View Full Version : Low level/threat 3.5

2015-09-07, 09:02 AM
Your travels have brought you to New Sarshel on the back of a caravan. Acting as a guard doesn't pay particularly well but offers free food and cheap drink so it has been an acceptable option until now. Trouble is, you're going to have to make some money eventually.

The last few dozen miles were spent on a seven wagon caravan that dropped off four others along with yourself. Among them is a dwarf named Hupp, a halfling named Garret and humans named jackknife and Sarok. The silent shriek is the end of your current journey but could be the start of your next in that it's a well traveled establishment of mercenaries and has one of the largest job boards east of Arabel. The elf helping out the innkeeper is a bit ruff around the edges but has a good amount of natural talent.

The Silent Shriek has always been run by a man named Eobard Leis, normally this would not be strange but the place haze dozen of repairs appearing decades apart. Who would keep a place open that attracts so many ruffians. This is not a matter for your concerns though because you will soon have enough for a clean start.

The last caravan that passed through dropped off a few interesting members; most notably a dwarf, three humans and a halfling.

You've travels what seems like leagues and probably has been considering that you recently crossed a mountain and looking behind you, could not see anything resembling your home. It's only been three months since departure, riding on the back of friendly caravans or walking well into the night has brought you far with few problems. You come up on a town called New Sarshel, not really a town considering there is but one inn and the rest of the buildings are homes. No matter, the silent shriek is a good place for unusual persons, yourself included.

The last few dozen miles were spent on a seven wagon caravan that dropped off four others along with yourself. Among them is a dwarf named Hupp and humans named felix, jackknife and Sarok. The silent shriek is the end of your current journey but could be the start of your next in that it's a well traveled establishment of mercenaries and has one of the largest job boards east of Arabel. The elf helping out the innkeeper is a bit ruff around the edges but has a good amount of natural talent.

With leaving your home gives you a sort of freedom to do the things you find important over the things you are supposed to get done. Mayhap in the face of a larger world you can achieve more than in your small town.

The last few dozen miles were spent on a seven wagon caravan that dropped off four others along with yourself. Among them is a dwarf named Hupp, a halflings named Garrett and humans named felix and Sarok. The silent shriek is the end of your current journey but could be the start of your next in that it's a well traveled establishment of mercenaries and has one of the largest job boards east of Arabel. The elf helping out the innkeeper is a bit ruff around the edges but has a good amount of natural talent.

New Sarshel is barely able to be called a town, the only attraction and business throughout it is The Silent Shriek, hopefully anyone passing through can handle the rough atmosphere for the have little for alternatives.

The Silent Shriek is without doubt the best stop for travelers needing a resupply. The proprietor is laid back enough to pay the constant supply of ruffians little heed. Dozens of tables dot the barn sized room with a small bar hiding in one corner. Of course this does not mean that there is any room at all, the Shriek is terribly packed, offering few open chairs. Dozens of humans are crammed around tables with a few dwarves and halflings littered about but only the one elf can be spotted in the entire building. A few broken beams and shutters have supports holding them in place.

2015-09-07, 12:27 PM
Silvyr throws on a smile as the new guest come walking in. Welcome to The Silent Shriek. Please pick a table and I'll be right with you. If you need a room for the night it's 5 Silver 1 gold will get you the house special and some ale with your room.
as he thinks...
Ugh more humans

2015-09-07, 12:44 PM
Silvyr throws on a smile as the new guest come walking in. Welcome to The Silent Shriek. Please pick a table and I'll be right with you. If you need a room for the night it's 5 Silver 1 gold will get you the house special and some ale with your room.
as he thinks...
Ugh more humans

By any chance, does your establishment offer discounts on any basis? Felix asks as politely as he can, but clearly distracted.

2015-09-07, 12:56 PM
I can't offer any discounts that's all on my boss. But what type of discount you looking for surely you can afford 5 silver minimum. Le' me talk talk to my boss I'm sure he knows of something.
Silvyr walks away from the table and looks for Eobard who's a few tables away helping some of the other guest. We have someone wanting a discount. Honestly I say we raise the price for that human buut I know we can't really do that. What would you like me to tell him.

