View Full Version : Heroes of the Tyrfalleen Civil War IC

2015-09-18, 10:42 AM
Cristoph, the Earl of Wexford and lord of the town of Hevar's Ford on the Declan river, has posted a notice that he is hiring adventurers to investigate the iron mining town of Kalm nearby. The ore exports of the village have slowed to a trickle and the local Viachini merchant chapter have begun to complain. It is obvious to any that the Earl stands to make tremendous profit from the iron ore, given that the Duke of Besant remain neutral in the conflict between Duke Havilland and Duke Frederick and both sides are scrambling for as much iron as can be acquired.

After a brief interview, your company was the one chosen and a reward of 1,000 gold pieces negotiated. Melody Brighthaven holds the precious vellum bearing the Earl's seal and promise of gold for completing the job and your group proceeds down the road toward Kalm, to the South and East. You pass few people down the road, mostly travelers and pilgrims. Occasionally you see soldiers bearing the livery of the Duke of Besant. What little news you can gather is that raids into Besant have already commenced on both sides, and what peace this land knows will soon be compromised.

After two uneventful days on the road, you enter the foothills of the Kylis mountains and eventually see the mining village laid out before you, Kalm. The village seems subdued. You see multiple people simply... milling about bored. There is no sign that there has been any work completed for quite some time. They smithies and foundries are quiet. No hammers ring out, no smoke rises from fireplaces.

The Earl had instructed you to meet with the Reeve of Kalm, a retired adventurer named Marker Bo.

2015-09-18, 07:15 PM
Melody Brighthaven, a cheerful companion on the road thus far, frowns down at the little mining town. "Something's not right here. Is it a day of rest or mourning?" The tiefling did not like this. Didn't trust it. "At least no one seems to be in danger."

Honor Guard
2015-09-19, 04:53 AM
Astlig, Shield Maiden of the Bear Clan (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=510693)
Hit Points: 14 of 14
Conditions: None.

Astlig strode up beside the tiefling woman, lifted her shield to her brow so she could watch the people move about the small town, and thought aloud. "Hrmph, the Earl did say the iron was no longer coming from the town, maybe some other force is occupying the mines and these lazy bastards are too soft to take back what's theirs."

She looked at the satchel where Brighthaven had secured the Earl's writ, "After all that's why the Earl is paying us blood money right? His money, somebody else's blood, it's how these things go." She spat emphatically, "Lets find the Reeve, and see what needs be done."

2015-09-19, 05:18 AM
Zelda Greenbottle, expert thief and the master of unlocking, scans all the listless townsfolk with a well-practiced eye. These past few days, the rogue was forced to be on her best behavior, surrounded by a bunch of goody-goods. She's got to practice her art again, otherwise her skills would rust much like an unused dagger!

"Hey buddy," she asks a random town inhabitant as she picks his pocket, "why's everyone acting like it's the end of the world?"

Sleight of Hand: Rolled a 2 in OOC, heh.

It is as Zelda feared. Her skills had rusted while she was forced to be on her best behavior. "Oh hey, nice purse ehehehe, fine quality leather," she lamely tells her mark, as she disengages and tries to lose herself among the party.

Stealth: [roll0].

2015-09-19, 05:58 AM
To put it bluntly Caiera had not enjoyed her time on the road. Indeed one of the few highlights was hearing about raiding parties had entered into enemy territory. Despite any chaos they might bring, it was always chaos she could exploit. Not that she said any of this out loud either. She'd kept quiet mostly, interjecting the odd joke or bit of levity, but otherwise kept up her bookish appearance.

"Agreed, we should try and find the Reeve. I'd like to find some form of lodgings first, however. These feet of mine aren't used to so much travel." As she says this, the high elf pushes up the glasses on her face. They're a purely cosmetic choice, made to make her seem weaker than she actually is. When taken alongside her ostentatious hat, she doubted many people would take her seriously. Good as her eyes scan over the people of the village her thoughts take on a darker turn. Who gave any of them permission to look at me?

As the thought crosses her mind, she strides towards the milling commoners, and begins to ask around about where a party of hungry adventurers might stay.

Rolling investigation: [roll0]

Also, i suppose I should clarify even if people already know, I'm going to be writing her thoughts/inner monologue in Italics.

EDIT: Well then. Looks like its up to someone else to find the place.

2015-09-21, 09:52 AM
A cursory investigation reveals the home of Marker Bo, the village Reeve. His house is the same as the others, single story and made of stone brick matching the mountain and likely quarried from nearby. A small trail of smoke rises from the chimney and a small dog tethered to a nearby post barks at you as you knock on the wooden door of the establishment.

