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2015-09-23, 09:58 PM

The story of the Ogre race is a long and sad one. Thousands of years ago, back when the kingdoms of men were just a group of squabbling tribes, Ogres had carved out a vast empire, using the strength of their arms and the powers of their primordial sorcerers to establish and keep their might. Blessed with a form of natural magic that allowed them to gain stature and strength far beyond that of their ancestors, the Ogre people developed a vast number of spells to warp both flesh and steel, building vast fortresses with walls of iron and cultivating suites of spells of self-augmentation that beggared belief.

Alas, the Ogres were proud - they strove too far, and lost control. While the events that followed were foggy, the ultimate effects were not - Ogres are nothing but brutes, their citadels rusted to nothing, the stores of their knowledge lost to the world. However, there are some "clean" Ogres left - small bands of men and women attempting to raise children free of the taint their ancestors so cavalierly placed upon them.

For if they fail, then a once-proud and once-mighty race will pass into the mists of time, and will be forgotten.

Personality: Ogres are a proud and tempestuous race, given over to emotion and argument. While they are not an evil race, they are fiercely individualistic - as they seem to find many laws to be polite suggestions more than hard rules, there ultimately isn't a distinction as far as many races are concerned. Within their tight-knit family groups, however, Ogres work well together. If one Ogre declares that you are their ally, their entire family is likely to treat you well for as long as the original ogre decides you are still their friend (which can be quite a long time).

Physical Description: Ogres are a slight and slender race - most of them are less than 5ft tall, and the vast majority weigh less than 100lbs. Their small size, however, belies their built-in strength and endurance; it is far from uncommon for an Ogre to carry more than their own body weight without complaint. Their skin tone varies from a dull yellow to a dull brown, with small black eyes glaring out of faces fringed with dark hair, which varies from browns and blacks to dull ochres and jades.

Relations: Due to the actions of their fallen kin, Ogres tend to be considered undesirables amongst other races. While they do not have enough unity to build great kingdoms, small villages of Ogres are often harassed by other, nearby towns - no one wants to leave prime farmland to Ogres. Or let their sheep graze too closely, either. Or let their children play near Ogre lands.

Alignment: Ogres have a strong natural tendency towards Chaos, though sane ones have no real tendency towards Good or Evil. Years of being treated as an outcast tend to beat the tendency for goodness out of you, while evil is viewed (with good reason) as a sign that the Ogre in question is going mad.

Lands: Ogres do not own land - instead, they squat on whatever land other races will let them keep. As such, any territory that Ogre hold tends to be less than desirable.

Religion: Ogres will pray to any deity that will accept their prayers, with a strong tendency towards gods of Travel and Weather. They often carry small carved shrines with them, dedicated to whatever god fits their own personal beliefs best.

Language: Ogres mostly speak an old dialect of Giant amongst themselves, though they learn (oftentimes broken) Common for the purposes of interacting with other races.

Names: Ogre names tend towards being short and descriptive - they see no need for names that mean nothing. A common trend is naming them after the place where they were born, or giving their children names commemorating allies or deities (the number of Ogres named Blessed-of-Fharlangh is simply staggering.)

Adventurers: To many Ogres, adventuring parties lend them a feel of solidarity that they might not be receiving otherwise in their lives. As such, most Ogre adventurers have been deprived of their families in some way, either through being exiled or through the deaths of their parents.

