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2007-05-16, 10:22 AM
I've recently become interested in playing a MoM centric build. What would be a good way to build up to it?

Fax Celestis
2007-05-16, 10:28 AM
Factotum/Master of Masks is quite literally the guy who can do everything. Dip a level in Wizard to take advantage of those +1 caster levels, and go into Exemplar when you run out of Master of Masks levels.

EDIT: So, I suppose: Factotum 4/Wizard 1/Master of Masks 10/Exemplar 5.

2007-05-16, 11:39 AM
I've been playing a character for awhile now, currently Rogue6/Wizard1/MoM10, about to go into Arcane Trickster for the rest of the way out. He's hardly optimized, but has been quite a bit of fun to play.

2007-05-16, 12:18 PM
I like Fax_Celestis' idea- but wouldn't it be more needlessly complicated fun to have that spellcaster class be Chameleon?

Something like Factotum5/Chameleon1 to start, then some combination of MoM and Chameleon, depending on which you like more.

2007-05-16, 12:23 PM
Binder/Anima Mage is another good entry into MoM, for that "oh my good that's too much flexibility" feel.


2007-05-16, 12:46 PM
That would be neat, if it weren't for MoM's skill requirements. Do Binder and Anima Mage get Bluff, Disguise and Perform as class skills?

2007-05-16, 03:11 PM
Binder/Anima Mage is another good entry into MoM, for that "oh my good that's too much flexibility" feel.


What book is Anima Mage from?

Fax Celestis
2007-05-17, 11:24 PM
What book is Anima Mage from?

Tome of Magic.

Merlin the Tuna
2007-05-18, 01:28 AM
I've recently become interested in playing a MoM centric build. What would be a good way to build up to it?Honestly, as neat as the class is, it's a mechanical monstrosity; the thing doesn't work at all. It's a low-HD, low skill, poor BAB, 2/5 spellcasting class with some extra class features that rely almost entirely on scaling -- thus forcing you to take more of those awful, awful class levels. The way the class is written, about the only thing worth doing with the Master of Masks is grabbing level one for the Gladiator mask (Proficiency with all exotic weapons? Wootsauce!) and running far, far away.

The idea behind the MoM is spectacular, but the rules for it are barely worth the paper they're printed on. If you're intent on making a MoM-centric build -- which I can hardly blame you for -- step one would likely be to talk to your DM about beefing it up a little. 3/4 BAB with 6/10 spellcasting is a good start. If he's not willing to go for improving the class, your best bet is to just go into Chameleon and make some masks for your character to wear.

Shiny, Bearer of the Pokystick
2007-05-18, 02:31 PM
Legacy Champion says what?
I'd personally recommend it- it's no panacea, but there are few suboptimal classes it can't make taste a little better with that "+1 class features" deal.

2007-05-19, 12:04 PM
Which book is this PrC in? Sorry for my ignorance.

2007-05-19, 12:23 PM
It's in Complete Scoundrel.

2007-05-20, 03:53 PM
Oh, you're being too hard on it.

A single dip level for +1d6 Sneak Attack would also be viable.

2007-05-20, 04:04 PM
Honestly, as neat as the class is, it's a mechanical monstrosity; the thing doesn't work at all. It's a low-HD, low skill, poor BAB, 2/5 spellcasting class with some extra class features that rely almost entirely on scaling -- thus forcing you to take more of those awful, awful class levels. The way the class is written, about the only thing worth doing with the Master of Masks is grabbing level one for the Gladiator mask (Proficiency with all exotic weapons? Wootsauce!) and running far, far away.

The idea behind the MoM is spectacular, but the rules for it are barely worth the paper they're printed on. If you're intent on making a MoM-centric build -- which I can hardly blame you for -- step one would likely be to talk to your DM about beefing it up a little. 3/4 BAB with 6/10 spellcasting is a good start. If he's not willing to go for improving the class, your best bet is to just go into Chameleon and make some masks for your character to wear.

Aye. The prestige class is so mechanically terrible that I don't understand why people even want to make a MoM build. Just be a spellcaster and go, "durrrr this pair of masks grants me spellcasting abilities even though, mechanically, I don't actually need to wear it to cast spells." and everyone will be much, much happier.

I mean, all the masks actually do is grant you lower level spells or their effects (a la a bad Warlock).

2007-05-20, 05:41 PM
My fav. way to do it is to go Bard X/Chamelon 1/ MoM X.

You can fit almost any role, and become anybody. Just remember to pick up a hat of disguise, as it only multiplies the oppurtunities.

2007-05-20, 07:53 PM
What book is Chameleon from?

Fax Celestis
2007-05-20, 08:06 PM
What book is Chameleon from?

Races of Destiny.

2007-05-20, 08:23 PM
Aye. The prestige class is so mechanically terrible that I don't understand why people even want to make a MoM build. Just be a spellcaster and go, "durrrr this pair of masks grants me spellcasting abilities even though, mechanically, I don't actually need to wear it to cast spells." and everyone will be much, much happier.

