View Full Version : Player Help Help me spend my obscene wealth!

2015-09-14, 02:36 PM
In the further adventures of the very generous DM (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?440016-How-can-I-help-balance-this-game), I am now a 4th level warforged (scout) artificer, who recently came into personal possession of 1 MILLION gold pieces, without any plot constraints (they're not cursed, stolen, suspicious, counterfeit, etc). I have 8 in-game days before our next dungeon run, clearing out a manor that has been granted to our group, and would like to maximize how prepared I can be.

Purchase restrictions: can buy anything under 4200 GP in town without special action, including poisons and other questionable items.

Crafting restrictions: Only have 8 days in-game to craft, but have Legendary, Extraordinary, and Magical Artisan (Wondrous Items), and have arranged with DM to get the Skill and Class specific discounts on magic items if I'm making them for myself only.

Current Equipment: Hat of Disguise, Artificer's Monocle (of Minute Seeing), Amber Amulet of Giant Wasp, Cloak of Resistance +2, Vest of Natural Armor +2, Gloves of Master Strategist, Ring of Communication, Ring of Protection +1, Anklet of Translocation; Slotless Continuous Unseen Servant as Item Familiar, MW Steel Double Crossbow (including attached Gnome Sight, Wand Chamber with Swift Invisibility, Oil Chamber), Handy Haversack, Adamantine Dagger, Rod of Ropes, Hearthfire Lantern, Wand of Knock, Various scrolls of 1st level utility spells in a Scroll Organizer, all the MW skill items I can use.

The recent windfall has gone beyond my ability to process effective ways to spend it, and I'd love for the board to help out. I've checked Bunko's, Macguyver, etc, but am limited by my crafting time or town purchase limit for most things, and can't really begin to touch the wealth.

2015-09-14, 02:59 PM
You are going about this backwards. When you have this much wealth, just focus on answering the question: What do you NEED/WANT? Then figure out whether that is feasible within the constraints of time. For instance, if you feel you really need to get your UMD checks higher, maybe you would want to look into a Circlet of Persuasion, which gives a bonus to your CHA based checks. The book price on one of these is 4500gp, which is a bit higher than the limit set by your DM, so you would need to figure out if you can make one yourself or something.

2015-09-14, 03:06 PM
Honestly? Have you tried buying the town? Or attempting to trade it in for a lordship or something similar from the local ruler? It might be interesting, and will certainly give your story an interesting twist. In two levels you can get leadership to gain your army, and then equip them all in full-plate and have the best equipped guards anyone's ever seen :smallbiggrin:

Plus once you're there, you can set yourself up as a trade hub, with massive cash incentives for merchants to come to your city, and make the beginnings of your empire! :smallamused:

2015-09-14, 03:10 PM
Flying ship. They exist. Buy one. Spend gold (and a week) gaining levels in profession sailor (there are ways of doing it with gold that bypass skill points, or so I have heard). About 4 should do. Hire a crew. Thats about 100,000 from what I remember of my last campaign that had a flying ship option (we found one, had to sell it).

Flying Castle. They exist. You will need somewhere to dock your flying ship. Hire maids, footmen, a butler, a valet, an undermaid or 3, a scullery maid, pastry maid, 2 cooks, a kitchen girl and a boot boy. That will eat up a lot, but its a flying castle.

Become master of the universe. Call yourself Count Captain Maximilian Valentine, Captain of the Skies. Retire. Find retired life boring. Rejoin your group (basically ask your DM to advance the game time by 2 months). Say the ship is in need of repairs and you cant bring the castle because the wife likes it in its summer position. Continue to play as if you never got the money, except for fluff reasons.

2015-09-14, 03:11 PM
Honestly? Have you tried buying the town? Or attempting to trade it in for a lordship or something similar from the local ruler? It might be interesting, and will certainly give your story an interesting twist. In two levels you can get leadership to gain your army, and then equip them all in full-plate and have the best equipped guards anyone's ever seen :smallbiggrin:

Plus once you're there, you can set yourself up as a trade hub, with massive cash incentives for merchants to come to your city, and make the beginnings of your empire! :smallamused:

Yeah, seriously, just buy a castle. It will only eat up about half your wealth, even if you get a really big one. Then open a school for wizards and artificers and use that as a means of steady income. In other words: Retire. You already won.

2015-09-14, 04:14 PM
Flying ship. They exist. Buy one. Spend gold (and a week) gaining levels in profession sailor (there are ways of doing it with gold that bypass skill points, or so I have heard). About 4 should do. Hire a crew. Thats about 100,000 from what I remember of my last campaign that had a flying ship option.


we found one, had to sell it


Now that's the story I want to hear! LOL.

2015-09-14, 11:03 PM
You'll want a Ring of Freedom of Movement.

2015-09-14, 11:10 PM
Get the stronghold builder's guidebook then go nuts. Get you a castle to rival the royal palace of any major nation. A week isn't long enough to finish but it's more than enough to get the ball rolling and drop some serious coin.

