View Full Version : Lets make me unkillable.

2015-09-18, 12:38 PM
I'd like to make a character based solely around being impossible to kill by any means. That includes damage, saves, effects, whatever. Im not overly concerned with any aspect other than him being comically sturdy.

With how wildshape works in this version, druids can absorb an awful lot of damage. They just dont quite feel right for the concept though.
I also dont want to EVADE damage. I just want to shrug it off.

Thoughts? I feel like bear barbarian (barBEARian?) is a no-brainer, as are feats to boost saves and hp, but what about after that? Should i go full barb since they're pretty much designed to be damage sponges or is there some multiclassing optimization to be had?

2015-09-18, 01:12 PM
I'd like to make a character based solely around being impossible to kill by any means. That includes damage, saves, effects, whatever. Im not overly concerned with any aspect other than him being comically sturdy.

With how wildshape works in this version, druids can absorb an awful lot of damage. They just dont quite feel right for the concept though.
I also dont want to EVADE damage. I just want to shrug it off.

Thoughts? I feel like bear barbarian (barBEARian?) is a no-brainer, as are feats to boost saves and hp, but what about after that? Should i go full barb since they're pretty much designed to be damage sponges or is there some multiclassing optimization to be had?

Bearbarian + Moon Druid sounds good.

Falcon X
2015-09-18, 01:16 PM
Play with Temporary Hit Points. Possibly take a level or two of Fiend Warlock so that you get some every time you kill something, plus Fiendish Vigor.

Several feats will add to survivability, which you can load up on once you have 20 Constitution:
- Alert: Never be surprised
- Defensive Duelist: Situationally add Proficiency to AC.
- Heavy Armor Master: Damage Reduction 3. Gotta wear armor though, which takes away from Barbarian.
- Lucky: Reroll the attack rolls against you
- Tough: More HP!

2015-09-18, 01:16 PM
If you're willing to work with unfinished UA content, 3 levels of immortal mystic lands you a floating save prof and significant HP regeneration

2015-09-18, 01:17 PM
Get some levels in Paladin for dat aura! Ancients for bonus magic resistance, even while not raging.

2015-09-18, 01:55 PM
Lets make me unkillable.
Two words:

Loaded Dice

2015-09-18, 02:06 PM
Lets make me unkillable.
Two words:

Loaded Dice

Eventually the DM would pick up on what you did to their dice, though.

2015-09-18, 02:14 PM
Eventually the DM would pick up on what you did to their dice, though.


2015-09-18, 02:17 PM
Eventually the DM would pick up on what you did to their dice, though. If you thought I was serious, I apologize for not having the correct smilie in place.

The OP premise, however, is an absurdity. In a game as swingy as D&D, and with bounded accuracy in 5e, nothing is un-killable, particularly a player character.

2015-09-18, 02:28 PM
Bear totem + Fiend pact warlock + a constant stream of animals falling down a slide of caltrops you placed + a generous DM. Get CHA 20, lucky, and proficiency in whatever two "good saves" your first class doesn't provide.

2015-09-18, 02:58 PM
Paladin for the +CHA to saves Aura, plus plate mail, shield, and Defense fighting style (21 AC before any buffs or magic items? Yes please!). Go Oath of the Ancients for the "ignore death once/long rest."

Good feat choices:
Resilient (CON): You already get WIS and CHA from being a paladin, and CON is the other major save-or-game over. Plus, it boosts your CON by one, possibly increasing your bonus.
Lucky: Somehow, despite all your plusses, you still failed a save? Use Lucky for another shot.
Shield Mastery: Use your reaction for poor man's Evasion, as long as you've got your shield out.
Maybe Toughness? I would probably prefer just to take +2 CON instead, improving your CON save is probably worth more than the extra hit point per level.

When in combat, use the Heroism spell. It's a first level spell, lasts long enough to make it through any combat you'd like, and you get your CHA in temp HP at the start of your round, every round.

2015-09-18, 03:06 PM
Bear totem + Fiend pact warlock + a constant stream of animals falling down a slide of caltrops you placed + a generous DM. Get CHA 20, lucky, and proficiency in whatever two "good saves" your first class doesn't provide.

Necromancer + Flaming Sphere works too. Each creature who dies to your sphere gives you back 4 HP, so if you carry around cages full of ten chickens apiece (2 cp per chicken) you can use your bonus action to roll the sphere to a new cageful of chickens each round. One round later, all the chickens are dead and you have 40 more HP. Roll the sphere to a new cage with your bonus action and repeat.

Plus, roasted chicken is tasty, right? ;-P

2015-09-18, 03:08 PM
Stay at home, and never go adventuring.

Because I mean really, no matter how much you want to to shake your fist at the DM and say "I'm unkillable!" any reasonable DM would simply flip through his/her MM for a moment and find at least a few friends willing to murder you in the face.

