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View Full Version : Carrion Crown (Neutral and Evil group)

The Gentlemen
2015-09-16, 01:35 PM
It is a dark and gloomy affair to mourn the dead and lay them to rest, but it is a necessity in the town of Harrowstone. Five figures stand together, one of which being Kendra Lorrimor, the daughter of the deceased. Her eyes are red and puffy and she dresses in dark, conservative clothes. No one else has shown up to give respect to her dead father, except four.

A group has gathered at the entrance to the restlands, in front of them lies the coffin of the late Petros Lorrimor, a professor whom all gathered have known. The group of five stand silent, until Kendra speaks, "My father needs pallbearers. I would request that you, who knew him in life, carry him to his final resting place in death."

OOC Thread (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?442045-The-Haunting-of-Harrowstone-(Pathfinder-quot-evil-quot-group)&p=19816814#post19816814)

http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=559219 Onashu
http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=295208 Metroid
http://charactersheet.co.uk/pathfind...c87203007c8b9e Anubis Dread
http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=558719 MiningDwarf

Anubis Dread
2015-09-16, 02:16 PM
Adrianna tried and failed to stifle a yawn. This was irritating. Though it would have been more irritating to not attend. She'd done a few jobs for the Professor in the past. Just simple escort jobs from point a to point b. It was easy work, and the Professor wasn't too bad a client. He was quiet. She liked quiet. It meant she could just walk without bothering to chat and go to bed early without anyone wanting to talk to her. But apparently that had translated to 'her knowing the deceased' when his daughter tracked her down since she was in town anyway. Turning her down and getting her to break into tears or scolding was more bothersome than just showing up, so here she was.

Thankfully all she realled needed to do was stand here. Standing was easy. Sure she'd had to do some minor work. Her armor had to be cleaned and colored black, and her clothes did too. Since they were black she just got away with wearing clothes that were somewhat ratty and a little too big for her, because they were more comfortable like that. But hey, they were black, so it was still okay. Even if it took less than a minute to get them all black with the help of a minor cantrip. It still counted. Enough that she could afford to just keep her head in its bed mess loosely tied. Doing hair was a hassle, even if leaving it like this made it look like she had a crow on her head. Screw that noise.

But now she was being roped into one last escort job. That was a huge pain. Turning it down when she already showed up though would mean she'd need to explain why she didn't want to do it. Then there'd be an argument. Then there'd be pleading and begging. That was way too much hassel. It was easier just to get the others to carry the damn thing and head off with them to wherever they'd be going. She needed to move on anyway, so it wasn't like she'd be going out of her way. It'd be inconvenient, not hard.

"Alright," Adrianna replied simply, stifling another yawn.

2015-09-16, 02:39 PM
Blast, thought the tall man with the tall collar stood staring at the coffin on the ground. He was deeply saddened by what he saw. Not that he was personally close to the professor. He had, however, worked closely with the man when his master was still alive. He had been an excellent source of knowledge and learning.

He absent-mindlessly tugged at his collar, trying to straighten it (even though it was already straightened) while lost in thought. When Lorrimor's daughter spoke up he almost didn't hear her, so distracted by whatever he was thinking. "Hmmm? Sorry, what? Oh." He realized she had asked them to carry her father.

Azzo Verrat looked around at the rest of the three who had gathered, trying to guess why each one had come to see the late professor off. "Yes, well, I would be honored to bear him with the rest of you."

2015-09-16, 03:41 PM
Francis looked down at the body in the coffin before him. He had seen many dead bodies in his time and had seen many coffins but for the first time in a long time he felt true and genuine sorrow for the one inside it. He had known he would outlive the professor, if he played his cards right he would easily outlive everyone around him, but that thought did not console him.

His hand pulled his black hair out of his face his fingers brushing against the exaggeratedly pointed ears that made up his elven disguise. He could feel the looks he got when he was coming here, for even entering the town looking like an elf, but those looks were infinitely better than those he would get without his disguise. That was why he would miss the professor. The professor had been the only one to accept him for what he was, the only one to help him with his quest in spite of that.

He was practically touching the coffin he was so close when the professor's daughter called for pole bearers. Yes. This is my chance to repay you.. for all that you have done for me I will carry you to your final resting place.` Francis thought. "It would be an honor and a privilege to carry our dearly departed." He hooked an arm under the pole and made ready to lift waiting for his fellow pole bearers to get into place.

2015-09-17, 06:19 AM
Emeria stood there, staring at the coffin. She was still contemplating why the old man had sought her out of all people. Surely he had had better friends then her. She had only met him on the road and saved him from a handful of goblins. The two had chatted but she just doesn't get it.

Upon hearing Kendra speak Emeria moved silently to the side of the coffin ready to hoist.

The Gentlemen
2015-09-17, 07:58 AM
The four figures settle into place, grabbing hold of the coffin, and lifting as one. Kendra moves in front of the coffin and begins walking slowly, leading the way to the cemetery.

"Thank you for accepting my request, not just for lifting my father to his grave, but for even coming with me to begin with. I know that some of you do not know the professor very well, some of you probably do not consider yourselves friends with my father, but I appreciate it. I know two of you have real reason to be here, yet I can guess that the other two do not. I still thank you all the same, and will admit my father was strangely adamant that I find you specifically to help with his burial. He mentioned you all by name, but he never gave me a reason before his ... death. We should be arriving soon. Father Grimburrow and a pair of diggers are waiting for us, but we have all the time we need to move my fathers body. It is tradition.

As Kendra continues to speak while on the journey to the gravesite, you can see a large group of townsmen waiting up ahead. Among them is a tall man who looks old, yet somehow has a sense of energy about him. As you notice the group, he steps forward, raises his hand and speaks.

You may step into this conversation at any time, if you do so, please identify when you interject.

"That’s far enough. We been talking, and we don’t want Lorrimor
buried in the Restlands. You can take him upriver and bury him
there if you want, but he ain’t goin’ in the ground here!”

Kendra is swift to respond, her sadness swiftly transforming into anger.

“What are you talking about? I arranged it with Father Grimburrow. He’s waiting for us! The grave’s already been...”

“You don’t get it, woman. We won’t have a necromancer buried in the same place as our kin. I suggest you move out while you still can. Folks are pretty upset about this right now.”

“Necromancy!? Are you really that ignorant?”

2015-09-17, 10:12 AM
“You don’t get it, woman. We won’t have a necromancer buried in the same place as our kin. I suggest you move out while you still can. Folks are pretty upset about this right now.”

Oh boy this is going to get real confusing real fast :smalltongue:

Francis looks at the townsmen blocking their path with disdain. Once the crowd's intent to deny they professor his deserved burial becomes clear Francis speaks up. Addressing the townsfolk Francis says "It seems to me that you are the interlopers here. Lady Kendra has the permission of this town's holyman surely that should be enough for you?" Francis bites his tongue to keep himself from adding a threat. I know for a fact that the professor was no Necromancer. If anyone, I would know. he thinks his thoughts turning angry and indignant at these people's ignorance. "You have no basis for such accusations!" Francis shouts at the crowd. "Show me some wight or ghoul risen by the professor's hand!?" When they don't immediately point one out Francis continues. "As I thought..." Francis says quickly. "Now please allow us to bury your neighbor as he deserves to be."

The Gentlemen
2015-09-17, 10:44 AM
You are incredibly lucky. Diplomacy check succeeds, the men back off without a fight. All of you earn 12 Exp and have improved your standing with the town

The men look at Francis, yet no one makes a move. The one who spoke opens his mouth to retort, but quickly shuts it after looking around at the crowd. Their faces show doubt, not much, but its there.

"Fine, if you and your group of bloody outsiders wants to get in our business, then you'll quickly find we ain't friendly. Only reason i'm backing off is cause of Ms. Lorrimor here. Leave town, we don't want you here."

