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2015-09-10, 04:32 AM
Thread for AVB DMs and potential DMs only.

Aldhaven City Streets

One of the main thoroughfares of Aldhaven is Mastiff's Road. It is currently filled with all manner of people, though few seem to stand out to you. The Plaza, arguably the center of the city, sits right in the center of the flow of life through the city, where Midtown meets Old Town. To the north is Old Town and the Nobles' Quarter; to the south and east is The Market. Guildsmen District, to the northeast, is where most of the hard work of the city is done; to the west is the Temple District and Mages' Quarter. Far to the north, on the other side of the river, is The Docks and a clustering of housing for the poor which can be described only as Slums.

Here you stand in the heart of the city, watching people come and go, functioning as the very lifeblood of the city. The most prominent building in the area is a three-story inn named The Sad Flint. It is known as the place to be for relaxing adventurers and those seeking a good story, a good drink, or a good night's rest. Across the Plaza from The Sad Flint is Ezekiel's Supplies, one of two major suppliers of adventuring and exploration gear in the city. Numerous other shops line the sides of The Plaza, including a music shop named The Howling Song, Jim Juweliers's Gem Jewelry, Erbauer's Enchanted Devices and Dynamos, Sendungen Imports, Ranuna's Superior Toppers, and numerous other shops and merchant carts.

The center of the Plaza is kept mostly clear of vendors, the few legal locations for mobile stalls fiercely fought over by small vendors, each jockeying for position and claiming the best prices in town. In the center of it all is a large fountain, topped by a statue of King Alben Rosen, fair and just ruler of Aldhaven, who now lies sick and dying... or so the rumors go.

There is a pair of bored-looking city guards near the fountain lazily keeping an eye on the goings-on within the plaza. They are there to keep the peace, which seems rather quiet for now, although a fair amount of traffic exists.

Useful Public Threads
Recruiting Thread (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?395075-3-5-Sandbox-Return-to-Aldhaven-Vicious-Betrayals), for when you need to roll a new character.
AVB Out of Character Thread (www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?p=18777030#post18777030), for all your chatting, alliance making, and plotting needs. (Approved players only, please.)
Aldhaven City Map (http://www.mornproductions.com/aldhaven/AVB/maps/Map.html) (in progress) very rough district map (http://www.mornproductions.com/aldhaven/AVB/maps/Districts.png)

A small, bronze skinned man with loose-fitting clothes in the style of the tribes to the south enters the Plaza and looks around. He is accompanied by a tiny djinn (http://pre10.deviantart.net/2fe3/th/pre/i/2010/085/8/a/the_genie_by_koidrake.jpg) who flits about through the air, obviously excited by all there is to see in Aldhaven.

Though he's been in large cities before, Sa'ul has never been in one quite like this one before. He takes a moment to acclimate himself to the area before entering The Sad Flint. He'll need a place to stay, and even a foreigner like him has heard tales of the Flint.

For a lot of the common areas, you're expected to just copy/paste the general descriptions. It makes DMing the game MUCH easier.
You can find the Sad Flint's description in the Streets thread and Erbauer's in a number of places, but I'll reproduce it here for simplicity, as I'll be heading there soon.Erbauer's Enchanted Devices and Dynamos sits on the north-west side of the Plaza on Mastiff's Road. A stout wooden door with elegant etching work opens onto the Plaza. The sign hanging on the corner of the building has a picture of a bag of holding with rings, swords, and other magical items protruding from it.

Inside is a small workshop, about twenty feet by forty feet. On entering, one does not find a true proper shop area, and there is often at least one apprentice noisily working on some magical contraption within.

Near the front are two comfortably upholstered chairs and a small counter which separates the entryway from the workshop. Behind the counter stands a woman of shocking beauty, a nearly perfect face, and shimmering golden hair with trace highlights of blue. Her diaphanous clothing is only just on this side of modest and is really quite distracting. Once you notice her, you find it physically difficult to look anywhere else in the shop... The name tag she wears reads "Clearwater".

"Welcome to Erbauer's! How might I be of assistance to you today?

0 - N/A - 5 Unfilled
1st - Benign Transposition x2, - 3 Unfilled
2nd - Baleful Transposition, Shield (Extended) - 3 Unfilled
3rd - Chain Missile - 2 Unfilled - 1 Spent (Greater Mage Armor)

2015-09-10, 12:59 PM
Sa'ul enters the Sad Flint to find a crowded and bustling bar inside, people of various races and trades sitting at the many tables with their choice of beer as multiple barmaids weave their way through to fulfill orders and retrieve empty mugs. Many people talk, others merely drink and listen, yet the omnipresent noise of conversation simply lends to the atmosphere of a homey place that doesn't try to be more than what it is. The only thing that might seem unusual is the well-equipped guards in front of a set of double doors on the west wall, but no one pays them any mind.

There's bar seating available, facing a half-giant that is working the taps and balancing small talk between multiple customers, and a group of off-duty city guards are beginning to vacate the table they're sitting at. As Sa'ul decides on a seat he notices a lean man enter the Sad Flint, in full armor and moving with a swarm of floating knives around him. This draws odd looks from quite a few people but no one seems to be distressed by it.

2015-09-10, 01:46 PM
Attempt to identify any spell effects on the flying daggers.

Gen Assist - [roll0] (DC10)
Sa'ul's Attempt - [roll1]+2=32

Sa'ul openly stares at the newcomer for a moment and converses in quiet whispers with his djinni ally. Satisfied that the understand the spell used, the two turn to look around the room for any other obvious spell effects to try to identify. After all, where one new spell is discovered, there may be others.

It's hard to believe that it's been more than 5 years since AVB started (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?396977-Aldhaven-Vicious-Betrayals-OOC-II&p=19313871&highlight=five+years#post19313871)... :smallbiggrin:

2015-09-10, 08:48 PM
Gah, didn't catch the part where I can just copy location descriptions until the post was done, that sort of thing usually triggers my "don't steal stuff" sense.

Sa'ul manages to identify the spell the stranger is using as Cloud of Knives, which follow him as he sits at the bar and begins talking with the bartender. Nothing else in the room comes across as magical, at least not to the mundane eye. But the patrons of this establishment are diverse enough that it's not out of the question for someone to be using an illusion to change their appearance or some transmutation to ease a disability. As he stands and looks around, a group of sailors occupy the open table, leaving only the bar for open seating.

"Why don't you take a seat and order something, darling?" One of the waitresses asks Sa'ul as she moves through the crowd like a gust of wind, expertly balancing six full mugs of beer in her arms.

2015-09-10, 08:55 PM
"Hmm? Oh, thank you, no. I just need to talk to the person in charge of renting out rooms. I'm just looking for a place to stay."

2015-09-10, 09:05 PM
Just before the waitress exits easy earshot she shouts back, "That'd be the bartender you're looking for, then!" She nods her head toward the half-giant running the bar, who is now in a heavy argument with an elf, orc and dwarf. They're speaking in Dwarven, and the trio seems to be berating the bartender for recommending that they hire someone who lacks the street sense to keep their magic from being out in the open, apparently talking about the man next to them with the Cloud of Knives spell still active. It's clear that the bartender is acquainted with them, as their banter becomes more pointless and is serving as more of a verbal duel for bragging rights now. At the very least it seems like it's a casual enough of a conversation to safely interrupt now.

2015-09-10, 09:10 PM
He walks up and addresses the barkeep in Dwarven.

"Greetings. I am in search of a room for the night."

2015-09-10, 10:47 PM
"Room for one is 5 gold." The bartender replies in Dwarven. If Sa'ul pays he reveals a crystal disk and asks Sa'ul to put his hand on it.

2015-09-10, 11:00 PM
He produces 5 gold, which he passes to Joss, then eyes the crystal suspiciously.

"What's this? Some kind of magic lock thingy?"

Sa'ul attempts to identify the magic in the crystal.

Gen Assist - [roll0] (DC10)
Sa'ul's Attempt - [roll1]

Regardless, he places his hand on the disk.

He, of course, can't identify the crystal. He hasn't cast detect magic or anything. :smalltongue:

2015-09-10, 11:22 PM
Sa'ul is 90% certain that the disk is magic of some sort. The disk glows when he puts his hand on it, and the bartender retracts the disk. "Your room is 299, enjoy your stay."

2015-09-10, 11:33 PM
"Most interesting. Tell me, are there any good places nearby to go shopping for magical gear?"

2015-09-11, 12:04 AM
"Erbauer's, northwest part of the plaza. Big sign, can't miss it." The half-giant says before turning to address other patrons.

2015-09-11, 02:17 AM
"Thank you."

Sa'ul slides another gold across the counter in thanks and heads back out into the Plaza. Looking over to Erbauer's he makes a mental note to head there next. For now, he crosses over and enters Ezekiel's Supplies.

2015-09-11, 12:25 PM
As you enter Ezekiel's Supplies, you notice that the walls are lined with supplies of all kinds. There are various sets of outfits designed for harsh weather conditions and dangerous climates, flasks and bottles and bags and pouches and all manner of containers, swords and knives and bows, and even a small section entirely devoted to cooking utensils and pots and pans. In the far back is a locked glass case filled with what appears to be various magical potions. Next to that is a rack of obviously magic weapons.

A half-elf woman stands behind a counter near the door and smiles at you as you enter. "Welcome to Ezekiel's Supplies! Please, look around and ask if you have any questions."

2015-09-11, 03:08 PM
Scanning the room briefly, Sa'ul approaches the desk.

"Thank you, I did have an odd request. I was wondering if you bought and sold used wands. Specifically, I was looking for arcane wands with only 1 or 2 charges remaining."

2015-09-11, 03:16 PM
The woman gives a puzzled look before responding. "We only sell wands that are at least more than half-full here, and even then not that many. You'll want to check Erbauer's, since they always ask for depleted wands for recycling in crafting new magic items. They might still have some that they haven't processed yet."

2015-09-11, 03:18 PM
It's not common knowledge what Hagan does with the items he takes on trade. It's generally assumed that he resells them, as most merchants do. Artificer abilities aren't widely known in the city, and there are no NPC Artificers that didn't start as PCs. It's part of the ongoing conflict and intrigue surrounding Hagan.

2015-09-12, 01:32 AM
Oh, got it. I'll keep DM workings visible only at the surface level to the player.

The woman gives a puzzled look before responding. "That's not something we normally sell. Maybe you should check Erbauer's, or other specialized shops?"

2015-09-12, 03:57 AM
"Of course not. I wouldn't expect you to carry such items; however, I'm certain that adventurers either come across nearly expended wands they can't use or don't want and sell them to merchants such as yourself. If you were to have the opportunity to acquire such items, I would be interested in purchasing them. Actually... Wait."