I mean, all the masks actually do is grant you lower level spells or their effects (a la a bad Warlock).People want to play them because they're cool, and very, very, fun to play. Some people find minmaxed Wizards, even with lip-service roleplay about magic masks, to be very boring.

Roleplaying and character concepts aren't something that you need to keep purely aesthetic while you minmax your character sheet.

2007-05-20, 08:24 PM
wtf, I made a prc just like this two years ago on Monte Cook's forum.

I guess I can't prove that, seeing as I no longer have the prestige class and his forum has apparently deleted my post for being too old. Still, makes me wonder, especially since it's just as convoluted as mine was.

edit: n/m, I just found it on my computer. It's a lot of text so I've got it in a spoiler.

Ixoran Masked:

"Mortals are capable of power unheard of even among the most powerful of celestials and demons--now if only they could beleive in themselves..."

--Kizan Seramine, Ixoran Masked.

The Ixoran Masked are a bizzare and secretive tribe of warriors who have reached a pinnacle in skill--at a cost to some of their mental and physical health, they abandon the shackles of identity and become whatever suits them at the time. They do this through a method as simple as it is ancient--masks.

Most Masked are either fighters or clerics, as there are many abilities they can enjoy without losing much of their effectiveness. Druids and Paladins are a little more rare--many of the masks change one's alignment, and that is considered breaking the oaths layed out by those classes.

Legends speak of trolls occasionally taking up this class--a fearsome thought indeed...


Skills: 10 ranks in craft (leatherworking) or craft (woodworking), 8 ranks in any perform skill.
Magic: Must have the ability to use magic.
Special: Must complete an initiation--see below.


HD: d6
Skill points at level up: 6+Intellingence modifier
Class Skills: None

1..........+1.....+0...+0....+1...1 Lesser Mask, DPD
2..........+2.....+1...+1....+2...Intimidating Presence
3..........+3.....+1...+1....+3...1 Lesser Mask
5..........+4.....+2...+2....+4...Recovering Will
6..........+5.....+3...+3....+5...1 Greater Mask
7..........+6.....+3...+3....+6...1 Greater Mask, Soulless
8..........+6.....+4...+4....+6...Superior Will
10........+8.....+5...+5....+8...1 Ultimate Mask

Initiation: Upon joining, an initiate must select one type of lesser mask. They must then prove themselves by fighting (and defeating) a shadow duplicate of themself utilizing that mask, but at half the Masked's HP. The will save to disbeleive said shadow is DC 20, and even if disbeleived, it still deals 80% of its damage. Once the duplicate is defeated, the initiate must make a craft (leather or woodworking) check (DC 18) in an attempt to create that mask. Only one such attempt can be made after defeating the duplicate--if it fails, the initiate must fight it again before re-trying.

Once the mask is completed, a ceremony begins which dehumanizes the initiate, stripping them of their personal identity and much of their willpower. The ceremony also imbues their body with an inherent magic that allows for subtle physical changes to occur during the "transformations." This deals 4 points of permanent wisdom damage and 2 points of permanent charisma damage which cannot be reversed in any way other than by the recovering will special. Additional wisdom and charisma can be gained as a result of levelling or magical items, but the recovering will special is the only way to return the points lost.

The mask which the initiate fought against and created is the lesser mask received at first level.

Heartless: The Masked is now so far detatched that they are much harder to scare or intimidate. The Masked gains a +6 to all saves against any fear or intimidation effect--whether magical, psionic, or normal.

Suspension of Disbeleif: The masked rely on a suspension of disbeleif--their cracked minds and faded self-images are far more willing to accept the untruth of what the masks represent, and for them, the masks become more than decorative. However, due to their weakened state of mind, if for any reason the mask is removed or falls off in the presence of any creature that the Masked perceives as intelligent (having more than 2 intelligence--so no animals, oozes, constructs, or vermin), they go into a state of shock and immediately lose all effects of their mask. They can only perform partial actions for 1d4 rounds, and afterwards, cannot use any masks for 24 hours. Often, during this time, they will retreat into a "victim" mentality.

Recovering Will: The Masked's lost Wisdom and Charisma return, though their minds do not return to the way they were.

Superior Will: The Masked gains an extra +3 on all will saves.

Intimidating Presence: The Masked gains a +4 on all intimidation checks.

Lesser Masks:

The masks made use of by the masked are their mental focus--when one dons a mask, they become the mask. Putting on and utilizing any mask is a mind-affecting ability. Any time a Masked's type changes, the change is absolute and all rulings regarding damage and survivability in various environments apply as standard for that type unless otherwise stated. When a Masked dies, its type reverts to that of the core form.

