View Full Version : Pathfinder Gestalt Suggestions wanted.

2015-09-17, 12:11 PM
Hey there people :)

Two friends and myself are having a small RPG party going on. 2 Players and 1 GM: I recently introduced them to the Gestalt Rules and we've opted to try them out and see if it can provide a bit more colorful options in a 2 player group. What i ask of you, is suggestions for good class pairings with our two current characters.

We are:

lvl 5 Nightblade (Path of the Darkened Fortress + Sneak Attack as a Rogue/Knifemaster)


lvl 5 Warpriest (The ironclad Warmachine type)

Now, before you get all cheesemongering, i am NOT interested in the best power picks, but suggestions to what could complement these two classes well, both strengthwise AND flavorwise, Meaning, no Warpriest Druids and Nighblade Paladins and such, it wouldnt make great sense.

I've been thinking about Wizard/Sorceror for the Nightblade, as the added utility from additional spells could be really valuable for what this character wishes to accomplish being a little sneaky sneaky and able to get into prime Sneak attack positions

As for the Warpriest, i've been toying with the idea of Fighter for the colossal amounts of feats he could obtain, but also a Cleric to enhance his buff abilities as well as having more utility spells/heals for sticky situations.

Anyway, thats my own ideas thus far, im anxious to hear if you guys have better or more interesting ideas for me/us.

2015-09-17, 01:52 PM
If you're happy to try it, I'm playing in a game similar to this, and I opted to play a single classed character, with the gestalt being a savage creature progression, in my case specifically, I'm playing a Duskblade 3/Fighter 2/Abjurant Champion 2//Ghaele 7

The lost HD are offset by your gestalt side, and you get some fun abilities to play with, but you need to be careful, some of the abilities can be quite disruptive to 'typical' play. For example, as a level 7 Ghaele, i can, at will, turn into an incorporeal ball of light and fly 150ft with perfect maneuverability, able to zip in and out of buildings without hindrance at all, and hide in the ground, all while being able to shoot rays of light twice per round and, being incorporeal, am able to completely ignore mundane attacks. That's not something most DMs or adventure modules will have taken into account when designing their encounters. Other things, like having at will personal greater teleport as a demon of any kind can sometimes make parts of a game feel insignificant or mundane, like traveling across a continent, or sneaking into some evil headquarters.

This of course, would require using 3.5/3.0 material :P

2015-09-17, 02:21 PM
INteresting, but it sounds completely like the opposite that i was looking for. Also, no D&D materials allowed as the general rule, there is just too much cheese in those supplements we feel and so far, the official Pahtfinder stuff seems to suffice

2015-09-17, 08:01 PM
Hm, well Brawler might suit the Warpriest well, it would give him more HD, skills, reflex saves, the ability to have whatever combat feat he might need for a situation, and a bunch of other stuff. If he doesn't want the unarmed stuff just use the Exemplar archetype, and if his main weapon his deity's favoured but isn't a monk or close weapon he might be able to take the Crusader's Flurry feat (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/feats/general-feats/crusader-s-flurry) if you allow the brawler's flurry to count as flurry of blows for feats.

As for the Nightblade I'm not too sure about that, sorcerer would be great, a Magus with the Eldritch Scion archetype could also be good, and if you want to get a little crazy he could go Bloodrager, if he uses dex to fight you could even rule that instead of getting STR/CON from the bloodrage he could get bonus to melee attacks and temp hp like the unchained barbarian's rage.

2015-09-18, 09:42 AM
Hm, well Brawler might suit the Warpriest well, it would give him more HD, skills, reflex saves, the ability to have whatever combat feat he might need for a situation, and a bunch of other stuff. If he doesn't want the unarmed stuff just use the Exemplar archetype, and if his main weapon his deity's favoured but isn't a monk or close weapon he might be able to take the Crusader's Flurry feat (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/feats/general-feats/crusader-s-flurry) if you allow the brawler's flurry to count as flurry of blows for feats.

As for the Nightblade I'm not too sure about that, sorcerer would be great, a Magus with the Eldritch Scion archetype could also be good, and if you want to get a little crazy he could go Bloodrager, if he uses dex to fight you could even rule that instead of getting STR/CON from the bloodrage he could get bonus to melee attacks and temp hp like the unchained barbarian's rage.

Very good suggestions, they are indeed very tempting. Im playing the Nightblade and i think the Eldritch Scion would be a grand addition for a second class. I'll need to check out the Brawler later on when i have time, see how it would fit my friends char. Thank you