View Full Version : Cloak of The Crystal Cherem [Legacy]

Shiny, Bearer of the Pokystick
2007-05-14, 05:59 PM
This here's a Legacy Item I created for my character in Fax's campaign, based on my (admittedly limited) experience with Weapons of Legacy. Let me know what you think, folks.

Cloak of The Crystal Cherem
The Cloak of the Crystal Cherem is a shimmering, high-collared cape the gray-blue of leaded glass, seemingly woven of fine threads of crystal.

Nonlegacy Game Statistics:
+2 Cloak of Resistance; cost 4,000 gp, weight 4 lb.
Omen: The wearer of the cloak finds his emotions intensified, especially the strongest passions of love and wrath. When an ally is struck in the wearer’s view, the cloak suddenly sports glowing designs resembling psionic tattoos- any creature who can read celestial recognizes the designs as the verses of an ancient, heartbreaking dirge of rage and grief.

Basiluth would not, if asked, have described himself as an adventurer. While he assuredly affected the accoutrement of that wild breed, the Maenad was happiest in contemplation of romantic poetry or ancient songs, and most troubled in the heat of conflict. However, when the Half-giantess known as Rainbleeder quite literally knocked him off his feet, he felt- understandably, for an individual so steeped in the mythos of love- that he had little choice but to follow her in her wanderings. As time went on, he learned to harness his natural reticence into deathly stealth, and channeled his natural gifts of the mind into fearsome powers- but first and foremost, he would follow his greathearted ladylove, for (so he thought) all time. Ultimately, however, as most such adventurers do, the pair ran afoul of forces more puissant and more vicious than they expected- in the form of an Alhoon, who harrowed the lovers with torments both mental and arcane. At the last, Rainbleeder threw her life away in defense of her naive companion, shattering her crystal blade on the head of the assailant before a mind blast felled her, and Basiluth fled. (DC 15)
After some few nights spent in useless weeping and frenzied lamentation, Basiluth felt the banked fire of his racial anger- a force perhaps more repressed in him than others of his race- rising into an endless tide. As the adage goes, ‘beware the fury of a patient man’; gathering up the shards of Rainbleeder’s blade, the Maenad shifted them painstakingly into spider-fine crystal threads, weaving into his enchanted cloak his last, great lament for his lover- and with it, a portion of his soul and the power to defeat his foe. After weeks of fruitless tracking through cavern and gorge, Basiluth finally caught sight of his chosen prey- the Alhoon, the adversary, and its mind-thralls, a troop of Grimlocks. Casting aside his mastery of the mind, he fought with pure fury, tearing through the aberration’s minions and carving his name into the creature’s very skin as it struggled with him before melting into the dark, leaving his final enemy bereft and alone- as he himself now was. (DC 20; It Cannot Be Loosed)
The following night, Basiluth crept about the Alhoon’s makeshift fortifications, tasting its hatred- tasting its fear. He wounded it once, springing from the ground to take it by surprise; and again, striking from behind. As the creature staggered, he finally ground its flesh down in a hail of strikes, each graceful, methodical…and completely transfigured with rage. As he struck the beast down, he felt his mind overthrown, and sank into a bestial oblivion- satisfied that his vengeance had been achieved. His final scream of triumph echoed down the corridors of the beast’s cavernous final stand, and he tore the creature’s phylactery from its place among the stones, shattering it against his very heart. (DC 25, The Last of Them)
Basiluth, seized by a frenzy of hatred and pain, tore at his flesh with his own blade, until, riven with scars, he fell, dead; but even as his fury spent itself in unbeing, the shockwave of his wrathful, sorrowful life’s ending echoed across the little-understood realm of Dream. Many of those who manipulated the forces of magic, or the powers of the mind, to ill ends, felt its searing power as they slept; burning their minds like white ash- many were never the same again. This last, wordless cry of rage shattered many a malevolent psyche across the planes, but the effort of releasing it utterly consumed the essence of the being once called Basiluth; in the end, his love, his hatred, and his sorrow were locked away in the mantle that bore in shimmering glyphs the name and fate of his beloved. (DC 30, To Cry Into The Dark)