2015-09-07, 01:06 PM
I can't offer any discounts that's all on my boss. But what type of discount you looking for surely you can afford 5 silver minimum. Le' me talk talk to my boss I'm sure he knows of something.
Silvyr walks away from the table and looks for Eobard who's a few tables away helping some of the other guest. We have someone wanting a discount. Honestly I say we raise the price for that human buut I know we can't really do that. What would you like me to tell him.

Felix tries to listen in, this time only pretending to be distracted so no one will notice.

Pretending to not be listening in (bluff)

[roll0] +6 from bluff

Listening in (listen)

[roll1] +5 from listen

2015-09-07, 02:54 PM
He's one of Ellard's men, you know, convincing people to spend money is an art that I doubt you will ever learn. Discounts help travelers decide to get just one more drink which ends up making us a little more profit. Eobard walks casually over to Felix. You just got off a caravan that was passing through, not continuing your journey today? I'll give you your first drink at a half if you're staying the night.

Felix can't hear much over the crowd but also doesn't look like he's listening in. Also, you can add sums to your roll. 1d20+6 makes [roll0]

2015-09-07, 11:52 PM
He's one of Ellard's men, you know, convincing people to spend money is an art that I doubt you will ever learn. Discounts help travelers decide to get just one more drink which ends up making us a little more profit. Eobard walks casually over to Felix. You just got off a caravan that was passing through, not continuing your journey today? I'll give you your first drink at a half if you're staying the night.

Felix can't hear much over the crowd but also doesn't look like he's listening in. Also, you can add sums to your roll. 1d20+6 makes [roll0]

Felix looks interested in this offer, exaggerating his already cockeyed head carriage. Well, glad to hear it. I suppose there must be some reason that the people here are willing to spend 5 silver and 1 gold just to stay a night. I don't mean to be rude, but to be honest you must have some wealthy customers if that's what you charge for your regular rooms, let alone any deluxe packages. You have a customer, at the very least to see what quality interests people to pay that price.

*Felix reaches for his purse.*

2015-09-08, 05:48 AM
Silver let's out a laugh. Haha I think you miss heard me. But then again it is pretty loud in here. Our base price is 5 silver and that's just for the room. 1 gold piece will get you both the room and the house special with ale.

2015-09-08, 07:35 AM
Silver let's out a laugh. Haha I think you miss heard me. But then again it is pretty loud in here. Our base price is 5 silver and that's just for the room. 1 gold piece will get you both the room and the house special with ale.

Felix laughs heartily. Well, that makes quite the difference! Regaining his composure, but still grinning, he begins to speak again. Can you break a gold coin?

2015-09-08, 07:43 AM
Silvyr take the gold coin and exchanges is for the proper value in silver. So what brings you to these parts?

2015-09-08, 09:07 AM
Garret walks in and strides over to the bar. Oi, somebody fetch me a pint.

2015-09-08, 09:17 AM
Silvyr walks behind the bar and start pouring some ale. That'll be 3 cp

2015-09-08, 09:33 AM
Silvyr take the gold coin and exchanges is for the proper value in silver. So what brings you to these parts?

Business. I take the night shift guarding caravans. I don't work for a single employer though, more of a freelance. I have been considering getting into other lines of work, though. Heard of anything?

2015-09-08, 09:37 AM
Silvyr walks behind the bar and start pouring some ale. That'll be 3 cp

'Ere, think you can break this? Garret tosses a gold coin onto the bar.

2015-09-08, 09:51 AM
After serving the Halfling Silvyr heads back to Felix and takes a seat. Around here all we really have are a just a bunch of tough guys. Stick around long enough you'll see a fight or two break out. Aside from that this is a pretty quite village.

He sits there a minute and ponders.

On the other hand. It's about 4 days south of here a Caravan was attacked. Take for granted this a couple months ago bandits really never stray too far away especially with the goods in that Caravan. Aside from that Eobard might know of some good work. So you might want to try asking him.

2015-09-08, 09:53 AM
'Ere, think you can break this? Garret tosses a gold coin onto the bar.

I can break this but better yet why don't you get a room for the night too the drink will be cheaper too.