Bone: The Bone mask makes use of the abilities of the undead, but is limited to the owner's mental image of mindless zombies and skeletons. Donning one has the following effects:

Type: Changes to undead
Alignment: Changes to neutral evil
Armor Class: Add 2 natural
Abilities: +2 Strength, -2 Dexterity, No effective constitution, No effective intelligence
Feats: Improved initiative
Saves: +2 Will
Attack Bonus: +1
Immunities: Cold immunity, half damage from piercing and slashing weapons, immune to mind-influencing effects, poison, sleep, paralysis, stunning, and disease. Not subject to critical hits, subdual damage, ability damage, energy drain, or death from massive damage. These immunities are as a skeleton's, and any way around them that would apply to a skeleton also applies to the masked. If the mask is removed while there is still poison in the body, it may still deal secondary damage.
Special: 2 claw attacks (1d4) are gained--they are natural weapons and incur no penalty when attacking with both. Those using the bone mask lose all spellcasting ability and are able to be turned by anyone with the ability: Rebuking, awing, and controlling all work normally, but any time the masked would be destroyed by turning, they simply faint for 1d4+1 rounds.

The bone mask is one many masked shun, as the behavior it induces is often disturbing to onlookers, and the limitation on magic is crippling to many spellcasters. Still, in terms of survivability, this mask is hard to beat. This mask has no access to core memory and cannot speak due to its lack of effective intelligence. If at any time the Masked's HP in this form reaches 0, the Masked collapses into a catatonic state of near-death and will not recover unless targetted by a create undead or similar spell. At -10 HP, death occurs as normal and the Masked's type reverts to normal.

Bug: The bug mask plays off the owner's mental image of insects and arachnids. It has the following effects:

Type: Changes to vermin
Alignment: Changes to true neutral
Armor Class: +1 Natural
Abilities: +2 Strength, +1 Dexterity, +1 Constitution, No effective intelligence, -2 Will, -2 Charisma
Feats: Scent
Saves: Will -2, Fort +2
Attack Bonus: +1
Immunities: Immune to mind-influencing effects.
Skills: Spot +5, Listen +5, Jump +5
Special: Can climb as if affected by spider climb, unable to use magic. Add 1d4 strength damage (poison) to any natural attacks.

The Bug Mask can be invaluable to a Masked who was once a monk, as combining powerful natural attacks and virulent poison can be deadly. The mask is also popular amongst rogues, as the increased skills and spider climb ability can be instrumental to getting a job done. This mask has no access to core memory and cannot speak.

Stone: The stone mask fills the Masked with a sense of pride and stability, and had the following effects:

Type: Gains earth subtype
Armor Class: +2 Natural
HP (Max): +15
Speed: 20 ft, Burrow 10 ft
Feats: Power attack, Cleave, Improved Sunder, Simple weapon proficiency
Saves: Fort +2, Reflex -2
Abilities: Strength +4, Dexterity -2, Constitution +2, Intelligence -4, Charisma -2
Attack Bonus: +3
Special: Does not require air, cannot run.

This mask provides anyone with a measure of fighting talent. While much of its effectiveness lies in feats that any fighter would likely already have, it can turn a skilled combatant into a powerful juggernaut. This mask has no access to core memory, but can speak, provided the intelligence penalty allows it.

Feathered: The feathered mask focuses on the more delicate aspects of life. Magical ability is improved, but at a cost to physical ability.

Armor Class: -4
HP (Max): -15
Feats: Still Spell, Silent Spell, Combat Casting, Evasion
Saves: Fort -2, Will +2
Abilities: Strength -4, Constitution -2, Intelligence +2, Wisdom +2, Charisma +2
Attack Bonus: -4
Special: Constantly under the effects of feather fall (caster level equal to Masked level), adds 1 level to any previously existing spellcasting (arcane or divine) classes for purposes of spell progession only--no feats, stats, special abilities, or skills are gained. The Masked can pick new spells as someone levelling up in this manner normally could, and gains additional spells per day as normal. These extra spells, like everything else, are temporary.

This mask really only sees any use in the hands of a dedicated spellcaster, as it would not really help anyone who doesn't rely on magic. This mask has access to core memory and can speak.

Greater Masks: All greater masks carry access to core memory and the power of speech, save for Steel.

Wooden: The wooden mask mimics the natural world, giving the Masked the following abilities:

Armor Class: +3 (dodge)
Feats: Track, two-weapon fighting
Saves: Fort +1, Reflex +2
Abilities: Wisdom +1, Intelligence +1
Skills: Survival +4, Listen +4, Search +4, Spot +4
Special: Has wilderness step identical to the druid ability, and the following spell-like abilities (each may be used once per day and has a caster level equal to the Masked's level): Entangle, Summon Nature's Ally IV, Spike Growth, Barkskin

Black: A traditional Ixoran death mask, the black mask taps into the shadow plane.

