View Full Version : On The Shoulders of Giants IC (DH)

Kaptin Keen
2015-09-24, 08:45 AM
So ... you were aware of someone asking questions about you. Checking you out.

Is he reliable?

Was she the really in the Liberation Campaign of '34?

Is it true he spent time on Corvus IV during the outbreak in 41?

You know the kind of question: Someone building a profile on you. Setting you up for a hit? You couldn't really tell whether to be worries or flattered.

But then, a knock on the door. Outside, with backup a few paces off to either side, a uniformed messenger - discreetly uniformed, but still. He handed you a data slate, with the words The master of my house would be most pleased if you'd read the contents of this, consider the invitation within, and consider the matter one of discretion. Don't worry about the 'slate - it will auto delete once it detects you've finished readin it. Although .... try not to look too distracted before you're actually finished. Then you might never be.

Good day, sir.

And with that, he left. You had time to quickly scan the backup. There was an air of self-assured competence there. No too obvious artillery, but they were clearly armed, and well trained.

The letter was brief, and to the point:

Dear sir or madam (as the case may be),
It has come to my attention that you have skills, abilities and experience concerning certain aspects of the wide cosmos that I may have need of. Consider this an initial invitation, non-binding for both parties, an exploratory discussion as to whether a mutually beneficial arrangement can be found.

If interested, simply arrive at the below address, unarmed please, and wear one of those sashes that are in fashion for the time being - but red, specifically. The guards will know to allow you entrance.

If not interested, I ask simply that you consider this affair a private thing between the two of us.

Nothing in the letter says anything personal - neither of you, or the sender.

And welcome to the IC thread. Feel free to post any preparations your guy makes, and how he proceeds to the meeting.

I'm not too hysterical about OOC chatter in my IC thread, but it would be nice to have it spoilered. And of course, the OOC thread is open for any type of stuff you wanna put in there. Wanna throw a pbp tea party? Please do that in OOC, not IC.

2015-09-30, 02:20 PM
The knock made Tyrkias jump from the thread-bare couch, both pistols in his hands before he was even conscious of awaking. He crouched low, weapons questing as his brain struggled against the cobwebs of sleep.

He checked the wall chron. Seventeen hours. It had only been seventeen hours since he had fled the ruins of Boss Heracles' operations. Fled armoured enforcers and cyber-mastiffs with nothing more than the clothes on his back and the rounds in his pockets.

The knock came again and he stiffened. It wasn't the hammering of an enforcer just waiting to apply the ram, nor the banging of a neighbor. It was the polite tap-tap of someone who didn't spend much time in the underhive. The streets had a tendency of chewing up someone with that kind of knock in seconds. So why (perhaps more importantly how) were they knocking on his safehouse?

Tyrkias finally came to a decision and holstered one weapon. He kept the other out of sight as he opened the door. One moment was all he needed to realize that this wasn't his normal caller...

Once he was done with the 'slate, Tyrkias grimaced. There wasn't time to question or waste. This would get him to safety. A sash wouldn't be hard to come by, idiot nobility always lost their trinkets. But 'unarmed' was a phrase for the truly overconfident.

But there was nothing for it. One did not look a gift grox in the mouth.

Tyrkias sighed heavily as he took his last bottle of amasec and shoved a dirty rag into the mouth of the bottle. A snick of his lighter later and the hab was awash in flame.

Dagoth Gares
2015-09-30, 03:58 PM
Ishmael clutched his aching chest as he stood from the chair in his dingy apartment, knocking over several half empty amasec bottles as he did. The last job had ended with several new bruises resulting from a point blank shotgun blast. Luckily they hadn't counted on the mesh vest he kept hidden with his overcoat. Ishmael threw open the door and began sizing up the situation. Looked like the typical noble's job offer. Never content with a simple mailed letter, they always had to flaunt their wealth with messengers and bodyguards. Ishmael nodded to the messenger as he took the slate. Sitting back onto his chair, he turned the slate on and looked over the contents. Being without his gun always worried Ishmael, but he did need that money. Rent never could be bothered to pay itself, after all.

2015-09-30, 06:25 PM
The offer had piqued Andross' interest as it arrived during his dinner, and without a word or notice of the messenger he shut the door and returned to his meal. He sat quietly reading the contents, noisily chewing in the dark of the small room he called home. After he finished, he pondered for a moment before thrusting the event to the rear of his mind, thinking that jobs may come up in the following days that guaranteed pay rather than promising payment at a later date. When he awoke a few hours later in a cold sweat, he stared at the data slate again and instinctively rested his hand on a loaded laspistol resting near his boots, surveying the dark corners of his room. Andross sighs, and makes a note to purchase a sash.

Kaptin Keen
2015-10-01, 06:12 AM
For whatever reasons, reluctantly - maybe lacking any more promising options - you make your way to the meeting.

It's a long way. Not only does the hive stretch for hundreds of miles in every direction. From your hab's in the slums it's a vast distance culturally, emotionally, and in terms of income, to the spires of the high nobility. Once you actually get to a shuttle provider, the physical distance is covered in minutes, but it's a long commute to anything as luxurious as that.

Arriving at Celestial Crystal - one of many enclosed suburbs of the ruling elite - you are stopped by armed guards, scanned and registered, before being let through. Ishmael has to flash a no longer valid Arbitrator ID to get in, and Andross is actually stopped cold.

