View Full Version : [3.5] Rise of the Runelords: Burnt Offerings

2015-09-19, 12:26 AM
http://i.imgur.com/eMbOs51.png?1 (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?442926-3-5-Rise-of-the-Runelords)


Vex Leandros (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=556478)Human
ArtificerNMerchant In The Making

Jon Oakheart (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=556881)Human
Warder (Zweihander Sentinel)NGLocal Sandpoint Strongarm

Arzak the Tribute (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=145664)Orc
BarbarianCGWandering Monster Hunter

Wren Becke (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=557293)Tiefling
Alchemist (trap breaker)NGLocal Sandpoint "Pharmacist"

Waldo Dzhordinov (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=561260)Gnome
SummonerCGThe Observant Serpent

The Wanderer

Five names haunt you still, do they not?

Your father's, though faded, is still etched into the mountain of your memory, made like the erosion when the mountain first made, drifting away with the river of time. The Chieftain Bortan, who took you in, whose name has been carved in the tunnels of your mind, like a storyteller with his tools. Birtan, son of Bortan, who you beat down, whose name has been marred in the deep caverns of your hatred, like deep dark thing who has not seen the sun, who thrashes about for its meals. And your weapons, the Cleaver of Men and the Slayers of Dragons, who names and images have been inscribed in the core of your soul, they as much a part of you as you are of them. When honor demanded it, you were given up, yet you were taken in. When honor demanded it, you defended your people, yet nearly killed the next leader of your new people. Time goes on, the names collect up, higher and higher. How many more will pass you take? How many more will give you up? How many more will you keep?

Five names haunt you, wanderer, but they won't slow you down, won't quell your rage, who slow your swing. You've chosen the path, wanderer. Now let it take you.

The Pharmacist

Your fiendish forebear has left you gifted.

Nothing is free, fiend, and you know this. Natural guile does not come without its costs. Talent does not come freely. A great mind does not come without its drawbacks. Tinker away at your projects, toil away at your fire and your plants and your craft. Better to learn more than to actually know. Take no man, take no lands, take nothing else if you want, but take this to heart. There are reasons why many would shun you, and sometimes you are not what they see. You may fill your mind with the knowledge of inspiration and the grey land between the mundane and the magic, but all minds hold memory. Memory of things best left untouched. Memory of things that are now gone. Painful things, hurtful things, that never go away. Things that sit in the front row, and smile politely, and want to do good, and then burn alive. Learn your fire. Learn your craft. Know your plants. But know that memories exist in all things. Drunkards. Fathers. Dead things. Forgotten things.

You are good not to forswear your fiendish heritage. For in the months to come, you'll need them. For things are coming back, and the cost of that endangers us all.

The Stoic

You've got three things on your soul.

Strong arms made a strong life, and hard work made your spirit toughen up too. A strong back, with bones like stone and a walk like a giant, you were never one for a life in a stall. You made your living your very body. Whether you were swinging to bring down a tree, or swinging to bring down a man, your movements have always had purpose. Many a man stays in his own head, content to ponder deeper pointless things. Many a man moves without thinking, waiting for the next meal, waiting to get to the next point. But you've never waited. You've always acted, mind and body, as one. You grieved when your parents were lost in the slaughter of Sandpoint so many years ago, but you turned that sorrow into a strong spirit. And in the years that followed, you formed a strong body, with the work you took upon with your brother. And both things were tested, nay, nearly broken, when you lost your wife. But life doesn't wait for you to recover. Life won't wait until you're ready for another blow.

You have loyalty, love, and life on your soul, the ones you have, the ones you'll gain, and the ones you've lost. And you'll need all of them to face the threats to come. Stay strong, warrior.

The Merchant

You've earned a pair of knives, aye.

You're a cheater, aye, and a sly one, getting what you've deserved, and getting more on top of that, for good or bad. You can see how magic works. Can see strands of the stuff, put it in the things that people value the most. You can make liquids fierce enough to kill a boar, can make liquids strong enough to cure an ill. But you've done some naught good with it, and got some naught good in return. That man you poisoned is still out there. As is your friend and his "friend". You put a dagger in the back of that merchant, and then your friend and his friend had one waiting for you. Poison can be quick. But they put somethin' in deeper an' that, lad. But who cares? Your path will take you through the wonders of the world. You're not the same boy in your father's care anymore, are you? No more quiet weeks with him. No more learnin' the basics. You may want the quiet merchant life, but boy, destiny ain't no quiet thing. She'll run you down 'til your bleedin'. She'll cut through you 'til you ain't nothin' but bone.

A pair knives you've earned, aye, but you'll make wonders outta them yet.

The Serpent

You hold a dangerous book.

This book isn't meant for you. Wasn't made for you. Wasn't designed for you. But yet you're the one who watches the snake watches the snake watch you and Gustav isn't spiting the small creature and isn't it funny how it still comes to you like a breath of fresh air? The mind wanders and stirs. What is it you want, serpent? The family honor keeps your Brother from you, and the tome you carry marking you as nonsensical by those you wish to call peers. What is it you want, serpent? The answers you want and need and seek are in darker places than you have been before, and dead things were only alive the other day. What is it you want, serpent? At your beck and call is a memory of a memory, a thing that is more myth and rumor than actual reality, making the one person who has believed your story reveal his own fangs to get at your own. The world is full of fangs, serpent. Rending, tearing, and full of venom. The world is going to be full of venom, and to fight back, you'll need venom of your own.

You hold a dangerous book, serpent. But it'll give you the venom you need, and poison to go with it. And in time you'll know why you were the one drawn to it.

Present Day

The morning sun is glorious thing today, shining down upon the town of Sandpoint, the Light of the Lost Coast. Here in this town do they now celebrate the Swallowtail Festival, on the morning of the Autumnal Equinox. The town square is a flurry of excitement. Merchants from across Varisia are here today, hocking their wares. Clothes, spices, soft woods, toys, and all kinds of other luxuries are available for those with enough coin. The food stalls around the square "sell" their dishes for free, each one stocked by one of the three Inns in town. And all around there are games to be played, testing all manner of dexterity, strength, strength of stomach, and cunning.

A stage has been erected in front of the (new) cathedral. There are four chairs on the back, three of which are filled, and a woman in clothing suitable of a noble, but lacking any of the gaudy jewelry to accompany it, stands at the front. Her face is etched with the work of years, and her auburn hair has been cut short for the ease of it. "Good morning, all of you, everyone! I am Mayor Deverin, but today, I am just like any one of you. For today, we once again celebrate the Swallowtail Festival, our yearly honoring of the harvest, and the slow crawl into the quiet winter ahead of us. I'd like to personally thank each and every one of you for coming out today, and to all newcomers to our town, I'd like to point out a special treat. If you notice near the lobster chowder stall, you'll see our very own tanner, Larz Rovanky, who managed to tear himself from his work for a short time to share in our celebration." At this, most of the crowd glances behind them to a middle-aged man with a rough beard, wearing an apron of thick leather, who scowls as he scarfs down a bowl of pale meat. A mass, soft chuckle passes through the crowd, when the woman begins speaking. "Next to speak is our very Sheriff, Belor Hemlock! So please put your hands together, everyone."

A loud applause starts when one of the men from the seats stands up to shake the Mayor's hand. He has a grim face upon him, a matching set when paired with the worn breastplate and longsword at his side. His head is shaved, and his eyes slowly move across the crowd as the mayor seats herself behind him, and he begins to speak. "Thank you, Mayor, thank you, everyone. While I'm happy to see another Swallowtail Festival, I ask that we not forget the things we, as a town, have endured. I would ask that we all take a moment of silence, to remember those we lost to the fire that burned down our last chapel, so many years ago." The locals of Sandpoint go quiet, and those non-natives who are present join in. The Sheriff stands with is hand in the air, open palm towards the crowd. The moment passes, and he speaks again, though the mood has shifted. "In honoring them, let us not make the mistakes that led to their passing. I know that tonight's bonfire is a much welcome event, but take caution." His standing shifts awkwardly, and his stoicism cracks for a moment. "But I, er, uh... well, I hope you all enjoy our town. Our next speaker is our local theater operator, Cyrdak Drokkus."

One of the seated men rises up and makes his way to the front of the stage, and is halfway there by the time Hemlock sits down. Unlike the Sheriff, his clothing is eccentric in its hues of purple and red and gold, with his hair neatly trimmed and his goatee showing signs of much attention. At the front of the stage, he waves his hands in the air, and lowers them, silencing the applause. "Why, yes, of course, the Sheriff is right. We have had some harsh time behind us, but sometimes even great things can be made from these tragedies." With this, he waves to the Church. "Take a look, everyone! With everyone's help, we don't have a temple for just one goddess, but from six all at once! Because why ask for the blessing of one god, when you could have six? Because why ask for the strength of one god, when you could have six? Because when you piss off one god, at least you have five more left!" The crown laughs at the joke, and Drokkus waves his hands once more quieting them. "Our next speaker is our very own Father Zantus, but, if you'll pardon me, Father, I'd like to inform you all that the Sandpoint Theater will be debuting its new production, The Harpy's Curse, tomorrow night! And the lead role of Avisera the Harpy Queen will be played by none other than the diva of Magnimar, Allishanda! So please, keep this energy everyone, and give a hand for Father Zantus!"

The last person on the stage stands and looks embarrassed, but happy, at the applause he's given. He's young for a priest, and he moves quickly to the center of the stage. He wears the robes of a priest of Desna, complete with her holy symbol hanging at his neck. When the applause simmers down, he speaks. "Thank you, Mr. Drokkus. And thank you everyone, for coming to our town on our sacred festival. Today is a day of celebration, not one of speeches, I believe, so please, let our Festival continue."

