View Full Version : Adventures in Pyreed IC

2015-09-10, 10:19 PM
And so it begins.

You're cold. That's all you can tell. Every other sense is completely dull. You can't see, move, or smell. Just very, very cold. You wait. Has it been hours? Minutes? Days? Time is lost to you. You remain frozen for what seems like an eternity, until you finally hear something familiar, something that flicks a switch in your brain. There's a sound of a particular pitch, and then another, and another. The sounds seem to support each other. A chord. It's a chord, one from your favorite tune. Your eyes open, but everything is blurry. Before you lies a familiar sight- your lute. It must be several meters away, but some faint sliver of your magical attunement to the instrument seems to have caused it to play. The chord continues to play, almost as if being strummed. Every time the note is played, your senses come more to focus. You're locked into a block of ice, it seems. How did you get here? Where are you? Your mind bounces questions back and forth, and your eyes can move again. Your senses come more into focus and you flex your arms, noticing that the ice has some give. You strain and strain, but as your nerves resume functionality, so too does your ability to experience the sheer, absolute cold.

In your mind you hear a clap of thunder. From what must be miles above you, the sky has opened up to a magnificent storm. Your senses are absent save from the calming yet terrifying pulsation of the sky far, far above. You feel shivers as lightning strikes from the sky, and every peal of thunder jolts you further into consciousness. You've been in stasis for a long time, it seems. This storm must have woken you up, but this is not a familiar storm. The great Matrodon sends storms upon occasion, beautiful storms full of life-bringing rain and gorgeous displays of lightning that illuminate the night sky and remind all who inhabit the East that she is there with them. This is not one of her storms. The winds are screaming far above, and the rain is harsh and cold. Brutal swirls of ice and sleet hammer upon the frozen earth. You must be deep underground, as the storm has significant distance from you, and its unnatural rage would nearly consume you if it could access you directly. No, this is definitely no Eastern storm. You're unsure of how you got there, but it seems that fate has left you in the cold and callous North.

The last thing you remember is a whole lot of fire. You're unsure of its origin, but there was a lot. A recluse in your own head, you think back to your days as a wyrmling, when every burp and hiccup would singe the gith nearby, prompting them to reprimand you with beatings. They weren't to hurt you, but to let you know to control your body. From a young age, you learned the difference between natural fire and dragonfire. Natural fire was for warmth and light. Torches, campfires, and furnaces were a part of life. Dragonfires, however, were a weapon. They were the draconic enforcers way of showing who was in charge. Those who did not oblige to the most strictly ruled laws of the land, such as high treason, were forced to succumb to the fearsome dragonfires of the Reds. Those whose flesh was scorched from their bones did not go on to an afterlife. They were unmade. Dragonfires sear the soul from the body, leaving the body as a pile of ash, and the soul as a faint wisp of smoke. There is no coming back from death by dragonfire, except for the most powerful of necromatic magic. Your family, and the true dragons who sired you, are held in such high regard because they were the one true defense against the hordes of the North. When frost, lightning, acid and poison would take down the undead, they would simply rise once more. But dragonfires removed them from existence.

This jog through your memories finally ends as you come to realize you are swallowed in what must be a glacier. Fire burns within your heart, and a message from your lord Cragmyr booms through you. "ReKindle. The mightiest Blaze can go down to an ember, but from that ember the blaze can rise again." Heat comes bursting out from within you, and the nearby ice melts enough for you to open your maw and release dragonfire, unmaking the restricting ice and leaving you standing in a huge under-ice cavern with four other creatures sealed into the glaciers as well. One by one, you gently torch the ice encasing them, until you stand proud aside a Sylph, an Elf, a Half-Elf, and a human.

The most devastating thing for a creature of the wind is to be bound in place. Where an imprisoned dwarf might wait patiently to be freed, a Sylph's very essence starts to crumble every second they remain captured. Your delicate wings need the warm winds to keep them functional, and you need your hair blowing in the breeze to remind yourself that you're alive. As you come to consciousness, you have no way of discerning whether you're stuck in a mound of snow, or if death has finally claimed you. Your body is certainly quite cold, but the worst part is how cold your thoughts have become: frigid, and unmoving. You're no stranger to cold winds, but the oppressing feeling of stasis has broken you. But suddenly- freedom! The ice and snow around you begins to melt with a sudden burst of heat, and as blood starts pumping through your veins, so too do your thoughts resume racing as they used to. Color comes back to you, and once more the artistic life you have created for yourself returns to you. The heat allows you to see your situation paint itself together. Dull, icey hues begin to brighten, enabling deep blues and teal greens to swirl through the frozen caverns that once contained you. The wings on your back are still a bit tight, likely unable to support you in flight, but oh, the sweet sweet feeling of liberty! You tumble out the snow to find yourself among four other figures, all of which seem to have recently emerged from the ice as well. Memory eludes you, but freedom enlightens you. You've come back from a deep and long slumber, and it's time to feel the wind in your face again.

Much like the great bear hibernates come winter, you have taken a long and deep slumber. You're awake now, as a dragonborn seems to have unfroze you. There's a fairy thing dancing around excitedly, a half-elf inspecting a lute, and an elf looking at the ceiling of the caverns you're in. You can feel on your body the signs of combat, and the sweat on your brow despite sleeping for so long tells you that the last time you were awake, you were likely enraged. Looking around, you find a familiar sight embedded in the ice not far from you. With one of your javelins, you chip away at the ice to expose the tip of a silver sword hilt. Placing just a finger on the chilled metal, you focus on feelings of light, warmth, love, passion, and rage. Springing from the hilt, the sunblade emerges, searing away the ice. You draw the glowing sword, swinging it a few times. The balance is perfect, just like always. In the distance you hear thunder, but unlike the storm the Elf seems to be talking about, these are rhythmic beats upon the tundra above. Footsteps? No... you remember that beat. It's a tribal beat, recognized throughout the South as signifying a meeting. You feel a calling to this tribe, not that you've met them before, but that they have a kind of power you've never seen before. Light glistens through the frosty halls. Your blade beckons to greet the true sun, enhancing its radiant power.

Your hibernation has concluded.
The sun has risen.

The whole bunch of you look among each other with confusion and some degree of awe. You don't recognize these strangers, but you do feel some degree of affinity. You don't remember how you got here or exactly where you are, so you're not sure exactly where to go or what to do. Perhaps your animals and gear are somewhere nearby- all you have on you is your battle gear and other things you'd regularly keep on your person. The frozen cavern you are within seems to have a few exits into frigid halls and passages- three winding halls lead from this dragonfire-melted room.

There's surely much to discover, and reasons for why you're here would be quite useful to find. All that you can recall of your past is up until you began truly traveling. Some combination of Fate and Chaos have brought you here, and no matter where you go, one thing is certain;

Adventure Awaits.

2015-09-11, 12:22 AM
The scrawny 16-year old elf wakes up, and for the first time in a long while, didn't have his morning wood. But then again, who would, when they are thrust into a strange placed with four complete strangers?

"Um," Zemzelett Gemblossom tentatively squeaks out in a timid voice. "Who are you? Where are we?" The young elf looks quite close to crying as he starts to realize how far he is. The elf finally clasps his hands together in prayer, beseeching Matrodon for aid.

Cast DETECT MAGIC as a ritual.

2015-09-11, 01:29 AM
Kamaria Ahiri

Kamaria takes a few tentative steps on the icy floor, careful not to slip, while simultaneously checking her belt to make sure everything is still there. She looks around, first taking in the cave and then her four companions. The baby elf seemed to be performing a ritual, so she didn't want to disturb him. Instead, she says to the group (in Common*): hello there. My name is Kamaria... I have no idea where we are - do any of you?

Then her curiosity gets the better of her. What'cha casting?

There is a hidden message in Thieves' Cant in here.
"Anyone speak the Cant?"

2015-09-11, 01:45 AM
Then her curiosity gets the better of her. What'cha casting?

For the next ten minutes, Zemzelett continues muttering arcane phrases in Elvish. He is so engrossed in the ritual that the youngster shuts out all stimuli.

"Grande Matrodon, Mère de tout et de protecteur de la vie. Votre serviteur a besoin de votre aide. Accorde-moi une mesure de votre grâce et de puissance, afin que je puisse détecter et corriger toute enchantement impur et le mal qui lie votre requérant ici. Je vous supplie d'entendre mon appel!"

2015-09-11, 02:14 AM
Kamaria screws up her face and shrugs. Elves, eh?

So, er, Mr. Dragonborn, sir... Any idea what's going on?

2015-09-11, 02:16 AM
As soon as the ice melted, Varis grabbed his lute and inspected it. It seemed to be okay. He plucked a few tunes, and felt the magic in the lute, which reassured Varhimis a bit. He then turned to look at the one who had melted him from the ice. Red dragon. Great, Varis thought. Out loud he said: "Hey, thanks. It was getting a bit chilly in there".

There were other people in the cave as well, all strangers. Varis wasn't sure how he'd gotten here, and others seemed disoriented as well.

To the sylph he said: "Don't bother, kid's praying or something. Will probably be out for a while. Oh yeah, no clue how I got here either. If anyone can shed any light on this, I'd be really grateful. Oh, and name's Varis".

Irish Musician
2015-09-11, 11:59 AM
Cragmyrin Ragden (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=551752), Devoted Paladin of Cragmyr
Ragden breaks free of the glacier and goes down on one knee. He is breathing heavy and says a short prayer to Cragmyr, thanking him for the strength to break through the terrible ice. Ragden then looks around and find others trapped in the same ice. He immediately goes about melting the ice around them and breaking them free of the frozen bonds as well.

Once his newly found friends are free, he goes about watching them, and looking around the room to see a way out. He sees three passages leaving this little cavern, and does his best to face those passages at all times. He keeps his eye on them, while looking around at these new people he is stuck with. The youngest looking of them all, the elf, goes about casting some sort of spell. Knowing elvish, he follows the spell fairly well, but not knowing much about the arcane arts he doesn't fully understand what it is doing.

The little Sylph catches his eye by asking him a question. She gives him an odd vibe and looks at her oddly for a moment. "I do not know, Kamaria. I have never found myself in a situation quite like this. Cragmyr spoke to me while I was encased in the ice, but I do not yet understand the meaning of his words. He was helping me escape, but if I know my Lord, that is not the end of it. We are here for a reason, but what that reason is we will need to find out for ourselves." He pauses for a moment and swings his shield off of his back onto his left arm. "I am Cragmyrin Ragden, Captain of the Guard of the West. You can call me Ragden for short, if you'd like, Cragmyrin is my clan name. If I can, I will help you get out of this frozen cavern. But we will have to work together. Well met Varis, Kamaria." He looks to the last person not currently casting. "And what is your name human?"

2015-09-11, 03:31 PM
Yes, I'm all for getting out of here! Soooooo... do you have a plan?

Irish Musician
2015-09-11, 05:17 PM
Cragmyrin Ragden (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=551752), Devoted Paladin of Cragmyr
Ragden looks at the Slyph and ponders her questions for a moment. He lets his eyes wander around the cavern and a low, sort of growl starts to come from him. After a moment it stops and he looks back at Kamaria, "I do not have a plan, but some troubles me. I have never seen ice like this outside of the north. I have been in battle up there a time or two and I've never seen so much ice. All of this ice and the ice we were stuck inside....." Ragden trails off and stares at the tunnels. "I do not have a plan....but I have an idea."

The dragonborn steps over to the entrance of the tunnels and plants his shield in front of him. He then grasps his amulet around his neck. Ragden closes his eyes and starts to chant in draconic. He points his nose up in the air and starts to sniff the air.

Using Divine Sense - The presence of strong evil registers on your senses like a noxious odor, and powerful good rings like heavenly music in your ears. As an action, you can open your awareness to detect such forces. Until the end of your next turn, you know the location of any celestial, fiend, or undead within 60 feet of you that is not behind total cover. You know the type (celestial, fiend, or undead) of any being w hose presence you sense, but not its identity (the vampire Count Strahd von Zarovich, for instance). Within the same radius, you also detect the presence of any place or object that has been consecrated or desecrated, as with the hallow spell.

2015-09-11, 11:02 PM
The first thing Ursa did was grab her sword. It was her most precious item. Even if she did not know where she was, or how she got there, her sword's presence meant that things were fine. She had not been bested by an opponent she could not remember. Not captured, and not dead.

Losing the bag was a different story. Not as important as the sword, but everything she owned in life was in that bag. Her trophies, her food, and her herb kit. Inside her heart pounded, but her outside was as cold as the tunnels as she searched the immediate area for the bag and anything else of interest.

While she did all this, Ursa was aware of the others, but tuned them out to focus until one asked her name. "I am Ursa. Do you know why we are here?


2015-09-12, 05:17 AM
To Ursa: seems like none of us know. Maybe we'll find out once we get out of this frozen prison... but those two are busy for now, so I guess we ought to make ourselves comfortable. Kamaria takes out her tinderbox and lights a candle. Anyone have anything that'll produce a some heat? A torch, maybe?

2015-09-12, 07:21 AM
"Good idea, my nuts must be half frozen already. I think I had some torches in my pack..." Varis said, going through his belongings and presenting 10 torches. "These might keep us warm for a while. Light me up".

2015-09-12, 12:26 PM
Kamaria takes one of the torches, jams it into the floor and sets it alight. There. That should keep us from freezing, at least for a while. Thank you, Varis.

Kam feels changes in temperature more intensely* than stockier creatures, so she'll be keeping close to the fire down here.

