View Full Version : The Whippoorwill Affair (Vampire: The Masquerade)

2015-09-09, 08:37 PM
Denver; a bustling city in the South West Mountain States with a thriving night life with a prominent brewing scene and an ever increasing youth population seeking new thrills and new dangers to experience especially with the advent of new drug laws however a darker and perhaps even more wild night life lived just beneath the surface. Whispers through out time have discussed life after death and in Denver it has been a longstanding myth that a powerful sect of dark wizards and stranger creatures had moved in along with the prospectors and city planners during the 1800's and such rumors are hardly far off. The City of Denver has long been ruled by Lysander Clarmont, a high standing member of the Camarilla, promoted to the position of Prince during the late 1970's after his predecessor fell to topor or so the rumors go and no secret to the Kindred who have lived in the city even for a short period of time. A flamboyant and perhaps to outward going member of the Kindred Lysander has been vocal about keeping peace within the city in the face of mounting Sabbat outreach to young Kin and a swiftly rising pair of threats that seek to destroy not only the well entrenched Camarilla outpost but the radical Sabbat Church within Denver.

The first threat being a serious of seemingly random and violent attacks on newly risen Vampires, no attacker or cause for the attacks ever manifesting after these crimes. What could easily be explained away as foolish young vampires biting off more than they could chew have recently been dismissed by mounting evidence that the attacks are not the work of a single or series of random individuals but a concentrated attack by an organization more technologically and tactically advanced than even Lysander and his men. No sign of struggle seems evident at the scene of any crime and any ashed Vampire is mixed with a strange powder that glows under ultra violet light. No calling card has been left at present at any crime scene and any eye witnesses seem to spooked to discuss what they have seen, most either homeless or other "undesirables" who, when they do talk, rant about aliens and monsters rising from the walls as if created from the buildings themselves before devouring humans whole. The second is an influx of a new drug that seems to coincide far to coincidentally with the sudden outbreak of attacks is a new street drug known as Pollen or Golden Dawn which claims to allow Vampires not only to walk under the sun but to create Kindred without the Embrace with prolonged exposure. Vampires who use are easily recognized with an unnatural tan and golden eyes, a scent of fresh rain seeping from their skin. Pollen Dens have slowly grown through out the city and as the drug grows more and more popular many fear that The Masquerade is at risk of ending.

Despite the growing threats neither side seems to be looking for a method to end either the influx of Pollen or end the growing threats to The Denver Night. At least that was the paradigm until what has since been dubbed The Whippoorwill Affair. Meeting in secret factions within the established Vampire Sects have sent emissaries to meet under the watchful eyes of their leadership elected from fresh and new faces to the city in hopes of discovering who or what is behind the recent and bloody assaults on Denver Vampires and who or where the drugs plaguing newly risen Vampires is coming from and that is where our story begins. The first meeting of the Whippoorwill Affair is convened at a large warehouse far from the City Limits, ten representatives from either side waiting outside for their contacts, black vans making a ring along the outside of the factory with armed guards and spotters easily seen as one approaches. All of this spells out one singular reality. This meeting is not a place for antsy Vampires with something to prove.

So our game has started! What we'll do here is do your Prologues up to why you're at The Whippoorwill Affair meeting. Any details I need to properly roleplay your mentors/Sires would be great guys and if you could repost a link to each of your character sheets in your first post would be spectacular.

2015-09-09, 09:05 PM
Agrus Kos (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=551596)

Agrus's sire was an old vapire in eastern Europe who was killed around the turn of the 20th century by a mob when his nature was discovered. He barely escaped himself on a transport to the Americas, where he was taken under the wing of a Camarilla harpy who serves as his mentor and occasional lover when the mood strikes her. He has developed a passion for the Traditions and upholding them, blaming a Sabbat's sloppy methods for his sire being unmasked and killed a century ago. This has lead him to being one of the Denver Sheriff's "deputies" he calls on when muscle is required.

He maintains a human private security force in Denver that he uses for espionage, influence in mortal affairs, and a source of food. He's recently come under the attention of the higher-ups in Denver's courts when he managed to kill a Sabbat agent who had evaded the Sheriff. While this has given him notice by the higher-ups, it has also made him a threat in the Sheriff's eyes. This has lead him to being one of the Denver Sheriff's "deputies" he calls on when muscle is required.

His presence at this meeting tonight is likely a sign that the Sheriff believes things might get violent, and knows that if it does, Agrus will place himself right in the thick of things.

2015-09-10, 12:37 AM
Michael Estrada (http://sheetgen.dalines.net/sheet/42092)

Michael Estrada, his original name lost to the very tides of time was originally a member of a small tribe in what is now Modern day Mexico. He was embraced by a Kindred of Clan Gangrel when he was 53 years old, an accomplished and well trained hunter of beasts large and small, although slowed in his older years.

Vincent Valenzuela approached Michael on the night of his Embrace. He praised the old man's hunting skill and lamented the sadness of age and the loss of such a hunter to time itself. He gave Michael a deal that the old hunter just couldn't turn down.

Early in his unlife, Vincent stayed close by Michael's side and tutored him in the ways of Clan Gangrel. Side by side, mentorship turned to friendship and they never parted ways until the early 1900's when Vincent headed North to Texas and Michael remained in Mexico.

For over a hundred years, Michael has carved for himself a path in Mexico, jumping from city to city and taking on different names while working hand in hand with both the Sabbat and the Mexican Mafia as a competent drug mule and highly effective bruiser.


Michael Estrada is a Templar under the banner of Archbishop Carmen Lopez of Chihuahua in Mexico. He was charged by Archbishop Lopez to meet with his old friend, mentor and Sire in a place called Colorado and so eager to prove himself in hopes of climbing to the rank of Paladin, Michael left Chihuahua on his crimson red 1999 Harley Softail, occasionally stopping for a quick "bite" and a good day's rest at random motels along the road.

At the Warehouse

He pulled up just outside of Vincent's cabin in the middle of nowhere, an older man easily in his early fifties by his physical appearance with a prominent mustache and thick black hair which cascaded down his back held together by a blood red bandanna.

