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2007-09-21, 05:09 PM
'Any time and everytime' Harry says, Ain't like I have somthing better to do.....

He says, but trails off, as he realises that stopping the forces of darkness and evil, might just be more important than a solid drum beat.

2007-09-25, 02:45 AM
"What about you Bastion? What time suits you for practice?"

2007-09-25, 09:10 AM
Bastion shrugs and answers a bit distractedly. Saturdays and Sundays are fine by me. We might want to practice at least once mid-week or we may end up forgetting everything we learned on the weekends. His over paranoid mind can’t help but wonder what kind of meeting these two young men would be worried about being late to on a weekday night.

2007-09-26, 01:01 AM
"Good, that's settled then. So, uh.....What are you guys doing?" Jenna looks at Craig and Doug, suddenly having no good excuse why she would want to walk them home.

2007-09-26, 06:44 AM
"Well, I would love to hang out you, but we're going to be late if we don't go now."
Almost on cue, Craig's cellphone starts ringing. He answers it, with a look approaching dread. "Yes Coach?" He holds the phone away from his ear. You all can catch the gist of the yelling. When the stream slows, Craig puts it back to his ear. "We should be there in about ten minutes."
He hangs up, and says "See what I mean? Gotta run, but I'll be here Wednesday night if you want an earlier practice." He and Doug start for the door.

2007-09-28, 07:43 AM
"Ok....Well...Can we walk you there?" Jenna looks from Craig to the others.

(OOC: I won't be able to post during the weekend, can only access the internet from work for the next 14 days because of moving.)

2007-09-28, 09:13 AM
Coach? Neither of them struck me as exactly the exercisey type… He grins impudently at Jenna and Harry. Want to tail ‘em? I am curious to see what kind of team they are on.

2007-09-28, 04:02 PM
As he starts jogging, Craig turns his head around and says "Wish you could, but Coach is really paranoid about team security. He'll boot us both off the team in a second if we turn up with someone else, without his express permission."

2007-10-01, 01:11 AM
Jenna answers Craig:"OK. See you Wednesday, then!" When they've gone, she nods at Bastion. "Yeah, let's tail them." She grins.

2007-10-02, 01:43 AM
(Okay. Those who want to try tailing Craig and Doug, roll Dexterity and Crime - or Acrobatics and Crime - and hope you get more successes then their detection roll.)

2007-10-02, 02:58 AM
(I can only post from work, and I don't have my sheet with me. Could you roll for me?)
Jenna heads out without waiting for an answer, and tries to sneak after Craig and Doug.

2007-10-03, 10:31 AM
Bastion slips along behind Jenna, hoping that he will not be to fumble-footed and alert the two mean heading to see their “Coach”.

Tailing Check (using a drama point): [roll0]

2007-10-05, 04:42 AM
Jenna's roll is 5 + 5 for a total of 10. What happens will depend on whether she wants to use a Drama Point or not...and how well Harry rolls if he joins in.

2007-10-07, 07:07 AM
(I'll use a drama point.)

2007-10-07, 10:27 AM
((Prustan, think you'd be up to doing all the rolls?)

Harry quizically raises an eyebrow.

'You reckon he's our mysteryman?'

2007-10-08, 12:41 AM
(Harry's roll is 10 + 4 = 14, Bastion's is 19, and Jenna's is now 20. Harry - drama point, or no drama point?)

2007-10-13, 05:45 AM
(No answer from Adlan, so I'll continue without spending his Drama point.)
You all follow Craig and Doug without problem as they take a rather roundabout route to their destination - as if they suspected that someone was following them. But you were all quite surprised to find yourselves at the back of The Grumpy Mole, watching as they press something on the wall, and open up a secret, secure entrance to somewhere (complete with retina and handprint scanners).

(You now have about 10 in-game seconds where you could act, or not, before they enter wherever they're going.)

2007-10-13, 01:08 PM
Jenna glances to the others in surprise, mouthing:" What the...." Then she moves forward as quickly and quietly as she can before the secret entrance closes.

(dex+crime: 17 http://roll.coyotecode.net/lookup.php?rollid=2319 )

2007-10-16, 03:58 AM
(Hmmm, how evil do I want to be... New Slayer, entering a secret lair/base, not knowing who owns it or what it's for. I'll keep thinking while we wait for Bastion and Harry's actions.)

2007-10-16, 06:27 AM
(Hey, I trust those guys:) )

2007-10-16, 09:35 AM
Bastion reaches out and grabs Jenna by the collar. Are you nuts? He whispers to her urgently. Those guys just stepped into some kind of weird super-secret base with a hidden door, a palm AND retina scanner and probably a lock you could not open with a rocket launcher. That is the kind of place that is VERY hard to get into and places like that are usually just as hard, if not harder, to get out of.

How about we just keep an eye on things for a bit before going charging headlong after those two? They are definitely worth watching, that is for sure…

2007-10-16, 03:59 PM
Jenna halts, turning to face Bastion. "But they're our band members", she whispers.

2007-10-17, 04:40 AM
(Guess my opportunity to be evil has passed.)

While Bastion quietly argues with Jenna about the best course of action, the door hisses shut, so completely that you can't even see the outline where it was.

What now?

2007-10-20, 02:47 AM
(Well, if I don't have anything from you guys before Tuesday, I'll continue the next part of the story.)

2007-10-20, 01:56 PM
Jenna looks to the door as it closes. "Oh, well...Guess we'll just have to ask them afterwards. Should we go....patrol, or something?"

2007-10-21, 02:11 AM
(That's one answer. Do we have two more?)

2007-10-23, 05:53 PM
One of Bastion’s eyebrows shoots up in incredulity. They just went into a super-secret base Jenna… Those are the kind of places where they kill people to keep them secret. Maybe we should play with our card hand a bit closer to our chest… In other words, lets keep quite about having seen this before we have a better idea of what is going on.

2007-10-24, 01:49 AM
Jenna answers a little irritated. "Well, I'm new to this whole "superherospy"-thing! Let's just leave. For all we know they could be playing poker in there."

2007-10-24, 04:11 AM
(No sign of Adlan? Hope nothing's happened.)

As you start moving back to the main streets, still arguing quietly about what to do about Craig and Doug, you see another bolt with attached message, this time sticking out of a wall. The message is fairly simple "I did not want to, but circumstances force me to reveal myself to you. Something terrible has happened, and I have much that I must teach you now. Meet me at the Wind Wand, 10 minutes after sunset."

2007-10-24, 04:18 AM
Jenna reads the message, then looks to Bastion and Harry. "He wants to meet at the Wind Wand."

2007-10-30, 04:04 AM
(Truwar and Adlan. What's happening guys? Me and Yawielas can't keep the game going by ourselves.)

2007-10-30, 05:46 AM
((I'm here. Sorry, I went Bowhunting, forgot to tell you, my bad: http://www.bowhunting.net/Hunts/Deer/2007/BillyDon-BHN-Day-09.html))

'Bar Drink, us go Now. Forget we ever saw it' Harry is sniffing the air as he speaks, and suspiciously peers at where the door was.

It looks just like a wall. And Harry Lives just above it.

'I'll ask My Boss, He'll know. Assuming it's another bar, and not some ruddy cryptic clue.'

2007-10-30, 09:06 AM
A bar? Let’s get out of here before that doors opens with us all hanging around it. Bastion leads them a fair distance from the hidden door.

You don’t make bars with biometric locks, heck even hidden bars usually only go as far as a door with a slot that a bouncer can look through. There is something serious going on there, serious enough to get us in serious trouble if they find out we know about it.

And I would be careful about talking to your boss about this Harry. If he owns the bar, he pretty much HAS to know about what is going on behind that door… unless magic is involved. Bastion grimaces sourly.

Listen, let’s keep an eye on these guys, maybe we can get some idea what they are up to. I also think we need to keep Jenna’s rather… unique status secret from them as well. There have been a lot of strange coincidences going on lately and I think they may have to do with Jenna’s new job.

Does anyone know where either of those two guys lives? Maybe if we sneak into their pads we can get a better idea of what they are up to.

2007-10-30, 01:33 PM
Jenna shrugs. "I don't know where they live, but that should be easy enough to find out if we have their full names. Maybe this mystery archer will have some advice. How long till sunset? We should head for the Wind Wand."

2007-10-31, 04:01 AM
(Hmm, maybe should have explained for the non-New Zealanders, although, since Adlan looked up "The Grumpy Mole", I did think you guys would have done some checking of your own... The Wind Wand is a rather large (10m high? Something like that anyway) pole on the waterfront, that bends and sways with the wind. Jenna being a local, and Bastion being here quite a long time, they'd know where the Wind Wand was. Harry might not, being a fairly new arrival, and not too interested in the 'tourist things'. I'll explain more when your characters go.)

2007-11-05, 04:57 AM
(You've got about half an hour game time before the note said to be there. What are you going to do until then?)

2007-11-05, 05:05 AM
Jenna checks her watch. "Maybe we can go grab an ice cream before this mysterious rendez-vous. What do you say, guys? Or is that a girl's thing?"

2007-11-05, 09:41 AM
Bastion shrugs. Errr, ice cream founds fine… I guess. It will give us a chance to work out what we want to say to our mysterious “friend”. Maybe he has some idea why there is some kind of super-secret hideout here in town.

2007-11-06, 04:00 AM
(Icecream's $1.50 to $2.80, depending on size and extras. You now have enough time to leisurely walk to the Wind Wand, and talk on the way.)

Despite it getting a bit late (most shops are normally closed at 5, and it's around 5.30), you manage to find an open dairy and get an icecream. The events of last night and today have given the rapidly fading sunlight a much more sinister cast than before...

2007-11-10, 03:44 AM
(Okay. When I log in on Monday night, I'll assume that talking is over, and it's time to meet your mysterious archer.)

2007-11-10, 04:30 AM
(Ok, I was just waiting for Adlan to post something.)