• +2 Str, +2 Con, -2 Int, -2 Cha; Ogres have strong backs and strong arms, but tend to have their minds elsewhere. Their stubbornness, however, is a well known trait.
• Size and Type: Ogres are Medium Giants, with no bonuses or penalties due to their size.
• Base Land Speed: Ogres possess a Base Land Speed of 30ft.
• Low-Light Vision: Ogres can see twice as far in conditions of poor lighting.
• Darkvision 60ft: Ogres can see clearly in non-magical darkness out to 60ft.
• Natural Armor: An Ogre receives a +1 Natural Armor bonus to their AC.
• Ogre Secrets (Ex): Whenever an Ogre is under the effect of a spell or effect that provides a bonus to one of their physical ability scores, they also gain a +10ft bonus to their Base Land Speed, as well as a +1 bonus to their Natural Armor bonus. This effect does not stack with itself, and class features that permanently increases their physical ability scores do not trigger the effects of Ogre Secrets.
• Cursed Nature (Ex): If an Ogre consumes the flesh of another creature that possesses an Intelligence score greater than 3, they immediately gain one Giant HD and improve the effects of Ogre Secrets (see the Warped Secrets sidebar below.) This only occurs the first time they do so - the curse in their blood only surfaces once, after all.
• Favored Classes: Barbarian, Warlock

Warped Knowledge
Whenever an Ogre's Cursed nature comes to the fore, they gain the following additional benefits and drawbacks when receiving the benefits of Ogre Secrets:
• The bonus to natural armor from Ogre Secrets increases by one.
• The Ogre gains an additional +2 bonus to their Strength and their Constitution.
• The Ogre increases their racial penalties to Intelligence and Charisma by two.
• The Ogre's alignment temporarily shifts one step towards Evil; this shift lasts until the effects of Ogre Secrets end.

Additionally, the Ogre becomes mildly addicted to the benefits of Ogre Secrets; they may not voluntarily dismiss or end any effect that supplies the benefits of Ogre Secrets.

2015-09-23, 09:59 PM
Ogre Paragon

Hit Dice: d8
Skill Points: 2 + Int
Skill Points at 1st Level: 4 x (2 + Int)
Class Skills: An Ogre Paragon's class skills (and their associated ability scores) are Climb (Str), Concentration (Con), Intimidate (Cha), Listen (Wis), Spot (Wis), Swim (Str)


Deeper Secrets, Ogre Magic

Monstrous Size

Ability Bonus (+2 Con)

Weapon and Armor Proficiencies: An Ogre Paragon is proficient in all Simple and Martial weapons, as well as Light and Medium armor. They are not proficient with shields.

Deeper Secrets (Ex): The bonus to your Natural Armor bonus you gain from Ogre Secrets increases by one. In addition, you gain Toughness as a bonus feat while Ogre Secrets is active.

Ogre Magic (Ex): Your levels in Ogre Paragon stack with your levels in any other class for the purposes of their caster level. In addition, you may add Spellcraft as a class skill if you already have at least one level in a class that possesses Spellcraft as a class skill.

Monstrous Size (Ex/Su): At 2nd level, an Ogre Paragon gains the ability to use Sympathetic Growth (http://www.minmaxboards.com/index.php?topic=243.620;msg=286700) as a Supernatural ability. Unlike the normal effects of the spell, they remain in this new size indefinitely; in addition, this alternate form is not itself Supernatural, meaning it is not suppressed within an Antimagic Field or other, similar effects. They may still voluntarily dismiss this effect.

Ability Bonus (Ex): The Ogre Paragon's Constitution score increases by two.

Ogre Magoi
Class: Warlock
Level: 2nd, 4th
Replaces: Detect Magic, Deceive Item
At 2nd level, you modify your Ogre Secrets racial ability as follows:
• While under the effects of Ogre Secrets, your racial penalties to Charisma and Intelligence are replaced with a +0 racial bonus to those ability scores. If you have triggered your Cursed Nature, you instead gain a +2 Racial bonus to Charisma and Intelligence while under the effects of Ogre Secrets.

In addition, if you later gain the Ogre Magic class feature, your levels in Ogre Paragon stack with your Warlock levels for the purposes of Eldritch Blast, and you may add two-thirds of your Ogre Paragon levels (rounded down) to your Warlock levels for the purposes of determining your Invocations Known and the highest grade of Invocations you may learn.

