View Full Version : Of Dukes and Destiny IC

2015-09-20, 10:03 PM
For easy access, here are the OOC Thread (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?443735-Of-Dukes-and-Destiny) and the Spreadsheet (https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/10IOQZBwxPTkS4H1Jfklk2zy7o4yi2r4h70brgr_6jQc/edit?usp=sharing).

The river sparkled in the last light of the sun as it drifted lazily from the mountains to the coast. Along the way were villages and logging camps, eking out a hard life amidst the forests of Silvanal. Castles, too, dotted the hills and forests, each filled with their various Lords and Ladies. Some were of stone, some were of wood, all were small but practical.

But they could not compare to one castle, which stood on the banks of the river. House de Silvanal, it was called, and here was the home of the duke. House de Silvanal, it was called, and it was crafted of the strongest of stone and the finest of glass. House de Silvanal, it was called, and it stood watch over the largest city of all the province, the capitol Silven.

In the castle walls stood the main keep, a magnificent affair, though by no means comparable to the city of Lacunus. There were the stables, where Duke Elric was saddling his horses for his weekly hunt. Here were the kitchens, where the cooks were busily preparing for the grand meal for the Duke when he returned. And there was the Falcon's roost, where the various birds of prey Duke Elric kept waited for their turn to hunt.

Then came midmorning, and Duke Elric proceeded through the gates with a procession of those he took with him. Men-at-arms, nobleman worthy of coming with him, his second son Lord Walther, and of course favored servants. In the fields outside the castle the hunting party went about saddling their horses and preparing their bows.

Duke Elric stood on the outskirts of the group, his favored falcon perched on his arm as a servant went about saddling his steed. He breathed deep, stroking his horse with an easy confidence, before whipping off the falcon's hood and whistling sharply. The falcon immediately took off, heading for the northern woods.

"ha HA!" the Duke exclaimed, before swinging up onto his horse. "The hunt is on!"

And without further ado, he dug in his spurs and leaped off, galloping across the field to the north.

Hello and welcome to the Hunt! The PCs have been cordially invited to the hunt by Duke Elric, and have all been provided with a horse. Duke Elric quite enjoys these things, which is a well known fact. Feel free to roll some knowledge rolls in the OOC thread if you think it might help (say, Know (Nature) to figure out where its most likely to get prey, or Know (Local) to get the gossip and stories about the woods, or whatever you feel like. If you decide you'd be the type to hunt, then roll some perception checks to spot something. Either way, say hi, decide if you want to be a lone wolf and talk with NPCs or join the other PCs. A hunt is a social occasion, not a chance to kill things! Unless you want to be up front with Duke Elric, who travels with a couple guards and aims to bring back something for the dinner table.

2015-09-20, 10:46 PM
The forest always seemed like a dull place to be for Edrienne, at least these woods anyway, nary a violent animal could be found in these woods in any worthy numbers at least not recently anyway. The only reason she was here was because the Duke had invited her personally and so Edrienne went, riding along on her borrowed horse, at a slow trot with those as equally bored of the entire affair as she was, her psicrystal included.

Eddrick, for that was her psicrystal's name, had elected to stay in the saddle bags rather than risk falling and being stepped on by a horse and had seemingly fallen into a close approximation of trance, or sleep as mortals called it. As Edrienne understood it most psicrystals didn't have names, her's didn't either for a time. But that was before she had found a staff seemingly made out a crystal similar to that of which Eddrick was composed of. It was as though it had been made by a great and powerful psion, for whom nothing short of the finest crystal would do. She had put Eddrick on the thing as soon as she had freed it from the rubble, it had seemed only natural at the time and the way he had stuck to it only reinforced the notion. It had been quite the fright when Eddrick had started to talk to her the next morning. At first she had thought herself going mad. The memory still brought a smile to her face even now, for it was the memory of the day she had made a friend that would not wither and die with time, and one that would never abandon her for some foolish reason or another.

Shaking her head out of the clouds Edrienne reminds herself to talk to those around her, in another century they may not be of any help to her but until then they still had their uses. "A lovely day for a leisurely stroll through the forest." Edrienne remarks to whomever will listen. The weather was something the mortal races oft concerned themselves with and she found talking about it to be an excellent way to start a conversation.

I promise not to be so long winded in the future. This time of night my creative juices are flowing. So who wants to be the person I'm talking to? :smallbiggrin:

2015-09-21, 06:56 AM
As she watched the hunting party's frontrunners galloping off into the woods, Valera gritted her teeth in frustration. She'd have much preferred to follow them, sinking back into the forest as though it were her element, but she worried she wouldn't be able to stop herself from showing up the other nobles in the Duke's retinue. She'd never been great at feigning incompetence -- and as her horse missed a step and seemed on the brink of toppling over for a moment, shaking her dangerously in her seat, she scowled grimly at the reminder that, in some areas, she wasn't feigning. Horses never took to her, which most days suited Valera just fine, as she wasn't exactly born to ride, herself. Something about their enforced docility had always sat wrong with her; sometimes it felt she was looking at a possible future.

Still, showing off what skills she did have would likely make her the center of attention, at least for the day, and that was something Duke Elric had made clear he didn't want at any time. Instead, her job, as always, was to hang back and listen. Even if those gathered here were the Duke's more trusted underlings, he still needed eyes and ears among them, if only as a precaution. Valera swept her eyes over the party, taking note of who was talking to whom, before registering that Edrienne had said something that she might be expected to respond to. For some reason, she had never been able to get a good read on the psion; the woman was aloof in a way that Valera wished she herself could be. "Yes, lovely," she replied unconvincingly. It seemed perfectly self-evident, but it was about the same level of unimportance as she came to expect from most interactions. "Although one might be expected to hope the hunt ends in less 'leisurely' fashion," she added. "Our brave hunters would no doubt be put out at such anticlimax."

Valera is currently wearing a riding dress and is thus only at AC 11. Skill rolls in OOC thread.

2015-09-21, 11:25 AM
AC 11; HP 21; Perception +9

Zarina enjoyed hunts only because it was a change of pace and the nobles seem willing to discuss anything whilst distracted by a ride through the forest with weapons many of them have no idea how to use.

As a tiny woman at 4'8" and less than 100 pounds, Zarina was often given the same exceedingly old mare to ride but this suites her just fine as she has little skill at riding and the old mare is rather calm and well trained. Today Zarina is wearing a pair of tight fitting leather breeches and a comfortable bodice that wont choke her if they need to gallop, her shirt is white and leaves her shoulders bare but the voluminous sleeves bounce and jiggle with the movements of the old mare. Her hair is braided across the top of her head and into a very intricate tail that hangs nearly to the saddle in which she is seated. Aside from the knife on her belt she carries no weapons, just a beautifully carved violin and bow to match that are nestled in a sheath of sorts the stable hands rigged so she would have music quick at hand should the nobles require it.

She knew that early in the day the young noblemen with whom she could easily flirt for gossip and information would be up front riding hard with the Duke. So for the morning Zarina would be casually riding among the Ladies, servants, and other non-hunters where she could best learn of new rumors.

At the conversation between two of her companions she laughs lightly and replies: "Valera, you know the young Lords will get their climax before the day is done." Then in a somewhat bawdy manner, "It just may not be a boar they are stabbing."