By this I mean that she is lighter for her height and build than a humanoid would be (due to being made partly out of elemental air), and therefore that she has a lower specific heat. A smaller amount of energy loss or input is required to lower or raise her internal body temperature.

Irish Musician
2015-09-12, 05:44 PM
Cragmyrin Ragden (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=551752), Devoted Paladin of Cragmyr
After Ragden's moment, searching for particular sorts of threats, he picks his shield back up and walks over to the group. "We need to find some things to burn, for now. My internal heat helps me stay warm for longer, but you all need help." Ragden then gets to work. He doesn't have Tristan, and does worry about the horse, but he has to worry about those he can immediately help.

He gets out of his pack 5 pitons in the middle of the room. He steaks them into the ground in a circle. He then takes is rope and makes a pentagram. "Not the best of symbols, but it will have to do. You," pointing at Kamaria, "Give me your rope." Her rope in hand, he begins weaving it into the same pattern he did his own. He then takes out 5 of his torches from his pack and one bottle. He lines the torches in the circle and takes the bottle, standing up. "Everyone, stand back." The bottles glows with an orange-red and seems to flicker inside the bottle. Ragden drops it in the middle of the circle, and fire erupts from it, catching the ropes and torches on fire.

"Alchemist's fire. Not quite as good as my own, but it will do for now. It burns for a long while so hopefully it will give us the time we need to figure out a plan." He then takes a cloak of our his pack and wraps it around the Slyph, "You are small, and easiest to freeze. Keep that around you and you should be alright."

2015-09-12, 05:53 PM
Oh, um, thank you. That's... very kind of you. Kam wraps the cloak tightly around her shoulders.

2015-09-12, 06:46 PM
Although the scrawny elfling continues to concentrate on his ritual, the cold has seeped into his armor, and already he is starting to shiver involuntarily.

Still, the ritual must be completed, otherwise Zemzelett would be casting an entirely different spell...

2015-09-13, 12:20 AM
Ursa was glad to find that her bag hadn't gone far. It had just been knocked to a corner of the odd cave. She collected the bag and took in the cave and her companions again. "So are we waiting for something? There it doesn't appear we are trapped here."

2015-09-13, 03:39 AM
Well I'm waiting to find out what the elf is up to. We're all in this together, so we can't just leave him.

Kam sits down next to Ragden's fire.

And you know, there are three passages leading out of here. Chances are, we'll pick the wrong one and have to come back, so I figure it makes sense to keep this chamber warm.

2015-09-13, 03:05 PM
A warm, alchemical fire burns in the center of the roughly 40 by 40 foot chamber, with a 20 foot ceiling. You all begin to feel much warmer, staving off the potentially debilitating cold for at least a little while longer.

Ragden sniffs the air, and finds that something is surely amiss. This chamber reeks of fear, hopelessness, and the unmistakable stench of undeath. However, unlike the other times Divine Sense has detected the exact presence of sinister creatures, this undead essence seems to emanate from all over the room.

Zemzelett chants in elvish to detect nearby magics, but is interrupted a few minutes in by the telltale ringing in his ears from his knife of warning. Something malicious is nearby.

Kamaria's eyes dart around the room, wary of trouble, and notices that the ice comprising the cavern seems to be almost... shifting. Icicles seem to lengthen, and mounds of snow seem to coalesce into crystalline shapes. This is definitely odd, but then again, it could just be the freezing cold getting to her head.

Chilly winds start to fill the room, and the campfire seems to flicker precariously, almost as if being devoured by the penetrating cold.

Irish Musician
2015-09-13, 03:51 PM
Cragmyrin Ragden (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=551752), Devoted Paladin of Cragmyr
After Ragden made his fire for the others, he got the answer he was looking for from his senses. And the outlook was not good. "I fear we are in great peril. Cragmyr has given me the answer I was seeking. Unfortunately, it was the answer I was expecting, and yet much worse. I can usually pinpoint the exact location of the undead or fiends and devils. However, the reading I got was far more troubling...." He trails off and looks around the room as the wind starts to pick-up. "The room itself seems to be undead. Or, at least, the room is bathed in the essence of the undead, as well as despair and hopelessness. I know not what kind of cavern we are in, but it seems to be an undead creature. And a normal wind wouldn't affect Alchemist fire as it is right now. We should leave as soon as we can." He turns to Zemzelett, "Elf, are you done yet? We should be leaving as soon as we are able."

2015-09-13, 03:55 PM
Ragden's right, there's something seriously wrong going on here. And I can see that without the help of that red tyrant...

To Zem: whaddya say kid? Time to move?

Irish Musician
2015-09-13, 03:58 PM
Cragmyrin Ragden (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=551752), Devoted Paladin of Cragmyr
Ragden raises an eyebrow, "I assume you don't agree with the way Cragmyr runs his lands?"

2015-09-13, 04:20 PM
Varis smiled at Kamaria's comment about the red dragon. "Hey, I'm sure if you get past the whole oppression thing, he's a pleasant fellow", he said, with a mocking tone in his voice.

"Anyway, the whole undead thing doesn't sound too nice. Since nobody seems to have any ideas where these routes lead, we might just as well pick one randomly. If this is actually some ice demon's belly, I don't wanna wait for digestion to start", Varis said and drew his rapier.

Irish Musician
2015-09-13, 04:33 PM
Cragmyrin Ragden (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=551752), Devoted Paladin of Cragmyr
Cragmyr half-smiles, "It is easy to judge when the weight of a nation doesn't rest on your shoulders. But, regardless, a servant of the Great Red will be helping you escape this godless place today. I don't care your background, nor your deeds in the past. I only care that everyone make it out alive this day. Taking pot-shots at my God may not be the best thanks to someone willing to help you." Ragden snorts at Varis, a very slight amount of flame escaping his nostrils. He turns, once again, to the tunnels...shield in hand and axe now off his belt and in his other.

2015-09-13, 04:53 PM
Kamaria readies her bow and says, You guys lead on; I'll cover you if we run into anything nasty. And Ragden, I am grateful for your help. Politics can wait until we get out of here.

2015-09-13, 04:56 PM
Ursa frowned. "You're saying the cavern itself is undead? How is that possible? Its a cavern Puzzled, she stood in place for a moment. Then purposefully, she activated her Sunblade, walked up to the wall of the cavern, and prodded it with the blade. The undead didn't like her blade, so if the cave really was undead, it should react.

2015-09-13, 07:04 PM
The ringing in Zemzelett's ears interrupts his ritual. What's more, the warning emanating from the weapon gifted to him by Matrodon also starts buzzing in the ears of those within 30 feet of the elf.

With a scowl on his face, the elf says, "There is something that is getting ready to attack us! We must get out of here!"

The elf straps on his shield, and mutters a silent prayer to Matrodon to seek her guidance. He was unable to sense her in this place, but that doesn't mean she would be unable to hear him.

Cast Guidance on self to get a d4 boost on an ability check, which includes rolling for initiative. Furthermore, Zem has advantage on initiative checks from weapon of warning.

2015-09-13, 09:05 PM
The Sun Blade prods at the shifting walls of ice, and a loud HISSSS sounds out as three large forms of ice spring from the walls. Zemzelett's Knife brings you all to alert, but you can't help but be taken aback as the shambling creatures of ice and snow bare frozen talons and hateful, hollow eyes.

One emerges adjacent to Ursa, another next to Ragden, and a third emerges from the far wall, about 15 feet from Zemzelett.

http://s12.postimg.org/86kkope95/Battle_Map1_1.jpg (http://postimg.org/image/86kkope95/)

We'll be using side initiative (Highest roll on player side vs highest roll on DM's side)


2015-09-13, 09:45 PM
"W-w-w-what is t-t-that?!" the Elf squeaks out, instinctively backing away from the monster and moving closer to the fire and the strangers.

"D-d-d-deflagro!" the would-be wizard stutters out, pointing his finger not at the creature closest to him, but at the creature next to the dragonborn. The little elf wouldn't want to make the monster closest to him mad if he can help it!

Initiative: [roll0] [roll1] plus Guidance [roll2]. Result: 16.
What IS that? Knowledge Check: [roll3]. If Nature, +4 (17), if Arcana or Religion, +6 (19).
Move left 2 squares, north 2 squares.
Fire Bolt against shambling creature next to Ragden. [roll4] vs AC. On hit, [roll5] fire damage. On crit, extra [roll6] fire damage.
Result: Likely miss. Minimal damage on a hit.

Zemzelett Gemblossom (Elf Tempest Cleric 1 Divination Wizard 3)
HP: 28/28 | Temp HP: 0 | Hit Dice: 1/1d8 3/3d6 | Speed: 30
MP: 4/3 | Spell To-Hit: +5 | Spell Save DC: 13 (12 for Cleric spells)
Wrath of the Storm: 2/2 | Arcane Recovery: 2/2 | Portent: 9, 20

2015-09-13, 10:55 PM
Ahh, monsters in the walls. That made much more sense. An impressive skill, bbut how good were they in an actual fight? A wild grin grew on Ursa's face as she drew inside for the primal strength her tribe spent generation's learnign to channel. "Let's do this!" she cried, slashing at the nearest creature.

Bonus action Activating Rage
Attacking with Sunblade (of course) against Creature 2:[roll0]
Damage: [roll1]
Extra damage vs Undead: [roll2]

Also, All damage dealt by a Sunblade is considered Radiant damage.

2015-09-14, 12:38 AM
Kamaria Ahiri

AC 16
Passive Perception 12
Spell Save DC 13

Okay, yeah, that looks pretty nasty.

Initiative: [roll0]

Kamaria had said she'd cover Ragden and Varis, so she will.

Attack with shortbow against the one near Ragden: [roll1]
Damage, including Sneak Attack: [roll2]

Intelligence check to see if she knows what they are: [roll3]

Then she'll walk two squares NE. Oh, and she'll move before firing if that's necessary to get a clear shot.

2015-09-14, 04:07 AM
Varis, HP: 35/35

AC: 18, PPerception: 14, Spell Save: 16, Concentrating on:

These things were clearly hostile and dangerous. They seemed to be made out of ice. Varis had a spell that might be effective but awkward to use in such a close range, though he was pretty sure he could target one of these creatures without hurting anyone else. Varis gestured towards the ice monster near the elfling and whispered a short poem.

"Think happy thoughts Ragden!"

Varis casts Shatter on monster number 3. Everything in 10 ft radius takes [roll0] thunder damage or half as much with a succesful Constitution saving throw. Everything inorganic has disadvantage on the saving throw.
Iniative: [roll1]
After casting his spell, Varis grabs his shield.
With bonus action, inspiration to Ragden

Irish Musician
2015-09-14, 08:51 AM
Cragmyrin Ragden (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=551752), Devoted Paladin of Cragmyr
Ragden was about to answer Ursa's question, when the walls groaned and 3 large ice monsters seemed to grow out of the walls. THAT is how the walls are undead, he thought to himself. "Everyone stand clear of them and try to bring them to me!" Ragden takes a mighty swing of his axe at the one in front of him.

Bonus - Use Searing Smite, Concentration for 1 min. Next Time I hit I do an extra [roll0] fire dmg and target ignites in flames. At the start of each of its turns until the spell ends, the target must make a Constitution saving throw. On a failed save, it takes 1d6 fire damage. On a successful save, the spell ends. If the target or a creature within 5 feet of it uses an action to put out the flames, or if some other effect douses the flames (such as the target being submerged in water), the spell ends.
Action - Attack #1 [roll1] + Inspiration's 6 = 19
Damage - [roll2]
Inspiration - If I roll horribly I won't use this, but If I roll closely I will use it. Obviously, if I roll well, I won't use it.
As Ragden's Axe flies towards the creature, the axe seems to heat up white-hot. From the looks of it, the axe seems to be on fire while it seems to spit flame from it as the air passes by it. "My fire shall end you, undead!!"

2015-09-14, 12:00 PM
http://s5.postimg.org/sdyicardv/Ice_1.jpg (http://postimg.org/image/sdyicardv/)

http://s5.postimg.org/5druzytk3/Battle_Map1_2.jpg (http://postimg.org/image/5druzytk3/)

Zemzelett quickly reacts to the threat by sending a bolt of flame at the first Frost Terror, but barely singes it. However, it did not seem to like the fire at all.

Ursa excitedly lands a powerful hit on the Frost Terror next to her, causing it to recoil in twisted anger and pain.

Kamaria calmly shifts to the far NorthEast wall and fires an arrow into a Terror, which finds its mark. However, the creature seems hardly phased.

Varis blasts the Terror on the SE wall with a thunderous shatter, causing it to fall to a knee. The icey walls around it splinter, widening the nearby passageway.

Ragden unleashes a firey strike at the nearest Frost Terror to him, hitting it hard with help from Varis. This time, the fire hits hard, and flames lick up and down the terrible creature, melting away at the gash the battleaxe left in its side.

Seemingly quite damaged from Ragden's attack, the first Frost Terror swings a fist at the dragonborn, but is deflected by Ragden's shield.

The Terror next to Varis lurches out with its frosty talons and hits for 10 cold damage, then grapples and restrains him (escape DC 13).

Almost matching Ursa in rage, the last Terror crashes its fists into her, inflicting 17 cold damage, grappling and restraining her as well (DC 13 also).

Player's turns, go!