He pauses to think for a moment, making strange gestures with his fingers to keep track of his thoughts.

"Actually, you just mentioned that you do carry partially expended wands. Now, from my understanding, you sell them based on the number of charges remaining in them. Right? What if... now just follow me on this one... what if I could purchase just one charge, or even two, from each partial wand instead of buying the whole wand? I wouldn't even leave the shop with the wand. Buy the charge, activate the purchased charges, and hand it back over. Or, for that matter, I wouldn't even have to be the one activating them, so long as they were activated. Would that be possible?"

Throughout his thought process, the little djinni nods and flits about and makes happy noises of approval in support of Sa'ul.

Diplomacy attempt to convince her to go along with this plan.
Gen Assist - [roll0] (DC10)
Sa'ul's Attempt - [roll1]+2 = [33]

More than likely, the owner, Ezekiel Jedder, will need to approve the plan himself for this to actually work...

2015-09-12, 02:09 PM
The woman pauses and seems to be in heavy thought. After a few seconds she speaks. "We would be open to that. But only innocuous spells like Mage Armor and such, as anything remotely dangerous is out of the question for this kind of circumstance. Did you have any specific spells in mind?"

2015-09-12, 02:27 PM
He provides her with a list of his spells known + cloud of knives.

"Anything not on this list would be appreciated. I could provide something more specific with some time to research. I'm a collector of magical experiences, you see. These are the effects I've witnessed, so I'm in search of new and interesting effects to experience."

2015-09-12, 10:34 PM
After thinking for awhile as she does whatever it is she does, Sa'ul comes up with a better list.

"I think I'd like to start with the following spells of the First Circle. *ahem* Alarm, Protection from Evil, Good, Law, and Chaos, Grease, Mount, Identify, True Strike, Charm Person, Sleep, Color Spray, Silent Image, and Enlarge Person.

As to Second Circle spells, I'm interested in Web, Detect Thoughts, See Invisibility, Shatter, Mirror Image, Invisibility, Rope Trick, and the various animal aspect spells, the Bull's Strength and the lot."

He thinks a bit more. "Ah, and I have a few spells of the Third Circle which also interest me but are lower on my list at the moment. I'd prefer to see more spells of the lesser circles first. Quantity above quality, for the time being, you see. Still, of the Third Circle, I am interested in Dispel Magic, Magic Circle Against the alignments, Protection From Energy, Phantom Steed, Stinking Cloud, Deep Slumber, Wind Wall, Ray of Exhaustion, Vampiric Touch, Fly, Haste, Greater Magic Weapon, and Slow."

I'm going to assume he's aware of the existence of every spell of a level he can cast from the PHB, even if he hasn't actually seen them or have them on his list of spells known. Anything outside of the PHB, I'm probably going to assume isn't something he's immediately aware of from his past studies.

2015-09-12, 11:08 PM
The woman goes behind the counter and places 12 wands on top. "For the 1st Circle it'll be Jump, Featherfall, Comprehend Languages, Mage Armor, Wave Blessing, Protection from Evil and Protection from Chaos. 25 gold per charge. For 2nd Circle, we have See Invisibility, Protection from Arrows, Resist Energy, Spider Climb and Eagle's Splendor. 125 gold per charge. We don't have any 3rd Circle wands to sell individual charges for."

Wave Blessing is from Stormwrack.

2015-09-12, 11:18 PM
He counts on his fingers for a moment and shakes his head.

"That is mighty steep. Mighty steep. You're asking 870 for the whole lot of them... Just seems a bit pricey. How about we call it 600?"

Gen Assist - [roll0] (DC10)
Sa'ul's Attempt - [roll1]+2=37

Counting out the price per charge to buy the wands outright, it's 555gp, so he's still overpaying a bit. At least, that's his logic behind it. :smalltongue:

2015-09-12, 11:26 PM
The woman doesn't seem amused by the offer. "I'll drop to 700 since you're willing to spend on all of them."

Intentionally overpriced in this circumstance.

2015-09-12, 11:28 PM
Of course it's overpriced. I would expect it to be. Sa'ul just doesn't want to pay that much if he doesn't have to.

He nods once emphatically. "Agreed!"

Sa'ul begins digging in his bag to produce the relevant coins, counting out 70 pieces of platinum and placing them on the counter.

2015-09-12, 11:31 PM
The woman takes the coins and pushes the wands forward. "Go ahead, then. Place them back on the counter after you use them."

2015-09-12, 11:37 PM
He cycles through the wands one at a time, targeting himself with each effect.

Gen Assist - +9 (DC10) (can't fail, so already added to all rolls below)

1st level - DC 16

Jump - Sa'ul's Attempt – [roll0]
Featherfall - Sa'ul's Attempt – [roll1]
Comprehend Languages - Sa'ul's Attempt – [roll2]
Mage Armor - Sa'ul's Attempt – [roll3]
Wave Blessing - Sa'ul's Attempt – [roll4]
Protection from Evil - Sa'ul's Attempt – [roll5]
Protection from Chaos - Sa'ul's Attempt – [roll6]

2nd level - DC17

See Invisibility - Sa'ul's Attempt – [roll7]
Protection from Arrows - Sa'ul's Attempt – [roll8]
Resist Energy - Sa'ul's Attempt – [roll9]
Spider Climb - Sa'ul's Attempt – [roll10]
Eagle's Splendor - Sa'ul's Attempt – [roll11]

2015-09-12, 11:44 PM
"Why, thank you! That was most fascinating. It isn't often I get to see so many new effects that I've only heard tales of before now."

2015-09-13, 01:34 PM
The Wave Blessing wand is the only one that doesn't seem to properly activate. The woman puts away the wands as she observe's Sa'ul's enthusiasm. "So that's all you want, just to experience magic? A bit of a strange, not to mention expensive, hobby to have. You might want to check out the town and see what it is you can just observe. It may not be obvious but there's little bits of magic behind the scenes for places all over the town. If you go around and experience the city for what it is, you could end up checking off a lot spells on your list. Just be careful in the slums. It's technically not within city jurisdiction and all sorts of unsavory activity goes on there."

2015-09-14, 12:00 AM
He gets a slightly guilty look before admitting his purpose to her.

"Well, I don't just want to experience. I want to cast it myself too... someday. But, you can't properly cast what you've never experienced! Right? I mean, sure, I could do some study and research, come up with all the knowledge, and put it into practice, but without having actually felt what it was like, how would I ever truly know that I did it perfectly? For now, though, I just want to see, hear, and feel all that I can. I want to immerse myself in the energetic flows.

I thank you for your advice and your warning. But, tell me, are there any places I might visit where arcanists congregate? Perhaps that is an academy or wizards' league or perhaps a friendly witch coven? I'm sure that in a city of this size that there must be at least something of the sort."

2015-09-14, 04:26 PM
"The city has an entire district related to magical studies. Just west of the South Market is the Mage's Quarter. There's several academies over there that teach magic, as well as some specialty stores for tomes and scrolls. And if you're ever curious about divine magic then all you'll have to do is go north from there to find the Temple District. I'm not much of a regular over there so I don't have any good recommendations, but you'll find some folks over there that are friendly to fellow mages and would be happy to help." The woman responds, a slight edge of enthusiasm in her voice. "But do remember, if you're ever in need of any equipment, do check Ezekiel's Supplies first!"

2015-09-14, 05:15 PM
Sa'ul's eyes get really big and he glances over to his tiny companion.

"A whole district?! That's phenomenal. I've never heard of more than a single skilled arcanist in a city before. They're so rare in my homelands as to be almost unheard of in most places. Only the powers of the gods and the djinn are prominent there.

Of course, I'd be glad to come back here anytime, if for no reason other than to spend more time conversing with you, Mrs.... I'm afraid I haven't heard your name."

He suddenly seems rather thoroughly embarrassed.


To my recollection, she does not yet have a name. The previous clerk, who was named, met an untimely end.

2015-09-15, 12:29 PM
I'd feel like I'm dooming her by giving her a name, but Aldhaven is probably indifferent to the named and nameless when it claims lives.

"Miss Elroy. Amelia Elroy." There's a slight smirk from her. "But I have to know your name before I can let you leave, now."

2015-09-15, 12:36 PM
He tries to repeat her name as she said it, but his accent places emphasis in the wrong areas and unfamiliarity with naming conventions in this part of the world confuses him further.

"Miss al-Roy'melia al-Roy. It is very pretty.

My name is but a simple thing: Naatha ibn Sa'ul al-Banai, though the locals have taken to calling me "Saul.""

2015-09-15, 02:32 PM
Amelia smiles and suppresses a giggle when Sa'ul struggles to pronounce her name. "Thank you, Saul. You can just call me Amy. Is there anything else here that you were looking for?"

2015-09-15, 02:41 PM
Sa'ul smiles back at her.

"Not that I haven't already found, thank you."

After a few more pleasantries, he begs leave and heads back out into the Plaza. He'd heard more than once now about this "Erbauer's" place and decided to head there next. Pausing before the building to give it a once over, he proceeds through the door.

2015-09-15, 03:54 PM
Erbauer's Enchanted Devices and Dynamos sits on the north-west side of the Plaza on Mastiff's Road. A stout wooden door with elegant etching work opens onto the Plaza. The sign hanging on the corner of the building has a picture of a bag of holding with rings, swords, and other magical items protruding from it.

Inside is a small workshop, about twenty feet by forty feet. On entering, one does not find a true proper shop area, and there is often at least one apprentice noisily working on some magical contraption within.

Near the front are two comfortably upholstered chairs and a small counter which separates the entryway from the workshop. Behind the counter stands a woman of shocking beauty, a nearly perfect face, and shimmering golden hair with trace highlights of blue. Her diaphanous clothing is only just on this side of modest and is really quite distracting. Once Paul notices her, he finds it physically difficult to look anywhere else in the shop... The name tag she wears reads "Clearwater".

"Welcome to Erbauer's! How might I be of assistance to you today?

2015-09-15, 04:05 PM
Looking around the room, this is far more reminiscent of the artisans back home than the other shops he'd visited since arriving in Aldhaven.

"Err... I'm not sure. I was told that I should come here for custom magic items."

2015-09-15, 07:30 PM
"Well you've come to the right place! We stock magic items that are hard to find, and custom orders are a possibility. Depends on what you have in mind." Clearwater says as she gestures to the whole place.

2015-09-15, 08:18 PM
He looks slightly embarrassed as he says, "Well, I had heard mention of a discount..."

All customers have a standard 30% discount on their first order, up to and including 100,000gp. Any larger orders have a 40% discount on the amount that in is in excess of 100,000gp. Returning customers have a 10-15% discount, depending on how much Clearwater and Hagan like them, with discounts increasing by 5% with each visit to a maximum of 40%. Regardless of discount rate, any order in excess of 100k has an additional 10% off on the amount above 100k.