Type: Changes to Outsider (shadow)
Armor Class: +6 (natural), Lose all non-magical armor bonus
Speed: Fly 30
Saves: Reflex +5
Abilities: Str +3, Dex +5
Damage resistance: Cold resistance 15, Acid resistance 15
Immunities: Not affected by poison
Skills: Hide+10, Move silently +10
Attack Bonus: +4
Special: All equipment turns to shadow, but is bolstered by illusion--if an enemy attempts to disbeleive the Masked's presence (will save DC 15+Masked level), attacks only do 80% damage. The Masked also gains a touch attack which deals 1d4+2 strength damage (is not halved even if disbeleived). The Masked gains 70% concealment when in a dark area, though a strong, steady light (lanterns and spells, but not torches or bonfires). Dark and low-light vision do not help in this matter. Corporeal, non-magical weapons have a 20% miss chance due to the Masked's partial incorporeality. Any character that has a sneak attack gains 3d6 extra points of sneak attack damage.

The black mask is bizzare, but its shadowy tricks can be greatly beneficial to thieves and assasins. Despite the lack of spellcasting enhancement, it can also aid magic users by keeping them effectively out of the fray.

Steel: The Steel mask is an improvement upon the stone mask--the Masked almost literally becomes a fighting machine.

Type: Changes to Construct
HP (max): +40
Armor Class: +7 (Natural)
Speed: 20
Saves: Fort +2
Feats: Power attack, cleave, great cleave, improved sunder, combat expertise, Simple/martial weapon proficiency, proficient with all armor
Abilities: Str +8, Dex +3, no effective constitution, No effective intelligence, Cha -4
Immunities: Damage reduction 10/adamantine, immune to all mind-affecting abilities, immune to poison, sleep, paralysis, stunning, disease, death effects, necromancy effects. Not subject to critical hits, nonlethal damage, ability damage, ability drain, fatigue, exhuastion, or energy drain, immune to any effect that requires a fortitude save (unless it works on objects or is harmless), immune to all spells which allow spell resistance (unless harmless).
Attack Bonus: +5
Special: Does not require any food, water, or oxygen. Unable to cast spells.

Although this mask restricts spellcasting, many mages find it quite useful--the best way out of a bad situation is often through it. It's a real treat for fighters though--they don't need magic anyway.

Sun: The sun mask brings improved spellcasting and some additional defensive abilities:

Type: Changes to Outsider (good)
Alignment: Changes to neutral good
HP (max): +10
Saves: Will +3
Feats: Extend spell, still spell, silent spell, spell focus (conjuration), augment summoning, dodge, mobility, spring attack
Abilities: Int +4, Wis +5, Cha +4
Immunities: Damage reduction 5/evil
Special: Gains 5 levels of one previous spellcasting class as applies to gaining spells only--no feats or abilities are gained. Can turn undead as a 5th level cleric. If the Masked could already turn, the ability stacks. Invisibility and Magic Circle Against Evil as spell like abilities once per day (caster level is equal to Masked level). The mask emits light as the Daylight spell.

Like the heavenly body it resembles, the sun mask represents hope and goodness. This mask is the most common among divine spellcasters, but it is also useful to arcane magic users. A common tactic is to turn invisible and cast an extended summoning spell, then come out of invisibility and let loose with whatever attack magic can be brought to bear.

Ultimate Masks:

Demon: The demon mask is a tool for the Masked who wants to bring terror and chaos to the battlefield.

Type: Changes to Outsider (evil)
Speed: 30, Fly 30 (Clumsy)
Alignment: Changes to chaotic evil
HP (max): +25
Saves: Fort +4, Ref +4, Will +4
Feats: Flyby attack, spell focus (conjuration), augment summoning, power attack, cleave
Abilities: Str +8, Dex +6, Int +4, Cha +4
Immunities: Damage reduction 10/good, fire immunity
Skills: Bluff +15, Diplomacy +5, Intimidate +15
Special: Gains 6 levels of one previous spellcasting class as applies to gaining spells only--no feats or abilities are gained. The Masked is wreathed in flames which provide light as the continual flame spell. The Masked deals an extra 2d6 fire damage, and can summon 1d6 Tana'ari with HD at least 5 less than the Masked's character level as a spell like ability once per day. Demons will now recognize the Masked as one of their own as long as they wear this mask. The Masked sprouts a pair of batlike wings upon first donning this mask which will forever remain, even if masks are switched. The Masked gains sneak attack +4d6.

The demon mask is the epitome of the Masked's craft--through the force of his will alone he can become a powerful demon, good at both spellcasting and fighting. When this form is reached, one's training as a masked is truly over.

Radiant: The radiant mask is beautifully wrought and usually resembles a helmet of some sort.

Type: Changes to Outsider (good)
Speed: 30, fly 30 (clumsy)
Alignment: changes to lawful good
HP (max): +20
Saves: Fort +4, Will +4
Feats: Flyby attack, spell focus (conjuration), augment summoning, augment healing, extend spell, silent spell, dodge
Abilities: Str +5, Dex +2, Int +6, Wis +8, Cha +4
Immunities: Damage reduction 10/evil
Skills: Intimidate +5, Diplomacy +15, Spellcraft +5, Knowledge (religion) +10
Special: Gains 8 levels of previous spellcasting class as applies to gaining spells only--no feats or abilities are gained. Can turn undead as an 8th level cleric (this stacks). Can summon 1d4 celestials with HD less than the Masked's character level as a spell like ability once per day. Celestials will now recognize the Masked as a messanger of good as long as they are wearing any non-evil mask, and are not evil themselves. The celestial sprouts angelic wings upon first donning this mask, and these wings remain even if the mask is removed.

