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2007-05-13, 10:34 PM
I just got a hold on the Magic Item Compendium, and was wondering what are the best items in it.

I will get through the whole book in time, but I'd like to start by getting the best first impression.:smallbiggrin:

By best, I don't necessarily mean the most powerful. I'm talking about the most original, with unique and interesting effects and stuff.

So, which were your favorites?

2007-05-13, 10:44 PM
Personally, I love the Ring of the Darkhidden, a ring that makes you invisible to darkvision (but still visible in normal light). I love the idea of wandering around the Underdark right under the noses of drow patrols.

2007-05-13, 10:57 PM
Belt of Battle.

Though honestly, you got your money's worth with the appendecies in the back that will help streamline high-level character gold buying.

Dark Tira
2007-05-13, 11:00 PM
Glyph Seals have nearly limitless potential. My character carries a fair number of them to set traps for the night and to store unused spells for the next day.

2007-05-13, 11:28 PM
I was happy with the item sets... more specifically the Rogue set that turns you into a cat thing. I cany remember the set name, but it was wicked cool and is probably the only one that I would consider getting all the items for.

Other than those, the greater planar travel crystal was wicked cool for only 3,000 GP.

2007-05-14, 07:20 AM
Chronocharms of the Horizon Walker or Grandmaster are pretty nifty.

2007-05-14, 07:39 AM
For a Rogue: Ring of Blinking. Perpetual sneak-attack.

2007-05-14, 09:31 AM
Numerically? Belt of battle is obvious, but I'm also sorta fond of the crystal of alacrity because of how it stacks.

For pure style? Amulet of second chances, followed by chronocharms. Because anything that tampers with time is a good thing.

2007-05-14, 10:15 AM
The belt of battle is such a misnomer. It should have allowed you to get a either a move, attack or full attack action. That would have been an interesting item fitting it's description. What we have ended up with is a hopelessly broken tool to make casters even more powerful.

2007-05-14, 10:29 AM
Strongarm bracers lets you wield a weapon as if you're one size category higher w/o penalty.Wilding clasp allows you to use magic items while you're wild shape when it's equipped to that item.

2007-05-14, 10:35 AM

Wonderful concept.

Augmentation Crystals.

Close second place.


2007-05-14, 10:45 AM
Augment crystals. Definitely.

Restful Crystal completely obviates the need for the Endurance feat... for 500GP. Get stackable DR? No problem, jsut attach a different crystal. That troll giving you trouble, not a problem, just pop off your ice crystal and attach a fire crystal.

Magic items just became versatile. Without being too expensive. Love them.

Shiny, Bearer of the Pokystick
2007-05-14, 11:38 AM
Augment crystals are a nice option for lower-cost augmentation, and allow a character who utilizes multiple weapons (or types of weapons, such as one ranged and one melee) to invest more fruitfully in flexibility.

The two that really blew me away, however, were the Ring of The Darkhidden (already mentioned) and the Deathstrike Bracers, both a boon to rogues and other stealthy characters.

For some reason, I'm also somewhat fond of the Vangaurd Treads, and I'd give a good deal for a handy-dandy Rod of Viscid Globs.

In armor and shields, the Fearsome property was a standout to me, as well as Healing and Menacing; in weaponry, Blurstrike is of course loverly, and Doom Burst, Eager, and Illusion Theft are all excellent, tasty options.

2007-05-14, 12:14 PM
Charm of Countersong.

Makes a hard to use bardic song flower into an instant counterspell for a vocal based spell attack.

Used it to prevent a possible TPK when an evil sorcerer tried to dominate the juiced up barbarian in our party. The barbarian failed his save but my perform check gave him a 28 will save :P

2007-05-14, 12:19 PM
Healing Belt

4d8 healing a day for 750gps.

My DM limits this to one per new character, I actually started with 10 once and he was like noway.

2007-05-14, 12:24 PM
I really like the Augmentation Crystals, so much that I Wrote a few of my own ('http://intentionallyleftblank.net/tome/index.php/Category:Augmentation_Crystal')

The artificer's monacle is nice, even though I originally overlooked it (I pretty much skipped anything that seemed to refer to Eberron or Forgotten Realms).

I find the swordbow rather funny, too.

2007-05-14, 01:28 PM
They reprinted the Blindfold of True Darkness, which cracks me up.


brian c
2007-05-14, 01:54 PM
Strongarm bracers lets you wield a weapon as if you're one size category higher w/o penalty.Wilding clasp allows you to use magic items while you're wild shape when it's equipped to that item.

Hm... could a goliath with Strongarm bracers use a Huge weapon without penalty? That would be pretty cool.

Emperor Tippy
2007-05-14, 02:08 PM
No. It says it doesn't stack with powerful build.

2007-05-14, 02:28 PM
But you can be enlarge person to wield a huge weapon.

2007-05-14, 02:39 PM
I liked the augment crystals. Useful if you don't want to buy a whole new weapon to get a new magical effect.

I also liked the one magic item set......... Raniment of the Stormwalker, that was it. Not quite sure exactly how some of the effects work, but some of them, like the air walk granted by one item, seem useful. And then I just think it's pretty cool.

Another item that looked like fun: Boots of Temporal Acceleration. Those of us that are more familiar with magic than psionics might understand them better as Boots of Time Stop. That would be a fun effect to use, and at 48,000 gp I think you might be able to get them before 17th level.

2007-05-14, 04:58 PM
Another item that looked like fun: Boots of Temporal Acceleration. Those of us that are more familiar with magic than psionics might understand them better as Boots of Time Stop. That would be a fun effect to use, and at 48,000 gp I think you might be able to get them before 17th level.