2015-09-15, 08:40 PM
"Of course! First time customers, like yourself, get a 30% discount on your first order. The exception being that if that order's price is above 100,000 gold then it is 40% off the amount past that. After that you get a smaller discount that increases with each visit. Oh, and any order amount over 100,000 gold still gets that extra 10% off the additional amount. What magic items are you interested in?" Clearwater says with enthusiasm, not even pausing for thought in the middle of her response.

2015-09-16, 12:54 AM
He gently touches the thin circlet on his head, thinking to upgrade it, but reconsiders.

"In that case, I'd like to obtain some spectacles which grant a bonus on identifying spell effects and one of those Shadow Cloaks I've heard about. Oh! And add some resistance magics to it, please."

Spectacles of +5 Spellcraft - 2,500
Shadow Cloak (Drow of the Underdark) - 5,500
w/+1 Resistance - 1,000

9,000 Total * 70% = 6,300gp

Leaving Sa'ul with 500gp.

2015-09-16, 01:43 AM
Just to be sure, Erbauer's also prices their stuff above market value, right?

2015-09-16, 01:47 AM
Just to be sure, Erbauer's also prices their stuff above market value, right?

Nope. Everything is always at a discount, unless he specifically dislikes you. See further notes via PM.

However, the following does apply.
Note: Due to trade licensing restrictions, Hagan Erbauer does not sell potions, wands, dorjes, scrolls, power stones, schema, constructs, and certain other obscure items; however, he will accept them in trade. He specializes primarily in wondrous items but can also craft armor/weapons but doesn't like making those very much.

2015-09-16, 02:55 PM
Clearwater takes only a couple seconds on mental math before responding. "That'll be 6,300 gold. The cloak will be complete later today, and the spectacles will be ready tomorrow. We can send you a notification via Sending once the order is complete."

I think I remember you talking about how Erbauer also has stupidly low crafting time, but I'll edit the dialogue if my guess is inaccurate.

Out of curiosity, has a player ever been able to make use of that extra discount for spending over 100k?

2015-09-16, 03:12 PM
Clearwater takes only a couple seconds on mental math before responding. "That'll be 6,300 gold. And the order will take a couple days to complete. We can send you a notification via Sending once the order is complete."

I think I remember you talking about how Erbauer also has stupidly low crafting time, but I'll edit the dialogue if my guess is inaccurate.

Out of curiosity, has a player ever been able to make use of that extra discount for spending over 100k?

Items are usually ready the next day, provided the individual items are less than 10k in value. He keeps a small stock of ready made common items available and can add custom enhancements rather quickly. Shadow Cloaks are one of his most popular items, having made one for virtually every PC who has done business with him.

No, no player ever has. One NPC has, but it was a bulk order to equip a paramilitary group...Sa'ul counts 50 platinum pieces out of his coin purse for himself and hands the entire remainder of the pouch to Clearwater.

"That should cover it. Thank you."

2015-09-16, 03:20 PM
Got it. Edited the post with a more accurate timeframe for the orders.

Clearwater begins quickly counting through the contents of the pouch. "Can I get your name? Let's us keep track of frequent customers and makes the order notifications easier to perform."

2015-09-16, 03:29 PM
"But of course. I am Naatha ibn Sa'ul al-Banai. If it is no trouble, I will simply pick up both of the items tomorrow at the same time."

2015-09-16, 03:43 PM
"That's fine. Is there anything else you're interested in?" Clearwater hands back the empty coin pouch to Sa'ul.

2015-09-16, 04:15 PM
"Oh, yes, lots. Unfortunately, none of it is within my current budget."

Sa'ul leaves after returning his coins to his purse.

2015-09-16, 04:46 PM
It's still the afternoon The Plaza of Aldhaven, the streets still bustling and lively as ever. Sa'ul sees that there's main roads that go between each of the districts, and can see the way to the Mage's Quarter is forward, and notices a slightly higher presence of mage's robes among the pedestrians of that route. Otherwise there's nothing that really stands out in the plaza right now.

2015-09-16, 05:04 PM
As much as he'd like to spend the day just wandering and collecting magic, he could do that anytime. With his hand on his purse, he suddenly realizes that his life savings just dwindled to nothing. He was going to have to get a job...

He at last decides he's going to go find that stupid lost cat, if for no reason other than to keep people from undertaking the quest again.

Search for "Feierabend" in a thread I've run, and you should come across all the relevant info about the cat quest, at least for the time being. I'll find more about it if/when you need it.

2015-09-20, 05:22 PM
Not entirely through the catch-up, but far enough to at least get the ball rolling.

Sa'ul finds the Feierabend manse in the Old Town, surrounded by a wrought iron fence. There's a guardhouse adjacent with a guard on duty, but he doesn't seem to pay much attention to anyone who doesn't directly approach the gate.

2015-09-26, 01:24 AM
Sa'ul directly approaches the gate.

"Hey! Guardsman, I've come to find that missing cat once and for all."

2015-09-26, 11:26 PM
The guard looks worried when he sees Sa'ul, hesitating to answer. "Um, that's nice. Why have you come here, then? If you know about the lost cat then you probably have already heard what he looks like." It seems like he's increasingly uncomfortable with your continued presence.

2015-09-26, 11:34 PM
Sa'ul looks puzzled.

"Well, no. I heard the call for assistance from the town crier, acquired this address, and was informed to come here for more information... If that was in error, I apologize, but I know nothing more than that. That's kinds of why I'm here..."

2015-09-27, 12:04 AM
The cat quest was based on a published adventure, but I no longer have the pdf nor remember what it was called. However, I do still have the sewer map from it.


Also, here is the thread (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?206526-AVB-Here-Kitty-Kitty-Kitty) that has the most comprehensive set of events of what actually happens down there once in the basement of the burnt out building that serves as the only entrance.

2015-09-27, 12:07 AM
"Oh, uh, that's probably reasonable . . . we know it went to the Docks when it was last seen. It's black and white and has some kind of star pattern on its face. Supposedly it likes dire beaver, but I don't know how it acquired the taste for it." The guard seems to retreat further into the guardhouse. "Oh, if you think you found it, do present it in person. Uh, we don't pay scammers."

2015-09-27, 12:09 AM
The bronze-skinned halfling looks up at the guard.

"Is... there something about me that frightens you?"

see edit

2015-09-27, 12:20 AM
"Oh, it's just that the cat is a touchy subject with the family, apparently. I'd rather not be involved in the matter if I can avoid it. Also I think people have died trying to get this cat back, or at least seriously injured."

2015-09-27, 12:25 AM
"Well, now, that sounds interesting indeed. Is there anything else you can tell me? I'd sure like to know anything and everything I can about her."

2015-09-27, 12:38 AM
"I don't know much, I'm a recent replacement for a guy who was fired because the guy he talked to brought back the wrong cat. I need this job, so I don't want to be involved."

2015-09-27, 12:43 AM
"Well, perhaps you can refer me to someone who is willing to be more involved and can provide me with useful information."

Sa'ul's Attempt - [roll0]

2015-09-27, 04:24 PM
"Um, well I heard that the previous guard is getting himself drunk at the Sad Flint recently while he waits for a job opportunity. He'd know more. Just don't mention that I told you this."

2015-09-27, 05:16 PM
He starts to get a little put out.

"Now just a minute! The advertisement instructed me to come here for information. This is sounding awfully shady. I demand you contact someone within the household on my behalf. I'm not about to go work with some unknown third party so you can dupe me into forfeiting half the reward to line your own pockets. If you're not going to put me in touch with the contact who placed the ad, I'll be sure to track them down and inform them of your duplicity myself!"

Whichever is appropriate.

2015-09-28, 04:49 PM
The guard steps out of the guardhouse and quickly motions for Sa'ul to stop being so loud. "Ok, ok! It was the duke himself who placed the ad, but you're not going to be able to get a personal audience just to talk about the job." He looks around nervously. "I'll let you visit the manse briefly, so you can talk to one of the maids, or even the duke's daughter herself, about the cat. Does that work?"

2015-09-28, 05:32 PM
"That'll do."

0 - N/A - 5 Unfilled
1st - Benign Transposition x2, - 3 Unfilled
2nd - Baleful Transposition, Shield (Extended) - 3 Unfilled
3rd - Greater Mage Armor, Chain Missile - 2 Unfilled

2015-10-01, 01:31 AM
Sorry about this slowing down, between a temporary increase in workload with my job and having to reread the past material of this quest to make sure details match I haven't been able to keep up pace. I'll try for something tomorrow night, but if I don't get there then I'll make sure it happens Saturday.

2015-10-01, 09:47 AM
It's fine. My computer fried anyway.

2015-10-04, 10:40 PM
The guard takes you inside the estate and has you wait in the lobby for several minutes until an elderly serving-woman comes out and says, "You're the one who's here about the cat, aren't you?"

2015-10-04, 10:44 PM
"I am. My name is Sa'ul. I do hope I'm not causing any trouble. I was just trying to get some information about the posted ad so that I could actually do the job. The man at the gate just wasn't helpful at all."

Sa'ul's Attempt - [roll0]

2015-10-04, 10:57 PM
"Well, that's understandable. His nighttime counterpart tried to defraud the Archduke's daughter with a lookalike this morning, and so the whole household is on edge. What would you like to know?"

2015-10-04, 11:00 PM
"Well, for starters, I'd like to know the cat's name, then a good description, including anything unusual or important, any habits or quirks, favorite foods or toys, and anything else that might assist me in identifying for certain that I have found the correct cat."

2015-10-04, 11:10 PM
"The cat is named Jasper. It was last seen heading north into the Docks when Lady Walda was visiting her father at the Fortress late last week. He's black and white with a distinctive star pattern on his face and wears a silver bell on his collar. I'm told his favorite food is dire beaver, though such is really hard to find."

2015-10-04, 11:18 PM
Sa'ul thinks for a moment before replying.

"Thank you. If you'll pardon my rudeness, I do have a few more questions.
What color is the collar itself?
What color is the star and surrounding fur?
Just any kind of dire beaver, or does it need to be fresh?"

2015-10-05, 12:02 AM
"If it still has the collar after this long, it was red. The star is white, surrounded by his black fur. In fact, I believe it's only smoked dire beaver which tempts its appetite."

don't know how many of those details you'd pinned down with other pc's, but I wasn't aware of any but the smoked bit, so I made stuff up.

2015-10-05, 12:28 AM
"If it still has the collar after this long, it was red. The star is white, surrounded by his black fur. In fact, I believe it's only smoked dire beaver which tempts its appetite."

don't know how many of those details you'd pinned down with other pc's, but I wasn't aware of any but the smoked bit, so I made stuff up.Coincidentally, you got it exactly right, not that it really matters beyond the smoked bit..."Thank you, ma'am. If there's anything else you can think of, I would gladly hear it. Otherwise, I think it best to be on my way."