The crowd laughs, and with one last applause, spreads back out to the festival stalls, the town square once again erupting into a cacophony of noise.

What do you do?

Each game is played twice, once in the morning, and once in the afternoon, after the main lunch is set out. If you win the game in the morning, you can still play in the afternoon, but cannot win an additional prize for the sake of fairness. All games are 1cp to play.

Toss the Hammer!

A huge and heavy hammer, made of an iron 6-foot shaft with a great stone for its head, must be thrown! Contestants use the best of three throws, with the longest single throw winning! For each attempt, roll a Strength check and a ranged attack roll. Three attempts per morning/afternoon.

The Devil Hunt!

Do you have what it takes to take down the infamous Sandpoint Devil? Find out here! Using a provided longbow, fire two arrows at the Sandpoint Devil target's bullseye, over where it heart is! Hit the bullseye for your prize! Make ranged attack rolls with a longbow. Allowed any number of tries until you win.


For this game, two teams of three must be formed! Each team will hold onto their end of the 4 inch thick rope, with a 10-foot-wide pit filled with fresh fertilizer separates the two teams. The team member with the best Strength score makes the check, and other team members aid him. Each successful opposed Strength check pulls the other team 2 feet toward the pit. Each team starts the competition 6 feet from the edge.

Throw the Spear!

Throw the spear! Which is 12-foot-long! And made of iron! Works similarly to Toss the Hammer, but harder DCs. Better prizes, however.

The Goblin Toss!

A bean bag toss game, where the bags are shaped like goblins, and the targets are made to look like fireplaces! Children toss at the biggest and closest hole, women throw at the medium sized hole, and men use the smallest and furthest hole! Get all three into the hole and win a prize! Make ranged attack rolls. Allowed any number of tries until you win.


Each contestant gets two tries to lift a series of heavier and heavier weights! With five weights in all, whoever can lift them all in the quickest amount of time wins! There are five objects to lift, with DCs of 6, 10, 14, 18, and 22. Natural 20s automatically succeeds. You get two tries with each one.

Hurling Horseshoes!

Hurl the horseshoes at the pegs! Contestants face off against one another, with the one who misses being the loser! If each contestant hits their target, the peg is pushed back, continuing on until one loses! The farther the peg, the better the prize! Make ranged attack rolls with a -4 penalty to hit.

Dragon Races!

We here at Sandpoint want to start farming Dragons, so lets see which one is the fastest! Pick a dragon, and once we have at least four people with a dragon picked, set them loose and see whose is the fastest! Without touching your lizard, goad your lizard down the track. Make a series of Handle Animal checks, with a DC of 14. A lizard moves 5' on a successful check. On a failure, they don't move. If you fail by 10 or more, it moves backwards. The track is 30' feet long. Allowed any number of tries until you win.

2015-09-19, 01:48 AM
The Pharmacist

Typical, really.

Wren had planned to spend the morning hidden away in the lab in her room above her mother's bakery. There was a concoction she'd had inspiration for this morning, a way to change a person's appearance (albeit briefly). She could already feel the inspiration leaving her head though, the sound of the crowd drowning her thoughts out; it was why she'd planned to stay in, despite the festival. Instead, Patty had shown up, and with barely a sentence was pulling Wren out of her work clothes and into one of those dresses Patty had given her. A simple dress really - a dark green that worked with her red hair... and red eyes. The long skirt even hid her tail for the most part, though all the locals know it's there anyways. And now Patty was nowhere to be found.

Wren clicks her claws together worriedly. She was always lost in crowds like this, unsure of how to act when it wasn't one-on-one. So for the moment, she wanders over towards a stall, looking awkward and alone. This time, rather than one of the more rigorous strength-based challenges, she's wandered over to the Goblin Toss, hoping that perhaps she can win a prize despite everything. She doesn't start off the conversation, though, unsure of what to say to the person behind the counter when she arrives.

2015-09-19, 06:58 AM
Arzak, the Wandering Tribute

It had been a long road, but he had finally reached Sandpoint. And, what's more, there was a festival! Arzak could not have asked for better timing. Grinning from ear to ear, he first acquires a frothing mug of ale from one of the stalls before considering the games available. Tug of War wasn't really fair for him to participate in. He scowled when he saw the Goblin Toss, bloody racists. The Devil Hunt was of interest, but then it turned out it was an archery competition. A real man wasn't afraid to go toe to toe with a monster like that.

Then he found the Spear Throw. Setting down his ale, he dusted off his hands, and looked around at the competition.
Well, let's see if you lot can keep up!
He hefted the spear, then hurled it down the range.

Str Check:[roll0]
Attack Roll: [roll1]

Str Check:[roll2]
Attack Roll: [roll3]

Str Check:[roll4]
Attack Roll: [roll5]

EDIT: Str checks: 18, 11, 18 (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?442926-3-5-Rise-of-the-Runelords&p=19841035#post19841035)

2015-09-19, 12:27 PM
Jon walks around the festival, a niece on each shoulder and a nephew clinging to each leg, all with a generously sized piece of candy. That copse of darkwood was a rare find in these parts and Jon had more cash on hand than he had since he lost his business. He laughed and greeting old friends and acquantences, soaking up the joy of the festival. Spying the sheriff, he booms out "Belor! You aren't getting out of the tug of war this year! Just get behind me and pull! Pull this time! HaHA! You, go grab your uncle, I mean to win this year." He shakes a nephew free and sends him off on his errand.

don't know the other stats, but here are a pile of rolls for Jon
strength [roll0]

Once he recovers, he returns to his oldf standby, the weightlifting competition, for more personal glory.
6 [roll7][roll8],

2015-09-19, 01:36 PM
Observant Serpent

When Waldo's arrival appeared to be greeted by a festival, the natural assumption given his family's history was that he had been elevated to some local lordship without his knowledge. To his immense relief, he was quickly disabused of this notion as soon as he came close enough to read the banners, although a lingering worry that "Swallowtail" would turn out to be the name of his estate hung over his head until he made it into the actual city and discovered the reason for the festival. Suddenly freed from his anxiety at the prospect of sudden, sedentary responsibility, Waldo makes his way into the midst of the crowd; being two feet shorter than everyone around him, he can actually see very little of the people giving speeches, and being from many miles away has virtually no notion of what they're talking about, but nonetheless cheers and laughs at the appropriate moments as or more loudly than his larger, local neighbors.

As the speeches end and the festival resumes its more protean form following the speeches, Waldo looks at the array of games and recalls one of the many distinct phrases his father sometimes claims as the family motto: "Nothing ventured, nothing gained." Counting the coins in his pocket, he elects to try everything at least once, though he is first drawn to the dragon races. While in his conscious mind, Waldo reasons he's drawn to this particular attraction because the lizards are cute and he wants to understand the thrill his brother gets from racing horses, but one must wonder if the reptilian form, in particular, holds him in some thrall he can neither recognize nor explain. Nonetheless, the length of his legs belies the speed with which he is able to reach the booth and, indeed, he's the first person with ready money at the table to select a lizard. "Look at this one. He's got the hunger in his eyes," he says, pointing to his choice; the child next to him, to whom he is presumably speaking, seems unimpressed. He's not really sure how to check eyes for a hunger for victory or a thirst for glory, but this is what his brother says when he examines race horses, and he figures it can't hurt to have a psychological edge over his competition. "He, and not just because all lizards are vertebrates, has — are all lizards vertebrates? — backbone. You can tell — I'm fairly certain they are, or at least nearly all — from that thirst in his eyes."

2015-09-19, 03:51 PM
The Merchant

At the footsore end of a long and weary road Vex finally reaches Sandpoint, only to discover that there's a festival on. Vex could not have imagined worse timing!

Stunned, Vex just stands there for a moment, despairing of ever finding the person his father told him of. Thinking again, though, of his father's last words he takes a deep breath, scrounges up some courage, and wades into the crowd. Wandering aimlessly at first, his hand unconsciously returning to his money-pouch from time to time and one eye on the lookout for enterprising young cutpurses he eventually makes his way toward the stands and the people giving speeches.

After hearing the first speaker introduce herself Vex spends the rest of the speeches marveling at his good fortune; he'd found her already! Basking in this unusual stroke of good luck Vex forgets to watch where the mayor goes, though, and quickly realizes that he's lost her just as quickly as he'd found her!

Shortly after making this realization Vex hears a man shouting out to the sheriff. Following the sound Vex soon spots a bear of a man amid a veritable swarm of smaller relations. Figuring that the sheriff must know the mayor and that this man obviously knows the sheriff (and would be difficult to lose, even in this crowd!) Vex slowly makes his way through the press, eventually reaching the man just as his tug of war bout finishes.

Excuse me sir, Vex says over the noise of the crowd. I'm new to the area and I need to speak to the mayor. It seems obvious enough that you know the sheriff, might you also know the mayor? And more importantly how I might get a word with her? She doesn't know me, but she knew my father. Just before he... Vex pauses, paling a bit, swallows hard and goes on...passed he told me I should come speak to her.

2015-09-19, 04:37 PM
Jon turns, looking the newcomer over. Aye, be easy enough to find, not much official business to attend now that the speechifying is done. Come on, I've got a moment before my team gets together. Should be right around here, I reckon." he turns to peer over the crowd, making the massive axe on his back inescapably obvious.

