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2007-05-14, 04:19 PM
This thread is designed to showcase crazy and interesting ways to combine items to produce silly effects.

So, a friend of mine mentioned this:

Take three decanters of endless water, three adamantine chains, and an immovable rod. Place the rod (immovably!) somewhere and attach each decanter to the rod using the adamantine chains. Activate the decanters at full blast. The immovable rod can't move, and the adamantine chains can't be broken. You could flood a city in no time!

Every fire department in DnD should have access to this equipment, it fits in a knapsack and sets up powerful jets of water anywhere! Also, since the decanters only produce a force against the center (the rod,) any tangential force (or slight push) on the decanters can change the direction of the jet. You could set up the rod vertically in a room, and push the streaming decanters around, flushing jets in any direction! And nobody has to make a strength check.

Unless, of course, the handles on the decanters were off-center, then the powerful blasts would create forces that DIDN'T only act against the rod, so the decanters would spin around and around the rod, spraying water everywhere, and anyone who got close to it would have to make a Str check to even stay in place. Then nobody could turn it off! Hilarious!

2007-05-14, 04:34 PM
(For the record, adamantine can be broken).

Put a portable hole on the front of a tower shield. Perform shield bashes as necessary.

2007-05-14, 04:44 PM
(For the record, adamantine can be broken).

Put a portable hole on the front of a tower shield. Perform shield bashes as necessary.

Hmm, portable hole on the front of the shield, but with a barred grid over it.

Inside the hole is a hungry, angry and dangerous creature.

Charge into battle, smash some people about with the shield, agitating the contained creature further, before pointing it at someone and opening the cage door...

2007-05-14, 04:45 PM
get an item (forget what it's called) that creates breathable air (vial of air???)

put it into a bag of holding

put people in your bag of holding

carry an army on your back


get a shovel, a cleric, a bag of holding, and a graveyard..

do the math

2007-05-14, 04:52 PM
A bag of holding and a halfling is always funny. Always. I dunno if a halfling counts as an item, of course.

2007-05-14, 04:58 PM
For that matter, the decanter of endless water doesn't add up.

"Geyser" produces a 20-foot-long, 1-foot-wide stream at 30 gallons per round.

Assuming it's a cylindrical stream, that's 15.707 Cubic feet.

Now, in Imperial measurements (For the Queen!) a cubic foot is 6.23 gallons.

So that's a total of about 97.85 gallons.

SO, either the water shoots out in spurts, OR it moves at a speed of around a foot a second, yet still remains in a stream.

Emperor Tippy
2007-05-14, 04:59 PM
Well this is kinda silly item but also silly spell.

Look at Smokey Confinement from Complete Mage.

It allows you to make what are essentially Pok-e-balls.

Another good trick is to attack 2 ring gates to your shield, 1 on top of the other so that anyone attacking you goes through the ring gate and the attack comes right back out at them.

This works great against blaster mages because you can turn their rays back at them with just a readied action.

The other good one is if you read the description of a Bag of Holding all of is contents are forced out. That would include air. When you turn it right side out and hold it open you have 250 cubic feet of vacuum.

2007-05-14, 05:01 PM
I know its been said plenty of times, but a bag of holding and a portable hole suicide bomber is always funny.

build a citys sewer system like a funnel and get an orb of destruction at the bottom. no more sitting sewage, no more sewer critters. also, the theives guild all need maxed balance skill to keep from becoming a victim of the sewage system if they want to make a base in the sewers. a decanter of endless water or two on the edges of the system (posibly a rich persons continual flush system?) might rinse the sewers all the time.

fill a bag of holding with smoke fro the endlessly smoking bottle (duno real name) and turn the bag inside out for a huge cloud.

Emperor Tippy
2007-05-14, 05:03 PM
I've made cities with Decanter of Water plumbing systems and Disintegrating sewers. It was fun but some of the players didn't think it fit with the setting it was in.

2007-05-14, 05:14 PM
Two fun items to place on your shield:

1. Mirror of Opposition. I don't think this one needs a whole lot of explanation. It's especially fun to watch the high-level evil wizard be destroyed by his mirror twin. This one doesn't have to be placed on a shield to work, but it's a convenient spot for it.

2. Bag of Devouring. Sure, it's not likely to manage to drag anything really big in, but still... it grapples enemies who hit you with natural weapons. Combine with shield bashes. Not all that effective, but funny.

2007-05-14, 08:38 PM
Bags of Devouring and the party halfling (sleeping). Now thats a funny combination!

