View Full Version : Player Help Lowering charisma spells besides touch of idiocy and Feeble mind.

2015-09-13, 12:41 PM
Currently involved in a campaign that has a evil alt class Paladin/cleric which through feats casts from charisma instead of wisdom as a boss encounter. The only real way I can think of to weaken her spell casting (as not cast blasphemy or other TPK spell) would be to damage her charisma (she is around 10 levels higher than the rest of the party, has a 30 CHA, immune to smite evil, and fire damage). The only 2 spells that come to mind are touch of idiocy and Feeble mind (would pretty much require a nat 20 with her saves). So I'm wondering if anyone knows of any other charisma lowering spells available to a 9th level wizard (5th level spells)? Preferably with no save allowed. Thank you in advance.

2015-09-13, 04:57 PM
You might also shut down the spellcaster with silence + grappling.

Bestow Curse can lower an ability score, but it does have a save.

Touch attacks from various undead can drain various ability scores...

You could also target a LOWER ability score and make the caster helpless, instead of targeting her strongest score. Shivering Touch (from Frostburn) is a well-known strategy for shutting down low-Dexterity targets.

2015-09-13, 05:05 PM
Sending undead after an Antipaladin/evil Cleric seems like a very poor choice.

2015-09-13, 05:09 PM
Mental Pinnacle -> Ego Whip
Limited Wish -> Ego Whip

EDIT: I misread "9th-level Wizard" as "Wizard capable of 9th-level spells." But they could still use a scroll.

2015-09-13, 06:37 PM
Affliction (BoED 89) => 'pride in vain,' for 13 - 18 charisma damage. Requires a save, though. Also, you might be better off targeting a different stat and possibly 1-shotting her.

Silence protects those inside it from blasphemy; alternately, cast it on a few tanglefoot bags and use readied actions to lug them at / near her whenever she starts casting. Having some silenced (or nonverbal) spells prepared might also be beneficial in this scenario.

Assuming their CL isn't also 10 levels above you, freedom of movement could come in handy for negating blasphemy's paralysis.

2015-09-13, 08:46 PM
Negative levels will drain spell slots, as if the caster was of a lower level. Enervation is a fourth-level spell that applies 1d4 negative levels. As long as the cleric isn't undead, death warded, using soulfire armour and so on, it's a good way to debuff or even kill the boss.

2015-09-19, 01:05 PM
Thanks for all the feed back!think I'm going to go with the Enervation route. Don't really want to one shot the Boss with all the effort the DM put into her, just even out for a more memorable encounter while not getting a TPK ^^

2015-09-19, 03:00 PM
I don't think Charisma damage is a way to deal with your problem, and, as far as I know, there're no more good Charisma damage spells for this levels.

But if you still want to use this route, you'd better be well prepared. Here, take this. (http://brilliantgameologists.com/boards/index.php?topic=8910)