View Full Version : Optimization Loki, the Trickster

2015-09-07, 12:39 PM
So, I'm trying to build a character that will reach Shadowcraft Mage 5 and Shadowcrafter 7 by Level 16, based on Loki, the Norse god of trickery. Shadowcrafter and Shadowcraft Mage look like exactly what I need, but the illusion, quasireality build seems to be extremely feat intensive, and only viable past level 25. I know I could use a Human to grab a 4th feat at level 1, but I'd like to avoid that if at all possible.
Seeing as how I need 12 levels of prestige classes, I'm left with only 4 levels to qualify for either of them, preferably with Beguiler and Illusionist.
Would this work?

Beguiler 1: Spell Focus(Illusion), Greater Spell Focus(Illusion), Heighten Spell
Beguiler 2:
Beguiler 3: Easy Metamagic: Heighten Spell
Beguiler 4:
Shadowcrafter 1:
Shadowcrafter 2: Earth Sense
Shadowcraft Mage 1:
Shadowcraft Mage 2:
Shadowcraft Mage 3: Earth Spell
Shadowcraft Mage 4:
Shadowcraft Mage 5:
Shadowcrafter 3-7:

Now, another question. Could I rebuild a level of Beguiler for a level of Illusionist, take the Illusion Mastery class feature, apply the Spell Mastery bonus to Silent Image, and make it a valid target for Signature Spell? Because a level of Illusionist would also allow me to take Enhanced Shadow Reality from Dragon 325 for an extra +20% quasireality on illusions, and not having to waste a precious feat on Spell Mastery would help a LOT. Of course though, this creates another question. How does having Beguiler and Wizard spellcasting interact? Is it seperate spells per day? Is it treated as another level of Beguiler? What about spell lists? Any info on this would be greatly appreciated.

Any other info on this is greatly appreciated; I may have completely missed something. :smallbiggrin:

2015-09-07, 12:58 PM
if going actual Illusionist (Focused Specialist) consider grabbing a few levels of Master Specialist as well as that'll give you Greater Spell Focus as a bonus feat on 3rd level, and the 4th level bonus (+2DC on will disbelief) might also be worthwhile

2015-09-07, 04:04 PM
if going actual Illusionist (Focused Specialist) consider grabbing a few levels of Master Specialist as well as that'll give you Greater Spell Focus as a bonus feat on 3rd level, and the 4th level bonus (+2DC on will disbelief) might also be worthwhile
I have absolutely no room for another PrC... I only have 4 levels to work with.

2015-09-07, 04:39 PM
I have absolutely no room for another PrC... I only have 4 levels to work with.

You can qualify at level 3.

2015-09-07, 05:11 PM
You can qualify at level 3.
But I would need 3 levels of it to get Greater Spell Focus. Master Specialist 1 wouldn't be as good as another level of, say, Beguiler.