View Full Version : Bodyguard for A Spellcaster?

2015-09-07, 09:54 AM
I need a short build for a man-at-arms dedicated to protecting a low-level spellcaster from physical threats.

The bodyguard is second level, probably human for the bonus feat, although I'm open to other races. The spellcaster is sixth level and rather fragile, and the man-at-arms will be at her side during any encounter.

I'm open to material from all 3.0/3.5 sources, with the exception of ToB and psionics. Given this, how much defensive oomph can be packed into a two-level melee build?

2015-09-07, 11:12 AM
I need a short build for a man-at-arms dedicated to protecting a low-level spellcaster from physical threats.

The bodyguard is second level, probably human for the bonus feat, although I'm open to other races. The spellcaster is sixth level and rather fragile, and the man-at-arms will be at her side during any encounter.

I'm open to material from all 3.0/3.5 sources, with the exception of ToB and psionics. Given this, how much defensive oomph can be packed into a two-level melee build?

I don't have a precise build to suggest, but as the best defense is offense, faced with the same problem, I used a couple of Duskblades (Player Handbook II) to protect an antagonist caster once.
A 2nd level Duskblade using the True Strike and Shocking Grasp spells, a two-handed weapon and Power Attack can pack quite a punch.
The only problem is that they get Arcane Channelling only at 3rd level.

Now, at this level of play, the best defense option seems to be a weapon with reach, good-dex and the Combat Reflexes feat. Let's say a guisarme, so you can control a zone with it by tripping people. Give him also a spiked gauntlet so he can strike at people next to him if enemies manage to enter his zone.

Have the Duskblade stand in front of the Wizard, giving him cover.
Between rounds, use attack of opportunities to damage the first attacker if True Strike is active. If not, use them to trip.
Round 1, if no one is in his zone, the Duskblade casts True Strike.
Round 2, if no-one is in his zone yet, move and attack with True Strike with max Power Attack. If True Strike is not active anymore, Shocking Grasp or Burning Hands can be effective, depending on the situation.

Don't forget the Wizard can buff his bodyguard. He could do it prior to combat, if he expecting problems down the road.

What level is the Wizard, what spells has he access to?

2015-09-07, 11:25 AM
The spellcaster is level 6, as OP mentioned, but keep in mind it's not necessarily a wizard; a level 6 wizard would be better than any lower-level martial classes.
A paladin might not be a bad choice, given the Detect Evil at will, and Lay on Hands if things go downhill.

Really, the problem is going to be that anything posing a threat to a level 6 character will trample right past the level 2 bodyguard, no matter what the build is. You'd probably be better off improving the spellcaster directly, if possible; or at least try for a higher level bodyguard.

2015-09-07, 11:39 AM
Originally Posted by WalkingTheShade
I don't have a precise build to suggest, but as the best defense is offense, faced with the same problem, I used a couple of Duskblades (Player Handbook II) to protect an antagonist caster once.

...Don't forget the Wizard can buff his bodyguard. He could do it prior to combat, if he expecting problems down the road.

Thanks for your suggestions--I hadn't thought about the duskblade, given the lack of Arcane Channeling at this level.

The spellcaster is a cleric/wizard with minimal arcane casting, and she'll be the main caster for a small company of soldiers. She'll need to use most of her spells to support the soldiers, and won't have much in the way of resources to spare for the bodyguard, so he needs to be as self-sufficient as possible.

Originally Posted by Strigon
You'd probably be better off improving the spellcaster directly, if possible; or at least try for a higher level bodyguard.

For the purposes of this build the levels are set.

2015-09-07, 02:22 PM
The spellcaster is level 6, as OP mentioned, but keep in mind it's not necessarily a wizard; a level 6 wizard would be better than any lower-level martial classes.
A paladin might not be a bad choice, given the Detect Evil at will, and Lay on Hands if things go downhill.
Yup, I read that too fast, didn't see the level mention. Paladin is not that bad, either. Doesn't have as much offensive tricks as a Duskblade, however.

Thanks for your suggestions--I hadn't thought about the duskblade, given the lack of Arcane Channeling at this level.

The spellcaster is a cleric/wizard with minimal arcane casting, and she'll be the main caster for a small company of soldiers. She'll need to use most of her spells to support the soldiers, and won't have much in the way of resources to spare for the bodyguard, so he needs to be as self-sufficient as possible.
What about scrolls or wands?
Shield Other and Protection could help a lot: the bodyguard stands his ground, taking damage instead of the caster, diverts attention from her, while the caster uses Protection on herself to run away.