Departing from the estate, Sa'ul heads north towards the Docks, sending his gen familiar flying in front of him about 10 feet ahead and 15 feet up.

2015-10-05, 12:31 AM
You arrive to find the Docks bustling with activity. Three new ships arrived in the ports that morning, and things are quite active now.

2015-10-05, 12:42 AM
Surprised at the ease with which he enters the Docks after the rumors he'd heard, Sa'ul sends Gen flitting about to see what he can see.


2015-10-05, 07:53 AM
Other than the busy bustle of men and animals loading and unloading cargo from the three ships and the noise as three ships' worth of crewmen were enjoying shore leave, Gen doesn't spot much of note. Specifically, it would seem all this activity has caused any wild cats that roam the streets to go into hiding, not desiring to be underfoot in all this increased traffic.

with the increased activity that came from the three ships docking, the City Watch has abandoned stopping and questioning everyone headed to or from the Docks for now. One can't let security get in the way of economics, after all.

2015-10-06, 11:05 PM
Seeing everything and everyone busy, Sa'ul takes a moment to orient himself with the hustle and bustle of the Docks. Taking some time, he tries to find someone who sells or handles dire beaver meat, Gen, of course, does his best to help.

Gen Assist - Escape Artist - (Take 10+8)[18] (DC10) √
Sa'ul's Attempt - [roll0]+2=28

2015-10-06, 11:13 PM
You learn that dire beaver meat is considered inedible, but there are some rather low-standards "chefs" out nearer the Slums who likely sell the meat.

2015-10-06, 11:26 PM
Unfortunately, the time it takes to track down the information leaves Sa'ul's spells expired. He'll have to send Gen to fetch new ones.
0 - N/A - 5 Unfilled
1st - 6 Unfilled
2nd - 5 Unfilled
3rd - Greater Mage Armor, 3 Unfilled

Sa'ul requests 2x Benign Transposition
[roll0] Rounds
DC 20 [roll1]
[roll2] Rounds
DC 20 [roll3]

1x Baleful Transposition
[roll4] Rounds
DC 20 [roll5]

1x Shield (Extended)
[roll6] Rounds
DC 20 [roll7]

1x Chain Missile
[roll8] Rounds
DC 20 [roll9]1x Comprehend Languages
[roll10] Minutes
DC 20 [roll11]

0 - N/A - 5 Unfilled
1st - Benign Transposition x2, Comprehend Languages - 3 Unfilled
2nd - Baleful Transposition, Shield (Extended) - 3 Unfilled
3rd - Greater Mage Armor, Chain Missile - 2 Unfilled
Seven and a half minutes later, Sa'ul is flush with arcane energies and heads north up the main road into the Slums.

2015-10-07, 12:33 AM
Reconsidering, Sa'ul sends Gen off to gather a few other spells as well.

Retrieving a spell always has a Diplomacy DC of 20. Modifiers apply to the actual rolls; however, hence the varying Diplomacy modifiers.

[roll0] Rounds — (+30 Diplomacy) √
[roll1] Rounds — (+30 Diplomacy) √
[roll2] Rounds — (+30 Diplomacy) √
[roll3] Rounds — (+30 Diplomacy) √
[roll4] Rounds — (+29 Diplomacy) √

[roll5] Rounds — (+24 Diplomacy) √

[roll6] Rounds — (+26 Diplomacy) √

[roll7] Rounds — (+24 Diplomacy) √

0 - Amanuensis, Caltrops x3, Detect Magic - 0 Unfilled
1st - Benign Transposition x2, Comprehend Languages, Protection from Evil - 2 Unfilled
2nd - Baleful Transposition, Cloud of Knives (City), Shield (Extended) - 2 Unfilled
3rd - Greater Mage Armor, Chain Missile, Greater Mage Armor - 1 Unfilled

2015-10-07, 12:37 AM
Protection from Evil [roll0] minutes
Cloud of Knives [roll1] minutes

It takes Sa'ul 18 minutes 48 seconds to prepare his spells before moving north into the Slums.

Sorry for all the nonsense. Trying to do all of this from my phone... *grumble*

2015-10-07, 04:40 AM
well, you certainly love your overly-fiddly classes, don't you?

btw, since this is now your personal pc, have you considered altering the title of the thread?

As you make your way north out of the bustle of the Docks and into the less and less structurally sound tenements of the Slums, the presence of orange-skinned hobgoblins with blue hand tattoos on themselves increase. When you spot a half-orc offering roast skewers of "Fine fresh meat!" which look suspiciously rodent-shaped, you're pretty sure you've arrived.

2015-10-07, 09:46 AM
It's not that fiddly. I've played worse. I like being able to prepare spells any time of day and swap things out after X period of time.

Thanks, I forgot about that.

Also, Sa'ul should have about 45 minutes left on his already cast greater mage armor.

With everything that's happened, I'm assuming it's about 2 to 2:30PM in game. Sound about right?Sa'ul approaches the vendor.

"Got smoked dire beaver?"

2015-10-07, 04:00 PM
that sounds like the right time, yes

"Nope, but ole Jelamiah down by the river does. But why'd you want something like that? The meat is real bitter."

2015-10-07, 06:12 PM
He shrugs.

"I heard a rumor before I came to Aldhaven that real men in this city eat dire beaver. I haven't been able to find any for sale and have been wanting to test my mettle."

2015-10-07, 07:31 PM
that, good sir, is a bluff check

2015-10-07, 08:40 PM
If Gen can help...
Gen Assist - [roll0] (DC10)
Sa'ul's Attempt - [roll1]

2015-10-07, 09:18 PM
"Whoever told you that is lying, but hey, it's your bellyache. Jelamiah has what you're looking for."

2015-10-07, 09:23 PM
Sa'ul shrugs and chuckles.

"Well, if it's going to kill me, at least I'll get the chance to pick my poison. Right? Could you tell me how to get there?"

After receiving direction, Sa'ul heads to the vendor and asks about smoked dire beaver.

2015-10-07, 09:30 PM
You're given directions, and you find that Jelamiah seems to in fact be an ancient thri-kreen at the end of its life, nearly 25 years old.

"Ehh, a two-lehgger actually wants sohme beaver meaht? Whhy?" he wheezes

2015-10-07, 09:47 PM
"I heard a rumor before I came to Aldhaven that real men warriors in this city eat dire beaver. I haven't been able to find any for sale and have been wanting to test my mettle."

Gen Assist - [roll0] (DC10)
Sa'ul's Attempt - [roll1]

Wow... double single digits.

2015-10-08, 05:37 AM
"Ih Doubt Thaht." he wheezes as he hands you a skewer of smoked meat. "Thaht'll beh Threeh copper."

2015-10-08, 11:40 AM
He just shrugs and produces a gold coin.

"I'll take three orders then, and please keep the change."

2015-10-08, 01:29 PM
He barks out a rhythmic wheezing sound you can only assume is supposed to be a laugh. "Very well, city boy." he says as he hands you three skewers of smoked dire beaver and keeps the "change" of over ten times the cost of the item.

2015-10-08, 03:35 PM
Sa'ul thanks him and heads north towards the Slums again, figuring that Jasper would be avoiding all the foot traffic. He hands one of the kebabs to Gen, who sniffs at it and scowls disapprovingly.

"Fly around with that a bit. See if you can entice Jasper out with it."
Gen - Spot - [roll0]

Sa'ul takes a tentative bite of the smoked dire beaver kebab, chews a moment, then spits it out on the ground.

"Blech. It really is as bad as they say."

Sa'ul keeps an eye out for Jasper, and trouble in general, as soon as he starts to move away from the vendor.
Sa'ul - [roll1]

Double 19... That's better than the 4|5 I rolled earlier.

2015-10-09, 05:21 AM
In fact, Gen spots a cat which matches Jasper's description exactly, including the collar. The cat seems to be following Gen and looking for an opportune time to take the morsel away from him.

2015-10-09, 04:23 PM
Swooping down a little closer to the ground, just slightly higher than he thinks the cat can jump, Gen starts to lead the cat back towards Sa'ul.

2015-10-09, 04:28 PM
The cat does indeed follow Gen for the first little while until the cat is just within Sa'ul's sight.

2015-10-09, 04:40 PM
Having seen the cat for himself, Sa'ul motions for Gen to come back to him and slowly starts walking towards Jasper without paying any special attention to him. If Jasper flees, Sa'ul will follow casually at a distance, using Gen to keep tabs on the cat.

2015-10-09, 10:07 PM
I feel like there should be a skill check for this... Wild Empathy would definitely be a good one, but I think a bluff check to appear to not be directly approaching the cat is what I'm going to go with. Gen definitely can assist you with this.

As the more rules-savvy of our duo, if you can think of a more applicable skill check for here, feel free to explain it and roll that one instead.

2015-10-09, 11:00 PM
Since I'm not trying to Diplomacy the cat, Wild Empathy shouldn't apply. Additionally, having an Int above 2 means you're no longer of animal intelligence, so standard skills are assumed to apply. I think you can still WE but with the -4 penalty to applies towards Magical Beasts? At least, that's been my understanding. It's not really something I've delved into much, as I've never actually had a player ever use wild empathy.

On the other hand, I have had players actually make use of the Endurance feat...Gen Assist - [roll0] (DC10)
Sa'ul's Attempt - [roll1]

Failure... then NAT 20!

2015-10-09, 11:04 PM
Despite Gen's lack of useful distraction, you act so casually as if you don't notice the cat that he lets you walk right by him and get within arm's reach without bolting.

2015-10-09, 11:13 PM
Sa'ul casually looks down at Jasper and says softly.

"Oh, Gen, look at the cute cat. Would you like some of this smoked dire beaver?"

He squats down a little distance from Jasper, takes a piece off the end, and sets it on the ground as far as he can reach in front of him.

2015-10-10, 09:08 AM
The cat eyes you warily, a calculating look in his eyes that seems more intelligent than an animal's should be. He approaches the meat and quickly darts in to grab the treat.

2015-10-10, 02:05 PM
Sa'ul pops another off the kebab.

"Here's another when you finish that one."

He sets it down on the ground, stands up, and walks away a short distance, looking for a place to sit. Once finding a place not in the middle of the road but far from any alleys, he sits and watches Jasper eat. If he keeps coming closer, Sa'ul will keep feeding him and talking to him all friendly like.

2015-10-10, 07:39 PM
The cat's guard does indeed seem to relax as you continue to feed it without making a move, and it allows itself to get closer and closer to you.