Jenna isn't too talkative during the ice cream break, she's got way too much on her mind. The last couple of days had been...well....crazy. Or maybe she was going crazy.

2007-11-10, 04:38 AM
Harry to maintians a quite silence, the only noise that of bowl on spoon.

He has never had a bowl of ice cream quite this large before, but he did ask for the biggest they had, and is quiety excavating his way through a dozen or so different flavours.

And he is doing so at a remarkable speed.

((I'm here, just didn't feel I had anything to add))

2007-11-11, 04:55 AM
(Doh! *Headslap* Over here, it's icecream cones, single or double cone, with one to three scoops of icecream. They can also come chocolate dipped, with sprinkles and/or a small Flake chocolate bar. About the only way shops sell icecream in bowls around here - particularly when you need to be somewhere else - is if you get a banana split, and then you get a flimsy plastic thing that barely deserves to be called a bowl. Keep forgetting you guys aren't New Zealanders. I'll continue tomorrow night.)

2007-11-12, 05:29 AM
(Okay, we continue.)

The Wind Wand, in stark contrast to the little park surrounding it, is brightly lit by four carefully placed spotlights. No night shoppers or tourists are lingering however, as the lights are too bright, ruining the night vision of those crossing the dark, empty park surrounding it. You can even hear the waves crashing on the shore, a mere 20 metres or so away.

As you gather at the bottom of the Wind Wand, still finishing off the last couple of bites of icecream, you look around to see if you can spot your friend. Nothing. But it isn't a long wait...

Without warning, you hear a faint whistling sound, and another arrow (with envelope) arrives, burying itself in the ground a metre from Bastion's foot. It reads "I'm glad you came, and I am now ready to show myself to you. Be warned, I am not human, and my appearance may cause some fear, but I wish to help, to prepare you all for what is coming..."

As you finish reading, a figure slowly approaches from the surrounding gloom, hands outstretched, with a large bow across it's back. It stops, calls in a cultured voice "Greetings Jenna, Harry and Bastion. May I approach?" before stepping into the light, and waiting for you to react.

He was right to warn you. He's not human. No human could have bright blue skin, orange eyes, and green hair. But his clothes are impeccable, and the arrows hanging from his quiver are unmistakable - this is the mysterious archer sending you all advice.

(Should I change his indentifying color? That Cyan is kind of hard on the eyes, but it does seem to fit him.)

2007-11-12, 06:07 AM
Jenna gasps, looking the strange figure up and down. "Who....What are you? I mean, except from our mystery archer?"

2007-11-13, 04:40 AM
(Ok, the Cyan is too hard on my eyes, and it's going.)

He pauses, seeming to consider exactly how to answer. "Well, I believe you humans would call my people demons. As for who I am, you would not be able to pronounce my proper name, nor have you observed the rituals required to hear it. Archer will suffice. Archer, of the Eteru Clan." He gives a small bow.

"Now that introductions have concluded, I have some things I must tell you. Each Slayer is assigned a Watcher, someone who is to train her, advise her, and prepare her to combat the evils she faces every day and night. Normally, the Watcher is in place before the Slayer, and waits for the right time to make contact. Your Watcher however, was caught off guard while travelling here to meet you, and was killed. Something I only know because sent a helper to find him."

"As much as I wished to advise you from the shadows, this is no longer an option. Until a new Watcher is assigned, I must fulfil that duty, if you will permit me. Now, you must have questions for me, so please ask, but do so quickly - for there is not much time."

2007-11-13, 04:52 AM
Jenna chews her lip, trying to take all of it in. A dead Watcher, who could have helped her, and now this.....demon. "Aren't demons supposed to be...you know....evil? Why are you helping us? When will this new "watcher" come along? What happened to the other one? People are getting killed because of me, and I don't know what's going on! Why isn't there much time?"

2007-11-13, 10:00 AM
Bastion nods when Jenna finishes speaking. All of Jenna’s questions are good ones, but the “Why is time short?” one pretty much hits the nail on the head. Does the Watcher’s death have something to do with that? Also, I didn’t think demons and Slayers got along all that well, why are you helping a bunch of humans…

2007-11-13, 03:22 PM
'Why do sausages come in packs of 12, and Rolls in packs of 8? Harry asked, absently.

2007-11-13, 04:06 PM
Bastion answers Harry’s question as if answering someone that asked what color the sky was. The illuminati that controls the sausage and bun industries across the world believe that 24 is a mystical number and every time 24 of something is exchanged it hastens the apocalypse. They therefore decided that if they sold 8 sausages and 12 buns you would be more likely to purchase 3 bags of sausages and 2 bags of buns thus replicating their holy number of 24 twice and brining the world that much closer to its end… But lets stay on topic, why is time short?

2007-11-14, 10:24 PM
"Demons are much like humans - there's good, bad and indifferent ones. You humans only tend to see the evil ones though, which makes it harder for those that aren't. I'm helping because I believe myself to be one of the good ones.
I have no idea when the new Watcher will arrive, when I can return to helping from the shadows - the people who assign the Watchers don't exactly trust me.
As for the Watcher, I had some people keeping an eye out for his arrival, to make sure that he made it here before it was too late. Unfortunately, he met a couple of 'friends' of yours, and they had some help along to make sure that he died. At least they didn't decide to turn him..."

He pauses a moment, before continuing. "Now, there isn't much time because some rather obscure, and potentially disastrous prophecies are about to be fulfilled - unless you stop them. The first step in that is preventing a vampire Harvest that is going to happen sometime in the next couple of days. I don't know exactly when, but you all need to prepare quickly.
Anything else?"

2007-11-15, 02:03 AM
"I'm guessing a vampire harvest doesn't mean we all go get our buckets and ladders and pick vampires from the trees..." Jenna looks to the others. "What exactly are we preparing for, and how do we stop it?"

2007-11-16, 04:21 AM
(Just for your information, we are preparing to wrap up the first Episode of this Season - which means experience points and the possibility of spending them. Probably when the conversation with Archer is finished. The second Episode will begin once experience awards and expenditures are finalised.)

2007-11-22, 04:02 AM
"A vampire Harvest is quite simple really. A master vampire chooses and marks one of it's servants as it's Vessal. The Vessal goes out and drains as many people as it can during the night of the Harvest, with each victim incresing the power of the master. To stop the Harvest, kill the Vessal - the quicker you do so, the less power the master gets. The good news is that Harvest night are relatively rare, once every century or so."

2007-11-22, 05:16 AM
"And ain't we lucky that there's one on our watch....OK, lots of people...As many as they can during one night. Then they might be looking for a place where many people gather. Like a concert or a club or something." Jenna looks at the others. "What do you think?"

2007-11-24, 06:19 PM

'I think we need some way to track it. There must be some way to find it. Unless we do somthing classically Stupid. Like Bait.
Speaks Harry

2007-11-25, 04:52 AM
(Everyone, you're probably going to hate me for the next little twist... :smallbiggrin: )

2007-11-25, 05:06 AM
"Well, we can't track it if we can't find it." Jenna turns to Archer. "Is it like the movies, where vampires hang out in creepy castles or crypts? Cause then we could start looking in places like that."

2007-11-25, 05:19 AM
"Really depends on the vampire. Some still hang out in the traditional crypt or creepy castle/mansion, but more of them are starting to 'live' in regular places - just modified for they're particular needs. Not knowing who exactly the master is, I couldn't make a guess as to where it'll be staying."

2007-11-25, 09:59 AM
"Oh....So basically, we're looking for the needle in a haystack. I guess the best option is some heavy patrolling then..."

2007-11-26, 10:02 AM
A very worried feeling starts to creep over Bastion.

Could they perhaps hang out at a secret base with biometric security, located behind a bar? Just to pick a completely random example out of mid-air...

2007-11-26, 02:56 PM
Jenna looks perplexed at Bastion. "Then the guys could be in serious trouble! We need to interrogate them....subtly, of course..."

2007-11-27, 04:24 AM
(Now that idea would be just too evil :smallbiggrin: Hadn't even thought about doing that! No, the evil twist is waiting on Adlan's reply to a PM, and how Harry is going to act...)

2007-11-27, 05:04 AM
(Just a heads up: I'll be away Wednesday and part of Thursday.)

2007-11-28, 04:52 AM
(Just to give a large hint on how the twist will be revealed...)
Archer pauses in his thoughts and looks at Harry, concern on his blue face. "Are you okay? You look like you're having a monster of a headache."

2007-11-28, 04:57 AM
Harry, cradeling his head in his hands, issues forth a sound almost like a dog whimpering.
'Seven Hells..... he mumbles through the pain.

It's a vision, but he does not recognise it.
'The two Vampires from before.... at a stage....

2007-11-28, 09:15 AM
Bastion takes a prudent step away from Harry, in case whatever is happening to him is contagious. What about the two vampires? Are you all right?

2007-11-29, 05:30 AM
"Two vampires? What two vampires? Have you Seen something?"

2007-11-29, 05:39 AM

Breathing hard, harry felt the pain worse than any before his visions had brought.
'The Two. We Saw. Before.... His muscles were twitching across his body
'The Two Vampires from the Ship. Talking to another at a Stage...'

2007-11-29, 01:11 PM
Jenna looks concerned at Harry, then looks to Bastion. "What is he talking about? Is he psychic, or something? If so, well...there's not that many stages in town."

2007-11-30, 05:13 AM
"Psychic? Maybe. There are stories of humans that receive visions of what is happening, or what will happen. Anyway, Harry, calm down, and tell us exactly what you saw.

2007-11-30, 01:05 PM

Taking a Deep breath, and drawing himself up to his full height, harry speaks
'Them Two Vampires what ran off, I saw them with another vampire. and the knelt down, and he was carving, or painting or something on them. And I saw one of them on a Stage, with lots of Instruments. and I saw the other is watching telly. Films.

