View Full Version : Demon Stone

2007-05-13, 09:09 PM
Have you played this game? It's a 3D fighting game very similar to the LOTR action games. In fact it was made by the same people, Stormfront Studios.

You can control the three characters and switch them whenever you like. You have a typical human armored fighter with a greatsword, a human wizard and a female half-drow rogue who uses two daggers. It's really cool.

The graphics are a little dated I guess, but it runs really well on today's machines, so it's worth a try.
When I tried it first when it came out I didn't totally like it, but recently I've played it again and loved it! And I finished it today, I had a blast.

The game features a LOT of Forgotten Realms content, and everything is really accurate. The game story was written by none other than R.A. Salvatore. And in a part of the game, you get to control the legendary Drizzt Do'Urden. And let me tell you, it's amazing how they've translated his fighting style to animations and combo moves. It really made a big impact on me. It's the single best graphic/animated portrayal of Drizzt I've seen so far (I'm still hoping for a movie or an anime or something similar).

The narrator's voice, also Khelben's, was done by Patrick Stewart. So you see that this is a very thought out game, and it's very rewarding to play it and recognize all the FR references which are dead on.

I know this is a slightly old game. But all in all, barring NWN 1 & 2 I think this was the best D&D related gaming experience I've had in a long time. And I heartily recommend it to everyone who's into D&D and action games.

2007-05-13, 10:20 PM
Have you played this game? It's a 3D fighting game very similar to the LOTR action games. In fact it was made by the same people, Stormfront Studios.

You can control the three characters and switch them whenever you like. You have a typical human armored fighter with a greatsword, a human wizard and a female half-drow rogue who uses two daggers. It's really cool.

The graphics are a little dated I guess, but it runs really well on today's machines, so it's worth a try.
When I tried it first when it came out I didn't totally like it, but recently I've played it again and loved it! And I finished it today, I had a blast.

The game features a LOT of Forgotten Realms content, and everything is really accurate. The game story was written by none other than R.A. Salvatore. And in a part of the game, you get to control the legendary Drizzt Do'Urden. And let me tell you, it's amazing how they've translated his fighting style to animations and combo moves. It really made a big impact on me. It's the single best graphic/animated portrayal of Drizzt I've seen so far (I'm still hoping for a movie or an anime or something similar).

The narrator's voice, also Khelben's, was done by Patrick Stewart. So you see that this is a very thought out game, and it's very rewarding to play it and recognize all the FR references which are dead on.

I know this is a slightly old game. But all in all, barring NWN 1 & 2 I think this was the best D&D related gaming experience I've had in a long time. And I heartily recommend it to everyone who's into D&D and action games.

HEre is my beef with the game

The story is fine, as are the basis of the character. What annoyed me was

1. The direter
2. The guy game play desiegner
3. The guy who was in charge of taking the strip writter (salvator's) plot and acually putting it into the story. THe plot is great, just badly done.

I'd say more but i'm tiried

2007-05-13, 10:50 PM
Is it wrong that if I picked this up, I would save the game right as I get Drizzt, then go on a week-long (or longer) spree of killing him in interesting ways?

2007-05-13, 11:17 PM
EvilElitest, please expand your post. I'm interested to see what you didn't like about the game.

Is it wrong that if I picked this up, I would save the game right as I get Drizzt, then go on a week-long (or longer) spree of killing him in interesting ways?

Yeah :) Sorry, Drizzt hating got old long ago.
Besides, the level you play as Drizzt is pretty hard, I spent a lot of time there trying to not get killed
(I actually didn't get killed but the trolls kept breaching the gates of Mithral Hall and thus ending the game in a bad way).

2007-05-14, 11:53 AM
EvilElitest, please expand your post. I'm interested to see what you didn't like about the game.

Yeah :) Sorry, Drizzt hating got old long ago.
Besides, the level you play as Drizzt is pretty hard, I spent a lot of time there trying to not get killed
(I actually didn't get killed but the trolls kept breaching the gates of Mithral Hall and thus ending the game in a bad way).


1. The plot itself is not bad, but interesting, however the way they go about it (directer) is ahhored. It is like the plot of resident evil in how it was explained

All the characters have niffty concepts and would make good characters if they had been devolped more. the big sword man was a character in the lastest book and rather interesting, however in the game he is all "This is nesme, ah mindless rengence make me feel happy". And elf was all "Identiy crisis" and then goes "Ok i'm good now, but still badass"
And the mage was


While the story in essense was good, it was never really explained. Some things were completly random, such as the Drizzt level. It was really fun, but could they explain how and why they are their, or even how and why Drizzt knew where the camp was. Both villians are entirelly 2-D, where their was perfect room for more character devolpment. Most of the tokien characters where just that, tokien, like Black Staff who spent the whole time acting like a wanna be gandalf when in reality he is kinda facist
The game play wasn't awful, but it was kind "I'd rather play two towers" you know what i mean. I'll say more tonight