At 4th level, your Charisma permanently improves by two. In addition, your Warlock caster level increases by one while you are under the effects of Ogre Secrets.

Dense Muscles [Fighter, Racial]
While you appear light and frail, your muscles are incredibly strong as a legacy of centuries of magical experimentation.
Prerequisites: Monkey Grip, Ogre, Str 13
Benefits: You no longer take the penalties from Monkey Grip when wielding weapons that are too large for you, and gain a +5ft bonus to your Reach when using a weapon intended for creatures larger than you.

Fleshwarped Heritage [Racial]
You have inherited the ancient Ogre love for body modification.
Benefits: You gain a +2 bonus to Heal and Intimidate checks.
Special: The feat counts as Willing Deformity for the purposes of prerequisites. You may ignore any alignment restrictions that a feat or prestige class has, as long as it also has Willing Deformity as a prerequisite.

Ogrine Mind [Fighter, Racial]
You learned some ancient martial secrets, each thought to have been lost centuries ago.
Prerequisites: One Diamond Mind stance, One stance from a different Discipline, Ogre
Benefits: You may choose to gain the benefits of Ogre Secrets while you are in a stance that belongs to either the Diamond Mind Discipline or the other Discipline used to qualify for this feat. If you do so, you may only maintain that stance for five rounds before automatically leaving it - without an external source of magic to draw from, you must make do with your own focus and determination.
Special: This feat counts as Unnerving Calm for the purposes of prerequisites.

Totemic Secrets [Racial]
You have learned how to apply your secrets to your totem, as embodied by your animal companion.
Prerequisites: Any one [Totem] (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?226621-Beast-Tamer-(3-5-Base-Class-PEACH)) feat, Ogre
Benefits: You may apply the benefits of Ogre Secrets to any creature that gains a bonus to an ability score due to the [Totem] feat used to qualify for this feat.
Special: You may take this feat multiple times; each time, select a different [Totem] feat to serve as a prerequisite.

Transmutation Affinity [Tactical, Racial]
You have capitalized on your race's innate affinity for transmutational magics.
Prerequisites: Ability Enhancer, Ogre, able to cast at least one Transmutation spell of at least 3rd level.
Benefits: This feat grants you access to the following tactical options:
• Enhanced Transfiguration: Whenever you cast a Transmutation spell on yourself that provides a bonus to your Base Land Speed or Natural Armor Bonus, you may also have the spell give you a +2 Perfection bonus to one Physical ability score. This does not trigger the benefits of Ability Enhancer, and may not be applied to spells that already give you a bonus to an ability score.
• Shared Secrets: Whenever you cast a Transmutation spell that provides a bonus to a physical ability score on another creature, you may also extend the benefits of your Ogre Secrets to that creature for the duration of the spell.

Special: A Wizard may select Transmutation Affinity as a bonus feat.

2015-09-23, 10:01 PM
This should be all the reservations I need - you may now post if you want.

2015-09-24, 03:53 AM
Great work :applause: :thumbsup:

I was thinking... since "Ogres are Medium Giants", Enlarge Person wouldn't work on them.
It only seems appropriate that ogres should have some inherent quality that would elevate them (at least temporarily / in some cases) to Large size. Maybe their cursed nature, maybe something else.

Regarding feats - three suggestions immediately pop to mind:
- One that will amplify Ogre Secrets.
- One that will suppress Ogre Secrets.
- Rage-triggered Ogre Secrets.

Also, you should give them something (at least an option) that would prevent them from automatically being disqualified as arcane spellcasters.
Reason: if I wish - for thematic reasons - to play an ogre mage, I wouldn't want to be shooting myself in the leg for making that choice (picture someone force-feeding an ogre to awaken the curse, rendering that ogre marked and therefore outcast/excommunicated).
Consider allowing them to revert the effect of Cursed Nature via Atonement spell.