Knowledge (Nobility) [roll0] to know if there are any nobles from out of town or any intrigues going on with any of the nobles in present company.
Knowledge (Local) [roll1] to know if there are any local events or rumors that might spark up interesting conversation.

2015-09-21, 12:04 PM
The young viscount handled his steed with ease, galloping forward to catch up with the other three. Hadrian pulls the horse up next to Zarina, frowning. "Charming, as always, my dear." He once again withdraws into his own thoughts, as you've known him to do when he is not cavorting with other nobles.

Despite lacking his usual extravagant, over the top outfit of whatever fashion is currently trending, Hadrian still manages to look impeccable in his riding outfit. A handsome tunic of earthly colors trailed down almost to his knees, split in the front in the back to allow easier riding. He was lacking a large amount of his jewelry, though he still wore his incredibly large brooch fastening his gold embroidered cloak, along with his golden belt buckle.

He kept a crossbow near him, though he deigned not to use it. Hunting was far too messy, too disorganized. How was one expected to perfect the art of hunting if there was no strategy to it? No, Hadrian did not enjoy that aspect of it. He did appreciate the social aspect of it, and he intended to use this time to speak with the other Viscounts and noblemen serving the Duke.

Well, it was time to snap out of his own thoughts. Today is to be a day of joy and conversation. He shook himself out of his own thoughts and a genuine smile appeared on his face, he looked to his companions, "You are absolutely correct, Edrienne, it is such a lovely day." He lowered his voice and leaned slightly over his horse, "Did any of you happen to hear of the scandal involving Duke Marsilion?" He grinned mischievously, "What a disastrous affair."

I'm just pulling things out of my [redacted] about this "Duke Marsilion". If you want me to change anything, let me know :smallbiggrin:

Knowledge (local) for information on the woods: [roll0]
Knowledge (nobility) for information on those we're riding with: [roll1]

2015-09-21, 08:37 PM
Sitting atop the shortest, fattest horse in the stables sat a shorter fatter dwarf. He sat in full splendor his polished breast plate on his chest with the crest of House de Silvanal, steel shield on his back, morning star at his side. At 4' 5" he was shorter than even some female children but his well kept brown beard, twinkling brown eyes, and gigantic stomach banished any thoughts of Yevron being a child. The chance of his services being needed for the hunt was little but being prepared had saved his life a couple of times and this was an important time, one where the sight of steel was much better looking than clerical garb. As the Duke raced off Yevron spoke a small prayer, "May the wind be favorable for the hunt." He tried to spur on his steed but all it did snort at him and give a reproving look. "Yeah, yeah. We'll go at your pace then." Yevron agreed as he fell back into the slower moving group.

Falling back Yevron sees Hadrians lean over and whisper. Shaking his head Yevron guides his horse over, "Hadrian Guadry engaged in your usual rumor spreading? Who is it this time? Baroness MacInnis? Have you no shame?" Yevron grins giving his customary greeting to the viscount. Still grinning he gives a nod to the others, "Ladies."

Nah I would leave in the names.
Rolling for Knowledge (Nobility) I can't get it to work can someone point out what I've done wrong?. I've been trying 1d20+8.

2015-09-21, 10:06 PM
Hadrian smiles back at the Dwarf, "Oh, but it is no rumor this time, my good friend. Didn't you hear? Marsilion's wife discovered his extramarital affair, though he claims he's never touched another woman in his life." A sly grin blossoms across his face, "Probably true, the poor sod, but nonetheless, Mrs. Marsilion will hear none of it."

When you preview post when you have a roll in the post, it replaces whatever the roll was with [roll0], so every time you preview you have to replace the roll.

2015-09-21, 10:51 PM
Edrienne listened to the gossip only feigning interest, she had even turned her head to look at Hadrian. Another Duke's supposed affair was unlikely to help her at all but gossip was information freely given without the use of coin or her own powers so there was little she could fairly complain about. She envied Eddrick being able to simply sleep through the boring parts of the day and awaken at night when excitement abounded. She pined for a mission of some sort. Weeks of playing the fool all the day and night were starting to get to her. Idly she thought about simply leaving, it wasn't as though there was any way they could stop her. She could probably even charm a steed out of the stable hand.

That line of thought however was interrupted by the awakening of Eddrick. Who, upon waking, promptly commented on her stray thoughts.
{You know we'll never find a deal as good as this.}
{Never say never when you're immortal. Either way the monotony is driving me mad.}
{You know we'll get a mission soon. The Duke is smart enough to know having us sit on our hands is a waste of our talents.}
{I'll give him until the end of the month if we haven't gotten something to do I'm leaving}

Eddrick was silent at that. Edrienne was glad for the silence returned to her mind. She appreciated Eddrick's company but for whatever reason he had grown unduly attached to this place for a reason she couldn't fathom and he refused to tell.

Eddrick sometimes gives his two cents to make my posts longer give us a glimpse of his intricate and fascinating personality. Now that I think about it Eddrick does have telepathy out to 30ft so you guys might be getting some messages from Eddrick that I know nothing about. Won't that be fun? :smallbiggrin:

2015-09-22, 07:26 AM
Hearing a snatch of conversation from the side, Valera turned in her saddle to peer surreptitiously at the source for a moment before covering it by turning further and giving a small curtsy to Yevron, clutching the dark, short-brimmed riding hat to her curly black hair. "Father," she greeted him with a false smile, though its ill humor was not directed at him but simply her natural state. She bore the priest no particular ill will, but neither had she ever had much use for religion. She brought her gaze back to Hadrian, letting her horse guide itself and keep them with the party. "And who, praytell, might have whispered the fictitious affair in the Duchess' ear?" She reached down to run her fingers along the longbow tied to her saddle, and began the process of unlimbering it; she would stay back with the others, but perhaps the Duke would flush some game their way, and then she could hardly be blamed for taking a shot. "I cannot imagine they will be around much longer to trouble the Duke."

2015-09-22, 08:34 AM
AC 11; HP 21; Perception +9

Zarina listens casually while adjusting the tautness of her violin bow and allowing the old mare to plod along following the other horses. "Valera, what makes you so certain the affair is fictitious? I distinctly remember the old man grabbing my ass in a not so fatherly way when I performed for him last year." She finishes her adjustments to the bow and stows it to pull out her violin and begin plucking and tuning it slowly.

As she does she looks around at the people nearby in the entourage then proceeds to say in a quiet but directed way, "What's more exciting to me is the scandal in our presence. Lord and Lady Xavier are here visiting and his Lordship was kind enough to bring along his Mistress whom he even brought out on this very hunt with us." Zarina giggles and plucks at the strings of her violin before going on. "Now, I can't see any advantage to it yet but what a scandal it would be if someone were to find them together when we stop for lunch out here on the hunt."

Zarina is looking around to make sure Lord Xavier' concubine isn't close enough to overhear the next part Perception [roll0] and if she is she casually walks her horse a bit farther away before going on.
Knowledge (Nobility or Local) (not sure which one for this) [roll1] to know if I know whether Lady Xavier knows about the concubine

2015-09-22, 10:40 AM
Hadrian turns to Valera, an expression of mock incredulity on his face, "My word, you cannot possibly be referring to me my dear Valera!" A grin replaces his fake horror and sends a wink her way.