2015-09-18, 03:52 PM
Necromancer + Flaming Sphere works too. Each creature who dies to your sphere gives you back 4 HP, so if you carry around cages full of ten chickens apiece (2 cp per chicken) you can use your bonus action to roll the sphere to a new cageful of chickens each round. One round later, all the chickens are dead and you have 40 more HP. Roll the sphere to a new cage with your bonus action and repeat.

Plus, roasted chicken is tasty, right? ;-P

Temp HP from the same source don't stack. Barb 4 / Sorc 16 with Cha 20 gets 21 HP every initiative tick during which a chicken dies, effectively making them immune to anything that can't deal 42 damage per initiative tick. Also, flaming sphere isn't permanent, whereas the caltrops are. Bonus points for Fiendish Resistance (Psychic) closing the bear resistence gap.

Plus, 8th level spells, and dark one's own luck as another buffer against SoS spells.

2015-09-18, 04:04 PM
Temp HP from the same source don't stack.

This comment confuses me, because:

1.) Temp HP from different sources don't stack either.
2.) You quoted me prior to making your comment, but I said nothing about temp HP. Grim Harvest gives real HP, not temp.

Grim Harvest also goes well with Fire Shield (10 minutes, no concentration).

Other ways to become more virtually unkillable(ish) include Contingency: Revivify (self), the Clone spell (plus never going out until your new clone grows to full size), and having other people who care about you and try to keep you alive. I.e. a party. :)

Contingency: Revivify is pretty rare, but Warlock/Wizards aren't all that uncommon, and Contingency: Armor of Agathys V isn't that bad as a runner-up.

2015-09-18, 04:09 PM
This comment confuses me, because:

1.) Temp HP from different sources don't stack either.
2.) You quoted me prior to making your comment, but I said nothing about temp HP. Grim Harvest gives real HP, not temp.

I just totally misremembered how grim harvest works.

2015-09-18, 06:20 PM
Warlock/Abjurer allows some pretty hilarious temporary hit point manipulation and extreme resistance to spells.

You could splash Bearbarian 3 if you could deal with the multiple attribute dependency.

2015-09-19, 03:33 AM
Bear totem + Fiend pact warlock + a constant stream of animals falling down a slide of caltrops you placed + a generous DM. Get CHA 20, lucky, and proficiency in whatever two "good saves" your first class doesn't provide.

I just noticed that this only works if you can somehow make all the animals "hostile" first. (Grim Harvest has no such restriction BTW.)

On the other hand, it works every time you reduce a creature to 0 HP, so ironically it could be a good strategy in a tough fight for one of your allies to spend a Healing Word or a healing kit usage + Healer feat in order to raise one of your enemies to 1 HP, so that you can reduce them to zero again for fresh temp HP.

2015-09-19, 08:24 AM
Use a blank page as your character sheet.

You can't be killed if you don't have stats.

2015-09-19, 09:40 AM
I just noticed that this only works if you can somehow make all the animals "hostile" first. (Grim Harvest has no such restriction BTW.)

On the other hand, it works every time you reduce a creature to 0 HP, so ironically it could be a good strategy in a tough fight for one of your allies to spend a Healing Word or a healing kit usage + Healer feat in order to raise one of your enemies to 1 HP, so that you can reduce them to zero again for fresh temp HP.

I think the chickens would naturally be hostile to the devilish creature who has made this mockery of their lives, but yeah, there's a ton of places where you need DM fiat on your side. The warlocks in my games are Fey and GOO, so I don't need to worry about this, but I know how I'd rule.

However, I do think your idea is genuinely cool enough to be allowable. A warlock sworn to a fiend keeping his enemies on the edge of life and death? That's worth a funky healing method.

2015-09-19, 10:19 AM
Ancients paladin, armored fighting style, hill dwarf, thoughness and heavy armor master. Resistance to magic damage, great saves and tons of hp and high AC. :)

Nowhere Girl
2015-09-19, 02:58 PM
Abjurer wizard can eventually be pretty unkillable. Start out as a fighter 1 with 15 Str, wear plate armor and carry a shield, only boost Con and Int ... eventually (by level 19, which is when you hit 18 wizard), you get Shield available basically every round forever (except rounds where you use your reaction for something else), and now your ward ability is constantly regenerating, which is sort of like having self-regen ... and by now you're also resistant to magic damage, and anyway you no-sell any spell you want with Counterspell with ease, and your AC can get up to a ridiculously high number in part thinks to always-on Shield, and you can use Foresight to impose disadvantage on all attacks against you and get advantage on all of your saves for most of the day, and you have a reasonably good pool of hit points due to your high Con score as well ...