The radiant mask is perfect for a good-aligned cleric or arcane spellcaster--the additional spells and turning, coupled with the celestial backup and damage reduction make for a powerful combination. When this form is reached, one's training as a masked is truly over.

Nightmare: The nightmare mask's most frightening feature is that there is no mask at all.

HP (max): +30
Speed: 80 (climb 40)
AC: +5 (dodge)
Saves: Fort +5, Ref +5, Will +5
Feats: Proficient with all weapons and armor, power attack, cleave, greater cleave, dodge, mobility, spring attack, whirlwind attack, improved initiative, two weapon fighting, improved unarmed attack
Immunities: Immune to poison, disease, sleep, fatigue, fear, and mind-affecting abilities.
Base Attack Bonus: +6
Skills: Climb +10, Swim +10, Jump +10, Tumble +10, Balance +10
Special: The Masked does an additional 2d6 points of damage with any attack they make, and any weapon they wield is considered to have a +1 enhancement (unless the weapon already has a higher enhancement bonus). Their unarmed attack is also considered to have said bonus. They can use anti-magic field as a spell-like ability (caster level 15) once per day. Frightful Presence 30ft for 5d6 rds (DC=10+1/2 Masked Level+CHA modifier, innefective if target's total HD is higher than Masked's Character Level or if size class is two or more higher than Masked's). The Nightmare can also climb as if under the effects of the spider climb spell. As a result of pushing their body too far, the Nightmare takes 3d6 damage every turn. This damage cannot be avoided in any way, though it can be cured or regenerated. The Nightmare has blindsight out to 60 feet.

The Masked has been to the brink of insanity and returned. They bring with them a newfound understanding of what it takes to break all limitations within one's mind, and they are ready to do it at a moment's notice. This is the only masked form that is truly the individual who began training as a Masked. Although there is no physical mask associated with this form, this is still a seperate personality, and the Masked can get out of this form just as easily as he can remove a mask. When this form is reached, one's training as a masked is truly over.

I'm not accusing anyone of stealing my crap (especially since it's not all that good) but it is an interesting coincidence.

2007-05-21, 04:24 AM
People want to play them because they're cool, and very, very, fun to play. Some people find minmaxed Wizards, even with lip-service roleplay about magic masks, to be very boring.

Roleplaying and character concepts aren't something that you need to keep purely aesthetic while you minmax your character sheet.

I never said you have to minmax your Wizard. Hell, I never said you have to be a Wizard. Almost any spellcasting class is better than the Master of Masks.

As for your second statement, no, you don't actually need to keep roleplaying aesthetic. You could, though.

2007-05-31, 01:46 PM
wtf, I made a prc just like this two years ago on Monte Cook's forum.

I guess I can't prove that, seeing as I no longer have the prestige class and his forum has apparently deleted my post for being too old. Still, makes me wonder, especially since it's just as convoluted as mine was.

edit: n/m, I just found it on my computer. It's a lot of text so I've got it in a spoiler.

Ixoran Masked:

"Mortals are capable of power unheard of even among the most powerful of celestials and demons--now if only they could beleive in themselves..."

--Kizan Seramine, Ixoran Masked.

The Ixoran Masked are a bizzare and secretive tribe of warriors who have reached a pinnacle in skill--at a cost to some of their mental and physical health, they abandon the shackles of identity and become whatever suits them at the time. They do this through a method as simple as it is ancient--masks.

Most Masked are either fighters or clerics, as there are many abilities they can enjoy without losing much of their effectiveness. Druids and Paladins are a little more rare--many of the masks change one's alignment, and that is considered breaking the oaths layed out by those classes.

Legends speak of trolls occasionally taking up this class--a fearsome thought indeed...


Skills: 10 ranks in craft (leatherworking) or craft (woodworking), 8 ranks in any perform skill.
Magic: Must have the ability to use magic.
Special: Must complete an initiation--see below.


HD: d6
Skill points at level up: 6+Intellingence modifier
Class Skills: None

1..........+1.....+0...+0....+1...1 Lesser Mask, DPD
2..........+2.....+1...+1....+2...Intimidating Presence
3..........+3.....+1...+1....+3...1 Lesser Mask
5..........+4.....+2...+2....+4...Recovering Will
6..........+5.....+3...+3....+5...1 Greater Mask
7..........+6.....+3...+3....+6...1 Greater Mask, Soulless
8..........+6.....+4...+4....+6...Superior Will
10........+8.....+5...+5....+8...1 Ultimate Mask

Initiation: Upon joining, an initiate must select one type of lesser mask. They must then prove themselves by fighting (and defeating) a shadow duplicate of themself utilizing that mask, but at half the Masked's HP. The will save to disbeleive said shadow is DC 20, and even if disbeleived, it still deals 80% of its damage. Once the duplicate is defeated, the initiate must make a craft (leather or woodworking) check (DC 18) in an attempt to create that mask. Only one such attempt can be made after defeating the duplicate--if it fails, the initiate must fight it again before re-trying.