2015-09-20, 08:28 AM
The Pharmacist

"Ey ey Wren, why you click clackin'?" The man behind the counter, Daverin Hosk, asks as you approach. A local hunter, his hatred for Goblins is well known... and evidently enough to make this game. "Why you fussin', ah? You wanna try a try at my game?"

The Wanderer

Amazingly enough, your first toss of the spear flies true... er than the other contestants, land in the grass a few feet shy of the target, but still the closest one to it. The other men around you raise mugs and fists shouting at you, as the dwarf running the game approaches you with a small pouch, in which you find five wooden tokens, and three silver pieces.

The Stoic

By the fifth round, you, the Sheriff, and one of the new Town Guards pull the opposing team forward, crashing them into the fertilizer. A laughter and applause rounds out around the six of you, and the game runner, who you recognize as the tanner Rovanky, hands each of you a pair of fine leather gloves, while chuckling at the three men in the pile.

You find less luck in the weightlifting competition, with the third weight besting you.

And shortly after, a clever, smart-dressed man asks you about the mayor, who you can spot near the stage, staring at something in the crowd.

The Serpent

The child just kinda gives you a funny look, before exclaiming loudly. "Yeah, I like the red one! He's fast!"

You, the child, and two rough looking men choose out lizards, and with them on the course, the race begins. The other three in the game simply try and encourage their lizards to get moving, but you simply stare the lizard, who stares back, and you just start talking to it about scales and eating and warmth without talking, and it slowly drags its sluggish body forward, consistently. While the other three sometimes don't get their lizard to move, or are unable to get it to move in the right direction, in one minute flat, yours is across the finish line.

The large, tall man running the game laughs, his booming voice rising over the shouts of the crowd around you all. "And here we see, a Gnomish touch works wonders. Here you go little man!" He hands you two copper pieces, and a large, wooden medal that says "1st Place Swallowtail Dragon Race" on the front.

2015-09-20, 11:47 AM
Arzak, the Wandering Tribute

Arzak laughs as the spear flies true and he accepts his prize. Holding up one of the wooden coins, he looks at the dwarf.
Some kind of token to redeem for prizes? Or do these have value here that I don't know about?

2015-09-20, 02:25 PM

"Speed isn't everything," Waldo chides, "You also need a lizard whose focus can force from his mind the fearful certainty that we can never reach our goals, for we must be halfway to the finish line before we can finish, then halfway between that point and the finish line, and, well, you can see where this is a going." Presumably, the kid doesn't. "This is a lot for a little lizard to take, and you can't just rely on speedy legs. Struck by this certainty, it'd be easy to freeze in fear at the dissimilitude between the world your lizard eyes report and the world your — oh, it's starting." Suddenly and strangely silent, Waldo's consciousness seems to find the type of focus he considered necessary in a lizard, and he guides it forwards with knowing nods that promise, wordlessly, that the sunniest spot, covered in crickets, is at the end of the track.

Collecting his two copper pieces, he gives the extra to the boy who'd picked the red lizard, with sage but cryptic words of encouragement: "Remember the old fable, son; rabbits may be fast, but fast and steady wins the race." With that, he affixes the wooden medal proudly to his robe, and sets off for the next challenge.

Fresh from his first and most assured victory, Waldo elects to try something that is both more of a challenge and will allow him some healthful physical exertion after many days spend largely in carriages. He stands in the line behind a very large, heavily bearded man, who makes it to the third weight. Seeing as the man is probably twice Waldo's height and of a much bulkier build, this bodes ill for our hero's chances. Who knows, he thought, reciting another family motto to himself, sometimes you just get lucky. "A copper buys me two tries at each weight, right?" Waldo asks, emphasizing each weight; though he almost certainly won't win, he intends to get his money's worth, and proceeds down the line, doing his best at each weight.

DC 6:
[roll0] [roll1]
DC 10:
[roll2] [roll3]
DC 14:
[roll4] [roll5]
DC 18:
[roll6] [roll7]
DC 22:
[roll8] [roll9]

2015-09-20, 02:39 PM
The Pharmacist

Wren flushes with embarrassment, "Sorry, I just..." Wren breathes out, trying to clear her head, "I'd love to take part. Can you go over the rules?"

Assuming he goes over the rules for Wren, she'll take some of the stuffed 'goblins' and try tossing a few. She's careful to keep her claws from scratching the little bags; it'd be terrible if she ended up doing that.

Wren will play two rounds of Goblin Toss. Since it's a ranged attack roll for this (at least I think it is) I'm going to assume that I can roll dexterity attacks for this. If she's not allowed to keeping going for some reason (For example, can't keep going after you win a round, and she wins on the first one) she'll stop with one round.

Round 1

Round 2

2015-09-20, 09:07 PM
Jon is still rubbing his back from the strains of the competitions. "Right over there, come on. Name's Jon, by the way. Jon Oakheart, woodcutter."

2015-09-21, 09:02 AM
You don't say, Vex responds, with a neutral face and a conspicuous glance at the huge axe on Jon's back. Never would of guessed. I'm Vex. Vex Leandros. Thanks for the introduction. Hey, since you're in a helpful mood you wouldn't happen to know a decent (and inexpensive) place for a fella to stay would you? Like I said, new in town. He continues as they work their way through the crowd.

2015-09-21, 11:01 AM
Jon shrugs, "Rusty Dragon would be a fair place to start. Ameiko's a decent sort, despite her unfortunate parentage. Hagfish works too, if you aren't too concerned about their taste in entertainment."

2015-09-21, 11:43 PM

The tokens, you see, have a small etching on the side of it of Sandpoint's coast... which you deduce by the label on the back. The Dwarf pipes at you, mirth in her voice. "Indeed, deary. Those tokens are good for one free meal at the Inn that wins today's lunch competition. But between you an' me? Rusty Dragon is gonna win, all the way."


The gameskeeper is a gruff man, with soot marks across his arms and face. He smiles wide as you pick up the first weight, and as you fail on the second weight, but looks in wide-eyed eye-brows down shock as you pick up the third one. In fact, everyone is surprised to see a Gnome lift up something that weighs more than him. As you walk away, you hear one person laughing wildly, shouting. "I told you to take the long bet, Grohn, I told you!"


When you fail to throw the goblin into the bins on the second time on each try, Daverin tsks in sympathy. "Sorry 'bout tha' Wrenny, but y'know how tricksy them goblins be, aye?"


As noon rolls around, three carts are brought into the festival square, each one manned by an Inn. The Hagfish brings about more of its lobster chowder, the White Deer brings in stacks of its peppercorn venison, but in the end, its the Rusty Dragon's curry-spiced salmon and winterdrop mead that wins, easily overshadowing the other Inns.

Afternoon rolls in, and the crowd goes in for one more round of games and fun and merriment, before the closing prayer by Father Zantus.

2015-09-22, 01:52 AM
Waldo looks as surprised as anyone else when the weight comes off the ground, his eyes switching from a frantic search for who else is picking up the weight to a boundless glee at the realization that some hint of fey magic buried deep within his blood is, apparently, his only assistant against the usually merciless laws of physics. Managing, in equal defiance of the odds, to set the weight down without doing himself some grievous injury, his attempts at the other weights are half-hearted, both from fatigue and fear. "I would bow," he tells the astonished crowd, "But I'm worried about what might happen if I don't keep my back perfectly straight for the next several hours."

After some judicious and initially tentative stretches, Waldo makes his way to one of the food stalls. Inexplicably unnerved by the idea of eating arthropods ("even in soup!"), and having been generally put off venison by the zombified ("or, generally, undead,") deer one is wont to see around Ustalav, he finds himself at the Racing Dragon's tent, so he feels like a winner for the third time today when his chosen stall is announced winner of the lunch competition. So, both more tired and fuller than he expected to be at this point in the day, and already (almost) thrice victorious, he decides to perhaps not try all the games. Confining himself to Hurling Horseshoes and relaxing for the afternoon, he makes his way to the game booth after he's certain his salmon is fully digested and his muscles remain miraculously uninjured.


2015-09-22, 07:55 AM
[The Pharmacist]

Wren breathes out and rubs her head, "Yeah, I suppose," she looks around for a bit, "I'm sort of wondering where Patrice got off to. The little lady dragged me out and then vanished on me. Have you seen her? Because I'd like to give her a piece of my mind," Wren's claws go back to clicking together as she thinks. force of habit and all that.

2015-09-22, 10:15 AM
Jon takes his time at lunch, sampling the offerings thoroughly. The morning left him hungry and there was more fun to be had yet. He took his turns at the heavy throws, confident in his strength if not his accuracy. str [roll0] att [roll1]
str [roll2] att [roll3]
str [roll4] att [roll5]

str [roll6] att [roll7]
str [roll8] att [roll9]
str [roll10] att [roll11]

2015-09-22, 05:09 PM
Arzak, the Wandering Tribute

Arzak laughs.
Now that might just be one of the best prizes I've heard of! And a chance to sample before I dine? I could get to like this town.
He claps the dwarf on the back, before making his way to the Tug of War. Now that he had gotten limbered up, he felt ready to show his real strength.

I'll go ahead and make 10 rolls. I'm guessing I have the highest Str around :smalltongue:

2015-09-23, 07:59 PM
In what can only be described as a gross misconception of the art of throwing horseshoes, Waldo launches his projectile as though skipping a stone. That is to say, he hurls it almost directly into the ground, albeit in such a way that a differently shaped object, striking a different surface, might leap majestically off into the distance. Being the shape that it is, however, and striking the surface it is, the horseshoe merely kicks up a cloud of dust and lies inert with a dull thud. "I didn't win, did I?" Waldo asks, almost entirely unnecessary, offering his horseshoe's resting place a confused, scathing glance.

