luna targeted, instead seems to find Beth more appealing, as it attempts to bite and berate her. However, Beth's steel exoskeleton protects her.

Beth responds by slamming her sword and shield into the creature in question.

Everyone's turn again.

2015-12-18, 07:17 PM
Vhaidara, the Scion of Vice

Vhai lazily walks up to the next lizard, her posture one of calm indifference even as the blood drips from her lips. Then in a flash she darts forward, striking again.

Free Action "sheathe" my bite (Improved Quick Draw)
5ft step into the lizard's square (shown on Roll20)
Initiate Swift Current (Attack with +1d6 damage, enemy is flat footed if you draw for the attack)
Attack: [roll0]
Crit: [roll1]
Damage: [roll2]+[roll3]
Crit: [roll4]
3 rounds of Bane remaining
Current Maneuvers Granted: Ride the Wake and Flowing Creek
Immediate action: If attacked with a roll of at least 15, initiate Flowing Creek (Perform (Dance)) vs attack roll to negate and take a 5ft step (will move up)
Perform (Dance): [roll5]

2015-12-19, 11:57 AM

They look almost offended that the reptiles were ignoring them, causing Luna to glare. "What, do you want her more than us? Fine!"

At least ask her first!
Fine, fine, you do it though.
If you don't we're doing it anyway.
Fine, but only if she agrees!

"Beth, do you mind if we make them less hostile and more...friendly? If you do, we'll try to focus them on us."

Heartsblood Caress (Will DC 20 vs Unnatural Lust, 'attracting' the one attacking Beth to either Beth or Luna (if Beth objects to being the target) for 2 rounds)

2015-12-19, 01:07 PM
Trusting Luna and Beth to handle a single creature, even with Luna's side projecys involved, Aiko concentrates on the one that dared to mar her... not that it'll last long, of course.
Usual stuff, Flurry
Attack [roll0]
Damage [roll1]
Crit chance [roll2]
Crit damage [roll3]

Attack [roll4]
Damage [roll5]
Crit chance [roll6]
Crit damage [roll7]

2015-12-19, 06:29 PM
Vhai's bite bloodies the creature as she snacks on huge chunks of it's front arm. Her teeth seeming to pass through it like a hot knife through butter.

Beth nods to Luna's question,

I have no problem with that. I don't want to kill them if it can be avoided.

Perhaps she didn't understand as the reptile attempts to lick Beth.

Dammit! Luna! What did you do!

Aiko however, punches another one of the reptiles critically wounding it.

The remaining conscious reptiles turn to flee.

Do you pursue them?

2015-12-19, 06:44 PM

"Like we said, we just made him a little more friendly," they say with a smile. "Now, I believe we were going to get you out of that armor?"

2015-12-19, 07:17 PM
Vhaidara, the Scion of Vice

Vhai changes back to her human form.
Well, that was fun. And I see Beth has a new friend.
As she speaks, she unties the pouch from around her neck and switches it again to her wrist, before pulling out a pair of strange weapons that she straps to the back of her hands

2015-12-24, 07:04 AM
"And it appears I'm out of shape somewhat..." Aiko shakes her head, touching the nasty cut one of the beasts gave her, "can't leave it like that... Scars are certainly not my thing... Is anyone else hurt? No? Well then..." she whispers a quick prayer, pleading Arshea to unmar her body and nods, "shall we go on?"
Cure for [roll0]

2015-12-27, 08:09 PM
As you venture deeper into the swamp, Beth seems annoyed.

She's made a new friend she didn't want. She keeps getting stuck in the ground.

Eventually you come onto the one clear liquid in the whole swamp. A gorgeous naked chick is doing twirls in it accidentally giving you views of her full body.

Beth blatantly ogles the girl with lust and desire clear on her face.

After the 4th lap around the pool, the chick kicks over to you.

"Oh, I seem to have company. I wish I was forewarned." She says sadly. "I would have prepared food and drink after all." She replies not seeming to mind Beth's staring.

"Any way I can help you ladies, and I do mean any way." She teases with a wink towards Beth. "That armor is rather heavy, perhaps you need help out of it." She asks.

I need everyone to roll will saves, and spellcraft checks.

2015-12-28, 02:57 AM
Utterly fascinated with the dancer's beauty and grace, Aiko completely misses the magic behind her words - not would she object even if she did notice it, after all someone that beautiful must surely be a messenger of Arshea herself. "Please, there's no need... Meeting you was both great luck... And an honor" she whispers, not even blinking as she started at the woman.

2015-12-28, 03:17 AM

Equally enraptured, but more observant, Luna smiles as the enchantress tries to ensorcle Beth out of her stuffy armor. And though she watches in quiet longing until she stops her dance, when she speaks, Luna replies. "Oh, there's much and more you can do to help us...and though your offer of food is generous, the most delicious meal is before us already, if you'd only allow us to taste it," she says as her eyes drift luridly downward.

"And she's right Beth...you've been in that armor this whole time, surely the swamp seeped in and is making you miserable. Please, join us out here? I promise, I'll make sure that you don't regret it, no matter what it takes."

Diplomacy to seduce! (And also to get Beth to strip, should I roll twice?) [roll0]

2015-12-30, 10:15 PM
Beth looked over, and it was circumstance that her eye level happened to be Luna's large bust.

She starts removing the armor.

Wanna help? She asks the girls arranged before her.

The creature starts to help Beth, coming out of her pool to do so, giving you all more of a sexy walk then necessary.

"So what brings you girls out here?" She questions curious.