He set his brown cowhide cowboy boot down as leverage, he wore weathered Levis and a black leather jacked over his bare tattooed chest along with a large silver belt-buckle that said "Bite Me" in big bold letters.

Lit Cuban cigar hanging from his mouth, the Gangrel from Mexico took a look around before walking up to the cabin and giving it a few hard knocks. "Vincent! I'm here."

2015-09-10, 01:45 AM
Agrus Kos

Agrus's sire was an old vapire in eastern Europe who was killed around the turn of the 20th century by a mob when his nature was discovered. He barely escaped himself on a transport to the Americas, where he was taken under the wing of a Camarilla harpy who serves as his mentor and occasional lover when the mood strikes her. He has developed a passion for the Traditions and upholding them, blaming a Sabbat's sloppy methods for his sire being unmasked and killed a century ago. This has lead him to being one of the Denver Sheriff's "deputies" he calls on when muscle is required.

He maintains a human private security force in Denver that he uses for espionage, influence in mortal affairs, and a source of food. He's recently come under the attention of the higher-ups in Denver's courts when he managed to kill a Sabbat agent who had evaded the Sheriff. While this has given him notice by the higher-ups, it has also made him a threat in the Sheriff's eyes. This has lead him to being one of the Denver Sheriff's "deputies" he calls on when muscle is required.

His presence at this meeting tonight is likely a sign that the Sheriff believes things might get violent, and knows that if it does, Agrus will place himself right in the thick of things.

The Camarilla Envoys are more than eager to usher Argus in from the cool September Mountain night, a small holding room reserved for the members of the joint force. A small dossier is dropped on the table, a short list of names and Clan for every vampire present. The Sabbat mostly seem to be Gangrel Antribu with links to organized crime within the city, the bulk of the Camarilla members seemingly Brujah and all ex-military. No information seems present for the other members brought in for the Affair and only a small briefing on the concerns raised by the joint unit being listed, nothing that someone so well known and entrenched in Denver Kindred Politics wouldn't know. A man in a crisp suit steps inside, slim rimmed glasses hanging off his nose. "We're glad you're here Kos. The Sabbat handy man looks pretty rough and your third partner hasn't even arrived yet. Do you require anything while you wait? We'll get everything situated once we confirm our third unit is present."

At the Warehouse

He pulled up just outside of Vincent's cabin in the middle of nowhere, an older man easily in his early fifties by his physical appearance with a prominent mustache and thick black hair which cascaded down his back held together by a blood red bandanna.

He set his brown cowhide cowboy boot down as leverage, he wore weathered Levis and a black leather jacked over his bare tattooed chest along with a large silver belt-buckle that said "Bite Me" in big bold letters.

Lit Cuban cigar hanging from his mouth, the Gangrel from Mexico took a look around before walking up to the cabin and giving it a few hard knocks. "Vincent! I'm here."

The door slides open and Vincent is ushered in quickly, the old vampire sitting in front of a small fire as yellow eyes gaze into the flames. Covered in heavy blankets and attended by yet more of his sired, the ancient Vampire sits with a large goblet of wine in hand with a cigar of his own puffing out smoke off to the side. "Sit down mijo." he spoke through a mouthful of drink, gravely though inviting as he motioned to a small chair close by with a large folder sitting on its comfy cushions. "Read that and we'll speak." The aforementioned documents detail a rather large incursion into Camarilla lands up north in Colorado, running what few drugs remain viable in the newly legalized state along with a special request for a few of the sects best "handy-men" for what is only detailed as The Whippoorwill Affair".

2015-09-10, 04:54 AM
"No, thank you. I came here tonight to do a job. I would hardly be worthy of the task had I come unprepared." Agrus had fed on one of his retainers back at his security company's building just before leaving, "topping up" to ensure he was as fully prepared for a fight as he could be. The military-grade combat knives he had hidden underneath his fitted business suit prodded his stomach for a moment as he took a seat to wait. The two of them and the small handgun displayed on his holster were the only three weapons he had brought with him tonight. This meeting was not supposed to end in bloodshed, but with the Sabbat, one could never be too careful.

2015-09-10, 05:48 AM
"No, thank you. I came here tonight to do a job. I would hardly be worthy of the task had I come unprepared." Agrus had fed on one of his retainers back at his security company's building just before leaving, "topping up" to ensure he was as fully prepared for a fight as he could be. The military-grade combat knives he had hidden underneath his fitted business suit prodded his stomach for a moment as he took a seat to wait. The two of them and the small handgun displayed on his holster were the only three weapons he had brought with him tonight. This meeting was not supposed to end in bloodshed, but with the Sabbat, one could never be too careful.

"Of course. Any questions before this goes down? We don't feel we have to stress that this isn't something we want you discussing once the meeting is finished. We're not excited to be working with the Sabbat but these are strange Nights. We haven't told them about this but..." The vampire glances around to the rest of the men assembled before placing a small vial down on the table in front of Kos filled with a powder that sparkles with the intensity of the sun, even the man's fingers seemingly burnt from contact. "Take a look at that. Confiscated from a junkie the other night. Seems our thin blood friends are using humans to get the drug into them. It's inhaled like coke, putting it to fire makes it viciously corrosive and toxic and ingesting it doesn't seem to do much except a stomach ache. For folks like us though and the story is different. Get that stuff in your nose and you'll be sneezing blood for a couple days. Eat it and..." Another vampire moves over swiftly to put a few pictures down on the table, bodies curled back in agony with their stomach seemingly burst through and burnt. "Poor bastards burned through for hours. Medical tests reveal a few common elements. Copper salts, amphetamine, the usual cocktail. But then it gets weird. Few elements we can't identify, we're hoping the Sabbat had some better luck but we're not holding out figurative breath. The really weird part is the last bit we found. It's got vitae in it but that's not the weird part. Who ever or what ever they're getting it from hasn't been feeding on humans, we don't have a clue what its been noshing on but it's not animal and its not human. And what ever it is is what makes this stuff so nasty."

2015-09-10, 06:29 AM
Michael Estrada

Michael nodded his understanding. He sat down and read through the folder with a great amount of interest, his beady eyes darting back and forth across the pages. "Camarilla."