2015-09-08, 10:06 AM
I can break this but better yet why don't you get a room for the night too the drink will be cheaper too.

Eh, why not? I could use some decent rest. 'Ow much do I owe ya?

2015-09-08, 10:16 AM
5 silver for the night your change will be 4 silver and 9 copper

2015-09-08, 10:33 AM
Right, thank ya.

I'm going to attempt to listen in on the various conversations to try to pick up any useful information.

Listen Check

Gather Information Check

2015-09-08, 01:03 PM
After serving the Halfling Silvyr heads back to Felix and takes a seat. Around here all we really have are a just a bunch of tough guys. Stick around long enough you'll see a fight or two break out. Aside from that this is a pretty quite village.

He sits there a minute and ponders.

On the other hand. It's about 4 days south of here a Caravan was attacked. Take for granted this a couple months ago bandits really never stray too far away especially with the goods in that Caravan. Aside from that Eobard might know of some good work. So you might want to try asking him.

Might be a good idea in the short term, but I was hoping for something either more lucrative or more stable. Thank you very much mister...?

2015-09-08, 01:50 PM
I'm sorry. I'm Silvyr Orama. But like I said if your looking for work ask Eobard he'll point you in the right direction. And if you need someone who's good with a bow let me know.

2015-09-08, 02:02 PM
I'm sorry. I'm Silvyr Orama. But like I said if your looking for work ask Eobard he'll point you in the right direction. And if you need someone who's good with a bow let me know.

I appreciate the offer. Felix thinks about whether or not he can trust this halfling for a while, but after thinking only a short time his gut tells him that this "Silvyr" character is trustworthy. Something for him to consider.

After finding Eobard, he approaches him
Good sir, do you per chance know of any jobs that need doing in these parts? Your employee Silvyr already informed me about the bandit attack nearby, but I was wondering if you were aware of anything else?

2015-09-08, 02:58 PM
Eavesdropping does part much information but a question here and a few jokes there loosens up a few men near you. There's lots of things going on nearby, a goblin tribe to the north causing mischief, there's always something to find in the gray forest and of course the pirates raiding ships on the sea of fallen stars.

Eobard turns to Felix and offers a warm smile. Of course, there's a few jobs guarding caravans, a few bandits that people are offering to pay to clear out, there's an old woman here offering to pay someone to get rid of the vermin in her barn and there's always someone offering to pay for killing a monster in the gray forest.

2015-09-08, 04:19 PM
Garret sits in silence for a few minutes, thinking to himself, before suddenly springing upon the top of the bar.

Oi, I'm looking for adventurers! Anybody interested in going to the Gray Forest?

2015-09-08, 04:25 PM
yes yes I get it you're a light drunk sit back down I'll get you some water to sober up.

2015-09-08, 04:45 PM
Me? Drunk? From only a mug of ale? Nahh... I'm looking for some adventure, mate! Now, 'ere's a silver for the laugh. Chuckling merrily, Garret tosses a silver coin to Silvyr.

2015-09-08, 05:09 PM
Silvyr walks towards the Halfling. Thanks mate. If you're looking for someone to work with you should talk to that guy over there. As he points to Felix. He was just asking about other lines of work. And if you need someone talented with a bow just ask yours truly.

2015-09-08, 05:36 PM
So is the job board a physical board that Jackknife can inspect, or does he have to talk to Eobard? I'm assuming the former for this post, but let me know if it should be the latter and I'll edit accordingly.

Jackknife enters the bar with a few sore spots and grin on his face.

"Well, the first thing is a place to sleep." He says to himself. Then louder, "a gold for the house special then. I could use a drink after that ride. Something hard, if you have it."

While he waits for the drink, Jackknife looks at the job board. His heart lifts to see the many different jobs, many if not all of which are within his skill set. One stands out though.

"The gray forest? I wonder why it's called the gray forest." He thinks about it for a minute, and decides he's interested enough to find out with his own eyes. When he hears someone else speak the words, he turns toward them.

"You're Garret, aren't you? We were in the same caravan on the way here. I'm Jackknife, in case you don't remember. And I'd be happy to join you going to the gray forest."