[Edit]: I believe you could give them Nat. Armor +1 w/o compromising their LA +0 status. If you also adopt my suggestion for something that would amplify Ogre Secrets, it could stack with Cursed Nature to a maximum of +4 (1 below that of the monster version of Ogre (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/monsters/ogre.htm)).

2015-09-24, 11:46 AM
The plan is that the capstone of the Ogre Paragon will be an Enlarge Person-esque effect with an indefinite duration that you can toggle on and off.

And that's why Monster Ogres are stumbling around being all stupid and evil.

As for feats and ACFs, I do have some plans - I want their ability scores to be at the same place as an actual Ogre Mage, so...

2015-09-24, 12:41 PM
The plan is that the capstone of the Ogre Paragon will be an Enlarge Person-esque effect with an indefinite duration that you can toggle on and off.

Your project - your call, but not every group does paragon levels.

And that's why Monster Ogres are stumbling around being all stupid and evil.

That's perfectly acceptable and thematically appropriate, but an Int 16 mage still retain some wits when dropping to Int 14 - enough to strive for averting his misfortune.
The option to undo the curse should at least exist.
If it's a one way trip, I know there's not a chance in the nine hells that I'd even consider taking an ogre for a spellcaster (I'm not sure Barb. shoehorning is the right way to go about it).

As for feats and ACFs, I do have some plans - I want their ability scores to be at the same place as an actual Ogre Mage, so...

Ogre Mage eats up a lot of character power via racial HD. That doesn't exactly make it PC material.
Also, this is the homebrew department. You're not in any obligation to push towards the monster version(s) to the letter.

2015-09-24, 01:24 PM
Your project - your call, but not every group does paragon levels.

*shrug* I see no real need to cater to them. If someone wants to play an Ogre, it's up to them to negotiate with their DM.

I mean, alternatively, they could take 3 levels in Stoneblessed (Goliath), and take Barbarian with the Mountain Rage ACF; Rage does trigger Ogre Secrets, after all.

That's perfectly acceptable and thematically appropriate, but an Int 16 mage still retain some wits when dropping to Int 14 - enough to strive for averting his misfortune.
The option to undo the curse should at least exist.
If it's a one way trip, I know there's not a chance in the nine hells that I'd even consider taking an ogre for a spellcaster (I'm not sure Barb. shoehorning is the right way to go about it).

You misunderstood me - the reason most Ogres are dumb monsters is because they were the ones with the average Stat Array, three levels in Ogre Paragon, and cannibalism. I never said anything about there not being remedies for the curse - that is a perfectly cromulent thing to want, after all.

Besides, you seem to be forgetting Clerics and Druids when you say that you wouldn't want to play a spellcaster - note the lack of a racial penalty to Wisdom. Plus, Ogre Secrets has great synergy with the Shapeshift Druid and any Cleric that wants to do the Clericzilla thing.

I mean, the bigger worry is the Giant HD that just got plonked onto your character - it does slow down your progression somewhat, after all. Still better than LA, when you get down to it.

Ogre Mage eats up a lot of character power via racial HD. That doesn't exactly make it PC material.
Also, this is the homebrew department. You're not in any obligation to push towards the monster version(s) to the letter.

Yeah, I double-checked the Ogre Mage.

Regeneration 5 at 5th level isn't really PC material. So now they are a Warlock ACF that turns cannibalism into a good thing if you're a caster. I could see an Ogre Warlock 2/Ogre Paragon 3 + Giant 1 as being a nice complement to a tribe of feral Ogres.

2015-09-24, 11:51 PM
*shrug* I see no real need to cater to them. If someone wants to play an Ogre, it's up to them to negotiate with their DM.

I mean, alternatively, they could take 3 levels in Stoneblessed (Goliath), and take Barbarian with the Mountain Rage ACF; Rage does trigger Ogre Secrets, after all.