2015-10-10, 07:55 PM
Sa'ul continues to feed the cat until his kebab has run out of meat. Gen, meanwhile, has flown off with the other two. Sa'ul drops the stick on the ground, dusts off his pants, and stands up.

"Well, you're a sweet little thing, aren't you? Maybe I'll see you around some other time. I'll buy some more meat for you if I do."

2015-10-10, 08:28 PM
Seeing that you no longer have treats to offer him, the cat turns away and begins to walk off.

not trying to tell you how to play your character, but I'm not seeing how someone who doesn't know Jasper's stats wouldn't have just tried to grab him.

2015-10-10, 11:54 PM
Have you ever just tried to grab a strange cat that doesn't know you? I have. It's not pretty, and they get really skittish after that. Sa'ul isn't a physical fighter at all, and he doesn't want to get all scratched up trying to catch a normal house cat that could slaughter a 1st-level commoner*cough*. His thoughts are to befriend it and get it to come with him (semi)willingly. He figures the noble girl will be much happier to get a calm, purring kitty than a freaked out claw storm stuffed in a bag. Happy noble = better reward. He may not know animals, but he does know Diplomacy and is approaching this situation from that angle.

Also, again, he's no expert, but if the cat is still as hale and hearty as it appears to be after more than a week on this side of town, he figures it can last another day or two. If someone else grabs it before he does, well, that's just the will of Fate. Besides, if something does happen to it outside of his control, it's not like he's ever actually met with the owners personally or been personally charged with its well being. If something bad happens, then that's just Fate, and he'll find some other way to make a living."Be good now. I'll maybe see you tomorrow."

Sa'ul returns to the city across the river. He doesn't want to be stuck outside the walls after nightfall, and it's getting on in the afternoon. With some time to kill, he heads towards the Mages' Quarter to look for magic at the elfin shop girl's advice.

2015-10-11, 06:13 PM
okay, that justification works for me.

A casual search around the Mage's Quarter reveals that the Aldhaven Royal University of Scientific Esoterica is where you want to go to witness spells in action.

2015-10-11, 06:26 PM
He definitely heads straight there.

2015-10-11, 06:35 PM
You find the main campus of A.R.U.S.E. to be quite a busy place with students milling about all over going from one place to another. One particular group stands out, however: it appears that there is a man in front of one of the nearby buildings who is officiating a sporting match of sorts between four pairs of duelists who are summoning various creatures to fight one another.

2015-10-11, 08:10 PM
Highly intrigued, Sa'ul heads over to watch the duels but keeps a special eye out on those watching, especially those who seem to be trying to look not so interested and nonchalant.

Gen Assist - [roll0] (DC10)
Sa'ul's Attempt - [roll1] - Nat 20!

Gen Assist - Spot - (Take 10+8)[18] (DC10)
Sa'ul's Attempt - [roll2]

Gen Assist - [roll3] (DC10)
Sa'ul's Attempt - [roll4]

Gen Assist - [roll5] (DC10)
Sa'ul's Attempt - [roll6]

Gen Assist - [roll7] (DC10)
Sa'ul's Attempt - [roll8]

Gen Assist - [roll9] (DC10)
Sa'ul's Attempt - [roll10]

Gen Assist - [roll11] (DC10)
Sa'ul's Attempt - [roll12]

Gen Assist - [roll13] (DC10)
Sa'ul's Attempt - [roll14]

Gen Assist - [roll15] (DC10)
Sa'ul's Attempt - [roll16]

Gen Assist - [roll17] (DC10)
Sa'ul's Attempt - [roll18]

Gen Assist - [roll19] (DC10)
Sa'ul's Attempt - [roll20]

Gen Assist - [roll21] (DC10)
Sa'ul's Attempt - [roll22]Gen Assist - [roll23] (DC10)
Sa'ul's Attempt - [roll24]

Gen Assist - [roll25] (DC10)
Sa'ul's Attempt - [roll26]

Gen Assist - [roll27] (DC10)
Sa'ul's Attempt - [roll28]

Gen Assist - [roll29] (DC10)
Sa'ul's Attempt - [roll30]

Gen Assist - [roll31] (DC10)
Sa'ul's Attempt - [roll32]

Gen Assist - [roll33] (DC10)
Sa'ul's Attempt - [roll34]

Gen Assist - [roll35] (DC10)
Sa'ul's Attempt - [roll36]

Gen Assist - [roll37] (DC10)
Sa'ul's Attempt - [roll38]

Gen Assist - [roll39] (DC10)
Sa'ul's Attempt - [roll40]

Gen Assist - [roll41] (DC10)
Sa'ul's Attempt - [roll42]

Gen Assist - [roll43] (DC10)
Sa'ul's Attempt - [roll44]

Gen Assist - [roll45] (DC10)
Sa'ul's Attempt - [roll46]

Gen Assist - [roll47] (DC10)
Sa'ul's Attempt - [roll48]

Gen Assist - [roll49] (DC10)
Sa'ul's Attempt - [roll50]

Gen Assist - [roll51] (DC10)
Sa'ul's Attempt - [roll52]

Gen Assist - [roll53] (DC10)
Sa'ul's Attempt - [roll54]

Gen Assist - [roll55] (DC10)
Sa'ul's Attempt - [roll56]

Gen Assist - [roll57] (DC10)
Sa'ul's Attempt - [roll58]

Gen Assist - [roll59] (DC10)
Sa'ul's Attempt - [roll60]

Gen Assist - [roll61] (DC10)
Sa'ul's Attempt - [roll62]

2015-10-11, 09:15 PM
As you observe the matches, you see several new spells before you:

summon Monster I
Summon Undead I
Summon Nature's Ally I
Summon Monster II
Summon Nature's Ally II
Summon Desert Ally II
Summon Undead II
Summon Monster III
Summon Nature's Ally III

2015-10-11, 09:23 PM
Aww... Didn't Spot anyone trying to cheat and catch their spells too? :smalltongue:While the magic was indeed interesting, the first time, Sa'ul didn't particularly enjoy watching the fights themselves. It was the magic he cared about.

Bored, he wanders away from the fights, looking for anyone who might be able to show him something new.

2015-10-11, 09:24 PM
Gen Assist - Spot - (Take 10+8)[18] (DC10)
Sa'ul's Attempt - [roll0]

Gen Assist - Listen - (Take 10+8)[18] (DC10)
Sa'ul's Attempt - [roll1]

Gen Assist - Escape Artist - (Take 10+8)[18] (DC10)
Sa'ul's Attempt - [roll2]

2015-10-11, 10:45 PM
If anyone was cheating, they were too skillful for your rather untrained eyes to catch them. However, it seems that one doesn't have far to go around here to see feats of magic. He managed to catch a mage casting levitate and another with invisibility while a third cast both mage armor and shield. Your wanderings end up taking you in front of a building labeled: ADMISSION

"Are you new here?" An elderly woman who approached you from behind asks as you pause to scan the crowd once more. You find yourself mildly surprised at her sudden appearance behind you, for you're pretty sure she didn't just walk over towards you without attracting some notice. She does have bright pink hair, after all. "I noticed that you don't seem to be going anywhere specific. I thought you might be lost and looking for something."

2015-10-11, 11:45 PM
"I'm searching for something of a mentor or just someone who likes to perform. I'm interested in seeing new spells that I've never seen before. I'm something of a bird watcher, only instead of birds, I like to see spells. I had considered seeking enrollment here, but I was wanting to see what was happening around campus before pursuing that more definitively."

Gen Assist - [roll0] (DC10)
Sa'ul's Attempt - [roll1]

2015-10-12, 06:37 AM
"Would you happen to be a practitioner of of Sha'ir magic, or are you just a hobbyist?"

2015-10-12, 02:41 PM
Sa'ul stutters slightly and gives her his best looks of confusion and sadness.

"Is... Is that a requirement to enroll?"

Gen Assist - [roll0] (DC10)
Sa'ul's Attempt - [roll1]

2015-10-12, 06:20 PM
"No, not necessarily. The university does offer non-practical classes on magic. I only ask because if you do practice that particular and rather uncommon brand of magic, you can likely get your enrollment fees for such paid for by a sponsor in exchange for assistance in research in that form of magic."

2015-10-12, 11:10 PM
Sa'ul hesitates for a moment, trying to evaluate her sincerity.

Gen's Attempt - [roll0]
Sa'ul's Attempt - [roll1]

2015-10-12, 11:26 PM
By all appearances, she is just genuinely trying to be helpful.

2015-10-12, 11:28 PM
Sa'ul, still hesitant, replies, "And if I was, what sort of research requirements would there be?"

2015-10-12, 11:34 PM
"Mostly by allowing a researcher to observe the unique processes involved with that brand of magic under various spells of detection and observation, Plus maybe a few practical demonstrations of the spells in action."

2015-10-12, 11:38 PM
Sa'ul makes a slight motion with his hand, and Gen swoops down to hover next to his shoulder.

"Well, I suppose that I do indeed follow the paths of the Sha'ir. My name is Naatha ibn Sa'ul al-Banai. May I ask yours?"

2015-10-12, 11:47 PM
"I am Janith Rosen, dean of Experimental Studies here at the University. Yes, that is the same 'Rosen' family name as the king of Aldhaven. No, I'm not royalty. My grandfather was adopted into the King's family in reward for services rendered to the current king's father when he was a young man newly ascended to the throne. I have a brother who rules a small barony near the border to the Empire of Seven Dragons."

2015-10-12, 11:55 PM
Sa'ul smiles broadly. "That's truly fascinating. I didn't know the king's name was Rosen! Oh, the things one learns in university."

His demeanor and tone of voice are genuinely sincere. He truly did not know the king's name. To Sa'ul, he was just the nebulous entity that is King of Aldhaven, and apparently ill, if the tales be true.

"I must say, I am interested in learning all I can, but I'm more interested in magic than royalty. I prefer to experience the flows of power and care little for the politics of men."

2015-10-12, 11:58 PM
She smiles warmly. "Then you've come to the right place. Was there a particular area of magic you were looking to study?"

2015-10-13, 12:03 AM
Sa'ul chuckles merrily, "Not at all. I'm happy learning anything new. Of course, the more esoteric and powerful, the more interesting, though I suppose that could have go without saying."

2015-10-13, 12:07 AM
"Well, if you do decide to enroll here, I would be more than happy to sponsor your tuition in exchange for help in my research."

2015-10-13, 12:11 AM
"Does that cover room, board, and er...," as he rubs his tummy meaningfully, "meals? If so, I'm inclined to enroll immediately."

2015-10-13, 01:46 AM
"Hm... I'm willing for that to be so, if you're wiling to be my assistant for my research."

2015-10-13, 01:50 AM
He grasps her hand and pumps it up and down once.

"Then it is settled!" He pauses a moment. "I hope I got the local custom for sealing contracts correct."