Casually, Hadrian begins scanning the forest, making sure to look towards the servants for a moment and pick out Xavier's concubine. He then faces Zarina, "Charming and perceptive. I am glad I am not the only one to have noticed who else the lord brought with him."

His eyes light up at the mention of the two being caught together, "My, my, what a scandal indeed! Perhaps such a discovery could be... arranged." He speaks this quietly while a smile blossoms, "But you are right! We do not yet know why the Duke has invited Lord Xavier here, or why he has brought him along for the hunt. I intend to find out. Perhaps our lord will have a task for us before the visit is complete."

2015-09-22, 06:52 PM
"Ach, rumors and conniving and getting into things we shouldn't be. I can't stay here else I may over-hear something I shouldn't. I for one have to keep my moral convictions even if such nobles choose to live a certain lifestyle it is not for me to judge." Yevron feigned indignance and chuckled. "I'll let you sharper eyed folk deal with the scandal. Lets see if I can't find some meaningful conversation." He looks at Edrienne carefully before speaking to her, "Edrienne you don't really want to hang around with these kids do yah? Why don't you join me and we can't think of a better conversation than gossip."

So I did read through backgrounds and character info and I figure we must have worked together and have an understanding of each others abilities. Meaning yes, if Eddrick wants to communicate telepathically then Yevron won't be freaked out by it.

Also knowledge (nobility) [roll0] and I'm looking for nobility that may have went to some of my sermons.

2015-09-22, 10:27 PM
The group is too deep in conversation to note a newcomer ride into their midst atop a coal-black stallion. "I'll have you know," Lord Xavier says to the group, "That my wife and my concubine are on excellent terms." He then gives Hadrian a frosty glare. "And I would appreciate it if you were to avoid stirring up trouble to-day. Caelum knows this rabble stir up enough of it without intending to as it is." He shakes his head sorrowfully, before saying good-day and riding on to a group of more important people.

2015-09-22, 11:23 PM
Pretend this came before caesar's post. I've been sitting on this for awhile on account of doing other things.

The fat little dwarves' words only just reached her, her mind being elsewhere. The dwarves words struck a cord with her, by their reckoning their human companions were naught but children, and yet the dwarf himself was still decades her junior even if she though she still could have easily passed for one of their age. But still, he did make a good point. All this gossip wasn't really of any interest to her, in fact it seemed like Hadrion was just gloating about his latest skillful, if still seemingly pointless, deception. Let him have his fun Edrienne thought. And if he can turn it to our favor, all the better. It would be best to answer the dwarf soon, it would be considered rude to keep him waiting much longer. She strained herself to recall more than basic facts about him. While she had known him for a good few years longer than the rest it would be a stretch to say she actually cared enough to remember their conversations past.

Turning to the pudgy little man Edrienne spoke. "I suppose we shall have to make our own conversation won't we?" Turning to the young, even by human standards, viscount she adds. "Amusing as it is to listen to your plotting Hadrion, I believe you will find me elsewhere when you enact your cunning plan to bring scandal to Lord Xavier's house. All I ask is that you do not let it find it's way back to you, this time." She says her emphasis and the look of admonishment on her face doing more than her words alone can do to warn him to be careful.

2015-09-23, 11:56 AM
Hadrian grins and opens his mouth to respond to Edrienne when the newcomer appeared and admonished them. Hadrian smiled gleefully back at Lord Xavier, it appears we have been gossiping too loudly he thinks to himself. He turns back to the psion, smile unwavering as ever, "It appears they already have. Please excuse me, it seems my eagerness to spice up the dullness of today has gone just a horse's hair too far. I shall return."

He spurs his horse forward skillfully, pulling up next to the angered lord, "Lord Xavier! Allow me to apologize for my earlier actions. Of course I would never dream of doing anything of the sort." He looks to the sky, appearing thoughtful for a moment, "Ah! I know just the way to make up for it! When we return, why don't I create a painting of the three of you? Wouldn't that be lovely?" He smiles warmly at the lord.

Regardless of how Xavier responds to the suggestion, Hadrian marches on, "You know, it wasn't too long ago that I was in a terribly uncomfortable situation," he laughs gleefully, trying to put the lord at ease, "I had been courting this woman, spending time with her when another woman burst into the room. She was a complete stranger, and yet she insisted that 'I was her true love'. Of course, the woman I was currently with couldn't handle the idea of me courting multiple woman, even though I wasn't, so she got up, slapped me in my face, and stormed out!" He chuckled softly, as if remembering a fond memory, "Ahhh, women. Such a wonderful species, yet so fiery at times!"

Bluff check, since that story didn't happen exactly like that: [roll0]
Diplomacy check, to improve relations with Xavier: [roll1]

2015-09-23, 12:23 PM
AC 11; HP 21; Perception +9

While Lord Xavier rides off and Hadrian follows to make amends and repair relations Zarina is thinking to herself That man is no normal aristocrat, I was being wary and yet he still managed to both figure out what was happening and sneak up on us while mounted... I shall have to do some research.

Now that her company has wandered off to other pursuits she begins pursuing the career that Duke Elric supposedly pays her for by meandering among the non-hunters and singing and chatting merrily to provide entertainment. While chatting with lords, ladies, and servants alike Zarina makes sure to casually bring into the conversation the two visiting Lords, Xavier and Gerald de Palius, so as to see what casual information she can glean without making a serious inquiry into either.

Perform (Sing) [roll0] to entertain the lords and ladies
Diplomacy [roll1] to gather information subtly about the two lords; subtly being key and taking whatever penalty for it you see necessary

2015-09-23, 03:14 PM
Their momentary group disbanded, the two elders riding in a pair to continue their own conversation, Valera followed Duke Elric's bard into the press of other nobles, resolving to familiarize herself with them. Giving a parting nod to Zarina, she worked her way around to the other end of the party, taking note of everyone's place relative to one another, keeping an eye on the servants; she'd certainly seen enough would-be thieves pose as servants, and not a few minor spies from other lords attempting to worm their way into the castle staff for a day or two, gain access where they weren't wanted. Not much chance of that out here, of course, she thought, but better to take a look while they're all in one place for the looking. She wrinkled her nose. And the smelling. Terra, did that one roll around in the stables before setting off?

Saying a few terse words of greeting to the staff that she knew, trying to keep herself from attracting too much attention, she rode as though she were scanning the treeline, only occasionally throwing a stray laugh or pithy comment when another noble called to her. She breathed deep, trying to separate everyone's scent from that of the massive amount of sweating horseflesh. If something went wrong later, it would pay to be able to sniff them out.

Basically she's continuing observation of the entire party; she thinks that if anything's likely to happen, it'll come from the servants' direction, so she's going to Sense Motive to gain a Hunch about them as she rides through and says a few words. She's also going to use her Scent ability to try and remember everyone's scent so that she can track them later if she needs to; not sure what kind of roll that is, but I'll just make a Perception check for now.

Sense Motive: [roll0]
Bluff (if you deem it necessary to roll for riding through without seeming watchful): [roll1]
Perception (Scents): [roll2]

2015-09-24, 10:24 PM
Edrienne's eyes darted from the quickly leaving Hadrion to the subtly drifting off Valera and Zarina. If anything of note comes of it I'm sure to hear of it eventually. She thinks. I've been spending enough time concerning myself with the affairs of mortal rulers, I might as well enjoy myself for one afternoon. She turns to her sole remaining dwarven companion.