I never thought of Rage as "effect", but I guess it does fit the bill for "effect that provides a bonus to one of their physical ability scores".
Anyway, I wouldn't allow dismissing Monstrous Size. taking paragon levels is not something that can be forced upon you. If you choose to embrace your monstrous heritage - it should be something you take for better or worse. Furthermore, shedding large size is not something I'd associated with the Ogre theme. Just doesn't stick for me (but maybe it'll grow on me in time).

You misunderstood me - the reason most Ogres are dumb monsters is because they were the ones with the average Stat Array, three levels in Ogre Paragon, and cannibalism. I never said anything about there not being remedies for the curse - that is a perfectly cromulent thing to want, after all.

Besides, you seem to be forgetting Clerics and Druids when you say that you wouldn't want to play a spellcaster - note the lack of a racial penalty to Wisdom. Plus, Ogre Secrets has great synergy with the Shapeshift Druid and any Cleric that wants to do the Clericzilla thing.

I mean, the bigger worry is the Giant HD that just got plonked onto your character - it does slow down your progression somewhat, after all. Still better than LA, when you get down to it.

The racial HD is indeed what I was talking about.
As long as it's reversible, everything's ok.

Yeah, I double-checked the Ogre Mage.

Regeneration 5 at 5th level isn't really PC material. So now they are a Warlock ACF that turns cannibalism into a good thing if you're a caster. I could see an Ogre Warlock 2/Ogre Paragon 3 + Giant 1 as being a nice complement to a tribe of feral Ogres.

I always prefer it that a race could be decent single classed with most classes than needing to count on specific multiclassing. I'll go over poses #1 & #2 to further length and reevaluate.

2015-09-25, 01:14 AM
Ok, after re-reading, things now look solid, with only a mild touch needed: I'd rule that while Cursed Nature is in effect, a 2nd level ogre paragon cannot shed his Large size.

Btw, I'm assuming that taking on Monstrous Size constitutes as "effect that provides a bonus to one of their physical ability scores".

2015-09-25, 01:16 AM
Cursed Nature prevents you from dismissing anything that triggers Ogre Secrets. So they can't dismiss Monstrous Size if they've triggered their Cursed Nature.

2015-09-25, 10:07 PM
Oh, and I've tossed up two feats. One is a bone thrown to Ogre Martial Adepts, while the other is a big bone being thrown to Ogre spellcasters. I think I need to write up a few more general ones, though - my thoughts on a feat that lets you suppress Ogre Secrets were all terrible.

2015-09-25, 10:28 PM
Just wanted to say really nice work. Makes me think of the High Ogres of Dragonlance lore, but just in general a really well done race and a nice way to play ogres.

2015-09-25, 11:39 PM
Just wanted to say really nice work. Makes me think of the High Ogres of Dragonlance lore, but just in general a really well done race and a nice way to play ogres.

Thanks! They were pretty fun to write, all things considered.

2015-09-26, 04:01 PM
I've tossed up three, count 'em three new feats. I'm turning over some other stuff in my head vis-a-vis cool treasure and stuff you might find if you locate an old Ogre stronghold.

Or, perhaps, a Cleric Domain (Augmentation, Flesh) or Ardent Mantle (Augmentation, Flesh)? There is a decided paucity of decent ALL HAIL THE NEW FLESH amongst the different choices.

I might be a tad obsessive. I have literally stuck a MEAT FORTRESS in one of my home games.

It was also a factory.

2015-09-27, 03:09 PM
Augmentation Domain
Granted Powers: You gain a +1 Perfection bonus to saving throws as long as you are under the effects of a spell you cast yourself.
Augmentation Domain Spells:
1. Divine FavorPHB
2. Balancing LorecallSpC
3. SpiderskinSpC
4. Spell EnhancerSpC
5. Nightstalker's TransformationCAd
6. Mental PinnacleXPH
7. Kiss of the VampireSpC
8. Sovorion's Impregnable Bulwark (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?86943-Arcana-Unlimited-Spells)
9. AbsorptionPHB