View Full Version : Hatter's Legends of Thassalon: Ruminations of Sin IC:

Hattish Thing
2015-09-06, 02:31 AM
Legends of Thassalon: Ruminations of Sin


Welcome to the IC thread for Ruminations of Sin, the combined custom campaign of mine that will lead you and your characters through the heart of Varisia, the land where once stood the vast and powerful kingdom of Thassalon, and through the loved and well written modules and adventure paths that have incorporated the ruined and once legendary kingdom.

Our characters:

Yuki Setsuna, Spellblade: (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=545142) Played by Desril. Yuki is a skilled tiefling woman native to Yinkai, who's family once traded freely with the Kaijitsus, who now inhabit the town of Sandpoint.

Holly Whiteraven, Inquisitor of Smiad: (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=545512) Played by Illven. Holly is a lover of travel, she's been hired by Everard Kinloch for her knowledge of the surrounding area and combat skill.

Nalin, of the Dark Archives, Occultist: (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=544859) Played be Keledrath. Nalin is the assumed leader of the group, and an agent of the section of the Pathfinder Society known as the Dark Archives, tasked with assisting Everard Kinloch in his archaeological digs down by the town of Sandpoint.

Rovena, the Spell Sage: (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=544825) Played by Jamieth. Rovena is a young woman hired by Everard for her magical might and great knowledge of the archaic Runelords, who's magic still lingers over the many sites Everard intends to investigate and dig.


Let's Begin:


Sunrise at Sandpoint:

A few weeks ago, a very important archaeological mission that that had been in the making for many months finally officially began, with the joint benefactors of the Pathfinder Society and Lepidstadt University eagerly awaiting good news from their agents and operatives sent forth. Everard Kinloch, a handsome and fairly well known archaeologist and adventurer was to head the mission, alongside the Pathfinder Society agent known as Nalin. The mission? To guide Everard to the quaint town of Sandpoint, said to have been built roughly around the area where an infamous Runelord known as Alaznist, the Runelord of Wrath once ruled. Specifically, Everard was to investigate a ruin known by the locals only as The Old Light. Should the skilled man's trained eye discover anything of note in the ruins nearby, a full team of diggers would be put to work at the ruin, and should anything of value be found within, both Lepidstadt and the Society would be very pleased in their agent's work. The journey into Varisia is long, and dangerous, which is why several mercenaries and warriors have accompanied the man.

The trip to Sandpoint has been uneventful, but the geography and feel of the very land around the band of traveler's has been more than enough to put the mind's of a few members on edge. The long walk to Sandpoint began at the city of Magnimar, where the group officially met for the first time, and from there traveled across the rocky and lonely coast of the Varisian Gulf, quickly finding themselves in a peculiar country. For the entirety of the walk, fog draped upon the landscape, rolling about and floating spectrally along damp and empty moors, untouched by civilization. Every once in a while a small woodland creature had passed by, but even then they weren't around long. As the group got closer, they began to recognize the river valleys, ragged tors, and limestone escarpments depicted in their maps, and soon enough the warm look of the town of Sandpoint, The Light of the Lost Coast, graced them with hope, and soon the vast regions sense of horrid isolation was far behind them. This was the Lost Coast, a dreaded and cold place.

But for now, their was warmth.


The group entered town not long ago, and soon the arc of the rocky outcroppings and lightly forested hilltops that rise up just east of town, known as the Devil's Platter is behind them. And as the final bend in the road was rounded, Sandpoint's smoking chimneys and bustling streets greeted you all with open arms and the promise of warm beds, which was a welcome sight indeed, for the Lost Coast Road was beginning to take a toll upon the general morale of the team. Eventually, the group finds themselves within a tavern known as the Rusty Dragon. This large structure is Sandpoint's oldest inn, notable for the impressive (and quite rusty) iron dragon that
looms on the building's roof, doubling as a lightning rod and decoration. Everard had explained that the inn had been owned and operated for the past six years by the lovely and popular Ameiko Kaijitsu, and that although the Rusty Dragon is not only one of the town's most popular eateries (made so, in large part, by the spicy and exotic food served here), but also a great place to meet visitors from out of town, since most newcomers to Sandpoint come upon this inn first, as the northern stretch of the Lost Coast Road is less traveled. The handsome and somewhat cheery archaelogist explained further that it certainly didn't hurt that Ameiko's beauty is more than matched by her skill at music, and few are the evenings that pass without at least two or three songs being performed by the talented woman.