The guard is a lower hive thug - much like you - paid by the upper crust to heap abuse on his peers.

Halt! Where do you think you're going? he growls, levelling a most efficient looking autogun at Andross. When Andross tries to explain that he is expected, the answer is Like hell you are!

But then, as if by magic, the guard listens briefly to something on his com bead - and waves Andross in with a sour look.

What you arrive at, eventually, is almost certainly not an adress directly traceable to Lord de Windermere - and yet, for all it's presumed temporary status, it is opulent in every way. High, vaulted ceilings, tall windows with views to the horizon, guards and servants at every turn. You are subjected to one final scan by guards in articulated carapace, before entering a large room. There is a dozen and a half already there, others who have been lured here by the promise of wealth. You take note of a few: A virtual giant, hulking muscles and low brow; a high brow and deep eyes sunken in a dark cowl; a young woman, dressed provocatively, obviously elegant, dextrous and strong as a professional dancer; a slender man in a wide-brimmed hat, casually leaning against the wall.

And the host, seated behind a large desk against the back wall. He is tall, this is obvious even seated. He has acquiline features, greying hair and piercing eyes. He is dressed surprisingly simply, black and gold with the ghost of 'uniform' stamped on it. Once everyone is in, he stands. The room falls silent.

Welcome. You all know why you're here. I have a series of jobs that require rather exceptional skills, and for this, I need exceptional people. I cannot hire all of you: I'm not looking to build an army. Instead, I should like to hear from each of you what makes you exceptional.

The brute is first to reply, flexing his biceps, pointing to it a saying, simply: Strong! His voice is a deep rumble.

The point here is simply to give each character a first impression of the other guys on the team. Since it's pretty obvious who Mr. Windermere will hire at the end, I'll skip the theatrics of tests and competitions to prove who is better suited =)

Dagoth Gares
2015-10-01, 11:59 AM
Ishmael ran his fingers over his old badge in his pocket as he waited for an opening to give his response. With the numbers and letters filed off, there was no way that alone would link him to his past life, and it did make a pretty good show of qualification to prospective patrons. At least that was what Ishmael told himself. Truth was, he could never work up the courage to completely erase the past.

Sir, as I am sure you know, I was an arbitrator, and they don't just let any old fool join up. I always find what I am looking for, and in my time working for the men and women of nobility, I have become quite skilled at making sure that personal matters stay that way.

Kaptin Keen
2015-10-01, 12:24 PM
Sir, as I am sure you know, I was an arbitrator, and they don't just let any old fool join up. I always find what I am looking for, and in my time working for the men and women of nobility, I have become quite skilled at making sure that personal matters stay that way.

Naturally, I know why I invited each of you. The file I have had compiled on each of you is - so my agents tell me - accurate and detailed. But I'd like to hear what each of you has to say. There might be things my agents missed.

The ping-pong with Windermere is ... mostly for show. This, as I said, is basically saying hello to the others.

2015-10-01, 05:45 PM
If you've a 'file' on us then it's a load of corpse gas for us to try and guess what ain't in it. I could saw I'm a quick gun hand, but it don't prove anything to you anyway. Tyrkias couldn't quite keep his hands from twitching slightly towards his empty holsters. Obviously there's something we all share. Whether it's a need for amasec or a heretic brand on our belly. So why don't we learn something about the job before we claim to be fit for it?

Kaptin Keen
2015-10-01, 06:03 PM
Tyrkias, is it. Defiant - matches the file. Not bad.

The job? I do not know, Tyrkias. I can only tell you a few things. Where to go - why I'm interested. Not what to expect.

But ok. Before our proud city was built - before the Empire, even - when this was a fledgeling colony, newly founded, there was a find. An outpost, a fire base, a deep bunker. This is pre-history, ladies and gentlemen. There are ... no, I was about to say no records of this, but that would be untrue. I have a few files, a single picture - and a set of coordinates.

He operates some controls built into the desk, and a picture materializes in the air before you.

This was taken by a drone sent into the bunker. The drone was destroyed almost immediately - and since the bunker was fortified and had automated defences, it was bombed, set aflame, buried and sealed.

But .... well. Look at the picture.

You do. You stare at it, intently. It's ancient beyond belief, unclear and fuzzy. You see very little of any interest.

Nothing, right? But look again. And then again. Do you see it yet?

You don't.

It's some form of cogitator - see, there? A data display, and there, some sort of input device. This bit? Data storage?

This, is what I want. Go in there, get that cogitator. If there's a circuit board, rip it out. If it can be interfaced with, interface. If data can be extracted, extract them.

For all I know, the automated defences are long dead.

When you suddenly see it, it's like one of those pictures of a glass - and when you realise it's two faces, you can't even see the glass anymore.

In front of you, suspended in mid-air, is a xenos cogitator, millennia old, holding Emperor knows what ancient secrets.

2015-10-01, 09:26 PM
Naturally, I know why I invited each of you. The file I have had compiled on each of you is - so my agents tell me - accurate and detailed. But I'd like to hear what each of you has to say. There might be things my agents missed.

Andross looked on as he paid heed to keep the explosive collar out of sight, hands already beginning to subconsciously clench at the dog tags in his pocket. "Your agents forgot to mention the specifics regarding our payment mi'lord," Andross retorted. His tone lacked any aggression, but was rather inquisitively inflected. After viewing the footage, he began to subtly assess the other candidates around him.