The man backs off, turning and walking through the crowd away from your group. The crowd watches him go, looks back to you, then follows after a moments hesitation.

Kendra watches them go, then turns to Francis.

"thank you for resolving that peacefully, if you had hurt them them it would just make their behavior worse in the future. I apologize for their actions, but everyone has been tense lately. Let us be off to the cemetery."

The group starts off once more, arriving to find a old man in dark robes holding a large tome. At his side are two men in dark clothing with shovels.
There are a few villagers waiting behind them, standing before the hole in the ground that could only be a grave. The group moves to the grave and carefully sets the coffin within, then backs away to allow Father Grimburrow and Kendra to speak.

"Spirits, both passed and not, please protect the fallen before us in death, and allow him to pass forth with not a heavy heart of regret, but one of fulfillment and peace. So it is said, so it has been said, so it shall always be said."

The Father steps back from the grave, allowing Kendra to replace him.

"My father was a man of knowledge, a man who strove to do what was right, and only what was right, with information he had obtained himself. He never believed in puzzles which were unsolvable, and he always aimed to help. My father, the professor, was a great man. I won't give a long speech, nor will I make my father seem like more or less than what he was. What he was is simple, he was a man who offered peace instead of war, and reached his hand forward to help instead of harm. I loved him dearly...and.."

Kendra breaks off, unable to continue, and moves back to the crowd, wiping her eyes as she goes.

"If those who have come to lay his body to rest would say a few words, I feel like Lady Lorrimor would likely appreciate it."

This is an opportunity to mention how you know the professor, and flesh out your backstory more so. If you make your tale compelling enough, you will earn trust with the townspeople, and improve your standing with those present.

2015-09-17, 11:01 AM
When the townsfolk mention the powers of necromancy, Azzo's eyes widen for a moment before he quickly controls his expression. A necromancer?! Now it is even more dire that my mission is successful. He continues carrying the coffin once the townsfolk reluctantly leave.

On the way to the grave site, Azzo waits for an opportunity to be closer to Kendra and starts up a conversation, "Kendra, has your father been accused of necromancy before? What is the basis of these accusations?"

He discusses this for a while with her while they walk. Upon reaching the grave and lowering the coffin in, he backs up and listens to the now father-less woman speak greatly of her father. Once she finished, Azzo steps forward and clears his throat, pulling at his waistcoat to straighten it.

"Yes, Kendra, your father was a great man. He was incredibly intelligent and full of knowledge. My mentor and I worked closely with Professor Lorrimar for a time, until my master also recently passed away. Now the world is without two great minds, and it seems a darker place for it. I can only hope some day I will as knowledgeable as even half of one of these men."

With that he steps back to let others say their final words. He pulls out a bar of soap, dropping a splash of water from his waterskin into his hands and scrubs them clean while waiting.

Anubis Dread
2015-09-17, 11:21 AM
Things were looking up. They got through those idiots without breaking a sweat, they dropped the body in the ground, and now all they needed to do was stand around for the rest of the funeral. The perfect chance for a little discrete nap-standing. Adrianna was good at nap-standing. Came with being a guard for all those years.

Just when she was getting comfortable though they requested they all say something. Man that was a pain. But it was better to get it out of the way first and get back to relaxing than go last and have to wait on everyone else. Sighing, Adrianna ambled over to say some words.

"Yeah all that stuff is true," Adrianna replied. "The Professor was smart and simple and all that. He was also pretty generous, going by the pay he gave us when I was escorting him around. Actually did some of the camp chores too, despite the fact he was paying us and didn't need to do squat if he didn't want to. That was pretty cool of him. Quiet though. That's good though. I mean better quiet than yapping about nothing all the time, yeah? I guess the Professor was sort of... comfortable to be around. I didn't know him much, but I kind of looked forward to the time we did spend together, and looked back on the time we did spend pretty fondly. Kind of wished I knew him a bit better come to think of it. Or maybe not. What I did know was pretty great, knowing more may have ruined the magic. I do wish I could have spent more time with him though."

2015-09-17, 02:30 PM
Whoo Diplomacy Check! Thank goodness for weak-willed townspeople :smallbiggrin: I totally was gonna resort to threathening them if that didn't work :smalltongue:

Francis nodded to Adrianna then took up where she left off. Leaving Azzo and Kendra to their conversation. "The Professor was a good man, to some of us he was quiet." Francis glanced at Adrianna. "For me, he spoke. He was kind to me even when I was a stranger to him. He accepted me for what I am at a time in my life when acceptance was something I sorely lacked. He taught me how to defend myself against the very undead monsters they accused him of cavorting with. I'll never forget everything he's done for me." Francis turns to the coffin. "I don't imagine I'll be able to say this to your face again. Thank you, for everything Professor." Francis closes his eyes for a moment before walking off.

2015-09-17, 05:24 PM
As the last person Emeria steps forward to say a few words the wind catching her hair and pulling it out to the side and out of her face. Standing there in her simple clothes she spoke out to the rest of the group.

"I honestly only new the Wizard a little, we were traveling down the same road some time ago and started chatting. It was to pass the time as the walk would take us a lot further and we had nothing to do. As we walked a group of goblins came upon us and we together fought them off. He thanked me and bought me a meal at the inn we stayed at that night. That's how we met, he was a kind man and it is sad to see him go."

The Gentlemen
2015-09-17, 05:52 PM
Diplomacy check successful. reputation has gone up. you are now at 10%

As the group finishes their words, Father Grimburrow address the rest of the crowd, bidding them adieu, and giving the signal to disperse. Kendra stays for a few moments to thank those who came, then eventually walks back to the group.

"Thank you , once more for this. I would like to invite you all over for tea, and more importantly my father's will. I have not seen it, but I know you are all included, he told me of this before he ... suffered his accident. Let us be off."

The group follows Kendra to her late father's old home. Within are numerous bookshelves overflowing with scrolls and books, some of which look ancient. She leads you all to the living room, which has several chairs. An elderly man is sitting upon one such chair, seeming to have been waiting for you to arrive.

"Ah, Councilman Hearthmount, i thought you were to arrive an hour from now?"

Councilman Hearthmount, looks at Kendra, then glances at the group following behind her. It is not difficult to see his distaste in your presence, but he makes no comment.

"I found myself able to arrive early, and thought I would get this over with quickly without much fuss. I have your father's will here, along with the paper stipulating that I cannot open it without four others being present." He turns towards you, "Are you Adrianna Arcanus, Azzo Verrat, Francis Sanguine, and the one known only as Emeria?"

The group nods, prompting the man to continue. Councilman Vashian produces a scroll case, shows that the professor’s personal seal is unbroken, then breaks the wax and opens the case. As he does, a small iron key falls out of the tube, clattering noisily onto the table. Undaunted by the key, the councilman begins to read, eager to be done with the business and to get back home.

“I, Petros Lorrimor, being of sound mind, do hereby commit to this parchment my last will and testament. Let it be known that, with the exception of the specific details below, I leave my home and personal belongings entire to my daughter Kendra. Use them or sell them as you see fit, my child.

“Yet beyond the bequeathing of my personal effects, this document must serve other needs. I have arranged for the reading of this document to be delayed until all principals can be in attendance, for I have more than mere inheritance to apportion. I have two final favors to ask.

“To my old friends, I hate to impose upon you all, but there are few others who are capable of appreciating the true significance of what it is I have to ask. As some of you know, I have devoted many of my studies to all manner of evil, that I might know the enemy and inform those better positioned to stand against it. For knowledge of one’s enemy is the surest path to victory over its plans.

“And so, over the course of my lifetime, I have seen fit to acquire a significant collection of valuable but dangerous tomes, any one of which in the wrong circumstances could have led to an awkward legal situation. While the majority of these tomes remain safe under lock and key at the Lepidstadt University, I fear that a few I have borrowed remain in a trunk in my Ravengro home. While invaluable for my work in life, in death, I would prefer not to burden my daughter with the darker side of my profession, or worse still, the danger of possessing these tomes herself. As such, I am entrusting my chest of tomes to you, posthumously. I ask that you please deliver the collection to my colleagues at the University of Lepidstadt, who will put them to good use for the betterment of the cause.