The Pathfinder Team now sits in the Rusty Dragon, having just opened the door and sat down at a nearby table.


Feel free to introduce yourselves IC, everyone.


2015-09-06, 08:24 AM
Nalin of the Dark Archives (https://www.heroforge.com/load_config=322504), a Wizard and a Gentleman

Nalin leans back in his chair, relaxing after the long journey.
Now that is a woman who knows how to sing. Here's hoping the food matches the voice. If so, I think I might have died somewhere along the way, and someone at the top misfiled my paperwork.
He glances over at Rovena.
Given any more thought to the offer I made you? The Dark Archives are always looking for fresh talent, and that is certainly something you have.

So, the mini is accurate to Nalin in combat. The sword in his offhand is his sword cane, normally hidden in his staff. And he doesn't have the revolver yet (the skull is currently about there)

2015-09-06, 11:58 AM
Rowena Halbern, Haunted by Ancient Memory

"As I believe I already said", the young woman who escaped being called a child only by virtue of her mannerisms, replies, "the prospect is certainly intriguing; I would prefer only to discuss it after this enterprise is over... For one thing, archeological expedition is one matter; but it is no secret that the work your organization is doing is often risky - convincing my parents to approve such a decision would be an undertaking well beyond my skills". She smiles politely and casts a glance at the other members of their group. From the time spent on road, she fully expected a trouble to start brewing the moment they set foot inside, from their third companion's uninhibited behaviour, but so far, it appears the Rusting Dragon is a place with rather lax rules, where all types are welcome - for example, that woman in the corner... A fancy sword and an outfit that came right out of some Minkai legend?

Just out of curiosity, Rovena whispers a simple formula and looks around. As expected, the woman's blade is magical indeed... But, surprisingly, so is her clothes! Well, that explains the fashion choice at least... or so Rovena thinks, until finding out that the magic employed on said clothes is that of illusion. Why would anyone disguise their clothes to look like that?.. Is a question she briefly ponders, but then the woman approached their table, and Rovena's attention turns to other topic...

2015-09-06, 12:09 PM
Yuki Setsuna, the Ideal (http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/IdealHero)Idiot (http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/IdiotHero)Hero (http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/ChronicHeroSyndrome)

Enjoying the spiced curry of Ameiko's, too drawn by the scent of a familiar flavor to resist the allure of the Rusty Dragon in spite of her trepidation at revealing her presence to its proprietor, Setsuna sat quietly and not quite alone, her talking sword always at her side.

As she finishes, she'd been planning to quickly slip out the door before she was noticed, after paying, of course, but then she overheard something interesting. The Dark Archive? That's one of the Society's factions, isn't it? What would they be doing in a quaint little town like this? Curious, and admittedly a little bored after a very long journey, she looks in their direction. Glancing to Ameiko and seeing that she wasn't immediately on the way at least, convinces the tiefling to at least say hello, and she makes her way over.

"I am sorry, I could not help over-hearing. Did you say you are with the Dark Archive? What are Pathfinders doing here?"

2015-09-06, 12:25 PM
Nalin of the Dark Archives, A Wizard and a Gentleman

Nalin chuckles.
Risky is putting it lightly. But it's fun work, and we usually do more good than harm. At least, when they bother sending competent people instead of Venture Captains.
He shakes his head.
You're almost old enough to leave home. Hells, with your skills, I'm surprised you aren't apprenticed already. Besides, the process of becoming a Pathfinder takes three years of training in Absalom. By the time you finish, you'll be old enough to make your own choices, legally.
The tall tiefling looks up at the inquisitive stranger.
Expedition to some ruins. You know anything about them?

2015-09-06, 12:48 PM
Holly Whiteraven. Badass Swordprincess. Dragonslayer

Holly waves at the new woman.

Hello miss. She greets, clasping the new woman's hand with hers.

I'm Holly WhiteRaven, pleasure to meet you. How may I help you on this fine day? And what may I call you. She adds kissing the new arrivals hand.

2015-09-06, 01:05 PM
Rowena Halbern, Haunted by Ancient Memory

"Well, I'll talk to them once I get home", Rovena nods, "one can always hope, after all..."

Figuring Nalin isn't going to provide more information, she switches to her mentor tone, addressing the woman, "Have you heard of Thassilon? An ancient empire that played a great role in development of magic... It is no big secret that they had a settlement around here, though details are mostly unknown. Society believes that Old Light north of town might contain important legacy of Thassilonians... Oh..." she suddenly stops and turns away, blushing.