Legacy Rituals
Three rituals are necessary to unlock all the powers of the Cloak of The Crystal Cherem.
It Cannot Be Loosed: This ritual requires you to forgo the usage of psionic or arcane abilities of any kind, including spells, powers, and feats dependent on such abilities. You must also coat your weapons with crystal dust (included in the ritual cost). After these conditions are met, you must enter into a bond of protection with another character or creature; this creature must willing undergo a twenty-four hour ritual of bonding, during which you and you alone protect them from harm- the ward cannot defend themselves, or the ritual fails. If the ward dies or is rendered unconscious by hit point loss, you fail.
Cost: 2,300 GP
Feat Granted: Least Legacy (Cloak of The Crystal Cherem)

The Last of Them: You must, as with all rituals for this item, refrain from use of arcane or psionic abilities while enacting this ritual, and coat your blade with crystal dust (once again, included in the ritual cost). You must hunt down and destroy a creature who has harmed your ward single-handedly, bathing the cloak in its blood while chanting a psionically empowered song of vengeance.
Cost: 12,700 GP
Feat Granted: Lesser Legacy (Cloak of The Crystal Cherem)

To Cry Into The Dark: As part of this ritual, you coat your own body, as well as your weapons, with crystal dust (including in ritual cost), and re-enact Basiluth’s final lament. This ritual deals three points of constitution damage to you, and drains 3d4 HP (which cannot be magically healed). The lament requires eight hours to complete, and you must perform concentration checks to avoid exhaustion and failure (base DC 5, increased by 5 every two hours). Upon completion of the lament, a circular shockwave moves sixty feet outward from you; any creature caught in it is denied use of psionic or arcane abilities of any type, and has their magic items suppressed, for one hour. You yourself fall into torpor for eight hours, and cannot be awakened by any means during that time- your consciousness resides in the cloak, and if the item is destroyed, so too are you.
Cost: 40,500 GP
Feat Granted: Greater Legacy (Cloak of The Crystal Cherem)

{table=head]Character Level|Skill Check Penalty|Save Penalty|Hit Point Loss|Skill Point Loss|Abilities
5th|-|-|-|-|Seek The Heartslayer
6th|-|-|2|3|Shatter The Veil
8th|-|-|-|3|Heartlost Grace
10th|-|-|2|-|Heartlost Eyes
11th|-|-|-|-|Never Again To Fall
12th|-|-2|-|-|Faithbound Mind
13th|-|-|-|3|Heart's Blade Unshapes
15th|-|-|-|-|Mourning Dance
16th|-|-|-|3|Blade of Wrath
17th|-|-|-|-|Heartslayer's Doom
19th|-3|-|-|-|Arms of The Fallen
20th|-|-|-|3|Deny The Warper

Wielder Requirements
The wearers of a Cloak of The Crystal Cherem are of all walks of life; most, however, are rogues or members of other classes that value nimble movement and sure strikes; rangers looking to enhance their ability to hunt down their favored foe also benefit. Arcane and psionic characters almost never choose to wear such a cloak- but only those touched by such powers can.

Cloak of The Crystal Cherem Wearer Requirements

Wisdom 12.
Must have no levels in classes that grant full manifesting or spellcasting benefits.
Must have at least one spelltouched feat, psionic feat, or other ability/feat dealing with the touch of arcane or mental powers.
Must have at least one valued companion.

