View Full Version : A Duskblade idea

2015-09-25, 08:23 AM
Hi there!

I am coming to you from just re-reading the Duskblade, and wondering how to oomph it a bt.

I think the three best features of the class are its BAB, Armored Mage and Channeling (at early levels, at least).
This is however offset by the fact that they have a very limited amount of spells known, and a relatively slow spell progression.

Which led me to wonder: why not multiclass to another caster with a ton of touch spells? Unlike Armored Mage, Channeling is not limited to spells given by the Duskblade. But what to do about those 3 lost caster levels on the 'secondary' caster? Practiced spellcaster will give the power, but not the spell levels...

Right now I'm thinking along the lines of Duskblade 3/Cleric X.
If there was some way to get 2d6 sneak attack in there to qualify for sacred outlaw, I'd be totally game. Only way I know of that doesn't lose more levels can't be done until around lv 10 though....

Anyway, I'm rambling and fishing for thoughts. So, let loose!

2015-09-25, 08:28 AM
Three levels of Duskblade is well on the way for qualifying to Ur-Priest thanks to good fortitude and reflex saves. Multiclassed Duskblade/Wizard can qualify for Ultimate Magus or good Gish PrC's like Abjurant Champion.

2015-09-25, 08:31 AM
Hadn't considered good ol' Ur.

Wizard is an interesting idea. Reason I went for Cleric right off the bat was spontaneous inflicts (which should qualify for channeling, right?);

2015-09-25, 08:38 AM
A fast casting class such as Ur Priest would be an obvious suggestion here. Duskblade 3 / (Something to help with PrC entry) 2 / Ur Priest 2 / Ordained Champion 5 / Bone Knight 8 (or OC 3 / BK 10) would be a solid knight of evil/divine gish. You can channel two spells into your strikes, gain a bunch of immunities and reasonable bab along with casting 9th level spells from the cleric list.

The other option would be sublime chord, you can go Duskblade 5 / Prestige Bard 2 / Ruathar 3 / Sublime Chord 2 and then finish up the build with prestige classes of your choice, maybe abjurant champion. The skill points for sublime chord are a little challenging but with Prestige Bard and Ruathar you should be able to manage them. You'll need Apprentice (Performer) or some other way of getting Perform on the duskblade list though. Enjoy channeling irresistable dance and such like through your strikes.

Edit: Spontaneous inflicts would qualify for channeling, if you go the channeling inflict spells route consider the feat Mastery of Day and Night from Players Guide to Ebberon for free maximise on them.

2015-09-25, 10:03 AM
Speaking of Ur...

Sacrilegious Fist
Duskblade 3/ Monk 2/ Ur-priest 2/ Sacred Fist 10/ Enlightened Fist 3

2015-09-25, 10:41 AM
I've been trying to get Duskblade13/IotSV7 to work for a while, I just can't get it to legally qualify in those first 13 levels.

2015-09-25, 11:33 AM
The spell focus feats can be made easy with human, and/or flaws, and dark chaos shuffle with even the skill focus feat. Duskblade is a spontaneous caster so heighten spell with 2 adjuration spells known should qualify you by RAW for the 4th level or higher. If not, grab a couple of arcane discipline ( right feat )for a couple of specific domains like strength and protection so you can cast 4th level ( domain ) adjuration spells when you reach 13th.

2015-09-25, 11:46 AM
I like Duskblade/Chameleon. You don't get the highest level of spells, but you have potential access to basically any spell that appears on any spell list as a 6th level spell or lower.

2015-09-25, 05:40 PM
I've been trying to get Duskblade13/IotSV7 to work for a while, I just can't get it to legally qualify in those first 13 levels.

My favorite way is this.

1. Duskblades can learn any spell on their list that they can cast even if they don't have a spell slot for it.

2. They have one 4th level abjuration, dispel magic, and one 5th level abjuration, dispelling slash.

3. Versatile spellcaster feat lets them cast Spells one level higher than their spell slots allow.

4. Learn dispel magic when you have 3rd level spell slots, and learn dispelling slash at level 13 when you have two 4th level spell slots.

2015-09-25, 10:22 PM
Duskblade 3/Archivist 5/Hexer 10/Archivist 2 (?) (actually, any other PrC that advances Divine casting could slot in for some Archivist levels - if you can find one that doesn't clash with Hexer reqs, try to grab Turning/Rebuking).

INT synergy, access to pretty much all divine spell you'd want to channel, and 5 bonus So/Wiz spells known from Hexer.

Will be a bit race specific, and may require Apprentice (woodsman) for the ranks in Survival required.

2015-09-26, 05:05 AM
Duskblade 4/Sorcerer 1(Bluff is a class skill for sorc, but not wiz. if you can get it as one without burning a level, by all means, go for it, and move one level of Abjurant Champion to the end of the build)/Ur-Priest 2/Abjurant Champion 3/Mystic Theurge 8/Abjurant Champion +2.

Advance sorcerer with all of Theurge and all but one level of Champ, which you'll use to boost your Duskblade CL to 14. You end up casting as a lv 13 Sorcerer, Lv 5 Duskblade (CL 14), level 10 Ur-Priest (CL 25).