View Full Version : Pathfinder Custom Constructs and things

Blue Duke
2015-09-24, 11:08 PM
Question one: does any one have good rules for custom constructs ? i want to build a construct Hawk and a construct wolf for a ranger archetype...but i have no idea where to find rules for a custom construct.....that i'd like to offer the option to upgrade eventually with like integrated wands or maybe a Sonic howl.

Question two: doesn't the idea of a kobold artificer/fighter running around in a medium sized golem suit sound awesome ? like wielding a great sword and firing off Magic Missiles and fire breath like things while useing the suits strength and such for attacks sound awesome ? yea how the heck do i do that in 3.5 or pathfinder ?!

2015-09-25, 08:30 AM
You less have rules for fully customizable Constructs and more a hodgepodge of rules in different locations that will, together, let you build about anything you want.

I would look into the psionics and Astral Constructs for fully customizable constructs. Has lists of abilities you can put on summonable constructs. The PF summoner is effectively the same. And both can technically be used to build Iron-Man-esque battlesuits if you so desire.

PF has rules for creating any Construct (http://paizo.com/pathfinderRPG/prd/ultimateMagic/magic/buildingAndModifyingConstructs.html) you want using just it's CR to price it. Which winds up being cheap to the point of almost effective (normally constructs are way overpriced). There are also lots of modifications there as well. LOTS.

The PF version of Animate Objects is also highly customizable. Sculpt statues of the creature you want and start buying abilities off the list and you're good.

PF Homunculus are also very customizable. Combined with the 3.x Improved Homunculus feat and again, super customizability just input gp.

3.x has the Effigy (Complete Arcane pg131) and Elder Eidolon (Lord of Madness) templates let you make a Construct version of almost any creature you want. PF has a couple of templates that do similar.

PF has rules for golem suits but they suck. As written you can't put little creators inside big creations.

The 3rd party book DragonMech has construct mecha that are low tech but the rules are kind of a mess and you wind up having to reference back and forth across several sections of the book over and over again just to build one thing.

2015-09-25, 08:41 AM
The above is correct. Creating custom constructs are pretty fun in PF. However, I urge you to (or your players - if you're a DM) to stay within the Creature Creation Table (http://paizo.com/pathfinderRPG/prd/monsters/monsterCreation.html).

Make sure your construct falls within the appropriate Cr for the things that your players are fighting, etc etc. Make sure the damage falls in line, as well as hp, saves, etc. I made this mistake once. Never again. lol. It's hard to balance your PCs fights if the wizard is cranking out 100 damage a turn, but the warriors construct does 600+ a turn. At a certain point, player creativity will trump fun factor and could make the game unfun for others or make it extremely difficult for your DM to balance.