Legacy Item Abilities
All of the following are Legacy Item Abilities of the Cloak of The Crystal Cherem.
Seek the Heartslayer (Ex):At fifth level, the wearer's weapon attunes itself automatically to the defenses of the foe- whenever the wearer strikes a creature with damage reduction, the weapon adjusts to overcome the damage reduction of that creature (allowing the wearer to functionally ignore DR); in addition, the wearer can detect any creature of that type within 60 ft. by concentrating (a standard action). The location ability functions against any creature struck (even those without DR). While this ability is in use, the wearer's weapon glimmers softly, as if crystalline.
Shatter The Veil (Sp): Once a day at sixth level, the wearer may use See Invisibility, as the spell; their eyes shine with fury when they do.
Heartlost Grace (Ex): The wearer of the cloak gains a +2 insight bonus to Dexterity at eighth level; their movements resemble a funerary dance as they weave in and out of their opponent's blows. When this ability is activated, one of the designs in the cloak's weave glows very faintly, and continues to glow as long as the cloak is worn.
Heartlost Eyes (Ex): The wearer gains a +2 insight bonus to wisdom at tenth level; their gaze grows focused, intense, and determined. When this ability becomes active, the cloak activates an additional inscribed 'verse' of its glowing dirge.
Never Again To Fall (Ex): At eleventh level, the wearer of the cloak is never considered flat-footed for any reason, so long as they bear the item.
Faithbound Mind (Sp): At twelfth level, the wearer gains the ability to turn mental control against the controller- he or she may use Disobedience three times a day, as the spell.
Heart's Blade Unshapes (Su): At thirteenth level, the wearer can attempt to dispel a lasting magical effect on any target they strike in melee, as if using Dispelling Touch (except that the attack is resolved as a normal melee attack, rather than a touch attack). While this ability is active, the wearer's weaponry glimmers, and yet another verse of the Crystal Cherem begins to gleam.
Mourning Dance (Ex): At fifteenth level, the wearer's insight bonus to Dexterity increases to +4; the verse of the Cherem activated by Heartlost Grace shifts shape slightly.
Blade of Wrath (Su): At sixteenth level, the wearer's weapon becomes a Bane weapon attuned to the creature type or subtype that was last the target of Seek The Heartslayer.
Heartslayer's Doom (Ex): At seventeenth level, the wearer can channel the righteous wrath of Basiluth to destroy those that warp reality. Six times a day, they can make a smite attack against any creature or character who can cast arcane spells or has a power point reserve, adding their Charisma bonus to attack rolls and dealing extra damage equal to their character level. This ability's use activates yet another woven verse of the dirge.
Arms of The Fallen (Sp): At nineteenth level, you can choose to utilize the cloak's power to revitalize your broken body once a day, gaining the benefit of a Heal spell. Activating this ability is a swift action.
Deny The Warper (Su): At twentieth level, you can end the dominion of those that warp reality, and make way for the potency of a righteous, wrathful blade. Once a day, you can make a horrifying loud shout, your voice ringing with the harmonies of the crystal dirge; for ten feet around you, the ground or air is riven with gleaming strands of silver, forming characters in the celestial alphabet. Within this spherical radius, magical or psionic effects are suppressed- summoned creatures wink out, hasted creatures are brought back down to speed, and magic items are simply masterwork. Dispel magic has no effect on the shout-sphere. Spells and items unaffected by Antimagic Field are immune to this effect.

2007-05-20, 02:06 PM
Unfortunate that this didn't get any feedback. Sadly, I'm not really acquainted with the specifics of Weapons of Legacy Rules. It looks fairly powerful to me, which I guess is the idea...

Shiny, Bearer of the Pokystick
2007-05-20, 02:13 PM
Unfortunate that this didn't get any feedback. Sadly, I'm not really acquainted with the specifics of Weapons of Legacy Rules. It looks fairly powerful to me, which I guess is the idea...
Mmhm; essentially, Weapons of Legacy, or Legacy Items, scale with level the way class features are intended to- so you can keep one item and 'upgrade it' within a specific framework, have something special, like Elric and Stormbringer or Arthur and Excalibur.

It's a fairly powerful item, yes, but as you can see, it requires both RP requirements to activate its abilities (the legacy rituals) and personal sacrifices of HP, Skill Points, a Save Penalty, et. al., which, alongside the hefty GP cost of rituals, helps balance matters out.

The majority of the cloak's abilities (as well as its costs) are taken from the 'menus' found in the WoL text, which are designed based on the type of item and the character type intended to make use of it.

(I highly reccomend the book, by the way, as it's one of the best concepts I've heard in years.)

What I'm really looking for in terms of feedback is twofold; first, does the fluff fit the mechanics, and second, given the monetary and other costs associated with its use, is the item balanced.
Thanks for posting, anyway. ^^;

2007-05-20, 03:14 PM
Since I don't have the book either, I'll comment on fluff/mechanics.

Basiluth's love was struck down by something like a cerebremancer, with both magic arcane and psionics. Therefore, It Cannot Be Loosed seems to make sense. Similarly, the part of defense of another would seem to make sense.

The Last of Them makes sense, as far as revenge goes.

Ouch. If you fail To Cry into the Dark, do you lose the HP anyways?

The end text of To Cry into the Dark: Does that apply at all times, or only when in the torpor?

The prerequisites make sense.

