View Full Version : Soulknife + powerful build

2015-09-17, 08:03 AM
So, with alot of free time, i somehow ended up with a thought regarding a gestalt build that make use of the soulknife class. I know, it is a terrible class but credit for the idea atleast.

But my idea came to a halt when i began to question about the mind blade itself and the powerful build, that some races recieves.

A mind, is a shortsword that is approiate the size of the race that makes it, that i know but what if a half-giant or a golitha was to create this short sword? Would it stil be treated as a shortsword for a medium size one? Would it incresse in size because of the powerful build racial OR would the powerful build race, allow the soulknife to treat the mind blade as a large dagger?

2015-09-17, 08:12 AM
So, with alot of free time, i somehow ended up with a thought regarding a gestalt build that make use of the soulknife class. I know, it is a terrible class but credit for the idea atleast.

But my idea came to a halt when i began to question about the mind blade itself and the powerful build, that some races recieves.

A mind, is a shortsword that is approiate the size of the race that makes it, that i know but what if a half-giant or a golitha was to create this short sword? Would it stil be treated as a shortsword for a medium size one? Would it incresse in size because of the powerful build racial OR would the powerful build race, allow the soulknife to treat the mind blade as a large dagger?

Yes, it will change in size with you, ("size appropriate for its wielder") but the average damage boost from doing this is pretty minimal unless you are several sizes up.

I would recommend for this concept that you play a Soulbound Weapon Psychic Warrior instead - that way, not only do you get the Powerful Build size increase, you can also use your Expansion power to go up two real size categories. Combined with the effective size increase of Powerful Build, your Half-Giant will count as Gargantuan and have a truly impressive blade, plus Huge reach.

2015-09-17, 08:14 AM
Yes, it will change in size with you, ("size appropriate for its wielder") but the average damage boost from doing this is pretty minimal unless you are several sizes up.

I would recommend for this concept that you play a Soulbound Weapon Psychic Warrior instead - that way, not only do you get the Powerful Build size increase, you can also use your Expansion power to go up two real size categories. Combined with the effective size increase of Powerful Build, your Half-Giant will count as Gargantuan and have a truly impressive blade, plus Huge reach.

Oh Darn it, was hoping for they could be treated as a large size dagger, that way the soulknife free draw class feature would kick in.

2015-09-17, 08:23 AM
Oh Darn it, was hoping for they could be treated as a large size dagger, that way the soulknife free draw class feature would kick in.

Not sure what you mean - Free Draw applies to your mindblade no matter how big it is or what shape it takes (e.g. if you have one of the Shape feats from Dragon or you're in a PrC like Atavist.)

2015-09-17, 08:28 AM
Not sure what you mean - Free Draw applies to your mindblade no matter how big it is or what shape it takes (e.g. if you have one of the Shape feats from Dragon or you're in a PrC like Atavist.)

I thought that, every time you draw the mind blade, you would have to spend a full round action in order to shape it to the weapon that you want?? or does it retain the shape after the first time i use shape mind blade?

2015-09-17, 08:33 AM
I thought that, every time you draw the mind blade, you would have to spend a full round action in order to shape it to the weapon that you want?? or does it retain the shape after the first time i use shape mind blade?

You do (without the Dragon-Mag Mind Blade feats, IIRC), but even if you leave it in base shortsword form, Powerful Build and any size increases will apply at the moment you draw it, and it will be a free action to draw.

2015-09-17, 11:30 AM
You do (without the Dragon-Mag Mind Blade feats, IIRC), but even if you leave it in base shortsword form, Powerful Build and any size increases will apply at the moment you draw it, and it will be a free action to draw.

Well, that is something guess.

After been watching the newest Starcraft 2 video "legacy of the void" intro, i was inspired, to see IF it was possible to make a protoss zealot into a D&D 3.5 char. Took me some time to research but i came up with this.