The name of the other sect was mentioned, a statement with a slight hint of a question as Michael closed the folder and fixed his eyes on Vincent. "It's been a long time, Vincent."

2015-09-10, 06:53 AM
Michael Estrada

Michael nodded his understanding. He sat down and read through the folder with a great amount of interest, his beady eyes darting back and forth across the pages. "Camarilla."

The name of the other sect was mentioned, a statement with a slight hint of a question as Michael closed the folder and fixed his eyes on Vincent. "It's been a long time, Vincent."

"Yes and you'll have to get along. They're saying it's something serious. Bigger than our problems, big enough for the main branch not knowing about this gambit. Our men in the field are saying it may be bigger than Gehenna. We're looking at problems beyond our scope and in an area where we're not strong." Vincent motions, a few men helping to move his chair to face Michael. "It has and I'm sending you off again. We'll talk when you've completed your mission and come home alright?" he asks, reaching out to rest a hand on the Kindred's leg.

2015-09-10, 07:16 AM
"Yes and you'll have to get along. They're saying it's something serious. Bigger than our problems, big enough for the main branch not knowing about this gambit. Our men in the field are saying it may be bigger than Gehenna. We're looking at problems beyond our scope and in an area where we're not strong." Vincent motions, a few men helping to move his chair to face Michael. "It has and I'm sending you off again. We'll talk when you've completed your mission and come home alright?" he asks, reaching out to rest a hand on the Kindred's leg.

"Anything for you." said the Templar, chewing on his cigar while thinking of the implications. Bigger than Gehenna? That's pretty serious dribble, borderline heresy but coming from his Sire, Michael knew it was worth listening to.

He sat up straight in his chair, waiting for the details of this mission with a fair amount of eagerness. He used his thumb to crack the knuckles of his fingers...an old twitch that he's never been able to get rid of.

2015-09-10, 09:36 AM
Kos examines the grisly pictures with detachment. Right up until he said that the vitae was neither Kindred nor human, Agrus saw nothing in this report which warranted getting the Sabbat filth involved. But if this was something other, something from beyond the domain of the Kindred, then this was indeed something dire enough to risk a meeting with the fanatics.

"I've only got one question: how many Sabbat are we expecting to show up?"

2015-09-11, 04:48 PM
"Anything for you." said the Templar, chewing on his cigar while thinking of the implications. Bigger than Gehenna? That's pretty serious dribble, borderline heresy but coming from his Sire, Michael knew it was worth listening to.

He sat up straight in his chair, waiting for the details of this mission with a fair amount of eagerness. He used his thumb to crack the knuckles of his fingers...an old twitch that he's never been able to get rid of.

"They say something is coming out of the U.S, Colorado...Denver" Vincent explains, motioning for one of his attendants to pull out a map with the aforementioned city. "Humans not embraced but like Kindred. They can drink blood and are strong like us but they can walk in the day. All because of some drug, never seen it. They call it Pollen, they say because it looks like golden dust. Kills us unless they feed from humans and the Kindred who do...they say they're walking under the Sun as well. A drug that can break the Curse of Caine. Heresy if you ask me but the Camarilla seem to think at least part of it's true. You're to go up North and help find where it's coming from, find out if what they say is true and help this task force in anything else they need. Once they're done bring a sample of the drug back or better, find the source and bring it back."

Kos examines the grisly pictures with detachment. Right up until he said that the vitae was neither Kindred nor human, Agrus saw nothing in this report which warranted getting the Sabbat filth involved. But if this was something other, something from beyond the domain of the Kindred, then this was indeed something dire enough to risk a meeting with the fanatics.

"I've only got one question: how many Sabbat are we expecting to show up?"

"One. Name of Michael Estrada, big deal down in Mexico. You'll also have another helping you through but the details on her are...sketchy. Caitiff is all we know. Some kind of charity case." The man explains, offering a shrug. "They'll want to see you inside now so you bet get going. We're not happy with the situation at all but...you'll get the details once you're all present."

2015-09-11, 04:53 PM
"One. Name of Argus Kos, big deal down in Mexico. You'll also have another helping you through but the details on her are...sketchy. Caitiff is all we know. Some kind of charity case." The man explains, offering a shrug. "They'll want to see you inside now so you bet get going. We're not happy with the situation at all but...you'll get the details once you're all present."

"Very well." Agrus Kos complies and patiently awaits the others.

2015-09-11, 05:26 PM
Michael Estrada

"Sounds like a bunch of horse**** to me, Vincent." said Michael as he chewed on his cigar, standing up to his full height of 5 feet and 6 inches.

"Alright, I'll do this." He said as he readjusted his bandanna with a scowling smirk on his face. "Just point me where I need to go and I'll be there. Me and my fists ain't never let the Sabbat down before and they aren't about to stop now."

2015-09-11, 06:01 PM
Michael Estrada

"Sounds like a bunch of horse**** to me, Vincent." said Michael as he chewed on his cigar, standing up to his full height of 5 feet and 6 inches.

"Alright, I'll do this." He said as he readjusted his bandanna with a scowling smirk on his face. "Just point me where I need to go and I'll be there. Me and my fists ain't never let the Sabbat down before and they aren't about to stop now."

"The Camarilla are fools but they're not insane. If they're reporting an incident like this then there's something going on and it isn't just them. The Archbishop of San Fransico is saying they're starting to see Pollen push into the city. Not much but if things keep moving the way they're moving the drug is going to be across the boarder and once that happens who knows how far it will spread. They're scared. The Camarilla are scared and so are our brothers and sisters. This is the Thinning of the Blood in a way we've never seen. These are the Final Nights mijo. A driver will take you where you need to go. Walk safely." Vincent then stands slowly, moving to embrace Michael with shakey arms. "You'll return, I trust it."

2015-09-11, 06:17 PM
Michael Estrada

Michael accepts the embrace from his Sire and dearest friend, wrapping his arms around the ancient vampire before planting a kiss on each of his cheeks. "Eh, I'll go with the driver. Can you see to it that my baby is taken care of, Vincent? Don't want any punk pendejo ta touch her... Maybe one of Callie's boys can change her oil." He wasn't too happy about leaving his motorcycle behind but he was always willing to cooperate with Vincent.