2015-09-24, 06:44 PM
The Merchant

After thanking Jon for the introduction and wishing him a good lunch, Vex turns to the mayor, a solemn look overtaking his face. Thank you for your time Madam Mayor; I'll try not to take up too much of it. My father, Travos Leandros, ... well. I'm sorry, this is harder than I thought it would be. To put it simply he mentioned you on his deathbed. He told me to seek you out in Sandpoint, though it was hard to understand exactly what he was trying to say by then. Something about Goblins?

2015-09-24, 10:28 PM
As the gameskeeper is about to inform you of your losses, and as your spear flies true through the target, as your team wins a tug of war fight, and as the Mayor looks at you with slow recognition, a sharp retort, like the crack of distant thunder, slices through the excited crowd as the sun's setting rays paint the western sky. A stray dog that has crawled under a nearby wagon to sleep sitrs awake, and the buzz of two dozen conversations quickly hushes as all heads turn toward the central podium, where a beaming Father Zantus has taken the stage. He clears his throat, takes a breath to speak, and suddenly a woman's scream slices through the air. A few moments later, another scream rises, then another. Beyond them, a sudden surge of strange new voices rises high-pitched, tittering shrieks that sound not quite human. The crowd parts and something low to the ground races by, giggling with disturbing glee as the stray dog gives a pained yelp and then collapses with a gurgle, its throat cut open from ear to ear. As blood pools around its head, the raucous sound of a strange song begins, chanted from shrill, scratchy voices:

Goblins chew and goblins bite,
Goblins cut and goblins fight,
Stab the dog and cut the horse,
Goblins eat and take by force!

Goblins race and goblins jump,
Goblins slash and goblins bump,
Burn the skin and mash the head,
Goblins here and you be dead!

Chase the baby, catch the pup,
Bonk the head to shut it up!
Bones be cracked, flesh be stewed,
We the goblins—you the food!

You all spot three goblins near the cart, and fortunately for you, you catch them first, rushing into combat.

Map is here. (https://app.roll20.net/join/1030240/QOrVyQ)

In a spoiler, give me your Roll20 name, so I can give you control of your tile.

I try my best to keep the number of objects in my maps to a minimum, so that I don't overtax anyone's computer by mistake. If I have done so, tell me, and I'll try and minimize it a little.

If anything is unclear, please tell me.

Square is currently evacuated, except for a few stragglers.

You guys won initiative.

2015-09-25, 03:12 AM
As soon as the chant ends its first repetition, a voice cuts through the silence; though it comes from a very small man, the voice is incredibly large, even booming. "Now you hear this! I was born in the fell forests of Ustalav, I have descended to deadly depths of the Darklands," while Waldo speaks, a small cloud of greengrey smoke appears between him and the goblins, then begins to take shape and solidify as Waldo's voice reaches it's crescendo; "Things far more fearsome the the likes of you have failed to make me food! Can you say the same?"

Waldo turns and gives the Tiefling to his right a sly grin, whispering "They're going to hate this," as the greenish fog finally takes on the form of a fearsome hound. The conjured dog rushes forth with such ferocity it almost seems it can sense the hatred the goblins hold for its mortal kin. "Imagine their frustration when it disappears," he adds with a knowing wink, absently pulling the crossbow from his back.

Waldo's using his Summon Monster I spell-like ability to summon a celestial dog (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/bestiary/monster-listings/animals/dog/dog/summoned-creature-dog) between him and the goblins; specifically, within twenty-five feet of where he's standing, but within forty feet of at least one goblin. Other than that, wherever is fine. He'll use his move action to draw his crossbow.
My roll20 is, imaginatively enough, Zrak.

2015-09-25, 07:13 AM
"Goblins! Kill them!" Jon frees his axe deftly as he charges forward, hate filling his eyes as he charges forward. Kill them quickly, then find the family.screenname: Andrew S.

charge 20' forward to the nearest goblin, drawing axe as part of move

swift for stance of the defending shell +1 AC
attack (going to wait on any maneuvers, I doubt he needs a damage boost against goblins) [roll0] (should be +2 from charge) vs flatfooted at the start of combat
damage [roll1] (should be -2 since I added the charge bonus to the wrong dice code) (I don't think the d12 actually matters if it hits)

Jon Oakheart (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=556881)
M NG Human Warder (Zweihander Sentinel), Level 1, Init 1, HP 26/26, Speed 20
AC 15, Touch 9, Flat-footed 14, CMD 16, Fort 4, Ref 1, Will 3, CMB +5, Base Attack Bonus 1
Woodcutting Axe (two-handed) +6 (1d12+8, x3)
hide, Zweihander Training (+4 Armor, +2 Shield, +1 Dex)
Abilities Str 18, Dex 12, Con 14, Int 16, Wis 12, Cha 8
Condition stance of the defending shell +1 to shield AC
-2 AC charge

2015-09-25, 07:45 PM
Arzak, the Wandering Tribute

Arzak sees the insane little creatures, and moves to place himself between the goblins and the innocents of the town.
Hold, little ones. There is no need for violence here.
He places a hand on the handle of Mancleaver, pulling the vicious looking axe from his side and putting a particular emphasis on the next words.
Is there?

Move to be at the bottom left corner of the leftmost goblin, pulling my weapon and making an intimidate check.
[roll0], +4 more for being a size larger, IIRC.

You'll have to guess my Roll20 name. Hint: I use one name across the entire internet (yes, all of it)

2015-09-26, 01:40 AM
The Pharmacist

Wren isn't listening when Arzak attempts some intimidation. the moment she realizes what's happening she pulls a vial off her belt and quickly stirs in some of her own essence before tossing it at the nearest goblin, moving up beside the orc. Whether it strikes the goblin or not, on impact the vial will explode into a conflagration.

Wren moves up two spaces North and one space east of Arzak (a straight move, 5 squares) and then lobs a bomb at the goblin on the left. If it hits with a ranged touch attack, it will deal 1d6+5 damage, which unless I'm mistaken is likely enough to kill it outright. If the bomb misses, it lands in one of the squares around the goblin (roll a d8, count clockwise for the corresponding square) but then the goblin still needs to make a reflex save for half splash damage. Cardea likely knows all this, but this is for the benefit of everybody who might not.

Wren's Attack:

Roll for the space it lands in if it misses

Seems luck isn't with her, but it still needs to make a reflex save or be roasted.

Also, I'm Erin F. on Roll20

2015-09-29, 12:05 PM
The Merchant:

Hearing that horrible little song sung in those horrible little voices Vex turns from the Mayor to see, somewhat unsurprisingly, horrible little creatures! Speak of a devil... The inane thought floats through his head as most of the people in the area flee. Unsure as to whether he's still here in Sandpoint or somehow in his father's memory of Sandpoint Vex's mind blanks out for a second, and by the time he starts to move (intending to flee as the rest of the populous seems to have) some people, including the nice man with all the kids and the huge ax, some part of his mind notes, have actually run toward the Goblins. Frozen in indecision, his common sense telling him to run (he's just a merchant; not even, really, just the orphaned son of a merchant, after all, what does he know about fighting?) and his curiosity pinning him in place Vex just stands there, barely having enough thought to spare for grabbing up his morningstar, just in case, and watches, fascinated, as real warriors enter battle.

Vex is going to spend his turn watching the others, getting a sense for how people fight when it's real and watching the Goblins to see what monsters are really like. Transitioning him from a putter-around-the-workshop type to a bash-it-with-a-magic-stick type shouldn't be instant, I don't think, and honestly you guys have probably killed them all already anyway, lol.

2015-10-01, 06:29 PM
While Arzak shakes one goblin down, the small creature lowering its dogslicer, a vial of glowing red liquid flies overhead, landing behind the goblin. It explodes, and the goblin is scorched along its back, bringing it near death. It screams, and attempts to slice Arzak. Meanwhile, Jon misses, the small creature ducking under the wide arc of the swing. The closest goblin to him runs around to Jon's side, and attempts to slice him up, and his ally steps to the side to do the same.

The summoned dog, seeing Jon surrounded, charges forward to bite at the goblin closest to it out of the two ganging up on the strongarm, at which point the goblin begins screaming in terror.

Scorched Goblin vs. Arzak: [roll0] [roll1]

Non-Screaming Goblin vs. Jon: [roll2] [roll3]

Screaming Goblin vs. Jon: [roll4] [roll5]

Celestial Dog vs. Screaming Goblin: [roll6] [roll7]

2015-10-01, 08:02 PM
Jon absorbs the blows into the heavy furs and hides, wincing, then calling out, "For Sandpoint!" as he swings again.swift for encouraging roar +2/+2 morale attack and damage 30'

attacking the right side goblin [roll0]

iron shell counter if attacket with a roll above 10 (but not a nat 20) shield bash to negate incoming attack [roll2]

2015-10-01, 08:59 PM
Arzak, the Wandering Tribute

Sighing, Arzak hefts Mancleaver and swings the blade overhead to split the goblin's skull.

Crit: [roll1]
Damage: [roll2]
Crit: [roll3]

2015-10-01, 10:18 PM
"That's right, I can make Dogs appear out of thin air. I can summon whole packs. Horses, too!" Waldo hollers as he slides a bolt into his crossbow. He doesn't particularly expect it to scare them, but as a mediocre crossbowman, he's found it never hurts to introduce a little distraction in your target before firing. "Five, ten more where that came from. Out of nowhere," he waggles his fingers ominously and, figuring now is a better time than never to let the bolt loose, sends it flying to finish the goblin Bruno (he has just named the summoned dog) is in the process of biting.

