View Full Version : Pathfinder Zeitgeist Gestalt Homeruled Character options (Sphere Casting, "Ultimate" Pathfinder)

2015-09-17, 11:58 PM
Zeitgeist is going to be my group's next venture. For those of you who may not have heard of Zeitgeist, it is a steampunk/Victorian era campaign that puts the party as detectives loyal to their country, traversing the world for the betterment of that country, and getting over the fact that flying is stupidly hard to come by (unless you are a certain enemy or two).

Starting at level one, my DM has ruled:
"Ultimate" Pathfinder Class List (Conjured up by himself) (https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1A55zZWMaESOKdNz1EQ1Cf-LoS9SshyXmbPNXEapQ5t8/edit#gid=0) (Hint: all 3rd teir or lower classes only)
Vancian Magic is replaced by Sphere Casting
No native outsider races that are not Teifling or Aasimar
No alignment restrictions
No birthplace restrictions
No traits, except for the game traits, which allow your character to be more entwined with the setting (and lead to some nifty prestige classes)
No sex restrictions
No races he deems stupid (Dark Gnomes for example)
No rules he deems stupidly broken (Dual wielding double barreled pistols for insane damage)
All flying spells that would have a duration of min/lvl or more is reduced to rnd/lvl, leaving flying to be more strategic
New race: High Elves (Normal elf but with: +2 to Dex, Cha; -2 Con instead of normal stats; Warp Talent for free instead of Keen Senses and maybe spells)
Flying that is obtained through such deeds such as: Dragon Blooded Sorcerer Bloodline, are allowed (You may buy Sorcerer Bloodlines through the all amazing Incanter from Sphere casting, not to mention domains and other things)
Alternate class archetypes are able to stack (if they always did, call me bacon, slap some butter on me and wrap me on chicken or something) as long as they do not interfere with each other
No RP limit when it comes to race, unless he finds something completely, and very much so, broken beyond play
Nothing broken (don't look to things with bad wording as the ruling for what it is, see DM if such wording might cause something stupid to happen, or ruin the experience for him or other players)
Guns are Common (Martial Prof, Early firearms and their ammunition cost 1/4 the listed price with advanced firearms going at full price for both the guns and their ammunition)
Certain Teir 2 classes such as Psion are nerfed, to the point of becoming teir 3, and thus balanced for the game (I can only think of Psion fitting this rule)

On the 24th of September, 2015, we will hold a gathering of everyone, and their ideas, and create our characters. I am very much so, bad with that.

I have never been able to create an interesting build or character within those sessions, which is very bad for me if I want to actually have fun in this game. So I am asking around these forums for possible help with an idea that could benefit me greatly in Zeitgeist.

So far, the only ideas I have ever came up with concern: Corrupt cop, possible female character, possible incline towards Investigator (since the person who was thinking about it was forced out due to living several states away, also it is just so good), a slight leaning towards a Charisma style character due to fitting past ideas and the corrupt side of the character, and most of all... Please... Please... I wish to lean away from Sphere casting.

Sphere casting just seems so disconcerting to me, and after playing a character that was gestalted into 2 Sphere Casting classes, it was sorta fun, but I got a weird feeling of discomfort from playing it. If I can, I will stay away from heavy sphere casting, but I am open to one of the gestalt classes being sphere casting, if it means the build will be more interesting.

If anyone can help me walk into that room with an idea of a build and personality, I would greatly appreciate it, and thank you to all those who assist me!