"So then how goes the clergy? I trust your flock are doing well?" She asked not really caring but putting on a convincing enough front of it to keep from being off-putting. A well practiced skill in court where she had been these past few days.

2015-09-25, 09:47 PM
That lad is going to cause a great deal of mischief. Good. Lets hope it stirs the pot a bit and perhaps everyone will be the better when its over. Yevron thinks after the chastising Lord Xavier gave to the group. He and Edrienne drift apart from the group he guides his horse close to another group but not close enough to be included in the conversation but to use it to cover their own.

"The flock does well, some new faces came in, some older ones didn't show. Can't say I blame em. You can only hear about the goodness in ones heart so many times before it starts sounding the same. But that doesn't really interest you does it? I can't recall ever seeing you there." Yevron doesn't spare the same effort and his bluntness emphasizes the last point. He smiles to soften his words but continues on, "My interest is more in you. We don't get a chance to talk very much and while I wouldn't call us friends we have known each other for a bit of time. And there isn't a point in trying to hide it but I think you are a bit more distracted than usual. Any way I can help?"

I'm not sure how we want to go about doing skill rolls on each other, in this example sense motive. For now I'm just using what everyone is typing in as what I would have perceived if I had rolled. So long as it's not a counter-check to something. In addition when it comes to trying to convince a PC with a diplomacy check or some sort, I just use that roll as a gauge on how well the roller has portrayed his opinion, not how well they did in convincing the other PC. Also I may start speaking in tongues, if that is the case I'm going to make it a spoiler with the language as the heading.

Also lets do a couple of rolls:
Perception to listen in on the conversations nearby 1d20+4
Knowledge Nobility to know who is in the group nearby 1d20+8
(Still trying to figure out the dice roller)

2015-09-25, 11:46 PM
Lord Xavier nodded at his apology and smiled slightly at Hadrian's story, and then replied "Ah, the days of courting, I remember it well. Heady romance and... foolish mistakes, though I hope none of those have happened in your day. There was always this one girl I think about from time to time... but I've sure you care not for ancient pursuits. I, you see, eventually grew and came to understand my responsibilities as son of the baron. My father, may he rest in peace, suggested a young woman with good connections- and certainly not lacking financially- who I then married. That'd be Lady Margeret, back there." Xavier gives a dry chuckle. "The day of our wedding was the first day I saw her. Thank Caelum that it turned out she wasn't ugly."

If Xavier's color is too difficult to read, I can switch it. Also, since this is feudal Europe type society, there is sexism. If you want me to tone it down (or tone it up), I'll do so.

2015-09-27, 01:08 AM
(Might have forgotten Zarina and Valera, apologies)

The two woman enter the group of nobles and insinuate themselves into it. The conversation seems to be about the Duke Marsillion scandal, but a few words of song from Zarina are enough to gain their attention. Though the rocking of the horses isn't exactly helpful for the vocal cords, none of the steeds seem to want to snort or disturb her as she sings, which allows her to finish her song. A couple nobles applaud, some others pass out compliments accompanied by a small tip. Still, Zarina manages to steer the conversation over to the topics she's interested in, and the two woman listen to the noble's mixture truth and lies.

Nobody seems that interested in Lord Gerald de Palius, as apparently he's only here for boring reasons- one of the nobles said something about taxes- but Lord Xavier seems to be a topic of some interest. With a careful eye over at the Lord, who seems distracted by Hadrian and doesn't notice, one of the nobles starts to weave a tale.

"I heard that Lord Xavier was set to become a baron of some backwater place out in the middle of nowhere. When his father the Baron died of... something, think illness of some sort, he was Baron for a year, but then his brother swooped in and stole the Barony from him. Money changed hands, people got into position, and all of a sudden Xavier was kicked outa there. He was exiled from the Barony by his brother, and since he wasn't there that long, he had no supporters. Now he's managed to get permission to leave with a relation of his to live in another county. And apparently, right after he got set to take his barony back from his brother, Terra-damned orcs overran the place. Brother, dead, serfs, dead, just flames and ruin. He's been petitioning everybody who's care for funds to resettle the place, but so far everybody's said no. Wonder what Duke Elric's gonna say about it."

Valera's eyes scan the crowd of servants. Most ride somberly, quietly... that is, those lucky enough to get horses. All in all, they seem to be trustworthy. Not that it'd be easy to tell, since they've had a lifetime to practice not being seen.

2015-09-27, 09:57 AM
"The flock does well, some new faces came in, some older ones didn't show. Can't say I blame em. You can only hear about the goodness in ones heart so many times before it starts sounding the same. But that doesn't really interest you does it? I can't recall ever seeing you there." Yevron doesn't spare the same effort and his bluntness emphasizes the last point. He smiles to soften his words but continues on, "My interest is more in you. We don't get a chance to talk very much and while I wouldn't call us friends we have known each other for a bit of time. And there isn't a point in trying to hide it but I think you are a bit more distracted than usual. Any way I can help?"

Edrienne turns to the small man addressing her and replies in an almost monotone voice. "Truthfully? I suppose you could say that this place is beginning to wear on me. When I first began working for the Duke I had no intention of staying for very long. Serving the Duke has done me well and I have no qualms about taking his coin and yet.. It is clear he does not trust me is it not? I believe that's why I was invited out here at all so that I would not be far enough away from him to cause mischief." She sighs audibly showing the first true emotion all day.

"Tell me, what do you plan to do when the Duke turns old and gray? Will you continue to serve his heirs? You don't strike me as the wandering sort." Edrienne glances down at his rotund midsection.

Sorry this took so long. Been Sick/Busy this last week

2015-09-27, 01:43 PM
AC 11; HP 21; Perception +9

Having learned some useful if not terribly detailed information, Zarina has decided that she will wait for instructions from the duke before continuing to probe into the matters of Lord Xavier; for now she will return to the task of entertaining the nobility. She continues to ride among them letting her old mare wander to and from in the pack of riders while she pulls out her elaborate violin and begins to play upbeat but calm music at a volume where conversations may continue while she plays.

Perform (stringed instrument) with Masterwork Violin [roll0]
Perception [roll1] to watch for any odd behavior among the group
Sence Motive [roll2] to judge what is going on if Zarina sees any odd behavior

2015-09-29, 07:46 PM
"Ha, I may not seem like it but I do like to travel quite a bit. I also like to enjoy good food. I also like work and relaxation. The Duke provides most of what I want, his father did. If his son follows then yes I will stay. I have more than a little responsibility to my church as well. There is a great deal that keeps me around here, things that I enjoy and things that I take care of. A long life means I get to find something I like to do and be really good at it. I would think that would be true of any creature that has time on its side." Yevron crosses his arms and looks around at the gathering of people eyes hard. It's a bit amazing how much they can do before they too pass away. Not works of stone to last till the end of time but the stories they make for themselves and the pages they have written.

He turns to stare back at Edrienne and in a low voice, "I for one say do as you please; but leave the world a little better than you found it." He uncrosses his arms and grabs the reins and in a more normal tone, "Caelum knows that freedom is a goal all in its self. What goal would you set? And does that goal include staying here and having the Dukes trust?"