“Yet before you leave for Lepidstadt, there is the matter of another favor—please delay your journey one month and spend that period of time here in Ravengro to ensure that my daughter is safe and sound. She has no one to count on now that I am gone, and if you would aid her in setting things in order for whatever she desires over the course of this month, you would have my eternal gratitude. From my savings, I have also willed to each of you a sum of one hundred platinum coins. For safekeeping, I have left these funds with Embreth Daramid, one of my most trusted friends in Lepidstadt—she has been instructed to issue this payment upon the safe delivery of the borrowed tomes no sooner than one month after the date of the reading of this will.

“I, Petros Lorrimor, hereby sign this will in Ravengro on this first day of Calistril, in the year 1723."

With the will read, the councilman bids you all goodbye, and turns to leave, only stopping as Kendra thanks him for his service. Kendra turns to the group.

"I do not know if I will sell this house, but I wish to wait a few weeks to decide if I will stay in Harrowstone or not. If you will give me a few minutes I need to find the chest that key goes to. i will be back shortly."

Kendra rises and exits the room, leaving the group to talk amongst themselves.

Kendra will be gone for some time, you should use this time to get to know the group.

Anubis Dread
2015-09-17, 06:05 PM
Evil books of dark magic huh? Adrianna felt her interest peaked. There was little to no effort in just reading, and doing things that were normally forbidden was something that appealed to her. It was basically sticking it to the man with no effort or planning, the best way possible. She could probably read off a couple of tomes in the month they had. Even ignoring the pay Kendra would be obligated to give them room and board since they were protecting her, which meant she could have a nice place to stay and free grub for no money. Sure she needed to actually GUARD the girl, but there was a reason she was the master of nap-standing.

Nodding in satisfaction at how things had turned out, Adrianna began to work out what she could spend all that money on. But she wasn't really all that good at math. Well she was decent at it, but she'd never had that much money so didn't really know how far it would go. "Do you know how big a house and how many slaves that could get?" Adrianna asked the others with a thoughtful frown, though she was just staring in front of her instead of actually looking at them. Moving her neck was too much trouble.

2015-09-17, 06:21 PM
As the rest of the group gathers to follow Kendra back to her home, Azzo steps aside. "I will meet you shortly, I wish to spend a few more moments with the professor." With that he walks back to the grave site and stares mournfully at the headstone, spinning his necklace around to make it face forward.


After some time Azzo walks into the house, it appears just in time. The councilman seems to have just asked if the four of them were the ones mentioned in the will. Azzo nodded and listened with a great deal of interest as the late professor's will was read.

A growing excitement stirred the young apprentice from his mournful stupor as the will described the tomes left to the four of them. The excitement was briefly suppressed having learned the tomes were to be delivered to the university. Despite this, he had hope.

Once Kendra leaves, he turns to the other three. Smiling ruefully, he states, "I do hope all of us have planned for a month away from whatever prior responsibilities we had. I will be sad to be away from my research for so long, though I did bring some of my tomes with me. Simply not enough, not enough..." His eyes unfocus for a moment and he seems to be staring at nothing, lost in thought, but he is quickly brought back to the present, "Ah yes, I am Azzo Verrat, wizard's apprentice to the late Master Sifeus. Are any of spell casters of any kind?" His eyes take on a despairing appearance and he frowns slightly, "Oh I do hope I am not the only one interested in the arcane arts here."

With Adrianna's comment, Azzo appears taken aback, "Slaves? You mean living human slaves? My, my, I do not believe I am interested in purchasing slaves, no. I would like to spend my earnings on purchasing books to fuel my research, and, oh! Even some scrolls of powerful magic!"

Anubis Dread
2015-09-17, 06:52 PM
Adrianna rolls her eyes so hard they practically flip around in her head. "Magic is so troublesome," she sighed. "It's a bunch of making noises and learning stuff day in day out until you're old and exhausted and forget why you were learning it in the first place. All so you can look down on people who don't learn magic and say you're better than them. Mages are a**holes," she emphasizes. "It's not like EVERYONE can learn magic. Some people just don't have the knack or the patience. Some people just do better with physical stuff. Or sleeping. I'm good at sleeping," she notes.

They were introducing each other? That was a pain. "Adrianna Arcanus. And unlike you I prefer a good bed and a massage over some weird books. I want to read those books just because if we're not supposed to they must be kind of interesting, but other than that..." she shrugs.

2015-09-17, 07:09 PM
Azzo's eyes brighten as Adrianna speaks, "Ah, you do not have any desire to learn magic? Great, then I suppose you will not be needing your magical essence anymore. And you like sleeping? Good, I will simply suck it out of you while you sleep." He waits a moment, unsmiling, before grinning wryly at her.

Anubis Dread
2015-09-17, 07:20 PM
"...eh, whatever," Adrianna shrugs, leaning back in her seat and closing her eyes. "So long as you leave enough I can cast a simple spell or two I don't really care. Not using it for much anyway."

2015-09-17, 08:27 PM
"I do hope that was a joke Azzo stealing is usually frowned upon in modern societies." Emeria says to the wizard. "If we are introducing ourselves than I am Emeria. A monk from the monastery outside of Brevoy, and that arcane nonsense is of no use to me azzo what matters in the world is inner focus and the pursuit of perfection. "

2015-09-17, 11:18 PM
Francis stays quiet listening to the others talk around him as he digests what he has heard. One last favor for an old friend then. One month is hardly any time at all to me. If the people of this town will have me it shouldn't be too bad. Francis goes to address his new found companions realizing that he had already missed some portion of their conversation lost in thought. "While I have no personal problem with the finer points of Necromancy and those who practice it. I would hold off on sucking her soul, she seems to still be in the middle of using it. My name is Francis, you might say I am from the capital, though I have not been there in many years so you might as equally not. I have been traveling on a personal quest of sorts. If knowledge is power than I seek to become the most knowledgeable person there is. Lately my quest has brought me to attain knowledge of the spiritual. I am a cleric, though not of any god as far as I know." Francis looks around at his new acquaintances. "I would be interested in exchanging what we know, any knowledge I do not possess is knowledge worth learning." There wasn't much point to learning about most of their interests, Save for what they could tell him about magic, but it never hurt to be friendly.

The Gentlemen
2015-09-18, 09:02 AM
Kendra enters the room carrying relatively small chest of oak and iron. She sets it down and picks up the key, then puts it into the lock The key f its the lock perfectly, and within are several old tomes and one relatively new one. The newest tome sits on the top and bears the phrase “Read me now!” scratched into the leather cover. Also within are several tomes which could only be the dangerous books mentioned in the will. Three of these have notes tucked into them indicating that they should be delivered to one Montagnie Crowl, a professor of antiquities at Lepidstadt University. The fourth, Manual of the Order of the Palatine Eye, has a note indicating it should be delivered to Embreth Daramid, a judge at the Lepidstadt Courthouse, though it does say to handle it discretely. The titles of the books are as followed.

Manual of the Order of the Palatine Eye
On Verified Madness
Serving Your Hunger
The Umbral Leaves

As you look upon the books, Kendra looks at one of the titles and seems to become uncomfortable, averting her gaze. She instead looks to the book which has the note, grabbing hold of it and opening the pages.

"What? This is my father's journal, but why would it be in the chest?"

Kendra seems surprised, than offers you the journal. One of your member grabs the book and allows the rest to read it, noting that there are several entries circled in red ink.