Now, about balance... I dunno the relative powers of weapons of legacy.

At 5'th level, bypassing all DR is deadly. While not much has functional DR at that level, it's still pretty hefty. I assume this doesn't apply to DR/-.

Shatter the Veil and the detection ability are relatively weak, compared to bypassing DR. Nice additions.

Heartlost Grace, and Heartlost Eyes are both pretty powerful. Since nothing below epic levels gives insight bonuses to stats, those are basically +2's for only the sacrifices of attunement.

Never Again to Fall duplicates uncanny dodge. Ok.

Dunno what Disobediance is. I assume it allows countering mental control in some way.

Heart's blade unshapes is unlimited/day? What's the CL? Also, what action is required? (I.e. Full attack of dispelling touches?)

Mourning dance adds to heartlost grace. At this point, you can have a halfling rogue 20 with 40 dex.

Blade of wrath makes a weapon (any creature with DR) Bane. That's really deadly. As the 1st level artificer shows, variable bane weapons are really, really good. Perhaps use magebane, and add on some sort of manifesterbane?

Smite spellcaster 6/day? Weh. Almost as useful as smite evil.

Heal 1/day as a swift action? Very powerful.

Antimagic field 1/day? Yeah, makes sense with the fluff.

The CL on these needs to be defined.

18 skill points, -3d4+4 hp, -3 (or is it 6?) on all skill checks, and essentially wasting a cloak slot (+2 on saves from cloak, -2 on all saves), and 55k, for some pretty powerful abilities? Hmmm. Compared to most magic items, it's extremely powerful. On the other hand, I don't know how it stacks up to other items.

Who am I to talk about balance? I have no idea what I'm talking about with these things. Ask Fax, she's the DM.

2007-05-20, 08:10 PM
Looks good, except for the Seek the Heartslayer and Heartslayer's Bane abilities. I've got WoL, and I think you should change those abilities to function only against creatures with arcane or psionic capabilities. Since that's still a bit more broad than the given ability in WoL, I don't know--maybe increase the penalties a little?

Shiny, Bearer of the Pokystick
2007-05-20, 09:10 PM
I considered that, but in all honesty; at fifth level, almost everyone is going to have a +1 weapon. I honestly can't name a creature with damage reduction requiring a bonus higher than +1, Metalline is a +2 equivalent, most characters of this level will have cold iron, adamantine, or silver weapons. I don't see bypassing DR as terrifically powerful, since DR is a minor annoyance at most to the majority of builds.

Heartslayer's bane already functions only against arcane or psionic creatures, so that change has been made retroactively. :3
It's essentially a modified, scaling magebane property (given magic/psionics transparency); it's one of the few abilities I didn't take directly from a menu, but I think it's in line with similar menu G abilities.

Also: if you were referring to Blade of Wrath, it operates almost exactly like the Truebane property, which if memory serves is a +3 bonus equivalent. I think that's reasonable.

Yes, you still have to regain the HP naturally even if you fail.
It applies only 'during that time'; so only during the torpor. You won't die if the cloak's destroyed usually. ^^;

Seek The Heartslayer is a variable version of the 'creature compass' ability presented in WoL, which bypasses all damage reduction, regardless of type- even, I would assume, DR/-.
It would be reasonable to houserule that it can't bypass untyped DR, however.

This is a powerful ability, yes; however, it is (as I should have specified) designed for a difficult campaign. Were you utilizing it in a more low-powered setting, I would find it perfectly reasonable to make the following changes:

Seek The Heartslayer (Nerfed): At fifth level, the wearer's weapon attunes itself automatically to the defenses of the foe- whenever the wearer strikes a creature who possesses arcane or psionic abilities, the weapon adjusts to overcome the damage reduction of that creature (allowing the wearer to functionally ignore DR); in addition, the wearer can detect any arcane or psionic creature within 60 ft. by concentrating (a standard action).
The wearer must be psionically focused, or make a DC 20 concentration check, to make use of this ability.

For blade of wrath, impose similar restrictions on the target and, again, require a concentration check or psionic focus.

Heartlost Grace/Eyes are plain old bonus to stat items; the type of bonus is changed to more accurately reflect the intended source of the bonus. Admittedly, it does help that insight and enhancement bonuses stack, but I won't tell if you won't.
That said, it's reasonable, once again, to change the bonus provided by these abilities to enhancement.