2015-09-29, 09:33 PM
A sharp whistle cuts through the air like an arrow. The rear party can hear the sudden frantic beat of hooves on the forest floor. Shouts from ahead drift back, and the twang of bowstrings. And then, all goes silent, the silence the forest makes when the creatures know when one of their own has been felled in a calamity of noise. But then a rider breaks the silence.

"We got deer!" the noble announces, a bow still in his hand. "I shot down the stag, and Duke Elric got two fawns, one while it was past a clump of trees! The Duke says that, to celebrate the success, its time for lunch! There's a clearing ahead for it. Follow me!"

The noble, with a swish of the reins, turns around and begins, at a gentle trot, to lead the way to a small clearing. With some grumblings about the lack of chairs, the nobles follow while Duke Elric's servants rush ahead.

DC 10 Know(Noble) check to know the noble who shot the stag's name. Or you could ask someone. Your pick.

The noble's name is Lord Elwin. If, on your first roll, you hit a DC 20, you get some more info

Lord Elwin is a distant cousin of Duke Elric, and the two were great friends as children. Since then, they've had a falling out and Lord Elwin manages to maintain a minor position in court since Elric tends to simply ignore him.

2015-09-29, 10:58 PM
Edrienne thinks on the dwarves words giving a long pause before speaking. No sooner does she open her mouth to reply than a whistle is blown. "You pose some interesting ideas. But it seems the time for chatting is nearing it's end and I for one am famished. Mayhaps we shall have words over lunch." She spurs the horse forward working it up into a gallop toward the lunch site without another word to her dwarven companion.

2015-09-29, 11:05 PM
"Aha!" Hadrian exclaims when the noble finishes speaking, "It would seem Lord Elwin knows what's on my mind! Come, perhaps we should lunch together, and I may get to know you and the women in your life better? I promise I have plenty more stories!" Hadrian laughs warmly and follows the victorious noble.

2015-09-30, 08:29 AM
Valera grimaced at Lord Elwin's eagerness to announce his own prowess. Congratulations, you shot a deer, she thinks sourly to herself. If she was being honest, she was slightly jealous she hadn't done so first, even if she wasn't participating in the hunt. Her fingers itched to shoot something. But she strapped her bow back to her saddle and followed the grumbling party to the lunch site. Earlier she had heard a rumor about a southern baron, and now seemed as good a time as any to follow up on it. While the servants bustled about readying the clearing, Valera began working her way around the party, smiling, curtsying and playing at being excited about the hunt's success, all the while dropping subtle hints about disappearances in Silvanal and seeing what she could turn up.

Valera will be attempting to gather more information about the disappearance of a baron she overheard about earlier. She'll also roll Bluff to drop it casually into conversation so that the nobles she queries don't realize that's what she's looking for.

Diplomacy (gather info): [roll0]
Bluff (conceal motive]: [roll1]

2015-09-30, 11:59 AM
AC 11; HP 21; Perception +9

Zarina continues to entertain the nobles and entourage with her music as they come to the lunch location and as the meal is prepped. Once Duke Elric returns she approaches him and asks, "Malord, do you have any particular songs you would like sung or anyone to whom I should dedicate a song?"

She approaches him closely so that he may speak softly to her should he have any tasks but not so close or in a way that could be misconstrued as a lowly bard snuggling up to the Duke. With him alone she is rarely flirtatious.

Perform (Sing) [roll0]
Perform (Stringed Instrument) [roll1]

2015-09-30, 12:52 PM
Duke Elric casts Zarina a sidelong glance before saying out of the corner of his mouth "No music. Find these people; meet me with them north of the clearing in 20 minutes. You'll find a brook; follow it upstream till you see me. Make sure you aren't followed."

He quietly hands Zarina a slip of paper, folded carefully, before striding forward with a warm smile towards the throng of nobles. "A good hunt!" he says, his voice drifting back to Zarina. "We shall feast on venison tonight!" He continues the conversation, then quietly excuses himself to tell his servants to begin carrying the felled deer back to the castle, and then disappears into the throng of nobles.

When Zarina decides to read what's on the paper, it says, in simple, plain words, six names.

Lord Hadrian Gaudry
Lady Valera de Suria
Priest Yevrin Bazadul of Caelum
Zarina Alder the Bard
Lord Elwin de Aspidum

2015-09-30, 04:56 PM
AC 11; HP 21; Perception +9

Zarina says "Of course, Malord." when receiving her instructions and then slips off to the side where she sheaths her violin and heads toward the food. Once sure all attention the Duke and her interaction may have started she slips up beside the dwarven Priest Yevrin whom is nearly the same height as her and says in a casual way but quietly enough not to be overhead in the gaiety; "The game is afoot, North upstream with the brook in 20. You'll see the man. No tail."

She then slips around to each party member in turn to pass the same message, using her tiny stature and unassuming garb to be careful not to draw attention while not actually stealthing and thus risking drawing someones curiosity. In between party members she passes by other acquaintances to share a quick nicety ("Malady, those are lovely riding boots, they match your dress marvelously", "Edgar, please do save me one of the tenderest cuts. You know how I like my meat," etc.) before moving on the next party member.

Once Lord Hadrian Gaudry, Lady Valera de Suria, Priest Yevrin Bazadul of Caelum, and Edrienne have each been given the message she seeks out Lord Elwin and sidles up to him flirtatiously, before saying loud enough the other lords around can hear: "Malord, I hear you slaying of the buck was a thing worthy of a song... Would you care to walk with me and we may discuss the ins and outs of writing a ballad of your hunt." Then she leans in and whispers flirtatiously in his ear, "Duke Elric needs you to meet him north of the clearing in 10 minutes. You'll find a brook; follow it upstream till you see him. Make sure you aren't followed. These people will also be headed there." And then she hands him the note from Duke Elric in a playful way before slipping from his side and heading into the woods to the East.

Once out in the forest Zarina stops to check for pursuit. If she finds no one she loops around to the north and follows Duke Elric's directions.

Perception [roll0] to check for pursuit

2015-09-30, 05:22 PM
After receiving the message from Zarina Hadrian turns to Lord Xavier, smiling and clapping his hands together, he says "Ah! But what good is a great lunch without some excellent wine? I cannot vouch for the quality of the wine they are serving today, but I did think to bring some of mine own! I shall fetch it post haste!" He slips off his horse and tethers it to a tree near where everyone else has left their steeds.

Checking around he slips away from the congregation of noblemen and servants, making sure nobody is following him. He moves to the north, avoiding any others in the area, until he finds the brook and follows it upstream. He hangs at the edge of the clearing until he verifies the Duke is there.

Bluff check to Lord Xavier about the wine: [roll0]
Perception to make sure nobody is watching: [roll1]
Stealth to slip away undetected: [roll2]

2015-09-30, 06:06 PM
She wasn't especially surprised that it was the singer passing along the message. Never trust a bard had been one of her first lessons after she entered the Duke's household. Perhaps the Duke placed some trust in this one, though, and Valera supposed she should as well, considering they'd been in the same estate for about a decade, now. Still, it never paid to be lax. She noted Zarina leaving the clearing to the east. Best I follow her, just to make sure she's actually going where she's sending me.

Valera disengaged herself without much trouble; most of the nobles' gazes tended to slide past her by this point anyway, since her possible value to them was virtually nil. Hitching her skirt up a bit, she entered the woods a bit south of where Valera had and followed her trail, mentally thanking her tailor for making her riding dress dark green. Periodically she froze, letting the sights, sounds and smells of the forest surround her, and checked for any other pursuit.