Ten Years Ago:
The Whispering Way is more than just a cabal of necromancers. I see that now. Undeath is their
fountain of youth. Uncovering their motivation does not place me at ease as I thought it might.
Their desire to be eternal simply makes them more dangerous.
Two Months Ago:
It is as I had feared. The Way is interested in something here in Ravengro. But what could it be?
One Month Ago:
Whatever the Way seeks, I am now convinced their goal is connected to Harrowstone. In retrospect,
I suppose it all makes sense—the stories they tell about the ruins in town are certainly chilling
enough. It may be time to investigate the ruins, but with everyone in town already being so worked
up about them, I’d rather not let the others know about my curiosity—there’s plenty of folks
hereabouts who already think I’m a demonologist or a witch or something. Ignorant fools.
Twenty Days Ago:
It is confirmed. The Way seems quite interested in something—no, strike that—someone who was
held in Harrowstone. But who, specifically, is the Way after? I need a list of everyone who died
the night of the fire. Everyone. The Temple of Pharasma must have such a list.
Eighteen Days Ago:
I see now just how ill prepared I was when I last set out for the Harrowstone. I am lucky
to have returned at all. The ghosts, if indeed they were ghosts (for I did not find it prudent to
investigate further) prevented me from transcribing the strange symbols I found etched along the
foundation—hopefully on my next visit I will be more prepared. Thankfully, the necessary tools to
defend against spirits are already here in Ravengro. I know that the church of Pharasma used to
store them in a false crypt in the Restlands at the intersection between Eversleep and the Black
Path. I am not certain if the current clergy even know of what their predecessors have hidden down
below. If my luck holds, I should be able to slip in and out with a few borrowed items.
Seventeen Days Ago:
Tomorrow evening I return to the prison. It is imperative the Way does not finish. My caution
has already cost me too much time. I am not sure what will happen if I am too late, but if my
theory is right, the entire town could be at risk. I don’t have time to update my will, so I’ll
leave this in the chest where it’ll be sure to be found, should the worst come to pass.

"I'm honestly unsure what to do after reading this, though you may do as you like. I will provide you rooms and a place to live for the month, but I do not have any real activities for you to do here. You can read, I suppose, and may use my father's collection free of charge, but simply staying within will not make the villagers trust you. In the end it does not matter, your actions are your own, and mine are mine. I will leave you to your planning, and hopefully this month will be to long for you."

Kendra once again rises to leave, this time disappearing behind a door seemingly hidden by a bookshelf. Your group has many choices now, and your choices have impact.

You have choices on what to do now. You can head into town to listen for rumors or to help people to gain the trust of the town, or you can stay here and study the tomes. You can do anything at this point. the story will now be driven by you and your choices, rather than my railroading plot earlier. choose wisely

Anubis Dread
2015-09-18, 09:27 AM
"Huh," was all Adrianna thought to say, looking over the books in the chest while the journal was read. Seems the Professor had gotten into some hot water. Well it wasn't any of her business. All she needed to do was stand around for a month to get paid, so no reason to do any more work than strictly necessary.

Figuring she liked eating, Adrianna pulled out the Serving Your Hunger tome and began to flip through it. Hopefully the others would agree that they should just sit tight, but arguing about it was too much effort.

2015-09-18, 10:15 AM
Going over the professor's journal Francis' interest is perked when he hears about the Way. Would they revere him as part undead or hate him like everyone else he contemplated seeking one out but then decided against it, if they were interested in the prison it stands to reason he should stay nearby to increase his odds of finding them. That false crypt seemed like the perfect place to start, Francis made a note to commandeer what it had to offer silently hoping he would count as human enough that their protections against the undead would not do him undue harm as well.

Spotting the Serving your Hunger tome and immediately thinking of his progenitor Francis makes a note to read the book as soon as Adrianna is done with it. I was able to talk the townspeople down once but there was no telling how my luck would fare again. Francis thinks. Instead of picking up a book right away Francis goes over to speak to Azzo. "If what you said about sucking souls has any grounding in reality rather than as a joke, I would like to hear more about your experience with Necromancy. It will at least give us something to talk about over the coming month." His voice goes low as he continues so that the others do not overhear. "If you would not mind accompanying me, I think it prudent that we continue where the professor left off in his investigation of this prison he mentions. If you are as skilled with necromancy as you claim then the two of us should have no problem fending off what lurks in there. Think about it then tell me what you decide."

After their brief chat he turns to Adrianna. "Excuse me, when you're done with that book, may I read it?" Francis asks with a small close-lipped smile on his face to hide his notably longer than average canines. While he waits Francis finally does pick up a book and starts reading Manual of the Order of the Palantine Eye.

The Gentlemen
2015-09-18, 10:17 AM
Adrianna opened the book, yet what met her eyes had nothing to do with food. Instead, it was a description of the various rituals and the like related the the unholy goddess Urgathoa, goddess of physical excess, disease, and the undead. Lorrimor's notes cover pages, and on the first page he has placed a description of the church of Urgathoa:

"Urgathoa's priests are primarily composed of clerics and necromancers. They have few responsibilities to uphold, other than helping those who desire undeath, and protection of their own. Understandably, they often are secretive of their religious inclining in public. The priests have been known to compel their enemies to eat their own fallen comrades.[4] The ceremonial clothes of Urgathoa's worshipers are a loose, floor-length, gray tunic, with a white or gray cape. The lower half of the tunic is usually shredded. Most ceremonies involve consuming great amounts of food and drink"

A few more pages in, she finds a description of how to create an Necrotic Talisman, along with a note on what such an item is.

"A necrotic talisman is a holy symbol that can be worn by intelligent undead. When this happens, clerics find it harder to channel or turn these undead. The talismans are made by clerics of Urgathoa, imbuing unholy talismans with negative energy during their desecration."

Further in, the text becomes unreadable, changing to a language Adrianna does not know.

The Gentlemen
2015-09-18, 10:21 AM
Francis tries to open the book, yet finds himself unable to. the book has a lock on the front, and a key is nowhere to be found.

Anubis Dread
2015-09-18, 10:41 AM
"Go nuts," Adrianna sighs, literally tossing the book at Francis as she picks up On Verified Madness in the hopes of there being something USEFUL in there. "Nothing useful in there if you're not a vampire or something. Most of it is just gibberish."

Adrianna decides to just not say anything about heading off to the... the... wait a minute. "This prison is supposed to be abandoned right?" she asked as she flipped through the book. "As in we can just take it if we clear it out?" A prison wasn't exactly the ideal manor, but a free house was a free house.

2015-09-18, 10:44 AM
"Necromancy?!? B-b-but..." Azzo sputters, he stops himself, and regains his composure, "I assure you, the statement was a joke, I do not know why nobody understands my humor. My studies into necromancy have been purely academic, nothing more." He lowers his voice to match Francis', "All the same, I would most certainly like to accompany you to continue what the professor started. He was a very intelligent man, and whatever he had on his mind is worth investigating. I would dare say the false crypt would be the best place to start"

He glides over to the trunk and pulls out The Umbral Leaves, "In the meantime, I do believe..." he trails off, already completely distracted by the contents of the tome.

The Gentlemen
2015-09-18, 10:59 AM
Adrianna finds, once again, that the book she reads is not in her interest. It instead appears to be a treatise on aberrations and other
entities found on Golarion that possess remote ties to the Dark Tapestry, the name given to the dark places between the stars in the night sky.

Azzo grabs the book to find the binding and pages like leather. The words are a brownish red, and on the front of the cover is an inscription of a skull with spiked chains coming out of the eyes, and the name Zon-Kuthon below it. The book is a translation of the Unholy book of the midnight prince, god of Envy, Pain, Darkness, and Loss. the first page appears to be a history, written entriely by the professor hand.

"At the beginning of time, Zon-Kuthon was known as Dou-Bral, a good deity who shared the portfolio of beauty, love and the arts with his half-sister Shelyn. Dou-Bral abandoned Golarion for the dark places between the planes, though, and was tormented there and possessed by an alien being. Upon returning to reality, Dou-Bral as he had been known was gone, replaced with the twisted, malevolent soul known as Zon-Kuthon.