2015-09-07, 03:03 PM
Well, if you think that combat is unavoidable, I agree that duskblade is much better.
I think it also depends on what you think the spellcaster will be doing; if he's fighting crime or an evil organization, I think the Paladin's detect evil could save you a lot of ambushes/traps, while the smite evil can help with taking down the enemies. If he's spending a lot of time in the wild, maybe a ranger, or similar class that works well outdoors. Can we have any more information?

2015-09-07, 03:38 PM
Originally Posted by WalkingTheShade
What about scrolls or wands?

One way or another she'll have Scribe Scroll, so there will be a fair number of scrolls available.

Originally Posted by WalkingTheShade
Shield Other and Protection could help a lot: the bodyguard stands his ground, taking damage instead of the caster, diverts attention from her, while the caster uses Protection on herself to run away.

Shield Other might work--but can the caster of the spell designate herself as the warded subject? There's nothing in the text that directly forbids it, but I have the sense that it's supposed to work the other way around.

As for Protection, do you mean Protection from Evil? Otherwise I'm not seeing it in the PHB or Spell Compendium.

Originally Posted by WalkingTheShade
…at this level of play, the best defense option seems to be a weapon with reach, good-dex and the Combat Reflexes feat. Let's say a guisarme, so you can control a zone with it by tripping people.

The more I think about it, the more I like this approach--but without the spellcasting angle. Is there a way to build a workable reach-tripper at second level?

Maybe something like this?

Human Fighter 2

1st…std. - Combat Expertise
.…...human bonus - Improved Trip
….….fighter bonus - Combat Reflexes
….….flaw - Jotunbrud
2nd..fighter bonus - Power Attack

This is sort of a mini-Horizon Tripper, as best as I can manage, but I'm certainly open to improvements.


Uncle Pine
2015-09-07, 05:15 PM
Is the spellcaster a PC or a NPC?
Is the bodyguard a PC or a NPC?
If the spellcaster is a PC, does she need to personally buy/hire the bodyguard or is the bodyguard handed to her?
If the bodyguard is a NPC, does she need to be a 2nd-level character or will any CR 2 bodyguard with or without human-like appearance work?

A spellstitched (Complete Arcane) human warrior skeleton is a CR 1 monster but can be vastly superior as a bodyguard than a 2nd level Fighter, Duskblade or Paladin if it's given an armor, a tower shield and Benign Transposition 4 times/day as its only spell-like ability. The spellstitched skeleton can then be told to hide behind its tower shield 33 ft. away from the caster and to prepare an action to use Benign Transposition (Spell Compendium) on the caster whenever the caster says "Lutefisk" (remember that speaking is a free action that you can perform even when it isn’t your turn (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/combat/actionsInCombat.htm#speak)). The reasonably high AC of the skeleton (23 AC if equipped with half-plate and a tower shield) and the total cover its tower shield provide to it will help keeping it alive.
On the same vein, a spellstitched raiment (Libris Mortis) is a potential Small CR 2 bodyguard with a Wisdom score of 13: compared to the aforementioned skeleton, it sports blindsight 60 ft., 7 more hp, a higher CL and two 2nd-level plus two 3rd-level spell-like abilities in its arsenal, making it a small spellcaster on its own. Raiments are always Chaotic Evil and potentially more difficult to acquire than mere skeletons though, so it's probably easier to stick to the skeleton. Or two skeletons, if you feel fancy.

2015-09-08, 03:40 AM
Shield Other might work--but can the caster of the spell designate herself as the warded subject? There's nothing in the text that directly forbids it, but I have the sense that it's supposed to work the other way around.
Actually, after rereading the text, I'm certain the caster can't ward herself and transfer damage to her bodyguard.
Somehow, I was sure its was meant to be symmetrical.

As for Protection, do you mean Protection from Evil? Otherwise I'm not seeing it in the PHB or Spell Compendium.
Must have been very tired... I meant Sanctuary (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/spells/sanctuary.htm), that's part of the Protection cleric domain...

The more I think about it, the more I like this approach--but without the spellcasting angle. Is there a way to build a workable reach-tripper at second level?
That would work too, for a purely defensive build. However, in my experience, a bodyguard need to be threatening enough for enemies not to simply ignore him.

Maybe something like this?

Human Fighter 2

1st…std. - Combat Expertise
.…...human bonus - Improved Trip
….….fighter bonus - Combat Reflexes
….….flaw - Jotunbrud
2nd..fighter bonus - Power Attack

This is sort of a mini-Horizon Tripper, as best as I can manage, but I'm certainly open to improvements.
That looks good to me.
A Psychic Warrior gets one less feat and one less BAB at 2nd level, but can select Psionic Expansion (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/psionic/powers/expansion.htm) as a power, which is strictly superior to Jotunbrund.
It gives the bodyguard large size and thus increased reach.