2015-09-14, 12:15 PM
Kamaria steps one square southwest and stows her bow (free object interaction). As an action, she speaks a few words in Auran (instinctively hiding her mouth behind her cloak as she does so) to cast Mage Hand. Those of you with truesight (lol) see a spectral hand appear next to the Terror that was hit by Ursa.

If she is allowed to perform an action with the hand as part of the casting action, she will use it to poke the terror in the eye cavity (Help to Ursa, giving her advantage on her first attack against it).

Then, as a cunning action, she will redirect the hand to the Terror that Ragden wounded (it should be within 30 feet of her now) and rub its head (as if ruffling its hair), giving Ragden's first attack against it advantage.

2015-09-14, 03:36 PM
Varis, HP: 25/35

AC: 18, PPerception: 14, Spell Save: 16, Concentrating on:

Varis grunted as the monster grabbed him. "N-no offense, but I think we should just remain f-friends", he said to the horror, his teeth clattering in the cold grasp.

"Hey Ursa! I advice you give that thing a cold shoulder!" Varis shouted to Ursa.

Varis then whispered a botched melody to the creature.

Varis casts Dissonant Whispers on the terror. If it fails Wisdom save, it takes [roll0] psychic damage and must spend its reaction to move away from Varis as far as possible. On success, it takes half the damage and doesn't have to move. (I'm guessing this movement would trigger an Opportunity Attack?)
Varis also grants bardic inspiration to Ursa.

Irish Musician
2015-09-14, 06:00 PM
Cragmyrin Ragden (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=551752), Devoted Paladin of Cragmyr
Ragden sees that Varis has one of the monsters on the run, while Ursa tries to get our of the grips of the other. I need to get to her next. Ragden lashes out at the monster in front of him again, hoping to end its miserable life.

Action - attack #1 again [roll0], for advantage given to me [roll1]
Damage - [roll2] magical dmg
Move - If I hit and kill it, move over to #2

2015-09-14, 07:09 PM
The party hears a slapping sound as Zemzelett slaps himself in the face. He has also started talking to himself.

"Now isn't the time to panic," the little elf says furiously to himself. "The enemy is both undead and elemental. Weak to radiant and fire. What do I have? A warhammer, a rapier, and a hand crossbow. Mundane weapons didn't look too effective. I have three direct damage spells - ice attacks like Frostbite will be useless, and I can't use Thunderwave without hurting the others. How about buffs? No one's hurt bad, so Sanctuary is not required yet. I can try to Bless or ask for Matrodon's Guidance, but is that the best use of my time? Utility? If we need to escape, I can use Fog Cloud, or Pyrotechnics on the campfire over there to produce smoke. Debuffs? I can also try to incapacitate one with Tasha's Hideous Laughter, Blindness, or Suggestion. What to do... what to do...?"

After a fashion, the wizard apparently decides on a course of action. "Everyone," he pipes out, "Try not to harm the creature I am talking to!"

"Hey!" Zemzelett addresses the Frost Terror Ursa is facing as he begins to weave his enchantment, "Undead things eat lots of life energy. So you should consume only undead creatures for loads of energy!"

While the elf has no idea whether his blatant lie would work, a flash of inspiration from Matrodon reassures him that yes, this, in fact, will be successful.

Note: All of Zem's actions assume that the monsters can understand him. If this is not the case, requesting permission in advance to change all of my actions.
Move: 2 squares right, 1 square up.
Suggestion vs. Frost Terror 2. DC 13 WIS save, which I am replacing with a Portent roll (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=19778873&postcount=21) of 9 :smalltongue:

Zemzelett Gemblossom (Elf Tempest Cleric 1 Divination Wizard 3)
HP: 28/28 | Temp HP: 0 | Hit Dice: 1/1d8 3/3d6 | Speed: 30
MP: 4/4 2/3 | Spell To-Hit: +5 | Spell Save DC: 13 (12 for Cleric spells)
Wrath of the Storm: 2/2 | Arcane Recovery: 2/2 | Portent: 20
Concentrating on: Suggestion

2015-09-14, 08:05 PM
The cold burned Ursa, but distantly. All her attention was on the fight in front of her. Ursa braced herself against the creature,pushing with all of her might. She wrenched herself free, ready to dodge or to spear the creature if it tried again.

Spending the Bardic Inspiration to boost AC against next attack:

2015-09-15, 01:12 AM
Varis, HP: 25/35

AC: 18, PPerception: 14, Spell Save: 14, Concentrating on:

"Wait up, you fiend!"

Opportunity attack against the fleeing terror
Damage:[roll1] piercing.

Varis's rapier is silvered, but I don't know if that helps against this type of enemy

2015-09-15, 09:34 PM
http://s5.postimg.org/tn1jpa2ar/Battle_Map1_3.jpg (http://postimg.org/image/tn1jpa2ar/)

Kamaria tussles with the Terror (Terror 1) with her mage hand, confusing it. and allowing advantage on the next attack against it.

Varis whispers at the Terror that had grabbed him, which then releases him and fuses once more with the walls.

Ragden once more swings at the adjacent Frost Terror, which once more takes a good hit.

Zemzelett shouts out to the Terror engaging Ursa, using divine guidance to ensure that the creature falls to his charm.

Ursa angrily wrestles free of the monstrous creature, which seems to be quite confused by the elf's charm, and gives up the grapple quite easily.

-----Frost Terror turn-----

The Terror next to Ragden, clearly nearing destruction, lurches out at the Paladin, hitting AC 23 and dealing 15 cold damage. Ragden is grappled and restrained. The terror takes a bit more damage from the flames that still work to melt it. It has taken 49 damage, and looks like it's about to collapse.

The terror that Varis had whispered to emerges once more from the wall, and charges all the way over to Zemzelett. However, when it tries to swing its fists to attack, the proximity to the alchemists fire temporarily staggers it. (Read: Rolled a Nat 1). It has taken 26 damage.

Terror 2 disengages from Ursa and lumbers over to the flaming Terror Ragden has engaged, and looks blankly at its companion, watching it wrestle with Ragden, perhaps wondering what the best way to consume the fellow Terror might be. It has taken 23 damage.

2015-09-15, 09:42 PM
Zemzelett forces down a gulp, and skedaddles to hide behind the barbarian.

Action: Disengage to avoid opportunity attacks
Move adjacent Ursa (to her immediate left)

2015-09-15, 11:17 PM
Ursa didn't notice the wizard's support, or attempt to hide behind her. All she knew was the fight, and the creature turning it's back. "What are you, scared of a challenge?" she called out, slashing at the thing.

Extra damage: [roll2]

2015-09-16, 12:35 AM
Kamaria Ahiri

AC 16
Passive Perception 12
Spell Save DC 13

Um, could someone do something about this one, please? Kamaria points at Terror 3.

Seeing that Varis' Shatter was not very effective, Kamaria says (to the Terror): Okay, I've had enough. Everyone stand back, I'm gonna use Wall of Fire! She then shouts in Auran, Wall of Fire! In case the Terrors understand that.

Kam will use an action to cast Silent Image, creating an illusion of a 15' wall of fire in front of Terror 3. Then she uses her cunning action to control the Mage Hand, using it to slap Terror 1 around the cheeks (again granting advantage on an attack). The somatic components is performed with a flat, open palm, so it looks like Kam is miming the slaps, but then they actually happen.

Finally, she will also run somewhere behind Ursa and say to Zem: wait, did you say they're undead elementals?! That's just sick!


2015-09-16, 08:15 AM
Varis, HP: 25/35

AC: 18, PPerception: 14, Spell Save: 14, Concentrating on:

Thankfully the monster backed down. It also looked like the dragonborn was just about to finish his opponent. "That thing's about to crack, finish it off!" Varis shouted to Ragden.

The terror had backed away from him, which meant he could use a more high profile spell. Varis sheathed his rapier to free his hand. His sword didn't seem that effective against these creatures anyway.

Well, since you asked so nicely..." Varis said to Kamaria and gestured towards the monster.

Varis casts Shatter on terror number 3's space.
Damage if it fails Con save: [roll0], halved if it succeeds. Being made of ice, it has disadvantage.
Bonus action to give Ragden bardic inspiration

2015-09-16, 09:40 AM
Zemzelett holds back a moan of frustration as the raging barbarian all but spoils one of his highest-level spells. The elf dimly hears the question posed by the... what kind of a creature was this... butterfly... fairy... whatever thing was speaking to him anyway, but retains enough composure to respond.

"It's some kind of undead spirit bound to an elemental husk. Only the higher ranking leaders of the dread spirit of Evil in the North can summon them. Oh no! That means we're..."

What manner of creature are you, sylph? Nature! [roll0].

Irish Musician
2015-09-16, 10:56 AM
Cragmyrin Ragden (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=551752), Devoted Paladin of Cragmyr
Ragden slices the large elemental in front of him. It doesn't seem to like that and lunges at him. Ragden is just slightly slow on dodging the attack and the large thing grabs him. The cold starts to seep into his core and his muscles starts to shiver. He hears Varis shout out to finish the monster off, "Finish it off? I thought I would just let him hug me for a bit." With his free arm, Ragden slams down on the elemental, trying to finish it off.

Action - attack [roll0], disadvantage? [roll1]
Damage - [roll2] magical damage
Try as he might, Ragden's axe glances off the creatures skin. "A little help might be nice....."

2015-09-16, 10:59 PM
http://s5.postimg.org/6ojl7twv7/Battle_Map1_4.jpg (http://postimg.org/image/6ojl7twv7/)
Zemzelett scrambles over behind Ursa, disengaging to keep safe.

Ursa, still enraged and shaken from her experience being frozen, lashes out at Terror 2, landing a mighty 22 damage.

Kamaria cleverly weaves her illusions into a wall of flame, blocking off Terror 3, and then uses her mage hand to grant advantage against Terror 1. (Awesome use of the silent image spell, btw)

Varis strums hard on his lute, creating a massive smash of sound upon the third monster. While it took the full brunt of the attack, it seems hardly shaken. Some icicles fall from the roof of the cavern.

Ragden wrestles with the frost terror that had gotten all too close for comfort, and just as it seems that his swing will deflect, he finds inspiration is Varis' words, giving him another (rolled a 4) to hit- the blow connects, and the creature releases Ragden as it shatters into a thousand shards of ice.

-----Frost Terror's Turn---

Terror 2 shakes from the Barbarian's heavy hit, and retributively hits hard for (holy crap...) 17 cold damage. The bear spirit within Ursa allows her to only take 8 damage, but she is still grappled and restrained. Terror 2 has taken 45 damage and is bloodied.

Terror 3 is startled by the sudden burst of fire before it, but notices that the icicles that fell from the ceiling from the shatter spell aren't melting in this sudden wall of fire... strange. (rolled a 19 on int check) The creature then angrily turns towards Kamaria and charges forwards (but since it used its action to inspect the illusion, it can't attack.) Terror 3 has taken 30 damage and is bloodied.

2015-09-16, 11:15 PM
Zemzelett looks at the bloodied barbarian with a mixture of pity and schadenfreude. If only she hadn't attacked the creature, it would still be enthralled. "Oh well," the elf thinks to himself. "Never be subtle with a barbarian around!"

Moving slightly further away to get a good line of effect, the young wizard gathers arcanic energies in his finger, and lets it loose with an incantation.


Move North, 1 square.
Fire Bolt vs. Monster 2. [roll0] vs AC.
Hit: [roll1] fire damage. Crit: [roll2] fire damage.

Note to DM:
I am Zergrinch. The character is Zemzelett. :smallbiggrin:
Would you consider putting labels on columns and rows, so that we can say, move to A5 or B6 instead of saying 4 left, 3 right?

Zemzelett watches with a sinking feeling at the pit of his stomach as the rogue nimbly evades the creature's outstretched arms. Only through sheer luck did he avoid its embrace. Now, as the most proximate combatant, he imagines, nay, he is sure of being bear-hugged by an undead elemental, and suddenly feels rather faint.

2015-09-17, 03:07 AM
Kamaria Ahiri

AC 16
Passive Perception 12
Spell Save DC 13

Kamaria looks at the Terror in front of her (#3) and reflects on how that isn't really where she wants it to be. So, she'll use her Cunning Action to Disengage, by grabbing at the monster's face and then sticking her thumb between her index and middle fingers, like this (http://www.lifeprint.com/ASL101/fingerspelling/abc-gifs/t.gif). Then she runs off, giggling got your nose!

Move: SW, S, SW, next to Ragden.

Then, Kam draws her rapier (free object interaction) and stabs Terror 2 in the side.

Attack: [roll0] vs. AC
Rapier Damage: [roll1] piercing
Sneak Attack: [roll2] piercing

Take that, you undead abomination!

2015-09-17, 04:16 AM
Varis, HP: 25/35

AC: 18, PPerception: 14, Spell Save: 14, Concentrating on:

Varis's spell seemed to only take a small chip of ice off the creature. "That's disappointing".

He then says to a monster: "It seems I couldn't break the ice".

Varis casts Vicious mockery on Terror no 2. If it died already, then on Terror no 3.
If it fails Wis save: [roll0] psychic damage and disadvantage on next attack roll

Irish Musician
2015-09-17, 10:17 AM
Cragmyrin Ragden (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=551752), Devoted Paladin of Cragmyr
Ragden breathes a heavy sigh as the monster grabbing him falls under the weight of his axe. He then turns to the one next to him, "Hey! You undead wretch, don't turn your back on ME!" And he swings his axe, trying to slash the thing int he back and to destroy it.