With that being said, Michael walks out of the cabin to find said driver. With a flick of his fingers, he dropped the remaining stub of his cigar on the patio and put it out with his boot. "Alright, homies... Where's my ride?"

2015-09-13, 05:57 PM
Kalypsa Dietrich (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=543680)

Kalypsa was embraced on September 21st, 1956, by a Tremre vampire named Gregory Vincent. Sired outside the knowledge of the Camarilla, Kalypsa was raised and trained to avoid their detection and to feed discretely. She followed her Sire to Denver in 1983, a result of his loss in a power struggle in Atlanta. For most of her unlife, she served him and looked up to him as a father, and he looked after her as he would a daughter. This all ended three months ago, when her sire was killed in a random attack. Since then, Kalypsa has been endangering her unlife by looking in to his death. Thus far, she has found only a few clues. During her search however, she came to the attention of the Sabbat, who have brought her to attend the meeting that would begin the Whippoorwill Affair.

Kalypsa waited outside the Warehouse, watched by a pair of Gangrel enforcers. She would have shivered had she been alive, but it had been a long time soon, the meeting would be starting, and she would tell these Kindred what she had learned. It had been an odd few months. From her sire's death, to her frantic search for his killers, to the event that perhaps caused her current predicament. It had been a whirlwind, and perhaps one of the better ways to expose herself to Vampire Society at large. At least she wasn't destroyed on the spot by the Camarilla, or hunted down and killed by the Sabbat. Then again, maybe it was one of the worst ways for a Caitiff to expose herself. She didn't imagine that either the Sabbat or Camarilla liked her much, even if she did have information on what was happening.

Two Weeks Ago - Kalypsa Dietrich's Office, Denver University

The office was as pristine as always, kept orderly and neat by its owner. The framed diplomas on the wall were dust-free, and the papers on the desk were in neat stacks. The desk itself, however, had been pushed aside to clear the centre of the room. A black cloth had been layed over the carpet, a pentagram design displayed on it. A few occult books were open to various pages, all of them concerned with summoning and speaking with the dead. Kalypsa herself sat on the edge of the circle, clutching a small urn.

She placed the urn in the centre of the pentagram, picking up a small stainless steel knife from beside her. She drew the blade across her palm, and let the blood drip onto the urn. "Spiritus domini mei. Spiritus patris mei. Ad te clamo. Apparebis in conspectu meo, et dic mihi iterum." She chanted, closing her eyes and reaching out into the world of the dead. The ashes within the urn, and the blood from her palm would be the catalysts for the spell. She probed the underworld, hoping her call would reach her Sire's soul.

2015-09-13, 06:26 PM
Michael Estrada

Michael accepts the embrace from his Sire and dearest friend, wrapping his arms around the ancient vampire before planting a kiss on each of his cheeks. "Eh, I'll go with the driver. Can you see to it that my baby is taken care of, Vincent? Don't want any punk pendejo ta touch her... Maybe one of Callie's boys can change her oil." He wasn't too happy about leaving his motorcycle behind but he was always willing to cooperate with Vincent.

With that being said, Michael walks out of the cabin to find said driver. With a flick of his fingers, he dropped the remaining stub of his cigar on the patio and put it out with his boot. "Alright, homies... Where's my ride?"

"The ride" doesn't take long to show up, luckily for Michael a pickup affair more than situated to take his beloved motorcycle along for the trip. Between stops in safe houses during the days, as one might expect for a caravan of Vampires, and stops for other purposes it takes about a week to reach Denver and another night to deposit the Sabbat Member to the meeting. The warehouse is surrounded by both factions of the meeting organizers standing outside. "They're waiting for you inside." shouts a plainsclothes Vampire, a scowl on his large jowls. "No weapons. Leave'em outside."

Kalypsa Dietrich (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=543680)

Kalypsa was embraced on September 21st, 1956, by a Tremre vampire named Gregory Vincent. Sired outside the knowledge of the Camarilla, Kalypsa was raised and trained to avoid their detection and to feed discretely. She followed her Sire to Denver in 1983, a result of his loss in a power struggle in Atlanta. For most of her unlife, she served him and looked up to him as a father, and he looked after her as he would a daughter. This all ended three months ago, when her sire was killed in a random attack. Since then, Kalypsa has been endangering her unlife by looking in to his death. Thus far, she has found only a few clues. During her search however, she came to the attention of the Sabbat, who have brought her to attend the meeting that would begin the Whippoorwill Affair.

Kalypsa waited outside the Warehouse, watched by a pair of Gangrel enforcers. She would have shivered had she been alive, but it had been a long time soon, the meeting would be starting, and she would tell these Kindred what she had learned. It had been an odd few months. From her sire's death, to her frantic search for his killers, to the event that perhaps caused her current predicament. It had been a whirlwind, and perhaps one of the better ways to expose herself to Vampire Society at large. At least she wasn't destroyed on the spot by the Camarilla, or hunted down and killed by the Sabbat. Then again, maybe it was one of the worst ways for a Caitiff to expose herself. She didn't imagine that either the Sabbat or Camarilla liked her much, even if she did have information on what was happening.

Two Weeks Ago - Kalypsa Dietrich's Office, Denver University

The office was as pristine as always, kept orderly and neat by its owner. The framed diplomas on the wall were dust-free, and the papers on the desk were in neat stacks. The desk itself, however, had been pushed aside to clear the centre of the room. A black cloth had been layed over the carpet, a pentagram design displayed on it. A few occult books were open to various pages, all of them concerned with summoning and speaking with the dead. Kalypsa herself sat on the edge of the circle, clutching a small urn.

She placed the urn in the centre of the pentagram, picking up a small stainless steel knife from beside her. She drew the blade across her palm, and let the blood drip onto the urn. "Spiritus domini mei. Spiritus patris mei. Ad te clamo. Apparebis in conspectu meo, et dic mihi iterum." She chanted, closing her eyes and reaching out into the world of the dead. The ashes within the urn, and the blood from her palm would be the catalysts for the spell. She probed the underworld, hoping her call would reach her Sire's soul.