So Valera will attempt a stealthy entrance and movement through the trees so as not to alert Zarina or anyone else in the woods. Stealth: [roll0]

Followed by picking up Zarina's scent trail and tracking her (normally DC 10, don't know if there are any other factors). Survival: [roll1]

Valera cannot be tracked in natural surroundings, so unless someone is following her by sight or sound they lose her.

She periodically checks to make sure no one else is around, following her or Zarina. Scent has a range of 30; 60 upwind, 15 downwind. Scent + Perception: [roll2]

If everything goes according to plan, she follows Zarina in her loop to the north and looks for the Duke when she reaches the stream.

2015-09-30, 08:38 PM
Yevron couldn't see the man who shouted but he could hear him. Yevron tried to remember if he could have heard that voice before. Shrugging anyway he went to join the crowd of people heading towards a meal. He grabs a mug of some alcoholic type and begins to swig it. "It's good stuff!" He gruffly says to one of the nobles near by.

"The game is afoot, North upstream with the brook in 20. You'll see the man. No tail."

Yevron didn't even put down the mug he was drinking from. Finishing it off and frowning a bit, "A bit too good. Goes right through yah if yah know what I mean. Got to find a place to take a leak." Making sure no one one was following him Yevron heads towards the brook to a more secluded part and proceeds to take care of business.
Taking a peak around he begins to head up the brook.

Ok lets keep trying to roll.
Nobility [roll0]
Perception [roll1]
and a second perception after finishing 'business' [roll2]

2015-10-01, 02:26 PM
Edrienne was nearly ready to tear into the beast with her bare hands. When Zarina delivers the news her face bares no more expression than it did a moment ago, save for a small nod, but internally she swears. She didn't really need to eat but she enjoyed it all the same.

After Zarina leaves a look of feigned shock appears on Edrienne's face. "Oh my. Such a poor thing. I cannot bear to watch." She turns to leave looking every bit a bleeding heart that didn't know where her food came from. She turns her head back making sure that no one follows her. No sooner is she out of sight than does she take Eddrick from her sleeve and let him roam free along the ground as he wished.

Will roll in OOC thread later. On mobile now.

2015-10-01, 10:29 PM
The group, for the most part, slip away unnoticed. One eye, however, watches Zarina and Yevron stride into the trees, and then watched Valera follow. But then the eye rolls back to the nobles and pays no more attention.

Yevron reaches Hadrian first, as the young noble gazes at the clearing ahead and the lone figure leaning against a tree on the other side of it. Then the rest arrive, Zarina, Valera, Edrienne, some with more grace in the wilderness than the others. There is no sign of Lord Elwin, however, a fact Zarina notes.

Then a large falcon, previously unnoticed as the group eyes the figure in the clearing and each other, caws loudly directly above the group and takes wing, flying toward the figure in the distance.

2015-10-02, 11:30 AM
AC 11; HP 21; Perception +9

If Zarina is possitive that the man in the clearing is Duke Elric (perception below) she strolls into the glade and curtsies while saying "My Lord, we are ready to serve."

If she is unsure as to the man in the clearing, she remains at the edge until someone else steps forward and stays one step behind them though slightly to the side. Curtsying when the Duke is addressed but allowing her potential bodyguard to take lead.

Either way, Zarina then waits patiently for the Duke's instructions with her notebook and inkpen in hand to write down any notes she might need.
Perception [roll0] to identify the lone figure ahead.

2015-10-02, 01:53 PM
Edrienne joins the group without saying a word to any of them. Eddrick on the other hand is much more talkative, if telepathy counts as actually talking. "Hey everyone. So does anyone have any idea what we're doing here?" He scurries along in the grass alongside Edrienne staying within arm's reach but only just so.

2015-10-02, 07:56 PM
It is Duke Elric

Duke Elric de Silvanal hardly looks up at Zarina. "Good," he replies. "I have a mission for you five, a mission that must be kept in absolute secrecy."

He pauses, and waits for the rest to come forward. "As some of you may have seen, we have a visitor to Silven this week. Lord Xavier. I know why he has come; he seeks funds to settle territory that he lost. I am not inclined to give him back that territory, since he strikes me as an inept leader. If he lost it once, there's a good chance he'll do it again. So I'll be throwing away good money, money which can be used for other purposes. Besides, I have recieved... better offers for the use of the territory, offers I am inclined to take."

The Duke then looks at the falcon perched on his arm. "Perseus, guard." Perseus the falcon immediately took wing and flew off into the forest. "He'll make sure we have no unwanted visitors. What I'm about to tell you cannot fall into other's ears. You five have been selected for your various talents, but the one thing you will all need is a closed mouth in regards to these matters. If you tell anyone about what I'm about to tell you, I'm going to have to kill you. Understood?"

2015-10-02, 08:09 PM
AC 11; HP 21; Perception +9

"My Lord, you have my undying loyalty. I will never let be known anything you wish to remain unknown." Zarina says this in a surprisingly serious tone for the usually jovial and jesting woman that you are familiar with. She then goes on in her ordinary lighthearted fashion, "Besides, you know I can never stay away when secrets and plots are afoot!"

2015-10-03, 03:35 PM
Her heart beat faster as she came upon the convening group, seeing Duke Elric waiting. They all came to meet him, and as he spoke, Valera's mind raced. I'll have to work openly with these people, she thought to herself, trying the idea on and seeing how it fit. Revealing herself to others was not a task she'd been given yet, and she wasn't sure how she felt about it. But this was the Duke asking, and so of course she would obey. It's a good thing I don't sleep; I can at last watch them all.

Out loud, she simply responded, "Of course, my lord." There was little else to say, and she eagerly awaited his instructions.

2015-10-03, 04:21 PM
Yevron looks up at the falcon as it flies away and then to the gathered group. As the Duke speaks his threat Yevron crosses his arms over his chest and sighs slightly shaking his head. Yevron assumes the words were meant for the others as a priest he would never speak of others secrets. If he had someone that could kill me, why would he send me on this... activity and not them? Yevron thinks to himself but responds, "Aye."

2015-10-03, 05:27 PM
'So the Duke gives us orders in person. What an honor.' Edrienne thinks sarcastically. Outwardly she shows no signs disdain, she even bows her head slightly, the movement is barely more than a nod but it is there. "My silence is yours Milord." '...Until a better offer comes along.' She finishes in her head.

2015-10-04, 06:32 PM
Hadrian's gleeful demeanor, already diminishing, vanished upon the solemn threat, or is it simply a promise?, from the duke. "Would an artist give up on his piece and sell it, unfinished? Nay, not a true artist." A contemplative frown grows across the nobleman's face, "I have never given you reason to mistrust me, and I am very aware of how well you follow through on your... promises. You have my utmost loyalty, Duke Elric."

2015-10-04, 09:22 PM
Duke's eye roves over each in turn as they say their piece, before nodding and standing. He then faces the tree. "You can come out, now," he says, rapping his knuckles on the bark. And then, before the group's assembled eyes, the tree begins to shift, the bark seemingly melting away, the discolorations slipping and shaping eyes, a mouth, ears. The leaves fall from the branches, and float away as they dissolve in air, until all that remains is an unearthly woman.

