View Full Version : [PF] How does Icy Prisonwork?

2015-09-08, 07:39 PM
Spelling here: http://www.d20pfsrd.com/magic/all-spells/i/icy-prison

If a victim succeeds on the save, he is Entangled as some of the ice sill clings to him. How does he hen get rid of the ice/Entangle effect? Does he still make to make that ridiculous Str Check?

2015-09-08, 08:01 PM
The better option is probably to attack it. "You can act normally" if you succeed, and the ice has 0 hardness and 27+ HP, so you can just break it. At level 9, you can probably shatter it with a full-attack and possibly even have attacks left over if an enemy is next to you.

2015-09-08, 08:05 PM
Would you run the risk of accidentally hurting yourself with attacks?

2015-09-08, 08:16 PM
Would you run the risk of accidentally hurting yourself with attacks?

Only if you used area attacks I'd say (since you're in the area and nothing is giving you total cover.)

2015-09-08, 09:20 PM
So a friendly wizard can target the ice with scorching Ray and that's the end of that?

2015-09-08, 09:57 PM
So a friendly wizard can target the ice with scorching Ray and that's the end of that?

It depends on the CL of the ray and the CL of the guy who froze you - it's not automatic.

(Also, Scorching Ray would usually do half damage to objects, though ice is a likely exception.)