From the urn spits a foul black smoke, acrid and heavy as it almost seems to cling to the inside of the urn as it ripples and coagulates with tepid energy. A scream of torment emits through the air as the veil between the Living World and The Shadowlands bleeds form as a pair of gaunt hands rip from the small urn as they struggle out into the warmth beyond the Shade. A cloaked figure soon hangs, dripping with shadowy viscera and heavy with chains that glinted with strange light. Why have you drawn me back to this world. the Shade rasped, pale eyes peeking from beyond the ragged cowl the Wraith wears.

2015-09-13, 06:58 PM
From the urn spits a foul black smoke, acrid and heavy as it almost seems to cling to the inside of the urn as it ripples and coagulates with tepid energy. A scream of torment emits through the air as the veil between the Living World and The Shadowlands bleeds form as a pair of gaunt hands rip from the small urn as they struggle out into the warmth beyond the Shade. A cloaked figure soon hangs, dripping with shadowy viscera and heavy with chains that glinted with strange light. Why have you drawn me back to this world. the Shade rasped, pale eyes peeking from beyond the ragged cowl the Wraith wears.

"Master?" Kalypsa asks warily. She looks at the cloaked ghost, steeling herself. "You were murdered, Master... I have tried to avenge you, to find your killer, but... there wasn't enough left. There were so few clues. I couldn't think of any other way. I've called you to ask you yourself... how did you die, Master? Who killed you, how did they kill you?"

2015-09-13, 07:54 PM
"Master?" Kalypsa asks warily. She looks at the cloaked ghost, steeling herself. "You were murdered, Master... I have tried to avenge you, to find your killer, but... there wasn't enough left. There were so few clues. I couldn't think of any other way. I've called you to ask you yourself... how did you die, Master? Who killed you, how did they kill you?"

Chains rattled and groans issued from the Shade as it rippled under the scraps of cowl that covered it. "The sun." it groaned, eyes going wide. "I felt the rays of the sun at Midnight."

2015-09-13, 11:30 PM
Michael Estrada

Michael reached into his pockets and pulled out a pair of steel knuckles before dropping them into the saddlebag of his softail. He didn't like the idea but it's not as if he actually needed the weapons, the Gangrel could fight just fine with his bare hands if it came down to it.

Thumbs looped behind his "Bite Me" belt buckle, he stepped into the warehouse and cast his eyes around, inhaling deeply and listening closely as he tried to make sense of his surroundings.

2015-09-14, 01:38 AM
Chains rattled and groans issued from the Shade as it rippled under the scraps of cowl that covered it. "The sun." it groaned, eyes going wide. "I felt the rays of the sun at Midnight."

Kalypsa peered at the Shade in confusion. "You felt the rays of the sun at Midnight?" She asked, then shook her head. "Of course, Master. But how? Who shone the light of the sun? How did they do it?" She pleaded, gesturing to the window with her uncut hand.

2015-09-14, 02:16 AM
Michael Estrada

Michael reached into his pockets and pulled out a pair of steel knuckles before dropping them into the saddlebag of his softail. He didn't like the idea but it's not as if he actually needed the weapons, the Gangrel could fight just fine with his bare hands if it came down to it.

Thumbs looped behind his "Bite Me" belt buckle, he stepped into the warehouse and cast his eyes around, inhaling deeply and listening closely as he tried to make sense of his surroundings.


The gruff vampire scowled, pulling back his jacket to reveal a rather large handgun. "Suite yourself. I'm watching you lunatic." the portly vampire then spat, kicking open the door to the large and spacious though rather empty warehouse where three chairs sat. One was already filled with Agrus Kos.

Kalypsa peered at the Shade in confusion. "You felt the rays of the sun at Midnight?" She asked, then shook her head. "Of course, Master. But how? Who shone the light of the sun? How did they do it?" She pleaded, gesturing to the window with her uncut hand.

The Shade bulled further, strange bestial faces pulling out from the umbra with hisses and snaps. "The Sun." it gasped again. "The sun at midnight, that which grants God's Destiny. A thousand shining wings. A thousand mouths calling hymns." the Shade began to rant, tugging at its chains as they rattled and whipped about though seemed unable to effect the world about it. "It is coming. The Sun is coming! Final Day, Eternal Day." The Shade continued to rip at itself, the bindings of the spell creaking as the Wraith tried its best to be free even as brilliant sunlight suddenly shone through the room from within the urn.

2015-09-14, 02:27 AM
The Shade bulled further, strange bestial faces pulling out from the umbra with hisses and snaps. "The Sun." it gasped again. "The sun at midnight, that which grants God's Destiny. A thousand shining wings. A thousand mouths calling hymns." the Shade began to rant, tugging at its chains as they rattled and whipped about though seemed unable to effect the world about it. "It is coming. The Sun is coming! Final Day, Eternal Day." The Shade continued to rip at itself, the bindings of the spell creaking as the Wraith tried its best to be free even as brilliant sunlight suddenly shone through the room from within the urn.

Kalypsa shielded her eyes, cringing at the brilliant rays of sunlight. She didn't have much time, or perhaps any at all. She silently begged for her Sire's forgiveness as she dismissed the spell binding him to the world of the living.

2015-09-14, 02:34 AM
Kalypsa shielded her eyes, cringing at the brilliant rays of sunlight. She didn't have much time, or perhaps any at all. She silently begged for her Sire's forgiveness as she dismissed the spell binding him to the world of the living.

The sunlight gutters and dies as it draws even the electric and candle light with itself down into the urn which shatters as the spell is dismissed. The room, plunged in gloom, reeks of sulfur and soot leaving it not just a dark room but a room filled with more questions than when it began.

2015-09-14, 07:39 AM

The gruff vampire scowled, pulling back his jacket to reveal a rather large handgun. "Suite yourself. I'm watching you lunatic." the portly vampire then spat, kicking open the door to the large and spacious though rather empty warehouse where three chairs sat. One was already filled with Agrus Kos.

Agrus Kos stares down the newcomer and sizes him up. Sloppy appearance? Check. Bad attitude? Check. Ridiculous "Bite Me" belt buckle? Check. Arrogant swagger likely to get himself and any associates killed? Check. Must be the Sabbat.