2015-12-30, 11:25 PM
Vhaidara, the Scion of Vice

Vhai jumpa on the opportunity to work her magic on Beth. No, not like that. Not yet anyways. As she helps remove Beth's armor, she lets her touch linger on Beth's skin more than once.

2015-12-31, 03:24 AM
It is no surprise Aiko doesn't step away from helping Beth, stepping towards the woman and touching a lock on her armor with her finger imbued with the liberating power of Arshea.

"We heard that the town our people built upset the planar energies, My Lady", she humbly speaks in response to the woman's question, "and wanted to find out if we can make amends for that..."

2015-12-31, 08:37 AM

Joining the others in stripping their only clothed comrade, Luna strikes where she knows Beth is weakest, leaning down from in front of her to help disconnect the shoulder plates and detach the plate's arms, taking a moment to kiss the half-succubus as well.

While she's working, she adds to Aiko's explanation, seductively eyeing the nymph as she flirts, "And though we'd come with pure intentions, I'm afraid after seeing one as lovely as yourself that we hope we can use our bodies as part of our reparations."

Diplo to seduce! [roll0]

2016-01-27, 09:49 PM
Vhaidara, the Scion of Vice

Vhai jumpa on the opportunity to work her magic on Beth. No, not like that. Not yet anyways. As she helps remove Beth's armor, she lets her touch linger on Beth's skin more than once.

[Give me a diplo check.]

It is no surprise Aiko doesn't step away from helping Beth, stepping towards the woman and touching a lock on her armor with her finger imbued with the liberating power of Arshea.

"We heard that the town our people built upset the planar energies, My Lady", she humbly speaks in response to the woman's question, "and wanted to find out if we can make amends for that..."

"Ah, so you're from that colony from that far-away lands. Tell me, are they all as gorgeous as you four, or are you just exceptional.


Joining the others in stripping their only clothed comrade, Luna strikes where she knows Beth is weakest, leaning down from in front of her to help disconnect the shoulder plates and detach the plate's arms, taking a moment to kiss the half-succubus as well.

While she's working, she adds to Aiko's explanation, seductively eyeing the nymph as she flirts, "And though we'd come with pure intentions, I'm afraid after seeing one as lovely as yourself that we hope we can use our bodies as part of our reparations."

Diplo to seduce! [roll0]

"Perhaps later. I do have duties after all." The creature giggles warmly.

"Well you have several options. You could either move the colony, although I don't know how well that would go over with the people. Or you could find me magic items aligned with the elemental plane of water. The added power would help me brake though the strain your colony is inflicting. I believe I know the location of a few." She grins at seeing Beth still kissing Luna.

2016-01-28, 04:44 AM
"Ah, so you're from that colony from that far-away lands. Tell me, are they all as gorgeous as you four, or are you just exceptional.

"However much I'd live it to be so", priestess smiles, "it isn't... yet. Perhaps, given time for the town to develop, the inherent beauty of these lands would would manifest in its dwellers... so far, though, Mistress Lovanne had to be somewhat pickly with selecting her agents... it bring me much joy to hear that someone such as yourself approves her tastes in this matter."

"Perhaps later. I do have duties after all." The creature giggles warmly.

"Well you have several options. You could either move the colony, although I don't know how well that would go over with the people. Or you could find me magic items aligned with the elemental plane of water. The added power would help me brake though the strain your colony is inflicting. I believe I know the location of a few." She grins at seeing Beth still kissing Luna.

"I am afraid moving the colony is simply not an option", Aiko shakes her head, "People living here put much work in making this town what it is now, and to ask them to abandon that... if you believe there is a way to mitigate damage, I shall put my efforts to obtaining such items - and though I can't speak for my companions... I'm sure so would they."

2016-01-29, 12:28 AM

Nodding, "The priestess is right, it seems like we've only one option. I don't suppose you could give us a direction to look in? Do you know of any appropriate items?"

We should ask about a reward...or...no, we'll just wait and see how grateful she is when we return.

2016-01-29, 02:14 PM
"However much I'd live it to be so", priestess smiles, "it isn't... yet. Perhaps, given time for the town to develop, the inherent beauty of these lands would would manifest in its dwellers... so far, though, Mistress Lovanne had to be somewhat pickly with selecting her agents... it bring me much joy to hear that someone such as yourself approves her tastes in this matter."

"I am afraid moving the colony is simply not an option", Aiko shakes her head, "People living here put much work in making this town what it is now, and to ask them to abandon that... if you believe there is a way to mitigate damage, I shall put my efforts to obtaining such items - and though I can't speak for my companions... I'm sure so would they."

"Fair warning. Doing this would only please me. You'd still have to contend with the other elemental portal guardians." The lady clarifies.

Beth moans and tries to lean into Vhai in response to her touches.


Nodding, "The priestess is right, it seems like we've only one option. I don't suppose you could give us a direction to look in? Do you know of any appropriate items?"

We should ask about a reward...or...no, we'll just wait and see how grateful she is when we return.

As all of Beth's clothes fall off, the lady seems to lose focus as she checks out Beth's shapely ass. Shaking her head to clear it, she pipes up.

"Yes, and I know where close by you can find some of them." She pipes up.

2016-02-01, 07:23 AM
"Fair warning. Doing this would only please me. You'd still have to contend with the other elemental portal guardians." The lady clarifies.

"If you would permit a question in return, my lady?", Aiko asks with a perfectly polite yet still playful smile, "are other guardians even half as magnificent as you are? If so, it would be a great pleasure for me to make amends to them as well... if not, well, we'll have to make amends not out of our desire, but of obligation... but the amends will be made. My duty leaves me with no other choice..."