View Full Version : Card Hearthstone: Dealing Death (Make Your Own Card. No, Seriously)

2015-09-10, 04:37 PM
Hello, everyone. I know there's already a thread or two about this sort of thing, but I wanted to establish a thread that's neither a contest nor a discussion of the current meta. I want this to be a thread where people can propose cards for the game and then discuss it with others. Part of the reason I've started this is to improve my own mechanical grasp of the game. But please, don't forget to have fun with it!

Here are my first submissions:
Piloted Mechanostrider (https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B6bH1Z9ZwKX2VnpnREFqbE9XMzg/view?usp=sharing)
Rampaging Devilsaur (https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B6bH1Z9ZwKX2ZnRINm5JYzZEczQ/view?usp=sharing)

If anyone knows how to upload these kinds of things without an image hosting subscription, please let me know.

2015-09-10, 05:03 PM
Consider what "Summon a random 0-cost minion" actually means: either a 1/1, or a 0/2 taunt. Given that you could get +1/+0 and "Your spells cost (1) less" or "Reveal a minion from each deck. If yours costs more, draw it", you should ask how much a free wisp/dummy is worth and whether or not you could be doing something better (hint: yes).

The devilsaur isn't great either. Compare kraken (Basically "Destroy a minion with 4 or less health," only a little better) and you'll see that it's not amazing.

Anyway, have one of mine:

High Priestess Ishanah 3
Legendary Priest Minion
You draw from your opponent's deck.


2015-09-10, 06:49 PM
Wow... that's, uh... interesting. I don't know if it would see any use, outside a very gimmicky deck, however. The body is total garbage, obviously, and to really get any use out of it, you'd need to have some kind of mill-strategy, which Priest really doesn't have.

2015-09-10, 07:18 PM
On my own cards:

Piloted Mechanostrider's stats were based on the progression of the basic Shredder cards.
Piloted Sky Golem: 6 mana 6/4, summon a random 4-drop
Piloted Shredder: 4 mana 4/3, summon a random 2-drop

That's why I only made it a 2/2 for 2 with a 0-drop. Do you think that I could bump the stats without it getting ridiculous?

And for Rampaging Devilsaur, would it be worse if its battlecry was to destroy two random minions with 2 attack or less?

Now, for your card, Jormengard:

Did you intend for this to played in a buff/Inner Fire deck? Is there a reason you didn't give it 1 attack?

2015-09-10, 09:25 PM
Ah, I love making up cards. Let's get this started:

Rexxar, the Champion of the Horde
4 Cost Legendary Hunter Minion
Inspire: Add a random Hunter secret to your hand.

Arashi Blade Master
5 Cost Legendary Warrior Minion
Battlecry: Equip a 5/1 Champion's Axe
Inspire: Give your Weapon +1/+1

Captain Shadowthorn
5 Cost Legendary Rogue Minion
Inspire: Your Hero gets +2 Attack and is Immune this turn.

Ancestral Witch Doctor
5 Cost Legendary Shaman Minion
Inspire: Transform a random enemy minion into a 0/1 Toad with Taunt

Stormwind Commander
5 Cost Legendary Paladin Minion
Inspire: Add a Quartermaster to your hand.

Forest's Guardian
5 Cost Legendary Druid Minion
Inspire: Reduce the cost of a random card in your hand by 1.

Every class deserves a good Inspire legendary, and the power of the card should not be paid for by its mana cost, but by its low stats. These cards all have below average stats for a creature of their mana cost but their Inspire effects are definitely worth it. Combine this with Fencing Coach and you can have some sick turn 5 plays.

2015-09-10, 09:45 PM
Alright about these two other cards you submitted...

Piloted Mechanostrider - Generally speaking a 2 drop is either a 2/3 or a 3/2, or it has a really powerful ability. Or, in the case of cards like Knife Juggler and Mech Warper, it has that really powerful ability and decent stats.

Piloted Mechanostrider can be most closely compared to Haunted Creeper. For 1 more attack on the body, you get one less 1/1 dropped on death. Is that equivalent? You give up the Beast tag and get the Mech tag, so that's not relevant. I would say that I would rather have an additional 1/1 body than 1 attack. Cards like Cult Master, Dire Wolf Alpha, and Defender of Argus make that additional 1/1 very relevant.

Piloted Mechanostrider would be better off as a 3 mana 3/3 that summoned a random 1 drop when it died. Part of the reason people like these cards enough to play them is their inherent gambling motive, and having a 50% chance of one effect or the other isn't that exciting.

For Rampaging Devilsaur, unfortunately there is just no way to make a 10 drop card playable. The only two in the game are Deathwing (never sees play even with arguably one of the strongest Battlecrys in the game and definitely the best stats in the game) and Sea Giant (has a cost reduction in the card). If you dropped this to an 8 cost card it would probably be fine.

Edit: If you want to know if I think they're fair as-is, both of them are fair. I just think you're being too safe here and you could make better cards without breaking the game.

2015-09-11, 03:17 PM
For Rampaging Devilsaur, unfortunately there is just no way to make a 10 drop card playable. The only two in the game are Deathwing (never sees play even with arguably one of the strongest Battlecrys in the game and definitely the best stats in the game) and Sea Giant (has a cost reduction in the card). If you dropped this to an 8 cost card it would probably be fine.
And Varian Wrynn, which...is now a Control Warrior staple? :smallbiggrin: Because his battlecry is amazing.

