View Full Version : Traps and other deadly things.

Theodred theOld
2015-09-15, 12:48 PM
Need some good trap suggestions for an 11th level party that consists of 2 sorcerors who love flying, a super sneak attack rogue with limited teleportation and a frenzied berserker. So far I have a room with a floor that balances on a pivot that dumps the unlucky into a 15ft. pit occupied by 2 flesh ooze ( I forget the name but they spray acid) and a room with a large fan that pushes them toward a spiked wall dripping with poison. Any other ideas from the playground?

2015-09-15, 12:56 PM
Simple traps are easy to add. I would bet that your flying Sorcerers don't have much skill with either Spot or Search. A tripwire most of the way up to the ceiling to release a scything pendulum is an old classic, just repositioned to be most dangerous to fliers. That should provide an object lesson in going where the Rogue can't Search for traps.

2015-09-15, 01:06 PM
In my current campaign I had my players run into a magic trap that cast force cage around them and then summoned two demons inside the force cage (I can't remember what demons are in the sample trap but that can be easily modified). It caught the party off-guard and created a fun, challenging, close quarters battle.

2015-09-15, 01:30 PM
I quite like this trap, and enjoyed using it against my group.


2015-09-15, 01:45 PM
"I quite like this trap, and enjoyed using it against my group."
Which kind of walls do you use some times it breaks everything to see the adventurers dig a small hole in the wall and put a bag of holding inside and enter it and other kind of simple tactics.

2015-09-15, 01:47 PM
"I quite like this trap, and enjoyed using it against my group."
Which kind of walls do you use some times it breaks everything to see the adventurers dig a small hole in the wall and put a bag of holding inside and enter it and other kind of simple tactics.

The party was level 5 or 6, I believe, and didn't have a bag of holding. I just had stone walls. I wouldn't have had a problem if they did have a better response than running from the boulder, though.

EDIT: I had the water at the end slow down the boulder a bit, which is the only reason nobody died. I probably shouldn't have let the shallow water affect the boulder.

2015-09-15, 02:14 PM
Here that is a level 11 party.
But that is still a nice trap to use on non omnipotent adventurers.

Theodred theOld
2015-09-15, 08:16 PM
I quite like this trap, and enjoyed using it against my group.

One of the party casters has rope trick. Problem solved. Encounter over. I really have to crank up the nasty to rattle these guys.