View Full Version : ZOMG HELP! I need a sideboard!!!

2007-05-14, 06:38 PM
Grand-prix is in less than a week!

This is my Magic deck so far.

Deck size 60

Lands 16
4 Underground Sea
4 Dimir Aqueduct
2 Tainted Isle
4 Island
2 Swamp

Creatures 12
4 Raven Guild master
4 Patron Wizard
4 Hypnotic Specter

Other Spells 32
4 Psychic Possession
4 Glimpse the Unthinkable
3 Traumatize
3 Haunting Echoes
4 Counterspell
2 Perplex
4 Diplomatic Immunity
2 Whispersilk Cloak
2 Writ of Passage
4 Disembowel

Obviously I want to deck my opponent. But I desperately need a side board and I have no idea what to get.

2007-05-14, 06:47 PM
what are your restrictions? (type 1 type 2, block...etc...)

Which sets can you pull from?

and more importantly...generally what cards do you have at your disposal?

In general...is it wise to only have 16 lands in a 60 card deck and think that you will have enough mana to do what you need and counterspell anything? I don't see any mana acceleration in there...did you wanna toss in the blue/black signet?

I'm not that familiar with most of the spells and creatures in your deck save the hypnotic spector and the whispersilk cloak and counterspell...what do the cards do? I don't have time to go fishing through the gatherer...might help find you a good sideboard or spot a hole.

2007-05-14, 06:52 PM
Oh sorry all, its legacy, type 1.5 all cards are a go except for their banned list, which nothong of mine is on right now.

As for mana accelerration, the signets might be a good idea, but basically i hope to hit hard and fast in the beginning with the decking, saving the counters for later in the game.

I also thought of replacing the psychic possessions with dark rituals.

here's the link with the links

2007-05-14, 07:20 PM
or replacing the PPs with rhystic study

2007-05-14, 07:27 PM
****in' thing ate m post...

you need speed...these tournaments bring out the FAST decks and you can expect someone to be all over you by turn 3...you need acceleration, and you need it badly...and maybe a bit more mana to boot to ensure a good opening hand.

speedy decks use creatures...have a cheap and effective means of disposal. Terror or some other card is better than disembowel...

ditch the dimir aqueduct, you need speed and this is not the way to get it, it sets you back a turn unless it is the only land in your hand and even then it sucks...use any dual land you have or just basic lands. City of brass or any card that hurts you for color mana is not bad as long as it can give you what you need...you want flexibility and speed...emphasis on speed.

you will need to sideboard mass removal and some token defense against rush...drudge skeletons can be a lifesaver. Nystul's disk (the artifact that kills everything) is a graet sideboard as it can clear the table right as you cast your clear the graveyard card...stick it's effect before the resolution of your socery on the stack and watch them discard everything and then demolish their deck...

An isochron sceptor and or panoptic mirror might do you well...

the psychic possesion needs to go, as do any cards that cost more than 3 unless they are effective means of nutering people...SPEED man...SPEEEEED!!

Beware the elves.

2007-05-14, 07:32 PM
oh...that reminds me...what about the red/blue guildmage...might they allow you to duplicate your spells?

Izzet guildmage will allow you to duplicate your traumatize and possibly a terror...think about a sideboard slot for him...with the isochron sceptor you can have a ball with him...

2007-05-14, 09:15 PM
the panoptic mirror was a grat suggestion, i didn't even know that cars existed! PsyPos is out the window. Ive dropped the hypnos down to two and put in two drude skeletons. I've replaced the disembowels with dark banishings.

2007-05-14, 09:52 PM
Now we just need to work in a way to get some decent mana acceleration...Signets and/or other mana producing artifacts/creatures are probably the way to go. dark rituals are fun, but a bit of a waste in my mind unless you have cards that help you draw like howling mine or some spiffy effect that only helps you.

oh...the beacons are great if you have them...

Beacon of Unrest for black

3Bk Bk (5 cost)
Put target artifact or creature card from a graveyard into play under your control. Shuffle Beacon of Unrest into its owner's library.

Beacon of tomorrow for blue

4 Bl Bl (6 cost)
Target player takes an extra turn after this one. Shuffle Beacon of Tomorrows into its owner's library.

Get either of those imprinted on the panoptic mirror and then just giggle. always fun for sideboard at least if you got 'em. Since you will be trashing his deck to pieces, there is bound to be a great creature you can pilfer...and who couldn't go for an extra turn...or an extra infinite turns...