Deathwing's battlecry is awful, because it's amazingly situational. It's only at its most useful when you have no minions, your opponent has minions, and you draw it as your only card. Otherwise, Deathwing's battlecry costs you resources.

2015-09-11, 05:28 PM
I just want to see someone drop some kind of combo along the lines of Thaurissan on one turn into Ishanah+PW:S+PW:S+Coldlight+Coldlight+Stolen Arcane Intellect on the next. I dunno, I bet someone could do something cool with Ishanah.

2015-09-11, 08:38 PM
Control Warrior is basically the only deck type that can safely get to turn 10 and even then Varian has risks, particularly if it's a mirror because you could miss Alex battle cry, drop Gromm with 0 activators or just speed up your fatigue game.

2015-09-11, 08:39 PM
Thought I'd go with a proper Blademaster; Za'Muro of aborted HotS fame: http://wowwiki.wikia.com/wiki/Za'Muro


2015-09-11, 08:46 PM
Repeating stealth and an Inspire you don't want to use the turn you play it. Very interesting. I like it

2015-09-11, 09:00 PM
Here are some more options:

Southsea Cutthroat
2 mana Common Warrior Minion
Battlecry: Give your weapon +1 Durability

Drunken Captain
3 mana Epic Warrior Minion
Other Pirate minions you control have Windfury while you have a weapon equipped.

5 mana Legendary Warrior Minion
Battlecry: Destroy your Weapon and deal its Attack as damage to all enemies.

2015-09-11, 09:12 PM
Ooh, Warrior pirate options. Me-likey, particularly Southsea Cutthroat.

2015-09-11, 10:07 PM
Pirate Warrior is a very burst-centric front-loaded deck with not a whole lot of options after turn 5 (basically you go face with your weapons and hope you get them down to 6 so you can Mortal Strike).

These pirates would all help with the burst aspect of the Pirate Warrior deck.

2015-09-11, 10:54 PM
Interesting mechanics must be free; Choose One is a prisoner of the Druids no longer!


2015-09-11, 11:06 PM
Ah, the Entwine mechanic from MTG. Nice.

How about this then?

Freeze Mage
10 Mage Epic Spell
Choose one: Deal 8 damage to the enemy hero and Freeze it, or summon Frigid Snobolds until your board is full.

Combo: Do both (Snowbolds first)

2015-09-12, 11:37 AM
Plug for our current contest (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?357360-Hearthstone-You-Make-the-Card), since the prompt for the contest is literally "give things to classes that don't have those things" (like Combo in Mage or Choose One in Rogue).

2015-09-27, 12:18 PM
I came up with a good one today you guys!

Arashi Spellreaver
Neutral 3 mana minion
Battlecry: If your opponent has a weapon equipped, Silence it and gain +1/+1.

So we have a few weapon destroying Battlecry effects in the game, but no weapon Silences. I thought this might be a cooler interaction. Here is a list of weapons you would want to Silence:

Warrior: Your own Ogre Warmaul, Death's Bite, Gorehowl, King's Defender

Rogue: Cogwrench, Poison Blade

Hunter: Eaglehorn Bow, Gladiator's Longbow

Paladin: Sword of Justice, Truesilver, Argent Lance

Shaman: Power Mace, Doom Hammer, and the one that gives you a new hero power.

Also any weapon that has been buffed by Upgrade!, Goblin Auto-Barber, Deadly Poison, Tinker's Sharpening Oil, or Captain Greenshanks.

2015-10-26, 04:01 PM
I forgot the Mage Inspire Legendary in my collection, so I'll make one now:

Dalaran General

Mage 5
Inspire: Summon a 0/4 Dalaran Channeler


Dalaran Channeler
Spell Damage +1
This minion provides an additional Spell Damage +1 for each other Dalaran Channeler you control.

2015-11-08, 04:55 PM
You need a cost on the channelers in case they get bounced. Anyway, it's pretty much a far better aspirant for 1 more.

I'm going to post a couple more, I guess. These are based on a thing I've got in the back of my mind and have nothing to do with Warcraft lore! Hurrah!

Arbiter Noone 10
Legendary Neutral Minion
Charge, Deathrattle: Equip a 10/1 Lance of the Ultimatum.

(Lance of the Ultimatum 5
Legendary Uncollectable Weapon

On play: "The spirit of earth has arrived."
On attack: "I cannot allow you to live!"
On death: "It is time. Finish this!"

In its free time, Noone likes killing cyclopes and pretending to be Ulysses. Just kidding! Noone doesn't enjoy anything.

Archmage Ari'El 6
Legendary Neutral Minion
When you cast a spell, copy it. (You don't choose new targets for the copy.)

On play: "The winds blow in our favour."
On ability: "A second wind!"
On attack: "This time it's personal!"
On death: "Fear not; I will be avenged."

"If you look carefully, this arcane intellect is actually a sprint!"
- Ari'El

Administrator Antony 6
Legendary Neutral Minion
You and your minions bypass enemy Taunt, Immune, Stealth and Divine Shield (Including Antony himself).

On play: "The fire reveals all!"
On attack: "Burn! Burn!"
On death: "What I have set in motion cannot be undone!"

Being overkilled for 3 by stray fireballs is an occupational hazard of being the incarnate of fire.

Speaker Trianna 3
Legendary Neutral Minion
Battlecry: Deal 12 damage to HERSELF.

On play: "Witness the blood of the ones you have hurt!"
On attack: "Let me wash away your sins."
On death: "It's over..."

It's not what you think! She actually got those injuries from ravening murlocs!