Fat Daddy
2007-05-14, 08:48 PM
Flying Carpet+Portable Hole+10' Ladder+Wand of Fireballs= Hovertank.

2007-05-14, 09:07 PM
Maybe casting a Symbol of Insanity on the fighter's/cleric's/paladin's shield? :smallwink:

My group is not very creative in (mis)use of magic itens :(

The Faceless
2007-05-14, 10:28 PM
2. Bag of Devouring. Sure, it's not likely to manage to drag anything really big in, but still... it grapples enemies who hit you with natural weapons. Combine with shield bashes. Not all that effective, but funny.

Hell, the bag of devouring is a great item if you think a little. enlarge it and use as a pit trap, slip it into someones hood, tie it to the end of a ten foot pole and try to net people over the head with it, modify it to be an arrowhead, swap it for a bad guys regular purse.

i was going to suggest animate object, but then i remembered that it has to be nonmagical. which is a shame, because a bag of devouring loyally hopping after a wizard is a rather endearing image.

as for item combinations... an immovable rod ladder is fun and practical. alchemists fire as the head of a bolt or arrow is always good for a laugh. or create an orbit base by buying a mansion, using nailed to the sky on it, teleporting up with bottles of air for the required supply, and decanters of endless water to use as propulsion. enjoy

2007-05-15, 04:01 AM
The Floating Hole (possibly of Doom) (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=35035&highlight=floating+hole).

Note the Water-Powered Repeating Crossbow with Endless Ammunition on page two by yours truly.

2007-05-15, 04:49 AM
Hell, the bag of devouring is a great item if you think a little. enlarge it and use as a pit trap, slip it into someones hood, tie it to the end of a ten foot pole and try to net people over the head with it, modify it to be an arrowhead, swap it for a bad guys regular purse.

i was going to suggest animate object, but then i remembered that it has to be nonmagical. which is a shame, because a bag of devouring loyally hopping after a wizard is a rather endearing image.

Get a normal, nonmagical bag and some Sovereign Glue.
Glue the Bag of Devouring to the inside of the normal bag, paying special attention to the mouth area.
Animate the normal bag.

2007-05-15, 05:07 AM
The Decanter of Endless water reminds me of the time a DM gave my wizard a Decanter of Endless Water and then sent the group to Dark Sun about 4 sessions later. He forgot I had it and I was running quite abit of mess with it.

2007-05-15, 06:33 AM
Bird Feather Token + Explosive Runes.

The Tree Feather Token seems like it might be the funnest item ever. I can see someone chucking them around inside rouses of people you don't like, or subterranean ruins, or as a cheap counter to Portable Holes.

2007-05-15, 06:37 AM
10 bags of holding inside each other. Just seems whacky

Emperor Tippy
2007-05-15, 06:52 AM
Yeah The Tree Tokens are one of the best items ever made.

2007-05-15, 07:09 AM
Fletch a Tree Feather Token into an arrow, fire at BBEG.

Does he end up under the resulting tree, or caught in the branches and squished against the ceiling? Either way.

Mr. Moogle
2007-05-15, 08:37 AM
A party i once played for had a tree token happy wizard. he would use mage hand to move the token inot the air and activate it. It usualy would crush what it fell on, hint hint.

2007-05-15, 09:02 AM
My group really hasn't found anything too silly yet. Though one thing someone in our group did find out that a Smokestick and Tindertwig can be used in the same round, so you can get a ninja vanish going there.

2007-05-15, 09:09 AM
Our party recently witnessed the (natural) death of a small towns elderly lord. They used Unguent of Timelessness on him and now the Bard rules the town through Ventriloquism.

2007-05-15, 10:37 PM
Two endless decanters of water strapped to roller skates= rocket water skates.

Wile E Coyote would be proud.

2007-05-16, 12:03 AM
(For the record, adamantine can be broken)

Also for the record, and "immovable rod", contrary to its name, can be moved...


2007-05-16, 12:25 AM
Same deal as the rocket water skates, sort of: A number of Decanters of Endless water sovereign glued to a rowboat: Motorboat.

Or, if you wanted to figure out the craft DC, a Jet Ski.

2007-05-16, 08:25 AM
Have a small metal vial enchanted +1 armor, and a small pearl inside with a create water at will at cl 20, and you have your very own pressure washer, or as a friend dubbed it, the Canadian long sword.

Meat Shield
2007-05-16, 09:45 AM
Our party recently witnessed the (natural) death of a small towns elderly lord. They used Unguent of Timelessness on him and now the Bard rules the town through Ventriloquism.

Oooooo, that's goooooooooooooooooood........