A spellstitched (Complete Arcane) human warrior skeleton is a CR 1 monster
Hats off. All this is well beyond my knowledge of the game...
Also, the idea of a skeleton popping everywhere, performing stealth hi-by (http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/StealthHiBye), while adventurers run after the caster, is ridiculously amusing.

2015-09-08, 04:24 PM
I would definitely suggest considering a level of Crusader in here. Iron Guard's Glare (stance) is about the only effect I can come up with which would be available in a two level build and which will directly protect the caster. And a Crusader is probably the most resiliant option in terms of personal survivability against threats well above his level.

I also recollect some feat allowing you to extend your shield's AC bonus to an adjectent Ally at the expense of your own AC. This may not be optimal vs a reach weapon as mentioned though. I suspect that comboing a reach weapon and Stand Still/Combat Reflexes would be better... sort of the poor man's alternative to a trip build and removing the need for an opposed check. It would only be a delaying method though...and not a true lockdown.

2015-09-09, 06:18 AM
Whatever you do, there is no reason to not slap the thematically very appropriate "Spellcaster Guardian" teamwork benefit from DMG 2 onto this.

Add Karmic Strike and/or Robilar's; maybe even Good Karma (with a decent re-roll pool); and you could have a real fun (although probably not terribly effective) "you no hit my boss) thing on your hand. Oh, and an Arrow Catching Shield, because why not.

2015-09-09, 02:28 PM
Originally Posted by Jowgen
Whatever you do, there is no reason to not slap the thematically very appropriate "Spellcaster Guardian" teamwork benefit from DMG 2 onto this.

This looks great, but it would require the caster to have Combat Reflexes, which probably won't fit into her build.

Is there something similar which would only involve the bodyguard himself? If there's a decent bodyguard-themed feat out there, it might be worth having instead of Jotunbrud.

Originally Posted by sovin_ndore
I would definitely suggest considering a level of Crusader in here.

Originally Posted by Jowgen
Add Karmic Strike and/or Robilar's….

Originally Posted by Palanan
The bodyguard is second level....

I'm open to material from all 3.0/3.5 sources, with the exception of ToB and psionics.

Just sayin'. :smallsmile:

2015-09-10, 12:04 AM
Checking on it now, Spellcaster Guardian also has the problem that it arguably only works if all team members have at least 4 HD (although I do recall something somewhere it mentions suggest a minimum 1).

A bodyguard-feat in a similar vein ... well, you could use Clever Opportunist. Have the bodyguard AoO you with a no-damage touch attack (against which you willingly forgo your dex) to switch positions with you whenever you're about to get AoO'd by someone else. Does slightly depends on how your DM handles the order in which different creatures get to AoO. Get it yourself, get yourself an unlimited number of AoO each (yeah, unrealistic, I know) and you have the basis for some cheesy physics shenanigans. :smalltongue:

In regards to Combat Reflexes, you can purchase it from a number of sources (list in my sig), which ought to fly. Besides, it is a real neat feat with many applications (like Clever Opportunist).

As for Robilar's... ermmm... I totally meant Martial Monk abuse to ignore feat prerequs. :smalltongue:

Uncle Pine
2015-09-10, 04:01 AM
A bodyguard-feat in a similar vein ... well, you could use Clever Opportunist. Have the bodyguard AoO you with a no-damage touch attack (against which you willingly forgo your dex) to switch positions with you whenever you're about to get AoO'd by someone else. Does slightly depends on how your DM handles the order in which different creatures get to AoO. Get it yourself, get yourself an unlimited number of AoO each (yeah, unrealistic, I know) and you have the basis for some cheesy physics shenanigans. :smalltongue:
This is really a clever use of the feat (pun not intended) and I'll totally steal this idea for the next time I build a Brains and Brawn duo. However, regardless of the number of AoOs you and your bodyguard can make in a round Clever Opportunist requires you to use an immediate action, so you can only switch places up to two times in a round (assuming both the spellcaster and her bodyguard have the feat and use it).
Buying a couple Contingent Benign Transposition spells (100 gp each) achieves the same result, doesn't require an action on the spellcaster's or bodyguard's part and can potentially be performed multiple times a round, albeit at a small fee each time.
Remember that you can only have up to your HD number of contingent spells on you at any time.

2015-09-10, 07:41 AM
Is there something similar which would only involve the bodyguard himself? If there's a decent bodyguard-themed feat out there, it might be worth having instead of Jotunbrud.
Forgot about it, but the Stand Still feat might be situationally more efficient than trip. (Especially with a large size obtained using Expansion.)