2007-12-01, 04:54 AM
(Can anyone guess the evil twist yet? :smallbiggrin: )

2007-12-01, 05:51 AM
Jenna thinks. "A stage with lots of instruments...I can think of a couple of places like that. The place where the auditions were, your pub, Harry, and there's probably more. I guess you'd recognize it if it was the pub, though. By the way, did you get the feeling this was something that's going to happen, is happening, or has happened?"

2007-12-06, 01:56 PM
Bastion thinks for a moment, then a worried expression crosses his face. Uh oh… I think I may have a theory… unfortunately. Bastion grimaces as he goes on. Ok, lets say you are a vampire and you want to conduct a harvest, drawing the power from as many humans as possible. This means you are going to want a lot of humans in one place at one time… say for example a musical events. This isn’t going to be a “Battle of the bands” it is going to be a “Slaughter of the bands”.

2007-12-06, 02:06 PM
My visions have never come true...
he paused.
'Well, I don't think so, untill the ship.

There was a moments silence as the thoughts scrolled across his mind.
'It's gonna happen soon.'

2007-12-07, 03:33 AM
"Then...I suggest we get going." Jenna starts heading back into town. Turning around she calls back:" Oh, how do we recognize this vessel?"

2007-12-07, 05:13 AM
"The Vessel should be easy enough to recognise. It will have a symbol drawn in blood on it's forehead."
(Anyone who remembers/has Buffy Season One, Episodes 1 and 2 should know what I'm talking about here.)

Archer thinks for a minute, then says "Be careful. The link between Vessel and Master flows two ways. While most of the power taken goes to the Master, the Vessel still recieves a portion, and will also be stronger for each life it takes. Although, once the Vessel is destroyed, the Master will be weakened somewhat..."

2007-12-11, 11:47 PM
Bastion thinks for a moment. When is the Battle of the Bands again?

2007-12-12, 03:52 AM
"We can find out. Come on. I'm guessing this is kind of urgent." Jenna starts jogging back to town.

2007-12-14, 04:47 AM
"I shall try to find out when this will happen. You need to find out where, and become strong enough to stop it."

2007-12-14, 06:27 AM
"Ok, apparently you know where to find us." Jenna waits for the boys to catch up before heading back to town.

2007-12-18, 05:51 AM
(Ok. Kind of need to wrap up the episode before the end of next week. I expect to be away from the 28th to the 5th or 6th of Jan. Everyone going to patrol the streets?)

2007-12-18, 11:15 AM
(Yes, we'll patrol. I'll be away from the 21st to the 26th. )

2007-12-18, 12:08 PM
(Here Vampire Vampire, Here Boy, come on Vampy)

2007-12-18, 05:52 PM
So… let me get this straight. We are going to wander around the town, during a vampire harvest and HOPE a vampire jumps out and attacks us? Bastion looks at the others in incredulity, then shrugs in resignation. Just wanted to get that clear….

2007-12-18, 06:15 PM
"No, we're just going to patrol until we find out where the Battle of the Bands are being held." Jenna shakes her head at how crazy her life had gotten in just a short, couple of days.

2007-12-19, 05:15 AM
As you wander through the streets in the deepening night, you see small groups of people walking around. In one group, they happen to say something interesting as you pass. A conversation between two teenage boys.
"Hey man, you going to the Battle of the Bands on Saturday? That new local group are going to rock!"
"Sorry, can't make it. Have to take my little brother to the Transformers movie that starts at the same time."
"I've heard that's going to be packed. Better get there early..." They move out of earshot.
Nothing else interesting happens for a while, until you hear a scream from a dark alley...
(There's a great big hint for you. Too obvious? :smallbiggrin: )

2007-12-19, 07:10 AM
Jenna's head whips areound at the sound of the scream, and she gets her stake out, looking to the others. "I guess that's our cue?" Then she darts down the alley.

2007-12-19, 07:16 AM
'Bollocks' Harry mutters, he pulls his drumsticks out of a pocket and runs towards the scream.

2007-12-19, 10:18 AM
Woohoo… nothing says fun like a life or death struggle with an undead killing machine. Continuing to grumble, Bastion follows after Harry and Jenna.

2007-12-20, 05:19 AM
You see four figures in the alley - one girl about to get bitten by a male vampire, and a guy under attack by a female vampire. The girl is closer, and it looks like you'll probably need to quickly deal with the male vamp before you can help the guy.
What are you going to do?

2007-12-20, 06:24 AM
(Am at work with no charactersheet, could you please roll?)

Jenna speeds up, leaps and does a flying jump kick at the male vampire.

2007-12-21, 04:35 AM
Jenna's foot takes the vampire completely by surprise, just before it smashes into his face, and knocks him on his back a couple metres down the alley. The girl gives a still terrified look of thanks to Jenna, before she runs out of the alley.
Harry and Bastion?

2007-12-21, 05:01 AM
(Hmm, thought I posted this)


In a moment of instinct, Harry rugby tackles the nearest vampire, and tries to shove his drumstick into the creatures heart.

It is only when he finds himself grappling with a supernatural monster with the strength of ten does he realise it's a stupid instinct.

(So thats d10+Strength+Skill yes? d10+5+5 (http://invisiblecastle.com/find.py?id=1439136) makes 20. )

2007-12-21, 09:44 AM
Bastion yells to Harry. Get the girl that was bit, if she dies from that bite, she will come back a vampire. He then focuses on the female vampire drawing in his will as he chants the appropriate incantation, as he reaches the crescendo of the chant, he releases his will on the vampress, attempting to wreathe her in flame.

Ignite on the female vampire [roll0] (using a drama point)

2007-12-22, 05:51 AM
Harry - Your lunge at the vampire's heart wasn't quite hard enough, and the drumstick scrapes on one of it's ribs. Having been booted in the face, and almost having it's heart punctured, it's decided that enough is enough, and tries to heave you off to start running. But it's too disoriented, and fails.

Bastion - By some lucky twist of fate, the vampiress releases it's victim as it feels your spell begin to burn, so while she's badly burnt (not dusted yet, but she's still burning), the guy, still bleeding and slumped unconcious to the ground, is untouched by the flame. (How many of your 10 Drama points does this make now?)

Next round now.

2007-12-22, 06:06 AM
Harry Desperately crawls over to it, and tries to get it in a lock, while shouting.
'Get it Jenna!'

((d10+5+5 (http://invisiblecastle.com/find.py?id=1440607) makes 17.))

2007-12-22, 05:35 PM
Jenna dives for the vampire Harry is fighting, trying to tackle it before it gets away.

2007-12-23, 05:18 AM
Harry - so far so good. The vampire's in a lock, and not going anywhere - yet. It's trying to get you off it's back so it can get up and run though.

Jenna - to avoid knocking Harry off the vamp's back in your enthusiasm, Dex + Athletics roll.

2007-12-26, 10:36 AM
((I have used three drama points, so I have seven left))

Bastion attempts to up the heat on the female vampire.

Ignite again on the female vampire: [roll0]

((Could I get a list of spells Bastion would know, I think you sent me one a while ago, but it seems to have gone missing. ))

2007-12-26, 03:15 PM
(dex+athletics= 17 http://roll.coyotecode.net/lookup.php?rollid=3781 )

2007-12-27, 06:34 AM
Bastion - The flaming vampire turns and looks at you, knowing that you are the source of her pain. She starts to walk towards you, melting hands reaching for you when your second spell intensifies the flames, and turns her into dust.

Jenna - unknown to you, the vampire happened to be positioned just right on top of a sharp twig, which your enthusiastic leap has just driven into his heart. He turns into dust, with you and Harry landing on the ground - you landing painfully with the twig spearing your thigh.

Ok everyone, this is a great place to leave the Episode. Jenna recieves 6 experience, Harry 5, and Bastion 4. Jenna also recieves 2 Drama points for being in character and moving the story forward, while Harry and Bastion recieve 1 each. Everyone has done well, and discovered new things (some I didn't expect until later), but I'd like more for a greater experience award.
While I'm away, make your decisions about what you want to do with your experience - attributes at 2x next level (min cost 5, generally only one increase allowed per attribute), skills at 2x next level (5 for a new skill, no limit), drama points at 2 experience each, or save them for later. Truwar, if you'd like to have Bastion research new spells, PM me when I get back.
Also, you can continue talking amongst yourselves if you wish, and move about town, but the rest of the night will be fairly quiet, and you need to make one Perception Test first - the results of which I will reveal when I get back.
Have a Happy New Year, and I'll see you in a week or so - 8th or 9th of Jan at the latest.

2007-12-27, 06:51 AM
(Bought Occultism 1 for 5 xp. Perception+Notice= 14 http://roll.coyotecode.net/lookup.php?rollid=3791 )

2008-01-06, 11:09 PM
(I'm back! Had a good week away too. Now, waiting for the others to post their Notice rolls and Exp decisions. Spending 5 Exp on Jenna to learn Occultism 1 is fine. All sorts of pieces of information from normal life, from Bastion and direct experience have just come together.)

2008-01-07, 10:05 AM
((I think I might save my exp points, although that may change when I get a list of spells from Prustan. Perception + Notice Check: [roll0] ))

2008-01-07, 04:50 PM
((No spendy for me, but I'm just gonna send a PM Notice roll of 10+3 =13 (http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/1454521/))).

2008-01-07, 08:59 PM
(Jenna and Harry notice the gems that fell from the dusted vamps - one Red and one Green. You all can also still hear the vamp-bitten girl running, and see that her friend isn't looking good, maybe dying. A proper examination (using Doctor + Perception. Doctor + Int to try treating him, but only one can attempt it effectively) would tell you more.
Bastion - learning new spells doesn't take experience, just the time to research it in your Occult Library, and my approval of course. Also, the first time you cast it can make things quite interesting...)

2008-01-08, 04:49 AM
Jenna picks up the gems, then looks concerned at the wounded person on the ground. "Does anyone know first aid? We have to stop the bleeding, or he'll die." She kneels down by him, removes her jacket and presses it against the wound untill someone with a better knowledge of first aid than her takes over.