2015-10-13, 02:58 PM
"Close enough." she chuckles. "Now then, we need to get you registered."

2015-10-13, 03:51 PM
Sa'ul follows along and does what is asked of him, with Gen's assistance, of course.

2015-10-13, 07:05 PM
He is lead through a process of filling out several pages' worth of paperwork, where his name, age, city of origin, magical talent (if any), and many other facts are requested of him. After that, 1,000 gold in payment for tuition is requested of him.

"I will cover this one." Dean Rosen says. The clerk nods in understanding.

2015-10-13, 07:12 PM
Naatha ibn Sa'ul al-Banai
Wanderer, birth place unknown.
Phenomenal, cosmic. Sha'ir.

2015-10-13, 07:27 PM
The clerk eyes over the information given, and comments, "You'd be surprised how many of our students don't know their birthplaces."

"Now then, with that all settled shall we see to you some accommodations?" Dean Rosen asks.

2015-10-13, 07:34 PM
"Uh, sure, but... when's dinner? I haven't actually eaten all day..."

2015-10-13, 08:55 PM
"Oh, do pardon me. Let us eat first." She says and leads you to a small restaurant just off of campus. The two of you take seats at a table and wait to be served.

"So then, what brings you to Aldhaven?"

2015-10-13, 09:16 PM
He pokes a thumb at his companion, who is busy stuffing himself.

"It was Gen's idea. He insisted there would be more interesting magic here than in the scrublands to the south, from where we came."

2015-10-14, 07:36 AM
"Indeed, I would hope so. Especially here at University."

A waitress notices the two of you rather quickly and approaches. "Dean Rosen, it is good to see you. Is this a colleague of yours?"

"New student, actually. He possesses a new form of magic I'm interested in studying. I've agreed to sponsor his tuition in exchange for assistance with my research."

"How exciting!"

She hands the two of you menus to look over. It seems this place primarily serves lamb cooked in several different fashions.

"The usual for you, Ma'am?"

"Yes, dear."

The waitress at last turns to you and asks, "And what about for you?"

2015-10-14, 10:12 AM
Puzzling over the menu for a moment trying to understand these unusual dishes, Sa'ul at last replies, "I'd like the lamb shawarma and a chickpea salad."

2015-10-14, 01:58 PM
The waitress nods, writes down a note, and takes the menus. She departs to the back.

"So, do you have any questions for me as we wait for our food?"

2015-10-14, 02:04 PM
"Nope, can't say that I really do. I'm just happy to have a hot meal and a place to stay. You're welcome to tell me anything you want though."

Sa'ul is rather a simple fellow in the end. He's slightly suspicious at first but generally just takes things at face value unless give reason not to and gets really pushy only when he doesn't get his way, such as with the doorman at the Feierabend estate.

2015-10-14, 02:21 PM
"Fair enough. If you don't mind, would you tell me a little bit about yourself? I'd like to know what kind of person I've just agreed to sponsor at the university."

2015-10-14, 02:36 PM
"There's not just a whole lot to tell. I come from a family of halfling nomads to the south. We largely traveled from one oasis to the other, usually wintering in one of the great Kreen cities. I grew up with a small penchant for magic and played with it a bit as a kid, but as I got older, my djinn blood started to manifest itself a bit more. Oh, did I mention my great grandfather was a djinn? At least, that's what mom always said. Anyway, one day, I was out in the desert tracking a camel that had wandered off, and I came across a metal vessel which had Gen here trapped inside. He popped out and joined me, taught me what he knew of genie magics, and we became good friends. I'm starting to get a little older now, and I thought I'd like to see more of the world, learn about arcane customs other than just what the locals knew."

2015-10-14, 07:24 PM
"Fascinating. Have you ever been in contact with one of the greater djinn?

2015-10-14, 11:01 PM
Sa'ul glances up at Gen.

"Well, yes."

2015-10-15, 04:27 PM
"Would you mind telling me about it? Between gods and dragons, many scholars overlook the fact that there are a great many other magical beings out there from which one might be able to gain power."

2015-10-15, 07:00 PM
He gets a bit nervous and tries to bluff his way through it with what he does know, filling in a little color to make it seem like he knows more than he does. Sure, he's had dealings with them... through Gen. He'd never actually met one personally.

Gen Assist - [roll0] (DC10)
Sa'ul's Attempt - [roll1]

"Well, they're pretty capricious, so you have to watch yourself when dealing with them. They don't mean to be harmful, but sometimes, they get "brilliant ideas" when fulfilling their end of a bargain that aren't always what you hoped for... We've found one that's pretty reliable though, a distant cousin of Gen here."

2015-10-17, 11:00 AM
You stumble your words over one another and it doesn't seem like she quite believes you. "I take it you've had not direct contact, then?"

You are saved from having to answer immediately as y'all's food arrives.

2015-10-17, 01:31 PM
He looks relieved and clutches his chest as he takes a deep breath to calm himself.

"Oh, heavens no! I think my heart would stop if one of them suddenly appeared right in front of me! I'd rather not have to face them directly, and certainly not alone."

2015-10-17, 01:47 PM
She begins to eat her medium-rare lamb chops as she continues speaking. "Understandable. From my research, I gather that it might actually be safer to deal directly with devils or other greater evil entities than the djinn. After all, one can be fairly reliably certain on their motivations. Evil has its own interests at heart exclusively. The djinn are quite frankly near impossible to predict."

2015-10-17, 03:34 PM
Sa'ul shrugs as he eats. "I wouldn't know. I don't deal with them."

2015-10-17, 03:39 PM
The rest of the conversation over supper is rather trivial and non-informative, unless Sa'ul decides to ask something more probing himself. His newfound benefactor keeps the rest of the conversation light and on such tame subjects as the weather and the local climate.

2015-10-17, 06:07 PM
After dinner, he allows his benefactor to take the lead while wondering where all of this is heading...

2015-10-17, 11:14 PM
After the meal, she says, "With that finished, shall we secure a room for you in the student dormitory?"

2015-10-18, 10:09 PM
He goes along to get his room assigned and allows the DM to move ahead assuming he goes along with whatever for the time being.

2015-10-19, 01:51 AM
Your room is assigned and you are given a key to your small, single dormitory room. You share a restroom facility with three other students.

By the time this is all settled and done, it is about an hour until sunset.

2015-10-19, 02:59 PM
Sa'ul thanks her and accepts the key. Suddenly, a thought occurs to him.

"So, now that I'm neck deep in quicksand here, what are my responsibilities as a student and your assistant?"

2015-10-19, 03:16 PM
"Well, as a student, your responsibilities are simply to go to the classes you've signed up for and to not embarrass the University's reputation. As my assistant, I'm going to be asking you to aid me in my research in various ways most afternoons. I furthermore expect to you take an active interest in gaining knowledge and the learning process. I also won't tolerate you failing your classes as I'm the one paying for them."

2015-10-19, 03:57 PM
"Hmm, yes, perfectly reasonable. Just know that I've never actually attended a school before, so there's going to be some learning time to getting used to that.

Also... I've been hired do some work by one of the noble families, whose name I'd prefer not to reveal at the moment, and may have to run out to handle something there if they call on me, which isn't too likely. Other than that, I'm free of obligations and should have no interruptions to the schedule."

2015-10-19, 05:35 PM
"That seems perfectly reasonable. I might even be able to use your forays to help further my research."

2015-10-19, 05:41 PM
"Good. That seems more than reasonable to me. I suppose I'll wander about campus a bit and turn in for the night. It's been a longish day."

2015-10-19, 05:47 PM
"Indeed. And one quite different from what you likely predicted this morning when you woke up, if I'm not mistaken."

2015-10-19, 05:52 PM
Sa'ul responds with a smirk.

"Perhaps, but only insofar as you being faculty at a university as opposed to an independent researcher. My intention had been to move to the Mages' Quarter after leaving the university in search of the first spellcaster willing to take me on as a research assistant. This is not so different, and seemingly better in the long run. Either way, it has saved me a few steps."

2015-10-19, 05:53 PM
"Indeed. It would seem that fate is smiling upon you for now."

With that, she departs.

2015-10-19, 07:35 PM
Sa'ul says farewell then wanders about campus until dusk before returning to his room to play a card game with Gen. After a few hands, he heads to bed.

2015-10-19, 08:47 PM
His sleep that night is uneventful and he awakens refreshed.

2015-10-19, 09:31 PM
Yay spell slots! Not that he was exactly out...

All Diplimacy checks vs DC 20.
[roll0] Rounds — Known: (+30 Diplomacy) √
[roll1] Rounds — Known: (+30 Diplomacy) √
[roll2] Rounds — Known: (+30 Diplomacy) √
[roll3] Rounds — Known: (+30 Diplomacy) √
[roll4] Rounds — Known: (+30 Diplomacy) √
[roll5] Rounds — Known: (+28 Diplomacy) √
[roll6] Rounds — Known: (+28 Diplomacy) √
[roll7] Minutes — Identified: (+26 Diplomacy) √
[roll8] Minutes — Identified: (+26 Diplomacy) √
[roll9] Rounds — Known: (+26 Diplomacy) √
[roll10] Minutes — Identified: (+24 Diplomacy) √
[roll11] Rounds — Known: (+27 Diplomacy) √
[roll12] Rounds — Known: (+24 Diplomacy) √
[roll13] Rounds — Known: (+24 Diplomacy) √

0 - Amanuensis, Caltrops, Caltrops, Caltrops, Detect Magic - 0 Unfilled
1 - Benign Transposition, Benign Transposition, Comprehend Languages, Protection from Evil - 2 Unfilled
2 - Baleful Transposition, Cloud of Knives, Shield - 2 Unfilled
3 - Greater Mage Armor, Chain Missile - 2 Unfilled
Sa'ul plans out his day as he sends Gen out to fetch his morning magic. Can't start the day without a fresh cup of hot mana. Just over 18 minutes later, they're good to go.

Sa'ul steps out of his room, heads to the bathroom to wash his face, and then wanders out of the dorm wondering what it is he's supposed to be doing now. It's not like he's actually signed up for any classes.

2015-10-20, 08:31 AM
As Sa'ul is exiting the dormitory, the man guarding the entrance says, "Wait a minute. Um... er, uh... Mr Albany? Alabanal? Aliboo? You. I have a note here that you need to see the Registrar's office to register for classes. You have an appointment at 8:00."

2015-10-20, 04:18 PM
Sa'ul takes the note and heads to the office, stopping by the commissary to pick up something for breakfast he can eat as he walks.

2015-10-20, 05:02 PM
He's given a roll and a bit of strong cheese as he makes his way to the Registrar's Office. Upon arriving, Sa'ul finds that he was expected. "Ah, yes, our latest student to enroll in our illustrious school. Now then, you now must select the classes you wish to take."