Dog expires at the end of this round, I think. I'm actually not sure what RAW is with the standard action summon monster.

2015-10-04, 01:07 PM
The Pharmacist

"Watch out Jon!" Wren calls, pulling another vial of glowing liquid off her belt before throwing it towards not a goblin, but the space past it, beyond the wagon, as she doesn't want to risk hurting the large man. Sure, he can take care of himself, but all the same it's a needless risk.

Wren is kinda screwed because of the splash mechanic - she'd be forcing reflex saves on allies if she were to target any of the goblins at the moment. As such, she's using the little-used rule of targetting squares themselves. A square has an AC of 5, so she hits on anything 2 or above. since she wants to hit the goblin to the left of Jon, she's tossing it past the wagon, so that the bottom right corner of the splash effect hits the goblin for (potentially) six damage, assuming it doesn't make its reflex save or Wren doesn't roll a 1.

2015-10-04, 06:07 PM
The Merchant

Looking at these people fighting the goblins and defending Sandpoint Vex's thoughts momentarily flash to the interesting timing of this attack in conjunction with his conversation with the mayor, and then focus on his father's recounting of his own fight with goblins. Determination flooding his veins Vex moves into the fray, finally ridding himself of the last vestiges of flight instinct. Firming his grip on his morningstar Vex runs up to one of the goblins harassing Jon and takes a swipe at it.

Move; 30ft to the goblin
Standard; [=damage]1d8+1

AC: 15 (t:11, ff:14)
CMD: 12 (fcmd:11)
HP: 18/18

Infusions Remaining:
First level: 2/2

2015-10-07, 04:34 PM
Jon's axe swings wide, and the goblin attempts to dodge it like the last, and goes wide too, the entirety of its lower torso coming away as Jon's axe goes through it. Arzak finds no purchase with Mancleaver, the goblin moving out of its arc with glee. An explosion goes off, and its glee turns to terror, as Wren's bomb goes off, burning away the last of the goblins flanking Jon. Waldo's crossbow bolt goes wide, but Vex moves in with the celestial dog, attempting to bring down the last Goblin. After its attack, however, the dog disappears, fading into non-existence.

Celestial Dog vs. Goblin
Attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

Vex probably didn't have enough movement to get from his original position to where the last Goblin is, but lets not worry about that now.

If this hits, you guys one [ONE ROUND] of peace to do any sort of prep or recovery.

2015-10-07, 08:33 PM
Jon cleans his axe and looks around, trying to spot more goblins in the chaos. "Bloody goblins. Come on, there will be more of them somewhere and people don't come to the festival ready for a fight."full round to recover maneuvers, 19/26 HP

2015-10-07, 08:45 PM
[The Pharmacist]

"You're hurt," Wren says, and moves up to Jon. She reaches into the pouch on her belt and pulls out a vial of deep blue liquid, smelling of cinnamon, "Here, drink this. It might not fix everything, but it should help."

Wren will move to give Jon a Cure Light Wounds potion. That leaves her with one other, just in case.

2015-10-07, 09:11 PM
"Much obliged." Jon takes the vial and downs it without complaint.[roll0] perfect roll, exactly full!

2015-10-08, 02:05 PM
Frowning, Waldo loads his crossbow. "More goblins? I'm not even looking for underground ruins this time. I'm in a town. Somebody should make sure things like this don't happen. In towns. Where people live," heaving a sigh, he adds "I am Waldo Dzhordinov, of the house of Dzhordinov, Giordano, Jourdain, and so on," as though they would know not just any, but presumably all of those names.

2015-10-08, 02:15 PM
Arzak, the Wandering Tribute

Arzak shoulders his axe, turning to Jon.
You fight well. It is a pity they could not see reason. But we should hurry. Goblins are not the sort to attack in groups this small. The rest of the town will need our aid.
He bends down and pats the little gnome on the head.
I am Arzak. And don't worry, I'll keep you safe, small one.

Damn, I'm not quite twice as tall as you. Only an inch off, too.

2015-10-08, 02:36 PM
The Pharmacist

Wren nods, "I'm wren, the big guy is Jon. We should probably get moving, though; Arzak's right. There's going to be more."

2015-10-09, 01:07 PM
The Merchant

Sorry it took me so long to get involved, Vex mutters to no one in particular as he absently searches his pockets and pouches. It's just that I've never actually been in a real, life or death fight before. He finishes absently as he seems to have finally found what he was looking for; a bit of rabbit fur. I'll be a bit better prepared in just a moment though, he says as he starts to rub the rabbit fur on the head of his morningstar, muttering in a strange language.

If anyone was curious Vex casts in Thassilonian.
Full Round: Cast Weapon Augmentation, Personal (https://sites.google.com/site/eberronpathfinder/conversion-info/magic/spells/v-w/weapon-augmentation#personal) on my morningstar to get Bane (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/magic-items/magic-weapons/magic-weapon-special-abilities/bane) (Humanoid: Goblinoid).

AC: 15 (t:11, ff:14)
CMD: 12 (fcmd:11)
HP: 18/18

Infusions Remaining:
First level: 1/2

Active Effects: Bane (Humanoid: Goblinoid): 100 rounds left.

2015-10-09, 11:41 PM
The town around you is in a frenzy. Goblin squealing and laughter can be heard all throughout the town, echoing back to the square. You can see goblins in two and threes and alone run around in the nearby alleyways and streets, but a loud explosion from the south side of the town center catches your attention. Three goblins approach, laughing, armed with dogslicers and torches. But a fourth one hangs in the back, chanting a rhythm to which the goblins move to, seemingly more confident in their abilities.

Parties turn.

2015-10-10, 02:49 AM
The Pharmacist

"Incoming," Wren says and steps away from Jon. Pulling another glowing vial off her belt, she quickly lobs it at the pair of goblins that are close together - even if it misses, they should get caught in the blast.

So, of the three goblin raiders, Wren is aiming for the middle one. The reason for this is that even on a miss the bomb will, guaranteed, hit two of them with splash damage. I hope it hits but if it doesn't, ah well.

Attack Roll against Middle Goblin's Touch AC

Damage Roll versus Middle Goblin

On a miss, the bomb lands in a space adjacent to the target. Rolling 1d8 to determine the location of where it lands. This is important for figuring out which goblins get caught in the splash damage.

If that doesn't hit the Touch AC, then the goblins inside the splash zone must make a reflex save versus DC 15 or be burned for 6 damage (reflex half)

2015-10-10, 09:54 AM
Arzak, the Wandering Tribute

Arzak advances forward, placing himself between the goblins and his newfound allies.
Shuulkaan ac haar ghaan, o druuc dholec kekhaan ter!
He readies Mancleaver to meet their inevitable charge.

Goblin: Come and get me, you dog ****ing little ****s! (translator in use (http://www.screwytruths.com/Goblin.html))
Ready to attack the first goblin that comes within reach
Attack: [roll0]
Crit: [roll1]
Damage: [roll2]
Crit: [roll3]

2015-10-11, 01:49 PM
Jon step next to the Arzak, axe high.defensive focus, 10' reach,

(use as needed, combat reflexes based on INT per Warder class)
AOOs [roll0]
damage [roll1]

AOOs [roll2]
damage [roll3]

AOOs [roll4]
damage [roll5]

2015-10-11, 06:27 PM
Waldo, having not yet been lead astray by the practice distracting or upsetting the rhythm of one's foes, begins to clap his hands and chant rather loudly in an altogether different rhythm than the chanting goblin as he approaches. His aim is furthered as another swirl of smoke finds the form of a dog, similarly heavenly in countenance, in the midst of the goblins.

Move action to approach to within twenty-five feat of the goblins, standard action to summon another celestial dog in their midst. For whatever reason (presumably a disagreement between the new version of Opera and roll20) I can't see the map right now, but ideally the dog should be placed to flank one of the goblins already being attacked.

2015-10-11, 06:33 PM
The Merchant

Someone with some long range options should probably take out the one chanting in the back! Vex cries out as he charges headlong into battle; this time he's not surprised, and is apparently determined to be of some use.

ACTIONS: Full round: Charge the goblin on the far left of the front three on the map. (The only one that I can reach, and that just barely.)
[roll0]. [roll1], [roll2]

AC: 15 (t:11, ff:14) 13 until next round
CMD: 12 (fcmd:11)
HP: 18/18

Infusions Remaining:
First level: 1/2

Active Effects: Bane (Humanoid: Goblinoid): 99 rounds left.

2015-10-11, 09:54 PM
Two goblins go down in one fiery execution, as Jon and Arzak advance forward. Another hound comes into existence, and flanks the remaining forward goblin with Vex, who swings wide, as the hound bites.

The remaining goblin stops her chant, and howl's a screeching note at Jon, and makes a dash towards the north east end of the square, where you hear shouts of alarm and cries for help.

Jon, please make me a Will Save, DC 12.

Hideous Laughter.

Doge Attacks!
Atk: [roll0]
Dmg: [roll1]

2015-10-11, 10:32 PM
The Pharmacist

Wren takes off after the wailing goblin, saying "S***, we have to stop it!" even as she pulls another bomb off of her belt. With the wailer in the position it is, she can't reliably hit it with a bomb, so she doesn't try, aiming to hit it with the explosion rather than a direct hit.

Movement to the specified position means that the Goblin Bard is in cover from Wren, and at this level that +4 to AC versus ranged attacks sucks, meaning it's not worth attempting to hit the goblin through the cover. And that means more Fun With Splash Damage. Yaaaaay!

