View Full Version : New Game Idea

2015-09-09, 02:24 PM
Hey all,

I'm fairly new to the forum, but I've been playing D&D for many long years. I've recently started playing 5th and so far am loving it. With the MM increase in Devils and Demons however, it's given me an idea for a campaign.

Rather than the typical 'you play 'x' race with 'y' class', I am thinking of running the game either in the Abyss, or the Nine Hells (the latter would probably work better overall).

The idea behind it being that they are actually playing as demons or devils, being given a mission to follow through on and eventually, rather than leveling up, earn 'favour' rather than xp and once they accrue enough favour, they are granted an evolution to the next phase.

And so, I am wondering if anyone has any ideas on how best to implement it, or even any good ideas for missions/encounters etc?

Thanks in advance,

2015-09-09, 02:54 PM
Sounds like fun. You could use the renown rules. Maybe level up at 5, 10, 15, and 20 then every 20 after that? Or just use the xp charts and tie it to challenge ratings. I would probably start the PCs as Imps or Quasits.
Adventures at low levels could be to spread corruption or collect souls on the Prime Material Plane. Later special missions to infiltrate rival's layers and sabotage them or bring back powerful magic items to weaken them. At high levels you might even send them on missions to invade the upper planes.
Are you thinking of a combat heavy campaign (Devil/Demon commandos) or more of a political intrigue campaign (courtiers in Asmodeus's palace)? Either could work.

2015-09-09, 03:03 PM
That's along the lines I was thinking. If being particularly cruel, could start them off as Lemure's or Dretch's.

Was also thinking of running through the human section, which leads ultimately to their death and rebirth as fiends. Although, that might work better as a backstory. I have tried to run evil campaigns before and found that a severe lack of goals leads them to fail. With this idea, either they work their way up together, as would be plausible in the devil heirarchy, or as demons they would be bullied into their missions and likely work together out of fear.

As for types of games, I suppose with the ways they work, there's nothing stopping them being changed into powerhouses or political types depending on the nature of the mission at hand. My understanding is higher ranks may freely promote, demote or alter those below them (that's how I will run it anyways). So if they are bored with one type, a change can always be orchestrated. I think for the most part though, it will be picking a faction and starting from there.

I like the imp idea though. Start trying to corrupt a coven of warlocks or some such. Also, the 5, 10, 15 etc could work. Each level, they could maybe gain a part of the thing they will turn into and give them a choice to some degree. May need some work so everyone doesn't just go 'balor' for high levels etc. But a renown 4 Imp for instance could grow to medium size, ready for their next upgrade to a medium devil or something similar.

2015-09-09, 03:05 PM
Actually... Further idea, you could turn the players (I have 4 players) into the Four Horsement...

2015-09-09, 03:37 PM
Actually... Further idea, you could turn the players (I have 4 players) into the Four Horsement...

That could be fun. If that's what you're going for maybe you could offer the players options for unique powers when they "level". Along the lines of the boon system. Take the powers of the fiends in the MM and assign them levels like spells. When the players reach the appropriate level they can pick powers from that level or lower. You could also add spells, feats and unique powers to the list if you're feeling ambitious.
As for starting them as human I would have the first session be their human characters final battle. They are killed by the same coven of warlocks that the imps will be sent to corrupt. This gives the players a common purpose (revenge). Of course you should warn your players that they are making characters to die or use premades.