2008-01-08, 11:17 AM
Bastion looks down at the injured man and grimaces. Oh, crud. Dropping to his knees he desperately tries to remember anything he had read about first aid while studying magic. Don’t die on us, the last thing we need is to be wrapped up in a murder investigation… or for you to come back as a vampire.

((First Aid Check with a drama point: [roll0] ))

2008-01-10, 08:57 PM
With a combination of half-remembered First Aid techniques, some mumbled prayers and even more blind luck, Bastion treats the guy lying in the alley so well that he not only stops bleeding, but starts recovering as well. He's still unconcious, but will wake up in the morning - anemic, but healthy enough.

What will you do now?

2008-01-11, 02:21 AM
'Lets Scarper, we gotta find the, thing, evil Vampire nasty, that the robin hood wannabe was worried about'

2008-01-11, 02:58 AM
"Let's make sure this guy gets to the hospital first...I don't wanna leave him here as a snack if there's any more vampires lurking about." Jenna looks through the guy's pockets to see if he's got a cell phone.

2008-01-12, 03:17 AM
You find a cellphone without a problem, and get the hospital to send an ambulance for the guy - warning them about the neck wound and loss of blood.

As you leave the alley (wanting to avoid any uncomfortable questions), you see a poster for the 'Battle of the Bands' - Saturday, 8pm at the TSB Arena (a stadium about 5 minutes drive from the center of town), introducing the hottest local talents!

2008-01-12, 06:20 AM
(What day is it today?)

Jenna reads the poster. "Well, I guess we have found the target..."

2008-01-13, 04:33 AM
(Sunday night/Monday morning still. And remember that Harry saw two vampires getting marked...)

2008-01-27, 06:44 AM
(What's happening guys? I'm still here, and what are the PC's going to do to prepare for the weekend battle?)

2008-01-27, 07:19 AM
(I don't know what's happening. I'm still here, but since I was the last to post, I was waiting.)

Jenna stifles a yawn. "Well, this thing ain't happening just yet.. Maybe we should go home, get some sleep. Stock up on stakes and stuff."

2008-01-27, 07:25 AM
((I"m Here, confused though, and I got very swamped with january exams, How about we skip forward a section, after all this is an epidosdic TV Show, not 24))

2008-01-28, 04:38 AM
(Well, just let me know the basic plans for the rest of the week, and we can skip to Saturday - if that's okay. You've proven that normal vamps are no match for your budding teamwork, and that's really all you'd be dealing with until the big night.)

2008-01-28, 03:32 PM
((A Montage scene perhaps?)

Harry works behind the Bar, Pulling Pints and buzily puring drinks for customers on a busy night. The Atmosphere is noisy and crowded, abd the DJ seems to be playing a favourite tune.

Harry Heaves a Keg onto his shoulder and carries it down the stairs, the sweat glistens on his brown as he stacks it with the rest.

Harry prowls through the dark, with what appears to be a sharpend Barstool leg, looking for vampires.

Harry takes an immense Solo on the drums, a rapid, exotic beat on the Tom's spinning around the whole kit while maintaining a pulse at it's heart. It thrums through the feet of your soles and into your belly.
With a Spin and a twirl of his sticks, he comes to a crashing, breathless, panting halt,

And looks out across the empty bar. it has obviously been closed for a while.

2008-01-28, 04:22 PM
Jenna will mostly be trying to come to terms with being the Slayer, juggling school and her extracurricular responsibilities. Patrolling with the guys at night, getting a feel for the fight, while trying to find the two marked vamps. Also, she's whittling stakes, gathering holy water, and stocking up on garlic...

2008-01-29, 02:23 AM
(Truwar? What's Bastion going to do this week?)

2008-01-29, 11:03 AM
Bastion is going to be trying to add some magic to his grimore. He will go to the magic shop that Archer brought them to and, if the rest of the group does not mind, trade one or two of the gems they recovered for access to some new spells.

2008-02-01, 03:29 AM
(You know that he does have his own magical library right? And the spells that I started you off with are not the only spells that are there? Anyway, PM me what you want the new spells to do, and I'll work out whether you can find it, how long it will take, and whether or not it'll cost.)

2008-02-01, 11:01 AM
After the encounter with the people that had been wounded by the vampires, Bastion decides to spend his time studying healing spells.

2008-02-05, 03:46 AM
(Okay, I'll work out a regeneration spell or two, but that's not going to take a week. Anything else?
And, an important question that I didn't ask before, what religion - if any - do the characters belong to, and how faithful are they?)

2008-02-05, 10:20 AM
(Jenna was raised as a Catholic, but is not very religious.)

2008-02-07, 04:04 PM
((Bastion is a mildly devout Wiccan.))

2008-02-07, 04:10 PM
((Harry Belives in an Powerful, Controlling God. He just dosn't think he likes people very much. Disinterested or just capricious, he dosn't worship, dosn't like people who try and say what 'god' wants them to do, He tolerates priests and the like.))

2008-02-08, 03:26 AM
(Still working on the regen spells, but I've got some good ideas. Just be aware that if things go wrong while casting them, they'll go really wrong.
So, faithfulness ranges from mildly devout to 'you don't care about me, so why should I care about you?' Interesting...

Ok, during the week you've narrowed down all the things that the vampires could be doing on Saturday night for a large gathering of humans to harvest, to two: the Transformers premiere night starting at 7pm, and the Battle of the Bands starting at 8pm. You're not due on until 8:30pm, so you should have enough time to do whatever you decide. Amongst your normal, and not so normal, lives, you've also done some scouting of entrances/exits, so you know where to go etc.
How do you carry your crosses, and what time do you want to start the action on Saturday?)

2008-02-08, 10:37 AM
((Bastion will get himself a small cross he can carry in a jacket pocket, he may not be Christian but he is pretty sure crosses work on vampires. He just will lean a bit more on his ability to set on fire though.))

We should probably be at both. The movie is early enough that if they are going to strike there we can fight them, but if it is at the Battle of the bands, like I think it will be, we can ditch the movie early and get there in time to stop things. Sound like a plan?

2008-02-08, 11:08 AM
"Sounds good to me. Or...you know...not good, considering...But it's a sound plan." Jenna nods at Bastion. She's got a silver cross around her neck, and a stake in her inner jacket pocket. Also, for good measure, a couple of bottles of holy water, and a spare stake in her bag.

2008-02-08, 09:14 PM
(Reminder - two marked vampires, and you don't know how many normal vamps there are...
Plus, correct me if I'm wrong, but Bastion doesn't have a ride to the TSB Arena right? Harry has a motorbike, and can give someone a ride (probably Jenna), but Bastion has no car.)

2008-02-09, 01:48 AM
Jenna thinks for a moment. "But what if they strike both places at the same time?"

2008-02-10, 04:46 AM
'Nah, think about it. If you were a Vampire, would you like to eat a bunch of Fat Anoraks looking relive their youth, and maybe some kids who are barely a snack. Or a Bunch of hyped up teenagers at battle of the bands. There gonna hit Battle of the Bands, Blatently so. Harry voiced his opinion.

Harry had tried to buy a cross, but when he went into the shop, he had felt intensely, intensely uncomfortable. He fled before the elderly shop attendant could ask him what he wanted.

He did however, have a couple to stakes in his pockets.

2008-02-11, 10:45 AM
Well… the movie will be just about over by the time Battle of the Bands begins, so I think we are just going to have to take a risk and stay at the movie as long as possible, then head to the concert. There are only three of us, so I don’t think it would be a good idea to split up.

By the way... what the heck is an Anorak?

((How is the public transit?))

2008-02-12, 04:21 AM
(Public transport is fairly bad. Being a fairly high-profile event, it'll be better than normal - a shuttle buses (1 or 2 dollar donation) leaving the bus depot every quarter hour from 6:30 to 7:30, or you can hire a taxi (probably around $10 - 15, depending on how long the driver has to wait around).
Completed the regen spells. Just be aware that these spells don't so much repair the damage done to the body as greatly speed up the body's own repairing processes. This also means that the metabolism will work overtime - possibly starving to death if the spell is too effective... I'll PM the details to Truwar.
And an anorak is pretty much a light rain jacket.)

2008-02-12, 10:56 AM
"No, we shouldn't split up,"Jenna agrees. "We'll go to the movie first, then if things seem quiet there, we can head for the concert."

2008-02-12, 11:01 AM
((Anorak is a Slang word for a geek)).

Harry rolled his eyes, and skipped past Bastions Question.
'Good Idea, so long as thats a plan and we can do it in the time. I can give some one a Lift on my bike, but how's the other gonna make it?'

2008-02-14, 03:48 PM
((Yep, I looked it up on Wikipedia before Bastion even asked the question. ;) ))

Sheesh, we really need to get a set of wheels. Maybe we can convince the magic shop lady to donate some cash to the cause, seeing as how we are protecting the city from a vampire apocalypse.

2008-02-14, 04:32 PM
"Ah...I can get some cash...Maybe we can rent a car? One of you have to do it, though, I'm not old enough."

2008-02-15, 04:43 AM
(Renting a car is ok - though I will need to make up some price for it. Or, depending on how much time the characters have, and how much car knowledge, you could buy one. Anywhere from $100 to several thousand, though the cheaper it is, the more likely it is to be a bomb.)

2008-02-20, 01:41 PM
A picture of just exactly what could happen to a car whilst in the middle of a fierce battle with vampires dances through Bastion’s mind. Maybe we should rent a ride tonight… but we should probably buy the extra insurance… Hopefully our friend with the magic emporium can help us get something a bit more permanent to haul ourselves around in.

2008-02-20, 02:53 PM
"Ok...I'll go liquidate some cash, or whatever it's called. See you back at the bar?" Jenna gives a small wave, and starts heading off home.

2008-02-21, 02:09 PM
((If no one objects, I'll skip forwards a bit....))