The reason for such a behaviour was that, even as she said that, she narrowed her eyes, concentrating on seeing what was, and not what seemed...
will save against illusion: [roll0]
...she didn't exactly know what to expect. She certainly didn't expect to find out that the illusion masked not different kind of clothes, but rather a complete... she peeks for a moment, yes, complete it is... lack of clothes.
"Eh..." she says in a weak voice, "would you mind if we retreat to the room for a moment? It's a... Girl's talk..."

2015-09-06, 01:25 PM
Nalin of the Dark Archives, a Wizard and a Gentleman

Nalin grimaces at Holly's excess of manners, then narrows his eyes as he notices the air of illusion around the newcomer.
Nice trick, but it really doesn't work that well you know. Real clothes are much more effective.

2015-09-06, 01:30 PM
Nalin of the Dark Archives, a Wizard and a Gentleman

Nalin grimaces at Holly's excess of manners, then narrows his eyes as he notices the air of illusion around the newcomer.
Nice trick, but it really doesn't work that well you know. Real clothes are much more effective.

Holly Whiteraven. Badass Swordprincess. Dragonslayer

Hmm. Real clothes? Holly asked confused, then took a down to up glance at the newcomer as the illusion failed.

Oh... Oh... Holly blushed. Wow. She mouthed out loud.

2015-09-06, 01:31 PM

Looking at her fellow tiefling for a brief moment, her gaze quickly turns away, blushing slightly as Holly takes her hand. "I am Setsuna, and I was hoping that maybe I could help you all, if you needed it."

As Rovena mentions Thassilon, her gaze turns contemplative. "Thassilon...it was destroyed during the Earthfall, was it not?" When the young girl blushes and looks suddenly embarrassed, however, the tian tiefling tilts her head in confusion and concern. "Alright, we can talk in private if you want," she says gently, wondering what could be wrong. Though she's momentarily distracted from that concern as her initial focus points out the obvious, getting her to nod. "Maybe, but they are less comfortable. These are good enough to keep everyone happy without wasting too much energy," she says cheerfully.

Holly's rather more explicit reaction does elicit a slight blush, however, though she makes no move to hide herself.

2015-09-06, 01:36 PM
Holly Whiteraven. Badass Swordprincess. Dragonslayer

Well then, let me lead the way. Holly offers putting a hand around Setsuna's waist.

So how long have you been in town Setsuna? Holly asks to make conversation.

2015-09-06, 01:44 PM
Rowena Halbern, Haunted by Ancient Memory

"B-but... wait, so you didn't lose your clothes?" Rovena blinks, "I... I was going to offer to lend you my spare dress while no one else noticed..." unsure of how she should react, Rovena turns to her usual saving topic - talking about ancient magic.

"Anyway, about Earthfall... yes, it is a most popular theory, though I doubt anyone knows for sure nowadays... anyway, Mr. Kinloch decided to conduct an investigation, and we are... well, officially we were hired to protect him, though, I personally am interested in the relics of the ancient empire myself... it is him you would need to speak if you want to participate - the offer of a spare dress still stands, by the way..."

2015-09-06, 01:44 PM
Nalin of the Dark Archives, a Wizard and a Gentleman

Nalin puts a hand over his face and slowly drags it down.
Is everyone around here controlled by their hormones?

2015-09-06, 01:49 PM

"Oh, no, thank you, but I am happy like this," she says to Rovena at the offer of a spare dress. "I do appreciate that you were concerned though!" Liking the young girl more and more, she listens to her explanation before nodding and turning to the quietest member of the party, ignoring the other tiefling's comment, not understanding what he meant. "Would you be opposed to me joining you? If it really is an ancient ruin, there might be dangers and defenses to overcome, I would like to help if you will let me."

2015-09-06, 01:54 PM
Rowena Halbern, Haunted by Ancient Memory

"What-what are you talking about?" Rovena blushes again, "I'm just concerned! I... I don't really care, but what if someone else sees through her illusion and..."

2015-09-06, 02:08 PM
"What-what are you talking about?" Rovena blushes again, "I'm just concerned! I... I don't really care, but what if someone else sees through her illusion and..."

Holly Whiteraven. Badass Swordprincess. Dragonslayer

And? Holly added, glare softening up.

I'll protect her if anyone gets unwelcomey handsy. Holly offers smiling at the new girl.