Action - Attack #2 [roll0]
Damage - [roll1] magical dmg

Irish Musician
2015-09-17, 12:05 PM
Cragmyrin Ragden (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=551752), Devoted Paladin of Cragmyr
Before his axe can be sunk into the undead creature's body, a firebolt slams into its head and the things falls to the ground dead. He nods to the frightened elf in the corner and turns to the last remaining monster. He charges up to it, axe raised above his head, "To the Hells with you, undead horror. Do not disturb us any longer! Cragmyr's fire shall burn you into OBLIVION!" Ragden's Axe glows with a brilliant, divine glow. His axe slams into the head of the monster. He stares at it in the eyes, and keeps his axe pressed into it. When it finally falls, he pulls his axe out of its head and spits on the ground in front of it.

Extra Divine Smite Damage [roll0]

2015-09-18, 12:37 AM
As the last Terror crumbles into a pile of dust, Zemzelett lets out an audible sigh of relief. If someone was looking at his torso, one could almost see his small heart furiously beat against his skinny chest.

The adrenaline abruptly drains from the elf's system, and he slumps to the ground, ending up in a kneeling position. His eyes close, as he intones a prayer of gratitude towards Matrodon for their deliverance from peril.

2015-09-18, 01:00 AM
Ursa, seeing that there were no more monsters to fight, took a very deep breath to calm herself. Uncontrolled power was a weakness, not strength. She turned her attention inward, tryign to sort through what happended during the fight.

"You all fought with impressive power. Especially you." Ursa turned to the dragonborn. "Cragmyrin, wasn't it? The last strike was magnificent!"

2015-09-18, 01:01 AM
Kamaria sheathes her rapier and gives the remains of Terror 2 a little kick.

Phew! It's certainly warming up in here now!

She goes over to Zem and pats him in the head. It's alright, kid. We'll be okay. And you did good!

Shall we try one of these passages now... She draws her bow again, but then notices that the others are injured. Or do you need a bit of time to recover?

2015-09-18, 06:06 AM
Varis put his shield away.

"Good job everybody. Drinks are on me, if we manage to find a tavern".

"I don't know about you, but I wouldn't find it very comforting to rest here. I think we should get out of here as fast as possible and find some shelter. And since we don't have clue where we are anyway, I suggest we go that way" Varis said and pointed towards south-eastern exit.

2015-09-18, 06:28 AM
Sounds good to me.

Kamaria fusses with her wings, trying to wring a little more water out of them. She uses the Mage Hand to pick up the torch she lit earlier and hold it near to her back, where it bobs in mid-air.

The sooner we get out of here the better. I want to fly again!

2015-09-18, 06:55 AM
Zemzelett blushes a little, and follows the party as they exit the room. The elf isn't going to be all by his lonesome in a room they were ambushed in if he could help it.

Just before exiting, the elf collects what would seem to be the most interesting souvenir he can find in the terror's corpse.

Cast Guidance on Self. Investigation check on interesting loot from Terror 3.
[roll0] plus [roll1]

Irish Musician
2015-09-18, 08:50 AM
Cragmyrin Ragden (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=551752), Devoted Paladin of Cragmyr
Ragden gives a little nod to the barbarian, "Ragden, actually. Cragmyrin is my Clan's name. My family is bred to be defenders of Cragmyr's laws and lands. We learn to fight very young. You did not do too badly yourself.....for a human." A rare half smile breaks onto his face and he makes this huffing, low growl sound. One might mistake it for a laugh.

He looks at everyone, "Is anyone hurt badly? I can help with that, somewhat. Ease the pain of your frozen wounds." If any do approach him, Ragden lays his large hand over their head and a divine light passes from his hand into their body. They feel slightly better and whatever bleeding that might have been occurring stops.

"I agree, Varis. This is not the place to be sleeping soundly. We should move, but before we do...." Ragden then takes a loose torch and scoops up some Alchemist Fire onto it. He then goes about setting the undead on fire. As soon as that is accomplished, he gathers all his things, puts his shield in front of him, and turns to the others. "Alright, stay behind me and keep your whits about you," and Ragden starts to move down the south-east hallway.

So, I got my Lay on Hands, with 20 HP to go around. Does anyone need some? I'm going to take 5 of them, so pass the rest in between yourselves, whoever needs them. If any are left over, I'll take them so I don't need as much healing later.

2015-09-19, 09:20 AM
The party moves cautiously down the halls, which meander wildly underneath the surface. In certain spots, the rising sun can be detected through thinner ice. In others, darker ice obscures your vision, causing you to rely on torchlight. Your heat sources aren't all that helpful, but the fact that you're moving around has allowed for more blood to pump, so the cold isn't as taxing. After about ten minutes of wandering through the halls in a generally southeast direction, Ursa hears some noise coming from around a bend. She beckons for everyone to stop, and listens more closely.

No... This can't be! How could this happen?

The voice, which sounds quite distraught and likely female, breaks into sobs, but then pauses for a beat.

who.. Who's there?

2015-09-19, 09:35 AM
Zemzelett pokes his head through the bend, and stands on tip-toe to get a better view.

I wanna see something! Perception: [roll0]
But I wanna do it sneakily! Stealth: [roll1]

2015-09-19, 09:53 AM
Zemzelett pokes his head around the bend and sees a large white bear lying on the ground, unmoving. A lean, female humanoid kneels next to it with her hands on the bear's head.

In between breaths and tears, she stutters,

p-please, don't make this even worse. W-whoever you are, j-just leave me.

She turns her head down in defeat.

And if you're h-here to kill me, don't bother. I've already... I've already lost it all.

2015-09-19, 09:58 AM
Varis, HP: 30/35

AC: 18, PPerception: 14, Spell Save: 14, Concentrating on:

"Relax, kid", Varis said to Zemzelett and walked towards the woman. "Hello. Don't worry, we're nice people, more or less. Well, I mean I am. We've known each other for like 10 minutes, so I can't really vouch for the others".

He looked down at the bear. "Umm, what's happened here?" And do you know where here is?.

2015-09-19, 10:14 AM
Zemzelett watches the woman, trying to ascertain her race, place of origin, and training based on her demeanor and accent, and, after a brief prayer to Matrodon, tries to gauge the sincerity of her words as the rest of his companions interact with her.

Investigation: Are you some kind of druid? [roll0]
Guidance on Self. Insight: You're not lying to us, are you? [roll1] plus [roll2]

2015-09-19, 10:25 AM
Oh darling, don't cry. It's going to be alright.

Kamaria will kneel down and approach the woman as non-threateningly as possible (including stowing her bow).

I am Kamaria. These are Varis, Ragden, Ursa and Zemzelett. What's your name?

2015-09-19, 11:34 AM
Ursa stood to the side awkwardly. Comforting crying people was not something she knew how to do. The people of her tribe were not encouraged to cry. If they were upset, they went to run or practice fighting as ways of dealing with their emotions. But she knew by now that people not from her tribe didn't appreciate the comfort of the phrase:"Take a hike"

Irish Musician
2015-09-19, 12:33 PM
Cragmyrin Ragden (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=551752), Devoted Paladin of Cragmyr
Ragden marches at the front of the line, shield in front of him, symbol of Cragmyr emblazoned on his shield and leading the way. As they get to a bend in the tunnel, they hear something. Ragden holds his hand up, signaling the other to stop. The small elf peaks around the corner to see what it is they hear. He peeks around and sees a lady. Reporting to the others, and hearing her sadness, the group turns the corner.

As the others more adept at consoling people try to help her, Ragden slings his shield over his shoulders and starts to look at the bear. He looks it over to see what, exactly happened to it. "What happened here? How long has it been down? If I am quick I may still be able to help it." There isn't much compassion in his voice, but such is the curse of a defender. Ragden definitely means well, though he doesn't always convey it in his tone.

2015-09-19, 07:59 PM
The party approaches the woman, and Kamaria comes closest to console her. She remains completely stone-faced while you all talk to her and ask her questions. Zemzelett looks at her intently, to discern her motives.

She seems to be a druid of some kind, and this bear must have been a close friend to her. She is breathing very heavily and seems to be holding back. Her arms twitch and she clenches her jaw. She also seems to be honest and indeed quite distraught.

Only after stepping into to the room do you notice the horror within it. Within the icy walls are bodies- probably dozens. They're quite clearly deceased, but the worst part is the sheer agony present on their faces as they died. It seems that they were all frozen into the walls, but some have spikes of ice going through their chests, and some have blackened faces from frostbite. All of the victims seem to be adventurers of some sort- most have weapons and armor, and all of them show signs of combat.

The woman slowly turns her head, looking over all of you. She's human, and her features point towards an Eastern heritage. One of her eyes is blue, but the other is solid white. Her tears stop flowing and she clears her throat.

I think... I think I did this. You should leave. Don't worry about Ruckus. She looks at the bear. He can dance with the moon tonight.

I don't want to hurt you like I hurt all of these people.

Zemzelett catches that she might not be telling the truth here.

2015-09-19, 08:13 PM
Although the elf is wary of the woman's motives, he doesn't show it outwardly. Instead, the wizard starts to melt the frozen adventurers with his Fire Bolt. After which, he starts to melt the frozen ground beneath his feet.

If the woman is indeed from the East as he surmised, she would be well aware of his intentions as a Cleric of Matrodon to bury the dead. After all, death is but a natural consequence of life, and so must these bodies return to the ground to continue the circle of Life.

Despite himself, the young elf could not completely stop the shaking of his shoulders after seeing the sheer terror etched on the victims' faces. Not could he suppress the occasional tear that streams down his eyes as he goes about this grim task.

Meanwhile, the party member closest to the druid heard a very slight whisper. "It's me, Zem," the whisper says. "Be careful, she is hiding something."

Multiple Fire Bolts to melt the ice. One Minor Illusion to send the message.

2015-09-19, 08:35 PM
Those bodies are far too desecrated for a burial to do them any good, Elf.
Besides, we're inside of a glacier, and there's no earth beneath us, just stone. Now go.

One of her hands clutches at a spear beside her on the ground.

And don't make me force you.

2015-09-20, 02:22 AM
Kamaria Ahiri

AC 16
Passive Perception 12
Spell Save DC 13

Hey, easy now, he's just trying to help. Kam moves closer. You say you think you did this... do you not remember?

Kam then studies her eyes. Does the colouration mean anything to her? Also, does she think that she could steal the spear out of her hand without being noticed if there was a sufficient distraction?

2015-09-20, 03:36 AM
"The desecration of their bodies gives us all the more reason to give them a proper burial!" Zemzelett insists in a soft yet firm voice while staring at the woman. Coincidentally, there is a distant rumble of thunder, and if you were looking directly at his eyes, you would swear that they flashing the fiery color of holy flames...

Thaumaturgy twice, to produce sound and change eye color.
Attempting Persuasion: [roll0]. Advantage roll in case Thaumaturgy works: [roll1].

2015-09-20, 03:52 AM
Varis stiffened as the woman grabbed her spear, but forced himself to relax.

"Well she does have a point, Z. How are we going to bury these people? I ain't dragging any corpses out of here", Varis said to Zemzelett.

To the woman with the spear, he said: "Hey, we don't want to fight. Just tell us how to get out of here, you don't have to come with us. And if you know how we got here, I wouldn't mind you sharing that either.".


2015-09-20, 11:34 AM
"Consecrated funeral pyre," Zemzelett offers in response, but doesn't take his eyes off the woman with the spear.

If the half elf has been paying any degree of attention, he can see Zemzelett's fingers wiggle for a bit before a phantom illusory voice whispers in his ear: "I don't trust her. Why does she want to stop us from taking a better look at these poor men?"

2015-09-20, 01:34 PM
Ursa stiffens, seeing the bodies frozen in place. She was used to seeing death, but the way they were frozen in a position of fear just felt wrong. Her tribe didn't normally dispose of bodies that were not in the way, but for them...exceptions should be made.

Ursa's attitude changed when the woman grabbed her spear. Ursa's right hand dropped to her sword, while her left arm, in her old shield, stood ready for the potential attack. "What exactly happened here?" Ursa asked, voice as cold as the glacier.

2015-09-20, 01:52 PM
Kamaria readies an action: if the human tries to attack her, she will dodge.

Irish Musician
2015-09-20, 05:55 PM
Cragmyrin Ragden (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=551752), Devoted Paladin of Cragmyr
The longer they sat there, the more uncomfortable Ragden got. He had seen this type of behavior before, and this whispers in his head from Zemzelett just confirmed his suspicions. He stood up, and casually put himself in between the woman and the rest of the group, keeping his eye on her. He slowly took his shield off his back and acted as though he was inspecting it. He saw her hand clenching the spear and his eyes narrowed slightly. "You say you don't want to hurt us, then threaten us with violence if we do not leave. You mannerisms do not match your words. You seem to grieve, yet clench your spear and look at us with malicious intent." Ragden grasps his shield in his left hand, never looking away from the woman. "I get the feeling that we are not getting the whole story from you. As someone who upholds the laws of my lands, I am used to dealing with deception. What really went on here?" Ragden ends with the question that doesn't not at all seem like a request for information. But more of a demand for information.

Ready an Action: If the woman at all attacks anyone, I want to use my action to intercept her attack. Of course if she attacks me, then that's fine.

2015-09-20, 07:24 PM
The woman shakes nervously as Ragden insists upon the truth. After a few tense moment of silence, she slides her spear across the ground towards you, surrendering it. She then buries her face in the fur of her ursine companion to stifle an anguished cry. She raises her head and looks at the group.