"You must be the Sabbat's chosen lunatic. "Michael" is it? Or would you prefer I call you The Great Almighty Lord of Fangs?" Somehow, Agrus's tone managed to drip with dry sarcasm on that last part.

2015-09-14, 10:20 AM
Agrus Kos stares down the newcomer and sizes him up. Sloppy appearance? Check. Bad attitude? Check. Ridiculous "Bite Me" belt buckle? Check. Arrogant swagger likely to get himself and any associates killed? Check. Must be the Sabbat.

"You must be the Sabbat's chosen lunatic. "Michael" is it? Or would you prefer I call you The Great Almighty Lord of Fangs?" Somehow, Agrus's tone managed to drip with dry sarcasm on that last part.

Michael grabbed the back of his chair before pulling it out from the table. He dropped himself into the sear and casually interlaced his fingers and set them on his stomach. "Ah... Lovely manners, Senor. Ya don't even know me, dip**** and we open with insults? Is this wha the Camarilla have to offer?Suppose you're the one I'll be workin' with. Michael Estrada of Clan Gangrel."

He stares at Argus, the arrogant little punk thought he was better than the Sabbat... typical Camarilla twinkle-toes.

2015-09-14, 02:11 PM
The sunlight gutters and dies as it draws even the electric and candle light with itself down into the urn which shatters as the spell is dismissed. The room, plunged in gloom, reeks of sulfur and soot leaving it not just a dark room but a room filled with more questions than when it began.

Kalypsa sat, baffled at the revelations that her Sire's ghost had given her. The rays of the sun at midnight? God's destiny? A thousand mouths calling hymns? Final day, eternal day? What the hell did that all mean? She thought to herself, then shook her head and stood up. She gathered up the ritual components, put the books back on their shelves, and put her office back in order.

Present Day, Outside the Warehouse

Kalypsa snapped out of her daydreaming, looking to the gangrel next to her. She could feel their derisive stares, but she paid them no heed. If they were going to destroy her, they would have done so when they caught her. Now she just needed to wait until she was called in. After all, she was one of their few witnesses.

2015-09-14, 04:42 PM
Michael grabbed the back of his chair before pulling it out from the table. He dropped himself into the sear and casually interlaced his fingers and set them on his stomach. "Ah... Lovely manners, Senor. Ya don't even know me, dip**** and we open with insults? Is this wha the Camarilla have to offer?Suppose you're the one I'll be workin' with. Michael Estrada of Clan Gangrel."

He stares at Argus, the arrogant little punk thought he was better than the Sabbat... typical Camarilla twinkle-toes.

"Yes, I'm the agent assigned to making sure you don't violate the Masquerade and get all of us killed as we investigate this problem. Your sense of subtlety fills me with such enthusiasm." Agrus knew this assignment was important, but did it really justify calling in such a... a cowboy of a Sabbat? He's like some bad stereotype from a western mixed with a trashy vampire romance novel.

2015-09-14, 06:09 PM
Present Day, Outside the Warehouse

Kalypsa snapped out of her daydreaming, looking to the gangrel next to her. She could feel their derisive stares, but she paid them no heed. If they were going to destroy her, they would have done so when they caught her. Now she just needed to wait until she was called in. After all, she was one of their few witnesses.

A calm, clean cut man steps into the room, the other Vampires standing slowly and swiftly elbow Kalypsa to do the same. "We're going to go about this nice and slow dear." he starts, slicking back already slick backed hair with a gloved hand as he slowly removes his shades. "We've got your handlers already in holding waiting for you. You're going to tell them what you know, and you're going to tell us what you know. Once that's done we'll see what to do with you. Do we understand one another? Any funny moves and we've got quite a few people here who would love to take care of you. If you do well who knows. We might take you into the Sabbat. Are you going to play ball?"

2015-09-14, 11:27 PM
"Yes, I'm the agent assigned to making sure you don't violate the Masquerade and get all of us killed as we investigate this problem. Your sense of subtlety fills me with such enthusiasm." Agrus knew this assignment was important, but did it really justify calling in such a... a cowboy of a Sabbat? He's like some bad stereotype from a western mixed with a trashy vampire romance novel.

The Gangrel smirked at Agrus' words but refuses to say anything else as he kicks his boots up onto the table with an audible thud. Let the Camarilla make a fool of himself, he thought.

Michael's eyes, lined with wrinkles fixed on the Brujah in silent but sure judgement. He had a job to do and he wasn't about to shattered this tender alliance before they even got a chance to get started.

2015-09-15, 12:54 AM
A calm, clean cut man steps into the room, the other Vampires standing slowly and swiftly elbow Kalypsa to do the same. "We're going to go about this nice and slow dear." he starts, slicking back already slick backed hair with a gloved hand as he slowly removes his shades. "We've got your handlers already in holding waiting for you. You're going to tell them what you know, and you're going to tell us what you know. Once that's done we'll see what to do with you. Do we understand one another? Any funny moves and we've got quite a few people here who would love to take care of you. If you do well who knows. We might take you into the Sabbat. Are you going to play ball?"

Kalypsa stands after being nudged, and lowers her gaze from the Vampire's eyes. She nods. "I've got no disrespect for you or any of your fine friends."" She said, trying to stay relaxed. "If what I know can help, then I'll gladly tell you. As long as I'm not attacked, you'll get no trouble from me, sir."

2015-09-15, 01:25 AM
Kalypsa stands after being nudged, and lowers her gaze from the Vampire's eyes. She nods. "I've got no disrespect for you or any of your fine friends."" She said, trying to stay relaxed. "If what I know can help, then I'll gladly tell you. As long as I'm not attacked, you'll get no trouble from me, sir."

"We're pleased you're taking this so well. Come." The Well Dressed Vampire turns on a heel, clicking off with nicely polished shoes to a large central and mostly empty warehouse save for two bickering men and an empty chair between them. "Excuse me gentlemen!" he calls out as he leads Kalypsa into the room. "If you'd take a moment to settle down we can begin. Agrus, Michael this is Kalypsa. She'll be assisting you in your task hunting down the killer or killers running rampant through our town and helping to find the source of the recent Pollen trade. Kalypsa won't you be a dear and fill us in on why we haven't simple gutted you?" the man asks sweetly, a small parade of other vampires filtering in to form a ring about the chairs.