Harry polished the glass and set it on the shelf. He took another from the sink,
and began to dry it with his dishcloth.

Then, he spotted across the bar, Jenna and Bastion walk in through the doors.
'Boss, I'm off shift'

He strode over, and was pulling on his jacket.
'Hey Guys, ready to go the film?'

2008-02-22, 04:58 AM
(Okay. Guess that was starting to take a bit long :smallbiggrin:

Jenna gets the money out to rent the car without a problem (her accounts are large enough that the minor withdrawal is barely noticeable), and gives it to Bastion to hire the car. The driver has been told to be waiting across from the Cinema for up to three people at 7:45.

Time is Saturday night, 6:30, and Jenna and Bastion have just entered the Grumpy Mole to see Harry. You don't know where Archer is, but get the feeling that he'll be around somewhere nearby.

2008-02-22, 07:51 AM
"Yeah, ready as I'll ever be..." Jenna smiles a little nervously. "Hoka hey, right?"

2008-02-26, 03:37 AM
Jenna gets a message from Craig that he's organized a ride for your bassist, and they'll meet you there.

2008-02-27, 04:22 PM
Jenna shares the message with the others. "Craig'll meet us there. They both will."

2008-03-09, 02:43 AM
(Guys? Hello? What are you doing?)

2008-03-09, 10:33 AM
(I'm still here. Don't know what the others are up to.)

2008-03-09, 01:09 PM
((I was waiting for more scene changeyness, but here we go))

Harry revved up his bike, and roared across town to the Cinema. It was busy, and crowed with geeks, and children, and children who were geeks, and geeks acting like children.

He dismounted, and parked the bike in a quiet corner, the made his way to the car Bastion and Jenna had driven.

'Ready to kick some undead arse?'

2008-03-10, 02:02 AM
(Just in case I wasn't clear enough, the other two band members are meeting you at the Stadium, not the Cinema.)

Being the first night of a highly anticipated movie, the Cinema is packed with people. The two elevators are in constant motion, and there is a steady stream of people on the escalator. The attached arcade is doing rather well also, with the people waiting for their session to start.

(The Cinema is on the second and third floors of it's building, and has 5 screens - 4 on the second floor and 1 on the third. The second floor also has a small arcade - around 12 different games - in a semi-separate section, while the third floor also has a children's indoor playground/daycare centre. From the escalator (the most common way of entering), there is a few stairs leading the second floor screens almost directly ahead, a snack bar to the left, and the ticket stand further to the left. Then there is the two elevators and the arcade. The arcade is almost directly opposite the stairs leading to the screens. Continuing to circle the area is the escalator up to the third floor, the escalator back down to the ground floor, the toilets, the fire escape, and the stairs leading to the screens.

On the third floor, directly behind the escalator is the children's playground/daycare center, in front is the stairs leading to the screen, and to the right are some vending machines, a fire escape and some staff only rooms. I'd have done a map, but don't know how to attach one even if I had a map.)

2008-03-11, 02:11 PM
Jenna looks at the others. "Should we split up? Cover more ground? I figure we should do a full sweep of the place, make sure it's vamp free before we continue on to the Stadium. What do you say?"

2008-03-12, 02:16 AM
(Time is 6:35pm. You have 1 hour and 10 minutes before the car arrives to take the stragglers to the Stadium. What are you going to do? And do remember that there are a LOT of people milling around at the moment.)

2008-03-13, 05:45 PM
I say we stick together. We MIGHT be able to find the… “people” we are looking for more quickly if we were split up, but that will leave us vulnerable. Lets not take any unneeded risks, it looks like the three of us is all there is to fight of what’s congregating in this city and we cannot afford to lose even one person.

2008-03-13, 05:52 PM
((Any way Harry can Scent Vampires?))
'Sounds good to me' Harry is trying, and failing to look unobtruesivly round the clumps and groups of people.

He looks like someone doing a bad secret agent act.

2008-03-14, 05:13 AM
(Adlan - not yet... Be patient and it may come.)

2008-03-14, 05:32 AM
"We should each have a small pocket mirror. That way we can find out if anyone in the crowd is missing from the reflection." Jenna looks around for anything reflective.

2008-03-15, 05:30 AM
The only reflective surfaces are in the toilets, and one pillar close to the ticket windows. Fairly difficult to notice who doesn't have a reflection in the crowd though. Besides, it's still a touch too light outside for them to arrive yet.

2008-03-19, 09:42 AM
Bastion moves up next to the others and whispers. I hate to say it, but I think we are going to have to wait until the vamps attack anyway. We can’t exactly go staking some person walking through the front door because we know he is a vampire. That will be awfully tough to explain to folks and someone might even try and HELP the creature. If we are careful, we should be able get the vampire after it attacks, but before it is able to kill.

2008-03-20, 06:46 AM
(I'm going to assume that everyone's waiting now.)

Time passes kind of slowly. The crowds finally start to clear, and then almost disappear as the movies start. At 7:25, the main theatre is almost empty, as all the customers have gotten their snacks and are starting to enjoy their movies. There are two ladies at the ticket windows, two more at the snack bar, and a couple of guys and girls cleaning up spilt popcorn.

Where are you waiting, and what are you doing (aside from waiting)?

2008-03-20, 07:13 AM
Jenna looks around impatiently, keeping a close eye on the ones left in the hall. If there are any reflective surfaces around, she tries to see if any of the stragglers are missing a reflection.

2008-03-21, 04:49 AM
(Which means Jenna is between the escalator to the third floor and the ticket windows. She can also see the elevators. Harry? Bastion?)

2008-03-21, 09:52 AM
Bastion positions himself at the back of the theatre, keeping an eye out for trouble in the seats.

2008-03-21, 11:31 AM
Harry has been wandering around, trying not to be suruptious. Which of course has had him tagged by the security guards. He noticed that he had been noticed, and has ended up watching the doors, while being watched.

2008-03-22, 04:08 AM
(Bastion - which theatre? There are five of them in the building - four on the second floor and one on the third.

Harry - So you would be watching the fire exit and steps leading to the four theatres on the second floor? And there's only one 'guard', who's waiting at the top of the steps and watching the doors to the theatres.

Oh, btw, the steps leading to the four on the second floor and one on the third are small - like four or five carpeted steps leading to a short corridor (for the second floor) or a platform and door (for the third floor). Hope that makes things a little clearer.)

2008-03-27, 03:53 AM
(Truwar, Adlan, I really need confirmation on where Bastion and Harry are waiting. Can't progress without this vital information.)

2008-03-27, 04:15 AM
(Sorry, I didn't realise it was a question. Yes, Harry will be watching the Fire Exit and stairs, while being watched by the security guard)

2008-03-28, 04:02 AM
(Now just waiting for Truwar...and then the fun can begin :smallbiggrin: )

2008-03-28, 09:36 AM
Bastion will casually roam the halls, waiting fro the sounds of screams and keeping an eye out for vamps.

2008-03-29, 06:32 AM
(And we begin...)

Bastion, as you patrol the complex, you take a trip up to the third floor - just in time to see one of the elevators open, with two vamps in it, 'game faces' on.

Jenna, you see the other elevator open, four vamps in it (including one of Harry's perpetually damp 'friends', who has a symbol marked on his forehead).

Harry, you see the guard's face start to pale as he looks at something behind you and off to your left...

7:27 now. Passengers have 18 minutes to meet the car.

2008-03-29, 06:40 AM
Harry turns, to see what is scaring the security guard, drawing the Escrima stick he had somehow hidden in his Biker Jacket (it would explain why he had been standing so straight, rather than slouching).

2008-03-29, 07:50 AM
Jenna mutters to herself: "Ok, here goes..." and pulls a stake from inside her jacket. Grateful most of the crowd has gone inside the theatre, she moves towards the elevator, hoping to take out the vamp with the mark, and hoping the boys will be back soon. Not wanting to give them time to react, she greets them with a spin kick.

(http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/1542796/ )

(Rolled a total of 27, spent a drama point, dmg I think is strx3, which is 18, plus success levels.)

2008-03-29, 11:05 PM
Harry - the guard starts backing away from the approaching vamps, and also starts fumbling at his belt for his walkie-talkie.

Jenna - good news and bad news. Good news, your kick surprises the lead vamp totally, breaking his nose and sending him back into the elevator. Bad news, the other three vamps attack. Only one of them manages to hit, catching you with a fist to the gut (12 points of damage), and sending you back into the wooden slat bench beside the up escalator. As you travel, make a Perception roll (Perception + Notice).

Incidentally, the ladies (3) behind the ticket booth and snack bar let out screams and drop to the floor as you reappear, while the cleaners (2) start running for the escalator down.

2008-03-30, 04:03 AM
Harry raises his Staff with a twirl, and leaps into the fray, a swirl of movement towards the vampires advancing towards Jenna.

Harry isn't trying to hurt them, just keep them off the slayer long enough for her to get up, and back into the fight

((Roll of 28 (http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/1543827/) d10+5 (skill) + 18 (strength+1 x3))

2008-03-30, 04:15 AM
Jenna notices nothing but the fight (Rolled an 8 total), but scrambles to her feet again, and goes into the fray once more. (If she can, am confused as to if she was tossed out of the elevator and they continued up). Her stake ready, she attacks the nearest vamp, trying to dust him.

(Stake through the heart = 18 http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/1543836/
dmg 18x5, I think)

2008-03-31, 04:46 AM
(Sorry about the confusion. The four vamps were all exiting the elevator when Jenna jumped in and booted Harry's 'friend' in the nose and sent him back in. The other three who were just out of it all took swings, one of which connected and sent Jenna flying backwards towards the escalator (moving staircase) up, causing her to hit the side and fall onto the wooden slat bench. The escalators are all in the middile of the room, with both up escalators (extry to complex from ground floor and going to third floor) positioned parallell to the ticket booth, one over the other, and both down escalators (from third floor to second, and from second floor to ground) positioned to the right of the up ones - also parallell. The elevators almost directly face the escalator to the third floor.