2015-10-20, 06:03 PM
"Of course! But I've never been in school before, so could you tell me how this all works? Is there a minimum number of classes I have to take? What classes are available?"

Sa'ul is the first character I've played that I'm actually enjoying as much as I enjoyed playing Hagan. The mechanics are fun, and I'm really just plain enjoying the character.

2015-10-20, 11:23 PM
of course he is. He's an overly complex, fiddly character who I'm sure is right on his way of exploiting some weakness in the system.

I dare to posit that you, good sir, have a type, mechanically speaking.

"Well, your enrollment is by semester and covers the cost of up to five classes at no additional fee, though you only have to be taking a single class to remain qualified. Each additional class adds a small fee to this semester's tuition."

"As for what classes are available, A.R.U.S.E. prides itself in offering a wide variety of classes. Tell me, have you had a talk with anyone yet for why you enrolled here and by extension what classes will best help you achieve your goals?"

2015-10-20, 11:36 PM
Other than the whole Spellcrafting my way to total spell access for laughs, there's not just a whole lot system breaking about him. It's as much the character as the class, though I am loving the class.

You're right, I do like rather fiddly classes, but it's because it's as much fun to play with the components as it is to play with the toy. I do like the big hulking fighter archetype too, but once it's built, it's built. This gives me something to play with on the side. :smalltongue:"You mean like a... vizier... or, what's the word... adviser? I was not aware that service was offered."

2015-10-20, 11:49 PM
"Yes, typically new students are advised before they finalize their paperwork. However, our Dean of Experimental Studies is a woman who tends to forget that not everyone is as sure of what they was as she is. I can give you some basic pointers to get you started for this semester and you'll likely find a professor you get along with in time for next semester."

2015-10-20, 11:53 PM
"Of course. I am open to any advice you're willing to share."

2015-10-20, 11:55 PM
"Well, first of all: or the record, I need you to state your full legal name."

"Second: tell me why you're here."

2015-10-21, 12:06 AM
"My full name is Naatha ibn Sa'ul al-Banai. It's spelled... ...

I'm here primarily to witness all the various variations of arcane magic."

2015-10-21, 07:35 AM
"Hm... okay then. Are you a spellcaster yourself? If so, how powerful of one? There are certain basic classes you can likely skip as you already know what you're doing."

2015-10-21, 11:14 AM
"I am, yes, andd I have mastered casting the apprentice tiers. I wouldn't mind expanding my knowledge at all tiers, but my chief concern is new magics."

2015-10-21, 01:32 PM
"If you're competent through the third tier, then we can skip the 'this is how you cast spells' classes. You're interested in diversifying the types of spells you are familiar with, yes? Then I recommend taking specialist classes for a specific school of magic. They tend to be the ones covering the greatest variety of spells within a single school."

2015-10-21, 01:34 PM
"If you're competent through the third tier, then we can skip the 'this is how you cast spells' classes. You're interested in diversifying the types of spells you are familiar with, yes? Then I recommend taking specialist classes for a specific school of magic. They tend to be the ones covering the greatest variety of spells within a single school."
"Conjuration and Divination have always interested me..."

2015-10-21, 01:41 PM
"Well then, how about we sign you up for Basic Conjuration Specialty and Basic Divination Specialty?"

2015-10-21, 03:41 PM
"When and where am I supposed to go for these classes?"

2015-10-21, 07:58 PM
"Well, let's look that up..." He pulls out a rather large ledger and flips through several pages. "Let's see... Conjurations offers two times: Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday from 9 to 10 in the morning, or Sunday, Monday, and Tuesday from 2 to 3 in the afternoon. Divinations... hm... it says simply 'First class weekly Monday at 1. The rest to be determined.' Don't know what's up with that one. They must have old August teaching that one this year."

2015-10-21, 10:36 PM
"It appears that you are to divine when the other classes will meet... I suppose I'll take the Wednesday rotation on Conjuration, since they'll otherwise conflict."

2015-10-22, 07:20 AM
"Okay then. Are you interested in taking any other classes?"

2015-10-22, 03:16 PM
He looks confused for a moment. "What other classes are there?"

2015-10-22, 05:51 PM
"Well, there are specialist classes in the other schools of magic, there are classes on psionics, incarnum, binding, and a couple of other obscure fields of which aren't quite casting spells but clearly perform feats beyond the scope of the mundane. There are also more practical classes involving things such as combat spellcasting, theories on spell selections, and selling one's magical services for profit. There is even a class focusing on mastering the potential of the magic missile spell."

2015-10-23, 01:10 AM
"Tell me about the other wizardly specialty classes, if you would."

2015-10-23, 01:55 PM
dammit, I totally set you up to ask for specific times for six more classes, didn't I? This, of course, means I have to make up these classes and assign each of them 1-3 meeting times.

... why do I do this to myself?

"Hm... let's see..." He looks up the other classes for you. They are:

Abjuration: twice weekly for 2 hours. Either 1-3pm Tuesday and Thursday or 5-7pm Saturday and Monday
Enchantment: Either Monday, Wednesday, Friday 11am-12pm or Tuesday, Thursday 12-2pm
Evocation: Thursdays from 8 to 11 am.
Illusion: Monday, Wednesday, or Friday 12 to 3 pm
Necromancy: One hour after dusk for 2 hours twice weekly either Saturday/Sunday or Wednesday/Thursday
Transmutation: Monday or Friday, 9-10 am and then 2-4 pm

2015-10-23, 04:45 PM
"Ah, well, I think I'll just stick with the classes I've signed up for so far. I shouldn't overdo it my first semester."

2015-10-24, 01:38 AM
"There is indeed some wisdom in that." He fills out a few forms then hands them to you. "If you will just sign these, this acknowledges that I have advised you and you are signing up for Basic Conjuration Specialty and Basic Divination Specialty."

2015-10-24, 01:52 AM
He signs as asked.

"When do these classes start?"

If there's nothing else pertinent, he'll head back out onto campus to see if there's anything interesting happening.

2015-10-24, 01:37 PM
"Classes started this week on Monday, though it's expected that not every student will end up in their final class rotation until next Monday."

2015-10-24, 02:50 PM
If there's nothing else pertinent, he'll head back out onto campus to see if there's anything interesting happening. 1234567890

2015-10-24, 09:52 PM
bleh, that's what I get for posting in a hurry on my way out the door

You find that there's about as much activity around campus as the day before. In addition, there are a pair of students loudly proclaiming themselves to be immune from harm and challenging people to try their most dangerous spells against them.

2015-10-25, 06:10 PM
Sa'ul definitely heads over there. He's most interested to see what magic is at work, both offensively and defensively. Who wouldn't want to be immune to harm?

2015-10-25, 07:07 PM
As you watch, a mage comes by who uses various orbs of energy to try to prove them liars. However, without casting any spells whatsoever, the two just laugh and the orbs bounce harmlessly off.I assume you'll want to spellcraft those

2015-10-25, 08:36 PM
Gen Assist - [roll0] (DC10)
Sa'ul's Attempt - [roll1]

Gen Assist - [roll2] (DC10)
Sa'ul's Attempt - [roll3]

Gen Assist - [roll4] (DC10)
Sa'ul's Attempt - [roll5]

Gen Assist - [roll6] (DC10)
Sa'ul's Attempt - [roll7]

Gen Assist - [roll8] (DC10)
Sa'ul's Attempt - [roll9]

Gen Assist - [roll10] (DC10)
Sa'ul's Attempt - [roll11]

Gen Assist - [roll12] (DC10)
Sa'ul's Attempt - [roll13]

Gen Assist - [roll14] (DC10)
Sa'ul's Attempt - [roll15]

Gen Assist - [roll16] (DC10)
Sa'ul's Attempt - [roll17]

2015-10-25, 09:00 PM
You recognize lesser orbs of of acid, cold, electricity, fire, and sound.

Next, a mage walks by and says, "You have a defense for this set up?" He follows with a quick incantation, causing rocks to fall on their heads. Once more, the rocks bounce off harmlessly.

You identify this one as hail of stone.

"You people need to stop wasting your spells." says a passing older gentlemen. "Someone set up some fancy illusions."

2015-10-25, 10:11 PM
Sa'ul, scratching his chin, will attempt to spellcraft the illusion.

Gen Assist - [roll0] (DC10)
Sa'ul's Attempt - [roll1]

2015-10-26, 12:37 AM
It seems that someone has cast a major image and is having fun at people's spell expense.

2015-10-28, 03:49 PM
Mentally adding that to his repertoire, Sa'ul walks away from the spectacle. With nothing to do for the next few days waiting for classes to start, Sa'ul decides to wander around town a bit, heading down into Mages' Quarter.

2015-10-28, 07:20 PM
He finds that the Mage's Quarter proper is a blend of homes, storefronts for magic shops, and two-story affairs that service as both. While not seeming too much more overtly wealthy than the nicer parts of Midtown, the presence of magic can be felt all over from glowing bulbs lighting up the street corners to glowing illusory effects embellishing the signage, this is definitely the most magical part of town.

2015-10-28, 10:58 PM
Highly intrigued, he makes his way down the streets trying to identify the various magical effects he's witnessing.

Gen Assist - [roll0] (DC10)
Sa'ul's Attempt - [roll1]

Gen Assist - [roll2] (DC10)
Sa'ul's Attempt - [roll3]

Gen Assist - [roll4] (DC10)
Sa'ul's Attempt - [roll5]

Gen Assist - [roll6] (DC10)
Sa'ul's Attempt - [roll7]

Gen Assist - [roll8] (DC10)
Sa'ul's Attempt - [roll9]

Gen Assist - [roll10] (DC10)
Sa'ul's Attempt - [roll11]

Gen Assist - [roll12] (DC10)
Sa'ul's Attempt - [roll13]

Gen Assist - [roll14] (DC10)
Sa'ul's Attempt - [roll15]

2015-10-29, 02:23 AM
He identifies several different instances of everburning torch, glowing orb, stick, silent image, and ghost sound in effect.

2015-10-29, 02:34 AM
Having spent nearly three hours dealing with breakfast, registration, and wandering, he takes 20 minutes to send Gen off to refresh his spells, keeping the same spells in the same slots. Since he can't fail on the rolls, can we just assume this process takes 20 minutes (a bit longer than the last roll result)?

Once he's done with all that, he realizes by the rumbly in his tumbly that it's getting close to lunch. He'll stop and buy a light lunch for himself from a vendor he passes that looks appetizing then head back to the Docks, looking for the Kreen from yesterday to buy another smoked dire beaver kebab. Kebab in hand, he'll wander back to where he last fed Jasper and take a seat, nibbling at the meat to the best of his ability to stomach it.