2015-09-15, 07:59 AM
Agrus stands at attention as the third vampire enters. This then is the last member of their task force. She may be Clanless, but at least she isn't screaming "I'm a vampire!" with her outfit.

2015-09-15, 12:34 PM
Michael Estrada

Michael remains seated, there are no "Elders" among the Sabbat in the same fashion of the Camarilla. The Sword of Caine operated quite differently. He peered at the Caitiff as he stuck a cigar between his teeth, waiting to hear what she had to say.

2015-09-15, 02:58 PM
Kalypsa Dietrich

Kalypsa swallowed, clearing her throat and calming her nerves. She stepped forward, looking at Agrus and Michael. There was quite a contrast between them, but neither looked to be a break from the norm of shunning her for her 'situation'. She pushed the memories of derisive dismissal out of her mind and nodded. "Right. As you no doubt know, these attacks are seemingly random, and almost untraceable. Nobody has been able to find anything at the scenes of these attacks save the ashes of former kindred, Camarilla, Sabbat, or Caitiff alike." She said, hoping to evaluate the reactions of Michael and Agrus before continuing. "My own sire was slain in one of these attacks, which is why I began to look into them, and why I'm here instead of strewn across a parking lot like ground beef."

2015-09-15, 11:11 PM
"And you've stumbled upon something to help this investigation?" Agrus asks with genuine interest. Unlike most Camarilla, Agrus has no problem with the Caitiff, provided that they don't violate the Traditions. This one appearing openly at this meeting as if she had nothing to hide was a good sign.

2015-09-15, 11:38 PM
Michael Estrada

She says Caitiff like being Clanless is in of itself a deciding sect among the Cainites. Granted, there were indeed Caitiff among the Sabbat...a psudeo-clan called the Pander but still...interesting.

Michael took his feet off the table and leaned forward, hands clasped and elbows resting on the solid wood. His eyes fix on her and he asks "So, obviously ya got beef with whoever is responsible for this crap, Senora... Question is, what ya got on all this that ain't already been briefed to us, huh?"

He continues to chew on his as of yet unlit cigar, waiting for a response.

2015-09-15, 11:50 PM
Kalypsa Dietrich

Kalypsa nodded, clasping her hands behind her back. "Well, I've actually spoken to a victim." She said, waiting a few moments for that to sink in. "And I know what killed him, or at least what he thinks killed him." She continued, looking to Agrus, and then Michael. "Sunlight killed him... my sire was killed at midnight by immolation, in sunlight."

2015-09-16, 12:30 AM
Magic. Of course there's magic involved. Damn stuff never makes anything simple. Of course the "clue" is a riddle Agrus thinks to himself. He hated when magic got involved in an investigation. It made everything messy. Still, if this Kindred could use the Art to aid them, it might actually be useful to have magic involved for once.

"That's... interesting to say the least. Do either of you know where we should start this investigation?"

2015-09-16, 01:44 AM
Kalypsa Dietrich

Kalypsa held up her hand. "Actually, there was a bit more..." She said, casting her gaze down to the floor. She took a few minutes to compose herself before speaking. "I don't know if death drove my sire insane, or if he knew what was going on. But he mentioned a few things before I got a nasty sunburn and had to send him back. My sire said that he was killed by "That which grants god's destiny". He spoke of a thousand radiant wings and a thousand mouths singing hymns... he raved that the sun was coming, and it would bring the final eternal day with it... I don't know about you, but that sounds like angels to me..."

2015-09-16, 01:56 AM
Agrus grimaced. "I make it my business to stay as far away from such things as I can. The world of the Kindred has enough pitfalls in it without poking my nose in the other realms beyond mortal ken." If angels truly were involved, Agrus would be glad to have a Caitiff witch and a Sabbat cowboy with him. The cowboy would make good cannon fodder and the witch would likely be able to help him figure out what's going on.

2015-09-16, 11:51 AM
"Ain't that the truth." said Michael in response to Agrus. "We'd do well to stay away from that bullcrap but...alas...doesn't look like we are gonna have much of a choice. Y'all any idea where to start?" He looks between his two would-be comrades and the Elder vampire.

2015-09-16, 03:50 PM
"Perhaps one might look to where they're selling Pollen? If you have contacts in the city it would certainly help." The well dressed Vampire offers, tucking his hands into his pockets. "We're not certain the two are connected but if you can get rid of the Pollen a few vampire deaths in the city isn't out of the norm now is it? Getting rid of the drug on our streets is top priority. You may contact us here if you find any information. Please be advised that if information of your operations were to get to the main Sabbat or the Prince himself...we'll have to deny knowing you."

2015-09-16, 03:53 PM
Ah, the real reason the Sheriff assigned me to this. I'm to be a catspaw. Again. Agrus though. "Understood." He himself had a few contacts throughout the city established by his security firm.

2015-09-16, 04:17 PM
"Yeah, I got a few folks round Denver that should know something bout that Pollen crap. Whatever happened to meth, crack and cocaine? Crappy for business." said Michael as he leaned back in his chair and began to send a txt message to Julio, a Mexican Mafia member in Denver.

"Need to know about Pollen asap."

2015-09-16, 05:28 PM
"Perhaps one might look to where they're selling Pollen? If you have contacts in the city it would certainly help." The well dressed Vampire offers, tucking his hands into his pockets. "We're not certain the two are connected but if you can get rid of the Pollen a few vampire deaths in the city isn't out of the norm now is it? Getting rid of the drug on our streets is top priority. You may contact us here if you find any information. Please be advised that if information of your operations were to get to the main Sabbat or the Prince himself...we'll have to deny knowing you."

Kalypsa's eyes widened. "Wait, you didn't talk to them first about this?!" She asks, losing her calm demeanour almost instantly. She raised a hand to her mouth, casting her gaze downward and beginning to pace nervously. "Don't you people have to talk to your Princes and Bishops about this stuff?! They should know, shouldn't they? What if they feel threatened by our investigations and try to kill us... You don't care... Is that all we are, fodder for your political manuevering?"

