View Full Version : [3.5] Most Non-human Character You've Played

2015-09-26, 12:41 AM
Just curious - what are the "weirdest" races people have actually experienced playing? Non-humanoids especially: Aberrations, Magical Beasts, Dragons etc.

Cheers - T

2015-09-26, 12:45 AM
Sharn. Bit on the weak side overall, but have some pretty cool perks (because who in heck carries axiomatic weapons?), and can make for fun Mystic Theurge builds.

2015-09-26, 01:01 AM
I have a horrific tusked caveman with several templates applied.
I had a Warforged Artificer.
I've also had a Gloaming. Outsiders are pretty cool.

Actually, LA aside, Gloaming are my favourite race, I dunno why they just appeal to me, plus my favourite character was a Gloaming.

I've also played the usual Drow and Halflings but meh.

Uncle Pine
2015-09-26, 01:14 AM
It wasn't a character I played, but there was a period after the end of a campaign when the group was down to only one player, so I made up a small series of adventures for him to play solo. His character? An awakened Drunken Master badger. Years later, that badger came back as the only character that wasn't shrunk down to Fine size for an experimental one-shot I made between a TPK the end of a campaign and the start of a new one.

2015-09-26, 01:16 AM
I'm loving my current campaign, mainly because I went insane and said to ignore level adjustment: a Shade, a lycanthrope, an Urdunnir dwarf, a Redcap, and a spellwarped human. :smallcool:

2015-09-26, 01:26 AM
Feral Half-Minotaur Skarn Barbarian, with quite a lot of grafts. The character was built to have many natural attacks. I like to be efficient, and it takes something extraordinary to get good value from an Amulet of Mighty Fists.

2015-09-26, 01:40 AM
My most non-human character was a Half-illithid lumi cleric. I went around the underdark as a illithid hunter we fluffed the template as a forced addition when I was young so that was my motivation. It was super fun because for a lowered LA, there was small % chance that whenever I got close to someone in melee combat I couldn't surpress my urge to extract their brain, and because Lumi have no neck, I couldn't swallow it so I'd just pull it out and chew on it until the battle was over.

2015-09-26, 03:01 AM
Still a Humanoid (albeit Monstrous), but in an evil campaign I had a blast playing a Poisondusk Lizardfolk Ranger who grew up on his own in the forest and preyed on humanoid flesh. The creepy bastard had a +19 Hide modifier at level 2.

2015-09-26, 05:27 AM
Feral, Lolth-Touched, Mineral Warrior, Half-Minotaur, Half-Ogre, Changeling, Tauric (can't remember the animal).

It was for a gestalt epic level game. I was the party beatstick that ended up with 60ft reach and 5 attacks a round that hit all my threatened squares on each hit. My static damage per hit was over 200 befire modifiers. It was a very fun build involving Warhulk, Frenzied Berserker, War Shaper, Berserker, and FotF.

2015-09-26, 05:42 AM
Do mad science experiments with magic designed to create new species, savage species level buyoff template stacking, true mind switch, and a desire to posses literally every single type in the game at the same time while existing as a sentient swarm with each member being drastically physically different count? Does it count more if I started as a simple, templateless gray elf?:smallamused:

2015-09-26, 05:44 AM
Not me, but my players, over the years:

Ibixian (goatfolk)
Skullkid (i.e. Majora's Mask)
Marshwiggle (i.e. The Silver Chair)
"Awakened" Owlbear
Minotaur+Centaur (Minotaur rode the centaur player into battle)
Exiled Modron
Mind flayer

The Owlbear was for a one-shot. It was a monk of high enough level to have Tongue of the Sun and Moon (and thus could communicate with any living creature). The player made horrifying owl-shrieks to make Diplomacy checks, which the rest of the party role-played as if he was speaking profound truths about the universe.

2015-09-26, 06:28 AM
Lolth-Touched Feral Half-Minotaur Human is the weirdest one at present. I guess that's still pretty human. So is the Half-Celestial Athas Human and the Magic-Blooded Unseelie Fae Human.

Goddamnit, that bonus feat needs to stop being so good.

2015-09-26, 06:51 AM
I have a horrific tusked caveman with several templates applied.

Or to more accurately explain, a Wild, Feral, Half-Minotaur Neanderthal, fluffed as part-mammoth.
I believe he is currently a Barbarian2//Swordsage2 and you planned to advance into Cleric and Warhulk when the opportunity presented itself.

I had a Warforged Artificer.

A soul of a human trapped in the body of a Warforged, this one is far tamer than Itok.

I've also had a Gloaming. Outsiders are pretty cool.[/QUOTE]

You've obviously never seen a Balor, they have burning swords. Burning swords.

Let's see, Rapey Terry was a Human Ozodrin, 5-H-4-D-0 was a Warforged that almost suffered an identity crisis due to being a robot in public. Xamnim may be a boring Gray Elf, but the load of crap piled onto him turned him into Magic Incarnate.

I have a Whisper Gnome set aside with Half-Ogre and Half-Minotaur Templates stcked onto it for awesome Strength bonuses, the character's Strength is obscene for a level 1 character. Even an ECL3 character shouldn't be this strong.

2015-09-26, 09:19 AM
I'm always fond of playing dragons whenever I get the chance. And I have quite a bit of fun with them. :smallbiggrin: I've also played, hmm, let's see... A Djinni. I remember him. Not optimized at all, but quite fun to roleplay.

I know there was more, but none I can think of off the top of my head.

2015-09-26, 09:39 AM
Elf>Gravetouched Ghoul
Half Dragon Centaur
Illithid who had eaten the brain of a Time Lord and now traveled around with a bunch of companions solving problems.