He yet lives... but his life is not tied to the mortal coil, it is tied to my faith. And my faith is too weak to hold him together.

She slowly stands up, clearly working hard to keep her eyes from her companion. She addresses you all with a stern composure, but it is evident that underneath her strong, muscular body, is a broken woman.

I apologize for the hostility. Everything is quite confusing, and I'm not good at trust. But you haven't killed me yet, so I guess that means something.

She sighs.

My name is Erka. I don't know how I got here, but this is the Dhijaki Glacier. These people were clearly killed by ice magic, a power that I possess (or at least used to), which is why I think... it was me.

Zem picks up that this is the part of her alibi that seems weakest.

So while I won't insist... She looks sharply at Ragden. I really, really don't think you should stay here. But Elf, if you really want to burn these people... She gulps. then fine. I hadn't thought of the pyre. That's a good idea.

She looks down at the bear, and without looking away, continues.

Human. You're from the south, yes? Quite a long way from home, don't you think? Ruckus would like a word with you, I think.

She steps away from the white bear and gestures for Ursa to approach.

And Dragonborn? Shut your maw. These aren't your lands, and your laws mean nothing here.

Irish Musician
2015-09-20, 07:42 PM
Cragmyrin Ragden (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=551752), Devoted Paladin of Cragmyr
Ragden listens intently to the woman's explanation and she seems like she might be telling the truth. She then gets to the end, and Ragden's face grows slightly intense. "It is not for my laws I am concerned at the moment, but the lives of these people I am traveling with. I will speak if it means their lives will be spared. Do not presume to know what I am thinking or who I am." He looks to Ursa, concern in his voice, "Do you wish me to stay near you while you speak to the beast to assure your safety?"

Insight on the lady [roll[1d20+4[/roll]

2015-09-20, 08:37 PM
"I'll be fine. I still have my sword, after all." Ursa said, although her mind was elsewhere. She approached the bear slowly,looking it in the eyes and trying to project an air of calmness. "I'm not going to hurt you. I just want to talk to you." she said softly. Inwardly, Ursa embraced with deepest parts of her mind, the parts most connected with nature. Trying to become as much of animal as possible, in order to best understand the bear.

Casting Speak with Animals as a ritual. See you all in 10 minutes.

2015-09-20, 08:43 PM
After the woman's surrender, Zemzelett continues his grim task. Having thawed out the decedents, he drags their corpses into the entrance where they came from. Dragging a few dozen bodies, especially those frozen by rigor mortis, is not the easiest of tasks. And yet, the little elf's faith -- and perhaps even the Deity of Life Matrodon -- lends him the needed strength to accomplish his task.

After fifteen minutes, the task is done. All the bodies are now in a giant pile. The elf looks at each and every one, closing their eyes, and softening the expression of their mouths, before moving on to the next. Zemzelett is still shaking, but not from the cold, no - his exertions have seen to that. He is merely echoing some of the fear and terror reflected in the faces of the dead...

Constitution Save: [roll0]
Note: The actual cremation to be done in a later post, after the barbarian has spoken to the bear.

Irish Musician
2015-09-20, 09:57 PM
Cragmyrin Ragden (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=551752), Devoted Paladin of Cragmyr
Once Ursa is talking to her bear, as seems to be safe enough, Ragden walks over to Zemzelett. "Before you burn them, we should look through them and see if they left behind anything useful. It isn't very reverent, but we need all the help we can get to get the hell out of here. If any of these people have anything on them that can help us, we should take it." He then starts helping the elf drag the bodies, as well as check them for supplies, so that the task goes a little quicker.

Perception, search for stuff [roll0]

2015-09-20, 11:38 PM
Zemzelett wants to say no, it isn't very reverent at all. People should be buried with their belongings. Looting from the dead seems very crass and unbecoming.

But then the elf sensibly takes a glance at Ragden's huge jaws and shuts his mouth. The towering dragonborn could literally bite his head off easily. A single breath his way, and Zemzelett would be nothing more than a pile of ashes. The elf finds himself simply nodding, although he now tries to distract his own emotions by trying to ascertain what actually killed these people, and how long ago did they die.

Zemzelett is a Crime Scene Investigationer: [roll0]. Fear his forensic skills!

2015-09-21, 01:25 AM
Kamaria backs off when Ragden gets involved. She doesn't say anything about the pyre or looting the corpses; that's none of her business. Instead, she will drift to the edge of the room and do a little thinking.

Has she heard of the Dhijaki Glacier? Does she know where it is?

Also, she will now have a thorough look around the room. If the others are taking time to get a pyre together she should have plenty of opportunity to look in every nook and cranny. What can she see down the exit(s)? Is there any evidence on anything other than humans and bears in here?

Intelligence check for lore about the glacier: [roll0]
Passive investigation: 15, active roll if needed: [roll1]

2015-09-21, 05:36 AM
Varis shrugged. "I guess we're now burning these guys. Whatever", he thought.

"Looting corpses, eh? Don't mind if I do", Varis said to Zemzelett and Ragden and started checking the bodies for valuables, a task he had clearly done before, and putting them into a pile. "It's not like they're going to miss this stuff anyway".

As he worked, Varis said to Erka: "Well Miss, as I said, we have no idea how we got here either. You are clearly upset about these deaths, so you didn't kill them voluntarily at least. And if someone made you kill them, then that's on their soul, not yours, so no point fretting over it. And hey, I don't really trust you either, no offence, but this is a pretty hostile place and a friendly spear would be welcome".

Wisdom(Perception) to find stuff:[roll0]
Intelligence(history?) to find out if Varis recognizes the place: [roll1]

2015-09-21, 10:27 AM
Although he doesn't say anything, an astute observer would notice that Zemzelett cringed when the words "looting corpses" and "miss this stuff anyway" was uttered by the Bard. A dark microexpression, one of guilt and shame, crosses his features for a split second.

2015-09-23, 10:41 AM
Answers to your respective actions:

Ragden and Varis find a large manner of equipment on the frozen bodies. There's about 250 gold worth of jewelry and coins among what you've found, as well as a few items that seem to have been magical, long ago. The magical essence within them seems to have drained somehow. Ragden successfully moves about 24 of the bodies into a pile by working with Zem and Varis.

Zemzelett works with clear discomfort, but tries to discern the way these people died. He notices features among them that suggest that they might have been from many different places. There are a pair of dragonborn, a blue and a white, as well as a githyanki missing her famed silver sword. There are also orcs, a group of seven hobgoblins, all in full military gear, and an entire ogre. Largest in number, and looking the most afraid, are those who seem to be from the East. There are many elves, satyrs, and a centaur, all dressed for battle. There are even some fey, clearly quite withered and almost unrecognizable. The causes of death seem to range greatly, from festered flesh to being impaled by icicles to sheer cold draining the life from them.

Kamaria looks around the rest of the passage, estimating that you all are in a chamber about 20 feet wide and 70 feet long, that winds and slopes and bends. There aren't any exits, just the way that you came from. You've heard the name Dhijaki before... somewhere. You don't remember any specifics. You do find, however, that there is an iced-over sigil etched into the far wall. There's no doubt about this- it's the symbol of the Northern Spirit. However, upon closer examination, the sigil had been broken, apparently purposefully.

Ursa's ritual eventually comes to completion. The bear's eyes open, and in what others might hear as grunts, Ursa hears a cold yet sturdy and deep voice echo through the chamber.

You are a child of the South. A child of the Kuruk- the black bears. Good climbers, I have heard. Hmm... but you are more than black bear. I see in you a trace of the Helarcto. A long dead tribe. Interesting. I hail from the Mariumus, sons and daughters of giants. At time we were at war, our respective tribes. But now is a time of peace, which lets me speak with you. Happenstance? Perhaps, but unlikely.

Meanwhile, the human, Erka, keeps to herself in a corner. Occasionally, she will speak quietly to herself, but Kamaria, with her ability to understand even the quietest whisper, hears her, but Erka doesn't seem to know.

This won't end well. They cannot be consecrated. I saw to that... probably. Even if it wasn't me, whoever did this did a fine job. She glances over at the broken sigil at the end of the hall. I do wonder... perhaps I could bring him back with the correct marks. It was broken hastily, but with the help of that Cleric, it could work...

2015-09-23, 11:08 AM
Kamaria will wait for Zem to finish moving the bodies before sneaking over (Stealth: [roll0]) and glomping (http://orig04.deviantart.net/1af7/f/2013/108/1/9/chibi_glomp_by_lunarheatsnow-d6272wl.jpg) him.

Cheer up, kid! She says. You're doing the best you can for these poor souls - I'm sure they'd be grateful.

Into his ear, she whispers. There's something religious going on here that I don't understand. Look at the far wall there. There's a broken sigil. The human is muttering about it, and talking about "bringing him back". I think there might be something you can do, that none of use can. Maybe you should ask her?

2015-09-23, 07:29 PM
Zemzelett blushes a deep shade of crimson (https://avvesione.files.wordpress.com/2013/08/tamayura_more_aggressive-03-fu-blush-embarrassed-worried-anxiety-comedy-cute.jpg) as Kamaria hugs him mercilessly. He could almost feel her unmentionables rubbing against his back.

"I.... they... um..." he stammers, discomfort at the distasteful task all but disappearing due to this new source of discomfort. Zemzelett is, despite appearances and protestations of piety, a growing teenage elf.

"Suh.... she... she's Jill? W-who's t-that?"

2015-09-23, 08:37 PM
Ursa remained oblivious to the actions of everyone in the room. In her mind, there was only her and Ruckus. "It is a pleasure to meet you. Happenstance leading us here? I don't know about that. I woke up earlier today with no knowledge of how I got here. How did you come to the glacier?"

2015-09-23, 09:12 PM
The bear shifts its head slightly to better see Ursa.

I was born here, I suppose. The north is my home. Erka of the Kavisil, she is my link to this world, and in turn, I am her guardian. But our link is weakening, and I am not long for this earth.

Ursa of the Kuruk- or perhaps the Helarcto, I have a task to ask of you.

2015-09-23, 09:41 PM
Ursa leaned in, suspicion and worry beginning to creep in her thoughts. But she kept it out of her voice as she continued the conversation. "I am of course willing. But are you sure there is no chance?"

2015-09-24, 01:10 AM
No, silly! The sigil. Over there. Kam spins him around and points his head at it. Then she releases him.

Maybe you can feel it, Ragden? This is a holy place, I think. A Northern holy place. And it's been desecrated - look at the sigil on the wall.

2015-09-24, 04:58 AM
Varis smirked and whispered to Zem: "Focus now, kid", and lightly nudged him with his elbow.

Louder, he said: "So, if that mark gets fixed, do you think there's a chance those ice creatures would go away or something? That we might actually get out of here alive? That'd be swell"

2015-09-24, 05:06 AM
"Oh, sigil. Oh yes, of course. I knew that. But sir, "holy" is not a term I would use to refer to the Spirit of the North," Zemzelett tells the half-elf.

The underage elf walks over to the faded symbol and studies it intently.

Religion check: [roll0].
Note: As per narrative, this interrupts Zemzelett's attempt to set the funeral pyre alight. He will be doing a kind of soliloquy to bless the decedents later on.

Irish Musician
2015-09-24, 08:40 AM
Cragmyrin Ragden (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=551752), Devoted Paladin of Cragmyr
Ragden chuckles at Kam's antics, "Well we recovered some gold and jewelry. And while that will be nice to have to spend on a hot bowl on soup once we get out of here, doesn't do us much good right now. And there seems to have been some sort of magical equipment on these people. But their essence has been drained or something of the like. It is odd...." He starts to put the equipment in his pack, even the drained magic items.

Kam starts talking about some Sigil and the desecration of this place and that interests Ragden. "Hmmm, something does seem amiss here." Ragden closes his eyes and starts to say a prayer. He opens one eye and looks at the meek elf, "Just because it is not your type of holy does not mean that it is not such. A holy place it a holy place, regardless of your personal beliefs. Cleansing it of a malicious presence might help this woman and her bear. If we can do that, we should." Ragden then closes his eyes again and starts to pray all over again, asking for the power to perceive this desecration.

Using another Divine sense to see if this place has been desecrated. 2/4

Divine Sense, for ease: Know location of any celestial, fiend, or undead w//in 60ft. You know type, but not specific name. Also know any place or object that has been consecrated or desecrated.

2015-09-25, 12:00 PM
The bear tenses.

What chance I have of survival depends on Erka. But it would be less of death, and more of a hiatus in existence. Perhaps with your companions help, I could be restored... But I get the feeling that this is not in your interests, and I respect that. Do not feel obliged to save me.

In terms of this task, of course, I do need help. There are giants who live on this glacier. The Mariumus. They are having a moot in two days, as marked by the season. There will be a challenger for leader of the northern tribes- a trial by combat will be initiated. The challenger must win. This is to keep the balance of this continent in check, and while these actions may not be of global significance, it is important to quell disruption before it becomes full-fledged. I am counting on you, Ursa of the Kuruk and Helarcto, the ensure this challenger's victory.

The bear relaxes with a deep sigh, and quiets down.

Erka, upon hearing the character's conversations and questions, perks up with a confused and annoyed glance.

How do you know about the sigils? Well, this one is probably too broken to fix, anyways. And Kid, you may think you know a lot, but the spirit of the North is just as holy as your tusk-faced oaf. Dragonling, you've got the right idea, but there's no specific malicious presence. The sigil is broken, yes. Restoring it won't do you any good, and I don't know how anyways.