And if Knowledge: History will answer that question, here's a roll:

2015-09-08, 05:50 PM
Sure thing give me just a moment.

A few minutes later Silvyr brings out some of the strong ale the house special.

Fancy armor you're wearing got any big plans?

2015-09-08, 06:05 PM
Ah, it's no problem, Silvyr. In fact... I reckon a bow would be quite useful in the forest!

Garret turns to Jackknife.

Ah, I thought I saw a familiar face in this crowd! I do hope you're good with that weapon of yours.

2015-09-08, 07:15 PM
Jack grins, lifting his mug to Silvyr and Garret.

"Aye, I plan to find some big monsters and stick my foot in them. It's a helluva good time, let me tell you. One time, I came home drunk from the pub with a duck under my arm, and my wife answers the door. 'What's this?' I hear. I say 'this is the dragon I've been shaggin.' My wife shouts 'That is not a dragon you idiot, that's a duck!' So I look at her and say 'I was talking to the duck!'"

2015-09-08, 07:27 PM
Silvyr bursts out laughing

That is hilarious. Unfortunately there's no ducks or dragons around here.

2015-09-08, 07:50 PM
So, would I be right in assuming tha's why you bee' on tha caravan?

2015-09-08, 07:53 PM
I don't know Garret he might have been kicked out of his house especially if he made a comment like that towards his wife hahaha

2015-09-09, 12:14 AM
Quin enters the tavern carrying several freshly skinned and cleaned furs and a leg of deer, he walks up to Eobard and says
"hi friend, your the owner of this fine establishment correct? i was hoping you might be willing to give me a room and a meal in exchange for this meat and furs, i can pay if i have too but im out of preserveatives and figured i could use a safe nights rest in a bed for once, and not waste the rest of this fine meat."

2015-09-09, 12:42 AM
Eavesdropping does part much information but a question here and a few jokes there loosens up a few men near you. There's lots of things going on nearby, a goblin tribe to the north causing mischief, there's always something to find in the gray forest and of course the pirates raiding ships on the sea of fallen stars.

Eobard turns to Felix and offers a warm smile. Of course, there's a few jobs guarding caravans, a few bandits that people are offering to pay to clear out, there's an old woman here offering to pay someone to get rid of the vermin in her barn and there's always someone offering to pay for killing a monster in the gray forest.

Hm... how much are they willing to pay, and is the type of monster known?

"Aye, I plan to find some big monsters and stick my foot in them. It's a helluva good time, let me tell you. One time, I came home drunk from the pub with a duck under my arm, and my wife answers the door. 'What's this?' I hear. I say 'this is the dragon I've been shaggin.' My wife shouts 'That is not a dragon you idiot, that's a duck!' So I look at her and say 'I was talking to the duck!'"

Felix laughs. He then turns to him, saying Wouldn't it be wise to see how much they are offering first?

2015-09-09, 03:45 AM
"Not saying one way or the other." Jack says to Garret and Silvyr, a smile on his face. "But I joined the caravan to find work, and it looks like I came to the right place."

"Wouldn't it be wise to see how much they are offering first?" Jack hears, and turns to the Felix, who he also recognizes from the caravan.

"Hello there! Felix, right? Well you're right, and as it happens I did find out..." He relays the information he got about the gray forest from the job board.

2015-09-09, 08:20 AM
Turning to quin, Eobard glances over the furs and pulls them off easily, stuffing them into a pouch on his belt no where near big enough. Rest up young elf and have a hard drink and soft bed. He picks a pitcher off a table and a mug from a hook and pours it full handing over the drink. Let me know if you ever want gold for them instead of a night or two.

2015-09-09, 12:23 PM
Sounds good but I'm looking for a little more adventure then hunting deer, plus most of the game in the grey forest has been scared off. I was thinking of maybe moving on, but I am curious as to what scared off the game.
Any jobs pertaining to the grey forest?

2015-09-09, 12:36 PM
Well, the worg that moved in is probably what's been scaring off your game, I know that a few trappers are offering gold for that things head. Otherwise, there's the kobalds out there but I doubt they'd scare off yer game.