When Shelyn saw that her brother was forever changed, and not for the better, the two battled, her pleas and tears met with a violence foreign to the Dou-Bral she knew and loved. Shelyn finally wrested the golden glaive the two had shared a symbol of their power from her twisted brother's fingers, establishing an tenuous truce, held in place more by silence and avoidance than any desire to actually coexist.[2]

Seeing the crimes Zon-Kuthon committed in Golarion, Abadar knew that he must be punished, and made a bargain with the evil god. Zon-Kuthon agreed to go into exile on the Plane of Shadow for as long as the sun hung in the sky in exchange for an item from the First Vault. This imprisonment was not meant to be over as soon as it was, though, and when the sun stopped shining upon Golarion during the Age of Darkness, Abadar honored his deal, giving Zon-Kuthon the first shadow, which The Midnight Lord has used to craft evil creatures from his realm of Xovaikain."

Anubis Dread
2015-09-18, 11:02 AM
"...seriously?" Adrianna scowled. "No forbidden magic? No unholy rituals to gain power? Not even some katas? Why are these books even forbidden?" she sighed as she dumped her book back into the chest. Honestly, what a let down.

2015-09-18, 12:01 PM
Francis scowls as he finds the book locked. After searching the chest for a key he takes up Serving you Hunger and starts to read through it. His attention immediately sucked in by it's contents. These Urgathoa priests sound like my father's sort of priests. The unholy talisman catches his eye and he makes a mental note to remove any necklaces from any undead he comes across in the future. He keeps reading onward trying to decrypt the gibberish that Adrianna had metioned.

The Gentlemen
2015-09-18, 01:26 PM
Francis reads past the beginning pages, finding nothing that can be read by him, than continues onwards anyway. Eventually he comes across the professor's handwriting in the margins, underlining certain pieces of text and commenting about them. The notes vary, but among them are several which imply the professor was able to read the language in the book, example include"True, but inefficient. The best method uses the first type of blood. Avoid human hearts in the mixture. Channel positive instead of negative and the spell works the opposite. Replace demon poison with snake poison here to enhance effects."

Knowledge (Arcana) check failed. You were unable to divine how to read the book

2015-09-18, 01:46 PM
The pages of the book turn faster and faster, until Azzo abruptly closes it, Very interesting, I shall have to finish this later. He glances hungrily at the tome Francis is reading, "I have a strong desire to read that tome once you are finished."

2015-09-18, 02:45 PM
Francis grimaces when he finds the language just as much gibberish as Adrianna. When Azzo asks to see it Francis hands it to him. "I don't suppose you know what language this is written in."

Would Comprehend Languages work on this? Or do I not know that?

The Gentlemen
2015-09-18, 03:22 PM
Azzo takes the book gleefully, opening it quickly to find what secrets lay within, and instantly recognizes the script within. Unfortunately, recognizing it is the problem. Its enchanted to be unreadable until certain conditions are met. He turns back to the beginning of the book, which he had skipped in his haste, and sees the first paragraph. More specifically, the words written in Abyssal. He has discovered the instructions for what he must do to unlock the hidden words.

Knowledge Arcana check succeeds. In order to unlock the meaning of the book, one must sacrifice a life and use its blood on the book, all while channeling negative energy in order to unlock it for the channeler's eyes alone.

2015-09-18, 03:33 PM
As he reads the instructions, Azzo's eyes grow wider and wider. Abruptly, he realizes Francis staring at him, awaiting a response. Without moving his head, he flicks his eyes in Francis' direction, closing the book at the same time. He recovers from his sudden obsession with the book and sniffs, "I'm afraid I do not recognize it, though there is a chance I can find somebody who may. In the meantime, I must retire to my chambers."

With that he stands up and heads towards the room Kendra designated for his use.

2015-09-18, 03:51 PM
Having dice issues, testing in separate post:


Btw, this is a bluff to hide the fact that Azzo actually understands the language and knows what the book says.

The Gentlemen
2015-09-18, 03:57 PM
Ok guys, slight formality of ground rule. If someone is trying to bluff your character, or otherwise use a skill needing a roll, you need to respond with a dice roll and the appropriate skill use. For instance, for a bluff, use sense motive as your skill to tell if someone is bluffing or not. If you do not get above the bluff check, have your character act like he believes whoever bluffed, if they do, act however you wish.

2015-09-18, 04:48 PM
Please let me get an 8 or higher [roll0]

2015-09-18, 05:13 PM
Francis' eyes narrow at Azzo. "Yes, well whatever language it's written in, it is still a language. I would love to accompany you to this friend of yours. Truely I would love to meet such a knowledgeable person. If I might ask for one more moment of your time I would like to discuss means of divining the books meaning without quite as much trouble." Francis walks along with Azzo putting his hand on his shoulder and pushing him through the door.

As soon as they're away from the rest Francis turns on his companion. "You will find that it is better that you do not lie to me." Francis says glaring at Azzo, his vampyric blood stirring in anger. "You're hiding something- Don't try to deny it now." Francis says cutting off any attempts at a rebuttal. "I am not afraid of whatever black ritual is contained in that book." Francis gets uncomfortably close to Azzo. "Now tell me what it says."

If that doesn't count as an Intimidate check I don't know what does. [roll0] Well I guess I'm not learning anything today.

Anubis Dread
2015-09-18, 05:23 PM
Adrianna simply slumped in her chair, eyes closed. Now was the perfect time to get some napping done, since the books seemed boring as hell and it was obvious her companions were about to have a fight over something she didn't care about. After a few moments thought however, she decided that since the books were boring, their charge was out and there was nothing further to do in regards to the will she would be better off finding a nice bed to lie down in and sleep. Perhaps she could have an ale or two before going down. Even find a nice guy who'd be willing to lie with her and rub her back.

"If Professor's Daughter comes back I'll be at the inn," Adrianna yawned as she got to her feet, scratching herself as she pushed her chair back in and headed out the door to the village.

2015-09-18, 05:32 PM
Azzo grimaces and holds the book tightly to his chest as Francis leads him out of the room. Upon demanding Azzo tell him what resides in the tome, Azzo stops dead in the hallway, turning to face the supposed elf. He regards the man for a moment, his brow furrowing, before speaking. "I don't imagine speaking like that has gotten you very far in life, my friend." He hisses the word friend. "I shall not reveal anything that I may or may not know to you."

He begins to stalk off, walking a few paces before stopping. He sighs, sagging his shoulders and turning around. "Perhaps I could use your help to complete the ritual. There is a portion of the ritual required that I would like to keep my hands clean of, literally. Tell me, have you killed a man before?"

2015-09-18, 06:18 PM
Francis is completely unfazed by Azzo's question. "I have, in self-defense. What will this ritual allow us to do? I can't say I would have trouble finding someone worthy of death, but it will be a hassle. I would have to have some idea what this ritual would allow us to do before I give my consent to anything, you understand of course." Francis gives a small smile intentionally baring his fangs.

2015-09-18, 10:01 PM
His brows raise high, his eyes dropping to the fangs. "You are not what you appear to be, are you? It would seem both of us are keeping secrets from one another." He begins pacing back and forth in the hallway, apparently deep in thought. He continues this for a while, until he looks at Francis with an expression on his face as if he forgot you were there. "I suppose if we are to perform this ritual, we must have at least some trust in the other, yes? Very well. I have dabbled in Necromancy. Well, more than dabbled really. Even so, never before have I slain an innocent. I've only resurrected those who are already dead."