Once the mask is completed, a ceremony begins which dehumanizes the initiate, stripping them of their personal identity and much of their willpower. The ceremony also imbues their body with an inherent magic that allows for subtle physical changes to occur during the "transformations." This deals 4 points of permanent wisdom damage and 2 points of permanent charisma damage which cannot be reversed in any way other than by the recovering will special. Additional wisdom and charisma can be gained as a result of levelling or magical items, but the recovering will special is the only way to return the points lost.

The mask which the initiate fought against and created is the lesser mask received at first level.

Heartless: The Masked is now so far detatched that they are much harder to scare or intimidate. The Masked gains a +6 to all saves against any fear or intimidation effect--whether magical, psionic, or normal.

Suspension of Disbeleif: The masked rely on a suspension of disbeleif--their cracked minds and faded self-images are far more willing to accept the untruth of what the masks represent, and for them, the masks become more than decorative. However, due to their weakened state of mind, if for any reason the mask is removed or falls off in the presence of any creature that the Masked perceives as intelligent (having more than 2 intelligence--so no animals, oozes, constructs, or vermin), they go into a state of shock and immediately lose all effects of their mask. They can only perform partial actions for 1d4 rounds, and afterwards, cannot use any masks for 24 hours. Often, during this time, they will retreat into a "victim" mentality.

Recovering Will: The Masked's lost Wisdom and Charisma return, though their minds do not return to the way they were.

Superior Will: The Masked gains an extra +3 on all will saves.

Intimidating Presence: The Masked gains a +4 on all intimidation checks.

Lesser Masks:

The masks made use of by the masked are their mental focus--when one dons a mask, they become the mask. Putting on and utilizing any mask is a mind-affecting ability. Any time a Masked's type changes, the change is absolute and all rulings regarding damage and survivability in various environments apply as standard for that type unless otherwise stated. When a Masked dies, its type reverts to that of the core form.

Bone: The Bone mask makes use of the abilities of the undead, but is limited to the owner's mental image of mindless zombies and skeletons. Donning one has the following effects:

Type: Changes to undead
Alignment: Changes to neutral evil
Armor Class: Add 2 natural
Abilities: +2 Strength, -2 Dexterity, No effective constitution, No effective intelligence
Feats: Improved initiative
Saves: +2 Will
Attack Bonus: +1
Immunities: Cold immunity, half damage from piercing and slashing weapons, immune to mind-influencing effects, poison, sleep, paralysis, stunning, and disease. Not subject to critical hits, subdual damage, ability damage, energy drain, or death from massive damage. These immunities are as a skeleton's, and any way around them that would apply to a skeleton also applies to the masked. If the mask is removed while there is still poison in the body, it may still deal secondary damage.
Special: 2 claw attacks (1d4) are gained--they are natural weapons and incur no penalty when attacking with both. Those using the bone mask lose all spellcasting ability and are able to be turned by anyone with the ability: Rebuking, awing, and controlling all work normally, but any time the masked would be destroyed by turning, they simply faint for 1d4+1 rounds.

The bone mask is one many masked shun, as the behavior it induces is often disturbing to onlookers, and the limitation on magic is crippling to many spellcasters. Still, in terms of survivability, this mask is hard to beat. This mask has no access to core memory and cannot speak due to its lack of effective intelligence. If at any time the Masked's HP in this form reaches 0, the Masked collapses into a catatonic state of near-death and will not recover unless targetted by a create undead or similar spell. At -10 HP, death occurs as normal and the Masked's type reverts to normal.

Bug: The bug mask plays off the owner's mental image of insects and arachnids. It has the following effects:

Type: Changes to vermin
Alignment: Changes to true neutral
Armor Class: +1 Natural
Abilities: +2 Strength, +1 Dexterity, +1 Constitution, No effective intelligence, -2 Will, -2 Charisma
Feats: Scent
Saves: Will -2, Fort +2
Attack Bonus: +1
Immunities: Immune to mind-influencing effects.
Skills: Spot +5, Listen +5, Jump +5
Special: Can climb as if affected by spider climb, unable to use magic. Add 1d4 strength damage (poison) to any natural attacks.

The Bug Mask can be invaluable to a Masked who was once a monk, as combining powerful natural attacks and virulent poison can be deadly. The mask is also popular amongst rogues, as the increased skills and spider climb ability can be instrumental to getting a job done. This mask has no access to core memory and cannot speak.