2015-09-15, 12:02 AM
So after much discussion with the DM, I've obtained access to a plane with flowing time trait (1 Day = 1 Year), and he has signed off on using a Thought Bottle (after I create it) to store my XP and continually reset it. So that takes care of my time and XP constraints. I've been going a bit wild creating custom slotless warforged component magic items, and now have a +5 competence to all my skills, Blindsight, Darkvision, Low-light Vision, Arcane Vision, tons of crafting and artifice spells at will, etc. I also made an item to grant me Knowledge Devotion feat for 10k base (x2 to 20k for slotless) to up my crossbow damage. And a very expensive item I'm calling my Archer's Talent, granting 6 different archery feats for oodles of moolah.

I'm holding off on the Stronghold Builder's Guidebook for now, as I can't craft such mundane things very easily, and the local city is too poor to shop in for that. Plus, we've just been granted a manor that we get to go clear out.

Anything else you'd recommend to stay in character as a construct who likes to self-improve, craft things, and learn more?

2015-09-15, 01:00 AM
Otyugh Hole sets a precedent for the base price of the Iron Will feat as 3000gp. Doesn't seem unreasonable to pick that up and justify it as some kind of implant or additional component.

2015-09-15, 08:53 AM
Oh! Ultimate Campaign. Check out their retraining rules. You could change your entire BUILD with enough gold and enough time.

2015-09-15, 09:54 AM
Discuss with DM if Constructs count as Magic Items for the purpose of becoming Embedded Warforged Components.

Then go buy yourself a Rod of Construct Control (AaEG).

Control Constructs then make them Embedded Warforged Components.

Viola, nesting doll Warforged.

Or just get a Staff of Smoking Confinement and nest your dominated Constructs that way.

Also, all your gear is now Animated Objects. Because why not. Just have them go inert when you want to use them as items and go active again when you choose.

2015-09-15, 10:01 AM
9th level scrolls (assuming no XP costs or expensive components) are 3,825 GP a pop. Those things will be insta-winning encounters for many, many levels to come.

2015-09-15, 12:16 PM


Now that's the story I want to hear! LOL.

Not much to tell. We were tasked with stopping some undead. We did so, but had to track them across the ice to this old shipwreck. Once it was cleared of undead, we found it was a flying ship. No one had profession sailor but with a lot of false starts, we got it back to base. Then I went to buy a hat. Unfortunately, my other party members came out of character to tell me, in no uncertain terms, that they were not intending to use the ship during the game, and that I wasnt allowed to either. So we sold it at a 4x markup, split the cash and they went off happy and bought their magic items. In protest, I bought a bigger hat, a bottle of rum and a small dingy and refused to answer unless they called me captain. 3 sessions later (we were swapping out DMs, its complicated, but 4 people all wanted to DM the same world AND play in it, so we rotated every few weeks) and we are escorting a guy across the tundra when a blizzard kicks in. We hole up and try to wait it out, only to have assassins start picking off the NPCs. It was then that we agreed, if ever we came across a flying ship in a campaign, and it survived, we would never sell it. And that I am never, ever, allowed to buy a hat.

2015-09-15, 08:04 PM
So after much discussion with the DM, I've obtained access to a plane with flowing time trait (1 Day = 1 Year), and he has signed off on using a Thought Bottle (after I create it) to store my XP and continually reset it. So that takes care of my time and XP constraints. I've been going a bit wild creating custom slotless warforged component magic items, and now have a +5 competence to all my skills, Blindsight, Darkvision, Low-light Vision, Arcane Vision, tons of crafting and artifice spells at will, etc. I also made an item to grant me Knowledge Devotion feat for 10k base (x2 to 20k for slotless) to up my crossbow damage. And a very expensive item I'm calling my Archer's Talent, granting 6 different archery feats for oodles of moolah.

I'm holding off on the Stronghold Builder's Guidebook for now, as I can't craft such mundane things very easily, and the local city is too poor to shop in for that. Plus, we've just been granted a manor that we get to go clear out.

Anything else you'd recommend to stay in character as a construct who likes to self-improve, craft things, and learn more?

Heh, yeah, your DM is indeed extremely permissive! I'm not sure what else you're looking to do though, since you're already very far outside the scope of the rules. I'd just keep on going with it.

Normally, a thought bottle isn't the end all and be all, because each use of it expends 500XP, so you'd want to make at least two of them. Here's a post that takes that to extremes: http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?217819-Nesting-Thought-Bottles-millions-of-wishes

It doesn't restore your artificer craft reserve either, because that isn't actually XP, although that's only 80 at level 4 anyway. You're also stuck with making items with a max caster level of 6 that use up a maximum of 2699XP at a time, after spending 800XP to make the first thought bottle and another 500XP using that one to make a second, and assuming you're only one point away from leveling.

Anyway, you've got a sweet deal going! If your DM changes his/her mind, just pay someone (or buy a scroll) to teleport you to the nearest city where you can actually spend your money.

2015-09-16, 08:58 PM
Heh, yeah, your DM is indeed extremely permissive!

You're not kidding. Just about anything people want to do, he lets us. It's very near to TOO much freedom, I'm creating constraints/challenges on myself to make it interesting.

For some reason, I thought of going to a different PLANE before just teleporting to another city to buy bigger stuff. Well mark me as quite silly. I also didn't realize the thought bottle took 500 XP per restore, that's not quite as broken as I thought with just the one. Oh well, I'm still crafting for crazy cheap with the artisan feats.