He opens the book about halfway and begins to flip through the pages, "Unfortunately I do not know the nature of the ritual. The only part I understand is the very front, which is in Abyssal." He looks up for a moment, staring at Francis intently, "Do not ask my why I know Abyssal." He looks back down to the book and flips to the first page with the writing, "In order to activate the ritual we must 'sacrifice a life' and 'use its blood on the book'. While we are doing this we must also be channeling dark energy." He slams the book shut and sighs, frowning, "It is terribly saddening that we do not know the purpose of this ritual. I know it has the potential to grant us power and knowledge, but there could be terrible side effects."

2015-09-18, 11:31 PM
"Honesty begets honesty. I am no Elf, though if my father is to be believed I will have the lifespan of one. I am a Dhampir, the mortal spawn of a blood drinker. I will not judge you for what you choose to do with your life, I have too few I can trust as it is, to risk losing them by judging them for what is not my concern. I must admit though, that in devoting myself to destroying my progenitor I lack the power to channel negative energy myself." Francis furrows his brow in thought putting his hand to his chin. "There might be a way to re-attune myself to the negative energy plane but such a measure would more than likely prove more difficult than simply finding one who could channel negative energy on our behalf." Francis says in defeat.

"Wait a moment... The professor wrote in this book. Perhaps his notes could shed some light..." Snatching the book from Azzo Francis begins to scan the pages. "There must be something here... I like to think the professor was a better man than I to kill another person only for his own gains. You mentioned sacrificing a life and bathing the book in it's blood. I would think that anyone writing in the language of the demons would have no problem at all specifying a human life if that is what it took." Francis says thinking out loud as much as actually addressing Azzo. "As for channeling energy, if all we will be sacrificing is a pig, than I would have no problem trying to channel positive energy instead. If only for the purpose of experimentation." Francis looks up from the book and smiles an honest smile at Azzo. "What say you? Would your soul be stained with the blood of a sow?"

The Gentlemen
2015-09-20, 12:06 PM
At this point, I honestly can't do much without you saying what you wish to do, but I can do this.
Here is a list of choices to do that you guys might be thinking of doing:
1: Research the Whispering Way
2: Ask about rumors from the townspeople
3: Go graverobbing
4: Learn about the five prisoners
5: Head to the cemetary
6: Go to the crypt
7: Frolic

2015-09-20, 12:21 PM
What does trying to read this book count as? :smalltongue:

The Gentlemen
2015-09-20, 12:28 PM
Going into town to look for the things needed to do the ritual, which only Azzo knows

2015-09-20, 02:25 PM
Azzo flashes a smile in return, "No, I suppose pig slaying is something I can stomach, especially if that sow is cooked later." He reaches out for the book, taking it back and reading through the Abyssal text once more. "Let's see, in order to begin this ritual we are going to need... Three seeds of a black lotus, some bone meal, some... Ah..." He reads the last sentence again and looks up at Francis, "I suppose you are probably not entirely familiar with the components needed for arcane spellcasting. Perhaps we should just go together to gather these."

With that he closes the book and begins walking out of the house, towards the town.

Anubis Dread
2015-09-20, 02:49 PM
Well Adrianna is heading to the inn, so I guess that's a combination of 2 and 7?

2015-09-20, 03:25 PM
Francis nods. "Not entirely no." Francis gives a flourish towards the door they came through. "After you my friend." As the two walk towards the main door Francis speaks up once more. "It might do us well to keep the book hidden while we're in town. No sense in giving these simple folk a reason to distrust us."

The Gentlemen
2015-09-21, 08:44 AM
The town is quiet, not many people are out, yet stores still remain open. As you walk, you notice several locations such as the Ranvengro Town Hall, the Temple of Pharasma, a store named The Unfurling Scroll, as well as other locations like a blacksmith and general store. As you walk down the road, you notice Adrianna walking into the tavern.

2015-09-21, 12:26 PM
Just as the wizard's apprentice is about to walk outside he stops and looks at Francis. "What?" he asks, seeming entirely aghast. He seems to come back to his senses, "Oh, yes, you are right." He places the book inside his pack before continuing into the town.

Azzo notes Adrianna entering the tavern and looks over to Francis, "We could very well use Adrianna's help if we do indeed investigate the false cry-Oh!" Exclaiming as he notices the Unfurling Scroll he points to it, "That is where we'll find what we need, I am sure of it!" He strides into the shop, searching for the items required.

The Gentlemen
2015-09-21, 01:49 PM
As you enter the shop, you take note of the shelves full of numerous scrolls, along with several rings and wands. In a display case is a book titled Flesh Golem Manual. An elderly man stands behind a counter, a book in his hand and a quill in the other. He looks up as you walk in, "Greetings, I am Alendru Ghoroven, I run The Unfurling Scroll. What can I help you with today?"

The store sells various low level magical items, as well as a few scrolls. Among these are a wand of cats grace and a wand of slow. They are priced rather high, however. If you want a list of the scrolls, just say so and I'll make one if you plan on buying anything.

2015-09-21, 05:00 PM
"She may be a helping hand in recovering the supplies we need but I would keep the book between us, if possible.. the less people to answer to when making a decision the better." Francis finishes says just before the pair enter the Unfurling Scroll.

Turning his attention to the shopkeep. Francis studies him. "Yes, good day. My associate and I were looking for some reagents for a ritual. Tell the good man what we need." Francis says turning to Azzo.

2015-09-21, 05:08 PM
When Francis looks at Azzo, the man is entirely distracted by the Flesh Golem Manual. His eyes are unfocused, as if he is not even looking at the book, but is instead lost in his own thoughts. After a few moments he nods slowly, "Yes, yes... Mhmm, that is correct."

A few moments later he whips around to look at the two others in the shop with a look of surprise. He quickly regains his composure and smiles, "Ah, yes, of course." He rummages around in his robe's pockets and pulls out a list of everything that they need for the ritual. He slides it across the counter, "Yes, we will need everything on that list. I realize the seeds may pose some semblance of a problem, but just realize that I am a wizard, and not an assassin." He stares down the shopkeeper with an intense gaze.

The Gentlemen
2015-09-21, 08:37 PM
Alendru looks at the list, raising his eyebrows at some of the ingredients needed. He puts the list down and turns towards his shelves, glancing at his supplies, muttering all the while. "Well sir, for most of these ingredients I believe you may have to collect them elsewhere, for I do not sell such things here. However, I do have your... special and deadly ingredient, but it is not something I can sell cheaply. Hm, How about this? I will sell you the reagent for 20 gold pieces, but you will have to do me a favor. You look like the sort to do odd jobs for people. I have a client who is also looking for less than shady materials, and seeing as you are new in town, I wonder if you could collect them for me? It is a simple thing, just some bone dust covered in ghostly essence. If you come across some on your travels, just bring it to me. You may have the item now, but I expect you to do this favor for me. What say you?"

Anubis Dread
2015-09-22, 01:32 AM
Ah, the tavern. Home of ale, food, beds, and occasionally sex. Heaven on earth. Or a poor imitation of it anyway. Heaven had more than functional booze, bland food, hard beds and spotty and unsatisfying sex Adrianna was sure. Well it wasn't like she'd ever know. Like hell she was going up to the Celestial realms when she kicked the bucket.

Sitting on a stool, Adrianna flipped a gold piece onto the counter. "A bed, a meal, and as much ale as the change will pay for," she instructed, leaning back and closing her eyes. She wasn't really all that good at gathering information. What she WAS good at was half dozing, half doing something else. This actually came in pretty hand for her own unique form of it she called 'shutting the f*** up and actually listening'. People didn't pay much mind to someone half asleep listening in, and it was WAY less work than talking to someone. It was way less than letting her mind wander even, as she could just focus on one simple task instead of letting her brain use up all its energy flitting from though to thought.

2015-09-22, 10:56 AM
Azzo frowns towards the shopkeeper, "Twenty gold pieces? Those had better be some high quality seeds then, may I at least see them before I purchase them?"

While examining the seeds the wizard's apprentice looks sidelong at Alendru, "Bone dust covered in ghostly essence you say?" He turns towards Francis, "I daresay we may be able to procure this at some point in time. I shall not ask you what you need it for." He returns to the seeds, focusing on their quality and size, making sure none have started to sprout yet.