Stone: The stone mask fills the Masked with a sense of pride and stability, and had the following effects:

Type: Gains earth subtype
Armor Class: +2 Natural
HP (Max): +15
Speed: 20 ft, Burrow 10 ft
Feats: Power attack, Cleave, Improved Sunder, Simple weapon proficiency
Saves: Fort +2, Reflex -2
Abilities: Strength +4, Dexterity -2, Constitution +2, Intelligence -4, Charisma -2
Attack Bonus: +3
Special: Does not require air, cannot run.

This mask provides anyone with a measure of fighting talent. While much of its effectiveness lies in feats that any fighter would likely already have, it can turn a skilled combatant into a powerful juggernaut. This mask has no access to core memory, but can speak, provided the intelligence penalty allows it.

Feathered: The feathered mask focuses on the more delicate aspects of life. Magical ability is improved, but at a cost to physical ability.

Armor Class: -4
HP (Max): -15
Feats: Still Spell, Silent Spell, Combat Casting, Evasion
Saves: Fort -2, Will +2
Abilities: Strength -4, Constitution -2, Intelligence +2, Wisdom +2, Charisma +2
Attack Bonus: -4
Special: Constantly under the effects of feather fall (caster level equal to Masked level), adds 1 level to any previously existing spellcasting (arcane or divine) classes for purposes of spell progession only--no feats, stats, special abilities, or skills are gained. The Masked can pick new spells as someone levelling up in this manner normally could, and gains additional spells per day as normal. These extra spells, like everything else, are temporary.

This mask really only sees any use in the hands of a dedicated spellcaster, as it would not really help anyone who doesn't rely on magic. This mask has access to core memory and can speak.

Greater Masks: All greater masks carry access to core memory and the power of speech, save for Steel.

Wooden: The wooden mask mimics the natural world, giving the Masked the following abilities:

Armor Class: +3 (dodge)
Feats: Track, two-weapon fighting
Saves: Fort +1, Reflex +2
Abilities: Wisdom +1, Intelligence +1
Skills: Survival +4, Listen +4, Search +4, Spot +4
Special: Has wilderness step identical to the druid ability, and the following spell-like abilities (each may be used once per day and has a caster level equal to the Masked's level): Entangle, Summon Nature's Ally IV, Spike Growth, Barkskin

Black: A traditional Ixoran death mask, the black mask taps into the shadow plane.

Type: Changes to Outsider (shadow)
Armor Class: +6 (natural), Lose all non-magical armor bonus
Speed: Fly 30
Saves: Reflex +5
Abilities: Str +3, Dex +5
Damage resistance: Cold resistance 15, Acid resistance 15
Immunities: Not affected by poison
Skills: Hide+10, Move silently +10
Attack Bonus: +4
Special: All equipment turns to shadow, but is bolstered by illusion--if an enemy attempts to disbeleive the Masked's presence (will save DC 15+Masked level), attacks only do 80% damage. The Masked also gains a touch attack which deals 1d4+2 strength damage (is not halved even if disbeleived). The Masked gains 70% concealment when in a dark area, though a strong, steady light (lanterns and spells, but not torches or bonfires). Dark and low-light vision do not help in this matter. Corporeal, non-magical weapons have a 20% miss chance due to the Masked's partial incorporeality. Any character that has a sneak attack gains 3d6 extra points of sneak attack damage.

The black mask is bizzare, but its shadowy tricks can be greatly beneficial to thieves and assasins. Despite the lack of spellcasting enhancement, it can also aid magic users by keeping them effectively out of the fray.

Steel: The Steel mask is an improvement upon the stone mask--the Masked almost literally becomes a fighting machine.

Type: Changes to Construct
HP (max): +40
Armor Class: +7 (Natural)
Speed: 20
Saves: Fort +2
Feats: Power attack, cleave, great cleave, improved sunder, combat expertise, Simple/martial weapon proficiency, proficient with all armor
Abilities: Str +8, Dex +3, no effective constitution, No effective intelligence, Cha -4
Immunities: Damage reduction 10/adamantine, immune to all mind-affecting abilities, immune to poison, sleep, paralysis, stunning, disease, death effects, necromancy effects. Not subject to critical hits, nonlethal damage, ability damage, ability drain, fatigue, exhuastion, or energy drain, immune to any effect that requires a fortitude save (unless it works on objects or is harmless), immune to all spells which allow spell resistance (unless harmless).
Attack Bonus: +5
Special: Does not require any food, water, or oxygen. Unable to cast spells.

Although this mask restricts spellcasting, many mages find it quite useful--the best way out of a bad situation is often through it. It's a real treat for fighters though--they don't need magic anyway.

Sun: The sun mask brings improved spellcasting and some additional defensive abilities:

Type: Changes to Outsider (good)
Alignment: Changes to neutral good
HP (max): +10
Saves: Will +3
Feats: Extend spell, still spell, silent spell, spell focus (conjuration), augment summoning, dodge, mobility, spring attack
Abilities: Int +4, Wis +5, Cha +4
Immunities: Damage reduction 5/evil
Special: Gains 5 levels of one previous spellcasting class as applies to gaining spells only--no feats or abilities are gained. Can turn undead as a 5th level cleric. If the Masked could already turn, the ability stacks. Invisibility and Magic Circle Against Evil as spell like abilities once per day (caster level is equal to Masked level). The mask emits light as the Daylight spell.