2015-09-09, 01:36 PM
(Speaking a little louder but not so much as to be rude)Well then I guess I need to find a group to help me hunt that thing down, (glances around) anyone else looking to take up that quest?

2015-09-09, 01:43 PM
Eobard tilts his head towards the bar and the forming party.

2015-09-09, 02:00 PM
Quin looks over at the group sizing them up and says to himself, I think they might just do, then procedes to approach the group

2015-09-09, 02:12 PM
Garret notices Quin walking towards the group he's with.

Interested in headin' to the Gray Forest, are ya?

2015-09-09, 02:53 PM
Quinn replies with a bit of a smile

Yeah actually I am, I'm I good shot with a bow and not too bad with a sword either, plus I could probably track this worg provided I had a few people to help deal with it when I find it.

2015-09-09, 03:43 PM
"We were just talking about the same thing." Jack says. "And I'm up for the challenge. But it's been a long day for me. Why don't we meet here tomorrow morning at first light? Then we'll have the whole day to track the beast down."

2015-09-09, 04:29 PM
Sounds like a plan, my name is quin by the way, I'm gonna stay here tonight looking forward to a bed for once.

2015-09-09, 04:41 PM
"Hello there! Felix, right? Well you're right, and as it happens I did find out..." He relays the information he got about the gray forest from the job board.

Felix looks over the information. Looks like the price is right, though splitting it evenly with five others will cut into our earnings sharply. Still, better safe than sorry I suppose. Not a bad way to start out, in any case.

And yes, it's Felix. Yours was... Jack?

2015-09-09, 06:43 PM
"That's right." Jack replies. "It's settled, then. We'll set out tomorrow at dawn."

If you guys have nothing else you want to do, I'm perfectly happy to skip to when we set out and just say we spent the night eating, drinking, perhaps playing games, and getting to know each other (maybe such as the backstories we've written on our character sheets, and excepting secrets).

2015-09-09, 07:58 PM
Silvyr goes up to Eobard

Thank you let me work here for the past couple months. It really means a lot that you would let me in after everything that has happened. I'll finish out my shift and then tomorrow morning I'm hitting the road probably follow these new people around for a bit. If there's ever anything I can do to help you out please let me know.

2015-09-10, 08:18 AM
"That's right." Jack replies. "It's settled, then. We'll set out tomorrow at dawn."

If you guys have nothing else you want to do, I'm perfectly happy to skip to when we set out and just say we spent the night eating, drinking, perhaps playing games, and getting to know each other (maybe such as the backstories we've written on our character sheets, and excepting secrets).

Right, well, I'll be off to my room, then.

Sounds good to me, rockdeworld.

2015-09-10, 10:40 AM
Of course Silvyr, you have to life your life, I've run this place for years and it'll stay open so long as I draw breath.

The night passes quickly to those weary from the road, the morning is quiet, few songbirds follow the trek into the woods. Quin's observation of game being scared off is accurate to the point.

now comes the real question, do any of you have any ideas of how to track a worg?does anyone have k (nature), survival or a high wisdom score?

2015-09-10, 11:58 AM
quin begins to look around for tracks or signs of the worg

for search
if i find tracks
[roll]1d20+4 for track

2015-09-10, 12:00 PM
[roll0] for track

2015-09-11, 01:10 PM
As we trek through the woods Silyr keeps his distance from the party. His training as a scout has tought him to keep a bit of distance between caravans and scouts. Though he will not move ahead of the party as he sees Quin tracking foot steps.

Silvyr keeps between 10 and 15 ft between him and the party members usually off to the side never moving ahead of Quin

2015-09-11, 03:02 PM
As we trek through the woods Silyr keeps his distance from the party. His training as a scout has tought him to keep a bit of distance between caravans and scouts. Though he will not move ahead of the party as he sees Quin tracking foot steps.

Silvyr keeps between 10 and 15 ft between him and the party members usually off to the side never moving ahead of Quin

Felix notices Silyr staying back, and grows suspicious. He doesn't appreciate the feeling of being watched. Considering the possibilities, his suspicion turns to concern. Dropping back himself, he speaks quietly to Silvyr Are you feeling alright?