2015-09-26, 09:56 AM
Aranea rogue. It has a spider, humanoid and hybrid form but I don't think I even remembered that I had a humanoid form. I think I was in hybrid or spider form all the time.

I also did a lawful good half-illithid paladin of Cthulhu with a knowledge fetish and a phylactery of faithfulness to avoid falling. Also did a half troll and a half fey.

Looks like half weird thing is about as far as I've gone.

2015-09-26, 10:16 AM
Either Pit Fiend, or that Were-SnowSpider Air Goblin Swordsage/Totemist.

2015-09-26, 10:19 AM
Homebrew race: Dralasite (http://www.enworld.org/forum/showthread.php?t=173656) (originally from Star Frontiers).

2015-09-26, 10:37 AM
Steel Dragon Wyrmling with Wyrm of War, then 12 levels of Dragonfire Adept for the ultimate breath weapon strafer/battlefield controller.

2015-09-26, 10:43 AM
I still play a tibbit with dark template. Begiler/warlock/unseen sear. Have the feat suragate spell casting. This allows me to do all my blast end invocations in cat form. Have a crazy chance to hide and move silently and very good damage with eldritch blast. I stay in cat form almost all the time. I basically pretend to be the wizard's familiar. The wizard took the one level dip in i think it was mind mage. It gives free telepathy for communication. Character excells in city environment, but hilds his own fairly well any where else. Who is going to susspect a cat in the city.

2015-09-26, 10:45 AM
Just curious - what are the "weirdest" races people have actually experienced playing? Non-humanoids especially: Aberrations, Magical Beasts, Dragons etc.

Cheers - T

Evolved Undead Ghost of a Hatchling Phaerim (it was a gestalt campaign, and high powered at that). I kept a Stone Golem handy, and used Veil to make it seem like a Large Wizard and a hawk familiar (with the PC as the familiar). I called the golem "Rocky" and named the PC "Bullwinkle". Also arranged to have telepathy, so it wasn't obvious who was talking, and with spell-like abilities and occupying the same square (a Tiny ally can occupy the square of a Large ally with no penalty for either), it was not obvious where the spells were coming from.

2015-09-26, 10:47 AM
TN Warforged Totemist who was a gestalt entity of various disembodied animals-turned-magical beasts. (e.g. the Girallon I used for Girallon Arms was formerly a gorilla.) Referred to himself in plural (think "We are Ermac") and sought revenge for the despoiling of their habitat by the Big Bad's organization. That was a fun character :smallsmile:

Milo v3
2015-09-26, 11:13 AM
I played a seven foot tall super intelligent psionic "female" wolfspider with two sets of legs (one pointing "up" another pointing "down"), a head that rotates, glowing lines along their exoskeleton that change colour to show general emotions to make up for the lack of facial expressions, who birthed many non-sentient mind-controlled "male" spiders the size of cats by expending psychic energy. She was trained in biology and the doctor of the group, and was trained in how to convert people's bodies into shapeable living material from which she used to help build the groups stronghold.

2015-09-26, 11:50 AM
In the past 3 years, I haven't actually played any Humanoids. Closest thing was a human who turned himself into a necropolitan. Currently I'm playing a unicorn with power armor.

2015-09-26, 12:37 PM
Well, most of my experience is not from 3.5 itself, but I personally have a bad tendency to play humans. Not just humanoids, like elves and dwarves, straight up humans. The one exception that readily comes to mind is my very first character, built for me, not by me, who was a Vryloka in the 4th edition of D&D. (Think living, human-like creature + blood superpowers.)

2015-09-26, 12:56 PM
Argoleth the White. He was a White Dragon i played for a short lived Evil game. Ton of fun.

2015-09-26, 01:57 PM
Either a silver dragon or an ulitharid. Not sure which. Least human anyone I've DM'ed for was probably the colossal awakened flail snail (it was a thrallherd). The leasthuman one that lasted more than a year was my elven lich (baelnorn, fluffwise, but we used the lich crunch, because it was more accessable).

2015-09-26, 03:00 PM
Dark Awakened Skitterhaunt Hairy Spider Warlock. Or, for those who can't be bothered to look up several spells and templates, a thumbnail-sized spider filled with slime given sentience and then making a pact with a dark entity and becoming tainted with pure shadow energy as a side benefit.

He had the 'good' Dark template (from Comyr: the Tearing of the Weave), so he could hide without needing concealment. His hide modifier was insane (somewhere in the mid-forties, if I'm not mistaken) and his Move Silently wasn't much worse. Oh, and he could also create areas of darkness, break stuff by shouting at them, fire blasts of eldritch energy, summon swarms of his mindless brothers, and fly.

Trust me, you don't know fear until you've been attacked by a flying invisible spider with a swarm of spiders cutting off your escape routes.

mabriss lethe
2015-09-26, 03:39 PM
I played a Reth Dekala from ToB in one game. Pretty fun and odd

2015-09-26, 05:45 PM
I've played a Beguiler (Shining South) Beguiler (PHB II).

2015-09-26, 05:57 PM
At one point (like one session or something), I got to play a Sathoni from Dragonstar. Tree-people, woot.

Then I later sported a Neti in d20 Star Wars, which is a humanoid-ish tree race.

2015-09-26, 08:41 PM
Ever since I discovered Krenshar are a playable race, I've wanted to have one as a PC: not sure how it would play out though (have no manipulative limbs is a pain until you can afford magic items like the Arms of Man or COllar of Perpetual Attendance.

LA +2, 2 RHD (magical beast)
+3 natural armor bonus
Move 40 ft
Bite and 2 claws
Scare special attack
Darkvision, low light vision, scent
Dex +4, Int -4, Wis +2, Cha +2

Maybe a Intimidate/Fear based ToB build?