Kaptin Keen
2015-10-02, 01:16 AM
Yes of course. The specifics of recompense.

For one thing: I want the cogitator - nothing more. Anything else you find in there is yours to sell off or use yourselves as you see fit.

For another: There will be other jobs after this one. Stick with me until the end, and none of you will need to worry about money another day of your lives.

But for this first mission, how much of a reward will it take to pique your interests? 1000 thrones each?

2015-10-02, 02:16 PM
If it's tech surrounded by auto-defenses that you're after, why don't I see a single cog-boy? Stands to reason they'd be the obvious choice to not get themselves killed. Tyrkias shrugs. Not that I ain't game for a box of rounds that big, just seems I want to know as much as possible afore I sign on any dotted lines.

Kaptin Keen
2015-10-02, 02:42 PM
Nothing I'd like more - but the tech priests are tricky. What I'm proposing to do doesn't sit easy with the Machine Cult. They do this sort of thing themselves, but they are rather unanimously opposed to private ventures going in this direction. Besides which, I don't need you to build anything - I have ... experts for that. They, however, are less shall we say ... martially inclined.

Dagoth Gares
2015-10-02, 02:50 PM
If it's tech surrounded by auto-defenses that you're after, why don't I see a single cog-boy? Stands to reason they'd be the obvious choice to not get themselves killed. Tyrkias shrugs. Not that I ain't game for a box of rounds that big, just seems I want to know as much as possible afore I sign on any dotted lines.

The cogs are a selfish lot, ya see. They'd take it to some shrine and worship the damn thing. That or decide that it's heretical and blast it to hell. Our lord here wants someone he can trust to deliver. That and keep their mouth shut about the whole thing.

2015-10-02, 07:22 PM
Nothing I'd like more - but the tech priests are tricky. What I'm proposing to do doesn't sit easy with the Machine Cult. They do this sort of thing themselves, but they are rather unanimously opposed to private ventures going in this direction. Besides which, I don't need you to build anything - I have ... experts for that. They, however, are less shall we say ... martially inclined.

"How much opposition should we expect and how will we contact you when the job's finished?" Andross asked.

Kaptin Keen
2015-10-03, 02:26 AM
The cogs are a selfish lot, ya see. They'd take it to some shrine and worship the damn thing. That or decide that it's heretical and blast it to hell. Our lord here wants someone he can trust to deliver. That and keep their mouth shut about the whole thing.

Precisely so, Ishmael. In this case, they would be very poor allies.

"How much opposition should we expect and how will we contact you when the job's finished?" Andross asked.

Well - what we're looking for is here, in the hive. Deep in the underhive - at some point, the city expanded to cover the seal that was placed on the xenos base. Production fanes were erected on top of the seal. Then those fanes became the basements of greater fanes. You all know how the underhive came to be.

I cannot tell you exactly what to expect down there, but I can tell you exactly where to go. I have exact coordinates.

As far as opposition is concerned, well - all I have is a picture millenia old. There may be no opposition, the automated defences might have run out of power? But at any rate, that's the extent of it: Expect automated defences. The base has been sealed for half an eternity, there is no one living there.

Lord de Windermere leans back in his tall chair, and starts explaining:

We can try to extrapolate certain things. For instance, the nature of the cogitator - the input/output devices and so on - indicate that this is not an AI or self-aware machine entity. From this follows that we can expect the automated defences to have a relatively narrow range of responses. However, we must also consider that the weapons technology is an unknown ..... [Fade to the next scene]

Over the next two days, you are all put through a long series of tests. There are firing ranges, math, puzzles, questionnaires. At one point, the slender man who had been leaning against the wall at the beginning, asks:

So when do we get to the arena games?

Lord de Windermere replies with a soft chuckle, and says:

What a delightfully crude and uncivilized notion. No, I will not pit you against one another in mortal combat. Barring the most obscure of accidents, your physical safety should be all but assured, here.

The group is halved - then halved again, and again. Finally, it's just Andross, Ishmael and Tyrkias. Seated in a different room of the manse, with chilled amasec and exquisite sweets, de Windermere explains that you can leave when you are ready. You have received directions on how to reach the underhive, at which point a standard navigational device will guide you to the coordinates provided.

I wouldn't be too worried about the underhive itself - a trio of armed and armored men should be ... safe enough, I expect. But keep your eyes about you, still.

Dagoth Gares
2015-10-03, 05:55 PM
I offer my thanks for your hospitality, lord de Windermere. Well men, the sooner we get on this, the sooner we get paid. Let's go get us a cogitator.

Kaptin Keen
2015-10-04, 07:09 AM
And thus, it is decided. You set off.

The very first leg of your journey into the underhive is without a doubt the easiest you ever had. A servant leads you down a corridor, and out onto a rooftop hoverpad, where a private sub-orb flier seats you in comfort as it drops off the spire and into the abyss below.

((See OOC on a bit of info on the topography and history of the city))

The flier lands as low as possible, dropping you off deep inside industrial complexes, fanes and forges. High above, exhaust vents belch smoke and chemical fumes into the polluted cityscape. Around you, everything carries the stamp of decay and decline: The deep core mining operations have seen declining outputs since their peak millenia ago, and most of the cities raw materials are imported today. Only the geothermal reactors are still running at full capacity.

There are people around you - ragged ghosts, the unemployed dayworkers, outcasts. Their crawl nearer as the flier lands, then shuffle off again when they see your weapons and armor.