Throwing the bomb one square south of the goblin bard. That's an AC of 5 to hit the square, so Wren hits on anything above a 1. you know the drill by now - DC 15 reflex for half damage against 6 fire damage.

Caveat: If this would hit anybody other than the goblin that Wren can see upon turning the corner, adjust target square to not hit that person (or people). If there's no way to have the goblin in the splash zone without hitting somebody, then Wren will not throw the bomb.

2015-10-12, 10:50 AM

Jon falls to the ground laughing.

move to get a clear shot, throwing shell strike (using axe in place of shield bash per Armament Shield (Ex), making a ranged attack and using shield bash damage
damage [roll2]+[roll3]

2015-10-13, 02:27 PM
Arzak, the Wandering Tribute

Arzak quickly charges towards the remaining goblin threatening the little gnome
Afar Angathfark!
He brings Mancleaver down in a wide arc seeking to bisect the goblin from his right shoulder to his left hip.

Orcish: By the forge of my soul! (http://www.angelfire.com/ia/orcishnations/orcishphrases.html)
Charge as indicated on the map, AC drops to 13
Crit: [roll1]
Damage: [roll2]
Crit: [roll3]

2015-10-14, 07:03 PM
As the Goblin runs around the corner of the stage, Wren's bomb scorches it across its back with the splash of its area. Jon moves and throws his shield, but with the cover of the stage, the shield smacks against the wood, missing the warchanter entirely. Arzak picks up the slack, moving across the field, the forge of his soul guiding his strike, as he cuts down the goblin.

A moment passes, before the shouts for help becoming loud and distinct, coming from the North East city gate.


The party runs to the source of the cries. Much of the fighting in the city has died down, but here, it is still fresh and bloody. Here, you see a man cowering in fear behind a rain barrel, who is the source of the call for aid. As you arrive, you see a goblin, better armored, and leagues braver than others you've seen today, cut down a dog with his horsechopper. As the dog falls, three goblins appear from hiding, shouting cheers and adoration to the Commando. As a mangy, diseased looking dog-rat creature approaches the dog, potentially looking over its meal, the goblins begin to approach the man, unaware of your presence.

Clever use of AoE on Wren's part. You all have a round to spend doing what you want before entering the next fight. Jon is freed from Hideous Laughter.

You all earn 180 xp.

You can catch the goblins unaware. Not using a map for this, as there was no map presented in the book. Goblins are twenty feet from the party, with the Commando in the lead, and the rest between five and ten feet behind him. The mangy beast is off to your left, not paying any attention to anything but the dead dog.

2015-10-14, 07:11 PM
Arzak, the Wandering Tribute

Arzak launches himself forward into the fray, aiming to end the life of the one who appears to be their leader.
Gijak agh bumbullaum!

Orcish: Blood and thunder!
What? He's a full tribal barbarian. And I love battlecries :smalltongue:
Charging the leader
Attack: [roll0]
Crit: [roll1]
Damage: [roll2]
Crit: [roll3]

2015-10-14, 08:20 PM
Jon joins the rush, taking a powerful swing at two goblins. "Sandpoint!"20' move, scything strike hits two adjacent targets [roll0]

damage [roll1]

2015-10-14, 09:04 PM
The Pharmacist

Wren isn't one for battlecries - she is, however, one for blowing up goblins. Another bomb soars through the air, intending to strike the nearby goblins.

If possible, I'd like this bomb to hit at least two goblins - preferably one actually targeted. If the muscle men charging into combat means I can't hit a goblin without them taking splash damage, I'll just splash the goblins - I don't want to do that though.

Priority is given to the commando as a target. if I can't hit him without splashing the warriors, I'll just aim for the most number of goblins I can get without splashing party members.

Bomb attack roll:
Bomb Damage Roll

if it misses the intended target, 1d8 to determine what square it lands in
you know the drill - splash means there's a DC 15 reflex save or take 6 fire damage (save for half)

2015-10-15, 09:48 AM
The Merchant

Near apoplectic with frustration at having accomplished nothing so far Vex runs up to a goblin and starts swinging... again.

Move: 20ish feet to any goblin that's still up.
Standard: [roll0] [roll1] [roll2]

AC: 15 (t:11, ff:14)
CMD: 12 (fcmd:11)
HP: 18/18

Infusions Remaining:
First level: 1/2

Active Effects: Bane (Humanoid: Goblinoid): 98 rounds left. (I probably don't need to actually keep track of this, but I'm a bit anal, so... I'm going to.)

2015-10-18, 07:29 PM
Waldo is lost in thought for a moment, weighing the successes of Bruno and Brutus against the repetition of summoning another dog; maybe a pony, this time? Goblins are afraid of horses, too, right? Unable to recall precisely whether or not this is the case, let alone whether a pony qualify as such, Waldo conjures another dog — this one, he decides, is Brunello — again in a position to flank the goblins gripped in mortal combat with his newfound friends, while he loads his crossbow to prepare to engage the goblins' dog.

Summoning another celestial dog, down to 4/7 summon monster SLAs for the day. Hopefully we get a minute to summon Sophia, soon.

2015-10-21, 10:57 AM

Arzak swings, his sword slicing the Commando's chest open, while Wren's bomb flies high into the air, scorching two of the lesser Goblins, and burning away the last of the Commando's life. Jon charges forward to strike, but his arc goes wide, but thanks to the Goblin-spiting crossbow of Vex, his bolt flies true and pierces the last Goblin in the heart. The ratty creature turns to see its master and its friends dead, and runs out of the Northern Gate, yelping all the way.

The city of Sandpoint is quiet now. What goblins remain either try and flee, or die by way of townsfolk's new courage, or drowning in rain barrels, or dog and/or horse induced heart attacks.

The man behind the barrel comes out now, half-laughing, half-recovering from shock. "I... that was astounding! Truly it was!" He says, approaching the party, and keeping a particular eye on Arzak. "I've never seen such a display! Charging in, with no hesitation for your well being! Incredible, I cannot thank you enough, warrior. I... I need to see if my servants are alright, but please, you must let me repay you. I've a room at the Rusty Dragon. Seek me out at your soonest opportunity!" And with that he dashes down the street, exclaiming loudly to thank the heroes of Sandpoint.

"Speaking of the Rusty Dragon..." A voice says, and a Tian woman, walking into the small clearing of the North Gate. "Jon, Wren. Glad to see you're safe, and jeez, that is... bloody." She says, glancing from the party to the Goblin corpses. She turns back to the rest of you. "We are all going to be talking about what you have done, but I would like to offer my gratitude first. I am Ameiko, owner of the Rusty Dragon. I do not know the rest of you, but all of you have a free week of rent at my Inn, meals included. Hemlock managed to capture a Goblin, if you are all interested. It is being held the Barracks. I will be happy to see you all later, for Dinner. Many will want to speak with you." Ameiko bows, before leaving the Party alone in front of the Gate. Some Guards and Townsfolk pass by you as they rush to their homes, and many whisper as they pass by you.

Heroes of Sandpoint, they say. Saviors of Sandpoint.

150 XP for everyone. Looking forward to the day enemies can make that Reflex Save.


Commando: Potion of Cure Moderate Wounds (CL 3), Studded Leather Armor, Masterwork Horsechopper, Shortbow w/ 20 Arrows.
Warchanter: Potion of Cure Light Wounds (CL 2), Studded Leather Armor, Dogslicer, Shortbow w/ 20 Arrows, 20gp.

Goblins [x6]: Leather armor, Light Wooden Shield, Short Sword, Short Bow w/ 20 Arrows.
Goblin Torchers [x3]: Leather armor, Light Wooden Shield, Short Sword, Torch, Short Bow w/ 20 Arrows.

2015-10-21, 12:14 PM
Arzak, the Wandering Tribute

Arzak looks around at the carnage and shakes his head.
"Such a waste of life."
He lowers his head and changes to the goblin tongue.
"May you know a rest you never found in life."
His voice is subdued, then he looks around at his comrades.
"I am going to see if I can convince this goblin to help us. Join me if you please."

2015-10-21, 12:40 PM
Jon gives the rescued man a nod, nerves still on edge. "Dragon, right." He replies as he checks to make certain the goblins are dead.

He calms somewhat when Ameiko comes out. "Glad to see you, probably accounted for a few of these yourself, eh? Hemlock grabbed one? Good for him."

"Arzak, I need to check on my family. I'll be by to see Belor and his new pet afterword."

2015-10-21, 06:19 PM
The Pharmacist

Wren will kneel down next to the corpses of the commando and the warchanter, rifling through their things for valuables, and upon finding the potions, she mutters, "Knew it."

Something Jon may find disconcerting is Wren's demeanor; every time he's seen her, she's been timid, shaky, and awkward. In that fight there, she'd been a killer, not hesitating to throw explosives. She doesn't even seem winded. To say the sudden confidence is odd is understating things immensely.

And then she turns back to the group, and the confidence is gone. She doesn't even meet any of their eyes, "Uh... yeah. I-I think we should probably take a quick look around the village, too. There might be more of them, and this was too organized."

2015-10-23, 11:34 AM
The Merchant

Gazing vacantly at the destruction around him for a moment Vex sighs, then squares his shoulders as a look of determination comes over his face. I may not be much help in a fight, yet, but this I can help with. I'll see at least some of you back at the inn. With that Vex walks away, attempting to set right what he can.

Vex goes around town casting mending on any valid target he sees for a couple of hours or untill it starts to get dark, whichever is longer. (Or until he runs out of broken stuff, I suppose.) Then he heads back to the inn for some food.

