View Full Version : Optimization 3.5 Deathbringer (Lv. 10 Build @ 32 PB)

2015-09-15, 05:17 PM
Tiefling Martial Rogue Variant (UA) 7/Tiefling Paragon 3
Str: 20
Dex: 20
Con: 10
Int: 12
Wis: 6
Cha: 4
Quick and Aggressive Traits
1st Level: Dodge and Lightning Reflexes
2nd Level: Mobility
3rd Level: Stealthy
4th Level: Quick Draw +Str
6th Level: Run & Spring Attack
8th Level: Improved Critical (Scythe) +Str
9th Level: Improved Initiative
10th Level: Weapon Focus (Scythe)

2015-09-15, 05:23 PM
OK. Congratulations.

EDIT: You're missing a feat at level 1. You don't qualify for Spring Attack when you take it. You shouldn't have feats on level 8 and 10.

2015-09-15, 05:27 PM
...I assume this is supposed to be a scythe-wielding badass? If so, are you looking for how a build can be improved while sticking with this basic build focus? Are you instead looking for how the concept could be better emulated? Are you just seeking praise for your awesome build? Are you just posting this for personal reference?

What kind of responses are appropriate to this post?

2015-09-15, 05:38 PM
I'm just seeing what other people think of it. And yes it is supposed to be a scythe wielding rogue that can run past its enemies and hit them as it passes.

2015-09-15, 05:44 PM
I'm just seeing what other people think of it. And yes it is supposed to be a scythe wielding rogue that can run past its enemies and hit them as it passes.

You understand that it doesn't get sneak attack, right? So really you've got a fighter with Medium BAB, D6 Hit Die, and 8+Int in skills. That's not a bad situation, to be sure, but it also means that you don't qualify for Improved Critical at 8th (it requires +8 BAB, which rogues don't get until 11th). It's also not a 10th level build, it's 11th (because Tieflings have +1 LA). If Level Buyoff is allowed, then it drops back to 10th.

And out of curiosity, why did you take Run and Stealthy?

2015-09-16, 04:43 AM
Dodge is an incredibly weak feat. Mobility and Improved Critical can be replicated with items. Weapon Focus is mediocre, and Quick Draw doesn't serve your build at all. And Stealthy is not a very strong feat choice. Your decision to invest in both Strength and Dexterity while dumping Con means you're going to go splat real fast, and Lightning Reflexes is almost certainly unnecessary (20 dex and a good reflex save).

Your damage output without Sneak Attack or Power Attack is going to be incredibly low, you have no way of moving and full attacking so you can't reliably full attack, and Spring Attack - while not terrible - falls apart with your mediocre damage output.

I'd highly suggest reading this guide (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?156350-3-5-The-Rogue-Handbook-A-Fistful-of-d6), as it contains a lot of helpful advice on how to actually capitalize on your class features. You're presently doing 2d4+7 damage per round at level 10, while a raging Barbarian could have done that at 1 with more than (average) 40.5 health. Your low Constitution and downright awful Wisdom are going to make you incredibly vulnerable to every spell and effect that does not target reflex saves or touch AC, and you won't have the health to survive any. For reference, a level 10 Wizard - arguably an unfair comparison, but relative low-op here - using Dominate Person will have a DC of... let's be generous and say 16 int. So it's a DC 18 Will save. With your +5 bonus, you will fail this saving throw on an 11 or lower, so 55% of the time.

2015-09-16, 05:13 AM
If you want a scythe-wielding character, I suggest either going full Cleric of Nerull (Divine Power tho), or going barbarian with the Whirlwind Frenzy variant, I suggest using the Talenta Sharash from Eberron, that non-errata'd has: 1d10 base damage, reach, 18-20/x4 that has a +2 bonus to trip attempts, exotic, obviously (errata-applied changes its range to 18-20/x2), but if you can get your hands onto this, and swapping uncanny dodge for Improved trip with the Totem Barbarian (both features from SRD/UA), and perhaps the lion totem spirit from Complete Champion, you'll get the barbarian goodies (as d12, proficiency, and rage), while wielding a scythe-like weapon giving free criticals at x4 multiplier while you charge and full attack foes.

Now that is badass. It can also be done without the Talenta Sharash, but a 15-20/x4 is way too good to let down.

2015-09-16, 08:26 AM
You haven't said what you're trying to accomplish with the character. Why the Tiefling Paragon levels? They provide the following:

3/4 BAB
boost of one energy resistance from +5 to +10
Darkness SLA increased from 1/day to 3/day
all good saves
4 + INT mod skill points
a fairly limited class skill list
+2 DEX

Most of these are unimpressive. You can get Darkness increased to 3/day with Magic in the Blood (Player's Guide to Faerūn, page 40) at level 1. Sticking with Rogue would give you the same 3/4 BAB and much better skill points and skill list; you'd also get a Rogue Special Ability at level 10. You can get 3/4 BAB and all good saves with 3 levels of either Monk or Favored Soul (Complete Divine, pages 6-10), with Monk giving you Improved Unarmed Strike and 2 other bonus feats; and Favored Soul giving you (effectively) Exotic/Martial Weapon Proficiency and Weapon Focus with your deity's favored weapon, plus full spellcasting. Chauntea and Jergal have scythe as their favored weapons, if that's what you're going for. (Personally, I'd opt for Kossuth and spiked chain.)