2015-09-06, 03:30 PM
Nalin of the Dark Archives, a Wizard and a Gentleman

Nalin exhales a heavy breath and glances towards Setsuna, then Ameiko, then at Everard
Never had a mission send me to Minkai. Is this just an oddball individual, or a racial characteristic?

2015-09-06, 03:41 PM
Rowena Halbern, Haunted by Ancient Memory

"I never was there myself, of course, but from what I've read..." Rovena thinks for a moment, "Minkai culture is rather different from those of the Inner Sea, but... I don't suppose I read anything about it being different this way. But then again, it's impolite to assume anything about a culture from one person... or vica versa. And..." she turns towards Holly, "Thanks for that, I suppose - that would make it only one person acting unwelcomy handsy we should be wooried about. Though... it doesn't look that unwelcomy so far, I have to admit..."

2015-09-06, 03:47 PM
"I never was there myself, of course, but from what I've read..." Rovena thinks for a moment, "Minkai culture is rather different from those of the Inner Sea, but... I don't suppose I read anything about it being different this way. But then again, it's impolite to assume anything about a culture from one person... or vica versa. And..." she turns towards Holly, "Thanks for that, I suppose - that would make it only one person acting unwelcomy handsy we should be wooried about. Though... it doesn't look that unwelcomy so far, I have to admit..."

Holly Whiteraven. Badass Swordprincess. Dragonslayer

Holly looks legitimately hurt by that.

If our new companion wants me to remove my hand, all she had to do is ask.

2015-09-06, 04:07 PM

Innocently assuming that the hand around her waist was a friendly gesture rather than a simple cultural difference, Setsuna is at least a little grateful to Rovena for bringing it up, but tries to be polite about it. "It would make sitting down a little awkward," she admits in regards to Holly's hand. "And do not be worried about anyone seeing through the illusion...I know it is not very well made, but it is the only thing I can do that I can keep up for long enough to go into town with out upsetting the guards," she says, missing the point entirely.

Turning to Nalin, however, she frowns. "It is rude to talk about some one like that when they are right in front of you. I am not here as someone from my home, I am just a traveler."

2015-09-06, 04:15 PM
Nalin of the Dark Archives, a Wizard and a Gentleman

Nalin holds up his hands in surrender.
Peace, little lady. Just making a joke. And a little bit curious. Might have put Minkai on my bucket list of places to go. I'd be lying if I said you were an eyesore.

2015-09-06, 04:16 PM
Rowena Halbern, Haunted by Ancient Memory

"I see..." Rovena ponders for a moment, "You know, I suppose I could make something for you... a bracelet, perhaps, or a necklace, perhaps... that would hold magic as long as you wear it? I'll have to check my books of course, but it doesn't look that difficult of a spellwork... should we get a day free anywhere soon..."

2015-09-06, 04:26 PM

Innocently assuming that the hand around her waist was a friendly gesture rather than a simple cultural difference, Setsuna is at least a little grateful to Rovena for bringing it up, but tries to be polite about it. "It would make sitting down a little awkward," she admits in regards to Holly's hand. "And do not be worried about anyone seeing through the illusion...I know it is not very well made, but it is the only thing I can do that I can keep up for long enough to go into town with out upsetting the guards," she says, missing the point entirely.

Turning to Nalin, however, she frowns. "It is rude to talk about some one like that when they are right in front of you. I am not here as someone from my home, I am just a traveler."

Holly quickly removes the hand.

My apologies, Setsuna. She adds before sitting down next to her.

Hattish Thing
2015-09-07, 04:09 PM

"Oh, no, thank you, but I am happy like this," she says to Rovena at the offer of a spare dress. "I do appreciate that you were concerned though!" Liking the young girl more and more, she listens to her explanation before nodding and turning to the quietest member of the party, ignoring the other tiefling's comment, not understanding what he meant. "Would you be opposed to me joining you? If it really is an ancient ruin, there might be dangers and defenses to overcome, I would like to help if you will let me."