2015-09-11, 06:36 PM
I'm alright. Why do ou ask.

2015-09-11, 10:55 PM
I'm alright. Why do ou ask.

If I may be so blunt, you don't seem very comfortable being with us. If I may be even more blunt, I might add that it feels almost as if you are staring at us. I suppose it is only fair, we are only acquaintances. Still, if it is the case that you are uncomfortable around us, let me know if there is anything that we can do to alleviate any fears that you might have.

I also hope that you are well, and not falling back due to any ailment.

2015-09-11, 11:11 PM
I mean not come off like that. See I've been trained to stay ahead or to the side of the "pack" to keep an eye out for potential threats. Normally I would be well ahead of the group and run back should there be a problem. If it seems like I'm staring at you I apologize I'm watching you to make sure I don't get too far ahead of you. It seems like Quin might have found something if I move to far ahead his path my veer off from me and I might lose you.

2015-09-12, 10:12 AM
I mean not come off like that. See I've been trained to stay ahead or to the side of the "pack" to keep an eye out for potential threats. Normally I would be well ahead of the group and run back should there be a problem. If it seems like I'm staring at you I apologize I'm watching you to make sure I don't get too far ahead of you. It seems like Quin might have found something if I move to far ahead his path my veer off from me and I might lose you.

Good to know. At least you are well.

2015-09-12, 02:08 PM
Silvyr nods in recognition and continues watching his surroundings.

2015-09-12, 05:26 PM
Felix listens for any rumbling or other noises that could indicate the general direction of wargs

[roll0] (+5 from stats included)

2015-09-13, 02:19 PM
After a few days of wandering, following signs of lack of wildlife and gut feeling, Quin notices what looks like very large paw prints. Following a deserted trail, everyone notices that the forest is unusually quiet. Quin flows his path to the mouth of a cave.

aight, up to you guys, the know (nature) let's you know that worgs are partial towards the night so you can talk out a plan.

2015-09-13, 03:31 PM
Quin says
Well I'd say it's safe to say we found the worg's lair (assuming it's around noon) we should probably try and take it down during the day since worg's are nocturnal

2015-09-13, 03:58 PM
There's another option Silvyr says, we can do that or we can wait at the mouth of the cave. Chances are there's going to be a couple Wolves and/or Goblins in there or more than just one Worg. They do have keen hearing so approaching them might not be a smart idea. If we could maybe surround them depending on the layout of the cave we might be ok.

2015-09-13, 04:39 PM
Think about it, Silvyr. They're nocturnal, ain't they? They'd have an advantage over us if we do it at night.

2015-09-13, 04:44 PM
I'm not saying fight it in the woods in the dark we have a few torches we could light them and set them up towards the entrance of the cave and attak them as they come out. Yes Worgs are nocturnal. But they never travel alone and like i said usually with wolves and gooblins. But if you want to just charge into the cave that's fine by me.

2015-09-13, 04:47 PM
Unless we have some way to turn night to daywe will be at a disadvantage ,but either way we would be at the same disadvantage in the cave but at least they wouldn't be at their peak.
Although I do like the idea of ambushing them

2015-09-13, 04:51 PM
If we fight them in the cave we will more then likely fight them in smaller groups it might be a larger group if we try to ambush

2015-09-13, 04:58 PM
Alright into the cave we go.

2015-09-13, 05:14 PM
Alright... Shall I scout ahead?

2015-09-13, 05:22 PM
Silvyr looks over Garret. With your size you might be better than me as long as you can keep quiet while moving I have no objections.

2015-09-13, 05:29 PM
Alright, wish me luck!

Garret steels himself as he slowly creeps into the mouth of the cave.

[roll0] plus 5.

[roll1] Do I notice anything?

2015-09-13, 05:38 PM
"One moment there, Garret. I'm ready to put some worgs down, but if we can drag them out into the open during the day, so much the better. Can you flush them out for us? Then I can trap them at the cave mouth with my chain here," Jack taps the spiked chain wrapped and hanging from his waist, "and the rest of us can take them down."

Edit: You guys posted twice while I was typing. Updated.

2015-09-13, 05:41 PM
Garret whispers back to Jack, before continuing into the cave.