Oh, and after level 19, you can go ahead and pick up fighter 2 for a free "quicken spell" per short rest in the form of Action Surge.

So now magic doesn't work well on you ... physical attacks don't work well on you ...

I ... I guess someone could try to hurt your feelings?

2015-09-19, 05:04 PM
Step 1 buy rope
Step 2 kidnap the DM
Step 3 Become the DM

2015-09-19, 08:22 PM
Abjurer wizard can eventually be pretty unkillable. Start out as a fighter 1 with 15 Str, wear plate armor and carry a shield, only boost Con and Int ... eventually (by level 19, which is when you hit 18 wizard), you get Shield available basically every round forever (except rounds where you use your reaction for something else), and now your ward ability is constantly regenerating, which is sort of like having self-regen ... and by now you're also resistant to magic damage, and anyway you no-sell any spell you want with Counterspell with ease, and your AC can get up to a ridiculously high number in part thinks to always-on Shield, and you can use Foresight to impose disadvantage on all attacks against you and get advantage on all of your saves for most of the day, and you have a reasonably good pool of hit points due to your high Con score as well ...

Note that Counterspell and Shield are mutually exclusive. And Shield can be dispelled, e.g. by a Mezzoloth or a Glabrezu.

But the real vulnerability is saves. Abjuror's 14th level Spell Resistance helps you against spells, but against dragon breath you're out of luck, and even a couple of CR 1 Harpies have an excellent chance of incapacitating you (DC 11 Wisdom save, which you're not proficient in; at Wis 11 you'd have a 75% chance to be incapacitated), and while incapacitated you can't cast Shield or Counterspell and enemies can kill you with impunity.

The Abjuror is okay, and Foresight is pretty awesome frankly, but the Abjuror is really only maybe 40% tankier than a normal Fighter/Wizard, not an order of magnitude. He's roughly on par with a Paladin/Sorcerer, worse on saves, about equal on AC-based defenses, with a much, much broader spell selection and more powerful spells. In short, he's a full wizard instead of a part-time Sorcerer, but he is also not a Paladin. Which one is tankier depends mostly on whether you're trying to mitigate AC-based threats or saving throw-based threats. IME, saving throw-based threats are worse.

2015-09-19, 08:24 PM
Gnomes get advantage on all mental saves, barbarians get advantage on most dex saves. Grab shield mastery, pick up a sweet 20 in con and dex. That gives you proficiency or advantage in every save, and dex will be super strong. Pick up resilience in wis if you want some extra coverage, that's a common save. Toughness is an obvious choice. Won't be too effective with all your ASI's going to defensive feats and non-str stats, but at least you won't have to use reckless attack, since you can just knock 'em down with your shield anyway.

I do wanna make a hill dwarf barbarian and max con to get health though. Picking up toughness, that's a 345 health pool at level 20. Distant goal, and still vulnerable to spells... but that's a lot of health for a pc.

2015-09-19, 09:35 PM
Stay at home, and never go adventuring.Far too many Commoners have discovered otherwise. Many were eaten by werewolves

2015-09-19, 10:07 PM
Gnomes get advantage on all mental saves, barbarians get advantage on most dex saves. Grab shield mastery, pick up a sweet 20 in con and dex. That gives you proficiency or advantage in every save, and dex will be super strong. Pick up resilience in wis if you want some extra coverage, that's a common save. Toughness is an obvious choice. Won't be too effective with all your ASI's going to defensive feats and non-str stats, but at least you won't have to use reckless attack, since you can just knock 'em down with your shield anyway.

I do wanna make a hill dwarf barbarian and max con to get health though. Picking up toughness, that's a 345 health pool at level 20. Distant goal, and still vulnerable to spells... but that's a lot of health for a pc.

Easiest way to (eventually) get proficiency in everything and resistance to everything and advantage (effectively, via reroll) on all saves is to be a monk and pick up Empty Body at level 18. But there's a lot of lead time before you even get Con save proficiency so I don't recommend it as a general strategy.

2015-09-20, 01:20 AM
Easiest way to (eventually) get proficiency in everything and resistance to everything and advantage (effectively, via reroll) on all saves is to be a monk and pick up Empty Body at level 18. But there's a lot of lead time before you even get Con save proficiency so I don't recommend it as a general strategy.

You could also go 6 paladin for the aura and 14 levels of monk for all save proficiencies. That's some big savings. Again, at level 20 though.

2015-09-20, 02:30 AM
I just noticed that this only works if you can somehow make all the animals "hostile" first. (Grim Harvest has no such restriction BTW.)

On the other hand, it works every time you reduce a creature to 0 HP, so ironically it could be a good strategy in a tough fight for one of your allies to spend a Healing Word or a healing kit usage + Healer feat in order to raise one of your enemies to 1 HP, so that you can reduce them to zero again for fresh temp HP.