It's at this point where Everard Kinloch, the co-leader of this scouting expedition, walks back into the main area of the tavern, having been absent for the first few minutes of conversation. The dark haired and handsome older man raises an eyebrow as he meets Setsuna for the first time. With a clean but weathered looking hand, he'll move to her and speak, extended his hand for her to shake. "Mm. Well, isn't this a pleasant way to end this long day, a nice warm tavern, old friends, and beautiful women. Everard Kinloch, at your service." His handshake is firm and solid, like the rest of him, and he'll curtly nod his head before giving a small smile and looking at her curious weapon sheathed. "Black Blade? Ah, been a long while since I've seen one of those, I could recognize one from a mile. Curious things aren't they? You certainly seem capable, especially if you wield a weapon like that. Why don't you sit down with us? Perhaps we can get to know you a little better, and see if you'd fit in with out expedition."

Everard sighs and moves to sit at the table, closing his eyes and breathing in the aroma of good food coming from the kitchen, easily detected even from way out in the middle of the tavern. He brushes his green longcoat down and gently strokes his small goatee, before taking out a small map and looking over it. "Nalin, would you interview her as you see fit? I need to look over this for tomorrow."


It is at this moment that a mature looking woman moves over to the table. She's clad in dark red clothing, with a well-worn gray apron over it all. She smiles lightly, her crooked grin friendly, but also quite alluring. A dragon tattoo rests on the Minkain woman's shoulder, and numerous scars across certain parts of her body suggest she once was a warrior of some kind.

She speaks.

"Foreigners, hello! Welcome to the Rusty Dragon. I'm Amieko, and this is my inn you're getting your muddy feet all over, hah." At this, Everard looks up and goes a little red, realizing he had, in fact, been tracking mud throughout the inn. He'll speak to her, frowning and looking genuinely sorry for the simple mistake. "Oh, that would have been me. I'm... sorry, my mind is somewhat absent. We've been on the road for a while now."

Amieko nods and smiles at the table now. "Oh, it's alright, I'm just being a pain. Some luck you traveller's have though, tomorrow's the Swallowtail Festival!"

"Oh, and, shall you all be having anything?"



2015-09-07, 04:24 PM
Nalin of the Dark Archives, a Wizard and a Gentleman

Nalin's eyebrow shoots up as Everard makes his observation..
A Black Blade? I've heard of them, and supposedly my old master had one stashed away somewhere. But they never found it in his storage. I'd love to take a look at it some time, if you don't mind.
He quickly redoes his mental math of their sleeping arrangements.
Well, if she joins us, she'll be stuck on the floor with us, unless one of you ladies wants to give up your beds.
Turning his attention back to Setsuna, he begins the interview.
So, Miss Setsuna. What skills do you have? Given your bearing and the fact that you possess a Black Blade, I'd figure you to have fair proficiency in both magic and combat. Given the style of your blade, and your build, I'd hazard another guess that you focus more on speed than strength. Did I hit the mark?

He turns his attention to the owner of the establishment while he waits for Setsuna's response
Ale and a steak sandwich, if you have it.

2015-09-07, 04:27 PM
Rowena Halbern, Haunted by Ancient Memory

"Good evening, Kaijitsu-san", Rovena nods, "and it wasn't only luck - I'm not sure about my companions, but I personally hoped to get here in time for the festival... luckily, our delays were within my calculations", she smiles, "And thank you, I heard good things about the food you serve, so - whatever you would recommend? Something that goes with Minkan tea - I got quite accustomed to that..."

2015-09-07, 04:51 PM
Hello, Miss.Amieko. I'll be having the steak and potatoes. Holly greeted shaking and kissing Amieko's hand.

As for bedding, Setsuna could always share with me? Holly offered hopefully.

2015-09-07, 04:53 PM

Nodding to Everard, she turns her attention to Nalin now, "I have no objection, but it is up to Claustrum whether or not he lets you take a look at him," she say with a questioning tone directed to the blade.

Shaking her head at the offer of sharing a bed, "No, no, that will not be necessary. I have gotten used to sleeping on the ground, I would not want to impose on you!"

She looks impressed at the observation though, nodding her head. "You are not wrong. Though my talent with my blade outstrips my magical ability by a fair degree...still, if you want to test me," she glances toward Holly, "you look like you are good with a blade yourself. We could have a sparring match?"

As Ameiko approaches, Setsuna seems to look a little worried for a moment, but when the proprietor doesn't seem to recognize her she calms back down. "Konbanwa, Kaijitsu-san." Though her stomach rumbles somewhat, she doesn't make any offer to order anything to eat.

Literally; "Good evening, Ms. Kaijitsu."

Anyway, she'd order what Rovena is getting, but she has no money >.>

2015-09-07, 05:08 PM

Nodding to Everard, she turns her attention to Nalin now, "I have no objection, but it is up to Claustrum whether or not he lets you take a look at him," she say with a questioning tone directed to the blade.