Did that make things at all clearer?

And I need to wait for Bastion's actions before posting the results of next turn - except to say that Harry doesn't manage to get there in time to do anything this turn.)

2008-03-31, 09:59 AM
Well… here we go, lets hope we all don’t end up in the clink. With that Bastion takes cover in a doorway and begins to chant quietly directing his will at one of the vampires, trying to burn it to ash before he has to deal with the other one.

((Using ignite on the vampire [roll0] using a drama point))

2008-03-31, 02:23 PM
(Not much clearer, but if it doesn't affect my action, I'll keep it:) )

2008-04-01, 04:38 AM
(You know, using a FIRE spell inside a modern building, equipped with fire alarms and sprinklers might not have been your best idea, but if that's what you want... :smalltongue: The Air Fist spell probably would have been a better choice.)

On the third floor, several things happen at the same time. Bastion's chant finishes and sets the first vamp on fire. This sets off the smoke detectors, which sets off the sprinklers, which totally ruins the movie for the people in Theatre 5, and sends them scrambling for the nearest exit. At least the flaming vamp is dusted before the sprinklers could douse him. The other vamp takes advantage of Bastion's inattention and punches him in the face for 10 damage. You have maybe 3 rounds before any of the angry (and rapidly becoming soaking wet) patrons manage to get out of the theatre - judging by the sounds of shock and surprise getting slightly closer (or further away, depending on which of the two exits they use).

On the second floor, you hear the smoke detectors from the third floor activate, and see the pouring water from the sprinklers coming down the gap caused by the escalator (incidentally shorting it out), but it doesn't affect you at all.

The elevator door closes on the perpetually wet vamp before he recovers from the kick to the face, but the elevator wasn't called so he'll be out next round.

One of the three vamps left sees Harry coming and moves to attack, but gets winded by an Escrima staff blow to the chest.
The other two swing wildly at Jenna. One of them gives her a glancing blow to the head (5 damage) just as her stake attempts to find it's heart. "Really glad the boss told us to wear some armor tonight," it says before moving to grab the stake, "otherwise that would have been very bad."

(Round two actions for Bastion? Round 3 for Jenna and Harry? See you Thursday!)

2008-04-01, 04:03 PM
Jenna whips the stake back, and attempts to drive her knee up between his legs. "Did he tell you to wear a jock strap?"

(groin shot= 18 http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/1547034/
not sure of the damage, but I think he needs to roll Willpower to stay on his feet, or conscious.)

2008-04-02, 11:30 AM
Bastion staggers back a bit from the punch a bit then recovers, quickly drawing in eldritch energy. You got a heck of a right cross, let’s see if you can take it as well as dish it out.

Fist of air: [roll0]

2008-04-03, 03:40 AM
(Let's see if we can get everyone on to the same round.)

Bastion - The vampire gets another lucky shot in (8 damage) just before your spell blasts it back into the (now closed) elevator doors. You hear several bones snapping as it howls in pain and drops to the floor.

(Bastion and Harry round 3?)

2008-04-03, 03:52 AM
Hearing the Comment about Armour, Harry swears, because just as he hears it, he is aluanching a mighty strike against the winded vampires chest.

I really hope I don't break this. he thought, as he brought the hardwood staff down.

(( 5 Getting Medival, 3 x strength 1 = 18 = 23 (1d10 23=31) (http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/1549085/)))

2008-04-03, 09:40 AM
If the vampire is completely out, Bastion jam a stake into him. If he is not, Bastion will hit him with another fist of air: [roll0]

2008-04-04, 04:56 AM
Bastion - the vampire tries feebly to move as your stake hits it's heart, before turning to dust. You figure you'd better get down to the second floor before those angry patrons get out, and before someone starts asking questions about the large dents in the elevator doors...

Harry - the vampire you're facing tries to recover and defend itself against your assault, and is partially successful. Your blow shatters it's left arm just below the elbow, instead of caving in the ribcage.

Jenna - As the vampire reaches for your stake, your knee finds a most tender part of its anatomy, and drops it to the floor clutching itself in agony. The other vamp tries a different tactic and sweeps your legs out (4 damage) before trying to pin you down.

(Round 4 everyone. Jenna and Harry, Perception + Notice please. Also Jenna, Strength + appropriate skill to avoid the pin.)

2008-04-04, 06:07 AM
(Perception+notice= 15 http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/1550129/
strenght+kung fu= 19 http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/1550130/)

Jenna tries to twist away from the pin, shoving the vamp away, before attempting to drive her stake into his back.

(Stake through the heart =25 http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/1550132/ )

2008-04-04, 09:34 AM
Bastion slips the stake back into his coat and hurries down the stairs, hoping that the two vampires he had fought were all of them but fairly certain that if there were anymore vampires in the theatre, Jenna would be fighting them.

2008-04-04, 10:35 AM
((Perception +3 Notice+0 (1d10+3=13) (http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/1550278/)))

Harry tries again to stake the Vampire, the staff thrusting forwards like a lance.

(( 5 Getting Medival, 3 x strength 1 = 18 = 23 (1d10 23=30) (http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/1550284/)))

2008-04-05, 04:31 AM
Bastion - you get your soaking wet self down the slippery metal stairs of the shorted out escalator without any trouble - just in time to see Harry and Jenna dusting two vamps. One is still writhing in pain on the floor, and one of Harry's friends with a symbol on his forehead is just coming out of the elevator.

Harry - your staff breaks through the reeling vampire's guard with ease, punching through it's heart and turning it to dust. And you hear the elevator door open again - seeing one of your friends stepping out with a symbol one his forehead and some blood dripping off his face.

Jenna - while you easily reverse the pin that the vamp tried - following up with a stake to the heart and dustcloud - you happen to hear the elevator door open again, and the vamp you booted in the face steps out. You notice one thing which worries you though - his nose is no longer broken. The vamp on the floor also looks like he's about to recover from the groin shot.

(Round 5 everyone.)

2008-04-05, 05:41 AM
Harry turns, and see's his soggy friend, snarling. Harry Snarls to, or tries to, but the dust from the one he just staked turns a frightingly animal noise into a damp cough.
'Oh, dam.

Using the staff, he supports himself, whole he hacks up some pheglem, spits, and rushes the Vampire.

With a swirl of his Staff he brings a Direct Attack against his soggy friend, as if to smash in his skull, and sever his spine.

(( 5 Getting Medival, 3 x strength 1 = 18 = 23 1d10 Plot Point (2d10 23=37) (http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/1551140/)))

2008-04-05, 06:51 AM
Jenna jumps to her feet, and rushes at the marked vampire, hoping Harry's attack will distract him enough for her to drive her stake through his heart.

(stake throughthe heart+drama point= 25 http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/1551170/ )

2008-04-06, 04:37 AM
(Sorry Jenna and Harry. Some things are going to happen. You both have your drama points returned, with Harry recieving one more and Jenna recieving two more. She's really hurting now, but thanks to her Slayer powers activating, she's not close to death.)

Jenna - the still recovering vamp on the ground grabs for your leg and throws you off balance - just in time for Harry's friend to give you an almighty blow (20 damage) to the face, which knocks you flat on your back and stuns you for the next round.

Harry - seeing Jenna getting knocked around like that makes you really angry. So angry it would be better called wrath. And something happens to your body... You start growing black fur, your muscles twist and turn, growing larger and thicker. Your bones move in a most unpleasant way, and your clothes rip apart from the strain. A bestial howl comes from your mouth, and soon the change is complete. (Think Sirius' dog form from Prisoner of Azkaban, only 6 feet tall at the shoulder, and meaner.) Snarling, you spot the now scared vamp on the floor, and contempteously rip his throat out before turning back to the one who hurt Jenna, growling with menace.

Incidentally, the people who had started to come out of the upstairs theatre decide to take the fire escape instead of the escalator.

(Bastion round 5 please. This transformation took place in full view of Bastion, Jenna and Harry's soaked friend. The theatre staff are all hiding, and didn't see anything - though they definately heard it. Did I do good? :smallbiggrin: )

2008-04-06, 05:51 AM
((Evil Evil DM, Bad things are gonna happen now. And you thought Harry was some crazy drift from England :amused: ))

Jenna, just some little school kid really, was getting beten up pretty bad. And Harry knew that there was some mystic mumbojumbo, about her being special, but really still to harry, she was just the lead signer in Harry's band. And no one beats up Harry's band members.

He was going to rush them, but as he took a step, his anger corusing through his veins, he felt strange, another step stranger still. Pain, White hot, but gloriously adrenaline filled and intertwined with the anger coursed through him. He felt his senses sharpen, the world seemed to come alive as if time slowed, the smell of stale popcorn and blood filled his nose, which lengthend, and changed, and became a snout, his Jaw filled with Large, Sharp Canines. His Legs changed, and the growing musclestruture (and Harry before was by no means scrawny) split his t-shirt, and his jacket shed off him like a snakes skin. Fur, thick and Black, coverd him. Like a Huge Old English Mastiff, or some giant great Dane.

And Like a Dog, with one huge paw on the vampires Chest, And with one Bite from his Jaws, Harry Ripped out the throat of the Vampire at his feet, and turned, to face the marked one.

With a Deep Voice Bark that was almost a roar, He Lept, Landing just infront of the Vampire and bounding into the attack with all his momentum and fury. His Jaws Flashing and his eyes. His eyes the only human thing about him, but still unsetteling, one red, one green.

((Attack Roll is 1d10 5(Kung Fu) 5 Attacking after a Leap, Damage is 18, becasue of strength 9, and bite attack x2. (1d10 10=16) (http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/1552967/)))

2008-04-06, 07:19 AM
Jenna gasps seeing Harry turn into a furry monster dog right above her as she lies on her back trying to catch her breath and come to her senses after the stunning blow.