A rough voice barks out from inside and shortly after the door opens wide, revealing one of the largest half-orcs you have ever seen. He is dressed in a simple dirty tunic. Huge muscles ripple underneath his gray-green skin and large pointed tusks jut out from his lower jaw, the left one's point chipped away. His nose is twisted and gnarled, clearly having been broken multiple times.

He sizes your party up and down, almost amusedly. "Marker Bo. I'm in charge 'round here. You must be adventurers. Did that boil Cristoph send you?"

2015-09-21, 10:11 AM
"Adventurers?" Zelda chirps out in a melodious sing-sing voice, designed in fact to put her marks at ease so she can Rob them blind. "Yes, that we are! I'm Zelda Greenbottle, treasure hunter extraordinaire. Pleased to meetcha! Say, what's going on in this here town? Shouldn't it be more, like, lively?"

While she shakes his oversized paws, the experienced rogue tries to size up the half orc, particularly his alertness. Would he notice anything if she liberated something from his dwelling?

Doing a d20 since I'm not sure which ability score applies. If intelligence, no modifier. If wisdom, +2 except for perception which is +6. [roll0]

2015-09-21, 10:35 AM
Marker grins knowingly at Zelda, shaking her hand. "Every adventuring company needs their... ahem... "treasure hunter".

You know enough that this man is very experienced and far more alert and intelligent than he may let on with first impressions.

"Please, enter and help yourself to some tea. Cristoph is my old adventuring partner so I knew I could trust him with Kalm's problems..." Marker says, turning around and entering his home.

2015-09-21, 06:36 PM
Melody makes to follow the Reeve. "Thank you for being so welcoming." A warm reception was a nice change, but perhaps half-orcs understood what it was to be left out in the cold too. Remembering Caiera's suggestion, she asks "Would it be too much trouble to inquire as to where we might stay while we're here helping? It's been a long journey."

Honor Guard
2015-09-22, 05:25 AM
Astlig, Shield Maiden of the Bear Clan (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=510693)
Hit Points: 14 of 14
Conditions: None.

Astlig watched with growing frustration, as Zelda began to attempt to steal the peasants belongings as soon as they wandered into town, and incredibly, she returned to the safety of the group in an attempt to conceal her actions. She made a mental note to remind herself to speak to their diminutive companion about how such actions affect, and endanger them all. She shook her head, scowling at the halfling and silently mouthing the word, 'Later'.

As Astlig prepared to step over the threshold into the Reeve's home, she introduced herself, "I am Astlig of Jotunfjord, shield maiden and warrior." She looked towards Melody, and took a position a step behind and to her right, "My companion speaks true, we seek a place to wash the dust from our feet, and rinse it from our throats. Though I must ask, we have been sent to ensure that the iron makes it's way back to your Earl, but what events have befallen Kalm that your peasantry mill about aimlessly without task or direction?"

2015-09-22, 10:03 AM
Jakob followed the women silently, or at least without speaking. He was a big man in scale armor, and moving quietly wasn't an option. He was as puzzled as any by the sight of the villagers milling around, with no apparent purpose. Before he could do more than wonder, though, they had found the reeve's house, and Astlig had taken the lead on questioning the man, Caiera and Melody seemed preoccupied with finding a place to rest, while Zelda seemed to have no thought beyond stealing anything she could get her hands on, and most likely, dragging the rest of them into it. In other words, just another day.

"I'm sure any 'sreasure' here belongs sa the reeve," he said softly to Zelda. He spoke slowly and with difficulty, owing to the terrible scars that marred his once handsome face. He didn't particularly object to her stealing anything that wasn't his, but he did question her timing.

2015-09-22, 10:56 AM
Caiera inclines her head in a slight dip to Reeve "Caiera O'shovis" Otherwise she keeps quiet, content to listen and think, though her ears perk up slightly at Zelda's mention of treasure. Quite the kleptomaniac that one. Almost pitiable really, that someone would depend on coinage like that. The wizard's contemptuous thoughts are interrupted by Astlig's pronouncements. It's enough to stir up a thirst in her throat, so she helps herself to some of Marker's tea.

"Thank you" she raises the glass before taking a sip. You halfwit. The thought is directed toward the half-orc but it could just as easily have been about the shield-maiden. She made a mental note to research orc customs on hospitality at a later time. It could prove useful in the future if they were going to frequently deal with the Reeve. She also begins to wrack her brain for any useful information about the village of Kalm.

It always pays to be prepared.