Shaking her head at the offer of sharing a bed, "No, no, that will not be necessary. I have gotten used to sleeping on the ground, I would not want to impose on you!"

She looks impressed at the observation though, nodding her head. "You are not wrong. Though my talent with my blade outstrips my magical ability by a fair degree...still, if you want to test me," she glances toward Holly, "you look like you are good with a blade yourself. We could have a sparring match?"

As Ameiko approaches, Setsuna seems to look a little worried for a moment, but when the proprietor doesn't seem to recognize her she calms back down. "Konbanwa, Kaijitsu-san." Though her stomach rumbles somewhat, she doesn't make any offer to order anything to eat.

Literally; "Good evening, Ms. Kaijitsu."

Anyway, she'd order what Rovena is getting, but she has no money >.>

You wouldn't impose. Holly insists grabbing Setsuna's hand and holding it.

And a steak and potatoes for my lovely friend here. She orders upon hearing the rumble.

2015-09-07, 05:10 PM
Rowena Halbern, Haunted by Ancient Memory

"Please, Setsuna, that won't do", Rovena shakes her head, "If you're worried about Miss Whiteraven's bed manners, you can sleep with me - I usually sleep like a log... and aren't you going to order anything?"

2015-09-07, 05:16 PM
"Please, Setsuna, that won't do", Rovena shakes her head, "If you're worried about Miss Whiteraven's bed manners, you can sleep with me - I usually sleep like a log... and aren't you going to order anything?"

I have excellent bed manners! Holly protests

2015-09-07, 05:21 PM

Blushing out of embarrassment at her stomach more than anything, she doesn't protest Holly grabbing her arm, "No, I am not worried about that, but I do not want to make any one uncomfortable. I do not mind the floor, truly!"

At Rovena's mention of ordering something though, she shakes her head, "Ah, no, I am afraid that my coin pouch is just as much illusion as my outfit," she says with an embarrassed smile. "It is okay though, I ate not long ago." Though in truth it was about two days ago.

2015-09-07, 05:23 PM
Nalin of the Dark Archives, the Wizard and a Gentleman

Of course you do. By the standards of a raunchy comedian, you're the absolute model of decency.
He pulls out several coins and slides them over to Setsuna.
Consider this a down payment towards your services.

2015-09-07, 05:33 PM

Blushing out of embarrassment at her stomach more than anything, she doesn't protest Holly grabbing her arm, "No, I am not worried about that, but I do not want to make any one uncomfortable. I do not mind the floor, truly!"

At Rovena's mention of ordering something though, she shakes her head, "Ah, no, I am afraid that my coin pouch is just as much illusion as my outfit," she says with an embarrassed smile. "It is okay though, I ate not long ago." Though in truth it was about two days ago.

You will not be making me uncomfortable. Holly replied beaming towards Setsuna.

With a well aimed kick at Nalin.

2015-09-07, 05:43 PM
Nalin of the Dark Archives, a Wizard and a Gentleman

Nalin yelps as he is kicked
Okay, I deserved that, but only because I was right.

Hattish Thing
2015-09-08, 05:38 PM
The Rusty Dragon: Nightfall

Ameiko nods towards her fellow Minkain, and speaks back in her native language, a look of unexpected pleasure on her rather attractive face, resting a hand on the side of her lithe hips. "Ā, sore wa kono fesutibaru de, koko de wata****achi jishin no izureka o sanshō ****e kudasai suru koto ga yoidesu. Watashi wa anata to anata no yūjin o koko ni sandopointo shiawasena go taizai o, kibō, sore wa watashi ga saigo no sokoku kara hoka ni attanode, hijō ni nagai jikan to natte imasu. Watashi wa, naruhodo, akai kao de anata, so****e anata no miryoku no yūjin o mitasu koto o ureshiku omoimasu to iwanakereba narimasen. Osoraku, wareware wa hōmu no ue ni atode hanasu koto ga dekimasu ka? Imanotokoro, watashi wa watashi no shigoto ni shusseki shinakereba narimasen!" Ameiko chuckles to herself once more and flips out a small handbook, before writing down what the group had requested.

Before she goes, Ameiko seems to wink towards Everard, and then Setsuna, before turning and making her way to the kitchens, before the sound of her shouting something in her native language to the cook can be heard.