2015-09-16, 05:50 PM
The Vampire purses his lips, clicking his tongue slowly. "I don't think you understand what's going on here. Right now there are eleven Sabbat and eleven Camarilla assembled with a Catiff Sorceress, atempting to solve a crises our superiors are unable or unwilling to take care of because they're to busy trying to take over the city. The more pragmatic members here have decided the only way to make sure we win the city is it not falling to Day Walking Vampirekin and murderers who seem to be able to channel sunlight at any time they wish. Something is going on in this city and the greatest minds the Kindred have to offer have become mewling children before it. We are all traitors here if we're caught. Now, it occurs to me that we get this mess cleared up and we all go back to shooting at one another. All of you are enemies I can understand and that's a fair sight better than an enemy that understands us enough not to leave a trail. Now. We'll be using code names. I will be your contact in this little debacle and you may call me Mr. Orange. You." he motions to Kalypsa "will be Bones. You" to Michael "will be Handlebars and finally you" again to Agrus "Roman. Now, any other questions?"

2015-09-16, 07:20 PM
Michael locked his phone and stared at the woman's outburst before turning his attention to the Elder vampire. "Yeah. How're we supposed to keep in contact with ya? I assume ya hot a card or something, Senor."

Aptly named Handlebars, Michael struck a match against the table and lit his cigar, casually puffing smokerings in Agrus's direction. "Whatcha think, Homie? Think ya can work with tha Sabbat without barkin' everytime yer head gets ter thinking bout bullcrap?"

2015-09-16, 08:03 PM
"Provided you can have enough restraint to not scream "I'm a vampire" at the mortals, I can manage that. For the sake of the Kindred at large."

2015-09-16, 08:11 PM
Michael grins at Agrus "Don't care what the cattle thinks of the coyote, Homie. Ain't got the time or the will to bother with them... ya have a twisted image of tha Sabbat but that's fine. Maybe all said an' done you'll even come back to Mexico with me..Ha!"

2015-09-17, 09:38 PM
Kalypsa shut her mouth and sort of sunk back. "I... uhm, right." She said awkwardly, then nodded as Mr. Orange rattled of their code names. "I mean... I don't hate either of you, so you're not exactly my enemies... are you?" She asks, turning to Michael and Agrus.

2015-09-17, 10:05 PM
"As long as you don't violate the Traditions, I do not oppose you."

2015-09-17, 11:29 PM
"Ain't got no beef with you, Senora. Let's keep it that way, eh?" Michael said as he shoved his cellphone back into his pocket.

2015-09-19, 03:20 AM
Chapter One
Unkempt Dawn

With dawn approaching the secret meeting of the first Whippoorwill Affair drew to a close, a safehouse far on the outskirts of the city itself provided for those members who didn't have proper housing within or around the city. Five unmarked cellphones are left at the cellphones, providing a direct line to both Mr. Orange who seems to represent the Camarilla and a Mr. Brown from the Sabbat. The other three are understandably for the three intrepid main characters, each locked to only receive calls between the other four and as all cell phones are in the year 2015 capable of calling emergency services. The safehouse also has a range of documents gathered by the two forces of the joint alliance, autopsies preformed on Pollen Users both human and Kindred, a map of Denver where every murder has taken place including of Kalypsa's sire and though a great deal of effort has been taken to draw lines between the attacks they are without a shred of doubt purely random, the only linking factor between all of them have been each murder has been perpetrated out in the open and in high traffic areas despite there having been no witnesses for any of the murders themselves. A reminder is also posted that the three intrepid Kindred are more or less on their own with their own contacts to get to the bottom of both capers.

The Murders are suggested as a dead end for the moment, any suggestions leaning heavily upon the Pollen and its production through out the city. Two names have come up with each and every contact with Pollen. James O'Henry, a small time Kindred drug pusher aligned with the Camarilla of no consequence or at least that was until the Pollen started to flood the city. Word says that O'Henry has started throwing a lot of money around in the area around Lincoln Park and has perhaps unsurprisingly been very hard to find in recent nights. The second goes only by Slash, a would be rock star and a human by all accounts though a hit with many of the younger Kindred in the city. Rumor has it that he is a major source of Pollen going into Denver Night Life though each attempt to pin him with anything has come up dry and he wields to much influence in too many circles to simple take out. The rest is left up to the discretion of the three Vampires seated within the Safe House, how they wish to proceed is their own decision. Any amount of force is excuseable with the knowledge that if to much noise is made they are, once again, fully on their own.

2015-09-20, 08:26 AM
Once night has fallen, Agrus will return to his security firm's headquarters and put out a call to his informants for all information they have gathered on Slash, the human rock star. He'll deal with O'Henry himself later.

2015-09-21, 11:26 AM
Oddly enough, Michael simply decided to follow Agrus around while the Camarilla member conducted his investigation and the templar awaited contact from the Mexican Mafia.

Thumbs firmly laced over his large "Bite Me" belt-buckle, he turned to Agrus "This atta be fun, Senor. Should put a smile on your face."

2015-09-21, 12:10 PM
While irritated by the cowboy following him, Agrus would rather keep the potential troublemaker around where he could see him.

"What is making me smile, exactly?"

2015-09-21, 12:19 PM
"Ahhh, Senor... The seriousness. You fail to see the poetry?" strange words coming from the rough and gruff looking cainite as he stuck a cigar in his mouth. "This isn't something worth smiling about? Senor, we are for all intents and purposes enemies of each other and here we are working together."

The Gangrel let out a sharp laugh that sounded more like a bark than an actual laugh. "Who knows, huh? Maybe we'll make a Sabbat member out of you yet...or maybe I'll defect to Camarilla... perhaps we will go our seperate ways after all is said and done... or perhaps we will kill each other... That, Senor Kos is the poetry of it."

2015-09-21, 12:28 PM
While Agrus could indeed see a certain sense of poetry about things, he wasn't about to admit that to the cowboy. "How about we just focus on the task at hand, "handlebar". Or rather, I focus on the task at hand while you, wax poetic, I guess?"

2015-09-21, 12:30 PM
"You do that, Senor Pretty Boy. When ya got something for me to hit, jus' let me know." Michael said with a grin. He didn't seem to mind the constant insults.