The maps and navigational data you received point to two easy routes from here. There are service tunnels in the geothermal reactors that lead right down into the very depths of the hive - or you can go through a series warehouses, supply dumps, logistics centers and so on, all working as sub-suppliers to the dwindling mining operations. The latter is clearly the safer.

Kaptin Keen
2015-10-05, 06:06 AM
Meaning to inquire about the local area, the availability of shops and other interesting tidbits, Andross approaches a man who hangs out on the steps of a mining concern that looks to be on it's last legs, if the state of repair of their property is anything to go by.

The man looks up. He's a ragged one, threadbare clothing, dirty skin - it could easily be a couple of days since he ate anything. But there is also strength in his face, in his eyes - a desperate calm that sizes you up, considers whether to asses you as threat, opportunity or merely background noise.

Tell you what. I didn't get hired today, and I didn't get hired yesterday either. They pay me ten thrones a day, he jerks a thumb at the building at his back, so since I'm out two days of pay, I figure .... you can hire me as your local guide for twenty thrones.

2015-10-09, 09:26 AM
I like the idea of a guide. But how're we to know you don't have a whole passel of friends round the next corner?

Kaptin Keen
2015-10-09, 01:49 PM
You don't much hang around the underhive, do you? You don't really have 'friends' down here. More like enemies you get along with - by paying, mostly - and enemies you don't.

But ... look't me. I make an effort to be too low key to pose a threat to anyone. While being just barely able enough to defend myself to not be a victim of those even weaker. And by that I mean - I sport a length of old lead pipe, here. He pats the left side of his battered old jacket.

Now - tell me what ya want. Well, what I mean by that is fork over the thrones, then tell me what ya want.

2015-10-09, 03:25 PM
That's a fair point. Here's one of my own; there's no way they pay you ten rounds a day o'er there, so I don't think we'll be paying you twenty just to walk us around.

Kaptin Keen
2015-10-09, 03:55 PM
He doesn't even blink.

Heh ... well, no, they don't. But in all honesty, it's been weeks since I was last hired, and I really need the moolah. I've a family, you know. Bills to pay, bribes for the gangs. Life is just hard all round.

Tell ya what. Half now, half later?

He looks hopeful at first - but meeting the dubious stares of the group, he back-pedals:

Ten thrones, ok? Half now, half later. Come on.

Kaptin Keen
2015-10-10, 01:39 AM
The man doesn't seem entirely happy with the payment he's offered, but takes it eagerly enough regardless.

If ya want stuff around here, Scraels Market is what ya want. He has most things one might need, and quite a lot one ain't likely to, ever. Foller me, if ya will.

He leads you off towards a tunnel leading east from where your transport dropped you off.

Dagoth Gares
2015-10-10, 01:22 PM
Right, lead on.
Ishmael scans the crowds around the group as they make their way onward, searching for any sign of suspicious activity or violent intent among the ragged masses.

2015-10-11, 01:10 AM
Andross sighs and wordlessly follows everyone else, keeping slightly out of arms reach from the guide and taking Ischmael's actions as a reminder to keep watch as well.

2015-10-11, 01:19 AM
Murmuring to his companions. What's the point of the detour?

2015-10-11, 01:28 AM
Murmuring to his companions. What's the point of the detour?

Andross shrugs his shoulders at Tyrkias before narrowing his gaze at the guide's back, "Who owns the factory you worked at and why are they laying people off?"

Kaptin Keen
2015-10-11, 10:16 AM
Murmuring to his companions. What's the point of the detour?

'snot a detour, sir - it's on our way anyways. Even so, I suppose the point is stocking up?

Andross shrugs his shoulders at Tyrkias before narrowing his gaze at the guide's back, "Who owns the factory you worked at and why are they laying people off?"

Well - I dunno who owns it, but it's run by the Steel Avalanche gang. The layoff are due to production cuts, no?

the guide leads you deeper. The hive is an interesting, mutable thing - it's nature changes the deeper you go. Where the flier dropped you off, you still had tall buildings all around you - you could see the occasional sliver of sky through the haze. But now you go through service hatches, down tunnels, into underground galleries and hallways. The structures you traverse are immense - there is waste disposal down here, mining and processing. Drinking water is extracted on these levels (from waste water from sanitation and production), and there are giant vats where 'food' is grown, algae and fungus growing rapidly in water saturated with volcanic soil.

Finally you reach a ... ramshacle bazaar is maybe the best way to describe it. A few dozen booths are scattered in an enclosed space between rusting cargo containers staked 15 feet high. Armed guards at the entrances look you over, but your guide walks up to them:

Customers - I vouch for these men, personally.

The guards shrug, and let you through.

Here, there is food, weapons and ammo. It might not be of the quality you prefer tho. It's the underhive, after all: Things here are made from scraps others have thrown away.

2015-10-12, 01:13 PM
"I'm going to head off and get some extra power packs, anyone need anything in particular?" Slightly out of earshot of the rest of the party, Andross takes a step towards the guide to address him in a quieter tone, "Aside from ammunition and food, any of these vendors sell Stimm and anything similar?"

Andross will take the guide to a food stall after loading up and get him something to eat.

Kaptin Keen
2015-10-12, 04:32 PM
Well yea, nat'rally. High quality stuff, yea.

From the tone of his voice, that's a silly question - drugs are as commonplace as water down here. Actually, maybe more common, provided we're talking actual, drinkable water.

