View Full Version : Which skill and how much DC for lifting an object off a sleeping creature?

2015-09-12, 12:57 AM
Which skill do you use to lift an object off a sleeping creature? What's the DC of success? This is untrained so I don't think sleight of hand applies but I'm pretty sure any untrained individual is capable of taking an item off a sleeping guy if the sleeper is a deep sleeper. Is it just a DEX check? If it is, opposed to what or what DC?

2015-09-12, 08:21 AM
If you are trying to take something from the sleeping creature (like picking their pocket) then it would still be a Sleight of Hand check. Although the situation isn't explicitly covered that I know of, I would use as a baseline the listen checks for sleeping creatures (which is at a -10) and just lower the DC for the SoH check to a 10. This conveniently makes it possible as an untrained check.

An untrained Sleight of Hand check is simply a Dexterity check. Without actual training, you can’t succeed on any Sleight of Hand check with a DC higher than 10, except for hiding an object on your body.