Disobedience allows you to defend yourself against mental control, while deceiving the controller into believing you are indeed enthralled; you can choose to 'play along' or disobey as you like. Tricky. It's in Complete Scoundrel.

Heart's Blade Unshapes is identical to use-activated dispelling touch, and has a similar price; it's actually slightly worse than the aforementioned spell, since it has to beat normal AC rather than touch. Also, I'll clarify it's part of an attack action, but not a full attack action (only one dispel per round).

I'd be really interested to see how you got that 40dex, but honestly, if you put all your cash into an enhancement to Dex, all your increases into Dex, and awakened the cloak that far, you earned that bonus...mostly.

Smiting spellcasters is, indeed, useful. Basically it gives you the only good thing Paladins in their present form can do. It doesn't scale, though, and you're going to be near epic when you get it.
It's based off spells with similar effects.

Swift Heal is straight out of the book, so don't blame me if it's too potent.

Anti-magic nobody seems to have a problem with, so dandy there.

The CL of legacy item abilities depends on their grade (least, lesser, or greater); it's in the book, and I can look it up for you.

The skill check penalty is -3.

Also, don't forget the opportunity cost of never, ever having another cloak slot item ever for your entire adventuring career, basically. Also: legacy items are both rare and difficult to awaken- I'd have to find out it's a legacy item etc. before I can use any of this.

Anyways, your queries have been most helpful- and led to some of the above lower-powered options.

Also: Fax =/= She, unless I'm gravely mistaken. Double-check your pronouns carefully! :o

Fax Celestis
2007-05-20, 10:16 PM
I considered that, but in all honesty; at fifth level, almost everyone is going to have a +1 weapon. I honestly can't name a creature with damage reduction requiring a bonus higher than +1, Metalline is a +2 equivalent, most characters of this level will have cold iron, adamantine, or silver weapons. I don't see bypassing DR as terrifically powerful, since DR is a minor annoyance at most to the majority of builds.

Also note that Shadowstriking (ToM) does exactly what this ability does, and is worth a +1 bonus.

Also: Fax =/= She, unless I'm gravely mistaken. Double-check your pronouns carefully! :o


No, I'm a dude.

2007-05-21, 10:41 AM
Apologies. I read to much into avatars :smallyuk:

Yet somehow, I miss the gender thingy :smallannoyed:

Fax Celestis
2007-05-21, 10:44 AM
Apologies. I read to much into avatars :smallyuk:

Yet somehow, I miss the gender thingy :smallannoyed:

S'okay. You're not the first. :smallbiggrin:

2007-05-24, 03:02 PM
Mmhm; essentially, Weapons of Legacy, or Legacy Items, scale with level the way class features are intended to- so you can keep one item and 'upgrade it' within a specific framework, have something special, like Elric and Stormbringer or Arthur and Excalibur.
Does Excalibur actually get any better? Not that I recall...

It's a fairly powerful item, yes, but as you can see, it requires both RP requirements to activate its abilities (the legacy rituals) and personal sacrifices of HP, Skill Points, a Save Penalty, et. al., which, alongside the hefty GP cost of rituals, helps balance matters out.

The majority of the cloak's abilities (as well as its costs) are taken from the 'menus' found in the WoL text, which are designed based on the type of item and the character type intended to make use of it.

I'll have to take your word for it, but I note above that this is intended for a particularly difficult campaign, so regardless it's probably fine.

(I highly reccomend the book, by the way, as it's one of the best concepts I've heard in years.)

Yeah, I first heard this idea abot ten to fifteen years ago in Dragon, though in a much less developed form. It's certainly more aesthetically pleasing than 'upgrading' magical items or purchasing them from Magic Shops...

What I'm really looking for in terms of feedback is twofold; first, does the fluff fit the mechanics, and second, given the monetary and other costs associated with its use, is the item balanced.

I would say that mostly the mechanics fit the fluff, though some elements are fairly broadly defined. I am a little concerned about Seek the Heartslayer, as others have mentioned, it seems a little powerful, but your rebuttals seem fair enough. I would have made it able to overcome 5 DR of any type, but since this is based on what is found in the book, I will defer to that source.

Thanks for posting, anyway. ^^;

No problem. It was an interesting read.