Dagoth Gares
2015-10-13, 09:18 PM
You guys go on ahead. I have everything I need, so I'll be waiting here. Ishmael finds a sturdy wall to lean against and continues scanning the crowd, assessing possible threats based on weaponry and attitude.

Kaptin Keen
2015-10-14, 04:45 AM
The bazaar, as mentioned, is walled off using cargo containers. The bazaar itself is a large-ish affair, containing dozens of shops and free-standing booths. There are easily a hundred or more people in here, browsing through the products.

There are two entrances - lets call them east and west. At each, there are two guards. Big burly guys, one with some sort of melee implement, and the other with a tool more suitable for ranged fighting. The ones you passed on your way in had some sort of a chain, and what looked like a home built man portable cannon. The other two are visible through the crowd, but not enough to identify their armament.

Ishmael notices an irregularity.

Apparently, the cargo containers also act as living space - barracks, whatever - for the gang that runs the market. You see a boy give you the eye, then run into one of the containers. A little later, a scarred man wearing faded combat fatigues and a battered carapace chest piece emerges. He waves his hand around for some reason, his gaze fixed momentarily in the middle distance somewhere.

At his side he carries a worryingly large handcannon.

Roll vs perception (hard). Except Ishmael, who happens to be minding the crowd, and can't help but notice.

Because I like to do so, I shall roll a random roll for no particular reason =)

[roll0] Edit: Ahhh .... look at that!

Once we have those perception rolls, we'll see what's what.

2015-10-14, 07:49 AM
Tyrkias stops to watch a fire-breather, suddenly entranced by the flashes of flame.

Kaptin Keen
2015-10-14, 08:02 AM
The fire-breather - seing Tyrkias' interest - dances closer, and seductively lets the flames caress her supple body. All in all, it's understandable that he's distracted =)

Kaptin Keen
2015-10-14, 04:43 PM
The first hand signal from the uniformed man was apparently a 'get ready' - because his next signal prompts his people to ... well not spring their trap, that might be overly dramatic and exaggerate their preparations ... but at any rate the gate guards from either end move towards you, weapons ready (you still can't clearly see the farthest team), and a hatch in one cargo container drops open, revealing a large, multi-barrelled contraption of some sort.

The man in the uniform snaps open the clasp securing his huge revolver - but without drawing his weapon. He adresses Ishmael, realising he's the most alert of you:

Welcome the Skrael Market. I'm sorry about the hardware on display, but I find it often helps curb everyones temper when the time comes to discuss the topic of tax.

At this point, from somewhere, your guide steps forward.

No! I have vouched for these men, they were accepted by your guards, and I've guaranteed their safety. You already get a cut of everything they buy at the market, and of what they pay me!

The military guy looks startled - then impatient.

I shan't take more than my fair share - there are rules, here as ...

At which point the guide interupts

Your rules! That you're breaking. Just to turn an additional buck. I ...

Rather than listen to any more, Military Guy backhands Guide Guy, who stumbles backwards, trips over a pile of crates, and disappears from view.

The hatch in the container wall is well above reach. You may roll ... whatever you can come up with to identify weapons, or similar. If you intend to open fire, you may roll initiative. Keep in mind that Military Guy and the multi-barrelled gun in the hatch are ready to fire, and you're not.

Innocent Bystanders are in the process of removing themselves from the scene, but are not yet safe.

Finally, the farthest two guards are half-hidden by the crowd. Logically, so are you. This applies mostly to Andross, who is closest to them.


2015-10-15, 12:44 PM
Andross looks on carefully, instinctively wanting to reach for his rifle though he quickly rejects the thought before addressing the man in the carapace armor. "My name is Andross, I'd like to know who's in charge of the Steel Avalanche here. I'd like to have a talk with your leader before this all turns into a mess for everyone here, including these merchants." Andross raises his hands and places them behind his head and slowly walks towards Ishmael's side before whispering, "Any ideas? I'm all ears."

Maybe if we can convince them you're taking me into custody as Andross is wanted by the Inquisition, we can bargain safe passage for a cut of the bounty. If not, you think we can parlay with the gangers' boss and should things turn sour I'll tackle him, grenade in hand?

Kaptin Keen
2015-10-15, 01:35 PM
You looking at'im. I'm Colonel Baldanders. I lead the Steel Avalanche.

2015-10-15, 02:25 PM
'S a lot of hardware to pull out for three lost cubs. Tyrkias declares, hands wide and non-threatening. Even if they missed the toll. Little thing like that is worth one man, typically, until a mess has been made. And we didn't even know there was one to be paid. But here you've started with the heavy stubbers and shutting down your own operation. Who knows how long it'll be before you're back to full around here, now that you've startled the shoppers. So, what do you really want? What's worth the lost rounds?

Kaptin Keen
2015-10-15, 03:45 PM
The Colonel - cause no one calls him Baldanders - smiles from ear to ear. Which only serves to illustrate the fact that this is a dangerous man.

A pittance. The four of you owe me 200 thrones. Hardly worth t'trouble for such esteemed upper hivers as yourselves, eh?

On a side note, there are no heavy stubbers to be seen. Anyone with the skills to do so is welcome to roll in order to identify the weapons they have.