Like the heavenly body it resembles, the sun mask represents hope and goodness. This mask is the most common among divine spellcasters, but it is also useful to arcane magic users. A common tactic is to turn invisible and cast an extended summoning spell, then come out of invisibility and let loose with whatever attack magic can be brought to bear.

Ultimate Masks:

Demon: The demon mask is a tool for the Masked who wants to bring terror and chaos to the battlefield.

Type: Changes to Outsider (evil)
Speed: 30, Fly 30 (Clumsy)
Alignment: Changes to chaotic evil
HP (max): +25
Saves: Fort +4, Ref +4, Will +4
Feats: Flyby attack, spell focus (conjuration), augment summoning, power attack, cleave
Abilities: Str +8, Dex +6, Int +4, Cha +4
Immunities: Damage reduction 10/good, fire immunity
Skills: Bluff +15, Diplomacy +5, Intimidate +15
Special: Gains 6 levels of one previous spellcasting class as applies to gaining spells only--no feats or abilities are gained. The Masked is wreathed in flames which provide light as the continual flame spell. The Masked deals an extra 2d6 fire damage, and can summon 1d6 Tana'ari with HD at least 5 less than the Masked's character level as a spell like ability once per day. Demons will now recognize the Masked as one of their own as long as they wear this mask. The Masked sprouts a pair of batlike wings upon first donning this mask which will forever remain, even if masks are switched. The Masked gains sneak attack +4d6.

The demon mask is the epitome of the Masked's craft--through the force of his will alone he can become a powerful demon, good at both spellcasting and fighting. When this form is reached, one's training as a masked is truly over.

Radiant: The radiant mask is beautifully wrought and usually resembles a helmet of some sort.

Type: Changes to Outsider (good)
Speed: 30, fly 30 (clumsy)
Alignment: changes to lawful good
HP (max): +20
Saves: Fort +4, Will +4
Feats: Flyby attack, spell focus (conjuration), augment summoning, augment healing, extend spell, silent spell, dodge
Abilities: Str +5, Dex +2, Int +6, Wis +8, Cha +4
Immunities: Damage reduction 10/evil
Skills: Intimidate +5, Diplomacy +15, Spellcraft +5, Knowledge (religion) +10
Special: Gains 8 levels of previous spellcasting class as applies to gaining spells only--no feats or abilities are gained. Can turn undead as an 8th level cleric (this stacks). Can summon 1d4 celestials with HD less than the Masked's character level as a spell like ability once per day. Celestials will now recognize the Masked as a messanger of good as long as they are wearing any non-evil mask, and are not evil themselves. The celestial sprouts angelic wings upon first donning this mask, and these wings remain even if the mask is removed.

The radiant mask is perfect for a good-aligned cleric or arcane spellcaster--the additional spells and turning, coupled with the celestial backup and damage reduction make for a powerful combination. When this form is reached, one's training as a masked is truly over.

Nightmare: The nightmare mask's most frightening feature is that there is no mask at all.

HP (max): +30
Speed: 80 (climb 40)
AC: +5 (dodge)
Saves: Fort +5, Ref +5, Will +5
Feats: Proficient with all weapons and armor, power attack, cleave, greater cleave, dodge, mobility, spring attack, whirlwind attack, improved initiative, two weapon fighting, improved unarmed attack
Immunities: Immune to poison, disease, sleep, fatigue, fear, and mind-affecting abilities.
Base Attack Bonus: +6
Skills: Climb +10, Swim +10, Jump +10, Tumble +10, Balance +10
Special: The Masked does an additional 2d6 points of damage with any attack they make, and any weapon they wield is considered to have a +1 enhancement (unless the weapon already has a higher enhancement bonus). Their unarmed attack is also considered to have said bonus. They can use anti-magic field as a spell-like ability (caster level 15) once per day. Frightful Presence 30ft for 5d6 rds (DC=10+1/2 Masked Level+CHA modifier, innefective if target's total HD is higher than Masked's Character Level or if size class is two or more higher than Masked's). The Nightmare can also climb as if under the effects of the spider climb spell. As a result of pushing their body too far, the Nightmare takes 3d6 damage every turn. This damage cannot be avoided in any way, though it can be cured or regenerated. The Nightmare has blindsight out to 60 feet.

The Masked has been to the brink of insanity and returned. They bring with them a newfound understanding of what it takes to break all limitations within one's mind, and they are ready to do it at a moment's notice. This is the only masked form that is truly the individual who began training as a Masked. Although there is no physical mask associated with this form, this is still a seperate personality, and the Masked can get out of this form just as easily as he can remove a mask. When this form is reached, one's training as a masked is truly over.

I'm not accusing anyone of stealing my crap (especially since it's not all that good) but it is an interesting coincidence.
Well, given that this is true, that's either high praise or legal theft, depending.