View Full Version : Z Nation Season 2

2015-09-18, 11:33 PM
Tonight was, for me, a dumb episode. It was pointless. A bunch of bounty hunters are fighting each other to capture Jerk Murphy because of promised riches of taking him to California. The bounty hunters kill each other, one allegedly joins the group at the end, and Sidekick boyfriend gets eaten leaving the show. Murphy's leanings towards redemption have abated. He's full on Jerk again. Everyone knows it, but as much as they want to get rid of him plot point demands they can't because he's the Cure.

Will the Jerk finally knock it the fornication off already realizing because of him boyfriend is dead? Not bloody likely.

2015-09-19, 09:28 AM
Well, Sickick bf was already having problems with his gf. She left him for the convent. Not a good gf.
She only came back because she lost the convent.
He saves her life in this episode a few times though. Plus, why blame the Jerk for zombies bitting him: Murphy was smart to hide beside creatures that can't harm him. The BF was stupid to go in the dark alone.

But the episode is just showing how dangerous it was for the radio man to make announcements.

The Murph-zombie (Cassandra, infected by Murphy's bite) is awesome. Why doesn't he make more of them?

Ricky S
2015-09-19, 10:08 PM
I feel like z nation really is a hit or miss show regarding its episodes. Some of them are really cool and some of them are insanely stupid but I guess thats the charm of a b grade zombie series. Its good fun. I havent watched any of season 2 yet though.

2015-09-20, 12:11 AM
Certainly Z Nation is not to be taken too seriously. It does take itself seriously as opposed to being a parody, but it knows it's a knock-off and knows we know. That allows the show to break the genre's tropes, such as actually calling them zombies, have a cure, a zombienado, kill off the hinted leader and star of the show in the first episode, etc. I just found this episode as pointless.

2015-09-20, 08:12 PM
I feel like z nation really is a hit or miss show regarding its episodes.

Welcome to anything created by The Asylum.

Ricky S
2015-09-20, 08:21 PM
Welcome to anything created by The Asylum.

I am not familiar with The Asylum but if their other work is the same I can see why they got their name.

2015-09-20, 09:42 PM
I am not familiar with The Asylum but if their other work is the same I can see why they got their name.

Basically, they rip-off parody (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Asylum) other movies. Except not in the terrible way like the [Genre] Movies do. The Asylum still makes bad movies, but in the good way. Their most notable work to date is Sharknado, which revels in its badness.

2015-09-21, 09:50 AM
Certainly Z Nation is not to be taken too seriously. It does take itself seriously as opposed to being a parody, but it knows it's a knock-off and knows we know. That allows the show to break the genre's tropes, such as actually calling them zombies, have a cure, a zombienado, kill off the hinted leader and star of the show in the first episode, etc. I just found this episode as pointless.

Why was that baby super strong/agile (compared to other zombies)? Babies don't even have teeth at that age!

How did it eat him?

Really, that episode was so contrived and silly. Luckily the second was better.

Ricky S
2015-09-22, 01:52 AM
Oh sharknado! I understand and if that's their best work then I can see their problem.

I was actually really sad they killed off that guy with the baby. He was one of the reasons I was excited for the show in the beginning. He probably realised how terrible it was and decided to pull out after filming a few eps. The baby was more like a demon than a zombie

2015-09-22, 10:38 PM
He probably realised how terrible it was and decided to pull out after filming a few eps.

Nah, that's not how contracts work. He would've signed on for just one episode from the beginning.

2015-10-02, 11:58 PM
Looks like Drug Kingpin is going to be The Villain this season. In theory the Group should be leaving his territory, but I have a feeling he'll be around in the season finale if not before then. I understand there needs to be conflict to have a show, and there's only so much you can do with zombies but this character is a stereotype. He's the Donkey Cavity who just has to ruin it all. Maybe Crop 47 could never be a cure, but progress was made even with the in-joke of the zombie head saying "brains". But noooo, Donkey Cavity just had to show up to be there and ruin everything. Must keep his drug empire going. Who cares about saving anyone. The episode was interesting. I was happy that Crop 47 was real, not a hoax. "Science guy" really did want to get the crop, not just lure gullible people into the greenhouse for some sinister or sick insanity ploy. Then Donkey Cavity appeared, burst the entertaining bubble, and ruined everything including metashow. The writers just don't know when to stop.