Appraise to determine if the seeds are worth twenty gold: [roll0]

The Gentlemen
2015-09-22, 05:29 PM
Azzo examines the seeds, finding them to be around triple the price offered. The shopkeeper must really want his ingredient from you.

Adrianna rests in her chair at the tavern, listening all the while. She hears numerous townspeople have conversations, but certain rumors catch her ear.

A man boasting to his friends about his escape from the back of the Laughing Demon regales his fellows with his voice, "The food at the Laughing Demon isn’t all fun and games—and it’s no coincidence that Zokar serves more corpse chowder after unpopular merchants 'leave town,' never to be seen again. If Zokar invites you into the Demon’s back room for a complimentary taste of that evening’s chowder, watch out!"

A cloaked figure in a corner tells his group of another rumor he heard, "Jominda Fallenbridge does more than brew potions—she brews drugs and poisons as well and sells them through agents in other towns. Why else would the sheriff be so interested in her business?"

A bartender shares scary stories with children as she cleans a glass, "Now and then, if you visit Harrowstone near sundown, you can hear the ghost of the warden’s wife wailing and sobbing from somewhere within the ruins. She haunts the prison now, forever mourning her husband and attempting to frighten anyone who intrudes on the prison." She follows up with another, "They say that Harrowstone’s executioner still guards the execution balcony on the western side of the prison, and that on some nights, his scythe can be seen patrolling the balcony on its own, as if carried by an invisible spirit."

An elderly patron hears her stories and speaks up, berating her and turning to the children, "Stories that Harrowstone is haunted are just that—stories. The ruins are still dangerous, but what folks think are ghosts are only the nasty vermin that live there."

Sorry for the delay in my posting, real life has been throwing hoops at me to jump through, and I've only just now had the time to post an in depth reply to your actions.

2015-09-22, 06:45 PM
Azzo raises his brows at the shopkeeper for a moment before reaching into his pouch and pulling out twenty gold pieces. "Very well. I will take the seeds, and we shall find your ghostly bone dust, I assure you." With that, he spins on his heels and marches out of the shop.

Outside he pulls out the list of ingredients and looks it over. Once Francis joins him he asks, "Any chance you know where we can find some or all of these materials?" As he asks, a raven, black as night flies from the roof of the shop and finds a perch on the wizard's shoulder. He barely seems to notice.

Knowledge Arcana to determine where to find the materials: [roll0]

2015-09-22, 11:55 PM
After Azzo seems pleased with the seeds quality and purchased them Francis follows him out without saying another word to the shopkeeper. When asked about the ingredients Francis looks the list over. "I don't believe I've heard of these things before."

Knowlegde Arcane roll just for funsies: [roll0] I have been very sick the last few days so I apologize for Francis' stoic silence. A 2? really?

2015-09-23, 11:30 AM
Azzo's eyes widen, he looks up and has a look of recognition on his face, "Ah, yes! That's right! I saw some of these in the graveyard when we were in that area. As for the others..." He hands the list to Francis for a moment and digs through his pack, rummaging around until he finally pulls out a journal.

This journal has obviously seen a lot of use. Pages are folded in various locations throughout the book, marking entries significant to the apprentice. He flips through the book, reads a few lines and pages back a few steps. Finally he says, "Hmmm... yes, and I believe there's a prison around here, the rest should be in that location. Why don't you go to the prison, and I will investigate the graveyard?"

2015-09-24, 11:13 AM
"I would but if the professor's notes are to be believed Harrowstone will require special equipment to navigate. The supplies are hidden in a crypt by the church of Pharisma. What say I join you in your quest and after we have retrieved the items we brave the prison together?" Francis eyes the raven on his companions shoulder cautiously unsure of why it has perched there.

2015-09-24, 12:10 PM
Azzo cursed himself within the confines of his own mind, By the stars, that would have been the perfect opportunity. Nevermind, I will try a different tactic. He gives a thin smile to Francis, not even seeming to notice the man staring at the raven, "Yes, of course, we must prepare if we wish to explore the prison. Shall we gather the others that were with us? They seem like they might be the kinds that would actually enjoy diving into the depths of some dark crypt, especially that Adrianna one."

Anubis Dread
2015-09-24, 01:03 PM
A sneeze shoots out of Adrianna and into her mead, causing her to look down at it blearily. Someone was talking about her she guessed. Ah well. She had some mead and some leads, all she needed now was a quick nap and then she could work out where to go from there.

That Zokar thing sounded kind of interesting. She wondered what people tasted like? It was a little too bothersome to actually eat someone just to sate her curiosity, but if it was already prepared then it might be kind of interesting. Drugs were always good too. And poisons. Poisons were the lazy woman's dream for assassination. Though she didn't usually do that kind of work. Way too much work.

But of course everything came back to that Harrowstone place. It probably had some loot, and if they cleared it out she could live there without paying rent. Or maybe she could rent it out to the guard or something to put prisoners there? No, not rent, sell. Rent meant you had to collect monthly rates and stuff. Selling was a one time deal, it was easier. ...great, now she needed to actually ask people about the place so she didn't end up killing herself clearing it out.

"Oi," Adrianna called out to the barkeep, her head resting on the bar due to the effort that would be required to have it be anywhere else. "What's up with that Harrowstone place? Does someone own it or what?" If she cleared out the place and someone rubbed a deed in her face to say she couldn't have it she'd be pissed. Well, mildly bothered anyway, getting pissed took up way too much energy.

2015-09-24, 08:52 PM
Francis' brow furrows in thought. "I suppose Adrianna may be useful. She did talk about doing work as a bodyguard for the professor so she shouldn't be out of her element on that front." He focuses back on Azzo. "But what then shall we tell her is our reason for this venture? Just because she may be well suited to the task doesn't mean she will want to risk her life doing so."

I don't like the sound of those thoughts but I was much too distracted by your bird to notice what you're doing. I will say this betray me and suffer the consequences :smallmad:

2015-09-29, 01:33 PM
The young wizard scratches his chin in thought, "Since the false crypt was mentioned in the Professor's notes, perhaps that would be enough to interest her. We could simply tell her we wish to investigate it, no need to tell her that we are searching for ingredients." Azzo frowns and states, "we could just tell her its a good place to sleep once its secured."

Still frowning, the wizard's apprentice walks towards the tavern.

Are you back with internet, Gentlemen?

The Gentlemen
2015-09-29, 02:53 PM
I LIVE. Thanks for waiting, all.

The tavern falls silent at your question, patrons glancing towards you then to the old man who stifled he tales. He looks back upon you sternly, looking you up and down, but remains silent. After a few more moments, he speaks, "Harrowstone is a prison, lass. A prison no longer in use. Its just a normal old ruin, nothing ah value there, just dangerous animals and disappointment."

A younger man in the corner, lute in hand, speaks up, "Old man, if you aren't going to tell the story, than i shall. And i'll include all the good bits as well." The younger man stands up, lays his hand upon his instrument, and starts a low melody, "Harrowstone is a prison, this is true, but there far more to the story then ruins. Let me tell you the real tale, the legend, the ghost story itself." He smirks, then begins to add a tempo to his speech, creating a performance, not just a story.

"Some small towns grow up around a university, their shops and other offerings catering to a scholastic clientele. Others boast famous festivals or specialized industries that draw skilled artisans and craftsmen. But in the sad case of Ravengro, the town’s claim to fame is a prison. And not just any prison, for Ravengro supported one of Ustalav’s most notorious jails—Harrowstone. Twice a year, a prison convoy rounded up the worst of the worst from smaller, less secure jails across the principality and transferred them to Harrowstone, often to await death by hanging, but always to live out the rest of their lives as prisoners. Already the home of dozens of notorious criminals, the mid-year prisoner convoy of 4661 ar brought a particularly horrendous batch of criminals all at once. Among them were five particularly notorious convicts: the Lopper, the Piper of Illmarsh, Father Charlatan, the Mosswater Marauder, and even the infamous Splatter Man. Not even Harrowstone was adequately equipped to handle these criminals, and as their execution dates drew near, the Lopper and the Splatter Man, working together, picked their moment and staged a desperate attempt to seize control of the prison and, perhaps, escape.