Race: Goliath Level Class 1 Class 2 BAB Saves Class feature/Feat
1 Warblade 1 Goliath 1 +2 Fort Battle clarity, Weapon aptitude, Feat: Power attack
2 Soulknife 1 Barbarian 1 2 +2 Fort (+4), +2 Ref, +2 Will Mind blade, Hidden talent, Fast movement, Mountain rage, Weapon focus (Mind blade)
3 Soulknife 2 Fighter 1 3 +2 Fort (+6), +1 Ref (+3), +1 Will (+3) Feat: Extra Rage, Fighter Bonus feat: Two weapon fighting, Throw mind blade
4 Soulknife 3 Fighter 2 4 +1 Fort (+7), Fighter Bonus feat: Combat Reflex,Soulknife Bonus feat: Practiced Mind Blade
5 Soulknife 4 Fighter 3 5 +1 Ref (+4), +1 Will (+4) +1 Mind blade
6 Soulknife 5 Fighter 4 6 +1 Fort (+8) Feat: Reshape Mind Blade – Dagger, Fighter Bonus feat: Weapon specialization – Mind Blade, Free draw, Shape mind blade
7 Bloodclaw master 1 Fighter 5 7 +2 Fort (+10), +2 Ref (+6) Shifting, Claw of the beast,
8 Bloodclaw master 2 Fighter 6 8 +1 Fort (+11), +1 Ref (+7), +1 Will (+5) Superior two-weapon fighting, Tiger claw synergy, Fighter Bonus feat: Melee weapon mastery
9 Soulknife 6 Fighter 7 9 +1 Fort (+12), +1 Ref (+8), +1 Will (+6) Feat: Reckless Rage, Mind blade Enchantment +1, Speed of tought
10 Soulknife 7 Fighter 8 10 +1 Fort (+13) Fighter Bonus feat: Range weapon mastery, Soulknife Bonus feat: Adamantine Mind Blade,
11 Soulknife 8 Fighter 9 11 +1 Ref (+9), +1 Will (+7) Mind Blade +2,
12 Soulknife 9 Fighter 10 12 +1 Fort (+14) Feat: Improved two-weapon fighting, Greater weapon focus (mind blade), Bladewind, Fighter Bonus feat: Greater two-weapon fighting,
13 Soulknife 10 Fighter 11 13 +1 Ref (+10), +1 Will (+8) Mind Blade Enchantment +2
14 Soulknife 11 Fighter 12 14 +1 Fort (+15), +1 Ref (+11), +1 Will (+9) Fighter Bonus feat: Greater weapon specialization – Mind Blade, Soulknife Bonus feat: Psychic weapon,
15 Soulknife 12 Fighter 13 15 +1 Fort (+16), +1 Ref (+12), +1 Will (+10) Feat: Quick meditation, +3 Mind blade,
16 Soulknife 13 Fighter 14 16 +1 Fort (+17) Fighter Bonus feat: Driving attack, Knife to the soul,
17 Soulknife 14 Fighter 15 17 +1 Ref (+13), +1 Will (+11) Mind blade Enchantment +3
18 Soulknife 15 Fighter 16 18 +1 Fort (+18) Feat: Greater psychic weapon, Fighter bonus feat: Two-weapon rend, Soul knife Bonus feat: Align Mind Blade
19 Soulknife 16 Fighter 17 19 +1 Ref (+14), +1 Will (+12) Mind blade +4,
20 Soulknife 17 Fighter 18 20 +1 Fort (+19), +1 Ref (+15), +1 Will (+13) Multiple throw, Fighter bonus feat: Weapon Supremacy

Maybe it is not perfect but, i would consider, it fits the image of a protoss zealot very well. I do know, that it would require ALOT of dex in order to obtain those two-weapon fighting feats and you might need to either have a very high buy point system or getting lucky with your rolls.

A alternative, should one wish to work with Dextarity, would be to change the warblade to Barbarian, take a flaw in order to get extra rage and then at level 2, you pick up swordsage, getting two Tiger claw maneuvers, one shadow hand maneuver and one tiger claw stance. Later on one can get his hands on weapon finesse and shadowblade. Where and how to make these changes, i havent worked on yet, sinds i manly focused on a STR based version of a protoss zealot.

With a Full BAB and the ability to Rage and shifting, this one can get +10 to his STR, giving +5 to attack roll and damage. The mind blade might only be a +4 weapon, sinds this one is duel wielding but both weapons are considered adamantine and align-based, plus as a soulknife, this one can add collision to the weapons, that effects BOTH, Mind Blade Enchanment doesnt state that this one has to split them up, so one has to assume that it goes for both.

Combined with all the feats, that a fighter has access to and both weapon focus and greater from soulknife, it should look like this;

To Hit: BAB: +20 - Mountain Rage +3, Reckless rage +1, Shifting +1, Weapon focus & Greater: +2, Melee weapon mastery +2, Range weapon mastery +2, Mind Blade +4, -1 for Large size = +34.
And that is without adding STR from a char, items or buffs, im only working on a idea and theory.

Damage: 1D4, Mountain rage +3, Reckless rage +1, Shifting +1, Weapon specialization & greater: +4, Melee weapon mastery +2, Range weapon mastery +2, Mind Blade +4 = 1D4 +17.

Again, this is without any STR from a char, i am assuming the mind blade has the same size, as a medium size char, despite having powerful build racial, without any buffs, without any items or any other feats to add to the dmg, that this zealot has picked up. With the feats and class features the zealot has picked up, his main hand would be able to add 4D6 on the first hit, +5 from collision and number the zealot choice from power attack. The off hand would be able to add the full benefit from STR, thanks to claw of the beast class feature, adding 1½ STr to the first hit, +5 from collision and again, any number from power attack.

Full attack: +34/+34/+29/+29/+24/+24/+19. Thanks to superior two-weapon fighting from Bloodclaw master, the penalty is removed, sinds the zealot is using daggers.
Main hand: 1D4 +17, + greater psychic weapon on first hit 4D6.
Off-hand: 1D4 +17, + 1½ STR from two weapon rend (+10 STR = +5 modifer) = 7,5 round down to 7 on first of hand hit.

And that concludes my idea for a protoss Zealot. Looking at it, i might be tempted to play it, to see how it actually performs, prefereable on a low level char. After all, these numbers are only based on a idea and theory crafting, so anything can happen. Im stil unsure if i did made the right calculation regarding the base saves, gestalt can stil be confusing to work with.

Edit: Yes, i know this one lacks pounce but truth to be told, i couldnt remember in which book the ACF where, but it might prove better for the zealot.

2nd Edit: just realized that in rage, the zealot cant focus his mind. That leaves up to 3 feats that can be spended on something else. Another option, would be to take a third lvl in Bloodclaw master, that way the zealot would be ablt to shifting 2/days and stil be able to retain his max lvl regarding his Mind blade.