Dagoth Gares
2015-10-15, 03:54 PM
Ishmael crosses his arms, ready to throw open his coat and draw his gun if required.
What seems to be the problem here? As far as we know, we have followed all of your customs that we have been made aware of. If there is something else, why don't you fill us in?

Sounds like a good idea, but I don't know how we would find a way to communicate the plan at this point. Whispering would be way too suspicious, and while Ishmael could carry it out himself with hints to the other two, it was your idea so I don't want to steal it.

[roll0] Target:36

Kaptin Keen
2015-10-15, 04:00 PM
Scrutiny - for their weapons?

2015-10-15, 04:20 PM
Uphiver? Do I actually look like an uphiver? Tyrkias does a little spin, looking his tattered clothes over. Only ever been uphive once in my life, didn't care for it. Smelled funny.

2015-10-15, 08:05 PM
The Colonel - cause no one calls him Baldanders - smiles from ear to ear. Which only serves to illustrate the fact that this is a dangerous man.

A pittance. The four of you owe me 200 thrones. Hardly worth t'trouble for such esteemed upper hivers as yourselves, eh?

On a side note, there are no heavy stubbers to be seen. Anyone with the skills to do so is welcome to roll in order to identify the weapons they have.

Andross slowly approaches the Colonel before mustering a tone that would not indicate any sense of hostility. "Colonel, I personally spent the last remaining Throne Gelt I have for the man of which is now laying upon the ground to guide us to your market. If there were any way to work to pay off the 200 Throne Gelt we owe, on my honour as a Guardsman I will pay it personally," Andross states as he passes Tyrkias. "Worst case, you and Ishmael run for it," Andross hissed.

The plan is to hopefully get Ishmael to convince them that the reward for turning me in is worth more than the tax. Thereby, he can negotiate them a cut if not, I'm taking the big one down with me.

If it goes south, I told Tyrkias the plan and to run for it while I take the big one.

Perception to notice what they're carrying TN = 33

Kaptin Keen
2015-10-16, 02:30 AM
Uphiver? Do I actually look like an uphiver? Tyrkias does a little spin, looking his tattered clothes over. Only ever been uphive once in my life, didn't care for it. Smelled funny.

Big smile: Clearly you're trying to fit in! the smile disappears. We saw your flier drop you off. Imagine that'd you'd be headed here, eh?

Andross slowly approaches the Colonel before mustering a tone that would not indicate any sense of hostility. "Colonel, I personally spent the last remaining Throne Gelt I have for the man of which is now laying upon the ground to guide us to your market. If there were any way to work to pay off the 200 Throne Gelt we owe, on my honour as a Guardsman I will pay it personally,"

Are you really trying to convince me you don't have 200? Well, I'm open to suggestions, but I'm not sure your 'honor as a guardsman' is quite enough for me.

Ishmael crosses his arms, ready to throw open his coat and draw his gun if required.
What seems to be the problem here? As far as we know, we have followed all of your customs that we have been made aware of. If there is something else, why don't you fill us in?

Noooo problem. Long as you pay.

Various not particularly good rolls to identify the weapons of the opposition give you the following insights:

Up on the wall is some sort of jury-rigged contraption that's supposed to be a heavy weapon. You've heard of the type - they are often called Crank Cannon, and while they are a definite upgrade compared to zip guns and muskets, they are highly unreliable.

The melee guards have some sort of polearms. You have no reason to believe they are mono treated.

Then there is the guy with the ... shotgun-thing. I'll just describe it as best I can: Imagine a length of pipe large enough that you can put both clenched fists inside it. Now you mount handles on top, so you carry it like ... a minigun. And you fill it with whatever.

You imagine it will sting when it fires - on the other hand, it will take a good long while to load it again.

Man, getting all those quotes and spoilers to work out in my reply took some work. Wow =)

Dagoth Gares
2015-10-16, 02:23 PM
As Andross moves forward to address the Colonel, Ishmael gives Tyrkias a nudge with his elbow. Ishmael then draws his suppressed autopistol and points it at the back of Andross's head. I must thank you Colonel for the opportunity you and your men have opened up. While my current employer may not approve, this man here is worth quite a bounty, which I am sure he will come to see was a liability in our line of work. For your aid in cornering him, I offer 55% of his bounty, which should be more than enough to cover taxes for me and my friend.

Ishmael has no intention of actually leaving Andross behind, and is mostly using this as a way for him and Tyrkias to draw their guns without getting shot first.

2015-10-16, 02:34 PM
I said I'd been uphive once. Tyrkias points out. He drops his hands to his pistols. Bounty was eight hunnerd rounds, yeah?
There are six of then, right? Four entrance guards, one leader, one on the rotary something. How distributed are they? Also, how is the 'evacuation' going?

2015-10-16, 03:36 PM
As Andross moves forward to address the Colonel, Ishmael gives Tyrkias a nudge with his elbow. Ishmael then draws his suppressed autopistol and points it at the back of Andross's head. I must thank you Colonel for the opportunity you and your men have opened up. While my current employer may not approve, this man here is worth quite a bounty, which I am sure he will come to see was a liability in our line of work. For your aid in cornering him, I offer 55% of his bounty, which should be more than enough to cover taxes for me and my friend.

Ishmael has no intention of actually leaving Andross behind, and is mostly using this as a way for him and Tyrkias to draw their guns without getting shot first.