Temporal Acceleration is not really the same as Time Stop. It has more restraints, and lasts less time.

2007-05-14, 05:54 PM
the item i like? the magic item compendium.

anyway, the augment crystals are good.
i don't see myself collecting an entire set of items,
beholder crown is cool, but at 15th level what can't make a DC17 save? and the gems burn up? hey, ok i'll pay 20,000 for something i could conceiveably use up in one fight!
wand bracelet is usefull
robe of retaliation was quite nice as well.

2007-05-14, 06:01 PM
I've been a big fan of the stuff that is put out by Sword & Sorcery Studios, and there magic books (Relics & Rituals or vise versa) have some very cool magical items in them. Can't get much better then gauntlets given to gladiators that provide the wearer with Two-Weapon Fighting but force to make a wills save or start eating any humanoid opponent they kill.

2007-05-14, 08:45 PM
For a Rogue: Ring of Blinking. Perpetual sneak-attack.

Can't find that item... What page is it?

2007-05-14, 10:36 PM
Cool. I'm reading through it, and some items are worth the whole book!
Is there anything that grants Mindblank?

2007-05-14, 11:00 PM
Can't find that item... What page is it?

The ring is actually in the DMG and not the Magic Item Compendium.

Hunter Noventa
2007-05-14, 11:26 PM
The Field Provisions Box is a must-buy if you have a GM that makes you keep track of food and stuff. Also, Daern's Instant tent is made of awesome for travel-heavy games.

However having recently gotten into casters, i really like the runestaffs, and I hope to make use of the runestaff of abjuration in the future.

2007-05-15, 12:13 AM
What's so broken about Belt of Battle? Spend a swift action to activate it for an extra standard or full-round action, once per day?

2007-05-15, 12:45 AM
What's so broken about Belt of Battle? Spend a swift action to activate it for an extra standard or full-round action, once per day?

I'm gonna launch a quicken spell, and then another spell, and then spend a swift action to launch a quicken spell, and then another spell. Thats the first trick I can think of and I'm hardly what you'd call good at caster optimization.

Jack Mann
2007-05-15, 12:55 AM
You can't cast a quickened spell on the same round you use the belt. Both require a swift action, of which you only get one.

Given it's effectively a 1/day rod of quicken, it's rather underpriced.

2007-05-15, 09:11 AM
The Belt of Battle has some nice tactical possiblities. For one charge you can get an extra move action, meaning you can move and still get in a full attack. And with Spring Attack you can do part of that move, then a full attack action, then the rest of the move. It gives fraidy cat characters (low AC, low HP) a way to contribute substantially in melee combat. And if you want to "go all in" you can just expend all three charges and put two back-to-back full attacks together.

The Bag of Boulders lets any character do what D&D rules should allow normally: throw rocks as weapons. The 50' range increment is actually quite reasonable (vs. the 10', nonproficient, piddly damage default for "improvised weapons"). Each one's only got 3 daily charges, but you can buy more and just hang them on your belt.

2007-05-15, 11:21 AM
What's so broken about Belt of Battle? Spend a swift action to activate it for an extra standard or full-round action, once per day?

12,000 gp for 3 charges.
1 charge for move action
2 charge for standard action
3 charges for full round action.

Fighter can spend 1 charge and move and get full attack action. It is effectively hustle for non psionics. Can do this 3 times per battle.

Caster can use 2 charges to cast a "quicken" spell (as quicken except you still have an AoO). Remember it doesn't matter what level the spell is you quicken unlike a metamagic rod of quicken which has lesser (35,000 gp for 3 a day), normal (75,500 gp for 3 a day), and greater varieties (170,000 gp for 3 a day).

Rogue can use 3 charges to get 2 full round actions. Uses 1 move action to move, 1 full round action to attack with all his twf goodness, 1 move action to get out of the way.


Also remember the item has no attunement time, thus you only have to spend a move action to put it on. You also aren't limited to using one such item a day. Thus a character should have at least eventually 4 of these. He puts on one belt of battle for each encounter, after the encounter is over he takes it off and puts on a new belt of battle.


Before this item swift actions were sometimes useful. The spells/things you can do with them weren't as good as what you can do with normal/fullround actions. Swift action spell/thingys were very limited. (With the exception of some ToB boosts). Effectively this item though switches out your swift actions for move, standard and full round actions which are always useful.

2007-05-15, 11:23 AM
Do not speak to me of the chaos this build can perform with the belt of battle
LN cleric of Wee Jas
Cleric 1 (gets Turn Undead)
Dread Necro 1 (gets Rebuke Undead)
Crusader 3
Ruby Knight Vindicator 10
X 5

Starting at lvl 12 (RKV 7) you can use a turn or rebuke attempt (your build gets both turn and rebuke attempts thus Cha*2+6 times per day) to gain another swift action. You can make the belt of battle slotless for twice the cost. Thus you can create "perpetual timestop but even better" by doing this
--->sacrifice a turn attempt
--->get a free swift action
--->use that free swift action to gain another move/standard/full round action
--->Use that action to cast spells or kick but in melee/with manuevers
--->repeat process till the enemy is dead

You have a bab of 11.25 or 11 if you use Cloistered Cleric instead of cleric at level 12. Thus 3 attacks prior to haste, twf, etc

This is before Nightsticks

2007-05-18, 06:12 PM
Chronocharms, Healing Belt, and Spellsink Scarab. All very useful when caught off guard

2007-05-18, 06:52 PM
Most of what was printed in Magic Item Compendium was originally found in Magic of Faerun. You poor sods, having to wait for a "Core" book.

It was still plenty useful, the Runestaffs are brilliant, and the slew of magic rings available were just dandy.