"My name is Hallanielle," says the woman, the words seemingly floating gracefully through the air to the group's ears, making their speech seem crass and barbaric in comparison. "And I came to this man-" waving a hand towards Duke Elric "when the moon shone brightest through the leaves of the forest. I had learned from the words of the squirrels and the trees that he had influence over your kind; I asked for a place for my kind to live free of the logger's axe."

"And I gave it to her," Duke Elric continued. "Baron Xavier's old land was being unused, so I offered it. In return for not going there, the fey will protect our borders from the orcs and goblins and such living in the north. We'll free up more money not having to defend ourselves then we would repopulating the place and giving it to Xavier. And besides," he added, "I owed her a favor."

Hallanielle smiled elegantly at Elric, then turned to the assembled group. "Keeping the fell creatures of the north is a simple matter; we will prey on their superstitions and make the area seem haunted. Such a deterrent will also be used to keep the humans away without having to inform them of our presence."

"But you may be wondering why I'm telling you all this," Duke Elric says. "Its because of Duke Xavier. He's hellbent on reclaiming that place, and he's willing to use any means necessary. He's going to ask me for funds to settle the place, I'm going to tell him that I'll think on it. So he'll stick around, try'n flatter me into giving it to him. While he does that, you're going to have to get friendly with him, so he invites you back to where he's living. If he doesn't, don't worry, all of you should have a good enough reason to drop by anyway. Lord Hadrian, he's living with a cousin of yours, Baron... I forget his name, don't matter. Drop by for a family visit. Zarina, go for a tour of Silvanal, or be hired by Hadrian to sing for 'em. Lady Valera, your going to have to get invited, its your best chance to avoid suspicion. If that doesn't work, then your going as Lord Hadrian's friend. Edrienne, you finally tired of me and moved on, and why not stop by and see Lord Xavier? And as for you, Priest Yevron, the city he's staying in doesn't have a priest of Caelum. Or, at least, the one they have is getting old and needs help. The church is gonna send you to help him out until a replacement can be found.

"While your there, your job is to figure out where he's planning on getting his funds from. Because he sure as hell has a source of some sort, coming here is a formality for him, to keep up appearances. When you do, stop him. I'll leave the details to you, but he cannot be allowed to settle that land. Keep me informed once your there."

Hallanielle speaks up. "Your... I believe you call it a 'contact?' Your contact is a dryad, who currently inhabits the oldest and stoutest oak in the forest there. You will find the dryad by heading northeast from the castle. The oak is..." she drifts into Sylvan, and describes the oak in details only that language has.

"I'm going to have to get back before I'm missed. If you've got questions, ask 'em tonight." The Duke turns to leave, and begins to walk away.

If Hadrian wants to give his new cousin a name, feel free. Hallanielle is a nymph, for those of you who can't tell. Know (Nature) DC 15 check to figure that out. Zarina automatically knows, since she's spent time with nymphs in the past.

Anyway, if you want to stop Elric before he gets back, you can. He's not gone yet. Or if you just want to get back to the luncheon, go ahead. Or if you want to have a chat with Hallanielle, feel free.

2015-10-04, 10:02 PM
AC 11; HP 21; Perception +9

"It will be done, My Lord." Zarina curtsies once more to Duke Elric before turning to Hadrian and adopting her usually jovial peasant style of speaking, "Well, Malord, it appears as though you will be employing a bard to accompany you for your travels. We can discuss my rates at a later time..." The last part she says with a smile and a laugh.

Zarina then turns to the nymph and addresses her in fluent Sylvan, "[Sylvan]It is an honor to meet you Hallanielle, I have heard Ielenia speak of you before though I do not know if you know her. I will seek out the dryad of whom you seek and ensure we remain in communication. May I have her name so that I might do her proper respects when I encroach upon her glade?" She listens to the name if offered and recites it back to make sure she has it correct in the fey's language. Zarina then addresses the nymph once more, "[Sylvan]Ielenia taught me sing with the magic of the fey but I lack your ability to move undetected through the woods; is there any chance that you could use your magic to help me able to return to the lunch unseen so as to minimize the suspicions of those there?"

Sylvan is in white text, you can highlight to read it.
Diplomacy [roll0] to convince Hallanielle to use her fey magic to help Zarina be sneaky

2015-10-05, 12:11 AM
"Understood," Valera replies to the Duke, already planning out how she might be invited, whether by Xavier or Lord Hadrian's cousin. Though she wasn't overly familiar with either of their households, she wracked her brain for any other, less savvy family members that she might attach herself to; she hated to ask for help, but if she had trouble she might have to display weakness to one of her new allies. Once there, she was fairly confident in her ability to ferret out the funds; but getting there, that was going to be the trick.

The woodswoman unnerved her, slightly. She had smelled one like her, once, seen it far off in the swamps of her childhood, and instinctively shied away; she didn't know what they were capable of, and they were too far outside her experience for her to feel comfortable with. Her speech seemed higher, almost archaic somehow, but she'd communicated with enough fey creatures to be able to follow along, noting Halanielle's description of the oak tree and their contact, and listening with some surprise to Zarina's admission of experience with these creatures. She kept her mouth silent and her face blank, not needing to betray her facility with the language yet.

Rolling Knowledge (Nobility) to see whether she knows of any younger nobles in the Xavier household that she might contrive a friendship or attraction with, preferably ones that are here in Silvanal at the moment so she can approach them.

2015-10-05, 12:49 AM
As the Nymph morphed before their eyes, and Hadrian watched in wonder. He had never seen the like of such a creature before, and her movements were like a masterful stroke across a canvas. Finally able to divert his attention back to Duke Elric as he finished his request, Hadrian spoke up, smirking at the mention of his cousin, "Ah, yes, Baron Alwyne. Though I made a poor initial impression upon Lord Xavier I now believe he would not mind if I helped my cousin act as host for the time being. Of course, while he resides beneath the roof of Alwyne I should think not to invade his private space and find the information, though I will do so should it be necessary. I will do my best to sculpt our relationship to include trust and allow him to bring the answers forth himself."

The young lord grinned deviously, "Fear not, Duke Elric, we shall uncover this information."

Once the duke beings to leave, Hadrian faces Zarina, bursting out laughing, and then adopting a pseudo-serious expression, "Oh, you wish to be paid in sacks of rocks? Why, that is not a problem! Your payment shall be quite bountiful!" He smiles and laughs again, and makes his way back to the luncheon, careful to make it look like he had not been away too long, and grabbing a wineskin of wine to share with Xavier.

Stealth to slip back into the group of people without being noticed: [roll0]

2015-10-05, 10:55 AM
Edrienne keeps her eyes locked on the fey for as long as she's in sight, not out of any attraction to the sight, if she'd wanted to see that all she would have needed to do was look in a mirror. But because of the off-putting strangeness of her. She didn't like it one bit. And according to the Duke's mission they would be meeting with another of their kind soon enough. Wonderful...

"It shall be a difficult ruse but somehow I believe I'll be able to act as though I've grown bored of you." She says completely straight-faced A moment later she adds "Of course I jest Milord." She bows her head once more like before. When the dwarf speaks up she stops and listens to what he has to say. She would have laughed out loud if the Duke hadn't done so first. The dwarf was far older than more than half of those assembled here and yet he was still so naive. Maybe it had something to do with being a cleric. Edrienne then turns and leaves the clearing without another word. She makes sure to let Eddrick back into her sleeve before slipping back into the party, while putting and impression of someone with an upset stomach. When she finds her way to Lord Xavier's she drops the act and puts on her best seductive face.