I'll see what I can do.

2015-09-13, 05:48 PM
As Jack sets up a trap Silvyr will hide behind the closest tree facing the cave and have his bow at the ready.

Using Tree for Cover and Hiding
Hide: [roll0]

2015-09-13, 05:56 PM
Quin quietly says lets get into good positions for ambushing then he silently moves about 15ft away from the cave entrance, makeing sure to have a clear line of sight to where the enemies will emerge, and gets partially behind a tree and readys his bow to shoot the first enemy that emerges from the cave

[roll0] for move silent
[roll1] for hide

2015-09-14, 01:17 AM
Felix moves to about 30 feet away from the cave entrance, keeping a slight but reasonable angle between himself and Quin, such that Quin isn't in the way. He then readies his heavy crossbow.

[roll0] +8 from skill already included

[roll1] +5 from skill already included

2015-09-14, 12:01 PM
You hear a low growl behind you that sends shivers down your spine. Turning around, you see a pair of enormous orange eyes glaring at you from the dark. Luckily, while stalking you, it hasn't closed off your escape or began an attack.

it's a little over 30 feet away, just barely inside shadowy illumination of a torch, assuming that's what you have.

2015-09-14, 12:16 PM
"I'm no good at hiding, and I'm not sure the beasts wouldn't sniff me out anyway." Jack says to himself. He tries to move to a spot where he can reach the entire mouth of the cave with his chain, and readies it to stop anything coming out after Garret.

Ready an action to attack anything that comes out of the cave besides Garret, if I may.

2015-09-14, 02:49 PM
Garret slowly raises his shortsword, tensing all muscles as he moves towards the exit of the cave, trying to stay quiet to avoid drawing more attention.

[roll0] plus 5

Garret lets out two low whistles, hoping to signal the rest of the crew.

2015-09-14, 03:54 PM
quin, seeing jacks position, makes sure he has a clear line of sight to the left half of the entrance and motions to felix or sylver (whichever is on the other side) to cover the other side of the cave

[roll0] for listen if he hears it he motions to the group to be ready and draws his bow, if not he has his bow at the ready to shoot whatever comes out of the cave that isn't Garret.

2015-09-17, 11:29 PM
As Garrett backs away, a loud howl comes from the cave and the worg darts around him and oitside, preventing him from leaving the cave but exposing it slightly to the others.

Cuthbert: You hear an unnatural howl from the west, it sounds a great deal like a wolf but clearly unnatural. Whatever it is, it doesn't sound like it belongs in this forest.
if you can make a DC 12 know nature or 15 survival you can identify it as a worg.

2015-09-18, 12:36 AM
Resting against a tree, Cuthbert leans forward at the sound of the howl. Dave perks up and points his nose to the sky about to howl when Cuthbert silences him with a whisper. Quiet Dave, you know better than that... He grabs his shield and stands up, concentrating on the sound to the west.

Survival: [roll0]
Knowledge Nature: [roll1]

He looks down at Dave, Looks like a worg has found something to prey on. Hunters perhaps? We should help. Dave nods happily and the take off heading west.

2015-09-18, 12:45 AM
Silvyr, watching intently at the mouth of the cave hears the howl and draws an arrow and as soon as he sees the Worg releases it towards it.

Hopefully the Worg doesn't notice us yet which means he's flat footed
Attack: [roll0]
Potential crit: [roll1]
Damage: [roll2]
Potential Crit dmg add: [roll3]

2015-09-18, 01:30 AM
I am assuming that there is currently a warg at the entrance of the cave, within sight. If not, I can delete this post

Felix fires his crossbow at the warg at the entrance, just as he had prepared for.


Readied action should mean that I do not need to make an initiative check, right? This is the surprise round. Also, assuming that the warg is unaware of my presence.

Surprise attack: [roll2]

2015-09-18, 05:28 PM
quin upon seeing the worg takes aim and fires when he has a clear line of sight to it as not to hit jack.


2015-09-18, 05:31 PM
im assuming that we need to roll initiative now

2015-09-19, 09:14 AM
[never mind these brackets, just need to increase character count]

2015-09-19, 01:36 PM
Quin and silvyr go, then worg then everyone else can go. The order you guys post doesn't matter.

