View Full Version : Experiment Thing as a Cohort (Wizard's bad ass body gaurd)

2015-09-13, 11:58 PM
So here is a weird one for all of you, I want to make a Wizard in an upcoming campaign who "experiments". Creating new spells, poisons, creatures, etc (he wants power to kill the gods... I don't plan for this to work, it's role play :p).

We are starting at level 11 and I'd like him to have a successful experiment as a body guard (a loyal one).

I have been doing some research and found some options but they don't seem to work for what I am doing (role play wise). The Leadership feat could work (eventually gaining "World Breaker" followers) but I'd like to have complete control over the creation of the cohort (as it is a experimental humanoid). I've seen Thrallherd and Undead Leadership (both lacking in what I'd like). I have also seen the level 6 Enchanter Variant Wizard, which could work, but the idea is a loyal experiment, not someone who I have enchanted to serve (which was the impression I had from the variant).

The actual Cohort is just some large creature, with Abberant Limb Arms (I already have the OK from the DM) who wields medium scythes (or large sickles, they end up being the same thing stat wise). I'd like him to either be a large human or something that looks human (Half Ogres look human... ish, they can be sarcastic pricks right?).

Eventually I'd like to have followers as experiments as well (taking people in, experimenting on them and granting them boons. Like say; killing a beholder, ripping out it's organs and transplanting them into willing participants (or unwilling criminals... either way I'd erase their memories) to gain some kind of power from the transplant... even if they go blind or something).

I'd like to know what suggestions you all have, the leadership feat is the closest I have seen to what I want (even using Followers as experiments as well, the role play is in creating them... which would take a long while, which is perfect) but I feel like it is missing something and I worry that there is a better option out there. We have a LOT of source books (I cannot remember them all, it is well over 10 of them) so we should have access to most things.

If this has been mentioned somewhere else already I am sorry but I couldn't think of any way to word this question in a search engine (google has been no help, for once).

2015-09-14, 12:03 AM
Half-giant. Use the Dark Sun flavor for his servile and loyal attitude. Could even use the Psionics angle for more weird sciencey feel.

2015-09-14, 12:14 AM
What alignments are you okay with playing? There's options in BoVD (torture and other things) and FF (Fiend of Blasphemy) that might interest you. There's also the Alienest if you want to experiment on your familiar. I seem to remember some sort of PrC from dragon magazine that manipulates its own bone structure to give itself benefits, and playing any sort of shapechanger (class, race, spell) could work. Rolling the dice by constantly Reincarnating your followers could be fun, as could Awakening new objects to become your followers.

If you want concrete rules-based benefits, look into the Graft Flesh feat (FF, LoM, LM, Und, SK). If you're not picky about having to experiment on living things, then going the necromancy route is always an option. Just being a plain old diplomancer could work, too, and it means that you can focus your magic in other areas - transmutation, necromancy, and illusion likely have good choices for changing other beings.

2015-09-14, 12:17 AM
I unfortunately don't know anything about Dark Sun, and I'm not sure if it will fit in the DM's world. Do you have a specific link to help narrow my search?

Also I have looked at "Powerful build" races and they don't work for the 4 wield scythe builds. To my understanding it allows the creature to wield weapons one size larger without penalties... however, it doesn't mention (as I am reading it) that he can use medium sized weapons as if he was a size larger (thusly making them 1 handed weapons instead of 2 handed). The DM has allowed it to work this way, but I'm not sure if it's meant to. Either way, I'd like to avoid Psionics (I don't know much about them and I'd like to make this cohort a Fighter). The DM has shown me Goliath's, they come very close to what I am looking for.

I don't want to completely rule out Psionics though, as I do want the weird sciency thing. I'm sorry if I am being difficult XD, could you explain how it would work? (spells I should look at, skills and feats, etc).

@Giles the Cleric:

I have looked at Grafts and they look promising (I will be looking at them for later "experiments").

Alignment wise my character would probably be closer to true neutral; to him the ends justify the means and nothing is above him (he will break the law, he will kill for a goal, he will save those he needs, he will enforce laws when appropriate... honestly he does whatever he needs to do in order to get what he wants, for "the betterment of mankind".).

We unfortunately don't have LoM but we do have Book of Vile Darkness, I will be looking at that when I can, thanks for the info :)

2015-09-14, 12:37 AM
The fluff on half-giants from Dark Sun is that they are born to follow. Instinctively take orders and adapt to try and fit in in their surroundings. They are not powerful build, they are large.

I was just thinking that maybe having your test tube baby do psionics would add to the "this ain't right" experiment vibe in a more subtle way than going with the creepy tentacle arms or any of the graft options.

Or were you wanting more icky and less subtle? If so, go with the half-construct template, and make it Frankenstein's monster. Parts stitched together, skin like a patchwork quilt, but with a fully functioning mind.

2015-09-14, 01:39 AM
Every Dark Sun source I am finding are saying they are Medium sized creatures, they however gain numerous special features that give them large things (has to wear large armor, can use large weapons with no penalty, eat and drink as large creatures).

When you put it like that (the test tube babies), yeah that would definetly add to the weird factor XD. To be truthful though, tentacles and other appendages would definetly be in there as well. The construct template, albeit close, falls short of what I am looking for (I'd like natural biological healing, like a regular organism, not a machine).

That said, this gives me a new character idea for a D&D Tech Priest :) (but that's for a later character).

2015-09-19, 07:59 PM
Alright so I talked with the DM and I've figured out what I am going to do (he is letting me make the NPC as a cohort, but I create him as an NPC reducing his starting gold).

Thank you for the help guys, now let us let this thread sink into the depths of forgetfullness.

(Sorry for the Necro post, just wanted to say thank you... and to have new posters who might see this not post in it).