She glances towards the white bear.

But if you're willing to try... Well... Maybe Ruckus could hold on a bit longer. Just another week. To say goodbye.

Ragden's senses detect desecration indeed- it seems that something has been done to upset the holiness of this Sigil. There's a faint trace of undead within the walls, but not nearly as strong of one as before. The pile of bodies registers as desecrated as well, but in a different way than the Sigil.

Zemzelett approaches the sigil, and gets the sense that it's used to power a divine source. It seems likely that this sigil, in combination with a few others, could help a spirit manifest. The sigil is clearly keyed to northern symbols, and it could likely be prepared with about an hours work and the right materials (which you don't have on you, but maybe it's with your other things?)

Irish Musician
2015-09-25, 12:09 PM
Cragmyrin Ragden (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=551752), Devoted Paladin of Cragmyr
"I beg to differ. My divine scrying tells me there has been a desecration of this entire area. Even the bodies are desecrated, though not in the same way. I get the sense of the undead in this room, though not as strong as before. As if they have moved on....or are starting to arise." Ragden looks at the bodies, "We should burn them as soon as we can, and try to consecrate these grounds as best and as quickly as we can. Something tells me the undead presence isn't far from coming back." He turns to the human barbarian after she seems done, "What did you find our from the bear? Can anything be done for him?"

2015-09-25, 12:30 PM
In the back of her mind, Ursa wondered what it was that she could do to make it happen, but there was only one answer she could give."Of course I will do this. I swear. But one more thing. Do you know what happened here, with the frozen people?"

2015-09-25, 02:43 PM
Varis mumbled. "Hell's bells... Two different kinds of desecrations? Whatever that means, someone's been busy allright". Varis threw his hands in the air. "Well, you lead on, holy men, I don't have experience in this kind of stuff. Let's get to consecrating".

2015-09-25, 02:50 PM
Wait, did you say you think these guys might be about to rise from their deaths? But there's like twenty-four million of them! Kamaria will place herself near to the one exit and let the experts deal with this one.

2015-09-25, 02:54 PM
"Oh yeah, let's get rid of these guys first. You can do fireballs, right kid?" Varis said to Zem, pointing at the corpses they had gathered earlier.

2015-09-25, 06:29 PM
Zemzelett shakes his head. "I cannot. Only more accomplished spellcasters can do it safely. I only have Fire Bolt."

The elf's eyes flash a brilliant green as he channels the spirit of the East, Matrodon. He combines this divine power with a single incantation: DEFLAGRO! which seems to echo throughout the chamber, and even shaking the ground.

As the pyre begins to smolder, the cleric begins his eulogy:

There is no night without a dawning
No winter without a spring
And beyond the dark horizon
Our hearts will once more sing.
For those who leave us for a while
Have only gone away.
Out of a restless, care worn world
Into a brighter day.

Into the freedom of wind and sunshine
We let you go

Into the dance of the stars and the planets
We let you go

Into the wind's breath and the hands of the star maker
We let you go

May the blessing of Matrodon cleanse you!
May the purity of fire sanctify your bodies!
May your souls find peace in this life!
May we meet again in the next!


Turning to leave, the emotionally-drained teenager faces the woman and points to the sigil. "Do you know what this sigil is for?" he asks softly. He already has an inkling that it might be tied to the polar bear she seems to cherish so much, but wants to hear it from her mouth.

Fire Ball is a third level spell. Full casters get it at level 5. Zemzelett is currently a level 3 wizard; although he gets level 3 spell slots on level up, he has to wait a while longer for fire ball. Such is the tradeoff of multiclassing... :)

Mechanical Crunch: I actually can't Channel Divinity, so this is the best replacement I can do! Prestidigitation three times: green eyes, ground shaking, magnified voice. Followed by a bunch of Fire Bolts.
Eulogy credits: Helen Steiner Rice & Ruth Burgess

Irish Musician
2015-09-25, 08:58 PM
Cragmyrin Ragden (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=551752), Devoted Paladin of Cragmyr
As the elf says his Eulogy, Ragden opens his mouth and his dragon fire brims to the top of his mouth, like a Brazier. It licks the air and pulses as the elf talks, and it seems to dance at the inflection at his words. When he is done, Ragden closes his mouth and his fires slinks back into his throat. "Back to the fires you go, from ashes you came, to ashes you go. Your fires will burn eternal," he whispers to himself. Ragden places a hand on the elf's shoulder, "Well done, Zemzelett. Their souls are at peace. You should feel proud of your prayer." Ragden looks down at the elf and cracks a half smile at the boy.

2015-09-26, 12:35 PM
That was beautiful, kid. Very nice. Kamaria supplies a little more air to the fire using Gust.

2015-09-26, 04:32 PM
Varis shifts his stance awkwardly and coughs. Not bad, I guess, he murmurs.

2015-09-26, 11:47 PM
The polar bear sighs.

I will admit, I am not sure myself. Erka of the Kavisil did not kill them. Not all of them, at least. There was a battle here, one of large proportions. This battle led to Erka losing her magic, and therefore losing me. But I cannot say much, as I am bound by forces that created me to speak only as a guide. Now, be on your guard. Your companion over there might have some trouble with those bodies. They're unlikely to be agreeable.

Ursa looks up to find the other four members of the group in shock as the peaceful and reverent eulogy, meant to set the souls to rest, seems to make them restless. The bodies, still partially frozen, did not burn well, and some barely caught. They start to move, and cold blue light starts to emerge from their hollow eyes.

Erka nearly slips on the ice upon seeing this, clearly quite upset. Her spear is across the room, so she slides back to a corner in fear.

Spirits guide me, this is awful. Th-the sigil, restoring it will allow access to divine power. Elf, if you can fix it, I could end this in an instant, but I'm far too drained to do anything about it now. I'm so sorry, I should have warned you, I didn't know this would happen but every corpse here is volatile. Dead things just... rise.

Zemzelett is fraught with confusion, disappointment, and anger, as the eulogy that he put so much soul into seemed to fail to hallow the bodies. It seems the Matrodon has little power here, and the storm raging far above must be interfering with her magics here.

Ragden's senses are suddenly flooded with the presence of undead, as if the corpses were granted undeath instantaneously. They haven't gotten to their feet yet, and some are aflame. Something divine is very upset here.

The corpses seem like they will rise in seconds, but you have a chance to act before they get moving.

2015-09-26, 11:56 PM
Ursa spun around, eyes peeled for the danger. At this point, she regretted throwing herself so thoroughly into the spell she lost track of what was going on. She heard something about cremations, and certainly nothing about creating undead. Creating undead was a bit much, even for someone from the South. The dead deserved to rest where they fell.

This time I made sure to note Ursa has her shield on. Also, Initiative:
No rage just yet. Let's see how nasty the encounter is.

Irish Musician
2015-09-27, 12:33 AM
Cragmyrin Ragden (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=551752), Devoted Paladin of Cragmyr
Ragden's face moves from hopeful optimism to stern action as he sees the undead's eyes light up. He drags out 5 potions and tosses them to his comrades, quickly. "This is holy water, these undead, as I thought, are rising from the dead. Throw it at them and it will cause them quite a bit of harm. Those that can, stand behind me." He then thrusts his shield in front of him and slams down his Holy Water on the group of them.

Holy Water is 2d6, so [roll0] on the group of 'em

2015-09-27, 03:00 AM
Zem is more filled with:
1: Confusion!
2: Disappointment!
3: Anger!

Confusion clouds the elfling's mind, as his eulogy backfires in an extremely spectacular manner.

"I--I d-d-don't understand," his stammer returns with a vengeance. "T-that w-wasn't supposed to s-summon undead! I d-don't even know how!"

Withdrawing quickly from the quivering corpses that seem to animate with an otherworldly blue light and shrinking behind the paladin, the confused wizard tries to reach the blessed Matrodon with a prayer. "Goddess," he beseeches desperately, "I did not cast this spell! Is something fueling this reaction?!"

Use level 1 slot to cast DETECT MAGIC. Combine this with an Arcana check. I can't roll in this post anymore, so I'll roll in the OOC instead.

Zemzelett Gemblossom (Elf Tempest Cleric 1 Divination Wizard 3)
HP: 28/28 | Temp HP: 0 | Hit Dice: 1/1d8 3/3d6 | Speed: 30
MP: 3/4 2/3 | Spell To-Hit: +5 | Spell Save DC: 13 (12 for Cleric spells)
Wrath of the Storm: 2/2 | Arcane Recovery: 2/2 | Portent: 20 | Inspiration

2015-09-27, 04:47 AM
Varis, HP: 30/35

AC: 18, PPerception: 14, Spell Save: 14, Concentrating on:

"Ohh, that's not good. This place is messed up".

Varis grabs one flask of holy water from Ragden and throws it towards the zombies. "Take that, you freaks!"

Ranged attack with the flask:[roll0]
Damage:[roll1] radiant.
Iniative: [roll2]

2015-09-27, 04:55 AM
Kamaria Ahiri

AC 16
Passive Perception 12
Spell Save DC 13

More undead?! What is wrong with this place?

Initiative: [roll0]

Kamaria takes stock of the situation and decides to stay where she is.

She will then use an action to cast Mage Hand and a cunning action to apply the holy water to three arrows using the hand.

2015-09-28, 11:58 AM
http://s5.postimg.org/6g83zehlv/Battle_Map2_1.jpg (http://postimg.org/image/6g83zehlv/)

As the undead rise, Ragden hastily grabs his flasks of holy water, distributes them, and throws one at the awakening mound of corpses. The glass container shatters on impact, and loud moans are heard from three of the zombies as the holy water burns their skin.

Varis follows suit, soaking a different three zombies with his flask.

Zemzelett concentrates his energy on detecting magic, and finds that the undead are, as could be expected, brimming with necromatic energy. Zem also finds that the nearby polar bear is quite magical, but not within a certain school of magic. Furthermore, Erka's spear, across the room, seems to be enchanted, and all of the party's magical items register as well. Despite it being far away, the most powerful aura Zemzelett detects is likely coming from the sigil at the end of the hall.

Ursa stands from talking to the polar bear and readies her shield.

Kamaria, frustrated with these damned undead, readies some arrows with the holy water.

1 (E7):
2 (F7): 11
3 (E8):
4 (F8): 11
5 (G8): 11
6 (E9):
7 (F9):
8 (G9): 5
9 (H9): 5
10 (G10): 5

Let me know if this is too complicated, I can find a different way to do it (I'm pretty confused by this myself)

Player's turn!

Irish Musician
2015-09-28, 04:00 PM
Cragmyrin Ragden (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=551752), Devoted Paladin of Cragmyr
After Ragden throws his Holy Water, he grabs the amulet from around his neck and thrusts it as far as it will go in front of him. In a booming voice he declares, "Flee, unclean things, and fear the power of the Great Red! His fires will burn you and you shall be nothing!" As he speaks, his amulet crackles with a gold and red energy. At the end of his sentence, a bright golden and red light bursts forth. Those undead unfortunate enough to be affected flee from Ragden.
Alright! Channel Divintiy: Turn Undead - Each fiend or undead that can see or hear you within 30 feet of you must make a Wisdom saving throw. If the creature fails its saving throw, it is turned for 1 minute or until it takes damage. A turned creature must spend its turns trying to move as far away from you as it can, and it can’t willingly move to a space within 30 feet of you. It also can’t take reactions. For its action, it can use only the Dash action or try to escape from an effect that prevents it from moving. If there’s nowhere to move, the creature can use the Dodge action.

DC to Save: 13
Ragden turns to his companions, "That should hold them for a moment. Don't attack the ones that flee unless necessary. The divine magics that are compelling them to flee are interrupted if they are attacked. Those that do not get affected should be our main targets for now." He then turns back to the undead horde in front of him, axe and shield ready for them.

2015-09-28, 11:04 PM
Zemzelett picks up Erka's enchanted spear before withdrawing in front of the polar bear and assuming a protective position.

"Stay back, in the name of Matrodon!" he shouts to the teeming undead, not caring whether they understand him or not.

Move to L5. Ready Frostbite against first undead to move forward and attack an ally. Frostbite is a DC13 Constitution save. On hit, [roll0] cold damage, and target has disadvantage on next weapon attack

2015-09-29, 11:47 AM
Ragden's holy symbol releases a wave of holy light that washes over the walking corpses. Every single one of them recoils in agony and starts to cower as the light of Cragmyr turns them.

2015-09-29, 12:40 PM
Ursa quickly caught up with the rest of the group. She hadn't gone into her primal rage yet, and she was glad, because she was confused and wanted a clear head. "So, do we just let them all run, then? How long does this last?"

2015-09-29, 01:07 PM
Kamaria Ahiri

AC 16
Passive Perception 12
Spell Save DC 13

Kamaria knocks one of her holy arrows and says: Well I'm not waiting to find out... We can at least finish off the ones who got hit with the holy water.

Shortbow attack against zombie G8: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1] (1 point of which is radiant)

Irish Musician
2015-09-29, 01:44 PM
Cragmyrin Ragden (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=551752), Devoted Paladin of Cragmyr
Ragden was excited to see how much Cragmyr had answered his call. "Focus on them one at a time, and take them down that way. Leave the others to flee in horror as we take them out one by one."

2015-09-29, 02:53 PM
Varis, HP: 30/35

AC: 16, PPerception: 14, Spell Save: 14, Concentrating on:

"Not bad, scale-face", Varis says to Ragden, smirking. "And not a bad plan either".

