View Full Version : Lyric Thaumaturge vs Jade Phoenix Mage

2015-09-11, 11:42 AM
First off I wanna thank everyone who responded to my previous posts, pointed out flaws in my design and helped me make decisions on what I wanna do.

So with little context only knowing that it's a bard versed in desert wind which would be the better class to take I already thought of both ends.
If I go JFM, I'm getting a single cloistered cleric dip, there's no way around it. just something to keep in mind
While Lyric thaumaturge would be more caster focused.
You can look at my past posts to see what I am trying to do, bottom line which would be better to take?

2015-09-11, 11:49 AM
I'm not sure if one can be called objectively better than the other. They're both good classes and the difference is small enough that you should just go with your preference.

As you mentioned though, you love ToB, so JPM might be more enjoyable for you.