Ahh, it is good to see one of our own here at this festival. I wish you and your friends a happy stay, here in Sandpoint, it has been a very long time since I last met another from the homeland.

I must say I am pleased to meet you, and your attractive friend with the red face, aha. Perhaps we can talk later on of home? For now, I must attend to my work!


The food is brought out relatively quickly, and it's as wonderful as Everard's tales had made the meals out to be. As soon as dinner is finished, the archaelogist speaks up, a small smile on his face. "Mm, that was wonderful. With that, I feel it may be best to head to bed. You all have an awfully long day tomorrow, though I think we can shave off some time off the schedule and visit this festival for a little while. We ought to make a public appearance to the locals before we start digging about in their ruins, after all. Though we may have permission, the native constabulary might not be the friendliest of people. You can hardly ever tell in Varisia, hah. So! Don't stay up too late, you all know what the status on beds is. I will be heading to a quieter stall..."

"I have some... research to get to."

Everard smiles and wishes you all a good night, before picking up his pack and moving to a less inhabited section of the tavern and looking through his things.


(We'll timeskip here to the morning, go ahead and post for leaving the inn, heading out.)

2015-09-08, 06:39 PM
Nalin of the Dark Archives, a Wizard and a Gentleman

Nalin rouses himself from his meditations early. There are bags under his eyes, evidence of a bad night's sleep. The two women of the group certainly were louder than necessary, and it had kept him awake. He stumbled downstairs, crutching on his staff, and mumbles.

2015-09-08, 06:51 PM
Holly's elven blood however had left her more then refreshed.

Hey Nalin! Get your coffee to go! We're heading out! She calls out with an energetic wave.

2015-09-08, 07:11 PM
Nalin of the Dark Archives, a Wizard and a Gentleman

Nalin glares at Holly.
Oh, go sleep in a bed.
He resumes searching for a morning energy boost before departing the tavern. Mumbling comes from under his coat. Nalin turns his head as if to cough into his shoulder and mutters back.

Can I come out again? Last night was FUN. I haven't seen a catfight like that in decades!
Bob. Shut up right now or I'm not letting you out for a month.

2015-09-08, 07:17 PM
Nalin of the Dark Archives, a Wizard and a Gentleman

Nalin glares at Holly.
Oh, go sleep in a bed.
He resumes searching for a morning energy boost before departing the tavern. Mumbling comes from under his coat. Nalin turns his head as if to cough into his shoulder and mutters back.

Can I come out again? Last night was FUN. I haven't seen a catfight like that in decades!
Bob. Shut up right now or I'm not letting you out for a month.

Maybe if you come with me. Holly flirted back.

Actually. Might want to consider it.... You sure you're okay to travel? She asks.

2015-09-08, 07:41 PM

Nodding at Ameiko, she agrees to talk to her later, after she's no longer busy and for now contents herself with dinner.


Tired from her late night conversations with Holly, Setsuna isn't exactly in the best condition herself and can't help but feel sympathetic for Nalin. The tiefling yawns after drinking her tea and makes her way out the door after Holly. "It is a festival, we will be fine, I am sure he will wake up when the entertainment begins."

2015-09-08, 08:46 PM
Nalin of the Dark Archives, a Wizard and a Gentleman

Finally getting some coffee into him, Nalin seems to be returning from the Boneyard
Sorry, I prefer to go where few have gone before. I am ready for this festival, however.

2015-09-09, 03:13 AM
Rovena, Haunted by Ancient Memory

It would be a lie to say that Rovena's sleep was deep and fulfilling either - in fact, she spent half of the night with her head under the pillow target then on it, due to a lively goings on on the second bed; still, she wasn't going to show it. Luckily, the mental constructs she built within her head yesterday morning were still strong, and hardly needed replacement - she would be hard pressed to concentrate on her books properly...

Still, she spent a quarter of hour flipping through the pages, it was a morning ritual of a kind. After that, she got up, slipped into her dress (and before you ask, yes she was wearing an undershirt under it, as well as underpants, and spent the night in them) and headed down to get herself a cup of tea. Despite all the problems of the night, she was almost humming in delight as she was going through the morning - it was, after all, the Swallowtail Festival! Of anyone would all why she, a follower of Nethys, would pay so much attention to it, she would claim that, since they were on a journey now, it was only natural to pay respects to the Great Dreamer. Yes, she would say that. The real reason, though, was... Come on, butterflies!