Varis draws his rapier and moves to H8. Then he attacks the zombie in G8. If that one's dead, Varis moves to I9 and attacks the one in H9.
Attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1] - 2 = 11 piercing. Added too much damage

"I thought you were called the walking dead, not the fleeing dead", Varis says to the zombie.

2015-10-03, 04:22 PM
Ursa nods, then rushes forwards and lashes out at the nearest zombie. Over her shoulder she calls out to the woman. "You realize that Ruckus says this was a battle you fought in? Not a slaughter of the helpless. The same one that cost you your powers, Erka?"

Same as Varis, movement depends on which zombies are still alive. If all are still standing (and Varis moves to H8) then Ursa moves to I9 and attacks H9. If Varis instead attacks H9, Ursa moves to H8 and attacks G9.
Anyway, here's the attack, no matter who it hits(or misses)

2015-10-03, 04:27 PM
Swiftly and methodically, the party takes out the walking corpses, with significant help from Ragden's divine presence and Ursa's Sunblade. They lay scattered about the room, and everyone stops to catch their breath.

A shame. I'm sorry I couldn't help you out there. I feel drained, and I can't even muster up a damned cantrip. Strange that your holy water was so effective... I figure that if those bodies were raised by a divine force, different kinds of divine energy should just bolster them. Something is definitely off about this.

Erka looks wistfully down the chamber, where the sigil is.

Nevermind about that sigil. You should get out of here. Forget the pyre, you've done all you can. I suggest you leave as soon as possible. The Northern Spirit is harsh to those who do not reside here, and you're definitely all foreigners. I'm sure you have questions, lots of them, but sometimes it's better to stay oblivious. I don't know what's with everything here but it will only get worse.

The woman sits down and puts her head in her hands, and stares at her ursine companion, and speaks to the barbarian.

Who else could have caused this? My spirit has denied me of my magic, and the only thing that can cause that level of forbiddance is something completely blashpemic.

2015-10-03, 08:07 PM
The surest way to goad someone as young and impressionable as Zemzelett to do something is to say that he shouldn't do it instead. The elf suppresses the sick feeling he had from having to mangle the bodies he just tried to cremate, and scoots over to the sigil which shined like a beacon to his magically-augmented senses.

Bringing his hand over it, the wizard tries to determine the effect the sigil is supposed to achieve, as well as the school of magic. Mustering arcane energies still extant within him, he casts a spell to mend it.


Cast Mending. It is unable to restore magic, but it can repair magic items. The sigil still has a lot of power left as per Detect Magic, so...

2015-10-05, 04:39 AM
Kamaria Ahiri

AC 16
Passive Perception 12
Spell Save DC 13

Well I, for one, would like to get out of here. Do you think that fire we set before will still be burning? I vote we regroup there, get warm, then check one of the other passages.

Kamaria will wait by the tunnel that leads back to the starting chamber.

2015-10-05, 11:54 AM
Zemzelett approaches the sigil and gets chills down his spine as the powerful magic lies dormant, yet potent. He touches the sigil to repair it, but the spell fizzles. The sigil seems to have been broken through force, as there is a puncture in the ice that must have come from a large, pointed object. It seems that special inks (like those for scribing in a spellbook), as well as more ice to repair the chunk missing, would be required.

The sigil does not belong to a particular school of magic, but its energy is undeniably divine.

2015-10-05, 02:16 PM
Ursa keeps her focus on the woman. "Something blasphemic? Like a sigil being broken, maybe? If you don't know, there's no reason to assume the worst. Do you think that you would kill these people for no reason? I'm not from around here, but killing someone in a battle doesn't seem to be evil in most places. And from what Ruckus said, you're not a pacifist. "

2015-10-05, 04:06 PM
"I guess that didn't do it? Still seems broken. Maybe we'll just need some more... oomph, y'know? ", Varis said, looking at the sigil. Then he shrugged his shoulders. "Or it's just broken, and there's nothing we can do here".

Varis started walking towards Kamaria. "Seconded. Doesn't seem like anything's coming after us right now, so we can probably take a short rest".

Irish Musician
2015-10-05, 04:45 PM
Cragmyrin Ragden (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=551752), Devoted Paladin of Cragmyr
Ragden nod at Kam's words, "I am loathed to leave this woman here alone, especially without her powers. But I don't know what other choice we have. The fire should still burn, it is alchemist fire....but even that has its limits in this cold terrain. If not, at least we know the room is secure and are able to rest relatively well....for a short while anyway." Ragden gathers up his belongings and starts out, back to the room they started in earlier.

2015-10-05, 05:10 PM
To the group: If Erka wants to come with us, I'd be okay with that.

To Erka: I get the feeling you don't want to though, do you?

Kamaria will then follow Ragden out, assuming Erka doesn't have anything else to say.

2015-10-05, 07:37 PM
Zemzelett purses his lips intently, analyzing the sigil. He has magical inks in abundance, but only on his pack animal. Assuming that his stuff was indeed transported to this location, he was confident he could repair it.

The missing ice was a problem though. The wizard only had Frostbite at his disposal. Something like Ray of Frost would be more useful. But still...


Cast Frostbite to attempt to stanch the magic bleeding off the sigil.

"Ummm... Are we leaving already? I can repair this if I can find my mount and my spell inks. And if we can somehow add a chunk of ice to this damaged sigil."

2015-10-07, 03:18 PM
Varis turns to Zem. "Well if we find your stuff, we can come back. It's just wandering for now".

2015-10-07, 10:01 PM
Zemzelett sends a burst of frigid air towards the sigil, and it slowly begins to seal the gaping puncture. After a few castings of frostbite, the sigil seems to have been repaired physically, but ink might still be necessary to get it working again.

As Varis talks with Zemzelett, the half-elf notices something about the sigil. It seems... somewhat familiar. Granted that Varis doesn't remember much of the recent past, this is something of a surprise, but it seems that with some repairs and some magic, the sigil could form some sort of rune.

http://s5.postimg.org/baj0ivhyb/Sigilmixed2.jpg (http://postimg.org/image/baj0ivhyb/)

With some magic and ink, the rings can be rotated 90, 180, or 270 degrees clockwise. A spell slot can be used to move a ring (the center circle can be moved, but the outermost one cannot), so to move two rings you would need to spend two spell slots. They don't need to all be expended by one person, so Varis could spend one while Zem spends two, or any combination between your casters. But before you do so, you'll need that ink!

Meanwhile, as Ragden and Kamaria get ready to leave and Zemzelett and Varis look at the sigil, Erka stands up and looks at Ursa.

She gets real close, and whispers to Ursa with menace, yet subtle sorrow, in her eyes.

You haven't a clue what evil is. It's a mandatory means to an end. A source of balance. And under-appreciated necessity for Talar to stop everything from crumbling to dust. Now, I don't know why, but that balance is gone. I don't know how, but I helped cause it. Whatever lame excuse for a conscience I have has turned me into a heretic and jeopardized the stability of all that we know.

You're a tribal sister, like me. Ruckus trusts you, so I suppose I do too. I need you to trust me in that you need to stay away from me.

2015-10-08, 04:01 AM
The little elf experimentally digs into his pack, and suddenly sees the veritable gallons of ink he had bought for transcribing spells.

"Oh! I forgot I had them with me after all! This shouldn't take long!" he pipes up.

Unstopping a bottle, Zemzelett daubs some inks into his quill pen, and starts to liberally apply them into the damaged sigil.

"Something doesn't look right," he mutters. Channeling some of his force into the outermost movable ring, the wizard wills it to rotate clockwise by a quarter-turn. "What do you think?" the wizard asks as he calls over the others to comment on his handiwork.

Consume 50GP worth of inks to repair sigil.
Use a level 1 spell slot to rotate the outermost ring clockwise by 90 degrees.

2015-10-08, 04:27 AM
After eavesdropping on Erka's whispering, Kamaria heads back around the corner to see what Zem has done.

Oh, I see. You spun around that outer ring. She examines it for a few moments. It looks like you could form a shape by turning the other two. How do you work it?

2015-10-08, 04:36 AM
"That... that looks almost familiar for some reason. Let's see..." said Varis, concentrating on the central ring.

Varis uses one 1st level spell slot to spin the central ring 180 degrees

"Huh. I guess just pour some magic into it and focus".

2015-10-08, 05:27 AM
Kamaria then turns the innermost ring 270 degrees clockwise, expending a 1st level spell slot.

Irish Musician
2015-10-08, 10:50 AM
Cragmyrin Ragden (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=551752), Devoted Paladin of Cragmyr
Ragden started to leave to go to the first room, when the small elf piped up. He walked back into the room and watched as the others looked at this Sigil. Ragden wasn't much for puzzles, so he just kept his eyes out for anymore undead or danger that might be lurking around. Or laying in the other room in the form of a giant bear. "I would give some of my magics up as well, but I am almost depleted of them. I have a bit of power left, but I'd much rather save it. It is healing energies and we might be needing it soon."

2015-10-08, 12:52 PM
Ursa heard the others discussing the sigil distantly, but Ursa didn't go to them to help.. She was a barbarian, she didn't know anything about magic. She also didn't know anything about the lands to the North. She didn't understand where the woman was coming from, the idea of evil being necessary to the world. But they had some common ground. "You trust Ruckus, don't you? Why don't you believe him when he says you weren't at fault?"

2015-10-08, 02:36 PM
Erka narrows her eyes, as if insulted by Ursa's words.

The snow mother leads him. But she no longer leads me. Perhaps you're right in that I didn't kill them. But if I didn't, perhaps I should have. I'm just as confused as you are, sister. I-

Erka is cut off by a sudden gust that carries down the hallway, almost making her and Ursa fall over.

Kamaria, Varis, and Zemzelett had each just poured some of their magical energies into the sigil, and with an unearthly glow and a massive, harsh gust of cold wind, the three rings of the sigil slide into place. The inside of the newly-formed rune turns bright white, and the three are blown prone, falling hard on the frozen floor.


Erka's eyes flicker with blue light. She speaks once more, in a voice far more cold than before.

You've... you've fixed it? She stands up and looks down the hall where the sigil has been activated. Thank you, she says, exasperated. She walks to the bear, who has stirred, and gotten to his feet. She raises a hand and a whirlwind of frigid air wrenches her spear from Zemzelet's grasp and bring it to her. She looks completely invigorated, and addresses the party with a smug disposition.

Excellent. I'l take my leave then. I'm going to fix this, all of this. You have my gratitude.

She turns and starts walking down towards the corridor.

Irish Musician
2015-10-08, 02:53 PM
Cragmyrin Ragden (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=551752), Devoted Paladin of Cragmyr
Ragden runs to catch up with her, "Wait." He swings his shield around to his back and hooks his axe on his belt, "We may worship differently, but I still wish you and your companion well." Ragden opens his mouth and a warm, calming air comes out of his and washes over Erka and her bear. "I hope you find what troubles you. And if you need assistance, just ask. But before you go, do you have any advice on getting out of here? Which direction should we head in, do you think?"

2015-10-08, 06:37 PM
Frightful gusty winds pour from the rune,
On the icy ground poor Zem was strewn.
With a thud his head slams on the floor.
For a time the elf's awake no more.

2015-10-09, 05:21 AM
Kamaria smiles. Oh, Zem. It's just a bit of wind! She stoops down and starts to pick him up. C'mon Varis, let's get out of here.

2015-10-09, 12:16 PM
Varis shakes his head and gets up. "Yeah, I guess we did what we could here".

He then walks over to Zem and helps Kam pick him up. "Hey hey, this ain't a good time to be asleep", Varis says to Zem, trying to slap him awake.

2015-10-10, 09:46 AM
"M-mmm-muh-truh-dnnn" Zemzelett mutters out, clearly concussed. The slaps from the half-elf nearly a half-foot shorter than him don't appear to have any effect other than rattling the poor elf's mushy brains around his not-quite fully-fused skull.

2015-10-12, 01:51 PM
Erka continues to stride out of the chamber, but stops and turns upon hearing Ragden.

You have assisted me enough to deserve my aid. You will continue down this corridor and take the leftmost path. Her eyes glimmer bright blue for a moment. You have beasts of burden that yet live, you will find them that way. Tread carefully, dragonborn. You and your companions seem to think you have a say in how things work. That's dangerous. Heed this advice- give up. Let the world run its course. Her eyes flash blue once more. Ah. I see now why you are here, and it seems that I cannot allow you to persist, as you pose a threat to the stability of the continent. She climbs on Ruckus' back. But as I said, you helped me, so I'll leave you be. Take care, as if I see you again I will likely have to destroy you. Stay out of trouble and enjoy quiet lives. Goodbye, and thank you for your blind compassion.

Ruckus starts to walk away, grunting out once more in a voice only Ursa can understand-

Spirits guide you. Do not fail.

The polar bear walks right towards the wall, and Erka raises her hand to cast a spell. They both start to crystallize, as if turning into ice, and then merge with the glacier itself, departing.

Irish Musician
2015-10-12, 02:37 PM
Cragmyrin Ragden (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=551752), Devoted Paladin of Cragmyr
Ragden nods in thanks for the directions, but is left a little confused. "I wonder what she meant about we think we have a say in how things work. What did she mean specifically? At least she pointed us in the right directions. Let us go find our things, as well as our horses." Ragden's head begins to ponder her words, as well as Cragmyr's when he was waking up. What does it all mean? he thinks to himself as they walk to recover their animals and belongings.