History for the Village of Kalm: [roll0]

2015-09-22, 11:34 AM
Zelda takes a large draught from her cup as her practised eyes give the feeling a comprehensive investigation from afar. What is the most expensive item here, and where is the half orc's valuables likely to be located?

With sharpest eyes, I investigate for treasure! [roll0]

2015-09-24, 09:59 AM
Marker sighs and takes a long draught of tea, scowling. "Never had the taste for tea, but ale doesn't agree with my digestion in my age"

Setting his cup down on a nearby table Marker sighs a moment, then speaks again. "I'll have you know that in my youth I could have dealt with this problem on my own. But I am old and our wizard is... well. You need to know about that, don't you?"

"For years we have been secretly... treating... certain ores here for the Earl. Sir Hawking has lived here for some time, establishing his laboratory in an old section of the mines performing his research." He glances at each of you, reading your faces. "Don't worry, it was all sanctioned by the Earl and I have reason to believe he has a contract with the Viachin."

"In any case, it seems we have attracted the attention of a clan of kobolds. I know, piddly little bastards, but there were just so damn many of them and our village has few men capable of fighting beyond myself, Sir Hawking, and my two deputies. A lot of good men were killed and Sir Hawking was... well... he is alive, but hasn't regained consciousness since this whole mess began."

He sharply glares at Zelda for a moment and makes a sharp cutting motion before continuing. "The contract is simple. 1,000 gold pieces to be paid by the Earl once the beasts have been driven from the mines and work can resume."

Kalm is a mining village established after the discovery of iron ore veins by prospectors nearly a century ago. The population is small, however, and comprises mostly the miners and their families. It has no formal garrison and relies upon nearby Hevar's Ford for protection from Earl Cristoph. It also imports grain and other foodstuffs from Hevar's Ford. There is a small Viachini chapterhouse here, but it is limited in terms of lodging and entertainment for travelers, as Kalm rarely receives any.

Hanging over a fireplace is a greatsword of exquisite manufacture. The blade is of grey-steel that appears blue in the right lighting. In a corner is an armor stand upon which rests a suit of plate made from the same quality steel. Considering how much of the home is covered in a light film of dust, and that these two items are carefully polished, you can discern they are of great importance to Marker Bo.

"In the meantime, there is an empty house near the mine's entrance that you are welcome to use. You can find food at Old Ox's tavern and Miklan runs a general store next to the Viachini House. Not much for arms and armor, but Miklan might have a few pieces of mining or dungeoneering equipment that could be helpful."

2015-09-24, 10:33 AM
Zelda looks at the greatsword and plate armor with undisguised greed, which soon turns into dismay which she easily suppresses. Curse her small stature, for a halfling such as her can never hope to wield such a weapon. Nor can she expect to steal it away so easily - the rest of the party probably wouldn't sanction such an act, especially if it brings down the wrath of funnily-named Half-Orc on their heads.

Best to bide her time. 200 gold pieces ain't bad, especially for a bunch of kobolds.


"Kobolds? Really? Little dragon lizards?" Zelda chortles loudly. "1,000 gold pieces for some kobolds? What's the catch? I mean, how many of those little buggers are there, eh?"

No lies, orcy-poo. Insight on whether he is hiding something when he replies: [roll0]

Honor Guard
2015-09-29, 06:54 PM
Astlig, Shield Maiden of the Bear Clan (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=510693)
Hit Points: 14 of 14
Conditions: None.

Astlig considered her options, Kobolds were notorious for fortifying their burrows with traps and pitfalls, as such the company would have to ensure that they brought sufficient supplies and planned for those eventualities. Unless of course they could lure a raiding party out of their warrens, and capture one to interrogate it and determine the best strategy to assault the Kobold tribe.

She spoke curtly, relaying her thoughts to the group, "We will need to ensure that we have adequate supplies to delve into the mines where these raiders have made their home. Unless by some chance we can capture one and force it to reveal the secrets to their defenses and how to bypass them." She smiled as she shifted her thoughts away from the battles that lay ahead, "But first mead, and a warm bed, I for one have been on the road far too long."

2015-09-29, 08:35 PM
"Has a cleric seen to Sir Hawking?" Melody asks, concerned. "Perhaps, Jakob, you could do something for him?"

2015-09-30, 01:59 PM
"Job's sa kill kobol's, na sa heal Sir Hawking," Jakob explains to Melody, speaking carefully, to help her understand. "Hexsor may rewars him for courash. May na'."

2015-10-01, 10:24 AM
Caiera nods her head at everything that's been spoken. "A warm bed does sounds rather nice right now. As for the kobolds Im sure we can discuss how to proceed with regards to them tomorrow, yes?"