Hattish Thing
2015-09-12, 03:03 AM
The Swallowtail Festival - Morning:

With a variety of yawns, groans, and rumblings, the group assembled wakes up to the sound of birds and the chatter of the townsfolk walking past the inn to the church square, laughing and joshing about with eachother, in the spirit of the festival that was to begin. The sun can be seen on the horizon, and the sky is as blue as the water clearly visible by the harbor, and within it, several fairly well-built looking fishing boats bob on the shimmering sapphire waters. One can easily note that the largest of the ships seems to have been painted a bright glowing red long ago, the color and bobbing motion of the vessel conjuring up the sweet thought of a great red apple, floating in a bucket. High above the town, floating sluggishly above like great, lazy and pleasant pillows, the fluffy white clouds in the sky ahead only add to the both beautiful and serene morning view. In the distance, the broken down tower known as Old Light looms like a tall and solemn guardian over the town, the sun shining from behind it, and past that, only a few hundred feet north of town rises an upthrust spur of rocky land topped with a few trees, the green woods glittering like emeralds under the warm sun's vibrant rays.

Today was truly a day of Desna, as beautiful and enchanting as the goddess herself.


As the pair of tieflings exchange friendly words, the door opens wide, and the smiling face of Everard is visible, his dark green longcoat looking especially good today, over his cream vanilla vest and dusty colored pants. However, his eyes are red and bloodshot, and although the man seems to be as cheery as ever, there's a certain air of fatigue about him. Anyone who knew the man even for a few days could easily guess that the man had spent his night up reading, or writing, or going through his notes, as he often did. Usually though, he got a little more sleep than what he appears to have gotten. Perhaps something in particular was keeping the man awake? He speaks, a pleasant tone in his voice. "Come now, come now! Let's see some springs in those steps, it's a festival! Festivities! You adventurer types deserve a break every once in a while, let's enjoy the town for a little while, eh? Come along! We can get breakfast on the road, everyone's heading to the town square. It's customary to listen to the Mayor Deverin give her speech, along with whoever else. And then we can actually start enjoying ourselves! So let's go, we needn't be late and miss out on anything."


With a smile, Everard opens the door wide and gestures for the others to leave.

Do you follow him? Do you leave or take your weapons with you?

2015-09-12, 08:01 AM
Nalin of the Dark Archives, a Wizard and a Gentleman

Nalin, grasping his staff, nods to Everard.
I see I'm not the only one who was kept up last night. Hopefully we'll be able to sleep better once we're on the road.
Staff in one hand, coffee in the other, Nalin heads for the door.
I've heard a lot about the Swallowtail Festival. Never actually gotten to attend one though. Should be a fun little experience.

Nalin has his full compliment of things. A wizard doesn't leave his staff behind, his staff is his sword cane, the bracelet is a purely defensive implement, Bob likes to get out, and the magical uber sword of destiny isn't something you leave lying around in your hotel room.

2015-09-12, 10:37 AM
Rovena, Haunted by Ancient Memory

"Of course, Mr. Everard", Rovena smiles, almost skipping add she follows the man, "not that I care much about the speeches, but, add you said, it would be impolite to miss it - and then the release is one event I certainly wouldn't want to miss - though it's not until the noon, as far as I remember?"

Rovena travels lightly in general; leaving needful and travel gear in the inn, taking dagger, spellbook, component pouch, pearls of power and everything equipped with me.

2015-09-12, 01:46 PM

Cheerfully nodding, looking forward to the festival, Setsuna follows Everard out of the Rusty Dragon, her sword nowhere to be seen, safely hidden within her breast. Is there anything you'd like to do, Claustrum? We haven't been to any festivals since I found you, I'm not sure what you'd like to do.

Snapping her fingers, adjusting her outfit, she tries to create a simple black dress that she'd seen in a city much further north, but it ends up being more of a solid black rectangle, obscuring everything within about 6 inches of her body from her chest to her thighs before she sighs, snaps her fingers again, and recreates her usual outfit, ignoring the fact that it looks blocky and unfinished in the back.

Sword stowed away inside her, and her amulet of natural armor is literally her only other possession, so....

And yes, she did just accidentally create a censor around herself before trading it out :smalltongue:

2015-09-12, 02:02 PM
Holly is of course going to protect her fragile companions by taking point.

Come on guys lets go! She waves trying to get her tired companions to speed up.

I don't want to miss the festival. Holly explains

A almost Paladin never leaves their sword behind!