Yet while they managed to turn the tables on Harrowstone’s guards and, for a few minutes, held control of the prison, they did not anticipate an act of self-sacrifice by Harrowstone’s head warden, Lyvar Hawkran. Only a few minutes after the prisoners seized control of Harrowstone’s lower level, Warden Hawkran triggered an emergency deadfall that sealed the dungeon and trapped everyone (including himself and most of the prison guards) within the prison’s dungeon, leaving the only way out a supply lift that couldn’t be activated from the dungeon level. It was via this lift that the Warden and other trapped guards initially thought to escape, but before they could make it to safety, they were overpowered by the rioting prisoners and taken hostage. The prisoners attempted to use their hostages to force the few guards who remained on the floor above to lower the lift, but the guards were too well trained. Even with their warden and most of their friends trapped below, they continually refused to lower the lift—further, they set guards around the lift’s shaft above so that any prisoner who attempted the nearly impossible climb would have to contend with crossbow bolts raining down from above.

Eager to avoid sparking a panic in Ravengro, the guards holed up and did a masterful job keeping the truth of the riot contained while they desperately tried to work out a plan. Yet several hours later, after Lyvar failed to return home for his customary dinner, the warden’s wife Vesorianna crossed the prison grounds from her home to the central prison. In their panic, the guards had left the
main entrance to the prison unlocked, so Vesorianna was able to enter the prison with ease, only to find it strangely empty. Following the sound of shouting, she came to the training room where the remaining guards were gathered near the lift shaft to the dungeon.

When Vesorianna learned from the increasingly frantic guards that her husband was trapped with the madmen below, she pleaded with the guards on the ground level to remove the deadfall and stage a rescue. When they repeatedly refused, she went into hysterics. She managed to dodge the guards, run to the lift’s winch, and throw the release, causing the heavy wooden platform to plummet into the dungeon below in the hope that her husband could leap onto it and be pulled to safety. In actuality, the lift crushed several guards and a few prisoners who had been standing directly below it—the horrified Vesorianna was convinced her husband was among them. Taking advantage of her shock, several guards managed to finally apprehend her and swiftly bustled her off to the prison workshop at the other end of Harrowstone, locking her inside for her own safety. The remaining guards worked frantically to keep the prisoners from escaping—with the lift below swiftly filling with eager prisoners, they couldn’t simply pull it back up. And as other prisoners began climbing the chains that connected the fallen lift to the upper level, the guards grew desperate. Knowing that they were about to be outnumbered by lunatics, they made a fateful decision— they began rolling barrels of lamp oil from the nearby storeroom into the hole, hoping to dislodge prisoners from the lift and dissuade them from climbing. But when one of Harrowstone’s most notorious prisoners, the spellcasting murderer known as the Splatter Man, stepped into view and began using his magic against the guards, desperation gave way to blind panic and one of the guards threw a lit torch into the oil-soaked depths, figuring that if the lift were burned, order would be restored.

Unfortunately, the resulting conf lagration was much bigger than anyone could have expected. The huge oil slick below caught fire and spread throughout the lower cellblock. The ensuing flames incinerated both the screaming prisoners and surviving guards below, while thick plumes of smoke swiftly worked to suffocate those above. The remaining guards on the ground level f led, only realizing much later to their horror that no one had bothered to release Vesorianna Hawkran from the workshop. The town of Ravengro mobilized to extinguish the fire before it spread, but the damage had been done. One of Ustalav’s most notorious prisons was no more. In the 50 years that followed the Harrowstone Fire, the town of Ravengro moved on to become a pleasant farming community. Yet the town’s old-timers remember well the eerie prison caravans that carried monsters through the town. And none in Ravengro can ignore the brooding, dark ruin of the old prison that looms on the hill overlooking the town. Tales of the prison being haunted are traded by Ravengro’s youths, and on certain dark nights they taunt each other to touch the rusting bars on the prison windows. Dares to spend the night in the edifice are routinely posed and never accepted. Thusly is the tale of ghosts and monsters, and who knows? The many rumors may be true, and I would bet they were, for how else would it explain all the goings on in this strange little town?"

You can walk in at any time

Anubis Dread
2015-09-29, 03:56 PM
By the end of the story Adrianna's face is down on the counter, the soft sound of snoring escaping her mouth. When it stopped though she seemed to realize the lack of sound meant it was over, causing her to blearily lift her head up to look at the teller. "So there's a bunch of crazy ghosts around, but the place used to be prosperous and is in tact... eh, sounds like it might be worth the effort," she shrugged.

Prison warden... not exactly a role she'd ever considered taking for herself. But the more Adrianna thought about it the more she began to enjoy the idea. The only thing guards needed to do in a prison was stand around and toss some food into some cells every now and again. As the warden of the prison she wouldn't even need to do that. Sure there might be some paperwork or such, but she could just get someone to do that for her if she cleared out the actual building and took ownership of it. It seemed like a pretty sweet gig, actually.

2015-09-29, 04:06 PM
Azzo slipped into the tavern mid story. He partly listened as he seeked out Adrianna in the crowd. Upon spotting her he sidled his way past the other tables sitting down next to her, though doing his best not to disturb her slumber. The tale held little interest to the wizard. Tavern stories, bah, what use do I have for rumors and heresay? If there really are ghosts and undead, then I will be interested. Regardless, none of those are reasons why I seek out the prison.

When the lute-player finally finished, and the tavern once again picked up with its normal buzz of sound, Azzo turned to the now awakened Adrianna. "I'm glad you think it might be worth the effort, my new friend. As it turns out, Francis and I are just as interested in investigating the prison. Based on the notes from our mutual, deceased friend, we must first enter the false crypt of the church of Pharasma. Only when we find the tools there will we be able to enter Harrowstone." The frown from before once again returns to Azzo's face as his thoughts drift back to the Professor.

Anubis Dread
2015-09-29, 04:44 PM
"We need to get tools to get in? Can't we just knock the door down? It's abandoned. Even if it's haunted it's doubtful the ghosts have been fortifiying the place, being ghosts and all," Adrianna pointed out. Though honestly she just didn't want to do more work than was strictly necessary.

2015-09-29, 10:40 PM
Francis walked in just as Adrianna had finished unveiling her plan which consisted of little more than to run inside and kill whatever they found. Which was what they were going to do anyway but if Francis had it his way they would be far better equipped. "I have no small bit of confidence in my own abilities, but the professor himself had difficulty with the task.. I would think it wise to give proper caution to anything that made the professor want to stop and stock up on proper tools for the job." Francis recommended only piping up after everyone else had finished speaking.

Anubis Dread
2015-09-30, 11:07 AM
Finding these tools sounded like an adventure in itself. Just having the one to get the jail up and running was almost too much for her. On the other hand arguing about this was more work than it was worth. Adrianna found physical work a little less taxing than mental work, so doing a little extra digging around to avoid a fight seemed worth it.

"Whatever," she sighed, taking another drink of her ale.

2015-09-30, 11:14 AM
Azzo's frown became a gleeful smile, "Excellent! Then we shall not delay. I must return to the house to gather my things." He quickly stands and begins heading for the door, mumbling to himself, "Plenty of sheets of paper, yes... I must make sure to have vials and the like as well. Hmm... Oh! I cannot forget my spellbook..."

2015-10-02, 02:21 PM
"Everything I need is back at the house. I shant be long" Francis says quietly. "I suppose we shall meet at there and then go on our way."