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View Full Version : Custom Item Pricing Help

2015-09-25, 11:24 AM
As a GM I just thought of a pretty cool (I think) utility item for my party to make Inventory Management (which I have always found boring and slows the game down) easier at high levels. I was hoping someone could help me with pricing this custom item or pointing me to something similar if it already exists.

Portal Bag

This small handbag may be attuned to any Bag of Holding. If it is within 100 ft of that bag they can place items into and access items from within the Bag of Holding as if it were the Bag of Holding.

When not within 100 ft of the Bag of Holding the handbag acts as a mundane bag with a carrying capacity of .5 cubic feet. The next time the Portal Bag comes within 100 ft of the Bag of Holding any items that are in it are automatically added to the extra dimensional space inside the Bag of Holding.

The idea being no more asking, "Do you have that potion? I thought Dark Lord Greg did." The parties potions, scrolls, wands, whatever; are kept in the bag of holding and other party members that want access buy these portal bags. Everyone has that potion!:smallcool:

2015-09-25, 11:38 AM
On the one hand, it has similar utility with the convenience effect of a Handy Haversack, which is 2000gp. On the other hand, in order to gain maximum utility from it you not only need to have a bag of holding already, but also would probably need one or more of these handbags. So I would actually suggest pricing it lower than the Haversack. I can't think of an actual spell to base it on, so would just say somewhere around 1000gp per bag.

2015-09-25, 12:23 PM
As a GM I just thought of a pretty cool (I think) utility item for my party to make Inventory Management (which I have always found boring and slows the game down) easier at high levels. I was hoping someone could help me with pricing this custom item or pointing me to something similar if it already exists.

Portal Bag

This small handbag may be attuned to any Bag of Holding. If it is within 100 ft of that bag they can place items into and access items from within the Bag of Holding as if it were the Bag of Holding.

When not within 100 ft of the Bag of Holding the handbag acts as a mundane bag with a carrying capacity of .5 cubic feet. The next time the Portal Bag comes within 100 ft of the Bag of Holding any items that are in it are automatically added to the extra dimensional space inside the Bag of Holding.

The idea being no more asking, "Do you have that potion? I thought Dark Lord Greg did." The parties potions, scrolls, wands, whatever; are kept in the bag of holding and other party members that want access buy these portal bags. Everyone has that potion!:smallcool:

I have monkey-wrench throwing tendencies as a player, but I read that and immediately thought of the uses for stealing loot from other parties that have bags of holding!

2015-09-25, 02:48 PM
I had a similar thought. Adding a simple line about "attuning" a Portal Bag to a Bag of Holding would probably be fine. Make it take like 10 minutes and having both bags in your possession or something so it's not something someone could do "on the sly" just by camping out near someone with a BoH.

I like making my groups be thoughtful about who's carrying what and where it is, so I wouldnt include something like this in my games, but I certainly understand if that minutae is not everyone's bag of tea.