View Full Version : My World DnD5 - The world of Tapani

Officer Joy
2015-09-23, 07:06 AM
So i'll probably DM soon, and I don't know the real settings well enough to create an adventure in it.
And creating worlds is fun.

The PC will start as caravan guards but should be end up as the rulers of a province or the kingmakers of the new emperor depending of their choises

The world of Tapani was ruled by a powerful dragon empire. Till their capital Vincay exploded in fire and magic. The Dragon emperor and his heirs died in the explosion with many of their more powerful servants. With the empire so very weakened many of their subservient states felt the time was there for them to rule themselves and revolted. The few remaining Dragons tried to crown a new emperor in the summer palace. But they were too weak to reassess control everywhere.
For 500 years all the different states have been trying to crown an own emperor turning the old summer palace in the new de facto capital; Vincay Nova. A metropolitan city where all races live in relative harmony while their respected home states try to dominate all others.

Humans are part of every province, with very few provinces that they run.
The western isles;
Maos Major populated by High-elves, Maos minor subservient to major, populated by Humans and Half-elves.
Timan (humans) pirates, Nave (Drow) cannibals, Sheppen (Gnomes),Whalers
Payton(Giant insects), Wigg (Dino's) and Brigg(magic animals) are mostly populated by wild animals, excepting an abandoned forts on each isle.

The western wildlands are home of the Aalderhill clan of Hill Dwarfs barbarians and herders whom trade meat and furs with the Ungarth for metal and mead. They defend their lands against landing parties from the west, and raiding Orks from the North.

The Dwarven clan of the Ungarth control the western mountain (Ungarth) with an iron fist, giving them control over many rich mines.

The Rainar Woods are filled with wood elves whom have many warcamps on the edge of their wood, Stopping all invaders. With their main town/temple where all their children, elders and wise living in the center.

In the Soubat plains there is the Half-Orc Clan of Krusk that is slowly conciliating all the Ork raiders under his rule. Meaning the orks are raiding their neighbors less often, nor crossing the Mander to the raid Halfling villages.

Mandermonde is a Gnome city of shipbuilders on the western coast, with high walls and higher towers. They refuse to join the Halflings, and keep claiming trees from the Westwoods that the Halflings believe are theirs. They keep the orcs out by the siege weapons lining their walls.

The eastern fields are farmed by Halfling, and ruled by 7 Halfling families whom keep each other in check. But protected by mercenaries. They produce mostly food and simply crafted goods.
The eastern coast has mostly Halfling and human fishing villages. Whom add to the food production of the 7 families.

Where the Noletiem joins the sea stands Vincay Nova, a magnificent palace surrounded by many lesser palaces that house all the power players in Tapani or a representative. In the palace itself lives an adult gold dragon and a handful of his young and wyrmling children. He is considered the emperor but has no direct bloodline to the last true emperor. And he has no real power over the rulers of the provinces except what they give him. He has a an elite guard of dragonborn to guard the palace.

Besides the palaces there are also many craftsmen and women that produce luxery goods for the many different kinds of nobles. That live in an extensive urban sprawl. Further away from the palace live the poorer populations.

Where the Tiems Joins the Nole a great castle stands. It's the seat of a human king whose grandfather had it built in beautiful white stone. The Noletiem vally is famous for their fine fabrics and clothes. They are rebuilding their strength after a failed attempt to conquer some Halfling lands.

North of the Tiems lay the old dragonlands. Where the emperers of old are buried. Their tombs are guarded by many magical creatures.

Dwarfs have several cities in the Andor mountains each trying to control as much of the mines as possible through intimidation and war.

Shadow town is a settlement between the Andor and the Himlar mountains. Where the Dragonborn nomads get their goods. It has a dock wish brings up goods from the Halfling lands. And brings down fine tools from the Andor mountains.

Many small clans of nomad Dragonborn fill the desert pass, with the bigger clans having their settlements in the Himlar mountains. And more than a few temples. honoring their old Dragon masters.

The sea mountains house a network of tunnel populated by deep gnomes. But all the entrances have been closed and now it's only accessible by ship. The mountain itself is populated by monsters.

Quora is an old High-elf City, build around a massive light tower, which can be seen from Vincay Nova, where they experiment and study magic. They keep from being attacked by filling the mountain and the desert to the north filled with all kinds of magical creatures. And trade goods with Vincay by ship

Around the Trident there is an abundance of food. The humans that live there have small feudal lords whom rule from their wooden forts.

Ishma; western point, Thiefling hometown, landed after the fall of the Vincay empire. They are slowly creeping east, taking over villages west of the Trident with diplomacy and manipulation.

The sea around old Vincay is wild and treacherous. But in the mountainous islands around it still house some old dragon buildings.

Does this world seem well enough thought out?
any suggestion would be welcome.

2015-09-23, 10:46 PM
The name of the world is exactly like one name in my native language.

The description is definitely better than mine: "There's this village in this big kingdom. Let me generate some names for them."

However, as I really like descriptions of cultures, I'd like to see more fleshing out in that department. What kind of ships do the pirates sail with? What do the palaces near Vincay Nova look like? What kinds of devices are present in the cityscapes?

Officer Joy
2015-09-23, 11:24 PM
The name of the world is exactly like one name in my native language.
That doesn't surprise me. I used a name generator that would give names from all around the world.
Does it mean anything?

2015-09-24, 07:06 AM
That doesn't surprise me. I used a name generator that would give names from all around the world.
Does it mean anything?

It's a man's name, originates from the Greek Stephanos, which apparently means "crowned".