Andross leers back at Ishmael, hands still firmly placed at the back of his head as he shouts "Really? You Arbites, marching heel-toe to the Inquisition's tune hoping fall into the Throne's good graces by strapping another collar on my neck. Tell me your precious Emperor protects after witnessing the...things that have killed men worth dozens of you."

Apologies if the monologue is a bit much, no offence intended. Also, I'm not opposed to strapping another explosive collar as a means of insurance for the Colonel's bounty.

Kaptin Keen
2015-10-16, 06:56 PM
Ok - lemme see if I can get all of this right.

The smile returns to the Colonels face. Friends, turning on friends for fun and profit. Now that's what I like to see: Entrepeneurial, opportunistic, inventive. Lovely. And you say you'll pay me 55% of 800? Sounds good to me.

While his words seem to indicate he's taken in by the act, his hand drops to rest on the handle of his giant revolver, and his eyes seek his men around the market - signalling to be ready.

Meanwhile, people are filtering out of the market. The entrances are narrow however, and quite a number are still trapped inside. Specifically, the traders are all still here, unwilling to lose their stock.

On the upside, you can finally see the two remaining guards. One holds a suspicious looking spear, the other a well-worn shotgun, sawed off short.

The weapon up on the wall has a crew of two - one to crank, one to fire. Lets express positions simply so:

The colonel is 10 yards in front of you, to the south.
Two guards are 20 yards from you, to the west,
The other two are 20 yards to the east.
The machine gun on the wall is north of you, 20 yards off, and 5 above.

The two guards west of you are spear and shotgun.
The two east are chain and ... whatever that thing he's carrying is.
Ranged, what you have to worry about is a hand cannon, a shotgun, a 'thing' and some sort of machine gun.

A thing to note is that the booths provide some cover, especially from the machine gun. Cover may be the wrong word - they obscure vision to some degree.

Dagoth Gares
2015-10-19, 01:54 PM
I am glad we could come to a suitable arrangement. With that said, Ishmael takes a step to the right of Andross and opens up on the Colonel with a full auto burst.

Firing full automatic adds 20 to the ballistics skill test to get:
[roll0] Target 53
Hit location: [roll1]
1-10:head 11-20:right arm 21-30:left arm 31-70:body 71-85:right leg 86-100:left leg
Damage if hit: [roll2]
Damage is impact with 0 penetration.

2015-10-20, 05:39 PM
I am glad we could come to a suitable arrangement. With that said, Ishmael takes a step to the right of Andross and opens up on the Colonel with a full auto burst.

Andross takes the cue and hastily unloads two shells before his eyes dart around for cover.

What's the plan from here? Any of you guys have a keen shot at the stubber?

2015-10-22, 10:41 AM
Tyrkias draws and takes a shot at both the crank gun gunner and the loader (I assume they're not 30 meters apart)
Target 38 (BS 48 -20 for Two-Weapon reduced to -10 by Ambidextrous)
Gunner [roll0]
Loader [roll1]

2015-10-22, 10:53 AM
Sorry, forgot damage rolls...
Gunner [roll0] +3
Loader [roll1] +3

Kaptin Keen
2015-10-22, 11:41 AM
The whispered coordination amongst you turns out to have been enough - despite the gangers being alert, you all go for your guns at the same instant, catching them slightly off guard.

Ishmael is slightly faster than the other two, aiming a full auto burst at the Colonels weapon arm. The shots hit, causing wounds and tearing his armor to shreds. An instant later, Sandross pops him in the chest, knocking him back half a step and drawing more blood.

Behind the two, Tyrkias lets lose on the gunners in their nest, hitting both men in the chest despite their cover. Later, he may live to wish he'd popped the same man twice =)

The colonel is in a pretty bad shape, the two crank gunners are wounded.

Then a fussilade of answering fire roars inside the enclosed market.

The guys on the wall are possibly the most dangerous - they get a +10 bonus to hit, and +20 for full auto, such as it is. On the other hand, they have a -10 because their weapon is a pile of jury rigged crap, and if they roll poorly, it's Unreliable too, and likely to kill them both.

BS: [roll0] target 45
Damage rolls as needed

The Colonel rips his huge cannon from it's holster, levels it at Ishmael, takes steady aim at his left eye socket, and lets rip. The revolver bucks in his hand, and a bullet the size of a baby tears towards him.

BS: [roll4] 26 (-20 for called shot)
Damage: [roll5]

The Heavy Gunner with the shot cannon points his enormous weapon in the general vicinity of you guys, and pulls the trigger. A colossal roar and a giant gout of flame, smoke and shrapnel issues from it's mouth. The man is spun in a backwards circle as the recoils pulls him with it. He has positioned himself so that all three of you are in the (rather large) arc of his weapon - so, as a matter of fact, is the Colonel, something they are ultimately unlikely to have words about later on.

BS: [roll6] vs Sandross
BS: [roll7] vs Ishmael
BS: [roll8] vs Tyrkias
BS: [roll9] vs Colonel
That's all against a skill of 35.

If hit, roll vs AGI at +10 to avoid catching on fire.

Damage is [roll10] - Primitive!

From the other side, the last Heavy Gunner comes running. He points some sort of harpoon at Sandross and fires.

BS: [roll11]
Damage: [roll12] - Primitive!

Lastly, the final two men position themselves to charge next round. One carries a polearm - the other a strangely tipped spear.

Right - if all went well, all those rolls work and stuff.

The crank cannon returns fire on Tyrkias, and manages to hit him.