2015-10-25, 05:50 PM
"Were there no preparations in place to prevent this?" Waldo asks, incredulous. Not forgetting Arzak's earlier promise to keep him safe, and wondering what was behind this apparently totally unexpected attack, Waldo determines to go straight to the interrogation chamber. . . after he ensures he and those around him are a little more protected. So, one question in to the conversation, and without waiting for or listening to its answer, Waldo is off in a trance, looking down those twisting corridors of his mind for the being that now resides there, perhaps the only being whose form could fit their fickle twists; Sophia, as he's taken to calling her, the serpentine Eidolon from a time far before. Fittingly, the thing that brought him to this town in the first place. A minute later, and after at least several of those gathered have presumably departed, Waldo is joined by a glowing golden form shaped something like both a serpent and a woman, though neither too entirely or consistently. Once "she" is by his side, Waldo makes his way after Arzak, hoping to get to the bottom of all this.

2015-10-25, 08:30 PM
Jon has already departed before the summoning starts, looking for his nieces, nephews, brother, and sister-in-law. He is easy to spot in a crowd.

2015-10-31, 05:19 PM
The Wanderer

Getting directions from some of the townsfolk, you begin to make your way towards Sandpoint's Barracks. The damage to the town isn't unrecoverable, but it is widespread. Fires are freshly put out, but they've burned many a roof. People are recovering, though you find no reports of anyone actually dying, aside from the odd animal or two. You even find a dead goblin, not yet collected, its body half in a barrel of rainwater, and you can only guess that it has drowned. You continue onward, finding the Barracks, a large stone building with people roaming in and out. They move aside as they see you come, most of them looking at your arms or your weapons or the blood still dripping and trying to dry on your body. Making your way inside, you get directions from one of the smiths of the garrison, taking a wheelbarrow full of nails and hammers outside. You head down a hallway, taking a left and heading downstairs. Three desks and twelve cells make up this basement, and you see the Sheriff standing outside one of the cells, an armored mastiff sitting next to him, panting heavily. The Sheriff himself seems largely unharmed, his only sign of injury being a large bruise on the side of his head and a bandage across his arm. As you approach, you see him staring at the goblin in the cell who is shaking in terror at the back. The Sheriff speaks as you approach. "Goblins hate three things. One of them happens to be dogs. And I happen to have had Rufus here for years."

The Stoic

You rush your way through the town. Down High Street, and detouring Tanglefoot Alley, down Festival Street and passing Crab Street, turning left onto Bishop Street, to the house with the green thatched roof. Several homes in the town have a similar roof, the straw dyed that way from a strange moss that lay dormant in the lumber used to make the roof timbers, coming out with the rain and water. It spread across the thatch, and kept it stable, only needing to replace the roof once every ten years, instead of every five, with how the ocean side weather affects the buildings. A distracting thought as you rush to the house, and head inside. In the foyer, you see Eric holding a bloody axe, with a coffee table set up as a barricade. Three goblins lay inside, long harsh wounds in them. Janine stands in the hallway, holding a crossbow aimed at the door, and both scream out in relief as they see you. "Jon! Where the hell have you been? We tried finding you in the square but we had to get the kids safe!"

The Pharmacist

You walk around the city, viewing the damage of your home. There were plenty of dead animals, and you see injured people, but no one mentions someone being killed. Why were goblins here, if not to dwindle the town's numbers? More and more of these thoughts plague you as you traverse through your damaged and bruised town, when Father Zantus runs after you, calling out. "Wren! Wren!" He gets in pace with you, panting. "Wren, the... the... the vault... Tobyn's... Ezakien Tobyn's vault was... opened by someone... during the raid. I need... I need to make sure nothing happened, or that there are no Goblins in... in it. Where are your allies? Where is Jon?"

The Serpent

You ponder a moment longer, before catching up with Arzak, entering the Barracks with him.

See Above.

The Merchant

You go around town, fixing what you can. Leaning wall? Men hold it straight, and you repair the holes. Thatch burnt? You undo the damage the fire has caused. Broken rainbarrel? Fixed. But some things you can't fix. A crippled horse. A dead dog. Cruelty for cruelty's sake. But you work, looking forward to a fine dinner for tonight. A fixed wagon. A repaired door. You continue on with what you can.

You can hear Father Zantus from the next street over, calling out for Wren.

2015-10-31, 05:33 PM
Arzak, the Wandering Tribute

Arzak nods to the Sheriff.
The other two are horses and writing, yes? Has the captive managed to say anything coherent, or has it just been terrified babbling?
As he speaks, Arzak pulls a cloth from his backpack and begins to wipe the blood from Mancleaver's blade. He looks over at the cowering goblin.
Shach ogaach, kekhaan okaan. Daan tach khruur mar o, tuun kuuc an o taash daan dor duun an.

Goblin: Calm yourself, little one. We shall not harm you, so long as you speak the truth to us.

2015-11-01, 04:14 AM
The Pharmacist

"Jon's checking on his family," Wren says quickly, her mind already spinning, "And the others are taking care of other business. Show me what happened? I don't know how quickly we'll be able to handle it, though."

2015-11-01, 09:18 PM
"You all right? Got jumped by a band of the blighters in the square, fought them off with some others, mostly strangers. Seem to be on the run. Seems you made a good accounting here."

2015-11-02, 05:54 AM
The Merchant

Weary more from the sights around him and than from the walk itself, and quite thoroughly lost by now, Vex hears a faintly familiar name called by an unfamiliar voice. Making his way over to the next street Vex glances around and spots the interesting girl (commanding and decisive one moment, submissive and uncertain the next) and another townsman in conversation. Not wishing to be rude, but somewhat concerned Vex moves toward the pair, making his presence obvious. Catching the tail end of the conversation as he gets close, Vex jumps in, My business isn't exactly urgent, and I'd be happy to help however I can. If you want that is.

2015-11-09, 10:52 PM
The Wanderer

The goblin glares at you, his breathing still ragged and panting. He spits out his words. "Ghalaan daan druuc huun alkhuul, rhokhaar. Daac A ghec rhaal'degaan o."

Hemlock chuckles, snaps his fingers, and starts to walk away. "A'k kaagaan o duun duun dach."

"Make the dog go away, butcher. Then I might believe you."

"I'll leave you two to talk."

The Pharmacist and the Merchant

Father Zantus lets out a look of relief, and motions for you two to follow him. "If you know where Jon is, he could be of help, I know. Someone opened a family vault, and you know how secure they are, Wren. Mortared shut, and the stone sets in, grass seals it. Something opened it by force, and would either need help, or be strong." Father Zantus guides you two back to the town square, and behind the cathedral. Easily the largest building in the town, and the second one in the town's history, if the opening speeches of the ceremony were to be believed. Stone and glass make the large structure, and Zantus takes you into its shadow: the boneyard. Gravestones and tombstones and plaques line around this small field behind the cathedral. There are also large doors set into small hills. One of these doors, a heavy double stone door, is cracked open, and a deformed, hunched man stands in front of it, facing it, armed with a small wooden shield and a dented sword. "Vosk!" Zantus calls out. "Vosk, I found Wren and one of her allies. They can take it from here." The man turns and nods, backing away, leaving ample room for the two of you to enter.

The Stoic

"Aye, but we heard screaming from next door at the Barett's. We would've gone, but we were holed up here already. Can you take a look?" The Baretts have been your neighbors for a long while. They've lived in the corner house next to yours for years and years. Alergast and Amele, and their children Aeren and baby Verah, and their dog, Petal.

2015-11-09, 11:07 PM
Arzak, the Wandering Tribute

Arzak drops to a squat outside of the cell.
Daagaan. Daan druuc an huukaan. Dar an or dekaan, kekhaan okaan?

There. The dog is gone. What is your tribe, little one?

2015-11-10, 08:13 AM
Jon nods, taking his axe in hand and keeping it low, just in case, and crosses over to the neighbor's with a concerned look. He knocks loudly on the door and announces himself before entering.

2015-11-10, 10:16 PM
The Pharmacist

Wren begins looking around the entrance, attempting to do her best to understand what might have destroyed the door, blown it open. Or perhaps melted open, if it was acid that was used. Best to check, get an understanding of what happened. And, in the case of malicious burglars, check for traps.

Taking 10 on perception to check the entrance, giving me an end result of 14 for it. This is a mix of trying to determine how the crypt was opened as well as determining whether it's trapped.

2015-11-18, 01:09 PM
The Wanderer

"Ghec dekaan an ogaagec dekaan, haraar taraar mel'daar. Daan ach duurlaakhaar, daan ach huukuul haar o Kuukac ac or druuc ac or muugaan ac ghuulken." The goblin says, spitting at you. He curls up on the bunk, hands holding knees, glaring at you.

"My tribe is every tribe, gnasher slasher killer. We all together, we all gonna get you Longshanks and your dogs and your horses and mommies."

The Stoic

Heading inside the house, you find Amele, clutching her child and banging at the door to her child's room, screaming and frantic. You hear a dog howling and barking wildly, and something... squishing, inbetween bouts of laughter. Amele looks to you when you walk in, and she rushes to you. "Jon! Jon, please, he got Alergast and he has Aeren in there too!"

The Merchant

With a sharp eye, you manage to see that the ground around the crypt is disturbed and churned up. Footprints in the dry earth show signs of several goblins, but some of the prints appear to have been left by a larger humanoid.

You can tell and confirm that there were six goblins, and one medium humanoid, climbed the wall to the vault, and opened it.