2015-10-12, 03:12 PM
Ursa stood there for a second, considering everything that she had learned. She turned, and for the first time, registered what the rest of the group had done. What happened here? You fix the sigil and it attacked you? Maybe we shouldn't have fixed it after all. We are in the North..."

2015-10-12, 03:23 PM
Kamaria shrugs. Eh. I wouldn't quite say "attacked". It was more like an... over-enthusiastic kiss. Nothing we couldn't handle!

2015-10-12, 04:10 PM
"Mouse is alive..." Varis muttered to himself.

"Hey, screw that, I do what I want!" Varis shouted to Erka.
"Hell's bells, that chick was really away with the fairies, y'know what I mean? But still, I think she was serious about trying to kill us if we cross her. Though I didn't really like her attitude, makes me want to do something just out of spite... Varis said with a grim smile on his face and then responded to Ursa. "Don't know if fixing that sigil was stupid or not, but if it means no more zombies, I don't really care".

2015-10-14, 02:07 PM
As we walk back through the tunnel: so, we go back to the first room, take the leftmost path, and then we're out of here? That doesn't sound too bad... but do you guys want to take a break first? It's been pretty stressful since we unfroze, and who knows what dangers might await us outside of these caves...

2015-10-14, 02:56 PM
Varis shrugs. "Well, we've been fighting a lot, guess it wouldn't hurt to catch our breaths and this place seems as good as any, since there seems to be things trying kill us everywhere we go". He sits down and pulls out his lute. "Right. Any requests?"

2015-10-14, 03:32 PM
Ursa shook her head, thinking about Ruckus's request. then, suddenly she asked. Are we planning on sticking together through this? Anyone want to go off on their own?"

2015-10-14, 03:40 PM
I'd much rather stick together, if you'll have me. I haven't, um... offended anyone... have I?


2015-10-14, 03:51 PM
Ursa suddenly felt awkward at the sylph's worry. "Oh no. i was just asking because Ruckus asked me to perform a task for him, and I was wondering if any of you would be interested in helping."

2015-10-15, 01:17 AM
Her face goes back to normal. Oh. What sort of task?

2015-10-15, 01:39 AM
Zemzelett continues being nothing more than a rag doll in the sylph's gentle caressing hands.

Irish Musician
2015-10-15, 09:45 AM
Cragmyrin Ragden (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=551752), Devoted Paladin of Cragmyr
"I would prefer it if we did not split up. That will make it even harder to survive in these lands. That one," Ragden points at the passed-out elf, "will surely perish if we were to split up. No, we need to stay together for protection. If the bear gave Ursa a task, we shall see it completed....together."

2015-10-15, 09:18 PM
He told me of a tribe of giants, here in the North, where there will be a challenge for leadership in two days time. He couldn't explain why in such a short time, but he was insistent that the challenger must win to preserve the balance of the continent."

2015-10-16, 04:26 PM
Varis played quietly. "I ain't got any personal stakes in this matter, but I'm gonna go where ever the majority go. Who knows, if we help this challenger, maybe there'll be a some sort of reward".

Varis plays (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=POiqCHeeQvg) Song of Rest. If you recover hit points at the end of a rest, you recover extra [roll0]

2015-10-16, 06:49 PM
The young elf awakens to what sounded to him was a melancholic funeral dirge. Jumping to his feet, he shouts in alarm, "Did we mess up the sigil and kill the lady and her bear??!"

Not injured in the least, but use arcane recovery to get back used level 1 spell slots.

Zemzelett Gemblossom (Elf Tempest Cleric 1 Divination Wizard 3)
HP: 28/28 | Temp HP: 0 | Hit Dice: 1/1d8 3/3d6 | Speed: 30
MP: 4/4 2/3 | Spell To-Hit: +5 | Spell Save DC: 13 (12 for Cleric spells)
Wrath of the Storm: 2/2 | Arcane Recovery: 0/2 | Portent: 20 | Inspiration

2015-10-17, 04:37 AM
Kamaria Ahiri

AC 16
Passive Perception 12
Spell Save DC 13

Relax, kid. Varis is just playing a bit of music to pass the time. Kamaria had been dancing for a while, filling their little cavern with swirling Gusts of air, but had stopped to rest by the time Zem woke up.

Left-hand passage, then? Who wants to lead? She readies her bow.

2015-10-17, 04:46 AM
"But, where did they go?" the elf asks skeptically.

2015-10-17, 05:26 AM
They, uh... they kind of walked through one of the walls. So, um, if you see them again, you might want to assume they're hostile. She shrugs.

2015-10-17, 05:30 AM
"Hostile? What?!" the little elf looks confused. "But we helped them, right? So, should we return the sigil to its previous condition?"

2015-10-17, 04:32 PM
"The North and everyone there are just screwed up? I don't know", Varis said to Zem, still playing.

Varis glances at the sigil. "Probably better not to. The monsters coming out of walls had something to do with the sigil being broken, I think? So better to just let it be until we know more".

2015-10-17, 04:44 PM
Ursa sighed softly. "I think it all has to do with the concept of balance. Both of them seemed concerned about the stability of the continent. She seems to think we will disrupt them. She's another reason I want to ask if you wish to go along with me. This may put us back in contact with her and well, you heard her threat."

2015-10-18, 08:06 PM

Distant thunder bursts far above the glacier. The storm that awoke Zemzelett has heightened to a far greater level, and your ears are all filled with the dull roar and crackle of tremendous precipitation. The entire glacier seems to tremble, making it clear that even the massive, invincible glacier is dwarfed by the wrathful, stormy might of higher powers.

The room starts to smell, as the smell of dead bodies is only marginally better than the smell of burnt bodies. Kamaria does her best to move the air around with her gusts, but the stench pervades.

While playing, Varis notices some fur on the ground where Ruckus had lain. It seems that in the bear's stress, he shed a few hairs.

2015-10-18, 09:32 PM
"We can't stay here," mutters the elf. "Where do we go?"

Zemzelett rises to his feet and stretches himself fully, working the kinks out of his joints. Admittedly, the cold has started to seep in through his armor. If they don't get moving quickly, he may very well freeze to death in this desolate wasteland.

Irish Musician
2015-10-20, 11:45 AM
Cragmyrin Ragden (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=551752), Devoted Paladin of Cragmyr
Ragden waits with the others, Varis' song seeming to help him recover. At the elf's words at breaking the sigil again, "I do not think that is wise, nor could I condone it. It is a divine symbol of some sort, and must be respected as such. And even though we helped her, we are outsiders in these lands. She is honor-bound to drive us out if we are a threat to her way of life, to protect her homeland. She let us go this time because we were kind and helped her. While she would still be grateful for our treatment of her and her companion, she would still be bound to attack." Ragden continues to rest and recover from their ordeal. "I think we should head the route our reluctant friend/enemy told us about. She may attack us the next time she sees us, but I believe her directions to be truthful and helpful."

HP Recovery: [roll0], [roll1]

2015-10-22, 04:57 AM
Yep! Erka the frenemy said to go back to the first room and then take the left-most path. Let's go!

2015-10-22, 03:45 PM
Ursa nods, then moves to take that path.

2015-10-22, 05:10 PM
Varis rises and puts his lute away. "Let's go. Here's hoping this isn't just some trap".

Irish Musician
2015-10-23, 12:30 PM
Cragmyrin Ragden (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=551752), Devoted Paladin of Cragmyr

Varis rises and puts his lute away. "Let's go. Here's hoping this isn't just some trap".

Ragden shakes his head as they started to walk, "I do not think that is her way. She is a warrior, like me. We will tell you we will kill you on our next meeting, but we would not deceive to kill you. If we are going to kill you, it is going to be one on one, we both will have weapons, and we will do it the honorable way. There is honor in a fair fight.....not in luring your enemy into a trap."

2015-10-23, 02:12 PM
Varis shrugged. "Hmmh. Duel is good for sending a message, proving your strength, that sort of thing. But me, if I really wanted someone dead, I see no reason not to use every means available to me". He grinned. "Stylistic differences I suppose".

2015-10-24, 04:01 PM
The group takes a rest, and sets off to find their gear and animals. After the sigil's reactivation, the entire glacier seems to have become more lively. The cavern's walls seem to shine and glisten, and the temperature has dropped significantly. Gusts of frigid air blow through the halls and send shivers down your spines.

You all make it back to the room where you met, and find that the alchemical fire has burned down to a few smoldering embers. To the left is a slightly wider pathway, with a 30 foot high ceiling. It is possible to walk three abroad here, and it seems that the ice above is significantly thinner than in other areas, as the sounds from the storm above are far more amplified. Occasionally, a clap of thunder will resound through the sky, followed by a flash of light about three seconds later.

After a few minutes of walking, the pathway opens up into a much larger cavern, with a 50 foot high ceiling adorned with icicles and larger columns that support the ice above. It is hard to tell how large the cavern is due to a heavy and freezing cold fog that lingers in the air (light obscurement). A distant and rhytmic booming can be heard, like a march of mountains.

2015-10-24, 04:29 PM
Ooh, creepy. I hope there's nothing hiding in this fog...

Kamaria will try a few blasts of Gust to see if it shifts any of the fog.

2015-10-24, 09:04 PM
Zemzelett gulps a little bit as he takes in the cold majesty of the new cavern. Although Matrodon's presence can be barely felt by the devout wizard, he trusts nonetheless that the weapon of warning she gifted him for his quest will carry him through all the trials he is sure to face in the desolate North.

Still, the elf alertly scans the room, particularly the walls and ceilings, for anything untoward.

Zemzelett, the magnificent perceiver of things: [roll0]

2015-10-24, 09:13 PM
Kamaria's gusts puff away parts of the mist, but they are almost immediately replaced by the endless rolling fog in the room.

Zemzelett strains his eyes to get an idea of what might be in the mist, and gets the sense that the room is very, very large. In addition, there seems to be something moving through the fog, but fairly far away.

2015-10-24, 09:45 PM
Ursa kept silent as they discussed the concept of honor and duels. Everyone had their own ideas in terms of what was right and wrong. She wasn't going to tell them they were wrong.

Seeing the fog brought Ursa back to the present. She peered into the fog, looking for some sort of movement or indication of a presence in the cavern.


2015-10-24, 11:31 PM
The obscurement was making young Zemzelett extremely uncomfortable. He would much prefer if any monsters are visible from a distance than when they are already up close.

The wizard purses his lips, occasionally licking at them to prevent his lips from drying up. The well-read acolyte knows that fog is merely evaporated water. If he can lower the temperature around the fog, it should precipitate and thus clear the view.

Zemzelett raises his hands, and begins to cast FROSTBITE on the fog. If it is not magical fog, then the fog should condense into rain or snow.

2015-10-25, 05:12 AM
If he can lower the temperature around the fog

Kam says thanks to Ragden again for lending her his cloak...

2015-10-25, 11:39 AM
Varis grabs his shield and peers into the mist. "I've got a bad feeling about this..."

Wisdom (Perception):

2015-10-27, 01:58 AM
Visual inspection of the area before you yields nothing, but it's possible to hear a slow and sustained crunch of ice, and small tremors shake the floor.

Zemzelett starts to try and cool the fog to cause it to condense, but he quickly finds that the area is in fact heating up- the misty vapors are inexplicably warm compared to the freezing wind from before. Interestingly enough, the fog doesn't seem magical at all; there must be a heat source nearby.

The crunching of ice continues for a second, until the relative silence is split by a KRKKK and a sudden burst of ice coming from much further down the area.

A series of clicks and hisses echo through the chamber, followed by a burst of unexpected heat. Something has awoken.

2015-10-27, 02:12 AM
You guys heard that, right? Says Kamaria. I think I'd like to get a look at it before we do anything else. Is there any way we could hide here and lure it out of the fog? Maybe an illusory wall?

Also, can we get a map? Fog of war is fine, but I want to know what we're working with in terms of lines of sight, columns, etc.

2015-10-27, 04:59 AM
Zemzelett starts quaking in his gauntleted boots, and his eyes widen into saucers as his grip tightens on his shield.

"D-d-d-d-d-d-dragon!" he hisses, as a drips of yellow start dropping from his trousers and forming into a slight puddle on the ground beneath his feet.

2015-10-27, 11:06 AM
"Oh come on", Varis says to Zem quietly and takes one step away from him.

To Kam: "Wall illusion sounds good. You still got enough power to do that? I could do small illusions to lure it here and keep its attention away from the fake wall".

2015-10-27, 11:33 AM
Ursa stepped in front of the group, sword and shield at the ready.

Irish Musician
2015-10-27, 11:49 AM
Cragmyrin Ragden (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=551752), Devoted Paladin of Cragmyr
Ragden rolls his eyes at the very obvious fear the wee elf is experiencing. "Steady, elf. Ursa and I will be at the front, you should calm yourself and thank your lucky stars you are not a soldier." Ragden, axe in hand and shield in front of him, steps up next to Ursa.

2015-10-27, 12:25 PM
Zemzelett nods, somewhat embarrassed by his lack of bladder control, and exceedingly glad that the other sphincter remained operational. Or... perhaps it actually failed and he just didn't have any chyme left in his colon.

The little elf raises his hands in preparation for combat. If anything tries to attack them, he will at least get a shot in.

Ready FROSTBITE against anything that attacks them. [roll0] CON save vs DC13 or take [roll1] cold damage, and next weapon attack is at disadvantage.