A nagging feeling in you gut tells you that time is of the essence as you and your wolf rush towards the howl. The howl did come from a little ways off so hopefully you can get there before it moves on.

Everyone else:
An arrow each from quin and silvyr does little aside from revealing the presence of all and angering it. With another howl, the worg readies itself.

2015-09-19, 01:51 PM
Silvyr moves from behind the tree and takes another shot.

Action: Move 10ft making sure no allies are in line of sight
Attack: [roll0]
Potential crit: [roll1]
Damage: [roll2] plus [roll3] (skirmish)
Potential crit add: [roll4]

2015-09-19, 07:04 PM
When his turn comes around, Jack gets into his Leading the Charge stance. If it's possible to push the worg out of the cave with Charging Minotaur, he does so. Otherwise, he moves in and attacks with Douse the Flames to allow Garret to move to a better position.


[roll2] (+6 = 4 Str + 2 charging)
[roll3] (+5 = 4 Str + 1 Leading the Charge)
And if successful, the worg is knocked back 5' + 5' for each 5 points by which Jack's check result is greater than the worg’s check result

Rather than using the reach of his weapon, Jack stops his approach adjacent to the worg so that if it tries to runaway on its turn, he gets an attack of opportunity.
I just realized none of the archers have Precise Shot, so if I'm adjacent to the worg they'll likely all miss. So I actually do want Jack to stop 10' away from the worg.

2015-09-19, 11:38 PM
quin takes another quick shot before his line of sight gets blocked
to hit[roll0]
damage [roll1]
if crit [roll2]
aditional crit damage [roll3]

after his shot he stays half behind cover so he cannot be charged directly

2015-09-20, 12:00 AM
Getting a bad feeling about what could be happening, Cuthbert picks up the pace.
Cuthbert is running at 4x speed. Let me know what round he'll get to the others. He's moving at 120ft/round so probably not too long. :smallwink:

2015-09-20, 11:23 AM
Hoping to avoid notice, Felix moves silently to a new position to reload his crossbow

Move silently: [roll0]
Hide: [roll1]
*Attempts to reload heavy crossbow* (regardless of outcome)

Bladehunter is the DM, so if he wants to do the mood music go ahead. Or we can skip it, but I like the idea. Also, if anyone has any better ideas, go ahead.


2015-09-30, 12:55 PM
Quin manages another glancing shot, a trickle of blood coming from the worgs rear. The worg leaps forward, biting jack in the leg but unable to get a firm hold on him so lets go immediately.

which one is jack doing? Everyone takes their turn since there's only on opponent. Cuthbert at 3.

2015-09-30, 02:41 PM
Silvyr moves up 10ft and lets another arrow fly at the Worg

Attack: [roll0]
Potential Crit: [roll1]
Damage: [roll2] and [roll3] for skirmish
Potential Crit Dmg add: [roll4]

2015-09-30, 02:59 PM
With his crossbow reloaded, Felix shoots from his new hiding position that is within 30 ft of the Worg

As I understand it:
Surprise round: Felix fired
Round 1: Reloaded, hid, worg moved. Round 1 over
Round 2: Ready to fire, position not identified by worg, surprise attack mechanics available.

Attack: [roll0]
Damage from crossbow if hit: [roll1]
Damage from surprise attack bonus: [roll2]

2015-09-30, 03:34 PM
-Round 2-

Jack breathes in through his nose and out through his mouth, recovering his ability to perform his techniques. Then he counterattacks! He sends the chain at the worg, then steps back to create space.

Swift action: recover maneuvers
Standard action: attack
5' step back to put the worg 10' away.

2015-10-01, 09:06 AM
Cuthbert just keeps on running.

2015-10-02, 12:42 AM
quin waits for jack to take his 5 foot step back and looses another arrow at the worg
he then glances around to asses the situation making sure there are no other enemies in the area, and again keeps a tree half between him and the worg so he cannot be charged directly

to hit[roll0]
damage [roll1]
confirm crit [roll2]
bonus crit damage [roll3]