2015-11-18, 11:39 PM
Arzak, the Wandering Tribute

Dec drel o akhan den duul? Dar mar magaan daaraan haakhaan druukaan duun o dar o rhaar daal ton makhaal?
He leans in closer.
Ar druun khruur magaan duun rhaan den duul. Daan molkac shac rhaan kaaruukaal der. Haalaan shac rhaan mal.

Why did you attack this town? What harm have these people done to you that you bear them such hatred?
It does not have to be this way. The humans can be reasoned with. Peace can be had.
Diplomacy: [roll0]

2015-11-19, 12:08 PM
Jon puts his shoulder to the door in an attempt to burst through. strength check [roll0]

2015-11-30, 08:36 AM
The Pharmacist

The hairs on the back of Wren's neck stand on end, "Six goblins, but someone was with them. Someone our size." she turns back to the priest, "And they used the raid as a cover to do this. I'm going to go in and see what they took; it'll let us know exactly what purpose they had for this."

Wren will step lightly into the darkness of the crypt, her red eyes allowing her to see into the darkness without regard for light. Gotta figure out exactly what happened; it'll tell them who the traitor is, since there was no way this was an outside job. A hand remains on her belt, next to her bombs, however. No doubt the perpetrator has already left, but there's still a chance for danger down here.

2015-12-05, 11:12 PM
The Wanderer

The goblin spits at you once more, and turns his head to the wall, muttering. "Rhaalaraan daac o kuukac rhaal, daan hac her. Lhon kelaan or huul. Haalaan an khruur mal. Daan druun khruur dac haalaan. Daan dac draal kuukac. Dar't dar maan huulkeraal an."

"Because when you longshanks bleed, we gain gifts. Just like our gods. Peace is not had. We do not want peace. We want dead longshanks. That's what he promised us."

The Stoic

You burst through the door, the wood easily buckling when brought against your force. You find yourself looking into a child's room, and you see a goblin, bloody and injured, but armed with a horsechopper. It screams at you when you open the door, and throws the horsechopper at you, before hopping backwards off of the bed, and running under it.

Ranged Attack: [roll0]
Ranged Damage: [roll1]

The Goblin has drawn a shortbow.

The Pharmacist

Stepping into the Vault, its clearer now that creatures and people have been through, as the thick layer of dust is only disturbed by footprints and, for whatever reason, long dragging streaks on the stone floor. But your attention is caught as two skeletons lurch out from the darkness, and one closes the gap on you, swinging at you with its fist.

Skeleton Slam come on and jam.
Attack: [roll2]
Damage: [roll3]

Your turn. Other skeleton is 30 ft. back.

2015-12-05, 11:29 PM
The Pharmacist

After being slugged in the jaw, Wren takes a step back, coughing. that isn't to say her hands are idle, though, as the step back is also to clear range around the skeleton.

Because in her hand is another explosive.

5 foot step away from the bonehead, then throw a bomb at it. Ranged touch attack.

Attack Roll: [roll0]
Damage Roll: [roll1]

You know how it goes if I miss. 1d8 to determine where it falls, reflex save to take half damage. since there's a chance Wren will get caught in her own blast here (however slight a chance), I'll make a reflex save here just in case. Even if she is in her own blast, she has fire resistance 5, so the splash will deal, at most, 1 damage.
Location: [roll2]
Reflex Save: [roll3]

2015-12-06, 06:08 AM
Azrak, the Wandering Tribute

Arzak lets out a heavy sigh.
O magaan taac muul tolaaroch or akhaal ar zel'daakaan agaan. Khruul duun dan den ghac?

You have seen how successful your attempts at violence are. Now who was this man?

2015-12-06, 03:56 PM
Jon wards off the blow with his forearm, taking a cut in the process, then flips the bed over to expose his prey.i presume a move is needed to get adjacent and a standard to flip the bed, assuming no strength check required.

will use iron shell to counter if attacked [roll1] vs att roll to negate

2015-12-18, 12:34 AM
The Pharmacist

Your bomb leaves your hand too early, and lands in front of you, splashing at you and the closest skeleton. The fire fails to deal any lasting harm against the two of you, between your reflexes and natural resistance, and the skeleton's lack of form. Both, however, approach you, attempting to slam their hands through you.

Attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

Attack: [roll2]
Damage: [roll3]

The Wanderer

The goblin lays down, and sighs, muttering. "Tokhel kuukac. Dekec zel'daakaan dan huuch. Ghac dan ghac. Tagaar dac o."

"Stupid longshank. Thinking violence was goal. Man was man. Smarter than you."

The Stoic

The goblin shrieks, a howl of laughter and exasperation, and fires at you.

Attack: [roll4]
Damage: [roll5]

2015-12-18, 08:46 AM
Arzak, the Wandering Tribute

Kaal'dec khruul? Dar ghalaan o tuun togaan dar maan an tagaar dac A? Ac dar dan or huuch, ar khruur zel'daakaan? Or dhuugaan dan khruur tuuc okuuc duun dekhaan or daan molkac, rhor o ghon muul dar or akhan duuch khruur huun dekhuur kaaruukaan. Daan dech telaan rhan arlac o, ac ar o shuuch khruur dec ac alkon, muul shac o dec a dar?

Really now? What makes you so sure that he is smarter than I? And what was your goal, if not violence? Your force was not strong enough to wipe out the humans, but you must know that your attack would not go without response. They will strike back against you, and if you could not win an ambush, how can you win a war?

2015-12-18, 01:49 PM
Jon strikes down at the goblin with a roar. encouraging roar for +2/+2
Attack [roll0]
Damage [roll1]

On phone so didn't check sheet, think those numbers are right

2015-12-18, 04:51 PM
The Pharmacist

Wren barely keeps her footing as the skeleton strikes a blow to the temple. Wren stumbles back, a bit dazed, but no less ready to fight for being in pain. Will have to check on the bleeding later; at least it's not getting into her eyes. Keep calm, stay alert. Don't let the pain get to you. Focus. Breathe in, breathe out. Another bomb. Last one. This doesn't work, you're screwed.

She quickly takes in what she sees; two skeletons, close together. One was inside the last blast, so even if it doesn't look like it took a hit, maybe the last attack did some damage to the magic holding it together? That means attacking the one that just arrived is a better proposition.

One can only hope.

"Bony F***ers!" Wren yells out, likely loud enough to be heard outside the crypt, and pulls the last bomb off her belt. Here goes nothing.

One last attempt here; Either Wren makes this, or she's liable to get mauled. I'm running on the assumption that the original skele took some damage; even a successful reflex save does that sort of thing. As such, it's actually wiser to target the other one right now; the skeleton that's at full HP.

So. Actions are 5 foot step back, followed by hucking a bomb at the skeleton with full HP. If it's an actual hit, chances are it dies outright, and the splash damage will take out the other one even on a successful reflex save. One can only hope.

Attack roll: [roll0]
Damage Roll: [roll1]

Should that miss (Gods forbid), here's the deviation roll.
Deviation: [roll2]
Reflex Save if Necessary: [roll3]

EDIT: I do believe that's a hit!

2015-12-20, 08:06 PM
The Wandering Tribute

"Daan huur maar dhakhaar't rhuurthec. Huukuul taac khruul, drol drol." The goblin doesn't turn to face you.

"We got her father's body. Gonna sleep now, dumb dumb."

The Stoic

You swing down hard with your axe, sheering through the goblin, and cutting into the floorboard. The battle is over, and you can see the rest of the story in this house. Alergast lays near the closet, his stomach torn open, his breath still coming but... faint. A dog, Petal, you recall, is missing a leg, and is trying to get Alergast to wake up to no avail. Behind you, Amele holds Aeren, sobbing with relief.

The Pharmacist

The bomb leaves a small impact crater where it went off, the flash of fire and smoke decimating the two skeletons, leaving nothing and no one but you and Vosk in the graveyard. He comes out from behind a tombstone, shaking in relief. He doesn't speak, and mumbles a thank you inbetween tears of joy.

Undead, when destroyed, turn into a pile of gravedust and ash. But Undead created by Conjuration spells simply disappear when destroyed, leaving no evidence of a corpse, much like any other creature summoned by such magic.

2015-12-21, 09:54 AM
The Pharmacist

Wren leans heavily on a tombstone, just breathing and looking at the spot where the skeletons had been a moment before. A hand touches the side of her head - my, that is a lot of blood, isn't it? It's darker than the blood of a normal person, a bit more black. It's spilling down onto her collar and coat, and will likely leave stains. She'll have to see if she can make a concoction that can clean them out.

For now, she takes a vial of clear off of her belt and starts mixing things with it, and before long it takes an eerie orange hue. After that, she downs it, using the extract as a healing potion. Vosk will likely see the wound stop bleeding, though it won't close completely; it's still a large gash along the side of her head that'll take the better part of a week to heal, and will probably scar, leaving a patch where hair won't grow in unless she receives more magical medical attention. "That... was probably all of them. I think." I hope.

Cure Light Wounds extract! 1d8+1 damage will be healed; not nearly enough to heal her fully, and I figure getting hit really hard is a good reason to take on scars.

Gonna have fun seeing what her mom's reaction to that particular injury is.


Wow, I am just not getting good rolls right now.

2015-12-21, 12:10 PM
Jon wastes no time on contemplating the situation. "Try to bind his wounds, I will find a doctor." He rushed out, seeking the nearest magical medical assistance.

2015-12-21, 10:09 PM
Arzak, the Wandering Tribute

Arzak rises.
Taac daach, kekhaan rhuukhaar.
He exits the room, looking around for the sheriff.

Sleep well, little brother.