2008-04-07, 04:21 AM
(Much more descriptive then my attempt Adlan. I do like your 'Evil DM' comment too :smallbiggrin: . And the vamp doesn't survive it's throat being ripped out either. Need to wait for Bastion's reaction before I post the results of the next round.)

2008-04-07, 11:18 AM
Bastion stumbles off the wet stairs just in time to see Harry’s frightening transformation and swears under his breath. Loup Garou… just perfect. Bation launches a fist of air at the marked vampire that Harry is facing then scrabbles across the wet floor to Jenna’s side and helps her up.

Fist of Air: [roll0]

2008-04-08, 05:38 AM
(Sorry Truwar. You can have your Drama Point back, and another because I'm feeling generous... :smallbiggrin: )

Bastion - you feel the familiar energies of your spell building, but your concentration fails at a critical moment due to fatigue, building up from casting too many high powered spells in such a short time. You're lucky. The backlash merely knocks you down and drains some of your energy (6 damage) - you also feel your nose start bleeding slightly.

Jenna - shaking your head to try to clear the cobwebs in your thoughts, you manage to stand up and take a ready stance.

Harry - your tremendous leap hits the surprised vamp with all the momentum of a freight train, slamming him to the floor. Somehow, his reflexes enable him to flip you off him, but not before you tear a nice meaty chunk out of his arm - used to deflect you from tearing out his throat like you did his friend. He stands as you recover, then starts laughing at you. "Watch." He says, and holds out his arm, healing so fast that you can see it. He laughs again, before beckoning for you to have another go.

(Am I evil or what? :smallwink: )

2008-04-08, 06:34 AM
Harry shakes his head like a... well, like a dog, clearing the taste of vampire from his mouth. He Snarls, and Bares his fangs as the Vampire Taunts him.

With a Coiled spring, Harry pounces at the Vampire, while shouting
'Jenna Stake Him. Quick'

Or At least, that's what he tries to say, all that comes out his a series of bloodcurdling barks and snaps, as Harry tries to Get a Good solid bite and Pin him Down

((Using one Drama point to try and pin the vamp to the floor. Damage is still 18. (1d10 1d10 5=16) (http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/1555589/) However, failed to understand drama points. Should be a roll of 21))

2008-04-08, 07:04 AM
Seeing the monster that used to be Harry pin the vampire down (hopefully), Jenna steps in with a well placed stake through the heart, hoping the vampire doesn't twist away. "Let's see if you can heal this..."

(Stake through the heart + drama point = 27 http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/1555598/ )

2008-04-08, 12:52 PM
((Actually I did not use a drama point on that last spell. Bastion has a Willpower of 6, sorcery of 3 and occultism of 4 for a total bonus of 13. He has a 23 bonus when he uses a drama point. I don’t mind having a spell go haywire for dramatic effect though. :smallbiggrin: ))

Stumbling slightly under the effect of the failed spell, Bastion attempts to gain his balance back and clear his head of the spell induced fog currently gripping it.

2008-04-09, 05:25 AM
(I don't think this is too bad, but you guys can both have your Drama points back.)

Bastion - Your mind clears, but your spell casting abilities are still quite impaired, and you're quite fatigued from the spells you've been tossing without a thought.

Harry and Jenna - you both leap for the vampire, who sneers at Harry just before leaping through the ticket booth's window, after the ticket ladies. Luckily you both manage to avoid hurting each other as you land. Seconds later you hear screams from the women who are running for the staff exit door, and a roar of pain from the vampire - who you're guessing encountered an unexpected cross.

2008-04-09, 06:34 AM
Jenna leaps after him, stake at the ready.

2008-04-09, 12:13 PM
Awww, crimanitlly… Bastions runs towards where the vampire jumped, hoping he was not about to get a crash course on the dining habits of the urban vampire. As soon as he sees the vampire, he will try to freeze it in its tracks.

((How big a penalty does Bastion have? If the failed spell counts, I think he should have a -4 (the first fire spell he cast should not count, then he cast the fist of air (-2), then he failed to cast one at the vessel vamp (-4). Let me know if he has any other penalties. At any rate, Bastion will try to cast Hold Person and will use a drama point: [roll0] (1d10+13+10-4) ))

2008-04-09, 03:42 PM
The worst thing you can do with a Dog is Run away. And if you take wolf, and cross it with a human, a dog is what you get. Like a Terrier after a Rat, Harry leaps after the Vampire, squeesing (or smashing) his way through the ticket window.

If his Leap can carry him far enough, he will land on the vampire, and try to bite him once more. With a Might clomp of his jaws, he will rip and tear at the vampires head if he can.

((Leap of upto 45 yards, and an Attack of 1 Plot Point = 10, 5 for attacking after a leap, 5 kung fu = 1d10 20 (1d10 20=30) (http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/1557290/)))

2008-04-12, 06:16 AM
Everyone - your combined assault on the slightly singed vampire ends with a dustcloud. Managing to shake off enough of the spellcasting fatigue, Bastion casts a binding spell on the vampire which freezes him in place. Moments later, Jenna's stake finds his heart just as Harry's teeth rip out his throat.

However, seeing an impossibly large dog landing behind the ticket booth sends the frantically scrambling employee into hysterics - especially after seeing the same impossibly large dog rip out her attacker's throat seconds before he turned into dust. The crazy looking girl with the wooden stake isn't helping much either.

(Okay. 10 minutes before the car arrives, you don't know how long before emergency services respond to the triggered fire sprinklers, you don't know if anyone has called the police, there is at least one hysterical cinema employee, and Harry's going to need some new clothes if he changes back. As for how badly hurt you are...you can use Drama points 1 at a time to halve whatever damage you have taken, and both Jenna and Harry heal Con life points per hour. What's the plan?)

2008-04-12, 08:03 AM
Jenna looks from the dustcloud, to the...whatever Harry was, to her stake, and finally to the fleeing cinema workers. "Uh....great special effects show, everyone! Too bad the audience took the stairs!" Looking to Harry and Bastion, adrenaline still pumping enough for her to deal with the pain from her wounds, she motions to the door. "I think we should leave before the second act...And I really hope you can change back from that, Harry. Although you look cuddly enough now, you were much cuter before." She smiles a little, and puts her stake away in her jacket pocket, wincing as she brushes a particulaly nasty bruise.

(I guess the plan is get out, get Harry new clothes, then wait for the car. Spending 1 drama point to halve the damage.)

2008-04-12, 03:10 PM
((Harry has no Idea how to turn back! And he won't, not yet))

Harry said. Or tried to say. All that came out was:

It was then he looked down at his hands, and the pain, and adrenaline, and Instinct fades.

Holy Bloody Bollocking Hell!
Woof, Woof, Woof. Bark!

Leaving sounds like a good plan
Woof Bark, Woof, Woof!
Harry's big doggy face seems very confused.

2008-04-13, 05:56 AM
(Jenna's total damage will end up being 20 points by the time you get to the show. Your lame excuse doesn't work, but Harry's confused barking while moving away from her slightly calms the hysterical employee down - at least she stops screaming though she's still shaking in fear. Bastion's reaction?)

2008-04-14, 04:30 PM
((Sorry, for reason my post this morning did not take))

Bastion quickly gathers up the scraps of Harry’s clothing and hustles everyone out of the theatre and into a nearby alley. Eyeballing Harry with the calm of someone who grew up around the occult, he shakes his head. I don’t suppose you could change back could you? Of course I don’t know what draw more attention, a werewolf or a naked Harry… How much time do we have before the concert starts? If we have time, maybe we can get Harry something to wear, in case he decides the “au super-naturel” look is not for him.

2008-04-15, 04:56 AM
(How heartless. No-one going to try calm the hysterical woman down? :smalltongue: )

Off in the distance you hear approaching sirens, and estimate they'll be here in 5 minutes. 5 minutes after the sirens is the time for the car. Whatever you're going to do, you better do it quick.

Having hid in fear from the vamps, the guard sneaks in to the staff entrance for the snack bar/ticketbooth to see if his co-workers are okay - and the hysterical woman immediately latches on to him, bawling into his shoulder and mumbling incoherently.

2008-04-15, 08:11 AM
(We tried to calm her down by taking the big wolf out of there:) And since we were part of the reason she's freaking out in the first place, maybe someone else should help her...)

Jenna nods at Bastion, hiding a small grin. "Yeah...we should probably get him some clothes..." She checks her watch. "The car will be here in ten minutes. What do you say we dodge the police and try to meet the car somewhere else? Can we call them?"

2008-04-16, 04:40 AM
(If anyone knows the company's number and has a cellphone handy, then, yeah, you could call and change the pickup point. Ideas on where? And you'll have to be quick about it. As for the screaming employee, she didn't see Bastion at all, only the vamp, the giant wolf/dog thing, and the crazy girl with a stake.)

2008-04-22, 05:12 AM
(Guys? New pickup place and time? And where are you going to get clothes for Harry in the few minutes you have? Wherever you're going, you'll need to run. And an OOC question - how am I doing as GM?)

2008-04-22, 10:04 AM
Knowing their time is short, Bastion springs into action. Jenna call the car company. Have them pick us up a block or two away. Harry umm… are you going to stay being that err… hairy? If so you are probably going to need to get to the concert on your own. I will see what I can do for you in the meantime. Bastion look sup and down the street for an open clothing shop.

2008-04-22, 10:37 AM
<Double Post>

2008-04-22, 10:40 AM
(You're doing fine:) )

Jenna calls the car company and asks them to stop a couple of blocks away, outside a store she knows the name of, while the guys sort out the clothing problem.

2008-04-22, 01:12 PM
((You are doing well good. But don't be afraid to make descions))

Harry trys to communicate, but again....
'woof, woof, woof....'

'I can't change back. I don't think.

I know the way to the Gig though.