Grim harvest unfortunately only works with necromancy spells (which flaming sphere is not). However for a slightly higher resource cost, death ripple does much the same thing, though you'll have to cast it again each round.

2015-09-20, 03:11 AM
Grim harvest unfortunately only works with necromancy spells (which flaming sphere is not). However for a slightly higher resource cost, death ripple does much the same thing, though you'll have to cast it again each round.

Actually, Grim Harvest can be triggered by any spell; necromancy spells just give an extra bang for your buck.


The only way to live forever is to never get attacked by anything that can bypass your defenses. The only way to never get attacked by something that can bypass your defenses is to make sure the attackers never get to attack you. And at the highest levels, the only way to really ensure that is to kill them.

So! Step 1 for the "survive forever" plan is "kill everybody who could ever possibly threaten you".

2015-09-20, 04:57 AM
Forest Gnome Diviner for advantage on Cha Saves and Portent, using Magic Jar, and those two abilities on his save in case the possessed body dies? At higher levels, adding Clone for good measure.

2015-09-21, 07:32 AM
Race: Gnome (either subrace)
Class: Barbearian 3/Diviner 2/Arcane Trickster 5/Barbarian (the rest)
Feats: (in no particular order)
- Resistance (Wis) : Prof in Wis Saves, 'nuff said
- Lucky : Disadvantage = Super-Advantage
- Shield Master : Evasion and bonus to Dex Saves

Key Abilities:
1) Gnome Cunning - Adv on mental Saves vs. spells
2) (Bear)Rage - Resistance to all damage bar Psychic
3) Danger Sense - Adv on Dex Saves
4) Portent - because it's one of the best abilities in the game
5) Expertise (Acrobatics, Perception) - vs. surprise, grapple and shove
6) Cunning Action - For getting out of dodge
7) Uncanny Dodge - A further half damage from any attack
8) Relentless Rage - Never die from HP loss

Spells: Shield, Feather Fall, Prot. from E/G, Invisibility, Mirror Image, Blur, Misty Step

- AoE does only 25% damage (Resistance + failed Save) OR no damage (passed Save)
- Attacks only do 25% damage (Resistance + Uncanny Dodge)
- You have Advantage on Int, Wis, Cha and Dex Saves
- You are proficient in Str, Con and Wis Saves
- You have +2 to +5 to Dex Saves (depending on your shield)
- You can't be shoved or grappled by anything but a dedicated shover or grappler
- You only die from HP loss on a failed Con Save
- You can dictate 2 results per day (Portent)
- You can retroactively turn a bad roll into a good one (Lucky)
- Many creatures have Disdvantage to hit you (Prot E/G, Blur)
- You have stratospheric AC (Shield spell, actual Shield, Armour)
- At your option, you can't be seen (Invisibility)
- Falling off a cliff won't kill you (Feather Fall)
- If it all looks like it's going pear shaped, you can always get the heck out of there (Misty Step, Uncanny Action)

2015-09-21, 09:42 AM
Step 1 buy rope
Step 2 kidnap the DM
Step 3 Become the DM
Step 4 Profit! (Sorry, I am channeling 4chan at the moment)

Stay at home, and never go adventuring.Far too many Commoners have discovered otherwise. Many were eaten by werewolves
Or got killed by unscrupulous murderhobos.

2015-09-21, 12:32 PM
Abjurer wizard can eventually be pretty unkillable. Start out as a fighter 1 with 15 Str, wear plate armor and carry a shield, only boost Con and Int ... eventually (by level 19, which is when you hit 18 wizard), you get Shield available basically every round forever (except rounds where you use your reaction for something else), and now your ward ability is constantly regenerating, which is sort of like having self-regen ... and by now you're also resistant to magic damage, and anyway you no-sell any spell you want with Counterspell with ease, and your AC can get up to a ridiculously high number in part thinks to always-on Shield, and you can use Foresight to impose disadvantage on all attacks against you and get advantage on all of your saves for most of the day, and you have a reasonably good pool of hit points due to your high Con score as well ...

Oh, and after level 19, you can go ahead and pick up fighter 2 for a free "quicken spell" per short rest in the form of Action Surge.

So now magic doesn't work well on you ... physical attacks don't work well on you ...

I ... I guess someone could try to hurt your feelings?

Plus you can always layer a few Clones in Demiplanes as a backup plan, as well as altering your plan to Magic Jar a beefy commoner instead of upping your own Con. (Boost Cha instead, to prevent that pesky possession).

2015-09-25, 02:58 PM

No, really!

You spec yourself out with mage armor/shield/invis/etc. all the way up the chain.
No attack spells at all.

You spend every combat running from danger, yelling "NOT IN THE FACE!"

You really would be hard to kill. :P