"Good day Lord Xavier might we have words over our meal?" She says putting special reverence into how she says, not only his title, but his whole name.

2015-10-05, 08:49 PM
Oh thats why. Yevron doesn't bat an eye at whatever it was coming out of the tree. Simply stands there arms crossed listening. Cogs turned in his head as he digested all the facts and the responses.

"Just a moment everyone if you will." Yevron uncrosses his arms looking around to see if everyone was still here then continues anyway, "My lord, have you tired the direct approach? I can understand the need to keep others out of the bigger picture of the land, but have you considered just telling lord Xavier that the area will remain... unused? If you make your wishes clear he will have to realize there is a reason for it and respect your wish." he says respectfully.

Yevron looks at Hallanielle, "I'm afraid I don't speak your language, could you perhaps repeat it?"

Sorry for taking so long on my response. I also put my text into white. Its a good idea.

2015-10-05, 11:15 PM
Duke Elric looks at Yevron for a moment, and then bursts into laughter. "Be... honest?" he gasps. "By Terra, you need to learn more about politics." Still chortling, he walks away and leaves.

Hallianelle smiles at the dwarf. "From what young Elric has told me of this... Xavier, he seems to be quite determined. What can stop a determined tree from growing tall? Naught but the subtle things; the lack of Caelum's light, too much or too little of Mare's water. The logger's axe is but the worst solution, for all the woodland creatures gaze upon the remaining stump and thus hate the woodsman, though perhaps it was to benefit the forest as a whole. Do you understand?

And," she continues, "I do not speak elven. What was your inquest?"

2015-10-08, 05:03 AM
Yevron sighs again and speaks to Hallanielle, "I said I don't understand what you said about the oak. Could you repeat it?"

2015-10-09, 11:06 PM
"Oh, it is untranslatable. This crass language cannot convey the shifting shades of light through the leaf, or the way the water is... is... the closest this language comes is absorbed through your roots... but the oak is the largest. You'll know. And I daresay some others in this group of yours understood me."

2015-10-17, 10:00 PM
The group arrives back at the luncheon without mishap, staggering their arrivals and changing places of entrance so as to avoid suspicion. Duke Elric, they see, is all ready there, in the middle of the group, socializing.


When she gets back, a young noble approaches with a grand smile and a blush, apparently with a little too much drink in his gullet.

"There you are, Zarina! I've been looking fed you everywhere! Would you... Would would would you pleasure ush with some delightful music?"

She also notes Lord Elwin's absence from the group.


After considering the matter carefully, she's pretty sure none of the nobles here are in Lord Xavier's retinue. But that left two groups that might let her be their plus one: Hadrian's relatives, and the servants.

Hadrian and Edrienne

Edrienne comes upon Lord Xavier after he accepts the wineskin from Hadrian.

"I'm sorry, ma'am, do I know you?" he asks Edrienne with a raised eyebrow.

Him saying "ma'am" versus saying "maiden" or "lady" means he thinks you look old. Just saying.


The dwarf stumbles in where he left, but before he enters the clearing proper two servants walk across his path, carrying a large barrel. "Ugh," says one of them, "Why does Sir Drinksalot have us carry this damn barrel full of juice when we all know he's spending his whole time with the wine?"
"Quiet or one of them'll hear you, and then at best your fired!"

They continue on their way with the first still complaining under his breath, not seeing the priest the whole time.

2015-10-19, 12:33 PM
AC 11; HP 21; Perception +9

"Of course, Malord. I am a rather small person and often get lost in crowds but you have found me and my music now!" She laughs in a charming manner as she replies to the young drunk nobleman. "Shall we have a ballad of a great hunt?" Zarina then launches into a song as she slowly and without breaking her performance makes her way back to her horse to retrieve her violin.

Perform Sing [roll0]

2015-10-28, 11:44 AM
Terribly sorry for not posting, life's been kicking me while I'm down.

Edrienne looks at the Lord trying to the frustration she felt at his insinuation that she looked old. Sure, she was over a century but she had always thought she looked far better than those her age would, whatever the Lord's standards for beauty where Edrienne was sure they were far too high. Briefly, the thought lasting no longer than a second before being overruled, she mulled over the idea of using her power to gain his favor. The idea had some charm to it, but the costs for failure were too great. "Oh milord, how rude of me. I am Edrienne, I am, well I should say I was a friend of Duke Elric." She winks at him when she says the word friend. "I have sought you out for you see. The Duke has grown to be such a bore I can no longer stand him. Surely you understand? His ego alone should have crushed the steed he rode upon." She laughed softly and genuinely for the first time in ages. If there was one way to make friends it was to establish a mutual adversary.

Diplomacy to improve my relationship with the Lord. [roll0]

2015-10-28, 03:16 PM

When her song is finished she finds the noble with a dreamy expression on his face, occasionally taking sips- well, chugs, from a goblet. "That wash... excellent. You wanna, you wanna, you wanna go home with me? I haven't eard... eard... heard mushic like that in a long, long time." He drunkenly tries to touch your shoulder, but misses and his arm swings down by his side. "I'll pay you, o' coursh. I wanna show you off ta my uncle."

Know (Nobility) to figure out who he is. DC 25. Knowing his name would help, of course, which would give you a bonus, dropping the DC to 20. Or you could just ask him. Or decline all together and go on your way.


Lord Xavier raises an eyebrow at this. "Insulting your host when he is within earshot? Brave words, Edrienne," he replies. "I won't say much, but I will say this; there is a reason I spend as little time here in Silver as possible."

2015-10-30, 11:29 AM
Lord Xavier raises an eyebrow at this. "Insulting your host when he is within earshot? Brave words, Edrienne," he replies. "I won't say much, but I will say this; there is a reason I spend as little time here in Silver as possible."

Edrienne curtsies at his compliment of her bravery. "Indeed, now if only I could do the same, you see with our host's grace I am free to stay here but if I was to be free of him as I wish I would have nowhere else to go..." She let's the sentence trail off doing all but coming out and asking him the favor directly.

Not sure what skill check would be necessary here, if any, let's hope Lord Xavier is feeling charitable today.

2015-10-30, 01:14 PM
After sharing a quick glass of wine with Xavier, Hadrian makes his way around the luncheon. He makes quips and small talk with various lords and ladies, spending time with a few that he is familiar with. All the while he is keeping an eye out for his cousin, hoping he had been invited along on the hunt.

2015-10-30, 04:08 PM
AC 11; HP 21; Perception +9

"You flatter me, malord." Zarina says with a friendly laugh. "I am afraid you have me at a terrible disadvantage though; this hunt and all this riding has gotten me so flustered. I cannot seem to recall your uncle's name." She says this as though it terribly distresses her.

Zarina raises her violin up between them to casually begin tuning the instrument; though the act is innocent and clearly her getting prepared for her next performance, it is also a simple barrier to help dissuade the drunken man from reaching for her again.

Knowledge (Nobility) [roll0] to determine what all I know about this lord and what, if anything, I know about his relatives (mainly the uncle)
Bluff [roll1] to fain distress at not knowing who his uncle is (and in saying she doesn't remember the uncle's name depending on the above roll)