Edit: He casts Greater Mage Armor on himself before proceeding to the Docks.

0 - Amanuensis, Caltrops, Caltrops, Caltrops, Detect Magic - 0 Unfilled
1 - Benign Transposition, Benign Transposition, Comprehend Languages, Protection from Evil - 2 Unfilled
2 - Baleful Transposition, Cloud of Knives, Shield - 2 Unfilled
3 - Greater Mage Armor, Chain Missile - 2 Unfilled

2015-10-29, 03:24 AM
that sounds like a perfectly reasonable way to not waste time

He spends 2 silver on his lunch and 3 copper on the smoked dire beaver. Within a half-hour or so of waiting, he notices that the cat is watching him intently from around the corner.

2015-10-29, 03:58 AM
He waves enticingly at the cat with his kebab.

"If it isn't my new friend! I say, would you like to help me eat this? Do come share it."

He takes off a piece and tosses it about three feet away from where he sits.

2015-10-29, 04:47 AM
The cat approaches slowly, not quite trusting you but not quite so suspicious as it started last time. There is a calculated manner about its stance as if it is determining whether or not to consider you a tactical threat.

Assuming you don't act before it reaches it, the cat will take the meat and eat it.

2015-10-29, 04:57 AM
Sa'ul considers the cat's behavior a little odd, but he doesn't really know much about animals and sees no obviously magical effects. So, he just mentally shrugs it off as being a "cat thing". He indeed allows the cat to approach and eat at its own pace. When the cat finishes, he'll pull off another piece and toss it near the cat after saying, "Would you like another piece?"

2015-10-29, 03:34 PM
The cat gives you a look as if you were the most stupid creature in creation to consider that it might not want another piece. It expectantly waits for you to feed it like a good servant.

2015-11-09, 07:29 PM
Sa'ul laughs and feeds the cat, dropping each piece slightly closer to himself than the last. If Jasper comes within reach, Sa'ul will hold his hand out to the cat as non-threateningly as possible.

"You seem like a good cat. I'd sure like to have such a smart creature as you for a companion. At the very least, I'd sure like to scratch your ears..."

2015-11-09, 08:59 PM
Eyeing you warily, the cat does indeed get within arm's reach and even approaches your hand.

2015-11-16, 02:53 AM
Reaching out slowly with a single finger, Sa'ul attempts to rub the top of the cat's head.

2015-11-16, 03:27 AM
The cat rubs his head under your hand, apparently enjoying the contact.

2015-11-16, 03:32 AM
I really hope this works... he thinks. I think I remember something about animals being able to speak with magic anyway...

Sa'ul will cast comprehend languages while scratching Jasper's ears.

"You really are a nice cat, aren't you?"

2015-11-16, 04:10 AM
Unless Jasper has some property about his which I'm not aware of, this doesn't actually work, right? This is exactly why speak with animals and comprehend languages are different spells.

2015-11-16, 04:45 AM
He's a familiar with the speak with master ability.
If the master is 5th level or higher, a familiar and the master can communicate verbally as if they were using a common language. Other creatures do not understand the communication without magical help.I thought this allowed for speaking via comprehend langauges. I'll leave it up to you whether or not it works and if Jasper is even willing to speak to Sa'ul.

Whether or not it works, Sa'ul doesn't know animals and doesn't really know magic either. That's what Gen is for. So, he'd try it regardless. It honestly hadn't even occurred to me to try it until I'd already had Sa'ul try to pet the cat.

2015-11-16, 06:01 AM
... I think that by RAW, that doesn't. "as if they were using a common language" means grammatically that it isn't actually a common language. That being said, RAI would say that magical help should be able to bridge this gap.

I'm gonna say that it works for understanding a master and its familiar conversing through the speak with master feature but doesn't let the familiar actually speak with the comprehend languages user directly. Does that make sense or does that seem arbitrary?

That lets comprehend languages enable someone to eavesdrop a master and familiar who are talking and not bothering to be secretive about it because they assume no one can understand them but doesn't quite leave speak with animals useless.

I'd also say that tongues should totally work.

The cat perks his ears and you can clearly see the light of understanding in its eyes.

of course, DM you knows as well as I do that Jasper is in fact intelligent enough to understand things, and you don't know what spells his master may or may not be sharing with him right now, such as comprehend languages, enabling the cat to eavesdrop on people..

2015-11-16, 11:23 AM
Alright, I'll add that to my personal list of rulings.

Hard RAW, SWA doesn't work either, as Jasper is a magical beast.

Also, the shared thing you mentioned doesn't work.
Share Spells:
If the spell or effect has a duration other than instantaneous, it stops affecting the familiar if it moves farther than 5 feet away and will not affect the familiar again even if it returns to the master before the duration expires. "I do hope you have friends and attendants who love and spoil you appropriately."

2015-11-16, 02:45 PM
.... distance limitation, knew I was forgetting something.

Hm... I was under the impression that [augmented animal] was a subtype of magical beast to indicate that they're still impacted by animal spells like animals and not just a meaningless artifact to indicate their history.

Jasper gives no visible response but does continue to enjoy the attention for a moment before breaking contact to see if you have any more beaver.

2015-11-16, 08:21 PM
The augmented rules are contradictory and silly at times. It usually seems that the rules expect you to not have the augmented subtype unless a template specifically says you gain it while others assume that any type adjustment grants the subtype.

Does a Dwarf Zombie take extra damage from magic/abilities designed to hurt dwarves?Sa'ul just shrugs.

"Maybe I'll have some more tomorrow. I'm all out today."

2015-11-16, 08:26 PM
Seeing that you no longer have a reason for him to stay, Jasper saunters off.

I would say that it should.

bah, why do we have to be in love with a system that has so many holes and inconsistencies in it?

2015-11-17, 12:43 PM
Well, if there was a better system with a similar level of content that we could get as many people to play, I'd switch to it.Shrugging, Sa'ul returns across the river and wanders about, looking for anything that might catch his attention. As soon as classes start, he's not likely to have much free time, so he's going to waste it to the best of his ability!

2015-11-17, 10:26 PM
and while we're at it, I'll have a side of world peace and understanding to go with it. Oh, and a pot of gold. and a unicorn, because they're chick magnets.

This section of the Slums, being so near the Docks, contains quite a bit to catch the eye, if dirty, poor, untrustworthy-looking refuse from society are what you find interesting.

There's a woman obviously soliciting prostitutional offers at passersby in broad daylight, and other than ignoring her, it seems no one is doing anything about it.

You've lost counts of the numbers of cripples, orphans, beggars, vagrants, and obviously ill people you have passed by.

A squad of two hobgoblins, a half-orc and someone that appears to have devil horns with blue hand marks painted on their armor seem to be patrolling the blocks you are wandering.

2015-11-18, 01:13 AM
Sa'ul takes one look and around definitely heads back to Old Town and wanders about there.

2015-11-18, 01:26 AM
You find that by the time you've wandered back to Old Town, it's midafternoon.

This place offers much more middle-class interests. The highlights include:

A man of middling height in a heavy cloak with the hood pulled up and his cloak pulled tightly about him is walking down the street, being very careful to not make eye contact. Since this is a warm day, this is highly suspicious.

There is a beggar boy walking around the quarter asking about some dwarf named Thurgood Helmsworth. He has a message to deliver to him.

A bard is performing on a street corner, telling the tale of a the werefleshraker maiden of Midtown that hunts the streets at night, beating criminals senseless.

2015-11-18, 02:18 AM
Sa'ul immediately approaches the hooded and cloaked man quite openly.

"Pardon me, sir, but do you by chance know a Thurgood Helmsworth? There is an urgent message that needs delivering."

((Not sure if a Bluff is needed, as he's not actually lying, though he is trying to make the man think he is involved in delivering it.))

2015-11-18, 02:20 AM
((Also meant to roll these in relation to the man))

Gen Assist - [roll0] (DC10)
Sa'ul's Attempt - [roll1]+2 =[16]

Gen's Attempt - [roll2]
Sa'ul's Attempt - [roll3]

Gen's Attempt - [roll4]
Sa'ul's Attempt - [roll5]

2015-11-18, 03:18 AM
As the man freaks out and begins to run away frantically, you catch a glimpse of his face: he's a mongrelfolk with a bright red flame tattoo across his face. He seems to be slowed down by his heavy armor, so it wouldn't be difficult to catch up with him.

yeah, I think bluff is definitely called for here.

This isn't a mere lie of omission (tell the truth in such a way as to leave out an important bit of information)
This is a lie of silent addition (you told a truth in such a way as to heavily imply a falsehood and implant that in another's head)

does that make sense? I'm thinking of the difference between telling someone: "Yes, indeed, I am a priest from the Temple District." (I'm just not telling you that I'm a priest of Nerull)

and telling someone:"Yes, indeed, I am a priest from the Temple District." (I'm Joseph Priest and I live in the back alley behind the Temple of Ehlonna. I am in fact a commoner 6 with no magical talent whatsoever)

2015-11-18, 03:20 AM
Sa'ul makes like he's picking up something off of the ground and then begins to pursue the man, motioning for Gen to fly above and ahead of him so that he doesn't get away.

"Sir! Sir! You dropped your coin purse!"


2015-11-18, 03:24 AM
He turns around to say "Just keep it! Leave me alone!" Unfortunately for the poor fool, this slows him down enough that you catch up with him that round.

2015-11-18, 03:26 AM
0 - Amanuensis, Caltrops, Caltrops, Caltrops, Detect Magic - 0 Unfilled
1 - Benign Transposition, Benign Transposition, Comprehend Languages, Protection from Evil - 2 Unfilled
2 - Baleful Transposition, Cloud of Knives, Shield - 2 Unfilled
3 - Greater Mage Armor, Chain Missile - 2 Unfilled

Sa'ul catches up with him and falls into step just outside of his reach.

"Calm down! I'm not trying to hurt you!"


2015-11-18, 03:29 AM
"Then why are you going around bandying a name from the Circle of Sin? And why did you single me out? I was blending in with the crowd. Not sticking my nose out, not making eye contact, not drawing attention. There's no reason for you to have picked me!"

2015-11-18, 03:32 AM
"What's a Circle of Sin? Some kind of spell? I overheard someone else asking after him, so I figured imitating him would be a good way to approach someone, and you were closest and seemed like you'd be the most interesting with whom I could converse."

2015-11-18, 03:39 AM
"But I was being subtle." he whines.

2015-11-18, 03:39 AM
Sa'ul looks confused.


2015-11-18, 08:25 AM
"Because no one's supposed to know about..." Just as he's about to reveal his secret, he catches himself. "What, do you think I'm stupid?"

2015-11-18, 04:17 PM
He just continues to look at the man with the same deer in a headlight look, blinks twice hard then says, "No. Why?"