'though how in blue blazes I can play....?
'....woof woof woof

2008-04-24, 04:59 AM
Ok, you have the foresight to grab Harry's rags as you run down the escalator and out the back. Somehow, Jenna manages to run through The Warehouse (the only place open at the moment), grab a set of clothes for Harry, drop off the clothes for Harry, and get herself and Bastion to the new meeting place for the car in time. The driver isn't happy at Bastion being soaking wet, nor Jenna's rather visable bruises, but agrees to take you to the Stadium for an extra $30 to cover the cleaning. Jenna herself is extremely grateful for her Slayer endurance and speed.

Just after Jenna sprints back with the new clothes, Harry changes back into a 'normal' guy and quickly gets dressed - transferring whatever survived from his rags, before going for his bike to get to the Stadium.

As you all arrive at the back entrance, you somehow manage to find Craig and Doug in the mass of people milling around, preparing for their act and checking out the competition. Craig looks at you and says "What the hell happened to you all? You're soaking wet, you're beat up, and you look kind of freaked. We've got only 30 minutes to make sure we're all set for our number. Not to mention that you don't look like you're part of a band. Well?"

2008-04-24, 05:43 AM

As jenna and Bastion Drove, off, harry wished, wished that he could go with them. That he wasn't stuck as a huge dog.

Really, the transforming into a huge dog should of worried him, but there had been to many things to think of, and hay, in world of magic, vampires and arrowslinging gandalf wannabees, who's to say this was unusual.

It was then that he realised he was cold, pink, naked and human.

With what was left of his jeans (barely held together) and his jacket (which had survived only a little distressed. He tried to make himself decent, and took his motor bike, As fast as he could, taking a shortcut to Stadium. he managed to catch up with Jenna, and quickly struggle into the fresh jeans and T-shirt, as he was trying to hitch the too loose trousers up, they ran into Craig.
'You wouldn't Belive it'

2008-04-24, 08:02 AM
Jenna glances to Harry, relieved he's not so shaggy anymore. Turning back to Craig and Doug, she laughs a little nervously. "Yeah, it's a long story...Let's get ready for the gig, I need to warm up."

2008-04-28, 08:26 AM
"Okay," says Craig. "If you really don't want to tell me, that's fine. I'd just appreciate a little more warning about stuff like this. Come on. Let's find a spare area to peactice and prepare."

Through the crowding bands looking for practice spaces or missing band members, you somehow manage to follow Doug and Craig, and find an empty room large enough.

( Soaking wet Bastion going to comment or anything before moving further?)

2008-04-28, 10:59 AM
Bastion just shrugs at their band mate’s admonition and heads for the back, not wanting to share too much information with a guy he did not particularly trust in the first place. Once he has his guitar in his hands, a great deal of the tension seems to flow out of him while he quietly picks through the chords of the songs they plan on playing.

2008-04-29, 01:13 AM
Jenna starts warming up her voice, doing vocal exercises, and starting to feel a whole new type of nervousness seep into her before the performance.

(I'll be away from Wednesday to Sunday. Feel free to npc Jenna in the meantime.)

2008-04-30, 04:10 AM
(There's going to be a few more vamps in this upcoming fight, though there's also a lot more NPCs - mainly bystanders. It'll be interesting trying to fight in the crowded confines of the Stadium, and trying to keep the bystanders alive... As you might have guessed, the more people get drained by the marked vamps, the more powerful the Big Bad will be at the end.)

Your practice is going well, with the band relaxing and getting ready for your performance, when the music from the current band stops. "Greetings cattle," sneers a rough voice from the loudspeakers "You will now fulfill your purpose, and sacrifice your souls for my Master."

As screams start to echo through the Stadium, a vamp bursts into your practice room, intending to herd you into the crowd waiting to be drained...

2008-04-30, 04:27 AM
Practing a twirl with his drumsticks just as the Vamp bursts into the room, Harry turns, and swears.

Then, without thought, leaps at the Vampire, Drumstick in hand, hoping that surprise and speed will let him stake the Vamp before it notices.

Yeah, the without though part of the action was what he realised, halfway through the action, but by then, too late.

((Attack roll, 5 for Kung Fu, 10 for using a Drama Point. (1d10 15=22) (http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/1582463/)))

2008-04-30, 10:18 AM
Bastion keeps playing his guitar, using the rhythm of the instrument instead of his usual arcane gestures as a focus for his power. With a sudden, discordant shriek of his guitar, Bastion releases a bolt of hardened air at the vampire, trying to crush it to pulp.

Fist of Air [roll0]

2008-05-01, 02:29 AM
(Yawielas isn't here, so I've been asked to NPC Jenna 'til she gets back.)

Jenna also acts without thinking, snapping off a well aimed kick to the vamp's head. The vamp, given the triple threat is very quickly dusted.

First, Jenna's boot snaps his head back with a broken nose. Heartbeats later, Bastion's Fist of Air impacts, snapping a couple of ribs as he hits the door, just before he rebounds back into Harry's drumstick and collapses into a pile of dust.

As you look back at Doug and Craig, Roll Perception + Notice (no Drama points).

2008-05-02, 05:49 PM
Notice: [roll0]

Bastion carefully sets his guitar down and motions to the others. We better go and see what is going on out there.

2008-05-02, 05:52 PM
<<Accidental double post>>

2008-05-06, 04:35 AM
(Notice rolls for Jenna and Harry please. Yawielas, you are back right?)

2008-05-20, 04:20 AM
(Guys? You still there? Still need those rolls for Jenna and Harry before we continue.)

2008-05-20, 07:08 AM
(I am still here)

2008-05-20, 12:29 PM
Notice Roll (1d10 3=10) (http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/1601344/)

2008-05-21, 04:05 PM
(Sorry, for some reason my subscribed games hasn't updated the last weeks. I'm still here! Notice roll: 9 http://roll.coyotecode.net/lookup.php?rollid=5316 )

2008-05-22, 04:52 AM
(Ok, we're back in business.)

All you notice is the Orange gem sparkling in the dust pile that used to be a vampire, and Craig and Doug looking a bit shocked.

"What the hell was that?" exclaims Craig. "That thing bursts in here, ready to do who knows what to us, and you take it out in seconds. What the hell?"

Doug just sits back, speechless, and lets Craig take charge.

(Just to give you an idea of the situation from the characters point-of-view. You're in a small room off the main corridor of the ground floor, roughly in the middle of the Stadium. That you know of, there are two main exit/entrances, that are going to guarded by vampires preventing people escaping, one at either end of the main corridor. There is at least one vampire draining people, probably out in the middle of the field. This vampire is also sending energy back to its Master. There are an unknown number of vampires herding an unknown number of people into a vampire feeding line. And the other two members of your band, that you have seen going into a secret base of some kind, now know that you are more then ordinary humans. What's the plan?)

2008-05-22, 09:52 AM
Explanations later, stopping people from getting eaten now. Bastion rushes out into the stadium, trying to spot where the vampire that is feeding on the concert goers is.

((btw, what is the range of my spells?))

2008-05-22, 10:15 AM
Jenna nods. "Yeah, we'll explain later." She hurries after Bastion, stake at the ready.

2008-05-23, 04:12 AM
"Fine. Let's be heroes and save the people. If we still have a concert, then we WILL talk after the show." Craig stated.

As you step out of the room into the chaos, you see a couple of vamps herding the people into a big clump from either end of the corridor, and (by peering over the heads of the crowd) you can see some of them moving down the hallway which you assume leads outside (just off to the right, on the left hand side of the corridor). The vamps are too busy with the 'cattle' to have noticed you yet, and you can also see more people coming down the stairs from the higher levels.

(So, vamps to the left, vamps to the right, vamps outside, vamps above, and nowhere for the bystanders to run to. And I'll read up on the spells again for ranges, but I don't think it'll be a problem - given how close the vamps usually are when the spells start flying anyway. And your next spell will be at a penalty too - don't you just hate the mystical fatigue...)

2008-05-23, 10:21 AM
Jenna immediately starts to work her way towards the marked vamp, figuring it's best to take him out as soon as possible.

2008-05-26, 05:47 AM
(Ok, interesting plan. Bastion and Harry?)

2008-05-26, 10:11 PM
Bastion follows Jenna, ready to blast any Vamp that gets into her way.

((Fist of air if there are sprinklers and ignite if there are not))

Sorcery check: [roll0] ((includes -2 modifier for casting second spell))

2008-05-27, 02:47 AM
Harry mutters somthing unintelligable (and unprintable even if he spoke with clear diction).

Then he too runs alongside Jenna, hoping to take him down first, and stop the ritual.

2008-05-27, 07:44 AM
(Ok. The poor people trying to avoid the coming fight are going to have nowhere to run, and you're going to do some flashy heroic stuff in front of everyone. Too late to change your minds now...)

The second you step into the chaos, you all lose sight of Craig and Doug, and barely manage to keep track of each other. Figuring that the main vamp will be out on the stage, you quickly thread your way through the crowd being forced outside, pausing momentarily to dust a vamp that got too close (green gem).

As you arrive outside and the crowd thins a bit, you look around to see what's going on. (More Notice rolls everyone. Bastion, you cast another Fist of Air to avoid the sprinklers. Next spell will be -5 or -6, depending on whether or not it's a third Fist of Air.)

2008-05-27, 10:02 AM
(Perception+notice= 16 http://roll.coyotecode.net/lookup.php?rollid=5385 )

2008-06-02, 08:19 AM
(Hmm, I find myself wondering why it is that I call for a roll that everyone needs to respond to, and I don't get them all without a couple of reminders. Bastion, Harry, Notice rolls please. There are some things outside that you might not notice, due to lots of people and sharply contrasting light levels.)

2008-06-02, 11:13 AM
((Sorry, I missed the “More notice rolls for everyone”))

Bastion continues to follow Jenna, backing her up with his magic.

Notice: [roll0]

2008-06-10, 06:48 AM
(Harry, still waiting for your Notice roll. It'd be nice to continue before you all forget what's going on.)