The shot cannon bathes Tyrkias and Sandross in shrapnel and fire - and you may both roll to avoid getting set aflame.

The spear gunner however has his weapon jam. He curses with a fierceness, and punches it repeatedly as he rails at it's machine spirit to bloody well fire.

The Colonels shot goes wide, zing'ing off the cargo container walls in the background.

2015-10-22, 04:31 PM
Tyrkias swears as he tries to evade the crank gun's blitz. At the first opportunity (ie. on his turn) he snaps another pair of shots back before beating out the flames on his jacket.

Dodge target 39
Shot on the gunner
Ballistic target 38
Damage [roll2]+3
Shot on the loader
Ballistic target 38
Damage [roll4]+3

Kaptin Keen
2015-10-31, 05:32 AM
Ishmael, seeing the Colonel still on his feet, figures another hail of full auto fire is likely to do the trick. He levels his autogun at the man, pulls the trigger, and clamps down on his weapon as it bucks and spits out a long, rattling stream of high-velocity lead.

Firing full automatic adds 20 to the ballistics skill test to get:
[roll0] Target 62 (+20 full auto, +10 point blank range)
Hit location: (1d100)[14]
1-10:head 11-20:right arm 21-30:left arm 31-70:body 71-85:right leg 86-100:left leg
Damage if hit: [roll1]
For additional hits:
Damage if hit: [roll2]
Damage if hit: [roll3]
Damage if hit: [roll4]

Confirming potential RF:
[roll5] Target 53
And rolling damage for potential RF:

As the rifle stutters, Ishmael walks his fire left to right, hitting the Colonels left arm twice, and planting a third shot in his chest before the recoil makes the rest of his fire miss. The bullets tear through armor and flesh, spraying blood, tissue and fragments of bone. The arm is torn clean from the body, and the final shot pierces the heart. With a groan, the Colonel slumps to his knees, his eyes losing focus and his giant revolver dropping from his grip as life escapes him, and he collapses in a pool of his own blood with a spash of red.

2015-11-02, 03:43 PM
Andross pats himself out as flames singe whatever hair remains on his body, bemoaning the all too familiar of scent as he cocked his head and made for cover. Behind a makeshift barricade, he looks around with his shotgun laying upon the ground and shouts, "TYRKIAS!? ISHMAEL!? You guys alright?"

With that, Andross will barricade himself away from the turret and rally everyone behind cover before switching shotgun in favor of his lasgun.

2015-11-05, 10:31 AM
Confirming Righteous Fury
Target 38[roll0]
Damage if Success [roll1]

Kaptin Keen
2015-11-05, 11:41 AM
Tyrkias fires like lightning, and drops the loader with a shot clean through his brain cavity. The man drops like a sack of potatoes, leaving a smear of gore dripping down the wall behind him. The second shot from Tyrkias weapons tags the gunner in his right arm, drawing a scream from him as the limp drops useless by his side, and the stubber falls silent. He fumbles to draw a sidearm left handed, but isn't going to get much else done this turn.

Andross for his part drops and rolls, putting out the flames happily consuming his clothing. He then positions himself behind cover, expecting weapons fire that never comes. However, the cover proves useful in deterring charges from the remaining opponents.

There remains a (useless) gunner, and four guards. One is busily punching his weapon to unjam it (proven method), the other three charge. In all fairness, you get one melee guy each. The one wielding his oversize shot-thing goes for Tyrkias, the spear dude goes for Ishmael, and the last guy goes for Andross.

Attack: vs 35 (+10 for charge)
Damage: [roll1] - primitive.

Attack: [roll2] vs 35 (+10 for charge)
Damage: [roll]2d10+3b1 rending - that's a couple of shot gun shells strapped to the spear tip, making it really nice on round 1
(Also, I wonder if I got the code right for picking the best of 2 d10's. Well see. Aaaand - I didn't. So I just rolled some dice here on my table, and the damage is 9.

Last dude (in fairness, I'll inform you that he's packing a great weapon of some unnamed sort - a great-thingy):
Attack: [roll3] vs 25
Damage: [roll4]

All in all, these guys should have taken the day off. They charge you furiously, but none of them hit anything. The turn ends with them looking a bit sheepish, and you guys once more ready to spray lead.

2015-11-07, 08:36 PM
Merydi hit the deck as the bullets started flying. She had paid a weasal of a man got thrones to gain safe passage into this place so she could attach herself to the gang that seemed to be in charge of this bloc.

She rolls behind the first bit of cover she could find, a table over turned and draws her revolver. The weapon had served her well in the past and as she drew a bead on the fire team which was shooting at her she yelled "try to take me out of the game will yes you dregholders! Here have some of this!" And starts shooting in their direction

Kaptin Keen
2015-11-08, 06:03 AM
Unexpectedly, one of the bystanders decides to pitch in - she ducks out from cover, and fires a shot at the wounded gunner on the platform on the wall. While she doesn't hit, it further tilts the fight in your favor.

New round begins, with Merydi being last. I'll update the initiative list. Soon as I find it.

2015-11-11, 01:09 PM
Tyrkias blinks as the blade whistles harmlessly past him before grinning and firing both pistols.

Ballistic Skill Target 38
Right Hand [roll0]
Damage [roll1]+3
Left Hand [roll2]
Damage [roll3]+3

Right Hand [roll4]
Damage [roll5]+3
Left Hand [roll6]
Damage [roll7]+3